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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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KM! ft 11 52S VOL. 45. JESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1829. NO. 3.

PUBLISHED BY Steam Mill" Flour, OU SAWS. NEVILLE B. CRAIG, 07)4THH barrels fresh Sim rroiii. J. HANSON, Auctioneer, and Commission Merchant, No.

46, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, iHVHV 40,000 lbs. ni LEAD fnm. FeT AA VALUABLE LOT, containing nine and ON SAXS At teliit Auction loom, No. 46 Wood Stieet. JLj.

half Acres, in the borough of Allegheny, ver RiTri TERMS. now opening extensive consignments of ARGE and small Porter Bottles, of a superior quality, 5,000 lbs. bar LEAD; 15,000 lbs. SHOT, assorted numbers; For sale by ALLEN GRANT. July 21, 1839.

JJL choice seasonable Hritish, French, India, and Domestic f.ewday and Friday,) at Four dollars per annum Vjrable half yearly in lm Oazette also published weekly, (on Fri- at Two dollars per annum in advance. or view of this city. The whole will be sold or divided as to suit purchasers. The terms may be known by applying to JOHN E. PARK, At J.

Hi itnen' Drug Store, corner of Market and Liberty streets, or to DR. C. L. ARMSTRONG. Sept.

1921) Hn dollars at the end of the year. No. 97 MARKET STREET, AN extensive additioa to th.lf stock, of com-plete sets of plain gold and omatnented Cbi na lea China CorFee Bowls and Saucers; China Teas; Batter Cans; Honey Plates; Bowls, Pitchers; Cake and Tea Plates; Ornaments; Blancmange Molds; Toast-racko, A new and splendid style of Dining and Chamber Ware. Also, a good assortment of Britaaia Ware. All which thy offer for sale, on better terms than have ever been offered west of the mountains, and equally as good as can be obtained in Philadelphia, Baltimore, or New York.

Pittsburgh, September 1, 1829. tf. English Header and Vocabulary 'I IMS subscriber have recently published 1L Bent ley's revised and improved edition CLOCK WATCH MAKERS 29, Market, Corner of 2nd Street, HE WESTERN HERALD AND STEUBENVILLE GAZETTE. IMS is the title of one of the oldest and Hollow Glass-II are, assort rf. Window Glass of all sizes, Juniatta Nails and Brads, do do and common ItoJld Irn, Nail, Spike and Deck Rods, lion Tea-Ktttles.

Sad-hens. Pig and Bar Iad Rifle Powder, Writing and Wrapping Paper. ALSO :00 kpgs primo Keutucky Tobacco, f00 Boxes superior do segarw, A few do Stent's superior. Grass and Cora ScytSes'togedier with -100 French Post Bedsteads, a superior articld made in the statu of New York. So" Breakfast tables, Uureaus, Common aud Fancy Chairs asst'd.

And a great variety of other articles, whirh wi'f moat popular newspapers in the state Ohio. Us circulation in Ohio, particularly mi scviiiuii ui msi mosi wiercuurseana Vde with I'ittfiburtrh. is considerable. It is. course, a eood medium throutrh which to YOB, TUK FOLLOWING VALUXBLK LANDS, late the property of John Way, Esq.

deceased, are now offered FOR S.iLt', by the Executors, viz. No. 25, Leet's District, of20C acres, situated on the Ohio river, 20 miles fron Pittsburgh. The road from Pittsburgh to Beaver passes through the improved part of this land, which abounds in coal and limestone. No.

26, same district, adjoining No. 25, containing 200 acres of firt rate laud, a Iarcre Portion of liver bottom. The road ie addition of a mutacturers and others, who wish to extend I 7 work; containing eir business in Ohio. Several of the Mer Ul JJ' w' DE? GOODS: Together with a quantity of Hardware, Fancy Cutlery, All of which, (having been selected with much care, iti Philadelphia, New-York, and Baltimore,) will be sold, by I'ackagt or Piece, at Private Salt, on accommodating terms. Couutry merchants are most respectfully invited to call and examine his stock.

PUBIJC SALES continued, as usual, every Monday and Thursday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. and every Saturday erenivg, at half past G. The City Auction Room is also constantly supplied with an extensive collection of Miscellaneous, School and Blank BOOKS, which may be had at piivate sale at auction prices. Pittsburgh, March 24, 1829-tf.

James Adams 3r. Co. GROCERS, MARKET, 8TYEKN FRONT ASD WATER STREETS. HAVING taken that large and commodious Ware-IIouso formerly occupied by Fkin Sf Ledlie, respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they are just receiving and now offer for sale a choice selection of Groceries consisting of HAVE just received, and are now opening, a large and most splendid assortnieut of WATCHES, iants of Pittsburgh already advettife in the be sold at reduced prices for Cash or City acceD. id Gazette, and doubt hod their account tances.

doing. For convenience of such J. HANSON. ihcrs ax may wish to advertise in it, the Kdi- May 29 if. of every description, viz: Goldand SilverChrono-fto Heaver also passes through this tract.

These rs of the Pittsburgh Gazette and Sintcitnan, A If. H'tUhUp SJ Soit will act a trents for New Wholesale llclaii ini-tcrs. Patent Lever, Lapine, Repeating, and Piuia WATCHES, JEWELLERY of the latest in 1 receipt and transmission of Advertise nts. 1 he terms of advertising by the year, EARDVTARS STOHE. lfyear, or otherwise, will be accommodating, I i.

i. i Kl may uc: kiiuw ji uii pjnicnuou iu cuuer 01 all the words used in the English Reader, divided, accented, it'tfincd, and the part of speech annexed; arranged in althabelical order; adapted to the orthography and pronunciation tj IValker: with a Key representing the diiiereu sounds oft he vowels referred to by the figures: To which is added a catalogue of the proper nnmrs contained in the Knglish Header, pro noo ced according to Mr. Walker's rules for the Tonunciati.n of proper names: Likewise a general summary of the containing a list of the different countries, and their population, the number of square the number of inhabitants to each square mile; the chie cities. I he iorm of government and prevailing leUgion. II.

IIOLDSIUP U. SON. Pittsburgh, Oct 17 tf AtTOTIOH SALES. LH. HOGE haajnst received an extensivQ assortment of HARDWARE, embracing two tracts ate nrst rate land, and trom meir situation on the road and river, must in a few years became valuable.

No. 249, Elder's district, 200 acres, situate in Armstrong county, on Buffalo Creek, about 5 miles from KUtanning, and 35 miles from Pittsburgh. On this tract, there is a salt well 300 feet deep, with other preparations for the manufacture of salt, and a good prospect of an abundant supply of salt water, fe gentlemen above named. JAMES WILSON. Cutlery, Plated and Common Saddlery, 0316 Cabinet Makers' Tools! Steubenville, Ohio, Sept.

25, 1829 3t. fashwn, with a general assortment of goods in their line of business. They are now prepared to sell Wholesale or Retail, on very accommodating terms. Constantly on hand watch and clock Tools and Materials wholesale and retail. Jane 26, im.

IIJUNRY JONES CO. No. Patterson's Row,) St. Clair Street, MAVE for sale, of their own manufacture TABLE Diaper and Towels, 7-3 and 4-4 Bed Ticks, 7 and 8 hundred, 3 and 4 qr. Checks, 7, 8, 9 and 10 hundred, I and 4 qr.

Plaids and Stripes, 8, 9 and 10 do-Wilmington and Jeau Stripes 8 and 9 do. liutt Hinges, Screws, Locks, of various descriptions, Which he offers at a small advance, at his Srnra and an inexhaustible bank or coal. tiAttlVFAi Wholesale nnd Retail Front, beioeen Market nnd Wood Streets, (TTFor further particulars and terms of sale, No. 132 Liberty street, fronting Market street, and third door from Isaac Harris' store. apply to AH1SHAI WAY, Merchant, Pitts burgh, or to NICHOLAS WAY, on the Bea ver road, 13 miles from Pittsburgh.

Desirous of establishing himself in business in this place, he will dispose of his goods on sunh AS received From lite eastward, and by re December 15, 1826 tt terms as to make it an object to dealers in hi. cent arrivals from N. Orleans, 3 large and 1'rime Green and Java COFFEE Y. Hyson, Imp'l. and Gunpowder TEA, Pepper, Allspice, Cloves and Loaf and Lump SUGAR.

Benegal and Carracas Indigo, Madder, Ginger, Box Raisins, Figs, Warranted Genuine Havana SEGARS, Flint's, Cabamas' Dosamygos', Madeira, Port'Lisbon, Teneriflo and Malaga WINES, Brandy, II. Gin, Jamaica Spirits A few Gallons choice old champaigne Brandy of 1802. All of which they will sell low for Cash or ac neral assortment of GROCERIES AND line to purchase trom Inm. The attention of Country Merchants is particularly requested. Pittsburgh, March 17.

1829. UQRS, which are offered for sale at the SHOES liEATHEll. Bleached baileen Core, 12 qr. square Counterpanes, Steam Boat do Eagle Coverlets. e3t market rate3 for cash or approved ac lances.

Ail of which they will sell low for city acceptan WHISKEY, FLOUR. SCORCHED SALTS, ces or Cash. P. M'KEMA, AUCTIOA'EEIl, 99 Miakct street, between Liberty and Fifth streets, EVKRY TUBS DAY and FRIDAY, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

and at 2 o'clock, P. M. Having made arrangements to the eastward, a constant supply of GOODS will always be on hand, which will be disposed of at private as well as public sale; as also a variety cf Pitts burgh Manufactured Articles. Pittsburgh, July 4, 1828 tf G5, Sic. will be taken in Barter at market Pittsburgh, June 2(5, 1329.

tf. JAMES DAILY NO. 76. WOOD STREET, Ha just received a general assortment of BOOTS SHOES, r.CS. pri12l, 1829 -tf.

ceptances, either TO BE LET, WHOLESALE 01! RETAIL. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE assortment of superior t'rory Aan-died KNIVES and FORKS, in sets; Nu-Crackers, silver and plated Butter Knives; plated Tea and Table Spoons; plated Casters and Candlesticks; Astral, Stand, Chamber and Liverpool Lamps; superior Mantel Ornament, SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, Corner of Fifth Jt Wood streets. Pittsburgh, July 21 wtf Having made arrangements for a constant sunn! v. HIE BRICK DWELLING they respectfully solicit Country Merchants and HOUSE, No. 103; Third- Of every description, purchased at the Eastern Market, within the last month.

His stock now consists of a choice variety. otners to lavor them with a call. utieet, between vv ood and Smith-lield, now occupied by the Mrs. April 3. 1829 tf.

Scull. It is in good repair, and supplied with hy PASSAGE FROM IRELAND. drant water, the wator-tax paid till the 1st of April JUSIZATA ZROir AND HAULS. ALSO A QUANTITY OF 3a AIT SI IS So FOR RENT, next. Possession will be given on the 1st of Oe GALES LEE, mnvnn tailor jrlitt Street, between Fourth and the Diamond, TTA8 just received from Philadelphia, an cx-fjL tensive assortment of new and fashionable jloths, Cassimeres, ad can furnish gontlemcn with coats or full suits, I ths shortest notice, and on the most accommoda- mg terms.

lUile procured, during his recent visit to the latest LONDON FASHIONS. Putsburgh, April 7, 1320-tf. tober next. THE subscribers having consi derably enlarged their Manufacturing Establishment, would Of various kinds; and having made arrange JOSEPH OLIVER. August 23.

tf THE EAGLE STEAM MILLHon the Mo nongahela River: apply at the Office Bank United States, in Pittsburgh. August 21, 1829. tf. infoim their customers and the public generally. that they have constantly on hand a handsome as THE subscribers having established the following well known fast sailing coppered sortment of the best Juniata liar, Round and ments to be regularly supplied from the eastward, with the above articles, he will be enabled to dispose of them to country merchants and others, on accommodating teima.

Square Iron, of all the various sizes. INDEMNITY FOR LOSS BY FIRE. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of SHIPS in the trade between this port, BELFAST Also, iioiler, Hoop and Sheet Iron, of the best and LONDONDERRY, they will succeed each Pittsburgh, Sept. 23 ti t. quality.

other in sailing throughout the year. Having entirely abandoned the process of pud ATELY incorporated by an act of theLegiala- dling, they are now manufacturing idl the vaiious NOTICE- FOR SALE, THAT beautiful Tract of Land called FARM HILL, situated in Fayette township, Allegheny county, between the Noblestown.oad and Charter's creek, about eight miles from Pitta-burgh, containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES and allowance, about ninety acres of which are cleared. 7 Mi ture of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter, Ship BhNJ. KLoll, Captain Henry Dull, ULYSSES, John Myres, DUMFRIES, Joseph Harvey, These siiios being all of the first class, and roo JUST IHIRIilSHED, I AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, sizes of NAILS from 3d to 20d, of the veiy best THE SUBSCRIBER whose name is affixed to the firm of Steele and Carlisle advertised lor the sole purpose ol insuring irom Loss or Da inago by Fire HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that they are pre Juniata Ltiooms and principally by eastern workmen. All orders for anv of the above articles can AVestern Farmers' Almanac below, was the sole Capitalist in the late firm of my between decks, and commanded by captains be filled with promptness, on as advantageous IF.

Steele Co. 1. TfcLLfc. experienced in the Passenger lrade, those who pared to effect Insurance, IN TOWN AND COUNTRY, on Houses, Bains, Manufactories, On this place there is a good two storv terms as at any other establishment the place. come out by them may rely on every comfort November 9th 1827 tf.

nttfl'l I TVf! IirtTTQll It may be observed, that the subscribers stamp Stores, and other Buildings, Ships in harbour and I'll jviiiunu ll-fl)0 1. IiliUriaiJ which can be provided. Persons residing in any partofthiti countiy wishing to send for their friends all their Bar lion with their names. KITCHEN, an excellent ORCHARD Jill! upon the stocks, and on Goods, Wares and Mer LA- of Apple, Cherry and Peach Trees; a good Spring chandide upon the land or lying in port, and on from cither ENGLAND, llltlAND, or SCUT CiiRZ.ISX.Z3, Successors of W. Steele Sf Co.) LAND, can secure a certain passago by calling Agricultural Products, upon as liberal terms as any P.

SIIOENBERGER SON, Juniata Iron Works, Near Pittsburgh. Aug. 18, 1829. 2mo. similar institution.

FOR THE YEAR 1830. Being the ONLY Calculation by the Rev. JOHN TAYLOR. ALSO, (A continuation of Goeb's,) i WITH SAME CALCULATION. I The copyright this calculation is secured.

H. IIOLDSIUP SON. pitti nrgh, August 18, 1329. tf. ucui me uweinog iiouse, ana an abundance of Stone Coal.

That portion of the tract which in not cleared is remarkably well timbered. If desired by a purchaser, possession otinld ha personally on the subscribers, or by application to their agents. Messrs. K. GALWAY Co.

Pitts Kj ommis sion 2MeT chants Applications made at the office, No. 163 1-2 Chestnut-street, third door below Fifth-street, eith burgh. OFFER FOR SALE, ON LIBERAL TERMS, given on the first day of November next er personally or by letter, with description of the VM. THUS. ADAHi.

Baltimore, July, 1329. 2aw.6mo. "IT EAF and Manufactured TOBACCO ILi JUNIATA IRON assorted i or I urtlier information inquire of the subscriber, who lives near the place, or of Jacob Hanson, Auc- property, win receive prompt auertuon. CHARLES N. BANCKER, Secretary.

Philadelphia, Sept. 8. 3tno UllCCl, IU VI 1 IlLHUtirgll. WILLIAM HERDMAN. June 23, 1829.

tf. Bakewell, Page, Bakewells, FLINT GLASS MANUFACTURERS, Have for sale, an assortment of Astral or Sinumbral LAMPS, OS PEDESTALS AND FOR SUSPENSION. ALSO, Tuscan, Vase, Mantel Chamber Lamps, PITTSBURGH STEEL. bi, S- liroadmeado-w iS Co. I HBs'insUm RoUUig 2SiU.

Fourth St. liivcry Stable. ditto NAILS do ditto Nail, Spike and Deck Rods Shovels Spades Axes and Hoes Pittsburgh and Geneva WINDOW GLASS Pig and Bar LEAD White Lead in Oil Wire Sifters, assorted Drawing Chains Superiors panish SEGARS, Pittsburgh, November 9 tf Dissolution of Partnershfp. fSHIS Steel will bear a -welding heat, and is H. tempered or hardened as the Croinly Steel, 1 R.

LEONARD have associated uith them A. M'N. SEMPLE. The busi- nw we warrant it as equal to the best THE Copartnership trading under th. Firm of Price, Cwrlines Glass Maaufae.

in future will be conducted under the firm of Blister Steel. WHICH, in addition to tl ieir usual stock of turers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent PLAIN AND CUT FLINT GLASS, All claims bv and against the concern, will hm EONARD, SEMPLE LEONARD; at the ove claco. on the Mouonabela River, above S. BliOADMEADOW Co. May 1.1 ly.

r.l I wv. Patent Moulded, Plain and Cut Bureau Mount CSnke'jRun. WHOLESALE QUEENS WARE, N- The agency of W. H. Hays is discootiu HE subscriber having purchased the Stable twgj, Sec.

Ice. will be disposed of on the lowest terms. Pittsburgh, Nov. 23 tf. ted.

Uiass Vjlviiva orcAumac, formerly cccunieu by Wm. Graham, jr. settle, by Kobcrt B. Curling V. Sons, under which Firm (he busing will be conducted as uiuaf W.


Fort Pitt Glasswoiks, Sept. 15, 1829. Auctioned Commission SEMPLE LLUINAKD in- tmn, mnkin? and constantly keeping on hand the in rourtU street, between ood and Smith WOOD STKKfcT- held, and having enlarged the stock, is now following kinds of IRON, of the ncatcut and best NOiV OPENlNtt, predated to accommodate the public with car qaality, which they oiler on accommodating terms, ZJLYESVlI.Lt:, OHIO. rues, barouches, and riding horses on LAliCE and eMen-Vive ASSOUTMEN'I Thomas tt. (Styloid 1b row receiving large supplies ol OUEENS WARE and CHINA, which, added to lib the most reasonable terms and of the btl O'la i of TO RENT, -r lli V.

ntvtn tu Mees's John Dillon St Son. A BRICK HOUSE in Third, e-TRT former stock, will make his assortment ven' tlZ. Id. 2d. 3d.

4d. 5d. Gd. 8d. and 10d- Hoop.

Round and Square, from 1-4 in. to 3. in. Naii, Chain, Deck, and Spike Rod. Tire and Flat Iron, all abces.

PitUburgh, May 21, 1829-tf. Alsf, Horses ket by the day, week, month Mr. Jame Raguet, From the Manufactory of J. J. A.

Smith I ZatiesviUe. 1 Ml 1 II I III large and complete. He is prepared to pack all orders at the shortest notice, and at 'the lowest Baltimore and Philadelphia prices, with very low car- CHAS. II. ISRAELL, Co.

Leicester. Mass which with theirtormei stock will be dispose of on the most accom -tf. Sept. or year. A.

B. SEMPLE. IMtsburfrh, August 2.5, 1820. Gin A Hearse in goid order and ready at the shortest notice. Charges to the poor lor the hearse will be moderate.

Palerson's 'Roto. Porcelain Teeth. S. Copeland, D. tJonvers, Cb'rk Co-Richard Bowtn, Mason tf M'Donoogh, John D.

Davis, rihge. modating term Also a lot on hand, to close consignment, which are offered at very redu ced prices. Pittsburgh. Western merchants, who wish to sell assort in OCT. K.

MERUITT. DENTIST, having 1 ai A oy Sale 1 I UU late visit to the Eastern Orders for Cotton Cards will be punctually ed and retailers, are invited to call furnish themselves on as accommodating terms as can be had east or west of the moun A PLANTATION and tract of 180 acres miles North of the Ohio river. 2 miles S. ''fcttics acquired the art of manufacturing the ot Johnston's mills, 4 miles E. of Economv.

Tecih, tor ineir Dcaui r.tominubi!iiv ami strcntrlh, is prepared to sup attended to. WM. BELL, Jr. Co. No.

51 Wood Street. Feb. 17, 1S29 f. tains. Pittsburgh, May 8.

and 16 miles N. W. of Pittsburgh: Is a good stand for a Blacksmith' simp, having been OC Dly the public with them. He has also fur no. Golder,

Col Noah Knox M'Kce; Wheeling. Zaoe Pentoney, A. Colder, Haiti more. Wheeler Chamberlain, Cincinnati. Teeth, as well as ALLEGHENY LOTS.

ITI OR SALE, a number of LOTS, fronting on the Broad Common in the rear of the town of Allegheny. These Lots afford the mrst desirable seats for country residences ol any now offered for sale. The terms will be extremely favorable. A credit from one to five cupieu as sucn ior6everai years. LEADEN PIPE.

ALSO SEVERAL TRACTS and parU of he best materials for making artificial ones iwt. K. has it in tii3 power to cc tracts, in the same quarter of the country, nd tt ii avk commenced the manufacture ol fintlemen with all th some tn Heaver county. 3 I KDEN PIPE, and will furnish, aud lay January 27. 1329 lv.

ALSO A TRACT of IMPROVED LAND various xi nds ot leetu now in use, adant them to the years will r.e given to purchasers. A plan ot the same, at the most reasonable rate. Any situate on both sides of the Creensburth. the Lots is lck at the othce ot Discount and miantitv reuuired, warranted to be oftbe best 1 1 Turnpike Road between 9 and 10 miles from Deposit and at the Bank of Pittsburgh, for the nualitv will be furnished at the shortest no- HAH GIBJGS. THE subscribers having enlarged their Pa per Staining Establishment, and procured some of the best workmen from the eastward, now offer for rale, wholesale and retail, ut the Philadelphia prices, a choice assortment of COMMO.Y, GLAZED AJK'i) RALYBOW 0IPIRIBS9 Of the latest patterns, and equal to any here tofore sold in thii market a constant supply TNFORM their tnerm ana uie puoiif in 1 era', that they have associated IV.

G. Alex Pittsburgh; abounds with coal, and partly with inspection ot purchasers. inouth in the neatest and best manner. Dental operations performed at bis othce, Fourth. iN-j.

70, between Market and ood rects. A Pit.shurgh. Nov. 18. If.

limestone. 1 1 cc JOHN SHERIFF. Nov. 28 tf. W.

Jlobinson, Jr. ander, (lute clerk ot vrn. lieu, in men-wholesale business at No. 106 Wood Street. ALSO Land in Armstrong and Allegheny -To-wn counties, North of Penn.

Canal, also in Mercer rhe business will be conducted as lieretotore. August 25, 18'26. tf. and Crawford counties. under the firm of S.

BAIHD tf Co. I hey leu- A a nr a I new rAsrnouiiBiiX: Apyiv a. ay co. i uisourcrn, oriai ier their thanks to their tt tends tor past tavors the subscriber, Sewickly Bottom, Beaver rofid. of which, in all their varieties, with suitable ami solicit a continuance.

Damask Taliic Cotis. BOOT SHOE STORE. "In the Northern Liberties of Pittsburgh. mnp terms, a num- S. Baird Co.

are now receiving a large borders, will be kept on hand. No. 134 Liberty Street. 1 IH nf LOTS fronting on Penn and Alsoon hand, a largeassortment ot linden and general assortment of EUROPEAN, 1N- nrtltlVQ nurphjui-il SIX, eight and ten quarters, of any length that may be required, wove bv Thomas DAVID SHIELDS. Feb.

13, 1829 wtf. BREWSTER'S PATENT WALL PAPERS and Brown.tor sale at the DOMESTIC WARE TGy IE subscribers have received and otter Liberty streets, in the Northern Liberties of Pit hnrZh. These lots aro upon the great fare t- Philadelphia, and the vicinity of the Lot-iVnrks. and other manufactur- HOUSE, No. 26, Wood street.

Also Jl for sale a general assortment of Philadel EOT.TPSE SFHEDEIl. DIA AIM' Uy' 1 v. at the lowest prices in the Eastern Markets, which they will dispose of on accommodatr. terms, by the piece or package. They have also a large assortment on1 A I Lit AND BORDERINGS of every plua manufactured fcv et 1ot tieting II.

HOLDSH1P SON, Corner of Wood Third Streets. October 10 tf bscriber having obtained license of Towne's Diaper Table Linen. Orders for the above addressed to the sub A nlan mav beBeenattno BOOTS SHOES ert Brewster for building and vendin nvented ECLIPSE SPEEDER, i S. Esq. in the Diamond.

For temw apply to HARMAR DENN. scriber will receive prompt attention. description, beii.g sole agents for the manu the Western country, would inform the pubh Of a superior quality, amoncr which are Woollen Cotton Goods. GEO- COCHRAN ot Uictul. March 3.

tf Agent. P. M. A. facturers.

J. Shidle Co. Feb. 27 If. that they are constantly making and on hand Ladies common leather, Morrocco and lasting March 21,1829 tf.

bia shop, in Bridesburgh, near Philadelph Boots, THE Pittsburgh Manufacturing Association have received from the manufacturers, at Orders, directed to him through the Post-on, Do colored and black lasting Shoes, 'Public Notice is Hereby Given Yo- Sale, educed prices, Mimci nd Children'fi black colored dO at Kensington, will be promptly attended Gentlemen Calfskin. Morrocco and Seal i ne numerous advantage! wnicn mis ape barrels fresh FLOUR, THE TWO Si UK. i oivn.rv BUILDINGS on Third Street possesses over any other, are the followin skin Bouts, MB i ITU! AT the Notes, Hook Accounts, and ail other property of Uobert Patterson and J. H. Latnbd.n, late Stationer, unci FP trading underthe firm ol ILPatteraon h.

Lambdir, have been assigned to the subscn is tar more simple in construction, occ Do Monroe and plain Blue, Browu, Black and Mixea Broad Cloths, Flannels assorted colors, and Cassinetts, Plaids, Checks, Tickings, Cotton Yarn, On hand TABLE LINEN and CARPETS. No. 26 Wood-street, Pittsbureh. August 4, 1829. near the corner oi as a Grocery Store by Schweppe much less room, requires much less power 50,000 pounds BACON, 100 barrels WHISKEY, i k.v'mir rinreriient back Duua- attention, costs much less money, and Do dancing and walking Pumps, Do over Shoes not gum elastic.

Do coarse Shoes, Monroe and plain, Boy's coarse and fine Monroe and plain, ings for the accommodation of a family and Store much more work than any other Speeder Pittsburgh manufactured FILES of a auperior do prime PORK, do MACKEREL, iq use. This Speeder contains trom and being an eugioie siauu ii A this work is Dartieularlv manufactured bcthis dy, ib. wgg" KKSiW. C. ANSHUTZ, M-VR ITN RAHM.

riUtburgh.Sept. 22.l82.T-tf. quality for sale as above. spools; those of 8 spools, with proper atterj 100 100 75 100 1 for Pitsburgh, the public may be assured that! supply from 700 to 800 spindles; those oj rP yt GEO. COCHRAN ofRd.

Agent No. 2G Wood Street, PitUburgh June 12, 1829 tf. Second llanil ClotMng. none will be ottered that is not ot goodaquan-1 root vuu lo luuu npindien. PRICE AT MY SHOP, 1 i A GENERAL assortment of second Hand ty.

Also a constant suttilu The American FirelnsuranceCo 100 bales COTTON. For one oi 8 7 IncIudlo- rAltnt 1 iU. CLOTHING kept on hand and for sale at For Sale. Morrocco, Goat Skins, Black and Red, of a i rur udci'iiu uo I few casks Muskrat Skins, just r. UP.

old Theatre It. 60 feet on Third Street: superior quality; Cream clored and Yellow OF Philadelphia, daily make insurance against lo or damage by FIRE on MERCHANDISE. Job Racon, The space occupied by those of 8 tpoela i i 1 only 44 by 18 inches, and requires less poire! i moderate prices, by A. D. LEWIS, Wood, between Second and Third Streets.

June 5 tf. 11 Also 60 feet on Smithfield street, corner of Roans for Bootl-imng. received from Fever River, N. B. Customer's work attended to by W.

Diamond Alley. A quantity ot good seasoneu Secretary. No. 101, Chestnut street, Philadel GKO. COCHRAN, Agent, For sale by A JlF.MKS.

'8ia ALLEN GRANT- Gentlera.n'a Clvtkinf ala. scr.d in th. neat Closey aa usual. CLOSEV 8c BRADY Pittsburgh, Feb, 27, 1829-wtf. 28, 1828.

July 17, boards, and alargo bjcj. AprU H-tf. ist Manner. Xo.

26, Wood itnett PitUburgh April 25- tf..

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