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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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1 I tt Whmt fine romrmdnn tn i PI 8 LfRlHI (rXZ i uuw ii -m every sine ot mi r.nuscs at -work which r. cn.u.i delusive colouring over war. nntl SnOM THE PHILADELPHIA' GAZETTE. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH TRANSPORTING COMPANY. The public will no doubt learn with satisfaction the operations "of The Pkila- nr.l.P;iiA Si.

PITTSBURGH Tit A NSPOHT I NO tO re. Jonx I. rrm vp. Its shocliirw hni l.ori;,.. ground of our contemplations Tuesday, March 31, 1818.

iciismcc the Company" will he commenced on me sujiu.i upvmuui.c ui me troops and Allt a first dait of Jpril next, i wo wagons uimiaiij i tiicu successive. CharjiesT i 'emu me ma ui its uuujucis tne uarraiive ot blood trnnsiitirts its iunv idr. i as or JIarch 3. The i murder of Grantham's family by the Indi-j au mentioned in our last p.i per, we have heard thus described, by a gentleman from the frontier, of strict veracity: The father and son, r- young man grown, had been from home, and on returning found their residence surrounded by Indians, who after plundering the house, burnt it, with tbe three youngest children and then cut to pieces the rest of the iamily. Having discovered the old man ami his son, who witnessed at some distance the lion id massacre of their relatives, tbe savages pursued them the white men with difficulty effected their escape, by taking shelter in a swamp where they remained some time concealed.

Hard pressed in his retreat, young Grantham saved his life by killing two of the Indians who closely pursued iiini. We expect to hear very of an attack on the Mickasukee Indians, as we are informed the army will move first ugaitist them. images ami its inures, and its LodilifiJ OMTUAUY NOTICE. "Died, or) Saturday, the 21st of March, at his house NATHANIEL BEDFORD, M. If.

in his C2d year. The subject this obituary notice, wis a gentleman of distinguished talents and of great professi v.ial acquirements. An Englishman" by birth, he received a regular medical education in bi native country. After coins thro' the useal course, he attended the hospitals in London, for the pur vi ciuvairy throws lU trench" rous embellishments ovi'r i win on ana auer umi uay sunv mi the Cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and by a change of" horses every ten miles, and travelling day and night, when the roads will admit, will perform the route in ten days, compiising a distance of 500 miles. It is not expected that this first effort made in the United States, to effect an economical and expeditious mode of inland transportation, will be productive ot any f.

zv-u s.augnter. i see it in the music represents the progress of the buttle, an. where, atter bein inspired by the trumn notes ui preparation, the whole beautv a a ir. A important diminution in the price of car lenueruess ui a uranin' room are seui bend over the sentimental ciitcrtainnuist riage, inahn.ucli a3 tne noveuy oi me measure tbe badness of the roads, where nor do we hear the uite avce of a sin-'h'n- they arc not yet turnpiked, obliged tbe to interrupt tne ot the thickeiJ managers to mauc tomucis aim toe monns of flu urv.n.sJ inx con'e ess favourable than succeeding years will present, when the business shall be under stood by the waggon masters, ana wnen men, as they Jade" away upon the ear, sii; into lifeless silence al! goes to provi what strange and halt-sighted creatures wi are. Were it not so, war could neve have been seen in any other aspect thai turnpike hall be completed.

It may lowever be regarded as the commencement lip Top Toleration. A Member cf the Assembly of New-York, (Mr. Meigs) in a late debate, said, The Constitution of this (N. State, guarantees equally the reli- of a "reat system of inland transportation, a that of unmingled hatefulness, and I cal wh rh ivben airlv tested nv experisuuu gioti oi all. Tne Jew who believes the bles- look to nothing but the progress of chris will be found so far superior to the common std Saviour au imnostor: the Eirvntian pose of improving himself in the iiiiiereiu 'branches of his profession, particularly in surgery.

After the war (which ended in broke out, he va appointed surgeon's mate, on board of one of ibe English vessels, am Lifter Hie surrender of Charleston, ie had it in his power, and with the benevolence which has always marked 'h'ts character, he exercised with "r'eat activity that power, of befriending and relieving the miseries of the Amcricau prisoners he there contracted intimacies with some continental officers that lasted thro' life. At the close of the Avar, he returned England, with professional views made the tour of France and the Low Countries. He then determined to emigrate to America, whose rising greatness, he had the sagacity to foresee, from the transient' view he had of it, while in the English service. On his at rival in Philadelphia, hi early friend Dr. advised him to iix himself in Pittsburgh; to this place he came, when it was a mere Indian village, and here lie continued with distinguished professional reputation, and emi mode of economy and expedition, that we who worships a crocodile or au onion; doubt not but that in a few years the great the Pagan who worships the sun In- an sentiment upon earih, to arrest th strong current ot its popular and prevail ing partiality for war.

Then only will aj body of team owners between Philadelphia dian who pavs divine honors to stocks and impei ious sense ot duty, lay the check severe principle, on all the subordir stones -the worshipper of Odin the Cui and Pittsburgh will unue iiuo Companies upon the plan pursued by the tastes and lacuities of our nature. The will lory be reduced to its right estimai I a I I. 1 I 1 I 1 stage proprietors ami esiaoiiBn as many lines ot waggons the trade will employ. The attainment of tins great object was anu cue waxeiui oenevoience oi tne go; pel chasing away every spell, will be turn the end for which the present Company ed oy the treachery of no delusions what was established. A capital ot near forty From the Huston Centinel.

Sweden The young iSuruu de Stael IIolstein is said to be at the bed ot a powerful oppuaitiou party in Sweden. CPU this be true it must be an opposition to the succession ot Bern abotte to ti.e crown ot Sweden, on the demh ot hauler ever from its siaipte but sublime enterpri thousand dollars has been subscribed by a tor the good ot the species. lhe a i Will trutli and tiuietness be usiierca int class of cuterpiizing and public spirited citizens in town and country, most of whom the world; and war, cruel, atrocious, un were influenced solely by a desire to pro relenting war, will be stript ot its man viiiin, tne present nominal who nent usefulness, until within a few years, tascmations. passed his 7Uth year and not nnprobaoly in and its bewilderin when he retired to the town of Uirinm ham. of which he was the founder.

Doctor Jledford has the honor of beinj laor ot the young bwediah Prince uusta-vcs, (an intimate of tiie Baron de Staei,) who is now of kingly age, who Io'oks lur-ward, it is said, to the crown, ana who calculates on the suppurt of his aunt the Em amonz the first of the men of science who crossed the Allegheny mountains fur the yurnose of making an establishment; and press ot Kussia. Sweden lias always been a hotbed in winch shoots of revolution have the respect which Dr. Rush avowedly paid to his opinions, does uot form a trifling mote the cause ot trade, arid whether a piofit result or not, is with them a matter of no consideration, provided they cau see the accomplishment of their views. The plan of transportation adopted by this Company is as follows upwards of tortv waggons have been constructed upon a and improved plan, at the expence of the Company contracts have been made with individuals residing at different places on the route, to haul ihc same, within a specified number of hours, between certain given points, with their own horses, for which they are to receive stinulatcd compensation per annum. flourished and the struggles between her portion of reputation as a man few posses knnrs and nobles liave been obstinate ana seel more ot the social virtues, hose in lias tor sale at ms store, rmm.

su cti, nex door to the Post office, a quantity of STILLS OF SIZES, Copper, Wash, aud Slew Keules, Brass ditto ditto BtUmettal ditto ditto Uo Sheet Brass and sheet Copper, Sheet Iro.t and Spelter, Spelter solder, Block Tin, Tin Plate by the box, Still Cocks and Jtiviis, Gun aiid 'It. He riioiintin, Beds of all sizes and kinds, bloodr. During a great part of the last een the circle of his acquaintance, know 'it i turv, the Senate of Sweden exercised ine not the common cant of unmeaning eulogy when we asseit, that his character was real sovereignty of the kiiigdom. In 77'2, (Justavus liid. restored the kingly powers But in 1 79-2 he was assassinated wheniiiS strongly marked (probably imprudently so for hisown interest) by benevolence and brother, Duke of Sudernuima (now no At present the sections extending from Carlisle to Shippensburg, 21 miles; from phdanthrophy.

minai king) was appointed regent during An assortment of the top of Sideling hill to a point 10 miles east of Be dford 1G miles, and from the top of the Allegheny to Deunisons, 14 miles, A I IS the minority of the young king, Uuslavus Xith. Tne latter, owing to tho intrigue oi the French with Ins uncle was obliged to fiy to Germany, where he has resided ever since, excepting a temporary abode in in the whole to miles, are Casting's made in Brass of every description. An assortment of Copper Tea Kettles, COPPEIl SHEEV IROJV WORK not contracted for; but it is the intention of the managers, case an agcut, who made of all descriptions, at tbe shortest hi.ncf is iijw employed tor the purpose on Aiwnfthft above articles sold on the iw.veJ and most accomodating terms. the route, should not hnd contractors Switzerland. The uncle regent then seized upon the throne, with the title oi Charles Xliith and the States deciaied him and tm succesors heirs to it, to the exclusion of Gustavus and his tamiiy.

ihe crown prince of Charles Xlilth FOll ALU a Oo two liars in time for those portions of the road, to hire, horses in the city and send them out to their respective stations. MILLER AXD VILS0 A THEllt STOUK. 1NT WOOD. BKTWEEN In the success ot this cnterpnze the COMMUMCATED. TJfE PITTSBURGH UJWOJT SOCIETY? FOR the promotion of Sabbath schools, having met with great encouragement and success in the prosectitioii of their "original design and finding an opportunity presented for extending the plan of the institution so as to embrace a free school, to be kept open at all times, for the education of the poor, or such a number of them as it shall Dc thought proper or convenient to admit, have thonght proper to make another call upon the liberality of a Christian pubhe.

They are anxious if possible, to procure funds for erecting a house, in Pittsburgh, on a lot offered by colonel O'llara, in which the Sabbath school may be accommodated on the Lord's day, and a free school kept open the remainder of the week. They are confident that with reasonable contributions, from those who are blessed with the means of giving, this object may FilONT AND STKtlliTS, YOU aiiE, fTINTIA TA BAB IJtON. assorted, whole community is interested. Its ultimate inlluence upon the trade of Philadelphia, and its future commercial prosperity Bulled ditto, IMlsburgh Ker.mcK having deceased (it was saui at tho time of poison 13 jNauo wi te ( of Buonaparte's Marshals) elected by the Stales ass suc-eisor to the throne, 6c in lb 11, the King, un account of bad health, appointed hun Regent of Sweden. Times have since changed and it appears very probably thai Sweden is nearly ripe for another revolution in lav or of native legitimacy.

will be ot vast extent, it is tne nrst step Nad and Beck Hods, Manutac. 1 ouacco, Crowley Blistet- Steel, Spanisli and country towaids a gradual tiiouli sure reduction of cpr'tors, hinges screws, gars Spinning-wheel Irons, Rappee and Scotch Smv, soao. ard canJlc: the expense of carriage between Philadelphia and the Western country; and there can be no doubt that when the turnpike shall be completed, the journey to Pitts Trace and Log cnams, IIauxIhi- sj hot and lAWl Patent beams, and Steel II VJ1.1 and Qijeenswail yards, burgh will be performed in 8 davs. JLo Whiskey, Gin, and Chei Axes, hoes, shovels and mers, merchants and aU others that reside Spades, be accomplished. And who would not ry-bouncc, Allspice, pepper andnu mces, Shingling hatchets, anil the great western road through Penn give a small portion of his substance for claw-hammers, sylvania, who are actuated by feelings of ihp Piiurntmn nf ihn nnfnrlnnnfri rnrir Copperas, rosin, ram DR.

UlALMERo OiN WAR. One great obstacle to the extinction of war, is the way in which the heart ol man is carried off from its barbarities and its horrors, by the splendor of its deceitful accompaniments. There is a feeling of the sublime in contemplating the shock of armies, iust as there is in contemplating toe Scythes and sickles, public spirit, this exertion to approximate v. Who can withhold compassion and assis Wlivv. Drawing-knives, Lrria- them nearer to the seat of foreign coin- tance from bereaved and helpless children? lrons, andhlackarel, Ladles skimmers, IMay they not hope for the Divine blessing merce, and to afford them a cheaper conveyance for their commodities foreign as rinr.

flesh-forks, upon the'w charities? Among the children Bed cords and Pioug. Carpenter's adz', well as domestic than they have heretoiore of this city there are hundreds who may be devouring energy of a tempest and this so elevates and engrosses the whole man, that Plough Irons, enjoyed, must be of so much moment, as to n. CMu forever lost andjundonc for the want of Cow -bells, (r. etc. his eye 13 blind to the tears of bereaved pa early instruction To turn them from the paths of idleness and vice, and prepare Lump ami Tea, Coffi rents, andhisear is4deat to tne piteous moan of the and the shriek of desolate fam them for usefulness here, and happiness ilies.

There is a eracefullness in the pic hereafter, is an object worthy the encour ture of a Youthful warrior burning for dis acement of every citizen. Un- tinction in the field, and lured by this gen der these considerations, the Pittsburgh erous aspiration to the deepest of the anima entitle their good wishes and hearty cooperation in promoting the interests of the company. From the Legislature a favorable protection is expected in the granting a charter, for which application has been made, and upon the whole we have a fair right to conclude that notwithstanding the prejudices of some and the selfish motives ot a few, the public feeling is in favor of the establishment ef these lines of waggons considered as it ought to be, as an experiment undertaken for the public good. -Editors of Papers in this city and coun Union Society, have agreed to submit to the'public, proposals lor the purpose ot ted thronjr, where, in the fell work of death, Cut and Hammer'a COFFEE MILLS, CUBBY COMBS, WINDOW GLASS, SCREW AUGF.BS. 24-- Tat cut T6ugV3.

the opposing sons of valor struggle for a re erecting a school house, and for support inz a free school and to solicit their siirni- membrance and a name; and tliis side ol the picture is so much the exclusive object tures with such-sums in donations or aunu. al payments as their own generosity may of our regard, as to disguise from our views the mangled carcases of the fallen, and the su-uscriDers nains yu---- fffij ot the patent ngm, uic (u b5 writhing agonies of the hundreds, 'and 'the try who are favorable to the improvement hundreds more, who have been laid on tue king and vending PAlhM now on hand an assortment ot ineie which they oiler for sale on moderate tc-AU Ploughs made at their shop, internal trade, are solicited to publish cold "round, where they are left to lan uns article. tfl. KCKSm disposed to aid in this laudable object are requested to call on JoiiN P. Skeltox, President of the Society, Mark Stackhouse, Vice President, or James Uelden, Secretary, who are appointed to, receive donations and sub-scriptions.

ICTThe first quarterly meeting of the The WAGGON MAKING and 1 1 -i 1 win oecarneu on a uiw- i 11.. All orders will toe tnanxiuuy guish and to die. lhere is no eye pities them There no entle hand is present to ease their dying posture or bind up their wounds, which in the maddening fury of tbe combat, have been given and received hy tbe children of the common father There death spteads its pale ensigns over every' countenance, and when nigiit comes on, and darkness surround them, how many promptly attended to. .1 wm. St no til i rUtsburgfi for the promo- Salem, March 10.

Drowned, during the late freshet, in Shawheen river, Andover, as they were attempting to pass the causeway in a chaise, Mr. Herbert Richardson, jun. of Lynnfield, and Miss Charlotte Palmer, of Londonderry. These lovers were in the bloom of youth, and on the point of marriage. The bodies have since been found, conveyed Lynnnclii, and both interred in one grave.

fion nf acnonls," will be held at I. I I RUICKUOUSK, now occupied bv J' "v4st Meeting "House, on Wednes- WW. i wooa-strett, opposite Mv nero.i A i iv. well I at 6 o'clock, P. M.

A punctua a despairing wretch must take up with the rai aiienoance oi me members is bloody held as the untended bed his last for nobhc bunws- Wv t-'y t- 1 A I .1 suneriiijrs, wuiiuui, one ineuu to oear me Blank For Bale at tliis Offi Javs Secretary. message of tenderness to his distant home.

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