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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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calMf-, order, he beat h'beitv r-pro- motion to bring in a bill and eve r-u 1. iy be ct A'nicric'an- News. ceeu it oiherwile, aud irnicaic ii, iw au be liable to the cenfuceof the houfe. Every bi (hali receive fwrii When two or moie memberr happen to rife at once, the fpeaker (hail name the member who is full to fpeak. No member (hall fi-eak more than twice to tne fanequcition without leave of the Imufe u.or more difpatched in order as they tr'j- -C fs ere the ou fe (h all dircf1 nt- 11 ihall bi twice read on the toad bui ai order ot the houle.

"rKfc. 1 he firft reading of a bill ft -and oppofition be made to it, the Cu be, Shall the bill be ijecVdr bis made, or the queftion to rejecVlr bili ihall go it than once until every member chooiing to I IV, nprn fenate having cho'en his excellency John i Langdon, -erquire of New Hamplhire. prefi- denr, foi the purpofe of opening and counting the votes fcr prelident and vice prelidenr of the Untied' States', agreeably to the confli'ution, the houle of Teprefentatives attended in the feuate chamber, when Ms excellency opened and examined the ballots of the of the refpective ft ues. The whole number of fi.ffiages was 69, and it (hall have fpoken. VV hi.

ft the fpeaker is putting any queftion, or ad- reffing the houfe, hoe (hall walk out of, or acrois the houfe; nor either in fuch cafe, or when a mem her is fpeaking, (hall entertain private difcourfe, or 14 tion. read any printed book or paper nor vvhilft a mem-. ber is ipeaking, ihall pa fs between htm and the chair. No member (hall vote on any queftion, in the e- vent of which, he is immediately and particularly intcrefted or in any other cafe where tie wa, noc prefent when the queftion was put. Every member who (hail be in the houfe, when a Upon the fecord reading of a r-(hall ftate it as ready for cdmm.cctfut c-i and if cammiited, then uefi.ou ft to eleft a committee, or to a coincucui th houfer if to a committee of the whohJT houle (hall determine on what day.

Uut ii be 02 dered to be cngroired, ihe hcufe (h VI the day when it be read the third tir. committment, and a leport thereof to (hhou! 11 may be le commuted, orataoy tuue bef pafljge. All bills ordered to beengrofiadihaUbeexe in fair round hand. The enacting liy le of hills (hI be. Be enaa.

ed by th fenators and repi efentatios af the (Jnili Stares iii Conrei Ieo.bled., queftion is pur, (hall vote on the one fide 01 the other unlefs the houfe, for fpecial realon, lhail excuU him. When a motion is made and feconded, it (hall be appeared that his excellency ueoree was unanimoufly excellency Johfi A-tiams had 34 votes the honorable Jqhn Jay, the honor-ble R. H. the honorable John Rutledge, his exrellercy John Hancock, his excellency Geoge Clinton, his excellency Samuel Huntington. John Milton, efq; James Armftrong, efq; 1 honorable Benjamin Lincoln, Edward Telfair, efq; I.

GEORGE WASHINGTON, Efquire was then announced Prefidentof the United Stares of America indTOHN ADAMS, Efquhc, Vice Prefidjnt. Yefterday the doors of the houfe of reprefenta-tices of the United States, were thrown open for the achv.lflion of the citizens. Tuebufineftof theday was entered upon by the intioducrion of the honorable Mr. Morris, chief juftice of this date, who, agreeable to the requeft of the houre nnde yefterday, adminiftered the oath of office t(9 the honorable the fpeaker and other members of that body. The oath was prefcribed by a refolution of the houfe on Monday laft, end was to the following "I a member of the houfe of reprefentatives of the United States, dofwear.

(or affirm, as the cafe may be) that I wi.l ftated by the fpeaker, or being in writing, it ihall be handed to the chair, and read aloud by the cierk befote debated. Every motion ft be reduced to writing, if the fpeaker or iny member defire it. After a motion is wteil'by the fpeaker. or read by When a bill fta'l pafs itftall be ccitifcA clerk, noting the day of xts piffiog the foot the o. the cletk, it (hall be deemed to be in poifeuion cf the hcufe, but may be withdrawn at any time before deciiion or amendment.

When a queftion is under debate, no motion be received, unlefs to amend it, to commit it, for the previous queftion, 01 to adjpui n. Amotion to adjourn (hall be always In order, and (hall be decided without debate. fupport the conftitution of the United PROCEEDINGS of CONGRESS. The previbus' queftiofi (hall be in tills form: Shall the main queftion be now put It (hall in the Houfe ofRcpreentativcsof the United States only be admitted when demanded by five members and until it is decided ihall preclude all amendment Tuisday, April 7, 1789. Kefolved, That the Rules and Orders.

following, eftabliflied fundicg Ruies and Orders of tins and further debate of the m-in queftion On a previous queftion no member (hallfpeak more than ence without leave. Any member may call for the divifion of a queftion, where the fenfe will admit of it. A motion for commitment until it is decided, (hail Fifft. Touching the Duty of the Speaker. He (nail take the chair every day at the hour to which thehoufe (hall have adjourned on the preced No bill amended by the fenate (hall bj cotnsniutd.

Fourthly. Of Commit tees of th vbtls Hcu. Itftall be aftjndingorderof the day, throughout the feffion, for the houfe to rcfolts Wilf Cnto cum-mittee of the whole houfe on xb? ftate of tba unipn. In forming a eoinmittee of the whobhoafe, tee fpeaker (hall leave his chair, and fide in committee (hall be appointed. Upon bills committed to a cocqikiccf tht whoit houte, the bill (hall be firft red tjijoughout ty the clerk, and then again read and debate! by claufer.

leaving the preamble to of irTe bill (hall not be defaced or ioteilincd; amendments, noting irne, entered by theclerk 011 aepvtraiepsjer, asthefarcj (hall be agreed to by the.comrniptee,, and forett to the houfe. Aftet report the bill (hail to be debated and amended by chufei brfou a queftion to engroft it be taken. All amendments made to an oHgiiI mrniotti i committee (hali bt incorporated tte coUuc iJ fo reported. AH meudments made to aeport ceamitted to i committee of the wrio.efhaii becywdamd rcpaittJ as inthe cafe of bills. a All queftions, whether in coniakfeaor in the houfe, (hall be propcukdtfdin iheoi3er ihejwt moved, except that in fillicj upblitkstheiargtit rules of proceeding in tbehouie ftafl beb ferved in committee fo faras they iai bep except that liinitiD; ihetit esjfceakfng, ing day (hall immediately call the members to or- 'precludeall amendment of the main queftion.

der, ana, on rne appearance or a quorum, man came the journal of the preceding dayto be read- He (hall prefei decorum and order may fpeak to points of order in preference to other members, jifing from his feat tor that purpofe, and (hall decide. queftions of order, fubjecttoan appeal to thehoufe 1 1 He (hall rife to put a queftion, but may ftatc it fit Motions and report may be committed at thep.ea-fure of the houfe. No new motion or propofiiion (hall be admitted under colour of araenefment, as a fubftitutefor the motion or propoficion under debate-Committees confifting of more than three mem bars, (hall be ba Hated for by the houfe if upon fuch ballot the number required ihall not be elecled by a majority of the votes gien. the houfe (hall proceed to a (econd ballot, in. which a plurality of votes (hall prevail, and in cafe a greater number than are required to compote or compleat rhe committee (hall have an equal number of votes, the houfe (hall proceed to further ballot or billots: In all other cafes of ballot han for committees a majority of the vous given (hall be necefTury to an ting.

Queftions (hall be diftirclly put in this form, viz. As many as are of opinion that (as the queftion may fee) fay aye and afer the amtmative voice is ex pelled, as many as are of a contrary opinion, fay op." IfthoTpeaker oradivificn be called for, jv i -1 a the uQul man uivioe, ujuiciq uic amfiuauvY going to the right, and thofe in the negative to the left of Extraa from the jquitsi, JOiiN BEvKLH.1T, Ceri. the chair; if the fpeaker fiill doubt, or a count be required, the fpeaxer (hall name two members, one it Vi .1 from eacn nue. 10 ten uic numoen 10 ioe amriuau' which being reported, he (hall then name two others tnrh fid iri tell thofe in thi nfativ? Which bcing alfo rife and ftate the deciflon to the houte. Widsesdat, April -His honor the chief juftice cf ite 61 York, attending for the pcrrwrfe.

the ipeater and mwmberi' c'f required by the This being done, i i Mr. Parker, of Viigbia; rao4ttPf refolve iuelf into a committer i itt u4 ftate of tho union. This motion was 3grceJ to; and Mi. fss, of Virginia, was iher csllcd to The fpeaker (hall appoint committeei unlefs it be determinedpy thehoufe that the committee thall confidof more than three members, in which cafe the appointment (hall beiy Ballot ot the fipufe. In all cafes of ballot by the houfe, the fpeaker fliallvote in othercafes he ihall not vote, unlets the hcufe bo equally divided, or unlefs his vote, if civen to the minority, will make thedivifion equal.

and in cafe of fuch equal divifion, the queftion (hail Mr. Maddiion, of Virginia, th tn rori. a few obfervationt ori the fiatef defiuenciesefiheiedeMrtarury. tha ty of immediately adopts fccf fubjeft of election, and when there (hall not be fuqh majority on the fir ft the ballot (hall be repeated until a majority be obtained. In all' cafes where others than members of the houfe may be eligible, there (hall be a previous nomination: If a queftion depended be loft by adjournment of thehoufe, and revived on th-e fucceeding day, no member who has fpoken twice on the day preceding (hall be permitted again to fpeak without leave.

Every order, reiolation or vote to the-concunence of the fenate (hall be neceflary, (hall be read to the houfe, and laid on the table, on a day preceding that in which the fame (hill be moved, unlefs the houfe will otberwife expreftly allovv. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addrelTed to theJioufe (hall be prefented through the fpeaker, or by a member in his place, and (hall not be debated or decided on;ofiheir being firft read, uii-" lefs where the houfe (Kali direft otherwife; but (hall lie on the table to be taken up in the prder they were read. Any fifteen mcrqrers (ij3cludirg the fpeaker if there is one) (hall be authorifed to compel the attendance of -Upon calls of the.hoafe, or in taking the ayes and noes on any queftion, the names of the members (hail be called alphabetically. Thr, tof Bills. Every.billallbeintroducQd by motion fo? leave ir by order of the houfe on the report of Vxdcn-oittee, end in eit her ca fq a committee to prepare the fame (hall be appointed In cafes, of a general ca tm one dai coiice at Icaft (hdllv given of the oe ioie.

When the houfe adjourns, the members (hall beep their feats until the fpeaker go and then the members (hall follow. tne nrit oorect wmcn preM rTAija fputces that mieht be drawn uca a te r'Stl occunaiy, as to revenue. opinion demanded core of the committee and with it-! effete! Secondly. Of Decorum and Debate. When any member is about to fpeak in debate, or.

deliver any matter to the houfe, he (hall rife from his feat and refpeel fully addreft hlafelf to Mr. Speak cr. If any member, In fpeak Ing or otberwife tranfgrefs tha roles of tho hcufc, tbo fpeaker Ctall, or any ccabsr may call to order in which cafe the cein-bzt called to order Ctsll lonediately fit down, tin. 13ft permitted taesplsim tad thehoufe Cull, if sp-pealed to dcida cn the cafs but withoutfcbte: if theig bei.o appeal, the decifionjof thcchdr C.ill tiZ fubmittsd to it tho decifion be in favor cf the Refolved, as the opinion trv the following duties ocht to I wares ind merchandize, Statas, viz. On rum, pergallon, i On ail other (pirituous liq-irj Jv.


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