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The Evening Herald from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 4

Klamath Falls, Oregon
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PAGE POUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON March 9, 1033 Editorials News of Other Days Place Names Women's Features Editorials on 1 LAN.C by Ceorg Clark Earlier Days Sales Tax To The People IT'S UP TO THE THINKING CITIZEN The Optimists Are With Us this steer. Then Lee Laws attacked me with the fire poker, a heavy mahogany stick, but Instead ot running, as no doubt he thought I would, I went straight at him and shoved my tlst Into his eye, and proceeded to deoor-ate his countenance properly, Lee emerged a poor second, which wae quite humiliating to his pride. "Then, In the meantime, we discovered a number of aloora belonging to our neighbors In Dig Valley. Infurmed them that some of their stuck was on the Laws range, and thoy came for them, coming direct to our camp at Corral) Valley, and we assisted them In gathering thslr slack. So.

of course, Laws knew that we had tlppsd them. Among Ihoso who rams were Anions Unrig and Henry Jones of Ills: Valley, John Htauton, John McArthur of Fall River valley, and others. short time after this episode, Laws atlnmpied to murder father from behind with a heavy olub, at Nick Hull's cabin. Father detected the movement by the shadow ot tho suit Just In time to throw up his hond, which deflected the blow slightly, yet lite bluw si'vered his hut brim, nearly snvored his ear, and fractured his shuuldur. Ho nmungud tu gain his foot, and ran down tho path toward the spring, opening his knife with his teeth as he ran.

When he reached the luvsl ground, where he had good footing, he turned on Laws with the knife, but Laws managed lo keep out of his way. Father never fully recovered from thai awful ins sv ta trwvwt iMesra.t.SLMT.orr.X A Meauure That Command Retptct The state legislature has passed a sales tax. It finally realised that the sales tax offered the only method of maintaining solvency of government in Oregon. The tax as passed is expected to provide sufficient money to rescue the state government from bankruptcy, to lift the state levy on property and to eliminate the personal property tax. Part of the revenue will be returned to the counties.

Fair-minded observers hold that it is the only way to meet the serious emergency. The state senate did the proper thing when it referred the tax to the people because it appeared inevitable that certain determined opponents would take that action if the legislature did not Any kind of a tax has hard going when it comes before the people. Regardless of its merits, regardless of relief it may provide in the case of other taxes, regardless of the disaster which may result from its defeat, there are certain to be great numbers of unthinking persons who will vote against the sales tax because it is a tax. That means teat the substantial, thinking citizenry of Oregon must be depended 'upon now to rally in support of the sales tax. The measure jis passed is one that commands respect' If it fails, confusion and chaos will result.

If it is sustained, Oregon's financial affairs will be placed on a sound basis. There will be money for relief purposes, for offsetting other burdensome taxes, for straightening out the affairs of the bonus and for the relief of local government Everybody will pay, but they will pay in tiny, sums according to their purchasing power. Let the thinking people of Oregon now come front in support of this measure. "Minnie, come and get your old grandpa stuff." From Bottom, Up I Only Direction A great deal is being said about the necessity for restoration of public confidence before the nation can start building toward prosperity. All of this, of course, is true and it is also true that there are hopeful Indications of a return of confidence to be found in the attitude of people one meets on the streets.

The writer has been surprised at the number of sound-thinking people who have voiced the belief that the present financial crisis is the beginning of the upturn. These people hold to the opinion that out of the critical situation arising at a time when the new administration comes into power primed for action, will come constructive steps that will really restore confidence, and give us a sound foundation to build upon. Pennsylvania railroad's president, W. W. Atterbury, said before a senate committee a few days ago: "The only way to beat the depression is to hit bottom and then slowly build up." If we are now on the bottom, which does not seem unlikely, then there is cause for the optimism we have heard expressed.

Furthermore, this feeling has been strengthened by the attitude of the new administration. President Roosevelt has lost no time in taking steps to meet the crisis. Smiling and confident, he and his advisors have prepared a constructive program. They threw up a barrier to protect the nation pending the convening of the special session of congress Thursday, and the national legislature was expected to enact the prepared measures immediately. It is certainly to be hoped that our good friends who insist upon seeing the bright side of this situation know what they are talking about The very fact that there is that tendency to look on the bright side is in itself a factor of no small importance.

J. J. 'Jimmy' Calavan Tells Of Feud With Laws And Relates Events Leading Up To Killing From Files of The Evening Humid, Murcti, luus. An organisation has been effected In Mucllord which tho ruul eslule dealers ot Klamath Falls would do well (o emulate, It Is gulling so Unit a real estate man In this city Is looked upon with suspicion, but the blame fur this la with the real astute men themselves. Men who are mutinied In the business should lake muro pride In their prntei-Ion, and endeavor to place It oil a mure reliable basis.

This would work a great benefit tu themselves as well as olivlale the great wrong being done the town and country. The Medrurd real estate men have formed an association to assist In advancement ot the city's Interosts, mid la cooperate In sales. Alva Lewis has Deeii appointed siipurlnteudeiit of the Klamalh (In mo I'reaerve by the Audubon Uuulety, He will assume his duties April 1, Today, Is the first day since July ID, 10U8, that the county jail has beou without one or more prlsonors, Sheriff Barnes says It seems rather lonesome around the courthouse Willi a big empty stono building without a single tenant nearby. But his hands are lull with the collection of taxes, and It Is probable that the loss of his hoarders will soon be furgotten In the ruih of huslusss, Allitennw IIa. fnl.

a ChlrsgQ, Js In tho city visiting his fnilicr, J. W. Manning, Mr. rrr.r i-. ieii jihiiihiii county when a boy 13 years ago, and wiirm no emitted law and has been practicing1.

Ho notes a big disuse In Klamath rails during his 13 years aliaenco and Is so much Impressed witn tiis development of the country that he has decided to remain ami rtiiKnifA In hl nrn. fesslon In this city. Before prohibition young girls would not associate with a man who had a bottle of liquor. To-(lay unless you have a bonis they will uot tolerate you. Representative Vincent I'olmls-ano of Maryland.

Portland often NOTHING FINER IN HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS HOTEL MULTNOMAH It Portland, largett hotel, located only 3 block, from the leading btnki and tores, vet out of the noUy traffic New modern furniture, new equipment new decoration, Excellent dining room, cafeteria and coffee I'opularpricea. Garage ecroaa tho atrccti attend4nta at the door Lobby pipe organ concert every evening. 1 ffAUS FROM 11.10 DETACHED OATH (t.00 VI TH BATH HOT El. UU LTNOMAB1 I A 0 OIIOOH JsAll 1 A headline tells us that Japanese forces have invaded China proper. -That was a foregone conclusion when the.

Japanese ambassador arrived at the state department in Washington the other day to promise that the Japanese forces would not invade China proper. It won't be long until the family will be going out for Sunday picnics again. The Day's News (Continued from faaa One) construction finance corporation had been devoted to guaranteeing bank deposits, the results would have been Infinitely better. All this, ot course. Is water over the dam.

What has hap pened hai happened, and nothing ti to be gained by crying over the milk that has been aplllod. What we want now, and must have, la restoration ol confidence. J-JW t0t he accomplished? column, you probably know at much about that as anybody, What would restore YOUR confi dence? Whatever would restore your confidence would probably restore the confidence ot people generally. Whether anything short of gov ernment guarantee ot deposit can accomplish that at once, this writer does not know. Probably NOBODY knows.

DOT IF government guarantee i. it DOES restore confidence in the banking system, as there is every reason to believe it will, for people generally still have complete confidence in the stability ot their government, the results will be Immediate and amaslngly beneficial. The money that Is being hoard ed outside the banks will begin to flow back Into them. As money begins to flow back Into the banks, bank credit will again become available. At bank cred it becomes available, business will begin to go forward normally again.

With business going forward normally, plans tor the future can be made once more. We are a naturally optimistic people, and with our confidence In financial stability restored we should begin to make prompt progress toward recovery. Office Cat Young Husband I'm glad you are so Impressed, dear, by these explanations I've been making about banking and economics. Pretty Wife Yes, darling. It seems wonderful that anybody could know as much as you do about money without having any ot It.

The sad part about life Is be ing head over heels in lore with a girl who won't give yon a tumble. The Better Way If we always think of the future, The days and the years ahead. With their possible griefs and trouoies, We are ever In doubt and dread. Better to live In the present, And gather what Bond vi mnv: With trustful hearts for tomor row, And strength and will for today. There are times when borrowing money Is difficult.

But borrowing is always much easier than paying back. Friend Your wife looks stun ning her gown is a poem. struggling Author What do you mean, a poem? That gown Is two poems and a short story. Modern Version Mary had a lltle lamb It died from loss of sleep. It followed her around until Given by a friend to keep.

One reason why you never get anywhere telling other people how to run their business Is the plain and humiliating fact that they'll rarely pay any attention to what you tell them. Young Housewife Are you sure that this cleaner that you are selling will really take out dirt? House-to-House Agent Will It? Say, lady, yesterday I rubbed It on a conv of "RrnnHnlnua fltnr- les," and when I got through, I oaa me "unnstian uazette." Some day when the world Is all awry, take a good look In the mir ror. it may help wonderfully in tolerating the faults of others. She Sir, I want you to know that I am a Inrfvf He Oh, all right, Yon be that ana 111 try to imitate Napoleon In the cemetery of business failures there Is a vast forest of tombstones you may read as you pass by; He worried too much. He lacked ability.

He lacked capital. He liked his liquor. He lacked judgment. He lacked enthusiasm. He wanted only to play, He liked the bright lights, He had too much competition.

But in the majority of cases the sculptor might have saved himself a lot of trouble by telling the truth and Inscribing three simple words: He lacked character. Kisses are in a class with elec trlcity A woman uses one to run her home, and the other to run That five-dollar auto fee is going to eliminate a lot of trouble for most of us next July. If the country doesn't lose its sense of humor, it'll survive anything. Love And Faithfulness Of Dogs Praised, Pointed Out blow, and, of course, there exist ed an Intense Ill-feeling between the two camps. "A year or more passed with, out any further attack from' the Laws camp until that memorable attack on Brother Frank and 1.

It was I who made the handsled and put snowshoes or skis on the runners to rnrry my brother's hndy out lo r.atigoll Valley. Dave KIlKore and I took turns drawing the sled from the hum of the saddle. The Inquest was held at Dr. John Hall's plnre, by Juallco of tho 1'i-nco II. Price of Bonanza.

"This Is a brief, hut true, summary of tho most Important oc currences leading up to that fatal uay, rcDrunrr 13, "I was In Klamath Falls last October, Intended to run out to Bonanza to see you. and over to Alkali to see Bill Shook, but had an attack of flu and fame straight home. Not manv of the people I used to know left. "Kindly drop mo a line some day. Mast respectfully, J.

Calavan." J. O. HAMAKER. Some People Say The United States can fAr a specific purpose and a limited i time assoclato Itself with oihcr powers, but when that purposo has been served, the United Slates must Inevitably return to Its former impartiality. Walter E.

Edge, retiring U. 8. ambassador to France. Let us not asg for a return ot our former fnlro prosperity, but for a return nf Integrity and honor and responsibility and duty among us. Bishop William T.

Manning ot Now York. Hore had this giant Industrial era, rushing through tho country to land like a tiger In a ditch. But what Is thero In fiction to show for It? Theodore Dreiser, author. Oregon Place Names Fourmllo Canyon Gilliam and Morrow counties. This canyon opens Into KlKhtmllo Canyon nnd Is so called on the assumption that Its mouth Is about four miles up KlKhtmllo Canyon from the point where tlmt canyon opens onto Willow creek, lioY These the SCRUDDINO think what ll brats, I haven't time for this nice master at that place, describing Laws and his family, stating that he was wanted in Oregon for murder.

The postmaster Informed ma that the party I had described was receiving mall at that offico addressed to M. P. I.awson. With the letter I went to Llnkvllle and took the matter up with 8. B.

Cranator and Sheriff Putman. Putman didn't relish the job ot going after Laws, but said ho would deputise some reliable par-f to serve the warrant, I said, 'How about He repllod that I was under age, and besides a non-resident, but stated that If I would namo some local man of age and reliable, jft would deputize him, and In turn he could deputise me to assist him, should he wish, "I rode over to the Shook camp In Alkali valley, and took the mntter up with them. Daro and John had a water right, csso coming up, and could uot be away, but It was agreed that Hill Shook should go. Then the matter of a requisition rtmt up, and while we were negotiating for the requisition some of Laws' friends got wise and tipped Laws off. About the time we were roady to make the trek to Utah tha postmaster at Sallna Informod me that Laws had skipped.

"I was novor able to get any trace of him after that. But about four years later Mac. Mc-Clellon told me that Laws was dead, having died In New Mexico. So that was finis." Home History Prior to the KlllliflT (Written as a postscript) "The original cause of the trou ble grew out of our finding a -year-old steer, which had been missing off the Big Valley range three years before. Father de manded the steer.

Laws rofused to give him up, claiming ho had traded for him. Thoy had some words, but In the ond l.nws agreed to give the steer up If Ills brand was not on him. Laws and father went out to loo for the steer and examine tho brand on NEXT WASHDAY (to I LEARNED SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO GIVE fs. i FREEDOM EVERY, lTwv A I'M S0THRIUEDI MY WASH fOAKIO BONANZA. Ore.

(To the Ed-j Itor) In your Issue of February 13, there appeared an article by me relative to the Laws-Cnla- van episode ot February, 1882. I am enclosing a copy ot the full details ot that scrap by J. J. Calavan: "Prlnevllle, Oregon, "February it, 1933 Mr. J.

0. Hamaker, Bonania, Oregon. "Dear sir I read a few days ago In the Big Valley Oaiette cs article taken from the Klamath News, which had been written by you concerning the Calavan-Laws trouble In the early eighties. "I am J. J.

Calavan (Jimmy), the survivor ot the H. C. Laws attack, and am now 71 years of age. It was my brother, Frank, then 15 years old, who was shot by Laws, but only my horse was killed. After my horse tell I made my way on foot through deep snow back to the cabin at Cor- rall Valley, our camp, reaching there about 11 o'clock a.

m. This was February 13. 1882. Frank had arrived earlier, as he was mounted. After examining his wounds and making him as comfortable as I could, I mounted his horse and headed for Langell Valley.

In company with Dr. John Hall and Dave Kllgoro. we reached the cabin about 8:30 p.m. Frank was still living and con scious, but died about three hours later, 11:30 p.m. In the mean time Dr.

Hall and Kllgore had taken his statement ot the en counter and it was used as evidence In the preliminary hearing at Llnkvllle In March. 'Laws was not acquitted. His case was dismissed by the grand jury at Alturas, Modoc county, California, where he bad been taken on a requisition, on the grounds of non-jurlsdlctlon. They held the case should be tried In Oregon. Instead of returning Laws to the Lake county jail, where they got him, the district attorney, Mr.

Ewlng, ordered the sheriff, Hanks, of Lake county, Oregon, to liberate him, which he did. "At the September session In Lake county, at Lakeview, the case was taken up, using the testimony submitted at the prelim inary hearing at Llnkvllle, and found Laws guilty of murder in the first degree, and lBsucd a warrant for his arrest. This war rant was sent to Charles Putnam, then sheriff of Klamath county by appointment. Mr. S.

Cranston, who bIbo bad been appointed district attorney of Klamath county, wrote me of the court's action. About the. same time, Mr. Wright, who was postmastor and justice of the peace at Llnkvllle, wrote me that there was registered mall passing between some ot Laws' trlends and a party by the name of M. P.

Lawson, addressed to Sallna, Utah. I wrote the post 0 Delivered BLOCK-WOOD Single load Double load 6.50 Vt Cord load 2.25 SLAB-WOOD Double load Single load 3.00 Single load 2.00 411 this wood I dry and good fuel for range, furnnco or firo place. PEYTON "Wood to Bura" 128 8. Ttb Phone WIS friend that a man can nave, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. "A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness.

He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow fiercely, if he may only be near his master's side. "He will kiss the band that has no food to offer. He will lick the sores and wounds that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards bis pauper master as if he were a prince. "When all other friends desert, he remains.

When riches take wings and reputation falls, be as as constant In his love as the sun in its Journey through the heavens. "If misfortune drives the master forth, an outcast In the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard him, to fight against his enemies. He will not be bribed against his master. "And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master In Its embrace, and bis body Is laid away In the ground, and all other friends pursue their way; there by the graveside will be found the noble dog, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true, even in ALICE HAMILTON. THIS MORNING (THSBcS A SOAP CAUED RlNSoN ME HOURS Of 1 USE4T.NEXT WASMDAT AND TOO MONDAY ftm I VV0NT NCE0 TO SCRUB OR BOIL vkmo does your wash Health Talks Most important of all, in rehabilitation of the handicapped, Is perhaps the attitude of the person who is being helped.

It is necessary to give each one of the disabled the desire to work and to live. Indifference in such a case is the most serious factor. In a recent consideration of this subject, the Vocational Rehabilitation Service of the Department of Labor pointed out that two of the most difficult types of personality are the helpless type and the smart aleck type. The helpless attitude leads promptly to pauperization; the helpless attitude arises either from laziness or unwillingness to Improve. The smart aleck Is always seeking support from political or Influential sources, and simly does not want to be helped in any way except financially.

The first step in any type of rehabilitation service or voca tional education is the attention of a competent physician who will try to remove physical hand icaps by medical or surgical measures. For example, it may be necessary to operate, and sometimes it is' possible to get complete physical restoration. In other Instances, the use of a brace or an artificial limb will permit almost complete elimina' tlon of a defect. In still other cases a disabled person will be unable to seek employment be cause constantly using crutches. and a simple procedure permits avoidance of their use.

All types of vocational education and rehabilitation must, therefore, be carried out In as sociation with good medical and surgical care. After everything possible has been done by such methods, training, supervision, and proper placement of the dis abled person in a job to which he is especially suited makes a useful worker out of what other wise would be a burden on the community. Wise Cracks One thing can be sad for jig' saw puzzlers they have to have a sense of the fitness of things, In all that talk about beer. does anyone recall what became of light wine? Banks finding it advisable to impose limitations on withdraw als are hopeful that bandits will be considerate and observe the KLAMATH FALLS (To the Editor) The following tribute to man's faithful friend, the dog, was paid by a United States senator in the trial of a man accused of shooting a dog. The senator appeared in court at the request of the dog owner, and 'Without taking any part in the trial other than making the followiag appeal to the jury, succeeded in causing that body to bring in a rer- diet against the defendant without leaving their "FriendB, there are too few people who really love a dog.

Most people do not realize how good a dog really Is. It does not matter to him what happens, he ticks. "The best friend a man has on earth may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or his daughter, that he has reared with loving care, may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith.

"The money a man has he may lose. It flies away from him when he needs it most. "A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are willing to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be first to throw stones of malice when failure settles Its clouds upon our heads. "The one absolutely, unselfish Beauty Hints You owe it to yourself, your friends and your family to devote one hour each day to your personal appearance.

Probably the best time for the home-maker is In the late afternoon after lunch things are cleared away and just before the children get home from school. Clet yourself In a relaxed frame of mind and then lock the doors. Don't even answer the telephone. First, scour your teeth and finish with a good mouth wash. Now cleanse your face either with soap and water or a quick-melting cleansing cream and brush your hair.

If the curl Is out of it now Is the time to put In the curlers or re-set the wave. Leave your hair In tha curlers while you are bathing. The bath is the next step. Fill the tub with warm water, add a dish of bath salts and get In. You should have your man-icare accessories on a small table OR 5 SHADES WHITER I AND ISN RINS0 EASY ON THE HANDS no-scrub suds double life of clothes wears holes In metsl wiihboards doe It thihul No wonder you have to buy shirts, towels and other things to frequently! But now you an sty goodbye to scrubbing.

You can throw awsy your wsihboard. Rimo'a lively suds Kak out dirt, Clothes last 2 or i limes longer! This way you get a whiter wash than ever, too, Colored things stay bright and clear, Cup for cup, Rlmo gives twice si much ludi tt lightweight, puffod-up soaps. Rich, long-lasting suds tare for the finest cottons and linens, The home making experts of 5 1 6 leading newspapen-the makers beside the tub. Even if your nails are worn down from housework you can push back the cuticle and polish what Is left of them. You'll be surprised what this little bit of attention will do for the general appearance of your hands.

Take a leisurely bath followed by a rinsing In clear water and then give yourself a brisk rub-down with a thick towel. Your hand lotion comes next. The next step and the best thing in your beauty routine is a 16-mlnute You don't have to go to sleep but please do lie down and relax. Stretch flat on the bed without a pillow and forget nil your worries and cares. When this reBt period is over, put your make-up back on, comb your hair, dress and see If you don't feel like a new woman.

The credit structure of the U. S. is a disgraceful failure, our entire banking system does credit to a collection of Imbeciles. Senator William G. McAdoo of California.

YOU BET I TRY RINS0 of 40 tamoul warning machines recommend Rinio. Great for dishes, too, and for til cleaning. Wmdirfull) tti) in ktnUi. Get the BIG package. The blggtjit-ielling package loop in America spirit of the rule.


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