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Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JL i mine how fr the permission and iatrodoction of jForngn Sirtos. XT TOXJST, JT ROIrl. first Apri the bout No. 19 IL the bank, within ome door of tret. Inquirwof DAVID LOGAN- Feb.

26, 1830-2t whaj must bethought of big cotuuatfney, of his honesty, of bis Lraaess of purpose? That the General does not confine bis appoint meats to democrats, is manifested by reference to our Minister at St. Jamet, to oar Attomej General, and to the appointment offered to Mr. Tazewell. The appointments of prominent federalists many rnrgniarities that took plac on board the Blonde must be highly displeasing to the orthodox successor of tike Caliphs. It cannot be denied that if the steps taken to promote civilization are to be useful, it cannot be effected at the expense of morality and of their religious sentiments, which command reverence amon? every people not wholly "YUtaYmTgli GaxeUe." PERSONS indebted to na for aaboiption to the.

Pittsburgh Gazette, or advertising in it, previous to the ISth September last, are requested to make immediate pajment. Thone who cotrply with this notice promptly, will be charged the lowest rate stated in the terms of the paper, those who do not, will be compelled to pay at the drfer- fRlDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2t, 1530. pjuiTKaa Harvest. Governor Wolf has ap-Mwoted to office, in this Congressional District, no From tlie New York GazeltV. Feb.

19. LATEST FROM EUROPE. The packet ship Pacific has brought us oar regular fils of Liverpool and I.ondon paper? the former to the 16th. the latterto the Irrfh nit. fin HOMAS PERKINS is a candidate for tfa Jl of Ol ERSEER Ot THE POOR.

February 26 te. 1m than ail printers of newspapers: John M. have been before noticed. Ye will only add two I ne example of decorum and tem- fe.r Thomas Lawrence, President of the Royal' degeaeraled .1 T. 1, 1 11 Academy, expired on the 7th nit.

perayre sei ov iiie Europeans wouia unaouoreuiy rea rates. 1. M. floowden and Leonard S. Johns, in Allegheny farther instances of the President's disregard of roontr; Jamea Logan, in Beaver; James Stewart the old party distinctions: Cl-ARKE'S t)FFICE.

It is silted that France is endeavorin? to per- nive a influence on the minds ot the. ade the Yice-Rov of Eevplto assist Orientals, wheteas. the chances of temptation, and fcYBOQK iSD hive a favorable infiuence on the minds of the 3 I I 17 I I 1 tm-i n.4ifr in I SUUt' JOB PRIST 1XG continued MO.N C.NAL LOTTERY of Tennfjlva. nia, Class No. 4 lor 1530.

To be drawn on and Jutonce jreain, uuun auu reuericiw i i i i at the corner of Fourth and Wood -lren. me uaus-irsMun ui a idn cwnsftiaicu ui lung auu os as Usual die administration oi Joseph Mrtct observance, mint lead to consequences iniu-! Rahrer, in Armstrong. durio D. 31. MACLEAN.

Saturday, 6ih Msuh, 1830. 5-4 numlrer Lottetj- drawn ballots. SCHEME. Retd-ra. do von recollect the hubbub that was Heister, haS htely received on appointment as in the London Star to have been bled to the ex-1 to moralit) February 19, IJ30 w3t.

Adrianople was evacuated on the by the week. cf the giv- cf ih mid hy the Jackson party, because Mr. Clay had iveceiver ci r. uonc lionet ai asnmgten, me imy uuuces one changed six printers bv authority, throughout the state of Mississippi. Every person must re'" ''Uf o1 B-v i lsndon i ron has made its AN ORDINANCE appear-' Rus'ari tros, on receipt of the news in up of Giurgeo.

It is said that the up ot Uiurseo. It is said Uiat the 1 prize of 1 of 1 of 000 6.U00 2,500 1 prize of 1 of 1 of care Kussian $10,000 5.000 5.00 Fixing the place of hufJirg the several elections, Uentv-four statesf Do you recollect the long da- Itt how thorough-going a federalist James Dua- The Trade irith Xnrth Amrrira. Kmnn the headquarters will be, for the winter, at Bourgas 1,000 5 prizes of merchants and others counected with the trade Adrianople i- to he occupied by regular troops, un- 5 prizes of besides 300 200 100 SO 60 50 ried on between this country and No th America. der -lescl 1 acha. Uie 1'acha ot Scutari, witn iih the arrival of the President's Speech has created Albanians, being ordered by the Sdtan immedi- upecined by the General Assembly ol tnis Commonwealth, entitled, "An act for dividing the city of Pittsburgh into four wards, and providing for the chuice of judges of the general elections, and other purposes." Approved the day of December.

lrftiO. i LOTION 1 Be it ordained and more than usual interest; but a diversity of opinion atelyto return hooe. aooears to eiist. as to uhether anv slforr.iw.n nrill Count Alexis OrlofTaDd M. Butenieaf.

Russian bates in Congress, upon General Saunders' reso- can was; and no 1 ennsylvantan can lorget the UlioaT Do you know that Governor Wolf was buse that was heaped upon tiie Auditor ibn a member of ConSress, and voted for these General, because, as was alleged, he refused to 'TP-orations? Wht, then, do von think of bis re- illuminate at the lime of Teriv's victory, warding sii printers in one le Congressional HBrJ Baldwin has lately receivtHl the very best DwJrictF which the President wUl probably have in bis gift; and every pf ron in this district The Next Ce5sc. It seems probable that mas: recollect that his elections to Congress were ftnr the next census Representatives will be ap- 80 maay triumphs over the democratic party and poraoaed al the rate of one member to every the delegation svstem. Hr.ce he was elected om Tickets $3 000 1 Quarters $2 (0 Halves 4 000 Eighths 00 CT OrdtM from the countrv (Post Paid) etcU-sing cash or Prize ticket in former Lett 1 1 he promptly attended to, and the drawing sent soon as rect i ved. Cash advanced for prizes on presentation. AppK- to or address J- M.

-CLARKE, No 110 Market Street. February 2'. 2t. enacted by the citizens of Pitts- ommon Cotm- be made in the TarirT. which will" place the import CI'arge Affaires, arrived here to-day from Ro-into America of British manufactures ou a more I d50, on noard Turkish steamboat, favorable footing than at present.

The "Accounts from Smyrna say that M. de that some alteration will be made. beaupierre is nosv at Napoli, as well as the Presi-London Paper. Greece." The slatt of trade continues in most places to from and after nance, the cua- llried electors of the city of Pittsburgh be still greatly deputed, and presents some ano- A erman mail which arrived on Tuesday has shall vote within the bounds of their tespectie waras, as lol.ows, viz: ine eirciors ni iiie INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, THIRD STREET, between Wood North. Ward, at the bouse now occupied by Barnard Maguire, corner of Penn and St.

Clair M.Oi.VJ mal. Under tbi ratio, it is estimated that Ceceral Marks, now our Senator in Congress, and the whole number of repreoor.tative in Congress 0ver Samuel Dougiass, lately appointed At-snll increased from 213, the pre-ent number, mt)J General by our present Governo-. to 225 thus adding twelve additional nd Market. A situation as Clerk or Sales malous features, on which we ni-iy remark in onr brought the following advices from Wallachia: next. The market al HuJderstield has been una-' The earthquake which was fell in the night of the sually brisk: at Blackburn there are symptoms of 15th November in Odtssa, Jassy, Czernowitz, improvemtnt, and notwithstanding the frost which Hcrmanstadt.

Cronstadt. and many other places locked up the'canals, the sales have been consider-j in Transylvania, did considerable damage at Bu-able. The bank of Birch, Yates Co. in Staf-1 charest. A letter from that city, dated 4tb Decetn- streets.

The electors ot me est ara, at tne COXGRIiSS. Of these twelve, Ohio will probably be entitied to fir, perhapii: New York, Indiana, and probably lordshire. has stopped payment, but the business ber. savs, 113 houses, among which is that of had not been of a nature to afftct trade. the English Consul, have been rendered untenant- Bolto.s, Jan.

8. There is a vivble improve-j able by the effects of the earthquake. Fifteen Missouri, wviil each have aa increased Fthr-Mtry 17. In thd Senate, the preai Dart ineiii in u.c aiiiie in ii'iue tieie since our last no- Court House. The electors of the South Ward, at the house now occupied by Nicholas Grif-li'h, corner of Third and Wood streets.

The electors of the East Ward, at the hense now occupied by Christian Gleim, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. Ordained and enacted into a law. in Councils, the 22d day of February. A. 1.

1S10. ALEX. JOHNSTON, Jr. Pres't. Common Council.

Attest E. J. Roberts, Cl'k. Common Council. JAMES ROSS, Pres't.

Select Council. Sam'l. H. Scott. Clerk Select Council.

Feb. 2G, 1S30. 3t. cnurcnes are so rouun miured that thev cannot be used. appily bo persons perished, except a young woman, ho was killed by the fall of a ntore, near which she slept.

The town of Kim-pina. on the road to Cronstadt. has suffered in proportion moie than Bucharest; the new church and a large house were thrown down, and ail the other dwelling-houses have sustained great injury. The inhabitants of Bucharest fear the return" of this un, and several of the old states must we a repre- of the day was devoted to the consideration of Ex-enutit-e. How will Pennsylvania fare? ulvf business.

At the census she Had a population of: Inouse of Representatives the bill for the relief of those wno lost telatues the Hornet 1.04.1 The ratio is now 40,000. wl.ich gives was passed to a third reading. The judiciary Bill her twenty-six representatives and a fraction of was taken up, early in the day. and discussed till 9.45o. To giya her twentv-six representatives the hour of adjournmer.t.

I FciruantlS iiithe Senate. Mr. Havne report- ander the ratio ot she mnt have a popula-' r. ed, tee Committee on Naval Affairs, a bill tjon of 1 .300.000 souls that is, an increase, since i regulating the entire aaj providing for the com-1810, of "250 ,54 1. To form in opinion whether pensaii.n of Parsers in the Navy.

Mr. Hayne I i i i r- i 1- v. man, is anted on the 1st April, in this cily, or any other commercial place adjacent, hj a young nmn. now employed as salesman in country dry good store. He is well acquainted with mercantile business, write fair hand, has a perfect knowledge of book-keeping by double entry, peals both the English and German languages.

R. specting his character, the best of will be given by his present employer A seritlem'an of undoubted character and qualifications, wants a situation as Manager at Iron Works. Farms To Let and For Sale. Several girta want places as Housemaids. Apply at the above office, where persons of all occupations may hear of situations, and assistant procured for persons in business.

letters (pot paid) from a distance, on business, will be punctually attended to. J. WILLIA31S. February 19, 1530 4t Westmoreland Biirr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. tice, and good fancy weavers are in demand.

At Preston there has been an advance of 3d. per cut on tape checks; and work in that is in greater abundance. The American Minister had a long conference, on the 12th, with the Puke of Wellington, at the Treasury. A Duel h.isbeen ught ih Battersea fields, between an Irish gentleman, Mr. Oliver Clayton, and another gentleman from Limerick.

The dispute between the parties arose from the discussion of the Catholic question. Mr. Clayton was killed. Fifty houses were destroyed by fire at Sheer- nesg. Liverpool, Jan.

16. There has been very little news of any interest afloat this week. The announcement, in the dreadful natural phenomenon. Winter now reigns here in all its rigor. The thermometer is continu ally at 16 or 17 degrees below the freezing London Paprr.

m-itl ua U1B letter irom me oecreiury u. ujC to the Chairman of the Committee on Naval AN ORDINANCE will bs neccisarr to look back to ins the appointment of a Su- Providi From the Charleston City Gazette, Feb. 12. LATE FROM FRANCE. By the Bark Grecian.

Capt. Blanchard. from Affairs, covering a plan for a Navy Peace Establishment, add other papers connected with that subject; which were ordered to be punted. An act making appropriations for the Indian Department, for the year 1330, was read a third time and passed. The Senate was a short time engaged in Executive business.

On re-opening the doors, Mr. perintendant and Engineer of the Water Woiks CJECTION1. ttorifainafanii In 179f, th population of Penns'a svaa -134. S73 In 15f o2.54o InlflU. 510.II91 In ISit.

1.049.406 Being an increase. the and second canrnsei, of nearly 39 per between second Havre, sailed the 8th Jan. we have received files of the Journal du Havre, to the 7th ult. inclusive. r- 7 enucica vy ic iuuu m.

hi- Standard, of a change of administration, was, ac- cdrding to that veracious Journal, premature." The Duke of Wellington still directs the cabinet; but it is evident, from some recent movements in St I rom these, we gather no intelligence of import Foot's resulutioa relative to the Public Lands wis ctj assembled. That until the second nd third, about 6 and between third and fourtn. latie up Mr. Holmes spoke at considerable boit29J thus nhowing that the rata of increase 1 length, till, on motion of Mr. Webster, th3 Senate ance, except that the indisposition of Mademoiselle Chapuis.

suspended for a day the second representation of the ballet of Marie Mignot. The Vrtt" tiBs nf Smrintnripnt of the Water Works shall be performed by the present Engineer; and that on the said second Tuesday in January, and annually thereafter, at the usual time of elect- On Loyalhanna Creek, about 8 miifj from Grtcns burgh, and 3 miles from New Alexandria. THE proprietors, grateful for the flattering encouragement they have received, inform' their friends and the public, that they have lately received, and are receiving, a large supply of FRENCH BURR BLOCKS, from the Cities of New York and Baltimore, pur chased fiom the importers, and selected by Isaac Munson with great care. Those giving orders for MILL STONES, are requested to be very particular to state whether they are wanted fbr flouring alone, or for all kinds of grain. I.

M. who principally conducts the fac tory, having served a regular apprenticeship to the business, and who is himself an experienced Mil. ler, is well awaie of the great importance that tlm stone should be made in the most perfect and faith ng the Mayor and other city omcers, the belect and Common Councils shall elect a suitable per between tha second and third censuses waj five adjourned. otl (. In the House of Representatives, the resolution per cent, less than between tho first aid second, fn abotssninz tae ofnee of Dransman was tuither ais- and between he th-nl and founh.

four and one- cussed. The bill for the reliefofthe widows, bmlf per cnt. lesa than between the second and of the seamen lost in the ship Hornet, was passed. 1'iird. If this facing off in the rate of increase I The BiIi was taken UP Wik" j.

iffe's amendment, adding three Judges ot the aonttaaed from tha tour to tno a.lh census, the rrerae ourt, was rejected. increase from 1S20 to 1530 would be abont "25 February 19. In the Senate, an set making which would give a population in i approurictiona for certain fortifications for the year son as Superintendent and Engineer of the Water Works, who shall receive for his service's the high places, that considerable discontent ptevails in a certaio quarter. The ministers, it is said, find it necessary to restrain the inclination of thoir Royal Master, from what the Times calls baubles; and the restrictions which they wish to impose, have not beeti acceded to with the usual graciousness of majesty. Mr.

Vesey Fitzgerald quits office, in consequence of ill health, and rumors are abroad of some important changes. Cabinet dinners prevail, and at these entertainments are discussed matters more serious than the excellence of French cookery. The next session promises to be a stormy one. There appear? to be some difficulty respecting sum of nine hundred dollars, together with a house and fuel. And the said Superintendent and Engi nerves of Mademoiselle Montcassin also sufferd an attack which interrupted the progress of the same piece.

The year 1630 opens, says one of the Parisian Journals, before us, without giving satisfaction to France. The whole country claimed an alteration in the ministry, and manifests the utmost dissatisfaction with the acts, speeches and efforts of the present administers of state affairs, as so many flagrant hostilities against the requirements of the charter. The address to the King by the Piesi-dent of the Chainbei of Commerce is considered the more remarkable as it is the only one in which the chapter is pronounced. The Keeper appears, in his speech, to have named the words, public liberty, only to stigmatize them. neer, before enteiingon his duties, shall give bond and security, to be approved by the Mayor, in the o.i oi nM aa e.l sev apin.

ana uisuijcT ua i-cnam i public I Js for the encouragement of the cultiva of with a fracti.m of 17 so sum ot hve thousand dollars, conditioned lor the faithful performance of the duties of his office. tion cf Vi'ie aud; and an actio amend ful manner: shall therefore use alt his skill in ful Section" Z. lie it further ordained and enacted. thst if the tale of incrcso continued to fall off from 1829 to as it had done during the three the appointment of Prince Leopold to the throne of That the Water Committee shall annually, on the Grepce. II the continental powers consent, it ts questionable whetherthe I reeks themselves would first Monday in May, furnish the Superintendent with a list of those persons who are supplied With water, specifying the sums they are respectively bound to pay; and the Said Superintendent is here accept a ruler appointed by strangers.

It would, certainlv, for their advantage, as tranquillity LIST, an act entitled ti act for 'he of certain surviving oriic-r-i soldiers ofu? American Army of the RevGiu'ica; an act to amend an act entitled an act to fjr paying to the State of Illinois three per cf the nett proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands within the same; and an act for the relief of Ezra Thurbur and the legal representatives of (iideon Kinjr, were severally passed. After further debate upon Mr. Foot's resolution relative to the Public Lands, the Senate adjourned ti'l Monday. In the Houe of Representatives an order was would, probably, be the consequence; and peace filling the engagements of the firm, as no Mono will lie delivered unless WARRANTED; and presume they can furnish them at a lower pric than they can be bought east of the mountains. ISAAC MUNSON.

at the Factory: JAMES BRADY. Greensburgh. GEO. COCHRAN, ofRd. 1 Agent, Who has a supply now on hand, and they will constantly be kept for sale.

October 16 Gmo. prior periods, we will still be entitled to our present number of When, however, it is recollected, that from 1S12 to 1515 were years ef wir, and from 1515 to 1320 years of difficulty nd-iembarravirnent, and dial the last five years, from 1325 to ISO1), have been years of great we may, pe.haps, confidently calculate that -oar population increased Rt a more rapid rate is neressarv to teach tliem the value of good eo- i Vfi. 1 6 by empowered and directed to collect, recover, and pay over the same weekly to the City Treasurer; and in case any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to pay the Water Rent, on or before the first day of July in each year, after having been called on by the Superintendent, or some person duly authorized by him for that purpose, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to add to the rent Agreed on, ten per and to have suit vernnieui. ne i jince, uuw ever, is reporteu, lias declined the honor intended for him, and prefers the case of an English agriculturist, to the dangerous elevation of a Greek throne. The French legislature do not meet till the 2d of March; and hile some see in this a proof of Prince Polignac's confidence, the liberals prog- nosticatfl fM saeedv TWfyf-- ARRIVKD.

Febranry 23, Pennslvania Reindeer. Virginia. 24, Monongabela. 4. Mountaineer.

Huntsman. 25, Citizen. DEPARTtD. February 22, Talisman. 23, Niagara.

Delaware. Packet: 24, Reindeer. Erie. Messenger. 2o, Monongahela.

Mountaineer. Shamrock adopted for making an attetcpt to improve the Hail, in order to remedy the dlincu'ty in hearing. Mr. Hemphill reported bills, authorizing subscriptions to the Stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Roa-i CPaDy, ani tfc3iqK ot Tae S. Coroilaa Canal and Rait Road Company.

Several private bills were passed; and the bill for the relief of Susan Decatur, and others, was discussed until tSie Journal. Vnng the Ia-t ten years than during the tea pre-ionj and that it now amounts to 1.350,090 souls, which, will entitle us to twenty -seven represents-tiwajfj-- Another question ulo which will be interesting td the. citizens of Allegheny county: Will the population of the county be sufficient to entitle ul to a representative? la 1300, the pobnlation of Allecheny was 15,087 THIS institution, under the direction of Mr, arid Mrs. Quinan, is delightfully situatedin Allegheny and, as a proof of the healthiness of the place; there has not been, since its commencement, a single instance of serious indisposition. The outfit required with each pupil is, a maU tress, a bolster, two pair of sheets and bolster cases, with sufficient other covering suitable the season, towels, brushes, combs, and with respect to wardrobe, the selection to be made rather We understand that the Senate have rejected.

towing is from the Journal des Debats: The Emperor of Austria seems anxious in these times of peace, to provide himself with the means of war, for he has not long since contracted a new loan of 3G millions of livres. Maria Louisa has completely recovered; but her son, the Duke of Reichstadt, is far from being a free agent. His movements are watched with a jealous suspicion. The winter is felt in Germany in all its rigor. he Rhine is almost wholly frozen.

The King of Spain stilt contemplates the subjugation of Mexico. His ministers are divided in opinion respecting the means, and well they may. Jan. 15. bv a vote of 34 to 11, the norainmion of instituted before the 3layor, or some oue of the Aldermen for the same, together with the said penalty, and all costs attending the recovery of the same.

Section 3. And, be it farther ordaine'i ani enacted, That so much of any ordinance as is hereby altered or supplied, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law, in Councils, the 22d day of February. A. D.

1S30. ALEX. JOHNSTQN, Jr. Pres't. Common Council.

Attest E. J. Roberts, Clerk Common Council. JAMES ROSS, Pres't. Select Council.

Sam'l. II. Scott, Cl'k. Select Council. Feb 26, 1830.

3t Williams, to be Collector at New Bedford, Massachusetts. This is the situation, it will be recollected, from which the worthy Russel Freeman was dismissed by Gen. Jacksor. Nat. JournoL with a view to plainness than otherwise; but it la recommended to consult the principals on this sub ject, as uniformity in style of dressing is necessary 5arrfru, By the Rev.

C. B. Maguire, onihe 23d inst. Sir to preserve harmony amongst the pupils. TERMS YEARLY, to be paid half yearly in Joseph Robinson, to Miss Eliza Phillips, both of The contents of No.

XII cf the Ame this city. The answer from the Russian Cabinet respecting the elevation of Prince Leopold to the Sovereignty of Greece is asserted to have arrived, and to bo of an ccaslvt nature. The Grepk navy advance. English Tuition and Board. $1 120,00 The French Language, Drawing, or On Tuesday momins, bv the Rev.

J. H. Hop Ii lcl'l, 25,317 In 1SA, 34,921 That is, in the first period often years, tbe increase was above. CS per and in the second period, nearly 38 per cent. The first period was, in this part of the country, generally a period of prosperity, ano cor rate of increase was very great.

Of the second period, five years, at least, were years of difficulty and embarrassment, and the rate of iticresse was diminished below what it previons-lr hid been, or has boen since 1S20. Taking the m-hcie period, from 1500 to the increase was at the rate of 106 p-r cent, for the whole twenty years; so that the average increase for ten years would be about 53 per ce nt. If the increase daring kins, Lliakim Lwy. r.o. merchant of this place.

to Miss Eleonoru Adeline Clopper, formerly of Dancing, each, 10,00. Mu-ic, 20 00- cost 193,000 Spanish dollars (near 50,000) since Philadelphia. No pupil will be received over fourteen jcars oi 1323. Pirates again infect the Archipelago. Some piratical vessels, fitted out by the Turks in Candia.

rican Quarterly Review are printed, and consist of articles with the fnllowiiisr l. The Love-? of the 2. Russia and TurAev; Mahommedan History; 4. Texas; Court of the United States; 6. The Empire; 7.

Anti-Masonry; 8. Ofcmda; 9. Music and Musicians of Europe; 10. Life of Summer-field. The numb'T will be delivered at the regular period.

Gaz. ape. or for a less period of time than a year, unless bv special agreement. have plundered a Spanish merchantman, and mas- IXFANT her crew meeting of the members of the Infant School Physician's and Dentist's bills, washing, and Lift. Association will be held at the school room.

other im-ioeulal charges, at the expense of the PROSPECTUS FOR PUBLISHING A WEEKLY XEWSPAPr.K, IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH, ENTITLKD, THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURER. 4MO.GSTlhe diversified avocations of man. there is, perhaps, none which involves gieat er responsibilities, and is attended with more uncertainty of success, than the conducting of a public Journal. That the responsibilities are great, the influence of the Press clearly establishes. From tie Ijndon Courier of 4fA January.

in St. Clair Street, THIS EVENING, at" o'clock. Pupils. No deduction made for ahj time a Pupil may be absent. Oct.

20 -M'. It will be seen that Constantinople, which so lately trembled at the approach of a victorious eue- General attendance is renuested. LUKE LOOMIS, Sec v. Febiuary Co. If 30.

th last years has been at this rite, our popu mv, is nw the scene of splendid and peaceful re- lation must now be about 53,400. Php Hrrnimt rvf th Frcnul. im.ijinp When it is recollected, that from 1820 to the THE PROTECTION INSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CON.NKCTICUT. lie Slop UumfllciJ, Harvf-V, in the Short ectertainment, as contrasted with that lately riv- That it is attended with uncertainty, the fluctuation pSSlffe of 26 davs fiom to the cn on bourd tbe British frigate, is.

if entitled to NSUltE against loss and d-imagc by Fire or all Stone, Brick or Frame Buildings, together of public opinion as clearly demonstrates. The editor, in takin this Potent Lever into his han Is, arrived at Annapolis yesterday (a.l,d we le.e 00 10 exceed- 1 i inrrli' riiriui I ho narrr.trtr anoon itaj r.rv. with a full view of the above considerations, has Captain H. reached town yesterday after bable ellMts ot attempts to introduce Luronean done it voluntarily. Fair and honoiable princi CLEaJt AND SALESMAN.

WANTS a xituation in a Store or Counting House, a young man from the country, who can be well reconimeuded, writes a good hand, and has been generally conversant with business, would accept of a clerkship in a Steam Boat, or take charge ofa Country Store, either as principal or assistant. For farther information, apply to A. WAY JL Co. February 06, 1330 3tw. Pittsburgh.

uSagos among the grave and orthodox followers of pies shall be faiily and honorably advocated ind present yer has been a period of constant prosperity, we think it will be adm itted that our increase cannot have been much short of this estimate. Admitting, however, that the rate of increase fiom 1-320 was only 4 per that Is, 24 per cent: less than from 1300 to 1510, 'still our population mot now amount to 50,230. It only requires an increase of 15,079 from 1320, to make our population and we have no doubt that by fair and honorable principles, he understands the Prophet; and, upon the whole, leans to the opinion, that the etiquette adopted by the French Ambassador at the Hotel of the Legation, was noon, but did not bring up bis newspapers. Flour at Cadiz, on the 14th January; was selling at 7 25. Capt Harvey sfntes, that nn the 14th January, TEX PIRATES, Frenchmen thoe which are strtcJly Republican.

No personal abuse shall be admitted into the columns of the American Manufacturer; but bad principles and more judicious than the unrestrained intercourse of the less formal entertainment on boardthe Blonde: bad measures shall be fearlessly reprobated, and there is a sly insinuation of mischievous consequeu and Spaniards, were EXECUTED at Ca- their advocates may apply the arguments as suits ces fiom the slips taken upon the last named oc LOOK HERE. themselves. In exposing and defeating bad prill fnore than two-third of the required number have Jj they having captured the lung miss- casion. loes our solemn brother indulge in the with the Goods. Wares.

Merchandise, Machino-ry, Engines and Furniture.confained in them. Also on all Steam. Keel or Flat Boats that navigate the western waters and on their cargoes. The subscriber haying been appointed surveyor for that office is ready to make surveys of any of. the above described property or vessels within the city or vicinity and forward the surveys to th Agency at Cincinnati Ohio.where Policies will b4 executed.

Applv at No. 99. Market Street. CHARLES PLUMB, Pittsburgh. September 14.1829 w5mo.

TO CAPITALISTS ANI) fHHE subscribers offer for sale a large Mann facturing Establishment on the Ohio river, adjoining the upper end of the town of Wheeling, consisting cf a loundry 70 feet by 90 feet with two Furnaces; together with oil uecessary fix occidental enormity ofa pun? A LOT of land for sale, from three to six or X- eight acres, half a mile east of Hay a' Tavern, on the old Washington road. For terms, apply to the subscriber liin on tbe premises. JAMES C. ALEXANDER. Feb.

2G. 1S30. 3t uen aooea to tne city oi rutsmirgn, ana iu sun-, l0 Slllp Topaz, orjioaton, and murdered arfci and oeigiiboriug villages. every soul on board Of this horrid deed they made a full con fqssion besides enor- Great cfForts are now making, by some of the mitira equally great were coarrut'ed up-organ of the Jackson party, to prove that the pre- on an Enrjlih vessel, which they also con Constantinople, Nov. 27.

"On the 22d inst. Count Guilleminot celebrated the Saint day of the King of France by a grand ball and supper in the Hotel of the Legation, which ciples and measures, their supporters must necessarily share the same fate: but any thing calculated to add pungency to the anguish of an honest heart, or invade the sanctity of domestic privacy, shall be seduouslv avoided. In favor of the persecuted he will heartil interpose, and to the victims of illiberality he will lend his feeble assistance: to proscription, persecution, end intolerance, he has said. Here thou shall not find a resting place. Aud to Aristocracy he has declaredI am thv enemy.

The editor considers was splendidly illuminated. The entertainment was in every respect brilliant, and the difference between this and the celebrated ftte on board the Blonde was so remarkable that it must not be passed over in silence. The Turkish great men, Min "TUMBERS drawn for determining the Prizes 11 in the Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 3, for 1S30. a man's public character as public property, and on this alone will he dare to levy.

He will de- lo, 35 12, 10, 11. tures also a very large assortment of patterns of void much ot his attention to tne instruction ot anDrovd description for Steam Eneine. sent administration of the general government is fesscd The Captain tf the pirate ves-eiciosively democratic, and that none hut demo-j sel was in confinement at Gibraltar, and Tats partake of iu bounty. These efforts are in 1 an En2lish had proceeded to bling U'tm-elvts preposterous and absurd, and if they him to Cadiz fc: trial. Capf.

H. stales proved successful, the only certain result would be' that a more daring and hardened set of tne der-iditioii of General Jackson in the estima-1 villians never appeared inhuman form, ti everv- man of reflection and principle. and that they met their fate with the greaf-fruMr it be niore creditable to any man to ft indifference. Bait. Patriot, Feb.

1 7. be the President of the nation than tha head of a party. The ambitious, the greedy, and the hun- Nor-1 ExliihUioh. From the novelty of the fol-fry seekers of loaves and fishes, may prefer con- ene, I am not able to determine whether i it would be properly termed a hoax or a reality. Pnzes principles which gave nse to our Sl1M, nnnv, wrvmihri.miil in the sold at the Managers' Omce.Pittsbuigh.

jn ion Canal Lottery. Class No 3 for 1830. Wlu-refo, ms 11, 12, 16, a pr.ze of $1,000: sold J(J exan refore, good old examples, Union to good old maxims, and Hrk Wfirk-shoo. 52 feet wide and 130 feet isters and guests, were not mixed with the European ladies as on board the frigate. They kept in a room by themselves, and theie conversed with the Ambassadors and Ministers: sometimes one or another went alone into the drawing room to se the dancing; their attendants were wholly separated from them; a room was set apart fbr smoking.

No Mussulman took part in the bull except Aconi Bey, Aid de Camp to the Sultan, who danced a cotillion in European shoes. When supper was Numbei he will be obliged to have fro- storiefl hin containing droms and lathes- littsburgh. ouent reference. American Manufactures, Agri-i 3i rpm.i red for the Numbers 10, 18, 47, a prize ol ios. imnroVpmeiit.

will find in 7. A largest di- 11 1.1 1.J 1 b'L IA I lllin m. fi, i Pww an unwavering advocate, lhe localculahle whole nronelled b'va firatratc irteam Numbers 1, lb. prjze ot tTpa.Zrah advantages and vast resources of the west shall re- enineof4(J horse power; which raises a very large. 1 lu apucui reive sDecial attention, ana a lair development.

r. ti.m .1,. n. me majority oi me people srangej passing thrdugh one of bur western ri- In a word, the editor (claiming no exemptiou from were conducted by the European A mbassadors to rnnk- ver trvns, in Ohio, in the character ofa musician, luutfueror, ana tne purjnc unices into tne lilt; lauic y. 1 1 1 isvuny icjaivu -vr- an nlai-pd -a Fnrniip.Tti Minwtpr was aeated A v.

irJ me comiiiiMi ui iiumaui; -1'hev wll sell trie wiioie. or sucn part oi mat vatu- AgeiU for the Managers, No- b. ood street, of his duties ith the conviCiion that 1 ahIe of adjoJmng the buildines as may' epoils of a victor, but every worthy man will deprecate such a result. Eterv nsiriotic citizen will -ininnitlhroii or liuir TiiiL a anrl un intriiri-ter The Pittsburgh. offered to exhibit to the citizens his wonderful powers at what he termed Cat Harmo.Vy, (not pan harinooicon.) His handbills attracted universal attention; young and old flocked to hear his innocent rer.Vriuance.

without distinction of cha laitiue tinL thjlr sprite nil tntrlhAr in tll l-pntrP of I -v -t his are ood at Ieast' an1 a be desired, the whole comprising about 120 or I3flf bruray Jj, I can Journalist, he will fearlessly and independent- acres g0 0 acres of which contains a fitratunv Iv vinilir.ltp the riirhta nf man. nol frf.m fimr the table. No Turk wasasked to drink wineA when a toast was proposed to the health of 11151)1 -j ui fficeiiiii piuiic -uui reiru 1 Lf ML.ill Tlie editor will labor to render, his paper de- thic. supplying the works at one cent per serving of public patronage, lhe nrst uumoer tw0 r.rjcil houses of three stories each, one two' Sovereigns, on which every one arose, sherbet was ry QAI I ERY OF THE FINE ARTS. I mari-tlflh I I I 1 i ui auitrai on caiumay srr.rv an a ii ame ware-iiouse.

a inrre isarn. iinrf etonre perceive the difference between such a distributer of ppoils as some men wish to make hf General Jackson, and such 6. faithful trustee of thepublic interestss Wds Washington. Suppose, however, that the Noahs and the Duff Greens of the coontry should prove that General Jackson Confines his appointments to democrats, and that federalists are proscribed under his administration, hm will be the effect upon his fame? The Mahometan guests Beker r.ltir. puuscnoe.

TERMS. Two dollars in advance, or throe frarne houie for the accommodation of work racter or profession. All was ready all hearts palpitalaJ all eyes were open anticipation was on tiptoe the curtain rose at the ringing of the bell and what do you think was to be seen? Sixteen holes through a board, with as many cats' heads sticking through, and a chap behind the scene that pinched the cats' tails. You may well imagine what was the sourid, for the variety was hands. Agar, Caliwedshi Baschi (a JL to tne ano -f -d a advtiaca.

tan's Guard) his two Awni and and to the visiters ot the Museum generally. that COXWA This monertv beirie bounded on th Obln rlv Ahm.H Rav 't th rhnhprlains.) he has made an arrangement wun air.n. reter, Feb. 26, nearly three-fourths of a mile, affords depth of wa-' lie oufiaii iiaimnTi iaiun I Cf'. the Sernskier, Dewlet Naziri, the Captain Pacha, i jr.

tor the aenverv o. ur. ter at all times sufficient to sustain steam boats," which can be built or repaired within fifty yards of i Naum Pacha, the Kopvr Baschi. (General of Ar-. on t.nemis.ry io nersort iridebted to the estate of the late made up of kittens and old cats The iellow sue- tillery) the Reis Effend'i, with his Private Secre- the first lecture of which will be given A LI I I.

trypan must recollect his declaration, that ceecied in collectinff some sixty or seventy dollars, ames IhornDurg. r.sq. aie re.iut-sicu iu uuvi-. tary, the Mokludech. (Secretary ot the Urana 1- Ii .1 -1 n.mci those who have Aonlication bv letter.

application Dy letter, oypiperwise. to either of but did not wait to bid the audience good by, or thank them for their liberality. Ohio Paper. promptly aKemh-d to. zier) the Chief of his office, and the Terchnifal- ILT me wwri ci we.f vj k-; to thi subscribers will be" rniti r.hf C.r0monieS.

Water, and the properties of its constituent tlemens; claims again-t said etate are called upon to pre- the fuMcnoen win pe sent them, dulv authenticated for settlement, on or If not sold by the first of April, tin; proper-before the loth March, 1330. at the house of Al- tv will be rented for a term of vears. ji miiv M.rt ITCV party spirit was a bubble," and his recommendation to Mr. Monroe to crush the monster;" ad every man must also recollect the applause was bestowed upon his magnanimous ad-VM. If the General now forgers the principles be formerly inculra'ed, and becomes the iner prtv disprrser of rewards and punishments.

xnrtfr aiarsnaii. W.iuiu", 1 nu. Timua ntr.nTT i JAMES H. FORSYTlt. The entertainment will now soon take place in the course 1 of which many brhiiaxt and is which the Sultan is preparing to give to the Euro- tebmtiAPLKIWLK will be shown, pean Ministers, in the grand hall of the Divah in ADMITTA.CE as usiii al 25cents.

in the Arsenal. According to all appearance the JAMES R. LAMBDIN. Sultan himsplf will be present to witness the diver-, Founder and Tropin ttr. sions and Europenri custom, and then to deter- Friday, February 23.

130. Most of the banks of this city have resolved to receive and pay Spanish quarters of doliars at 24 cents each. The real value, according to the statement of the director of the miot, is only cents. I. Mcr.

Adv. THOMAS WtX)DS Pec.mbcr -3Q. 1 3it ELI SUA CHAKIFS. lX 73 Feb 26. 1S30.

3t 1 nr.

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