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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 35

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY DahlanU Crifiune JUNE 3. 1923 IMountjoy-Bowie 'SGHODL FUND LEE BREArV ACTIVITIES AMONG NEGROES raciub UMChax Girls' Service Association to Hold Meeting BV DhLILAH Nuptials Held In Berkeley FLOODS ABES 1 APPDHTIDfJED yearsefor congress from the Harlem dls-elor's degree of music. Research In This correspondent two ago wrnta In this column a eerles of articles on the part colored werrren played In winning suffrage. The articles Included something about the educational advantages Like mother, like on" la ie new proverb which originated In "MCID JT5rro, June I. The second All Souls' K.plseirpal ehijT.hyfc Berkeley h- scene of trlct.

Harris formerly was alder- the science already well under man, from the twenty-first asaom- bly district of New York way th egt development HAHY 111 be ln field Of art. Jutlui In February Ltean illiam Pick- Itosenwald, who haa Just made a ens. field secretory for the National (,00 conu.jorial git, t0 ri(, Association for the Advancement of Colored People, rame to Loe An-, ln ln 1,8 Present deielop-gelea from New York and opened Iment that he la taking a special car and last apportionment of county and district tax money to Stams- Ml Loe last week. When young; Sydney M. Williams rlnge of Nriif i Mr.

verelty of ft tri everilnc a hirt'el niiml r. H'i' Inns coiirity seliools has be. made, according A. CI. Kltnore; super-i intendent of county The amount opportmned Is MARTINET.

June Ten large ranches and a number of smaller onea are Inundated totlav as the result of a break ln a levee half a mile east of the- Antiocn sccdrdine to the office here. The Pan Joaquin flooded oid river bottom as fn' east as Iron House s'ough. It tint be necessarv to repair the broken levee und pump out the water fr un the flooded area which is bcio-w water level. of friends from Chicago to see Flak. Kvcry member of the hoard of trus of the 21 Negro States congressmen, and the two L'nited States Negro senators.

Recently a Negro politlcan. Oscar rt-l'riet, of Chicago, was nominated to Hpxeent the first congressional district of Chicago. Immediately with the announcement of is nomination, the Chicatro Defender published an entire page eontalnlng the pictures of the 21 riant ara belr fTmula'M It tha directors of the Kaelhay Girls Service association fir the sntiutil meeting of the entire rnembfrjh'P for June 11 at the street home. The final report Pf the nominating Kill tie heard at thin jmeetlnsr followed by the elertion of officer. The committees Includes: Mn.

Ci VV Whitney, chnlr-man, Mini 'Mary rami hell, Mra. 31 (if tins sum high rerelve l79.r.."!i.3n, ele-tiieritary e' hools, 1 1 Z. and tees, headed hy Paul I. C'ravath the Los Anceles branch baby contest with a lecture on Llnctdn and Fred Uouglas. According to the national office of the N.

A. A. C. P. the prize winning babies ln the contest Just closed have been or of New York, la expected to be wit "lookinc round for a career he did not rhooee to follow In his fnthere footsteps.

And his mother. Mrs. Williams, did not In fact she gave her mim e-. cry in realizing his ambition. For she ie an attorney and it was upon her motion that her eon was admitted recently to practice before the frilled States courts in this witnessing the rending of tyujjj).

The was titr. sister. -Miss I.ucile Moimtjov. atel the Misses try Nell '-r -t. Ine Mount toy.

liilna und Irene T't; lor as bridesmaid. Mrs. Tiowln Is the di'ighter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Moui.tjoy of present, Alumni of FlsVt are organizing ttm i Vifr.r nit r.

ganized into "Pickens Baby Fra baby I try. About 4i clubs in more than ternity, Chapter No. 1" with 1-sVeero tutted States congressmen. the Junior collega receives IJ5.S7s.53, tf the county tag total, the elementary echoois r'M' II no. 277, and the high schools 3(t.

Thejur.lor college money i raisetl by a special district tag. In adih-tion, special elt-mt-nf ary niiwi rb t.iX money totalling 2.24 and special hith school tax money totalling 1 1 it, 1 ilJ are in-cludedn lid ai fradtia't and the two l'nited -Watea Negro senators, a of their names, the they represented, and the length of their term in congress. It also gave a short sketch pifis bearing the A. A. C.

P. seal for who brought In the highest amount during the contest, proceeds of which are now reported at have been made officers as follows. Maryland I ho cane is tne nral or Its kinnlfna, r' In Southern California and federal 1( i rifcrtne l. 20 states are organized solidly to the support of their alma mater. Iir.

tieorea L'. Haytifn, '03. of the Federal Council of Churches. New York City, is on the alumni day program for an address. James 1.

of the Victory Life-Insur'v f.i 'it'i'n Modesto Girl Wins Music Scholarship MOrK.TO, June 1. Miss P'r-nthv Shirley. 17. senior sMidrnt of the High school, has been awarded a scholarship la the national high hoo! orchestra rump court attaches there cannot re-iticmber a similar case anywhere. of the education ot.che two Negro er ilerer ein'T--her associated She received h'T ma )th the rl.ies of 'it.

junior year ha In'' twp most ranees Williams, president; Leole I Ann Beavers, vice-president, Kay- senators, together with remarkable articles. The Jin. hess of Athol of Blair depar' yieiit. in lth 'tie linden rv.srle tnetViber t.f i tme'waa a reprint of the last ance company, Chicago, also will be a speaker. I The "Negro In Art" exhibit prom be has been ca pat it itm.K Uh.

1 v-trlous P. lluffiran, Mrs. K4rr--4 afuers-enamn and Mri. J. V.

To'trle. The Kastbav CI: lr' Service im-datlon has a membership of close to one hundred, all representing various philanthropic, and rlub circles of the district, hand'd together to aupply to the community aa Mp-tu-dnte hour'llnir club for w.orklna; Rlrli who are In need a. ronrenlul, homelike pinre: i'i which "to live, with a trained house, tliother who umleretaml not only the physical the revreqUonul iieeda of J-imng juris. address delivered 27 years. ago by the late George H.

White In con ises to he one of the outstanding I features of the commencement. The I at Ittivis for Hi" p.tst two years, i Mr. Is supervising engineer In chaTt'c t.f the l-ramiscti eta-itlon of the Vnitt'l States the appointment of secretary of education and recently vbtlted this country to learn more about our school particularly the of the final concert of th ntid In widely known a hi.i. i t.r Mines. Mozart, society more thai 100 voices lias been et for June to give out-of-town guests an oppor mond Murry Mathews, secretary; Nancy Jiianch Jtulcli, treasurer; Arthur 11.

Ilrownlng sergeantr jat-arms. The baby members of Pickens Frwernity to-jKether oncei a year." Any bahy can I'liiallfy for tjhe fraternity" by rais-jlng $... Many -mot liens are eager to have their children enroll. AIMS TOIJl. The'dairv Palo Alto Times recently contained a lengthy nccount of an address delivered hy Stanford Cnlversily's only Negro till-dent, K.

llara linlf.r, who is gress. Jle the last Negro mem-her of that body representing North Carolina. The other was a finely written story giving" an ac-count of an Interview by Evangeline Itoberts with the lust surviving Negro United States eongress-men. In this Interview Mijor John It. Lynch, gives hie views on the kind of a congressman the race needs rtt jthla time.

His state Council Orders Ban On Cemetery Burials ft VSVfU.i;. June city cenieterr otif when the, fi'y was fouii'led, will souti he cb.seil to ftirth burials, xeept Ing those having sp.eue.jiii ffimily plots. Ttiitt tieeision His r'-i'hed lv the lily tuutiiii lllien was pointed out. -that it is now almost impossible a new I'lltvt Jthf.llt lllieartliing lioiies of botlps bur.ed many jears auo. It has estimatt-d tilt re are between ami 1 yet to inaugurate Lin Kniand.

petroleum ta. Kdiicate,) for muaic. and having nal ion; lie Has cwrrlhuted many cortiposc) musical aetiinus for the ar'tcl-s to teehnieal macaines and fhtldren'a poems of ltobert liuia writn-n-government bullt tlns. the Iturhess has given Mr. Ilownrd was the best herseit whole-heartedly to the i man the bridegroom, nnd the work called for by this government ushers 'Mvrnn Mountjov.

Melvin The rluVs plan la patterned after tunity to hear the organization. l.l COWF.VI'IOV Mrs. F. -t her Jonea Lee has issued her annual call as president of the California. Slate Federation of Colored Women's Clubs to meet in convention June 2 to 23 ln Cal tnat of the Mills' l.c..cije of Amer lea In Now York fitv.

Miss Minnl SnTiIh the resident secretary and ments will he of particular Interest position. 'denying herself all social lioodberlet. Itot.erl ai.i.oii aim Allen Walker. aiannirer. taking graduate work ln education.

He was granted a leave of ab On the advisory council of th llerkelev will he the future Home association are Mrs. Florence of the bridal couple upon their re life, aa the house of commons holds sessions at night and her week-ends she passes visiting athools and keeping in touch with educational mill bodies. A Tiew et-mcfery has lain laid out f.x mileii euuth of the city. Ill and Mrs. J.

U. Kearne of turn from their honeymoon. Alameda; Ir. AurelU Ilif ry Hi of Mill ColleKe. Judfce Indiana Society in Antioch Postoffice C.

itoblnaon, A. 8. Lavensnn, Mn. J. (leorire Short, the Iter, Session Elects Chief Location Favored Fhlree, the Itev.

Jtnlph Wad. MODESTO. June I At the an ell and Mra. Kittle Flatter. Jnterloc.hern.

alter ncic Judged the most competent cornet-Ust and siKhJ render in all bands at the recent high school band clmm-Plonships held at JolistT 111. Redwood City C. C. To'Hear Charter Plan r.nnwonn city. June now a charter form of government la formed and how it functions will ha explained bv Attorney fcdwurd K.

Tavlor, fromerly a member of tins Hoard of Freeholders of Alameda county, ot a dinner meeting fur tha local chamber of commerce ln Hotel Sequoia Monday "evening, commencing at o'clock. President lilmore It. Ulnman will preside. Gridley Girl to Marry Stocktonian I T. June 2 Mls Frances Rumhall, daughter of Mrs.

Emma Ilumball of Orldley, and Howard A. Williamson of Stockton, will be married at a ceremony be performed at the Kumball noma on Sunday, June 10. Tha ceremony trUI be performed by Kev- Jt. II. WHllamson la located In huMness In Stockton, while Maw Rumhall has been a teacher at the Hazelbuecli district school for two years.

TO ORtiAMZF. Jill! CORPS. TRAi'Y. June 2 The Jamea McOerniott post. American Legion, will have a drum corps.

Sixteen have been ordered. The members nee planning t-houa and dances to raise funds to purutiase equipment. nual outing of the Indiana society The board of directors durln the taat year has Included Mra. F. I have at last Invaded the acred halls of the men's clubs, ac.

cording to recent dispatches from London. The serious financial plight In which many old established London clubs find themselves la responsible In aome cases for the revolutionary change the admittance of women members. The difficulties of the cluhs, ac comprising former residents or in-tils ns. held here this week, J. Zturckhalter, president; Mrs.

O. of Patterson was named Dean. Tlce-prealdent; Mra. Sidney ehnlrman of the next meeting of to Oaklunders and Californians because he was retired from the ulled States army In Oakland attei having eerved for-a number of years aa paymaster. After hla retirement he wrote his history of the reconstruction period In Oakland.

LYNCH SPEAKS. Major Lynch, aa a former congressman, saya that "we need a man In congress who will have the courage to attack not only his political opponents, but those In hla own party who fail to fight unfair legislation directed toward pedple of color, who helped to elect them, lie should use every effort to force the hand of the man who saya he Is our friend while seeking support, but maneuvers the opposite way when vital Issues como up. A.rec-ord of such action would be valuable Information to votera of their districts. Brilliant oratory la not half as necessary as the Intelligence to hold hla own in the Important committees whose measures are really put through. That will re-iiuire courage and above all In Js'ewaom, secretary; Mra.

K. the society. J. II. Noble was named Goodall, Berkeley, treasurer; and ANTIOCH, June 2.

O. E. Klengle has been notified that hi offer to house the local postoffice has been tentatively accepted. Jle will go to Waahtnxton for a final approval. The department haa been seeking a new location for several months, requiring a space approximately of 2nou square feet.

Another bid was made hy the Antioch; Masonic Hall Association, will, h' of fired a room In the Masonic building. Klengle will erect a one-story hr.l.-k building adjoining hat oc vice-president, and J. F. Ferguson secretary and treasurer. director chairmen of commit vary llapfist churrh, San IJIego.

Tiiis will be an Important convention since the national biennial cone vention of the N. A. of Colored Women will convene the latter part of July In Washington, I). at Which time the Jtouglass home caretaker's house will be dedicated and the national headquarters. Mrs.

Mary bethune. president of tho National Association of Colored Women, has appointed aa delegates to attend the Pan-l'aclflc conference In Hawaii: Mrs. Ksther Jones Lee. Mra. Ilettie B.

Tilghman, Mra. Lvdla Smith Ward and Mrs. Sadie Chandler Cole, all of California. It Is hoped that the San Francisco bay. cities will give Robert Ragnatr, director ct" branches N.

A. A. C. a hearty welcome when he visits thla district next week, l.os Angeles Negroes are leaving nothing undone, to make the forthcoming eighteenth annual spring conference of the National Asuocla-tlon for the Advancement of Oil-ore. 1 People the greatest in the history of the organization.

A big auditorium haa been obtulned for Ihe two mass meetings of The con-fen nee, while the new million Second liaptist church will be headquarters for the other sessions. cording to the lially Mall, are due lturing the outing short addresses tees: Mra. Helen Bwett Artteda, mainly to two faetora. first, the competition of the restaurants; were made hy State Hcnator A. Harrison, the liev.

Charles L. 1 Syl Mra. Pauline Bird, Mrs. F. L.

Huff man, Mrs. Arch Jiewsorn. Mrs V. Wright of Alameda, Dr. It.

l' secondly, members of the younger sort, are wont lo forsake sence for one year from the A. and M. college, Tallahassee, Florida, where he Is supervisor In the teacher's college. This address was delivered at the community luncheon of the l'alo Alto Chamber of Commerce. Lanier spoke on the American Negro, who, he said, la not Interested In social equality, but In social equity the right and opportunity to earn his living, to enjoy his rights In courts of law, to establish himself and make hla contribution to American civilization without bias.

Iinier explained that the World War marked the turning point ln the development of the Negrn Into the new Negro. Out of lt.iiroso a leadership. Thla condition was brought about by certain emancipated' Uafluences, he "lluring the' war Negroes In Inrge numbers were trained as officers in the American army. Negroes for the first time experienced new things Lv traveling in liuropo and their cultural attitude was extended. Negroes of the south and north received pew Impressions mid greater understanding by exchanging locale while training for military service." The speaker dwelt upon the contributions of Negroes inthe realms of art, music, literature and eeience.

mentioning a number of leadiug reptesen tut Ives. FIS.K OMMF.NC KMIiXT. According In the director of puh- vester, formerly of Ibis city anil now a resident, of lliirlincniiie, and the miSre sedate atmoephere of the Koble of Iterkeiey and l'ledmont. the Itev. I(lghn hcovllle, evange Mra, IV, Whitney of Her.

'rev, 1 4Mb fur places where they cull listen to an orchestra, and cijoy list. Mtsa A. Ituth Wilder. Mrs. J.

cupied by tho telephone office. A reading of IMIcys poems was the company of women. Jirace, Mrit. Jumes It. Whipple of if anyone hud suggested the iSilea and Mra.

W. E. Kirhy. Graduating Class admittance of women tu clulm, ft.rty year aro even In an annex. given by Miss Wayne Ferguson-daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Ferguson. Prize Farm Stock he would have been locked up.

At Yuba City Record Yl CITY, June st seiii.i.r in the hihliirv t.f Farm Bureau Chorus Sold by University the Yul.u I'iiioii high V.IH be gra.lii.tlrd st cummenee- TIX HERE'S t)TD "YOUR HEALTH Will Be Heard ment cxi irisea to bo he, on Thurs- dependence." Jn speaking of the education of the two Negro l'nited Slates wmir tors the ltcfcnder etiited: "Illium It. rtevels. whs the first ninli of African ancestry to sit in the ulled States senate. lt waa horn of free parentage in Fayettevllle. N.

September 122. Jn 147 he graduated Knox college, tiales-burg. 111. lie entered the ministry It A (TI'V. June 1 The first liV evening.

June 7 In tho high public recital of tiie men's and sc hool nu.litorliim. Th class, woiiit i lionises or the Mitier numbering Ti, has 27 boys and 3H girls. An iticreaeo of 2a over last I'ltuiiiy farm bureau, will he pre sented In the Yuba City iilon high are graduiitiiig class Is a fea ture i.f the re.ord-breaking list. and lectured ngalnst slavery lore Danger in Not Reducing r.Ti;Ki;. IlAVIS, June 2:.

It has been iin-tu. lim ed Ibal the division or iinlmal hiiKbiimlrv here at the university has recently sold two bulla, one a Hereford the other Shorthorn. The Hereford, 'a I If or l.l I'rline IjhI II, a, was soitt I a 4u- liuniltttitil county, and the Shorthorn, ttiiifya, was purchased by J. 1 1, C'onnelley of A It urns, Mo.luc coiintv. The latter animal was a two year-old and was t-how ti In Itl2ii In the I'laneisro limpo-iiiiiii livestock show.

university. is Trp-- Slates Senator TUaiiche K. t'oj ly. jiUidimlsL ttu-n giadualed" Cnlted llitv si hoid auditorium on Monday night, June 4. The two orgaiila-tltitis, hutuherlng so virtrpg In all, have made several sepurate ap-penrancea before farm center HOTEL CLAREM0NT suty Upot of BCtSElCT.

Csllfersla. OeerloaSlas ths Bay 8s frsaclwe, Bt ia Iwasty-sis aers Datdais. Oae ef th larttwt Family an 4 TesrMI Batala aa taa Ittta IlaDtai fnai Saa rraaciaes. Kay Kant Imitl (rast tha Daar Cvsry lataat; ICiaataa.

attrartia Kataa Ktswiai galas ky the ktastk. ainoaa sad iuropaas riaa. Ual.shilul lar IhI Es4a I.aa.a Eidiaa baaali.t. laiaphsa Bmaalay 3W. proachtng what promises to be one School Craft Units meet Inge, but are to sing for the first lime In a public program.

of the greatest commencement seasons marking the close of an eventful year. Following a million dollar endowment drive have come large gifts and bequests. John I. Koi kclelter Jr. I to deliver the commencement address.

Itev. It. K. llulta la director of the Hold Exhibition WAl.NI'T CltKKK, June The singers. Itruce," the article states, "was born a slave In 1X4! ln Prince lid-ward county, Virginia, and rose to the high office of United Stntes senator from Mississippi, representing that slate in congress from 1X7S to lsl.

He was educated with his masters son and after freedom attended Oberlln Collide III Ohio." i ill TOIt KNIMtltsKIV According to th" Aseoclntcd itiiiual eblltt of ci.alt nod shoo work t'f lb" maiiin tie. Swimming Tank Hotel Senator 1 yvtrb Director Named For Church School PA l.l I AI.Tii. June Mrs. A SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA Urged for Yuba City YI'IIA t'lTY.

June 1 frgliig Facing the gardens of Capitol Park. Luxurious p- The expressed purpose t.f Ms com- I lug to Kink at this time la to ac- knowledge formally and endorse the. Flsk program of higher rtluca- Hon ttnd give InipctH" and momen- turn to. the whol" fit Id i.f cultural advancement Negroes. A Flsk school of music seems to I he in the making, offering bache- 1 a municipal swimming tank delicious food.

Modaaxf rales. In tha pirliiieut of tin. Walnut Creek tiainiiiar m-IiooI uiis lie, ihe si I I i luni vesler.lav. All work exhibited was for saje. A as issed creittly take Ibis means of laislng a riart fluid.

It put post. I Ini; furnish supplies lo all puinlH taking man-ml tialnlng tin, I tin. riaffs. More than I'uii attended ibe exhibit. "The Kinus c.ainiv republican committee of New York has gone on record us endorsing be built here to aid In reducing the heart of the business, shopping and theatre disnWti annual loll of human lives taken -s CHARLES R.

FRASER. Jlf-ssieeT f.eorge Harris, edtlor of the New York News, as a candidate by the Kent her liver during the warm months, the Yuba t'lty Ki Sooiii of Meiib. I'aik- has I ol.tatnetl us tllteetor of tlm cbui-eli It. be here July 2,1 Aui.usi mitier the iiuspircs of evangelical chin. lies, lietwfen and 40 id her imii kers ill form the It'tit-hliig ritatf.

In chaik'i of baiid- ll. mis club has appointed a special ummltten in the The ommlllt-ed. headed liy lHstiht ciatt will bt Miss I 'btil'toette Attorney Arthur Coats tf hulter county, will Investigate piwaible, Mi linn, who has conducted similar courses In this country and In lin- ba Mtmns fur a nal.itoriuni and limy I nek city uml county aid In finai- glaml. In lit rt from nix lo 12 hi i. lo the r.tllstrilrtlor.

1 v. -af Mil -2. MANY women are' frightened against reducing by statements of supposed a lit tun t-tlea that dieting to take off weight Is weakenitiK, ami brings on serious ont'(llell-. K. Ilkl tllberculliBltl, My private tiplnlon that miifiv of these "expcitu" have nuvtir dieted a patient.

1 hate oltM-rveil and cnndiictetl tliousaiuls cmmd of ri'iliialiig a nil 1 itu nut kiMw tf any Int hoiimii vlio liua hrs-n inliirctl hy lliiililug ltr amuuiil t.f I.hhI Itt-ltm tlrnl tlik'h sbo was ati usiniiHil i.i only muIM that I Kimiw if lit tot fur her lit mlucei tint itiui li ht'lttw iiorntul on a tin lltat Is tlt-rk it-iii Jn nlka-liiHt-riiriuing fh'nMHils t.r vaiimins. It as rxtmlltle Hint if elio ntlutt'tl oil nlilio brt-nil anil sugar riiu-tlvrly that lir e)icm wimiIiI Ih tuiMi vt'ry ttii'. Tliis ilnngi-r Is -nllifly avohli-il If the Iri'slt trulls or niut-siurt hy vi'vciHltlfs arc pec-lituiiiiiimnt in Hit- aiill-rl iiii'im, i bilicte lllltl pnill'lll kllllHllI Mis tin atldcil wllt'll lite uclglit Is alMiiil lis imriiinl. Man lies, sugars ami Jiils iiuiv tw t-ni In-ly iiM'i villi loe all fut Nitdi'. Jt Is advisaiiid that patients ho iiluce HhiuiUI rtiiivtt suffiileni jlverclse to -maintain (he luiis.

ul.i jUine of I heir btnll.x. I II till I JAttlks Hie of Itliihuihie.l Vailte. spei lallj'-'iiuse tin cause tin. iouly to ubsui I. nver enpplv of 0gcn tu asMNt in i i iiv.

ii in i ut an-Clothing i-li. in ill i-r in the kiiusi Irs and tissurii. I receive many imiuliies about the use of i.ttun I'lmlulii' -traits for ri'luciiitf, but I Invo nevtr-found II. em either a ivleable or lieressal y. mn.

of the talk iilo.ut the ilintMis i.f tiuclug has iirik-iiiai. .1 in caaca here tin. nnn-ti i.f bese aet-i elUitis ut-rt. t-iu e. It la ut'll kmeill I i.

that arter hirtv a p. i is a i.uii Letter rbatli of Itiug life "If Is tliln Modesto O. S. to Hold Anniversary MOtiKSTu, June 1. Klect.t hapler.

order of li.u-tern-Star, Is arranging a procram under the i.f. Mi-s. tlisirgf Fielin, lo presented at the mtiu of. the In be led, I Tiiesdav evenln. June H.

at ttn liiflS tl He be sent out to ktotl. Merced. Oak. I. ile.

Tin no. I other chapters to Otnl the afl.ilr. SOUND AUCTION BRIDGE 4 By VVItBUR WlUTEl lEAD Th WorU'i QrtattU Authority 6 ii Death Proof Asked To Settle Estate ASSISTING A NO TRUMP BID i i n. liitie Search -ii'-1 I ILLUSTRATED Mr. Whitehead's Comments.

Srrrrrtt ludiling No Trump ami m. 111 1 .1 it I inset! T. ItV 1 3- I be 1 tt I.S I ijt of Tcnil. I I a I 1 111 I'r e. bill Wilt kelt 111 I'll rt passing, I-ast hula lv.

i. I lulu tlctrnswrly. to imlicale is I claim to hts estate A 4 10.1 A tj A 7 A 874 I- 43 A A 1063 18 I 6 Al A 5 652 53 7 6 A tu lb. stale tr ices ,1. 1 I round (hot is dead, am.

i 1 mis are in. I to fim: ot 1 iNi or pt.ittt.s of his aW lead, ImUliiiii Ihe nnrssaty vjlucs In lustily the hid. Smith, mf having rrbul xreugth, ix piobable tricks. thougli liidil tig a Mupprt in lulu. Writ i'mi p4ssntg, the iuelum ol aMtiiig Ibe No I rump hid tomes lo North.

Hun and inuls ijuuk ulis anil i 111 1 Ul be nunibrr nt truki lor the- Pr- Fig Growers- Unit To Hold Election John VT 1 1 I i I'I of tii v- -j a al ell 1 has I Pom tl .1. Il tl I-Jllel lo fl IS In lli-ai ctlOn 111 lit l' cl 1 IM- i an. il.el Hue! 01 as 1 1 It-, trifl of IV 1 1 Ill tin T. Hal tor of th. ihe read, 1- Ion.

Ilo mI.iv. nt-. I I ll.l i- bli i oMier- ft li. il Von i ii he 1 11 i II. i ttws ts.1.

I Ntni. a t'tl 1 jj t- tiw I I I siarf 'A ow 1 bo 1,1 lu. Tl 1 liter. With 4'i pn.hallr Iraki ill It.iml and a stopper 111 the ltil suit iCrth a soiimt s-st jrrtl No bn omen li oulr.n I'll III t'titre 111 aa Vftcbt to- phy. i.

a I the p. 1 1 1. hi. in lleie' ii, I Mice, i-oim i h. i.

IttuecJ. -liv ln i.m ii i I'll "1-. it i hi i.i.iy 111 l.bserv. tllpci in, nl, il OI.K. I HO' t.AI ISllH.A I tu.

i'i! Juno Kt'A'. stpl I'otllll I 1,1 Ut-Tltil, VlMtl'd ill lim lie 1 il. tcl-. here Oakland. Ibis et irenscope 1 ret timed to alN'r a visit with lllllot l.cioe he oi I iltie alone.

I ho lie-t i 1 1 ml hi, ii, I of reilui I- lo lb. Iran la us. ov i i i.i 1 1 or llicir onus's mid tt.ttii lu (lo tttitiiiicr I'e lll lulu II. out' ll.lll lo Iwii p. ,1,11.1 Ittlll ill, ll.

tl in .11 I II I I i.i Iii, -it a- ot ii. i i dm. I. Iixluu III. boll II lo, nl.

't .11 HOI lit i II, I l. i.s nun he ii.iiiu h. i.i lie I ii I I In i it, mi. 1(1 He play of the luicl, Wf.d Opcua with lite oi Ills two Vlll.l'l litl't. Norlli In" npiai, jilav-imt tlir Jack, anil Fast tottci'lv iIihIs', as lie 1.111 g.1111 lo'tloiig lo' ItOI'tire.

lieilirrr thru led- a I lo put liin.M'li in lor I lead i a 'tpade, bang noted I'ltt be niiisl establish a tuck id in hi to go game. tog (nun hi" own h.iS'l "he lieHei cl l'i Si.nle 'Ar-I ca" up with Ku-g if Sp.vlea 10 cSn serve the Air, uh'ih he rr.uU a lieiiut in 1 haml ami 'hv axJf'i fnTV hio.c i' tte I'htl. u't when- ,1 and Sevan 1 I iOit on I gt'U is filled with hitherto untold fact stories that stagger the with heroic deeds that would seem incredible were they not hacked by indisputable docu-mcnts and authentic war records; with de- eiili -ivr n' rrrx of rlk I erv mAtr The submarine warfare, relentlessly waged by the German Boats, had England on the verge of starvation and surrencWrFew Americans i. I 1 "1 lllltl I I .1 it-mlla tint -d bv i tha 1. 1,, I t.

ll.l I 1 It tllll.ll vuii tll III I. I I loot lob- tl II 111 Int. r- second this startling fact. And By JOHN KNOX For the first time the American public may have the true facts of the sinking of the Tuscania, a British boat loaded with American in which 211 lives were lot the details of Lord Kitchener's death how the Gei--mans got, their submarine the capturing of the elusive i i 53 in the open sea you wiM be amaed at the ince-l ible facts revealed in this new serial storj! Phone Lakrir)e 6000 and have your TRIBUNE started, at once. and now the amazing sfbry of the $uxnn for.

agreement7 that will OUl aw I it. soil 1'ie c.iuir.i.'i' nol tvt I 1 Intl ft ra (be smt ie th tl-, ft. the tro ct 'iOV lb valuation sol submarines in the World the submarine! bf I int. It (,. -V I.

in'', ilrd I I Tt" nl'lv be 111 niik hia 1.0 iii'tir rail re th 10 t'ie War, and how the American Navy defeated them is told! Now that the passions, prejudices and propaganda coincident with war have cooled, many facts never before revealed, mav be told. First Installment Monday 4th Qrder Your TRIBUNE Now! fo. tulte 111. Couple Hcr.orcd he roic 'a stibiei I wi il In il, "Wltl ia ovelf '1 1 sriu-'e pi: 1 Mi's ,1 1 JLI 1 at. a I II I 1 I' .1.

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e. last tl ul ma l't l.UUl.H set nt 4-. I.

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