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The Leavenworth Weekly Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • Page 6

Leavenworth, Kansas
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MISSES AND CHILDREN. pgs Yf. L. Douffla malmm and me II 9 mora mon'm $2.60, $3.00 and rrpx any thr manufacture In the Zmwpitd, bmcauae they hold their "ft3 mhape, fit better, wear lonper, and jjggr ami 0 premier value than any other mrr mhoemUt the world tth.ttmyt. Hs31 W.L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot bcT v1-T I- DoiiRlas name and price is stamped on bottom.

Tnkc Xo Snltltnt. SStli i N.ghoe lel' everywhere. Shoe mailed from factory to any part of the world. IUuv trated Catalog free to any address. W.

l. liO L'ttlAJs; Brockton, Mau. Fast Colo Be Equalled At Anj Price Isrd Exclusively. HO IN Modern Highest Grade OWN ELECTRIC CARRIAGES EXCLUSIVELY ivrn i vj 11 kj few minutes between Hotel, Depots, Wharves and through Business District. MURDER AND SUICIDE From Thursday's Daily Times.

After attempting to talce life of her husband, Bill Bay, Mrs. Lizzie Bay attempted to take her own life when arrested and placed in the jail at the police station last night by taking strychnine. She had smuggled the poison jail concealed in her clothes. Shortlv after she was locked up she called to Night Wlatchman Ilil- debrandt and told him she nad taken the drug. He called Police Surgeon Wallace and Dr.

Suwal- ski. They administered an antidote and she is now on her road to re- covery. Mrs. Bay was arrested last night by Policeman Bynan because she had attacked and dangerously wounded her husband with a razor. She cut two deep gashes across his stomach, after a heated quarrel.

She made no attempt to escape, Today a warrant is to be sworn out for her charging assault with intent to kill. Mrs. Bay was released from the penitentiary about a year ago where she had served a two years' sentence for robbing and assault- -k ing an old boldier. She is regarded by the police as a vicious charac- ter. 4 OF THE BY THE COUNCIL Last Night the Matter Was Discussed Unofficially After the Session Had Adjourned MAYOR WANTS INVESTIGATION However, the Case Was Postponed Until Monday Night Transferred $9,500 From General Improvement Fund to Pay Current Expenses From Thursday's Daily Times.

The complaint against Michael Gan non, policeman, was not read in tne council meeting last night, nor was it mentioned until after adjournment. Then Mayor Everhardy questioned the city 1 clerk, J. II. Kirmeyer, as to it and learned that he had referred it to the chief of police, J. A.

Cranston. Mayor Everhardy was anxious to have the charges made against the policeman disposed of at once, but as no official action could be taken, after the close of the session the matter was deferred until Monday night, when an adjourned meeting is to be neld. The council transferred $9,500 from the general improvement fund to the general fund. This places enough money in the general fund to pay the employes of the city and meet the current expenses. The L.

K. was granted the right, by ordinance, to build a side track on the west side of Main street from Cherokee street to Choctaw. The switch is to run in front of the elevator, which is to be erected at Main and Choctaw streets. The C. B.

Q. was civen the necefesary authority to con btruct a side track on Choctaw street etween Main and Second streets. Ordinances were passed providing for the curbing, regrading and curbing of congress from Third avenue to fourth avenue, and the construction of a sewer of eight-inch vitrified pips from Fourth to Third street on Market and south on Third to Chestnut street. The contract for curbing Kickapoo street from Broadway to Eleventh street was awarded to Fred Tarry, the only bidder. His proposed price was 34 cents per lineal foot for curbing.

Alavor Everhardv anDointed Ur. J. Everhardy as delegate from Leaven worth to the International Tuberculosis congress to be held in Washington, jJ. in September. The mayor was in structed to sign the lease of Giorgetta for the building near the city hall on Shawnee street.

A gas street lamp is to be placed on the north-west corner of Isinth and Miami streets. OKLAHOMA ADDS NINE TO LANSING ROLL CALL From Thursday's Daily Times. Nine persons were received at the state penitentiary yesterday afternoon. With these new arrivals the population is increased to 1,210, within seventeen of the highest number that was ever confined at the institution. It is the opinion of the officials that the record of 1,227 will be broken when all the prisoners are transferred from Oklahoma that were convicted in the last term of court.

Those who were received yesterday were mostly from Cherokee county, Ukla. lhey were: Jackson, to serve, an indeterminate sentence of from one to three years for manslaughter in the third degree; Fred Schade, one to seven years, grand larcenv, J. J. Kmc, one year and one day for forgery; Walter Turner, one to seven vears for lar ceny from a dwelling house. Turner is a lad of eighteen years.

Jap Darnell, one to five years for grand larceny, and Frank Harris will serve ten years for forgery in the first degree. These were received in the morninff. In the afternoon Sheriffs J. M. Meredith and R.

S. Cozad arrived from Fort Fountain, with Jack Gunn, Felix Hood, and Walter Caldwell who will serve five years each for breaking into a store at Fort Fountain. MRS. A. WALKER DIED LAST NIGHT, AGED 72 YEARS From Thursday's Daily Times.

Mrs. A. Walker of Madison avenue, died at her home at 10:30 o'clock last night. Mrs. Walker was 12 years old, and her death was due to old age.

She has been a resident of Leavenworth for the past thirty years. Six sons and two daughters survive her. They Henry, Abraham, Walter, and Joseph of this city; Freeman, who now' resides in Derbyshire county, Mrs. A. M.

Baldwin of Xankiville, and Mrs. Mary Campton of Pueblo Colorado. No arrangements for the funeral have yet been made. NO PROB 11 A OF AT THE Seven Found Guilty in Famous Missouri Cases Reached the Federal Penitentiary tast Night SERENADED BY A BRASS BAND Sikestown Neighbors of the Convicted Men Accompanied Them to Depot With Music When They Left to Surrender In St. Louis From Thursday's Dally Times.

Worth in the neighborhood of spending $35,000 in the defense of him- Beif son, and five tenants, C. M. Smith, toscther with his son, C. M. Smith, and the five tenants convicted of peon-acre have landed in Leavenworth to be gin serving sentence in the federal pris on.

They reached here over the Mis souri Pacific last night at 7:11 o'clock in charge of United States Marshal Will iam Morrissey of the eastern district of Missouri. The prisoners were met at the Union depot by Deputy Warden F. II. Lemon, who hurried them to the penitentiary where they were entered. Fighting the chargeB through every court possible, the final resort was cut off when last Monday the United States supreme court at Cape Girardeau handed down a decision in the case confirming the decisions of the rower courts.

The Ensonera, except William A. Woods, who ad previously been turned over to the federal authorities by his bondsmen, voluntarily went to St. Louis yesterday morning and gave themselves up to the marshal at theUnion depot at 9 o'clock. They started immediately for Leavenworth. C.

M. Smith is sentenced to serve a tertn of three years and pay a $5,000 fine. His son, G. M. Smith, must serve two years and a half and pay a fine of $5,000.

William A. Woods, his son, i TTr .1 tj jjrojru ituuiis ut-iijiiuun xieius, iuu- gers and Ben Stone, the five tenants who were jointly convicted, are each to serve from one to two years and pay a fine of $100. Ja. E. Smith, a brother of C.

M. Smith who with Rex Smith was also charged with peonage, accompanied his brother to the orison. James H. Shelbv. wubiu iiguwiug oue oneioy, was In the party accompanying the prison-era.

Judge C. A. Leedv, a half-cousin of ex-Governor Leedy of Kansas, who formerly lived at bikeston and was born and reared with the Smiths, met the prisoners at Kansas City and accompanied them to Leavenworth, lie now resides at Cameron, Mo. Who made the complaint of peonage I txli: against the Smiths has not been made public Mr. Shelby, who is interested in the case as a mend, said laat night every effort is being made to locate the source of the charge but that so far it has been kept socrot.

He said the first knowledge anyone had of the charge was when a United btatea marshal arrived at Sikeston and made the arrests Forty-four indictments were found Against the Smiths and tenants, but they were convicted on only one. The iury delib'wated over fortyeight hours lefore returning a verdict of convic- tion. The char ere of neonate was first. brought in the spring of 1906. After in idictments were returned the case was 1 -A.

.1 1 1 TP-k 11 1 tinea Deiore juace ooaa vj. ronocK or Kansas who- Bat as a special judge in the case. After conviction was had the case i. A 1. Y.

ing confirmed in this tribunal it was appealed to the supreme court where it "had been pending until last Monday whan th 1eMjori fotiflrmcr thn flnrt. ings of the other courts was announced. C. M. Smith owns vast of land in the drainage districts of southwestern Mis- souri.

lie is recognized as a man of enor- Sious business affairs, and one who as done more to reclaim the swamp of this region than any other man. Through, hi efforts several railroad companies Vere induced to build through that eomntry, he was instrumental in securing large milling concerns, and organising heavily capitalized draining companies, in iu section oi ioe siaie it is claimed the people do not bclievo he Is guilty ana are now taking action On the Smith plantations were the five tenants. They had immediate charge of the employes. Smith or his son seldom went to the plantation it is said, and knew but little concerning the minute workings of the arms. About the only connection they had, it is olaimed, was that they owned the land, which they rented to the tenants.

The seven men' were tried under what is known as the federal peonage act This act makes it a crime to hold with out pay any employe when such em ploye desires to quit, as it was claimed was done on tne bmith plantations James E. Smith and Rex Smith were also charged with being implicated in the peonage, but after the evidence had been given they were released. A monstrous petition which is to con tain 30,000 names asking President Roosevelt to pardon these prisoners, is now ueiag preparea. ii is saiu xnis pen tion will contain the names of every man of lawful age in that section of the state. When the Smith's left Sikston for St.

Louis, a brass band and 200 cit izens accompanied them to the depot. C. AL. bmith made a short talk in which he said he had done nothing he regretted, that if he had his life to live over he would live it as he had lived: to be hon est and never turn against a friend. A they boarded the train each of the seven shook hands with their friends, who wished them an early release and ex pressed regret at their conviction.

A TIMES AD DID IT W. W. Durflinger Advertised for Hogs zor ms arm and the whole County Responded From Thursday's Daily Times. W. W.

Durflinger of the Delnionico ho tel inserted a' want ad in The Times which appeared yesterday morning. He warned 10 ouy some brood soavs for hi: farm in Missouri. Before 9 o'clock ves terday morning he had more telephone calls than he could handle. By 10 o'clock he had bought what he Avanted and soon had them loaded for shipment. 'T.

didn't know there were so manv nogs in the country," he said yesterday "I see it pays to advertise, and The Times it a bully good paper to adver tise in. PEONAGE PRISON IPBIL FOOLS' DAY; EVERYBODY fill Thousand "Fools" Were Stung on the Old Pocketbook Racket Cleverly Worked JOHNNIE ORTMAN WAS "IT" TOO Youthful Assistant at the U. P. Ticket Office Was Taken In By a Lady Friend Everybody Enjoys the Fun Once a Year From Thursday's Daily Times. "Stung." This was the all prevailing word yes terday because it was April fools' day.

All the tricks imaginable were played by those who inclined to indulge in this sort of fun, and they were not con fined to friends either. Perhaps the best trick was played on the public at large by clerks in E. C. Eads' pool hall on Delaware street. A pocketbook filled with paper was fasten ed to the street in front of the pool hall.

It was screwed tight so it could not be picked up. People passing noticed the pocketbook, stooped to pick it up, discovered it was fastened, looked sheepish, and slunk off amid jeers and the "horse laugh" by young fellows who stood in the doorways near to watch the fun. An old colored lady was meandering slowly down the street, saw the pocket-book, and made a grab for it. The pocketbook opened but in the excitement sue failed to see what it contained, and continued pulling. She would have jerked it loose had it not been for interference oy the crowd.

A well dressed lady who Avas evidently from the society class, pulled off the cleverest stunt, and got the biggest horse laugh. When she saw the pocketbook sue backed up to it, brushed her skirts over it, and reached down cautiously to pick it up. hen she discovered her error, she blushed and hurried on. The pocketbook was placed there early in the morning and it is estimated at least a thousand people got "stung" on it during the day. Men, Avomen and children alike bit freely.

Some got sore, others blushed, and many laughed when they found they had made a fatal mis take. So rich was the fun was croAvds stood near the pocketbook all day and Avatched the public "bite." i Ine telephone Avas used to a great ad vantage for the April fool tricks. Short- alter John Ortman, an assistant in the Union Pacific city ticket office, ar rived at his ofhee in the morning the telephone rang. Joseph D. Hurley, th'e answered the phone.

A sweet voiced maiden was at the other end and asked if Mr. Ortman was there. He was called. The s. v.

m. said: "Is this Mr. Ortman?" He assured her it A-as, where upon she told him to hold the phone a minute, lie stood there and held the receiver about five minutes when the sweet voice said: "Are you there?" Telling her he Avas the damsel replied: AH right, that aviII do for you." The police department also suffered. More than one bogus call Avas turned in when a policeman sallied forth only to find he had been "stung." Of course April fools day comes but once a year, and nobody gets sore. IF YOU DON'T MOW ASK THE LIBRARY It Is the Objct of the Officials There to Give Out Useful Information to Inquirers From Thursday's Dally Times.

It should be more generally understood that it is the business of the public library to answer questions. There are no "dream-books" in the collection by means of which you may foretell future events, and they cannot supply you with Crawford's latest story before it has been published; but if you need information as to what has happened or is happening, try and see whether you cannot obtain it at the library. Pupils of the public schools and club women use the library constantly to help them in their work. But to insure a proper development of the collection in all useful directions, there should be more calls from the real workers from puzzled mechanics and. housewives.

It is part of the work of the library to put every citizen in the way of a more intelligent performance of his daily work and a more intelligent enjoyment of his wholesome recreation. The young matron who was supplied the other day with a receipt for making a stain for hard. wood floors, went away well pleased. A book was recently purchased at the request of one who wihed initiation into the mysteries of raising goldfish. The boy who is raising pigeons will soon be made elad bv an up-to-date book on his subject.

Books are constantly being added to the collection in large or small quantities, as funds will alloAv, and in the absence of specific requests, it is often necessary to guess at what will be best adapted to the needs of the community. But certainty is better than guess work, and it is always a satisfaction to the book committee to know that the I books purchased are to satisfy expressed ucuiituus. as concrete examples, may be mentioned recent purchases along three several lines: useful arts, mustc scores, and books in the German language. The demand has not been as large as was expected for the first- two classes, but the German books have been much sought after. As a result there are likely to be no more large purchases of music and useful-art books, until a further supply of German literature ha3 been obtained.

The supply must follow the demand. Whatever your line is be it carpentry or cookery see that' it is adequately represented in the collection. In popular phrase, "It's up to you." The next time you "want to know," call in person, or write out your question on a postal card, and mail it to the library. (They have no telephone). You will receive a courteous and prompt at any rate, and very likely all the information you desire.

A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol A We pubUshoor formnlM banish mlcohol 9 from our medicines vers urge yon to consult jour doctor Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver, make more bile secreted. This is why they are so valuable in constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better laxative pill. Made bj tb.

J. C. Aysr Lowell, Ms. CITY NEWS. From Thursday's Daily Times.

Edna Lynn, age 71 year, died last night of apoplexy, at 309 Cherokee street, where she AA-as the proprietress of a resort. The funeral arrangements haAe not been made. She is surA-iA-ed by a son, Thomas Bailey, by her first husband. She was born in Indiana, and lived in- Leaven-Avorth thirty-five years. The three children of Matt Malone, street commissioner ill with whooping cough and his wife is beginning to show symptoms of the same malary.

Sam Kapp, the stock buyer of Linwood, was in the city Aisiting his sister, Mrs. E. A. Thomas of south Second street. Albert T.

Reid. the Topeka cartoonist, was in the city yesterday looking after business matters. An eleAren pound boy was born yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Hipp, who liAe four miles west of town.

Andrew Geisen is recoA-ering from his injuries faster than was expected. The numbness has left his arms, but he is unable to use them much as yet. The body of IrA'ing H. Fleming, who died at the military penitentiary from spinal meningitis, was sent to Creed-more, N. last night.

A da.ugh.ter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. John Voss of 413 Cheyenne street. Mr. and Mrs.

John Schanze of 421 Osage street announce the birth of a son Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rubhauser of Fourth and Limit streets Tuesday, a daughter. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe McPeters of 113 Miami street announce the birth of a boy. Reno township is to A-ote $6,000 in bonds for an addition to the school at Linwood in which a high school is to be installed. Architect Feth has the plans for the building nearly finished. Dr.

Adams of Easton, was In consultation with the board of county commissioners yesterday. The doctor wants to find out whether he or the sheriff's office are to fumigate several houses now under quarantine. 1 O. J. Treman, wtio probably knows as much about fish as any angler in the county camo into The Times office yesterday, with some wild strawberry plants in bloom.

He found them near Wade switch whilo on a fishing expedition. Mr. Tremen says the catfish are plentiful in the river this spring. It was spring house cleaning day at th court house yesterday. Janitor Clark secured the services of a number of prisoners of the county jail who were brought OA-er by Phil Husser and put to work scrubbing the woodwork In the halls and "offices.

Marie Shoup brought suit yesterday for divorce from Richard Shoup. Her petition alleges that since her marriage to Shoup in December 1906, she has been obliged to support herself and her two minor children by a former husband. She asks to be giA-en all the property which she alleges belonged to her before her marriage and to be allowed to resume her name of Marie Lauer. Frederick D. Hildebrandt, 11 years old.

died yesterday morning at Cushing hospital from appendicitis. The body was sent to Jarbalo yesterday afternoon on the Santa Fe, accompanied by his uncle, Henry Johnson. Mrs. Barbara Spoerl died yesterday morning at 4 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Smith, at 316 south Tenth street from dropsy.

Mrs. Spoerl was born in Germany and did not come to America until well on in years. Her husband is buried In Germany. She was 73 years old at the time of her death. The funeral is to be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock from 316 south Tenth street.

The Rev. Kottich of the Flatiron church is to conduct the funeral serAices. Burial is to be in the National cemetery at Fort LeaA'enwcrth. Delia Collins, two months old, died yesterday morning at 423 Ottawa street. Funeral announcement will be made later.

Dr. Risdon received word yesterday that his brother-in-law, R. M. Losey, had been killed at Strong City, Tuesday night. Details of the accident are meagre.

It is only known that he was shipping stock and as he stepped from a car which had just been loaded, he was struck by a switch engine. Dr. Risdon will leave for Strong City today. Probate Judge T. L.

Johnson yesterday married the following couples at his office in the court house: Chas. F. Milett-and Laura N. McPherson of LeaA-enworth county; Henry J. Totty of Jackson county and Minnie Katschkoweky of Clayton county, and Owen Gilchrist and Elizabeth Joyce, both of Kansas City.

Frank Hall of Easton, was in the city yesterday visiting his brother, Prof. Hall, of the High school faculty. James Van Meter, a colored porter was convicted yesterday of assault with intent to kill and given sixty days in the county bastile. Van Meter assaulted Peter Toung, a white man, with a knife. The suit of S.

Read against Mary and Thomas J. Loftus, was argued In the district court yesterday and taken under adA-isement by Judge Gillpatrick. Read alleges that he purchased an Ice plant from the Loftus but that they were unable to give a perf ec title. He wants to return the plant and recover J3.S03.21 on a note and mortgage which they hold. Editors like to tell this joke: There are doctors, lawyers and preachers among the LlOO inmates of the Kansas penitentiary, but "nary an editor.

Another Joke editors tell on the lawyers: An editor got to heaven on a pass and refused to leave. Finally old Saint Peter started out to hunt a lawyer to fix up ejectment papers to depose of the editor, but couldn't find one. OTORIA. Thi Kind Yds Hats Always Bags The Toastmaster, Given Last Evening at the Crawford Grand, Had the Proper College Swing DIRECTED BY CHARLES B. LYNN Every Participant Gave a Good Interpre tation of Their Part Audience Was Large and Appreciative Play Was Successful From Thursday's Daily Times, Jn the minds of many people the amateur shoAV is just one of the necessary evils for which there must be a certain sum of money set aside.

Like every rule there are occasionally exceptions, Avhen someone has patience and ability to whip enough raAv material into shape to pre sent a show Avell worth the time and money. The Toastmaster, given by the High school last night, Avas one ot the rare exceptions. There was no one in the aud ience holding his breath Avondering JOHN FRANKS Who Appeared as "Bill Morgan. Avhether the hero would drop his false mustache or kiss the maid instead of the loA-elA7 lad a. This much can be said of Charles B.

Lynn. He knows Iioav to select an amateur plaA' and to select characters who carry their parts confidently and easily. lhose Aho especially distinguished therasehes in their various roles Avere: John Franks, Will DetAveiler, Belle Taschetta, Earle Sehiffer and Will Schott. Franks, as "Maggie," kept the audience in continual uproar, while Sehiffer as the professor counteracted the leA'ity by his extreme piety. Detweiler as the Toastmaster, Avas an ideal class president.

He is good looking and kneAV his part. Miss Taschetta as leading lady looked so pretty that one impetuous suitor in the audience couldn't stand it any longer ISABEL TASCHETTA As "Cynthia" in the Play Last Night. and "bubbled over" right in the midst of a most serious occurrence. Arthur Smith and Walter Lambert were the "bad" men; not villians, for it was all in fun you know. Both of them should be given blue ribbons.

Maynard Oliver was the hero's right hand man and in spite of advance notices plaved an exceptionally good part and didn't forget. Miss Hazel Stiles, the wife of the professor, had nothing to say, but she added dignity to the pertormance and everybody was glad she was in it. In every college there is one boy who wears swagger clothes and loud hose Harvev LePage in this part, was really the "candy kid." Last but by no means least was Will Schott. He played his part naturally admits that he asks as many questions off the stage as he does on. He made good and is the making of a star.

In a word the show was a success financially and practically and the credit is due to Charles B. Lynn who wants nothing for his services except the good will of those who saw the show. PUT THE BUS TO Agricultural College Experts Send Out Instructions to Embryo Farmers Who Want to Enter Corn Contest From Thursday's Daily Times. One of the best features of the Boys Corn Contest movement this year is the special work assigned to all boys from 14 to 20 years of age class as It is called. It is what is known as the ear-to-row test, to determine the yielding quality of several ears.

The agricultu ral college experts have found that there is a great difference in the yield from different ears, no matter if the ears look exactly alike. They say this difference in yielding quality can only be determined bv the actual test in a Dlot or field. We hope a great many boys of the county will undertake Now, the Farmers' Institute depart 8rfV 'sx rV Hi 's -s sW 4' ss vs 1 BREEDING CORN E3-E3 5:8 i FIREPROOF THROUGHOUT Boys' Corn contest, wants the boys from 14 to 20 years of age in the contest to the seed breeders of each county. Each boy is to take ten ears of corn, the best he can get, and plant them in ten rows, or if more convenient he may plant them in twenty rows. In this case he is really making two plots, planting one-half of ear 1 in row 1, and then half of ear 2 in row 2, and so on for ten rows, and then the remaining halves in the next ten rows.

In this ear-to-row contest the boys will be taking a very valuable lesson in corn breeding, noting in blanks the weight of the corn grown from each ear, per cent of germination in each row, and the general condition of each row through the summer. "When the tassels begin to appear the contestants should de-tassel, by pinching off every alternate row, to secure cross-fertilization, using the de-tasseled rows as the seed rows for the next year. To make a test for all ears the contestant should detassel alternate rows of tha double plot clear through; that is, detassel even-numbered rows on the first half of plot and odd-numbered rows on last half. In case he has ten long rows he should de-tassel half of each even-numbered row, and then at other end of plot one-half of each odd-numbered row. thus giving him seed rows from each of his ten ears.

He should also, during this ten or fifteen day period, de-tassel in the breeding plot all inferior stalks those too shore, too tall, too thin and spindling, those that have small root growth, those having suckers, and those that show sign of shoot barren stocks. If he does this, and it will not take much time, going through the plot about every two or three days for about ten daye, he will have some good seed corn. Then he should gather his best ears from his best stalks from the de-tasseled rows, some time between the middle of September and the middle of October, keeping separate those from different rows. Later, when he gathers the remainder of the corn, he should weigh the ears from each row, and dding the weight of seed ears gathered from each row he will have a record of the producing power of each ear. Then when he takes his corn to the show he should have each ear numbered and tagged, so that he will know whether it is a seed ear or not.

RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT AND CONDOLENCE From Thursday's Daily Times. Hall of Lansing lodge No. 449, I. o. Lansing, Kansas, March 30, 1D0S.

Whereas, In the rapid evolutions of time in its flight toward Eternity, we are again aroused to the sad reality of the rapidity with which we are passing away; and the alarm at the outer door of our sacred temple has announced the presence of the intruder, and our esteemed brother, M. L. Crozier has been summoned into the presence of the great Supreme, Sovereign Grand Master of the universe, and the fraternal ties of our local brotherhood have been temporarily severed; therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Brother Crozier, our lodge, and the entire community have sustained a loss, of which we are deeply sensible. That while we bow In submission to the inevitable decree "dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return," it is with sad hearts, and profound bereavement that we exclaim, "Thy will. Oh God be done." Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved widow, relatives and friends, our most sincere sympathy and condolence, in their sad bereavement, and commend them to the tender care of Him who alone can heal the broken heart.

And In friendship, love and truth may they find consolation to be resigned to the dispensations of Divine providence. Resolved, That as an expression of our fraternal regards for our deceased broth er our altar, and our charter be draped on mourning, for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That these resolutions bo spread upon the minutes of our lodge, and a copy be tendered to the widow of our deceased brother; and also furnished to the Lansing News for publication, with the request that the city papers of Leav enworth, please copy. J. D.


P0ST0FFICE SUB-STATION HAS PROVED A SUCCESS Postmaster Wilard has received a re port from Station the only sub-station in Leavenworth, corner of Tenth street and Pennsylvania avenue. The report was filed by Cora E. English, clerk at this station. This station was ef-tablishel July 1, 1907, and the report includes business done' uo to March 31, nine months. During thfs time worth of ttamps have been sold, and 289 money orders aggregating $3,000 have been issued.

"For this short length of time," said Mr. Willard, "this is a very excellent showing. This station was started as an lmont It has Droven much more successful than was at first expected the office would be. Mrs. English, who is in charge of the office, can be proud of the good showing she has made." This report was compiled at the request of the postoffice department at Washington, to which pace it is to be forwarded.

EMOX am gfjfjrOUR Every a EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. GEORGE DVCH6CHERER Proprietor THE? WILL BODST 1. 1. iifi HIS OLD PLACE County Convention of Woodmen Adopt Strong Resolutions Favoring His Re-Election as Committeeman ELECT DELEGATES TO WINFIELD The Convention Met In the City Court Room Yesterday and Selected Representatives to Attend the State Encampment From Thursday's Daily Times. At a meeting of Woodmen yesterday to elect delegates to the state convention at Winfield strong resolutions were adopted favoring the re-election of E.

E. Murphy to the national board of directors ot the order. Mr. Murphy is one of the niot widely known members of the Woodmen and has lilled place on the board witli credit. The convention met in the forenoon in the city court room at the court house.

After organizing by electing John Murray, of Bolmg, chairman, and J. 11. lloirman, clerk, the convention adjourned until 1:30. After the adoption of the Murphy resolutions, the following delegates were elected to attend the state convention in May: William Leek, Stranger; Charles Hicks, Linwood, and Joe Heller, Holing. (Jeorge Robertson, Tonganoxie, E.

E. Murphy and Nathan Kuntrowitz were eected alternates. Tim state convention will select delegates to attend the national encampment at Peoria in June. Following is a copy of the resolutions adopted: Whereas, The delegates to this con vention ot Modern Woodmen of America, representing the Woodmen of Leavenworth county, Kansas, assembled for tha purpose of electing delegates to the statu camp to be held at Wlniield, Kansas. May l'j, which is to elect delegates to tlid head camp of this society, to meet at Peoria, Illinois, in June next, have closely followed the work of the head ofticcra in the administration of the society's affairs, and as one of the members of tho board of directors is our e.sieemed neighbor, Murphy of Leavenworth, Kansas, a member of Leavenworth camp No.

and who has shown peculiar iuuesa and ability fur the duties the olfice demands, and Whereas, During the period of this neighbor's membership on the board of directors the society has grown from a small number to nearly one million members, and to nearly seventy thousand members in the state of Kansas, we believe that much of this great success attained har been contributed through bin efforts, being possessed of an energy and an amount of aggressiveness surpassed by none and ofcly equalel by few, therefore be it Resolved, That the delegates to be this day selected and are h- reby instructed to secure th endorsement of Neighbor Murphy by the state camp for re-elect on to tne board of directors, and that they support no ono for delegate to the hecil camp unless pledged to work and vote for Neighbor Murphr re-election at 1'eori i. MORE BUILDING THIS YEAR THAN EVER BEFORE From Thursday's Times. "I do not know of any -pring when there has been more building projected in Leavenworth than now," said W. P. Feth, architect, yesterday.

"If all tho dwellings and buildings being talked of now," he continued, "are built this Him-mer the total in dollars at the end of the year will bo larger than it has ever been before. It appears as if the building boom of 100G is to be continued, only more extensively, this year. "Most of the buildings concerned which I have been consulted, are dwellings a great many of them cottages. Prosperity is shown more in building than in any other way." In 1906 more money was invested in building than for twenty years previous according to Feth's figures, but the boom collapsed in 1907. Many attributed this to the prohibition scare, which threatened to leave many buildings vacant.

That his fear has been assuagea is evidenced by the looked-for boom this year. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseanl membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the CATARRH CVS 'WU'JCAA Head quickly. Ke-llU fTPUm stores the Senses of flH I hV bit Taste and Smell.

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