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Logansport Pharos-Tribune du lieu suivant : Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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SCALL HEAD CURED Bud Two- Doctow No Good. Trim Cutlrurn. First 8et Helps. Four Sets Completely Cure. Onr Kiliy Vrarl hiT liirlUslli' Hi- liiorulu) old, th'Jll it IHT i Nov., From IllUil our. Inmulltl whim tliun siirrail toln) l.ii-iic yi'l- lllW KrUltN. Wl! tW(l ttoi-ttirs, hue they ccuM nut pKMl. So we Cr rlLMlltA 11 tluvi- wltli ITISA S'ur. mill thi'ii thut'i'Tii'fiiA.

Tin' lirsi trii-il lii'lpivl IHT, uiftl lie- low we iiwil four nii'ivl. At months our wi'inhi-'l Uiirfy-l'oiir unnmln. ilrr.ikln is I'nir iwrftx'tlT well. l-iirtniit ini-liHcil. I wmild nut ilo wittinut Ci'Tii'i'iiv ami rnii oowiiu-iiil Hi I'orrliiHn'ii.

Slui. SKTll Vamlc-rljilt. Mich. SMOOTH SKlfFCR $5.00 I IISCil the Cl'THTKA IIKMKIUKS for llboilt two niontliji. anil till- i-iitiri' C.VIUMI-,- lull which wimlil ri'jjri't fiif pin- snionih It left my in tile 1'rep from all anil Mi.tehes.


intcrniill.v, tunl Skin wiili ic.i skill I'tiritii-r. humor of skin, anil liliu of hinr, froni inluiu IM li to s'-rofuhi, Morrison's Company will return to Dolan'B Opera House next Wednesday evening in Baylo Bernard's version of Gootho'a Immortal Faust, which with tbo excellent cast, new and elegant Boenory, wonderful electric effects and callcutu will be fi-iven upon a scale of grandeur never before wit nosned here. One of the features of tho production will be the Nuremberg cathedral choir rendering appropriate music throughout the piece. The "Hroclren" scene in the fourth act is a marvel in stajje craft with its Hushes of genuine llghtnleg and shower? of real tiro. Miss Rosabel Morrison, the talented daughter of a talented father, will bb soon as Marguerite.

I 1 How 10 'H rr kin IT STO'S llarVlli-lii I will bo catrlhlatu tor Trwwurer ot tlis city of subjivt Co thu will of thu Republican Citr Nouilniitliig Convention. 0, B. SAIIOKNT. jOinmKport. Kotmiiiry 13, I will beacnmllilfvturor Trauwror of the city of LoKunsuurt, mibJMt (o will of tha Bnpabll- can CUy Nominiulni! Convention.

A. LONO. LogUMport, Fcbrmiry 1C, ISM. I will a caii'llilnte for nninlnullon for His oniir of City Twi-uror subjrtct to will or tilt) ronvcntliiii. ,1 D.

AM.ISO.V. Kaurvuiry 19, ISrt. Kndlditnfor TruiiMurw of thu city suhlBct to tlitf will ol'tho Kopub- Convoutlon. .1 U. (tvj March 5.

ADDITIONAL LOCAL. You Il.s St. Vim- 1 Ni'rvoiiB where strong. IHTVCS lUrkrii'S-i out anil nud bv till- uuti- light oftlii- SUM. so Dr.

WHEELER'S NERVE VITALIZER out diseases ami puts new I nerves which liuvc bi'i-'ii jireyvril nn.i This is why G. vine, saiil: "I sleep uiy jierve: are aiiythinj; ilo my nerves so much i'o-J don't need i'f ami but. if weak ill nervous, yon ilo. PfllCE $1.00 A BOTTLE Inquire of druggists for free sample. Jf not found, write us enclosing five cents (stamps) for postage.

The doctor gives free atlvice to any nerve disease sufferers. All welcome. The J.W. Brant Co ALBION. MICH.

AM 41 York We ofler $joo in Anv phyAlcUn or rh'cmm wBn titiow morphine, opium conKnt, or hwmlul trot. bold by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St. It's the Part of Wisdom. i our be hard uid money clois bat tbclr oompwsstlon. We can yoa wntcliM will, at Tery oloao dgorei to jUf'UuiKOBer.

Come and see what you can do money. I am to Hell not mtehM but other goodi. Clocki. Spectacles and Noveltlei. I for tbe Satennd took Cincinnati D.

A. HAUK, JKWBLEB AND OPTICAN. 2O PER CENT. earned and paid for thi month of Febru- antooor audicrlbeM. Our record is uniur- iMued.

Decemfwr dividend al pei cont. Jann- 120 pur cent. Kebrutry 2ft pet cent. belnc firmed. to wr montb tm made by InveMlng $'20 to ilOIMn oar nyodlOHte plan ot Send -J 4 COMPANY.

Broken, 00 Broadway, New lork, V. H. LOCKWOOD, PATENT LAWYER, MB. MarketStieeet, fndl napold. riMtloelB all eoans, Leaally valid $ronptly proouied on rnaioDaole terms.

Kxpert dMHhtiiman In the oHce. Write for Inl JOSEPH CILLOm STEEL PENS An4 ether to wit oil lantt. TEB HOST 'PEEPECT FEK8. More sicknosrt is due to a diseaied aerroui tystom, tb'in. all other causes Dr nVhceler'a Nerve Tl.

acts directly on tbo nerve eye- tern to restore perfect health. Sold by Ben Fisher. Snokt Lift tmttifal, uttiftlln" title of A little book that MX all Hbont No-to-hac, thd wondeital. harm- IOM. ocAtUMTRKD tobociv The Is trifling, and the miin who want" to Quit and rant no pby Iral or financial in UJIUK "No-to-back." Sold by Klstier.

Book al (tore, or by mall tree. AddreM, Tbe Indiana Mineral Bprlngi, A of Golden Rule. hat of Patterson, tho i 1 -i-on Kiiasick for cheap and i-, and Mrs. I. G.

Wilaon, of iih street, a flon. best bakinff powder in the Thu world at Hen Fisher's drug store. Seo the beautiful lino Ol trimming silks and saiins at the Golden Rule. Handsomer than ever, our spring shoes and Stevenson sick. Call and (ret prices on the best pain' in tho world at Ben Fisher's drug dtoro.

Mrs. Bebrens, wlfo of Sexton Fred Behrena, of Mt. Hope cemetery, is quile 111. We are showing 1 the best line of all kinds of in the city. Come and see.

Rule. Money to at the Cass County Building Loan office, over Mrs. Marshall's book store. We are shoving many nobby styles caps for fi-lrls and Dowenter, tno Hatter and Furnisher. Wright's floeced lined underwear Ci cants, worth at 0tto Kraus' A.

G. Jenkines, assignee. Last Monday, a monogram bracelet of gold dollars. Five dollars reward given to tbe finder delivered at this office. The county commissioners inspected the condition of the county house yes- lorday, taking dinner with Supt.

Jones and wife. Rheumatism racks the system like a thumbscrew. It retreats before the power of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifies tho blood. See reserve stock of. spring shirts from the Otto Kraus stock now on sale; former to II.

50. now 50 cents. A. G. Jenklnes, assignee.

Lewis Morrison's "Faust" is a pop. ular favorite with Logansport theatre goers and will be welcomed warmly upon the return next Wednesday evening. The Hibernian Society will not follow its former custom in the matter of a parade, and there will be no public observance of St. Patrick's day next Saturday. Hiram Gregg, a pioneer resident of this region died at his home in Rock Creek township.

Carroll county on Thursday, of paralysis, aged 65 years. Mr, Gregg has been for several terms a county oommlssiomer of Carroll county. He leaves a wife and five children. Tha funeral will be held at 11 o'clock at Rockfleld under the auspices ot the Odd Fellows of which order Mr. Gregg wai an honored estimated by successful advertisers," says John the most prospersui merchant Phllnlel.

phia has orer known, who extremely partial to the use of printer's ink and the medium of tho public journal to present hit wares to the public, a newspaper hat 6,000 readers to each 1 ,000 and a merchant who puts 1,000 hand bills gets 300 or 400 people to read that Is If the boy who Is depended on to distribute them does not chuck them under the sidewalk. The hand bills cost; at much as a column advertisement in the home newspaper. All the women and girls and all tho men and boys read the ad. vertlsomont, and the result is the merchant who uees the newspaper reaches over 4, 000 more people than he who uses the hand bills. AFTER TERRITORY.

The IWrttory OrKanUe Appoint TrUMlrei. A large number of tbe 107 sig-nera to the gas territory fund met at tne council chamber lastevunl' pursuant to call and perfected an organization. Dr. W. H.

B-ll was called to the chair and J. T. Obencbatn was made eecre'ary. Tho subscription contract provided for throe trustees und motion Ur. M.

A. Jordan, W. Bringhurst and George W. Seybow were chosen. Tbe trustees were authorized to collect the subscriptions and to use their judgment in t.hf action taken anc 10 cal! on ciluenn and signers for assistance.

wore by agreement to serva without compensation. After this meeting 1 adjourned tho trustees called a meeting for morning: at 9 o'clock at W. H. Brlng- hurst'B drug- store. Hid Ynn Work 'I'llat The Inter Ocean has started a veritable puzzle craze and tb'o unfortunate youth who is compelled to deliver tho Sunday edition in this city finds execrations at every point for his delay In petting around.

A lady who is blessed with a rather large family of small children yesterday told her experience a week njro last Sunday. "When wo got home church," she said, "we found one of tho neighbor; at the door who wanted to borrow tho children's Mother Goose book. Wo jjave It to her without giving the mrutor much thought. We had just seated ourselves at the tablfl when the bell rang- and another neighbor asked to borrow tbe book, Tho servant told her that it had been loaned and when this was repeated to us our curiosity was naturally aroused. It became so great that when a third called a few moments later on the same errand I exclaimed, "What In the world does everybody want to read Mother Goose for today?" The oeig-hbor explaled that there was a Mother Goose In the Inter Ocean.

"The climax however came later. We had just ioh tho tablo when a contleman was ushered in, He was a dignified gentleman of about do ard the head of one of the largest mercantile establishments in Loganaport. He was a Mend of ourg who lived a few blocks distant. He was married though childless. "After discussing the weather for a few secondj he said: "My wl'e and I had a little sion at dinner about one of the Mother Goose rhymes and I thought I would step over and borrow your copy to show berthat I was right." "There was a moment's silence but It wag too much.

He was a friend of ours and joined in the laughter when It was explained to him." VICE PRESIDENT M'CKBA TALKS. Indianapolis Journal: The Pennsylvania officials who were in the city yesterday returned to Plttsburgr last James MuCrca, vice president of the Pennsylvania Company, said 'hero wa- but little that Is encourag- "ig In the business situation. There was a little more moving on a low rale stimulant, and the Pennsylvania lines were handling- a little more coal and coho as stocks had buon allowed to got so low that thoy must bo replenished, but there was by no moans un ordinary or healthy volume of trnfllc moving. Ho thinks it will bo sometime before tho railroads rouover from tho present deprensloa. When questioned as to whether he thuuuhifurther reductions would ho necessary ho said ho faared they would.

In answer to Ihe remark that be took a dUnml view ot the situation Mr. McCrea said if any man would tnke a trip from the Ohio river to Johnstown, and see the idle man. ufactorles, the idle coal mines and coko osens aod not havo tho blues ho was made of different business ideas thuo he bad. NERVE DEATHS. THK NUMBER GIIO WING AT A FKItiHTFUI, BATE.

The Proportion Has Increased 2O Per Cent, in 4O The'JH Journal Asks, the And the Atasxvcr Not a llunl One. White "Old rosion. not be deceived. The brands of Mii! made by the iiii'ii" slow cor- They standard, and A Quarter of All American Deaths Duo to Tin "l-Iciif; to I evichr.ei- Mil Men. The greatest men are those who have done the most for the good and advancement of the human race.

The man who stands most prominently before tbe pbullo today In the cure of disease, la Dr. Greene, of 35 West Hth street, New York, tbe discoverer of that wonderful remedy, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. He ia the founder of that great system of giving consultation and advice by means of letter correspondence, free of charge. Write him a deicrlptlon of your complaint, or send for bin symptom blank, and he will aend you an exact description of your disease.

He gives most careful and explicit attention to all letters, answering all questions and thoroughly explaining each symptom so that you will know exactly what your complaint is; and for all this he makes no charge. Dr. Greene Is the most suocoiaful specialist in the cure 'of all nervous and chronic diseases and he gives you tho benefit of bis valuable advice with no expanse to yourself and. by thus writing him about your case, you will undoubtedly regain your health. Tbe Paper Mill Closed, The South Side straw paper mills closed Thursday evening temporarily owing to a lack of orders.

The mill will be closed until tbo market opens out again. About twenty-five men are thrown out of employment by the oloilnff of the mill. Pan Handle engineer Chas. llumell is on tho iUt. Tbo Pan Handle blacksmith bhop is undergoing slight repairs.

Master mocHnnic Pennock is in Chi- catfo on bufjinosi 1 Leonard VVecbtof the Pan Hurnlle car shops wont to Indianapolis yesterday. The employes of tho riifTorent Big Four ahops huvo bten iostruclod to work but forty-two hours a week until further notice. Pun Handle engineer J. H. Williams is laid up with sore back caused by making a misstep while getting off his engine Koutg on tffain 45 Thursday evening.

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers wil 1 hold its biennial convention at St. Paul, May 16. Tho old quesltoc of electing another man than P. M. Arthur for gmnd chief will come up.

The condition of engineer Ide continues to improve slowly but steadily and his convalesce ce ia only a question of time. Ho is however, said to be Buffering 1 much pain owing to the several fractures of tho jawbones. West bound freight on tho Pan Handle is very light just now. Most of this freight consists of coal and coke and owing to tho shut down of a number of the mills not much of this material is used. East bound freight Is moving fairly well and consists chiefly ol grain and dressed meats.

As will be seen in the weekly report pub- llshod in tho Journal the Pan Handle gets least Us proportion of east bound freight out of Chicago. Two drunken bums amused the em- of the Pan Handle machine and boiler shops by a scrap yesterday afternoon. A large delegation of tramps arrived in the city on one of the westbound Wabash freights alighting on the Seventeenth street crossing. Here they scattered In different directions and two of them seeing one of tbe gates opened entered the shop enclosure and drifted into the machine shop. Hero they commenced to fight and were promptly bounced out of the shop.

In the yard they renewed the quarrel and were ejected from the grounds. When outside of the gates they went at It ID earnest knocking one another down several times. In the mean time tbe police were telephoned for and two of tbe department arrived and fired the whole gang out of tbe city. After tbe police had left tbe gang who established themselves just east of the city along the Wabaab'tracks near the spot where Petrie committed suicide a few days ago, sent a committee of two to tbe city to procure a keg of beer which they secured and returned to their cam p. Some of the tramps were well dressed and looked fairly respect- rble and evidently were men looking for employment.

Pimples, blotches and eruptions completely vanish before a steady use of Beecham's Pills a (Taitetai) and health again glows in the pure skin and clear complexion. 1.5 cents a box. Bewtrd, $100. Tbe reader of tliu paper will be pleued to learn that thftte li at least one dreaded diseases that ftctenca haa been able to cure In all Its stages and tbat la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrb Cure la the OD)J txMl'lie cute known to the medical Iraternttj.

Catarrh a dlsenjw, require) it constltatlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken acting directly on the blood and inticm surfaces of the urstera, tberebr destrodng tbe foundation of disease, and giving tbe patient strength bj building up tbe constitution and uwlstlng nature In doing Its Tbe bare HO mueh faith In curative powers, that tbe; offer One Hundred Dollars for anr onae that It fulls to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. Addrwss, f- CHENEY Toledo, O. iold by druggists.

i43H Brnnker'H Carminative Balsam, the great atom, ach and bowel remedy, isatill working wonders. For sale by all A. G- Jeuklnes Is offering the on. tiro reserve Btock In shoes, autrtg, overcoats and clothing. See the Otto KrauB show windows.

Quaker headache capsule glre re. Uef in ten minutes. The Boston Journal id certainly to be admired. One of boston's greatest newspapers, it frankly devotes some of Us energetic iditorial space to the subject, which at this season is of more importance to this and every community than all other topics. "One hears the voice of the man whose knowledge of nerves is almost unbounded," says the Journal, 'say.

that beyond any dispute nervous, ness is growing upon us at a frightful rate." Quoting from Dr. VVeir Mitchell it continues: centers ho thtit tbo number of deaths due to nervous causes increased 20 per i cent, in 10 Lh.t'- one.fourth of tlio deaths are from nervous dis. cases HK opinion is very confident, too, tho A'ni'ricuns a from tbitf -hort lived people." A elf tr st'ivmunt, of tho nervous dwellers in cities fin'i inwns wink! M'nJ a pnog of hor- roi- siti.i alarm through the country. Woman uru under the influence of terrible scourge than moc; uncl town dwellers more than country folk. Tbe Journal nsks what is the remedy, and linils an answer readily.

Hundreds of tired mothers, anxious housewives, school teachers and too ambitious very (lower of American to tho strain of tho serious affairs of life. Overwork and unnatural worry condemn a host of American women to spend their after years on a sofa or in a elck room, and to be a burden instead of a help to those who are dearest to them. Oftentimes excruciating pain as in neuralgia, rheumatism and heart trouble, but more often (especially in the spring "that thed feeling," is nature'scry for better nutrition in order! to resist the fearful strain on thi nerves and vital organs. The remedy Is known to every phyaiclan and to thousands who have been benefited it. Men and women who find them selves getting irritable, nervous, thin.

11 and ailing should take Palne's celery compound. it feeds tired, exhausted nerves, stores the blood with food for the wasted tissues, and purifies it of the impure humors which result from its stagnant, unhealthy condition. Nothing has ever equaled Pal ne'e celery compound for giving tone to the stomach and a renewed appetite. It strikes to the root of rheumatism, neuralgia, diseases of the heart, the liver, kidneys, and all disorders due to poor, thin blood sod underfed nerves. Poor appetite, continual headaches, toss of strength, nervous debility, and a scrofulous, unhealthy condition of the skin at this season are sure signs of nervous weakness.

Paine's celery compound will rob one of the "run down" feeling, tbe languor and despondency that come from badly nourished nerves, thin, pale blood, and underfed organs of the body. New life, a buoyant feeling, and the joyouaness of health wilt come when plenty of good red blood begins to fill the arteries and Invigorate the By a. tern. This Is just what Paine's celery compound is doing for thousands of tired men and women throughout the whole extent of the country. i I co 1 h.

As I am desirous of relievicg and curinp suffering humanity of catarrh, liver complaint, rheumatism, dyspepsia, and all diseases of a oervoua and debilitated nature in either sex, until March 25tb, I will treat all afflicted with the above diseases free of charge with tho exception of a very small fee in certain cases for medicine. I do this for tho benefit of many poor (sufferers who are in need of treatment and are not able to pay my former prices. J. W. MBRKOLL.

M. D. M. Ast't. 411 Broadway.

Logansport, Ind. Hue EirurMoim. On March ISih and 14th, round trip tickets wiii be fold, Loetinsport to Indianapolis, at rate of (2.S5, good to ra.urn to and Including March 16th. Also on March 27th. and 29th, round trip tickets will be sold, Logansport to Indianapolis, at rate of $3:15, good to ret rn and including March 31, For any further particulars as to trains, apply to J.

EDGEWOKTH, Ag't. Noilce-K. of All membars of Wtbaah Lodge Ko. 1831, K. of and Logan Lodge Mo.

1246, K. of and their buniles. are invited to attend the evening enter tainmeot which is given on Monday evening, March 12th, at Wabaih Hall. Yours InO. M.

A Louis EPSTINK, Dictator. ADAM SNIDER, Reporter. Factory for Handle factory wood delivered to any part of the city. Mail ordert Hillock Pittman, Handle Factory, on Toledo or P. J.

Ktmmer. WONDERFUL! The Remarkable Cure of MB Arkansas City Street I bod an attack of La Grlppt tbe 18th cember, complicated with tOrulUUs; MMkM tomybsd on? (mm My breathing wan very labored; a inttlMM ennatlon at tlmea; my cbent ud Innga Mr ore. reaedy helped the soreness left my chest almMila- tantlr; was well In tares days. Tbe te dueUr. Pnelps In simple JmUoe to al medicine.

P. 'Street Comn December 1891. Four has cumd Asthma, BrontbltU, IBM- monla, and Ulcerated TonMlltto. In oontMMM D1FFKBENT, It MORI rowXKtDL and tttmf fact is DIFFERRBNT from any otkw tat remedy molasses la different from rtaefH. It RKTELATIOS.

ILJ. TOD mat. Tne eijKXCK of ttie conimet Is, MUST GIVK or monef ratn4M BEN FISHER. WORKERS To Canvass Mitchell's Garment Cutting School. Prof.

Work's Garment Cutter, a perfect tailor system for outtlnr garment's for ladles, gentlemen and clilldren, can be learned in from three to MAKERS AND CITIZENS. This system outs the waiat the French bias dart, sleeves iu live different styles, and the jrawt te from 8 to 6. We aluo teach baistiag, an 1 rtsprodaoing of Md aUearments worn by ladies ami You liave ttiat tnay never present its If anrain to learo a perfect gyetem. To Persona Oat of Employment: I want good reliable agents in town and county in the United States. We will give you employmspt, either at your home or as traveling agent.

Oar to agents Mr liberal and profits (food, for we believe tnat ajrents should hare he profV for their labor. You can have as much territory as'yoii need and whtMTer vouwantlt It will pay you to iavestigate this busioe-s. You cannot fait to make money fast and and easy. For full iDformatnon call on or E. Mitchell, 216 Third Logansport, Indiana.

Or, J. L. RICHARDSON, State Ajent, Indianapolis, Ind..

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