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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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NO HUMBUG, NO WALKEtt STOCK, NO BUT 8QUABE BUSINESS AND STRAIGHT GOODS. GOSSIP OF GOTHAM. Itililinbed everr dsr In the week (except Monday by tlie LooANsroKT JorniNAj, Co, Price pep Annum Price per Month $6.00 60 THK OFFICIAL PA TEH O.K THK Cm. us second-class matter at the Loguns- port Host Kebroiirr MORNING, Two Sldos of Lite as Boon In New City. I Henderson Sons OF FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERS.

so. 320 Fourth Street, iOGANSPORT, IND. 5,7 and 9 Fifth Street FREE READING ROOM, Dally and Evening, 616 Broadway. Welcome to AH, f. M.

BOZER, D. D. S. DENTIST. (to "Hale Painless Metbod" used in ffle ailliig ofteetrj.

Over state National BanK Fourth and and Broadway A BUSINESS CONDITION. Wo are fully coutident, nays the American Manufacturer, that tho following extruet from a newspaperac- count. If given name or dato, would be taken by the average render ad a clipping from iorau recant publi. cation, so well cioeu it describe the situation in vurioud cities of our country during the past winter: cry of hard times reaches us from every part of the country. The making of roads is topped, are closed and housts and ships are no longer beintf built.

Futiiory htinde road makers, carpenters, bricklayers, anu laborer? are Idle, and paralysis it. rapidly embracing- every pursuit In the country. Emp'oyment from day to day becomes more scarce until there are many thousands of mon everywhcro crying: -Give me work! civo me work! Make your own terma- my wife and children have noiblns to eat!" You that aro full-fed and know oot what It Is to bo never saw ft hungry and see. Go and seo' thou. sands, men and women, hoys and ClrH old and younjr black and white, of all crowding- and josUinp each other, almost fora first chnnee, actine more like hungry wo'vcs than hiimnn beings, In a land of plenty, waiting till tho food is ready for distribution.

Such a scene may ho seen pvery day hptwoen 11 and 2 oVork around the corner of Oraneo and Chatham Btreets where chnrlty trhes a dlnnnr to the poor, and soup and toothers to carry to their miserable fcmlllea." The foregoing Is not from any jour- naliatlc observer of things as we find them today, but is taken from the Now York Tribune ot January 15, 1855 The country was then showing the rouu't of the legislative action which repealed tho protective tariff of 18-12 and In 1846 Instituted a tariff of very low duties. Under this tariff European manufacturers, workmen, II JO HT, So strained huve become tho relations of rich ami poor in New York that the police ii a been 1 tu the that. tlie. present attitude of te uilopteil by certain millionaires must bo modified, if trouble 1 is TWO HIDKrt Olr MKK. a Since tlie passage of resolutions by 11 labor union, iv)ii(limiiiinf, some millionaires for bavin'; their building done abroad and then brought to tbis country piecemeal, and the subsequent refusal on the part of nnoMier plntocnit to toil labor c-niiimiKiH' sent to visit, him.

have been many snrlv democracy and in the- intellectual army of oratorical fruiins that them shall be (riven a preside to its corainff munic-ipal rn othcr word)Ji it is designed to havo li ff hts of tho democracy 1,, UH: hall nominally to ln )s day. but in the state ileinoeracv into wii m( Ui lt li i( tnu ltl (1 in Ul(J ,,,..,5,,. anil tho hiivu rJ woric is, in- it is This bmin of man in tho stilti: dciV'ioni Taking linn: by for thu secret of Tlii.s rant ir a last boon appreciated in anil 4 is the nnpivecdonli'il of political activity in matters li it si-ems lionbtfiil if it will lio possible. for the aiai-Tstinniiiny democrats to prevent very inlroit use to bo made by the tijrer of the I'ourtli of July celcbrafion.

The quostion is: How is Mr. Wilson to bo 1 It will bo interesting to soo whether will frive the lonp talk, after all. Highest of all fa Lc.vemnf U. SL GoVt Report, Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Another grievance of thu mon i.s tin. 1 invasion of homos by parties of the curious rich.

It seoins that tlio oiistom of some rcsiiVnts of Fifth avenue of visiting tho shims in pili'tics luis proved distasteful tu East sidors. One win-kinsman declared at a labor union Mint lie woiiiJ thrmv a bucket of water on the next ot persons who invadoil his rooms against his wishes, When tho Khinnninfr craw lie- frnn it liuifrlieil urn! it rather amused the poor. Latterly, they have befTun to c'umphiin that it is inconvenient to he intrudoil upon at all hours by stroams of well ilrosscil poo- plu. 'Die police nroon tlic side of poor in this matter, when whole toni'inonl combined to ropol in- trinlc-rs recently tin 1 policeman on tho beat refused inti-rffro. Thu Altrurliin Authors in'Jfoiv York do not, a rule, aequirts political influence, but William Dean Movvolls is proverbial wption.

I). 1IOWEI.I.8. TIME TABLE Vl OmYIIO PtSUHOERS LOGANSPOR7 2:41 urn aocnrui 'MM York Ciprau, dMlr eiop(aaii(Ukr mj Toledo BnndM IB re 4MoUc It prMi, daily AMommodMlon for 1:15 10:23 am in Mtommodntlon for UnCltr Sundar 4UI Hirer Itogfutport, Hide, Chill. ujrt DOOTD. tMonodMlon.Loave, except Bandar.

lOKXiara Mtomodntlon, idCpm war BOURD. arrive, exonpt Bund aj, 9 JO u- arrive, The Pennsylvania Station. 'ennsylvania Lines; Trams Run by Central Time AS rou.o\v!i: LOOANHfOllT TO LKfcVlf AltnTO Mid Colomboi. 8.00 a Hid Nfiw 80 a S.0u a iiyfcittociil S.flftsii- ApoUiand LoDj4Tl' IT Point and £16 BID and and 6.U»n ttl.aop Point Mid Chicago oMB 7.16 andColombo! taootm Mid ISner .4 1-10 a 1.64 tt Hid inner 1 111 tll.tttrc, a ud l.Mpa- ud Colombo! 1.36pro Mew 2.90pro MHMCDdCklotso 1.80pm Mid 110 10 inn m. iU.vo MM BiMlford t.W B.

4.M 113.16k o. Mid New fU.16 pm 11,26 J. A. MeCDLLOUttH. twnt.

Logaoiport, Ind. and middlemen were given the wealth which should have been distributed In" this country and the effect is described In the extract. This 'Is what must occur if the Wilson bill becomes a law Hnd in fact present conditions are too much like those de- tcribed because of the fear of tariff changes. Under a tariff system dl- vented of the protective feature pro duotlon at homo must be greatly diminished and in many llnee praull cally cease, while thoui-ands of work, men will be idle with no hopes of employment. The Wilson bill IB tho summing up of ft policy which has been fully tried and the effects of which will again bo shown to destroy American Industries and at the ettmo time to supply the government with necessary If the party In power persists In forcing thai policy upon the country in spite of all the teachings ot expi rleace, it must expect to meet a fearful reckoning.

The Demjcraey ignore the truth uttered by runny of our great statesmen of the past, that ooDslant employment and well pnld labor produce, In a country like ourn general prosperity, content and choerfulnpus. thu 0X7 It is no to fay Hint with the masses of York citizens he is sort of social idol. He has adopted a new way of attacking what the litterateurs style the social failure. He lias pointed out one way of escaping from the breakdown of society consequent upon what is termed the weak foundation of tho present or.dcr that has made bis muno almost talisman with New York's poor. Even tlie alleged ignorant foreign element of the East side revere Ifowells.

work is now running- as a aerial translated into Hebrew in a weekly on the East side. It is not likely that the talk of sending Mr. Ifowells to congress will result in anything of a political nature in bis future. It is the invariable habit in New York, whenever man becomes suddenly popular, to l.alk of semling- him tocongress; but the present aspect of the Howells cult is significant as how powerful a man may bo- with tbe "masses" by advocating what are termed socialistic ideas, nl- thoug-h, as Mow-ells himself 1ms pointed out, the ideas often branded as socialistic are far less socialistic than many accepted the Christian religion, instanec. This is the way authors talk in New York nowadays.

I'rlnn. It looks as if New York will find itself swamped with statuary before 'This is because tbe il o- nors of stat'nes nearly always fix condition with the nocpplanoi' of fipt'C'imeus of sculpture, or at least e.vpress a i to whore it shall be pliici-d. This often proves ii a KACII POII.NJW ins OWN ami at this nm- THU.MPKT, inent two societies are a.s to their prior rights to a certain site for statues which they have inaile almost in opposition to each other. If donors of statues to the city of -New York- would simply specify it bo placed in tin- most suitable spot, without Insisting a special site there would be no quarreling, ami tlie number pf accepted works of art would add to the beauty of the streets and of the But that they will not do. It is interesting, in this connection, that the city of New York is gradually acquiring a collection of I statues practically no expense to i itself.

The are now arranging a plan whereby some of tbe present disputes shall be settled. At tbis time there is a sort of blockade, and orders urc not coming in as.rapidly as they miffht. hence the artists have a selfish interest in seeing that present dissensions are put to au end, as they probably soon will be, and the price of statuary will once more be up to par. DAVID WKCHSLEU. credit.

This plan is as good as auy other. (5) Some inventors take the precaution to have an expert in Washington search the patent office files, to discover whether anybody has already patented his idea. Such experts can be hired for between two dollars and five dollars. (n) If a person can not easily raise the money to pay the government anil his attorney, he can sometimes sell a quarter or a half of his right to a manufacturer or other person for enough to cover the necessary outlay. Jn order to perfect the invention, some expense fur material and experiment is often incurred; and this, perhaps, can met in the same way.

If no lawyer or manufacturer is willing to a ivnt for this purpose, the inventor may well doubt the value of liis idea. Money is often wasted by patenting- a worth- article. N. Y. Tribune.

USES FOR THE ARMY. TAKING to luvfi OUT A PATENT. Hntt I IM Rum'n Soldlcn Are Kfipt Employed. regular army of the United States costs more to support, in proportion to (he number of enlisted men, than the army of any European power. One reason for this is the fact that, our army is scattered, in comparatively small detachments, over a fjreat extent of country, and that many military posts arc in remote places where it i.s costly to maintain them.

Hut if thu army is costly in proportion to its sixc, we employ it for various purposes which arc more nearly connected with than with war, ihnsi fret out of it valuable nerviee, which Knropeitn powers pa.y for i maintain this army of about twenty-eijfht thousand men and oftiuers at a slate of military efficiency and readiness for war. we require the officers to render a practical equivalent as they fro nlonfj for the I cost of their education and support, i They, to their credit be il said, wel- i uome active employment in useful functions. It was largely to afford such employ ment to officers, commissioned and uon- commissioned, that the signal (service of the army was developed into a "weather bureau." This bureau, which was brought into a good state of effi profession is war. Die American sysu-in Mifiinny employment, assures to every officer the satisfaction of leading an and iiM-t'nl life, an opportunity to a reputation in.suuic Hue of tlie M-rviee. -Youth's Companion.

i fjuliiliu- ID Imllk. Tbi' most, of British paternalism in India.i.s the n-uv- ernmoiu's farlhiiiff packet of quinim-, Thoaverafro duration of life in India is twenty-four years, as against Dourly forty-four years in The main cause of the difference is the prevalence in India of malarial fevers. Quinim-. is the specilie for malaria, and the sov- erntncnt of India drtermincd thirty years apo to malie it, iind abundant. To that end it cineliona plantations, which through many vicissitudes, aud liave at far succeeded as to It possible to offer the, population of liengal qniuine put, up in (loses one pice (a farthing) The quinine put, up in five-jjraiiv packets, stamped with the royal anus.

is sold at all the post offices at Bengal, anil the demand for increasing- month by mont.h, in the niontli of September reached one hundred and twenty thousand packets. This amount is in addition to what is served to crowds of fever the Tillage and district dispensaries, and represents, says a correspondent, only a. small proportion of the relief which before will be rendered available to the population of India as a whole. Weekly. 1 OUIcat State.

The republic of San Marino, dating from 389 A. is the oldest in KB rope. VANOALIA LINE. Logancport, Ind. FOB TW IfUBTH.

10.86 A. Fot St. Joseph 8.40 P. H. South Brad.

fOB TBC SOUTH. fa. Son. 7.N A. M.

rot TOM 1.W P. M. Time CMrd, (MnK all temlni and for full tnfcnmatloo to MH. dmr I. f.

EDGEWORTH, Agent, THK Pnarob ruplitBio the Journal in an tvaalvo and rambling article about Erie avenue. Tbat was not the subject of dlscusbion. Tho Journal demanded truthful statements about public matters and public men. The publlo should not countenance the of tbe Pharos. While the Pharos attack IB really on He demo- council acd made through cowardice over CODE ell man buck the Journal none tbe lew Insists that it confine iueif to the truth.

It watt unable to control ita democratic council for the gas combine nor for the fraudulent rediitriclibg and it has a to feel that it was ipurned by its own party. This tflves it no ex. ouee for mls'epreientation however and tho piople should demand the truth. Tnn report of the Electric Light Committee shows tbat tbe 110000 a year now paid for street light will pay tor the new plant ID five years; that, the new plant will pay all operating expenses furnish tbe city light free and private consumers at half the present charges and will earn a thousand dollar! besides. No wonder objections come from tbe present company! Womeu In Politics.

is asserted in New York that if the efforts of the frujnds of Roswell P. Flower to have him renominat- for this summer, arc successful the i-xecntive head of the Emp state will owe Misprize as much to liis wife as to I'. FI.OWEH. liny one 1 Mrs. Flower has proved the most popular jrovcrnor's Judy in New York for miuiy a day, and some of the social rivals of this tactful woman accuse her of Machinvoliun in the interest of her husband, liut that is mistake, for Mrs.

flower lias often taken occasion to SSL.V that is not a society woman uml has never aimed at social pre.sti<ro. in which case it has come to her withotit any effort of hers. This g-OKsip is interesting- as illustrating, the increasing influence of women in New York politics. Time was when such a thinfiT as social affairs havinp any influence on politics was too fanciful for consideration, but there nre at least four women In the metropolis who are recognized influences in this way. Delegates are regularly invited to the houses of men who expect to benefit fn one way or another from the work they are to do in convention, and BH for social attentions to legislators the wives of officials 'and from municipal officers' wives, they are no a matter of course.

tnrM Who Think of D.iliiff Persons who are likely to apply for a patent would do well to cut out and preserve tho following instructions: (I) Write to the commissioner of patents, Washing-ton, D. requesting a copy of the "Rules of Practice," which he will send free. Then cure- fully reml from pnjfi; 9 to pag-i: 17, about the articles which may be patentr ed, and the fbrtri of application and drawings. In another part of the pamphlet there are specimen applications and drawings. (a) Prepare an application in accordance with tlie rules, make or procure I drawings such as the patent ofiice requires, make onth your papers and send to the commissioner of patents with fifteen dollars.

This is. the first government fee. Later, if you receive notice that a patent will be issued, then a second government fee of twenty dollars must be paid, (li) Some people are able to prepare their own papers and drawings properly; but those who are not consult a lawyer and employ a druug-htsman. Patent lawyers' charges vary according to tho importance of the case; but they seldom ask tlwn twenty or thirty dollars, anil sometimes more, besides the cost of the drawings. (4) If an inventor is afraid that someone will steal his idea before he can put it in sliape lie can protect himself in two ways.

First, he can make out, a paper called a "Caveat," and send to the commissioner of patents. This document briefly describes his invention, and declares that he has not yet perfected it. It will be g-ood for a year, if nooue else has patten ahead of him; and It may bo renewed for another year. The caveat is described-on pageH 53 and of "Rules of Practice," and a specimen caveat is givpn further along in that publication. A fee of ten dollars must be paid to Uncle Sam for each year a caveat is in force.

Another way to guard one's is to tell a trusty' friend about tha exact, natuw of the proposed Invention, and have that friend make a record of the date, so that, If he can -swear to it, and thun prove priority of invention, 11 some one else wronfl-frilly claims the A Ruddy Glow on cheek and brow is evidence that the body is getting proper nourishment. When this glow of health is ciency in the war department, has now absent assimilation i to the department of and heaJth is letting down. Scott's Emulsion Lon( Talk. AK an Instance of the advance preparations of Tammany for any event may be noted the efforts to have Congressman and Tariff Student Wilson to deliver the long; talk at Tammany's Fourth of July celebration this year. Al- thouph it is barely spring, plans have already been made to OONORESSMAS have the Independence day tion of Tammany no Imposing in Meantime, othor army of the engineer long- been, and arc now, actively employed in laying out and constructing- river and harbor improvements.

This service is fully In thelineof publicutility. TheUnited States ftovernment in the lutt fiscal your upeut five times as mnoh money for river and harbor improvements all the country in it did for fortifications and other works of defense. A considerable number of ofllcers are employed in and geodetic surveys of the face of the country; for our country is still im- I parfeotly mappad. The service which army officers arc doing in this field of science is one distinctly useful to the general public. A recent law has provided' that, except in certain specified canes, army officers shall be detailed to act an Indian agents.

This service is already nflordln(f employment for a large number of ofilcers. In niidition to routine, duties they direct the effort which making to render the Indians indnstri- oils and seK-supportinp, and iook out 'for their interest and welfare in many ways. The employment of army officers the work is plensinp to the Indians as well as conducive to the g-ood of the service. The army oflleers, being educated men, trained to conscientious public service, and secure in their posi- i tion, having no inducement but to make a good record, ure the best Indian agents that the government could get. They are eligible to regular promotion in their military grades during this special service, and at the end of a certain time return to their posts in their regiments.

There are other duties of general character to which officers and men are individually detailed, at Washington-and elsewhere, in vrhioh service of ft useful character Is performed. Military glory of the old sort conie to the officer of tha preMBt pen- dration, though nil signs point to a long period of peace within and without our borders. No rood officer or soldier will ever hope that the peace broken. And vet, thouch bin taken immediately arrests waste, regardless of the cause. Consumption must yield to treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew.

Almost as palatable as milk. frrjant br Scott A Bowie, Y. All drag, DmULL'S Is still at the front! You can rely on it! It never fails to perform a cure! is sold by all dealers Don't misltd. If draler offfri yon tome oitocv ''jusl as pood." iusiil on getting the old volinhle Dr. Hull's Coutb Syrup.

No inik.iticins nreai good. LAKGE'S Inlidotl Crttl Highest Honors-World's Fair. STORAGE. For 8 tor ape in large or qnmtlties, apply to w. D.

FRArr. Pollard Wilton warehouse. OLAN8 OPKHA HODSB, WM. DOLAX. MAHAOKR.

USCtt MllWIS Of 17 OKK NIGHT ONir, FBI DAY. MARCH 9. H. POWER'S COMPANY Headed bj tbe Tafentcd Irtob CoaedMB, SMITH O'BRIEN Preventing tbe Irhh DIBDU, THE IVY LEAF Tbn Tr'nb Bml and JlK Tfle Etgle't nitht. An Eiwjle Orry Live Child In Ml Ttn- Revolting Towfr.

I-lull A Cur of I Hctarrj. MD'l. entateat Patter-.

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