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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Correspond) net of iht Charletton Courier. Sruxu C. YixnEititT, April 14. (Irtat Fires in Virginia. Messrs.

Editors: GAZETTE AND ADVERTISER. DONATION FROM THE HEBREWS. A mong the many pleasing evidences of the kindness and svmnathr of our fellow -men, in this The Diurnal b'inamp is now on file, and has been for twelve days. No rain has fallen in that region the time of our calamity, not the least grateful and interesting is the otTvrini made lv a portion of The JSlock and Exchange Board of New York have voted a donation of five hundred dollars for the relief of the suflerers by the late fire at Pitta-burgh. The Cleveland Herald, in noticing the death of the wifeofjAiEs A.

Batons, near this city, has the following remarks. Mrs.JUaincs had resided in Cleveland for some time with her DISSOLVTIOX. ot Jenkitt 5t Tarn, .11 ihe Cultrnj tJPi H1 JOHN JFVKTVS. JtIIN TARN. Tlr riber -witt rMititm torarr on the alove hti'irw nl (he ohl stnnd.

lor any quafilt-ly or fjtiaiiiy oi wone. oti reatiia'ii- irnns. mair ai Mik CJuatry on rnfft JO. IN JKSKIN5. Allr-rhe-ny City, April 24.

XOTICE. rrr-TW fMirfc-rcrs -by the laic fire are miueMed to make known the amomit ot iheir to- tt Oh; Committee on ot ihe Ware in which record at the lime ot us oeeicrence whi'WiU men kir thai purpose on Saturday next, atut ttuotigboal the tbliow-in? week at the places assigned below. First VYari! X) Csin Committee Ttios. l'erkin. C.

Cra r. Sawn Ward IVmiwrnm-e street. Committee Wm. Whiiaer. J.

K. ttctidron. KKNsrvrjTov District In W. office, at Kverson it Forjfe. V.iiniHllf Saml.

V. Cwslev, Tlotn. JOHN VV II. LOCK. Char'n.

for more than two months. The damage, sust lined by persons engaged in the shingle and stave business has been immense one individual has rjrTnf Iittsbcm iaii.t (zfTTi si i ptlibl lMI.Y. and "VKfcKL.Y. The Da4y rIX louar wr annum, ill ldiuce The Tri-W. kly i KOLK llotiar p-r att Rim.

in Stlsanc. The t-oiiiainuur ant ol Ihe latter ot Hti Dntr. I WO Ijoitars p. annum. hi U- the little flock, a remnant of God's chosen people, and an ever-living memorial of the truth of Divine revelation, residing iuC'iiicinnati.

The Christians of Pittsburgh wilt thank the Hebrew Con lost at least and others 3,000 S2.000,! and so on, according to the force employed. e.or 1 ilKIK unnars at Mie rn.l vt the A 51 OKDIXANCR, ihf fe.mliiu lour l-'tre wilhm the hrtiinrt of riir. UilK.lKAS. mli property i sppr rtie in kind-roe fire Mt tlan-ni order fruartl HEiitsl sorb secatletii- ma res-Mil irereiTtm.fl rrn-dt-r more serwrnv tU- pmpertv of cstiiten. Spt 1 He itontatiM-4 ml Mwrfc.l i lhe liiliiuri.

wad '(in H'em-felnl Tliat trutii al Aer ths puMication rf ih's Ortl naure, i saall not be iawiiil tr any or prr- tokimlle, or can' to k'li-tfetl wtiiim ift eny. at looe lire ot wiwxJ or fthavtus. tM-h a rp fitmnonly el Kr ttettlum Ufe. or Ute ik wwir in such buiiil itS- varrl or em-ture, a Ur trom iirtv to tTme lnire tirM iiipTietl and evlare1 le Mite ami uitaUI' lor isirli ptrporA. and any ptrl herem.

lortt-iiatnl pv tijiott eoiivir turn tor every sueh oiteiice. a iuin U-r. tiian five. or exceed: us: oue tiumin tKUar, t-e a otlir-r naiin tor tht tnfrael on ot lti: lr-dutiin-f or wiiil riti are ti law r-( oveiatie. Ortbtniefi art4 erte inioa law Omrrril, tfct 72-M i (Uy oi Apr.l.

A 1 IM-k I MOIili.W nOl'KHTSOX, riilC C- Great holes, fifteen and twenty feet deep, have 10 KI1 Spts TurjH-n'i if lor J. SrCUOUNMAKKR A FRIDAY -MOKMNC, AI'UU. 25. been burnt, which, I understand, is occasioned by husband, and had gained the esteem of the people of that city: "Sad it is that the lovely and the good are io the great ameunt of vegetable matter that has AlJIASAC, rr M. vtfi.

eemmncint en Fundan. April 15- 10 ca-k prr Mi. rn anH lor hy f7 For Card off lirraortil, camtril ty the late Kftre. ste Uulurs Uirrclor)-, ou tlic Vint 1 U1I.I,I..M IMI.UUSIH. Moo Ih.

gregation of Cincinnati, and will nut forget them in their piayers to the (iod of Abraham, not so much for the amount of their contribution, as for the generous and humane spirit which piornpted it, and that they have shown that they feel in this the time of our dl-tiess, that we worship the same Creator and Heavenlv Father. The con been accumulating for many Years throughout the swamp. Thousands of cattle and other stock have perished in the flames. One thingconnected with this conflagration may be a source of some interest to your patrons. cir.

often the early called by death. Mrs. Lis. residence in our city, had been sufficiently long to knit the affections of many hearts closely to her own and it wlw fondly ho-ied she would long have been permitted to adorn and bless society with the influence of her many virtues. But apM V(mh1 IIKURINU r-rciviiiff rn-r raiial.

h)f fail' ly WIMJAMS lll.V0K i ll, WohI s'. OSI IKS ol rt-r wiper or qualiiy on haiwl Sio. mh rf i toi Sfts. Of UIHX. sets.

-I- 1 i at An old negro man and woman, with one child, ran away from their master twenty-six years ago, and have never been heard from until Tuesday 57 4 al rises, tl 5 10 11 47 titl 4 li 44 6 4i li 47 4 4W 5a 16 III. i 14 i 11 a It 1(1 5 9 7 SO Similay i Mnmiay Tttelny Vrfm'rta Tliurdny Friday Satuptav Consumption laid its wastin; hand upon her she returned to the home of her ha apy childhood Steamboat Unlltllng-the nrw WIkon The businrss of buikling steamers is as clie nil great ascvert There arvjnow lying at thewliaif tie new boats in various stage of completion, including the Wu-konsan, just alxmt ready to take her place in the traJc between this city ami Beaver. There is one boat for Cap. Uiviiinry, the "North Carolina," one for Cait- Parkmon. fiirmeriv of the Mosahala: one fJr Capt.

Poe. VJI ami lor alr- Uy ap-'4 VVII.U A.MS Sl DILWORTH. IIS i ClOKKKK 1M hi- firons e-f-mc(1 Km rnff-f. just ar-J l.y VON UON HOKT CO, op-M No KroTM st. and her beautified spirit passed from Earth to I 4i Heaven with the incense-odor of the first Hpring tribution also is doubly grateful, in that these strangers in a strange land these banished onei from the sepulchres of their f.tthcrs--have, out of their poverty, spared a little for the God-like purpose of charity.

May Heaven make their western home as fair to them as the garden of Eden, Ill" IT. Ac 1-2 lxs M. K. Uaisin; Ai DKR-I htid 10 Itaml ami lor flowers. This community svnipatluses deeply F1 10 rtri'm Smj ra ii: with our absent and afflicted friend, whose loss last, when, licing driven by the threatening flames, they returned to their master's house, (seven miles from Suffolk, Va.) accompanied by fifteen heatthy children, all of whom, excepting the eldest, were bom in the caverns of the Dismal sjwatnp.

A large number of slaves have leen forced, under similar circumstances, to return to their masters, after an abscencc often, fifteen and twenty years. Attest: K. J. R.wtrKT C. t.l.O JACKSON.

Pn C. Ai.ex. Mru.Aft. 1'lk C. AX OKOIX AXCK hiarlihmc nml hxtna; the prade TlnrI street, lr-t 'fffl Smiirtti-M treel.

SKC I Ke it ordained nod emu led lr the rtie ot Pittsburgh, tn S-l-rt and 'ommon Ceuori1 That the of "I'kird Mfeet. between nml sireeia. rttail have an e'ii ioe -piee and tlrrty-rive nuii. aliovt- iitr htrtwt- "br-e and one t'onnii tnrhe io verx ten lrm liir ot" ott l. to ihe ot Stmihi'K'Iti ireet.

and liat tie rtatrt' inTt-by pertnancHtly fied. Sht II IV it I itrt her ordained. r. Tliat ht coiiAclHii with iiw- aboxe if herdy repealed IXDK.O ceifOiinS. lmliirti t5l rrr'il ttn.l i'nr sale hv A.N.

JK.MN;S Jl I'o. attH hy OX UON HOitS I' ap Kiwn is indeed irreparable. FItO.1I TEX A. inriv 51, I lox siqierior Hi lim.ii ltoii.y-l I oliai-co. lor sale lv Galveston dates to the 9th have leeri re-reived at New Oilcans by the steam packet sM Tlmcc(; IVppt'n VOX ItOW'MOnST and as delightsome as the sweet vales of Canaan and as the hills are round about Jerusalem so may the Lord be round about this remnant of his ancient people, that they may be led into all the 40 lately of the Belmont, to be callcJ, 4c understand, Financier;" a tow-boat lot the Monongahela and a boat for Capt, Forse.

The Wiskonsan is one of the best specimens of a side-wheel boat turned out by our mechanics for a long time. The trade is a short one and 5 litr I-P or: -5 us ttukrA Large numbers of wild beasts, ol various spe- SOI.F. I.KA'rilfJt 61 sHtes J-oit: 1 gather 101 -ate l' iip-ji vo.v oitsr 0 York. The says 10 can pr t'niiiamtm: tlo lt AI H-MaTtl: u'-T'-r; 3) rtf IV per No 1: 51 Mn'ia wild a r-ai var.Wv r( knowledge of his ways and enjoy all the benefits ClhiTS prum- ll. Ten: to for 1-v lliinij in th- irK-rr) hii.

riVnj- at 1 tin StiHr: t. 1 1 A 1 A Jh.MNO von uoNNt.onsT Orrta fd and etiaeiert into law in I otinnl. itai vSu lay ot'Aprii. A- MOIKJAX HOI.Kin0, Atit-t: J. li.KKKis t'ik f.KO JACKHtN.

C. Alk. AIn.H.n. C. apJ4-M cies, have beeu seen in the adjoining woods; most of which are Iwars.

In the ncigliliourhood of Petersburg, and along the line of the Gaston Hail Road, a destructive fire is also raging, destroying thousands of dollars worth of proicrty; many valuable plantations have been swept clean. A great want of rain prevails throughout this entire section of country. ami ur snlf IWTTON. I'UKS ClllltN ltltOO AIS-: iluz lar We learn that Major A. J.

lonelson, Charge to Texas, had been two days at Washington, but had not laid his despatches before the Executive. Mr. Jones had not expressed an opinion either way, but was generally supposed to be opposed to annexation. We further learn that the only persons who manifest any hostility towards the his full revelation to man CivciNiiTi, April 20th. 145.

To honorable Mayor ttf the Vitiff 1'itls-burirli. Sir: When the great disaster wh'u-li has 1k-fallen the Citv of Pittsburgh was known here, I 4 AIUi-w: 'J Vppr. pint nml fr VuN i.ONN(lOi.ST A there id no necessity for fitting up the clin in the ordinaiy way. They arc, in consequence, both thrown into large, airy saloons. The Ren-tletnen'a is 72 feet loni; and 25 in width, floor painted.

The Ladies' 20 feet Ion; and covered ICA'-'IIFS t'l'l K.r sale ly A I 1) tc t'A TTO.V. 1) K1K1) ii p-'. liii-eedi Oil 4 bids indeed Oil ir le t.y a I WM. ft fo I ll IsjAiug (i.a llTASTED, an own TIXSKKJ) Oil, Mtl tnt and tor tale t'V p.l VOWl.OUSf A Co ATTKMIOXIU anil out Jay CUrk measure are a portion of the people aliout Galveston and Houston. Every where else it would called a meeting of the Hebrew congregation, as KKNXEItY, till Wish! sl.

In addition to the above cnlamities, a disease is raging, proving fatal in nearly every case, term nl by sotne blurk tongue" it attacks the patient iu a variety of forms. I could not learn the symptoms attending this direful complaint it is regard well as all persons belonging to the Hebrew persuasion, to consider the mode of aiding the sufferers at Pittsburgh. According to call a meeting FOR RENT- TWO Brick jrelioiii-e on S-roiil st. nlon1 to re-l'Uill. on whieh a Imig would ire jrivrn on iimiifd ale app! cat ion Iw? mi made to ap-'l-dn F.

I.OitKNZ was held to-day, and the sympathy for the unfor appenr that public opinion is almost unanimous in its favor. M. de Sr-alignv. the French Charge to Texas, fame in the New Vork. Mr.

Elliott, the British Charge, bad sailed from Galveston on the 3.1 for Charleston, ill the English sloop of war Electra, where he expects to meet his ed as a new tvite of diseases, resembling nothing York Piano Forte. JUST nKT.IVKI") Two im-w Piano Kortf nmniilar-trt-i l.y A A To, New York city, ami will tx; swi. ai Stw Vork prir Uy JO MKIal.OR. ji Vo.d above th. PAPERS.

Ht'SH acln on It nod and 'or JAM IS UKNNKV, (JO 1() tunate sufferers was very great. I have not as yet a copy of the resolutions, but as much as (xissilile was done, when considering we were only a small congregation; all emigrants, and therefore not else. Several hundred persons have already died In consequence of this disease. Respectfully, Yours truly. F.

S. BKO.NSON, M. D. HAfiS prime Rio Odive lir PV4 A Jr am. 1VI I'nper.

lllne, I HI It'. I. .1 I I'iiii ui yu tpiahiics; 10FFKI'. -ittl t.n" prime 11 otlt i jn-t recd wcalthv. The Congregation, K.

K. C. J. offer The Hon. Ashliel fSmith, Secretary of State of and tor bv t'lii with rich carpeting.

The ISocial Hall (if this is an appropriate name in a boat where the entire cabins are social saloons) is neatly fitted up with abundant accommodations for the Officers, Clerk, ftc The boiler deck ia of unusual dimensions and conveys an idea of elbow-room not to be experienced on most boats on the upper Ohio. In short, the "fiiins" are just such as to make a flying trip to Ecaver and back exceedingly pleasant, especially in summer. Her dimensions, as given to us, arc 10 fert long on deck, 25 feet beam, and 5 feet hold. The Hull was built on the most approved and scientific principles, by Messrs. E.

N. Porter Co of tllousetown. It is very sharp and gracefully modelled. llut the main thing about the the Republic of Texas, came passenger by the ed One Hundred Dollarsasa donation, and acom-mittec of nine were nominated to collect at three HAIL. MAN.

ft ftp- I NIt 'nii l.ilerv Extrnrt of a litter from I'ittsburgh, dulid A pril 17, 1815. KJ.T.OK. 1M gfo Wtiiic I'rtnier'n iJmr: Fr alc ut low prices ly J- II. a pJu lislrirts from individuals. There are among us II fitiKrow-der.

Imrenal and V. lilat Teas, nisi "The situation of the Insurances Oliices is brief sotne benefit societies, and i sent to them a call e'd at No't I.iberiv II A II. XI AN. JKNXIMiJi Jt to tK sufiwnlicr. hi atliiition to in- gelt-ml Ojmmion "l- and lor -aie for the same purpose, and there is no doubt that ly this: The Firemens" has a capital ol 250.000, two-fifths paid up equal to $100,000.

New i ork. aed leaves to c'ay lor asluiigton, on an important mission to this government. It is further stated that the Custom House Officers on either bank of the Sabine, hnve discontinued the collection of the custom duties; the question of annexation, in their opinion, being already sett letl. pj4 Cntiitl on i hii; ttivtit. nod will le Hd low and the balance secured bv stock notes without endoratrs.

The Joss in that office is $350,000, The -Penn" has a canital of 200,000, one ft All. A N. JK.MN;s ft oin Cow l.i! si ap-Jl fourth paid up with a simple suliscriptioii list Mux." nmt now ofi-r larr aitt well asir1-t-il si.sck ih nHtMt prift mikI tcniiJ mpri-1 prl mlk round le-fp. keg- ami 1mx- l)o Itarrr-U IK ('iiuiaiiMJii in k'-jT-. iiXe mitl lo 1 ru.v-- do lo IV I'mflllM! tto tlO ttO Clwti o'nt'- hxtra uml No I l'r'p'triH'oi -iMt rinut and Kror.

Ar. Nkw snie 1 1 A.ll SftAF) rt-r'it nn.I ur A VJKXXIXtiS the lialaure, and the atuaunt insured iu the burnt they will conlnoute their little share. 1 here Is i doubt a couple 100 may arise, but the le-sultcan not be known b. fore a week. The resolution orders me to remit the proceedings to your honor, as we da not know auy other authority to accept donations.

Vour honor will theref.we let me know by the first mail, on whi way you think it the best, ei-ther to'reniit toyu adralt, or to pay it here, ac-curdiiiKto your order. a lare btt 01 plen1idl SwonU. I-jmi -v. 1S ooenmir Wiskonsan, is her very great power. The dimensions of her machinery are as folljws- Four boil district is $220,000.

The nominal loss of the "Fire and Navigation' rt (Viii. liuff. I.llwrlv t. "Jl 1'H M. Itnivin.

in.l rr. ntI lor II AII.M N. JK MM.js o. IW. Kow.

Lit-rnv M. t.y is 200,000, which will probably lie reduced by ers, 40 inches in diameter and 24 feet in length. an aim i.oitwn. mo. a iar'f hh-k of mrnvr ifum innm Ihr Q1TS.

Tl lU'KNTIM n-rtf litf Uiiter will he ioM ai rt-tliKotl prict-. Also, a ton I have thj honor to sign. Your most humble, Kllll jstniit Fippl tr ot Otrou e( Two Engines; Cylinders 22 inches in diameter and 8 ft. stroke. Wheels 25 ft.

iu diameter, buckets 11 feet long, and 30 inches deep. Builders, Messsrs- Stackhuvse StLsut. We do not M. E. NOKHK1NO, in Ally.

IJ IMI2 4 1-25 President of the'Coasr ecrati n. K. K. C. nom 1 lirt i.l.aii!fs c.v-ara va i (, 'brume.

Vrliow jll ree'd nl lire lri'j store I Kllill Co. (Clnoti copy hi I All -y. 1111-1 lait. At. i rr.

parcels of goods saved to something less than We have in available assets exclusive of slock nofes which you know are well secured bv excellent endorsers of 110,000. It is thus made certain that the losses of this Company will be fully met. The confidence the community would have and ought to have, in the management of an office which, under such very circumstances, meets all its engagements, will render its future operations eminently success- inated Oh airman ot the Hebrew Meeting. Rev. Wm.

Pbksto is happv to acknowietlse pretend to know much about tnachiuery, but trtt No. II lniiwprf- apv. vara Collide, ol" r- tar as appearance go, we think this rather an ex VFFW tf oi Jiiva nud Lag extent flavour, tor Kile l.y MEXICO OX ANNEXATION. The Journal of Commeice translated from its Mexican pajiers the following amplification of the proceedings of the Mexican Government on the receipt on the tidings of the triumph of Annexation at Washington: At one o'clock on the evening of the 22d of March, the Mexican Secretary of State and of Foreign Affairs appeared in live ChaniU'r of Deputies, for the purpose of giving all account of the communications received by his Government relative to the Annexation of Texas. The official Documents which his Excellency read, have already lieen published and appear to have been forwarded by Scnor Almonte, informing his Government, that he was then busy in the preparation of a protest, after the delivery of hirh he would immediately leave the States, ton-tiding to the Consuls and Vice-Consuls the charge of mercantile matter.

Some stress was laid on the sanctioning of the law by the President, so soon after its passage by Congress, and the small majority hy which it was passed. Senor Cuevas, Secretary of Stale, informed the WINtiOW Ct'ItTAtN Mt'UIMlY. iionh-es, eortser 4 4iii id JAS. HKN'NKV. Jr.

tra job in finish. It excites a good deal of atten. I letieo and Potions. A fiferal AKMHimotl tn nil kttnt ot Military oi1 and TrimmmfTf. JfT'A rnv ot" neh Tfi Trav? 01 ef r-e-ived.

Also. Silver Plated rfstnr and W. W. WIjX. npv4 ernrr tth ami Market iM.

NKW Al KARK HOOKS. 'OI RAI D'S I.eeTurenon M'-mory. 1 vol vo. Fth ii. or Trac-! ol" Tnivel bronchi home frorn ih- F.aft.

1 vol IVmo. Fni North Ainericaii iudiaitiv, 2 vo. -A Treatise on lh pr in iple and piai'tieaJ influence of taxation, by It MrFulloch. F.mj.I vrd vw linnon" Me lanelady. I vol fvi.

Fntiun and l.iniram. inni the t-rmnot the Paroa de la Motte. 1 vol 1-'iih. Ix-Osei ea iran-laied by i--o- II. Falberi F-r -'e bv IJOSWOR I'll Si FORRIvSTFR.

No 41 Market ireet. roKT morkj. OFR Mannlaeiurins Fiablihtnettt Mill ta foil op-erai on tir arelx'tie and IttMMii wtJI t- Knoid on tlte Tttri'l doorot itxr b'jildinj; -i-nnittlliv Johtia Itanna. l-q on Waier lreet neat Marki-t. win re all onler tin- I A SS A will be or-eeixed andprotnptlv pl-i-l CFItl.lNii; ALT-Fit bblx No I in jrnod ord er.l ale hv NpVJ A A F.AVF.R Ma'k' i la lalety v.ii a ot nl reJ Uite Mirlni tor IKMfKS.

tiou- Messrs. Maso Mausiir.ii, veteran itril, ti'ired and cm! rati le ld low. "i fu." cabin builders, did the work on the Wiskonsan. NKW PK1NIX. Last, but not least, Capt.

He en ill is tile receipt from a few friends in Columbus Ohio, $152. Also ftom Watcrbury, aid ihi sulVertng poor of our city. (Tj'rhe travel through the city continues to 1 pretty large, natwilhstaiidiig the Wheeling folks say none but -dinkies" can get up. Travellers find no delay passing east or west. The Cincinnati Packets run as regularly as clock-work; and as for accommodations iu this citv, they are ex I It.

MFRp.lY las reeeived wiihtn a day ot tvo. Ftii.ii'r lot very band -our: new tle to take command, and we are sure the travelling proe rbenp. community will be pleased with that gentleman. RKN ItK'S Na'uraJ rb krrtv. Ie'ti a familinr iiitrliii-tnti so i lie tiid ol thai 5 cove bv James Renw.rlt.

I. l. Oirtey'i" ie rapl.y Atlas. Fro! Hifior ol ihe Stale. S-iool Fd.l F.

SjimkiT Ar. wli eb will oM tow h-ira-h CUAS II. KAY. Fno seller. No 7 Market While S'ore.

Itt mn jih i nd tlte )iauwuH. fAni'T euii epy apJ4 'fire and marine isst haxce. in HKit rs a kalti" ItFAMS I'tim-rial FrfiiliMff. Vl'i otelw-: On the whole the proprietors of tl Line, Messrs. CM.

Habxos of this city, Cun 80 5 do INMi'de Mi -bum do. '4x f7 meli'. jnt-t rrf Riipplv wi'i Uf k-pl hand itutl Uir Co. of Beaver, and T. Rtcn.noTtn Co.

of To ihe Editor of the PitUttmg'i Mm. White: The above letter purporting to have been writteu in Pituburgh, and evidently on the face of it by some person interested in the stock of the and Navigation Tire Insurance Cu appe am iu the Philadelphia I. N. Gazette of the "Uiul iiist. The m.nufeiit intention of detracting from the character of other local institutions, by imputations of bad ni mageinent, Ac is wholly graiitu- bM.k and 1'ttp Wnrelio te liF Hntter-i'cn-! bi.iiis ihe Affemv ir I'm-tinrb ami vn- of tlx- Uki.a a-: Mm i.

Sorm li hav V-kpan- ot" Pttiiid-iniMu, are now t. I oil ia.i No I Herriejr; ll (U 1 Triiimted Sbnd: 4i do No -vM i-tt red ainl tot ale prepared to tnke rifkwmt Itirld nr ot St-o lo rW or lli l.t'AD KF.OS 4t kx Wh te Uurt KmgH ijtfiul tortile by Cleveland, may well be proud of their new boat, and we hope they will realizs a good return for their efforts to serve the public. The Michigan, Capt. Boiks, will run in the trade also, as usual. The Wiskonsan and Lake Erie, axe two of the finest boats in the west of their class and build.

J. W. 11 KIJKIIMd. lo. Wood or t'Hir and uoit vfcl an earpf nt t-i ater f.

in I be eiix'otuary rimmier. kr p-ittt nf thtt and at pjj- 11 pi ii a a vj: Ayr. nKAS 41 pe Y.H.. fine '0: finnj-owdeT J. and lilaek 'IVa- on han.T and Sitrale Iv rlrdi Aplrs Id jut Suiir neve- I)' tensive enough for all the travel at this season of the year.

Boats of tous and over, leave every diy for Cincinnati an I Louisville. To the cast, the Canal, by D. Ioch Co' Sue line, offers great in luceinnts to the wear and tear of other modes of travel; 'or if t'lc passenger prefers to go direct to Balli norc, there is the line of steamers to Brownsville, splendid stages to Cumberland, and Railroad to the Monumental City All that is nccd--d bring travel this way is for I tho public abroad to know the truth the misrep- tanil mm or mti' rv wn.r.i a hh.worth wkI It A WKAVFR. ouh not to say, infamous. The Penn, and the Firrra.Wa Coinpanw.

it is true, are fallen both hems; made irwoNent by 4 He lara losses in tiie late unexampled conll4grattHi; Intt if the Compa 1 1 t.v i OAKSlliAR "sst loveSisrirKr ii A 4 WKAVKR. Chauiler that the Cabinet, amid all its complex duties, had attended esvially to this niwt iinor-tjnt aitiir. and had ordered Senor Almonte to proceed as he had actually done, previously to receiving their instruction. VHe assured litem that it bail to defeu' 1 most energetically the rights and honor of the hVpiibiie, and had already, in moving tnv and other corresponding measures, d'Hic all that lav ill its power at present. It had not yet ceased its efforts.

He said that the iovernmeiit would communicate to the Cham'wrs any future intelligence it might receive, that by conference with the Cabinet they might decide U(hii the Itcst means of defending the rights of the Kepublii-; that It would, moreover, immediately direct an encrtrctic protect to all fnendlv powers, against the outrage committed KvIS Wmi'innj Fj )f -t 4I0 IN and t'ap l'p tt d. ink I owl' ivi-r A Nnv Ink Powder: Wafer-: 1o Salific Wax. tor a bv BP'S SFtlO'M Ak li Oi. M4 Wool -1 t-l'ANISM Will TIMi 10 t.l.U the Utwejit rate 01 premium lief iotor eiirrenl in Puis-bsirsh- Th 1etMitt'on ownlrnf the pr iie p'e ot mntnal in- tonme Wl)h JOIN'T STfV'K I'APITAI. pad in.

vv pfrvaU'iii r-h1 poptilai tii pue. Perfi(Wi itiret in tU-. riiipaiy. rneur 00 refvrti-lidoy lii joml th- NirHHiftl it" prfiiimiH aelnniiy pa-d. Py tb- Aeiot lreorporTMii.

the FapnaJ sh-1 1 pleda lor die payui-nt 01 am br a wlin-h ihe t't. mav sin. tit; and- addil ot the thus 10 the aMn'tl. ihe taw r-tpme ail tin prt.iii- 01 ihe Crt. vhati hen-ntler lr t'nnded.

ttml r-triain wiiblif a inrMt'-r aiid poHertion to the uxured a-wain-t U. Hind wiil l- bv p. 10 i Wl.iiiriR osl ny, whose eulogist plumes himself on its remnant i r. vuig and lor aW lv of means, bat! cni ed Hie eonlhlence ami patron t- mi o. age of cotmnuuttv lo the extent of the Kire- and no other trade in it has better arrangements.

N- B. We observe thj name was painted HueortsiV and afterwards eSaced the orthography ot the word as fixed by law, is skonstin," and it is far more euphonius. Henry EarL, Treasurer of the Relief Fund, acknowledges the fallowing: Am't previously acknowledged, $11,703 SS rAiti'it utan'a CoRijiany Umsc would hae ieen a great FOR SALE. 5 bx 'i ir ir'S -l Vt 111 XMI HIST Co, No Krom irrl. and it allair a much conhtsed and iloutntul a A if'" hr propeny.

SI' timed in tbe A th.t cotnpanv. or neatly i. The Penn Compa ira! and tu nf ot tiie rcsentations of our en miies m-iU recoil on their own heads where that is known, i TEXAS. oe issued by rearin nn ol p-r et-n. nnd ilivuM ietvrr-H the partte uturinc sih1 the Inriderf 4al'te tmi-aaioatty.

iwpioe 01 ny is fr the preseut priwtrate on account ol 500 Al.T tor jaie i-i K- tnnif pnrehnera. TA AFFK A O'FONNFR. l-apir War lwni-e. A(bjfh Fily. Ol ihe nloe the crrat public cutideice in its condition and The par nt inliinr'mi mnnnH bv ihe KATllKRS- Prime Kent uekv F- nthen bv the Slates, to the Government of which the I no matia'tneitt, securing lVr it so large an amount 1 t.Co;.X UfeTH.


Pittsburgh, 30 Citizens West Alexandria and vicinity, 27 store and lor hy IJ Ol I.TKH on ol" business in the commercial portitn ol the burnt Wm I protest would also be forwarded; and finally that all di-tbm-tlic in! ere -as ir 'th thai VvrtrHMfnt strict. The allusions to its securities convey ri.Olll 1'Rl'll A I Hf. JUU tfoo- ltiis doc Hs'tl tare tirr tfr atid for sa-e bv ap-et) F. LfcKS 10 il kiotU PraIure nd to' iHy f.dsc Hupres ion. he Iiretura of the Penn C.unanv.

am jna the dts -rret irm-ra Pranrt. in COn.TFR 100 00 15 0 100 00 The N. Y. Courier says 'We k-ain rom good authority, that on the re-assembling of Parliament, the subject of Tcvan Annexation would lie immediately brought up in the House of Commons, and that the Ministry would fe directly questioned as to the course they intended to pursue in regard to it. The Caledonia, whose news is now hourly ex- Plitsburgh Mflnficire jeneralfv, No.1.!, and mluious of oui eitijsniv a careful exami lilil.S Ni and ltid.ptet ree'd atTl lor ale by ap-jJ II al I.IKR A Co.

10 It S-aI. ltd Sonder. Jthn Iloi-ert Itnnon. lirltn I'- urone. Sam.iel F-dw ord.

H'-nrr hawmiff. FKvartl I ll Jr- lU'-snke, i-irc Serrol, Jihti farreit, Iav John S. rwl'ii, R. M. Mi-no)i Jrtn'' Hand.

'Pbeopholu Crai2. "n- F', re. Jim. "bail- il JotlllfOlt, Wm Hit, Pr S. Thomas.

II. Siaet-v. nation of the Stork obligation, could not attach a suspicion to irurc th hij shares, or a ho it 5 1000 50 00 7t 12 i ltx) 00 40 00 Union Congregation, Kobuisou Twp Wash. fa. Citizens of O-, additional, Jacob Bowman, lrownsville, Jas.

Bowman, M. E- Church, Liberty st-, Pittsburgh, John Towne, 5th st. Meth. Church, Citizeus of Ohio and Clair twps Mr. Burtisides, Pittsb-, Rev.

H. Snyder. Prf. Jeff. College.

it. Paul's Church, bv Rev. J. F. Dcane, IH'W X- O.

icar itr fair t.v II. ol the unpaid stork; and pronounced ery a of its bills receivable aluolmelv o-h1. 1 o. UK) 1SL Molafr Ibr ntf hv 11. Co.

yti and Fitwrlv fctreet, one door above the held Wood t. rtllwburgU, P. Lit a I advance, tn or tiootU. made Cflniiinmrnl ff Frndticr. A c.

p3 Sl'ANt. MAM'FArTl OF JUXTA TA IROX, A.1L.S', Xl lCFL, HolLtZR lROS-c. WARK.IOLSK ATF.R A'futt tivf tpHitr brfaw tld ffamL iittuh nt nncc be cbt-ed. Alter this declaration, the mist tr -clarcl that, without any extraordinary iwers. the Government bciieved itself atroug euongh to sustain therightsot the republic, it conttiied in the unanimity ol the wlwlc nation, which would hasten to defend the holy cause of an adtninistia-tiou that had in view no other than the maintenance of the lights of the Republic and its laws.

Subsequently, in the Chamber of Deputies, Senors Rodriguez San Maguel Epinosa and others proposed the following decree: 1st. Inasmuch as the United States of North 4 1 l. of 1'm t.a " It is due to a lare numU'r of claimants, deeply 4 till 2 l) pecteil, will undoulledly lriiig the resull; anl we think we have jrood srouud f.r saying, that ir Roliert Ped will diilare, that the Oovcrnment WM. AKT1N Pr-vt interested in the alTaits id" the Penn Omce; to tlir 5 00 Officers, Director and and to the 116 Wt uu 'n way. to interfere to pre public, tn notice au to throw lack a missiTe so CIovrraerH, Applrt aud Lard lovtiste.1; l.uah ilr.ivt Avlr: II I ir't ftn lof atrl I'A'rmx.

l.itWny m. (uri-rtlN VARNS no It rM Nop. for fair l.y RIIKV A Co. No. 1 3 Walrr M.

SO 00 unwarranted and mischievous as tne id oh a Kellev. Claysville. W. C- vent or retirJ ttie oi i exas 10 me nited Slates." WM. KVKK.

Jim. V. PrcVi. Sxrrsn.i. Sre'y A pi 'eat tor nk tnav le mnde at present, in the nwn of the IVim Insioanee nd to; nnj.

the S-viic Rank, in hm 4'h t. at the otiire of Kitiii Hoinw. No 1 Wafer- st. up sHairs. or by letter addressed to either ot (he mideriitied.

JOS1 All KIN'li, JNU FINN FY. and 3te Wori not olln itiitin li ttif iaie tir-. are noxv in (nl ler; and have not hesitated lo do so here where alt the fa' can easily be investigated and where the aubj ct a painful inter F-R4l WAIiltlSGTOX Taoism win BmxiL- A letter from A I.I. Is for fair t.v RIIKV ft Cn. i ii Wnlfr sl.

I OAF sf; apjrt 'Y HIC.Tiliri.u.-ii a I ope rat mi. and timi-u ol our m-inu'a-t ired iwl bav.nt hirm ord' r. untoi-aed by tiie. are wwr r-adj titi the dnh 01 om Ir and p'i tlAwti territory, have openly violated tlleir Inemlsnip est. JtiSlAH KIMi, President Penn htsurunet Company Washington to the N.

V. lleiald under date of the 13th, says: MOI.ASSKS hall hbU; 5 iiarrels. iir sale hx II nilLV A Fo. No 13 Water M. PiTTsm Ron.

April 'Si, 1-15. jrreal Increase of butrievs the llel M. ln. Fo it. iter he fire, render the discharge otthrdn S.

api tieorge W. Wethcrell Co, Philadelphia. SO MO i E. Porter Shousetown, 10 00 Citizens of twp. IT 1 First Cum.

Preshv. Church, Pittsburgh, 25 00 I Rufus Reed and Charles M. Reed, Erie, 500 l0 Jas. Peacock, llarrisburgh, 20 O0 E. Hanlon, fulN-nville, O.

2-" 00 Citizens of Caionsburgh. 5 00 Sabbath School Children, Allegheny i City per W. Tile, 1 Ofl i with this natio it is that fiom the passage of this law. the treaties of friendship, com- 1 merce and navigation concluded K-tween the said I.tWIS.

mar he found On Fndav the Mtssiippi was within two HI UK VV "Important despatches have juM leen received fe-et of its greatest i-ltt last Kitrtntr. at St. Peters. lite he- SICKLKS 4tdoz Stekle jat ree'd nl torvale liy api iK. a Fnrry t-l A eope in and mutually act-epted and rati-: The ttUr report that it wa within a foot of tosofiij ineons ient with my pnfesfnal m-leres1.

i reeotnmend my tueeevtrs Mes-rs. King tk Fotnev. io the patrmiui' oi mv fr'ends. If F. NEW BOOK STORE.

iod ami not (He hi tla. eo VV p2- 'A( if WAXTEI). dm January ot Is ,2, ae at a icaJ. 1 2d. In consequent whereof, from the publica- the entreme itoiut reached by the floil of last vear, and the snow was quite dep on alt the trit- (-illmplc Kriitirny iv to No Ci Wootl t.

.11 d'or alcove lion of this law. the terms of sit months ami one VYOF recoJiinjended. warn a tutuaiioa either in a Com or a Dry ood HMte. Addres -W." lkK Post Otft ap2l-ai HAVK utat u-s. year, for various purp-ises agreed upon ill said amond Aitey.

CaiS au 1 ee tmr Iook ut F're t-lt treaties, shall begin to tie c. The aiiys that the mill owners on WiscoTisin, apprehensive that their 3 1. The Government ordeis the 1. sing of all VINt; t-e nrn ort. may I tVwnd at Mrwr ports to the eotmner ol ihe I nt ei Statts, and) mills would all le swept tdl by the spring freshet.

There was yet two or three feet of snow there, II Seoii w.ifi ln.ii-r ptj Win misil bv the Department of Stale from Mr. Wise, our Minister at Brazil, relating to the recent insult giveu by that Government to himself, our Consul at Rio, and to the Conimmaiider of our frigate Karitan, who, it will be recollected, had seized upon the slave vessel Poroij. with her carao ot slaves and sMi-ie, but which, from the threats of the Brazilliau Government, he was forced to re-linpiih. The despatches referred to from Mr. Wise call for definite iustiuctions as to the course he is to pursue in his present ri lat ons with the Brazilliati Government.

He urges the immediate apicar-anceof a formidable naval foree'in that quirler, for the protection of our commercial and mara-time interests and the expediency of Ins withdrawal from that "overntiient. inasmuch as be cannot Poutirl and Lost Pro pert y. POI'Mt at ihe lale are. two Feaih' lied and soma I I'lolhr. nd a pieeeof a Itednend.

A hto. ft with me a nice new Fard Table. Also. bro-hl Capt. MeOUIIamlon lheHdernia.

trom a Land box with a handsome BHiiH-t in it. for Mt Jinwea F.wan. Phase Rpply at IIAKRIr aije-it Atreney and Intel. Otfiee. Ft ft a forbids the use ot tueir manufactures.

and should it paw off with rain, arrant desiructiou 4th. No pr.qios.tioti relative to the restoration he ean n'ike isotiis- tnrtber H'uni'; ments'. hte 01 I it- Yp iri Precis lor a'e at a low pnee betnsf ide rernnnn" of ht sttrwfc and fixtnre of property was feared. Sf.Ismis Kpt'hlicat. of friendship will he listened to from th- United Aprti wiiutui? (In ttrin-le will rtmirr a favor and "hroit.

ropy ap-Vtf Mrrl. IV l.y States, except upon the basis of the relinquishment of the plan of the Aimcxati-iti of Texas. Rrmoriil lv Flrr MOXOXKAHEhA WHARF HO AT. BOSWOKTH 5l FOKRRsTER, Ao. 43 Markrf, next dtttr to Third xfrcttx, VKF piM (p'-iiMtt; a new and extensive n--rimeiti of Itoks ari Sianoriery.

whirh tney will sell, lole-sale tnl rtiail ihe towi-! ap'JI Pulilic Sale. TW epos a 1 Puhiic Sale Frulav. ihe fhh day oi May m-M at Joelock. P. 011 the pretniw.

ihe jittf Lead Faeioiy. in lb nn Inrmeriy carr'ed mt by Ihmiap it with ail the on haml. 01 dry Lead. hTs. A A Terms cah.

ap-4 S. MeKF.F. Pmnmrham Fine Wall Papers. 'I'lir. ub-r hers have on ha ltd.

in athbiam 10 se-I be it 'cheap wall pai er, wh c't ibev are dady hv new paio-rns to a' iimnuueUK lot 01 vt-ry lt-iitttl Fr-ueh ad Pm-er ot this spring's fi-eeiveti wvi ral dav- betor ihr-hie. to wh eh they invite ihe atteniiou tn' iliv 1 trtciids wih 10 paper noi.irsit'p tc Wood m. rotner of Diamond A'lev, The Hoard of Broker in this cilv ilid them rite Cbauil-er nn ne.ltat. lv went n.t i secret rule ration. IMF IMPROX ISITORK.

from the lkui hof ihriii Marv How m. selves theerfldit, yeteid iv. of volin five hnn Ire 'I 0. BLACKBVHX has lakch the Wharf fVwl. alsnve the Moinnti-ahela r-ru'tr.

h-re he wdl session for the uurptisu of dicusing the abave ilollars from their in aid of the Pittsburgh Pi one li it sufferers. frdzrffr. be pl-'aseil 10 see his old customer ami friemt. apr-XJ tf. leeree.

RELIEF 'FOR II "PI TTsBI KtVlV SIT- I Jitmej. F-tMp, Th Aneietti Rr-c'ine. a tale, by tl. P. I'vo vol in on-, 2- Dl'TLEU KEUEK MERTINC, CAii n.

FEKEUS. We mentioned yesterday that the Cl HARLFS H. KAY, 1 Wat seller, bavin, thin day made anatt-iemen'- with ihe owner of hi late Mayor had received from the Collecting Commit- A meeting of the cilixen our borousrh, was held in Ihe Court House on SaturJny verting bi-t, (or the pitrpe of adopting some meas tees iu the Seventh and Eighth urds, both of which bad been partially canvassed, the sum of i N'. 4i I 4i llarprr'i limm ntrt1 pen re. No, Harper1 liible, Nnrmti ve ol ilie Fnited Sialen Fxplorin F.xpedttKm, dnrmc the IVfl.

iiti, 4. F. t'lnnrnantlet of the p-ditiO. lit rive vii. oh an Ada- tnttn tie iolv ilfii-trat-d.

Pre- I'or -oil- I I'll AS tl. K.t Ifer. No Market rIiov hit- ini' Stor- Iw Wt-etl 1'li "nd the aiinm). Vnierteait eopy.j well see how the matter is to be settled amicably and honorably to ourselves, as the insult was gratuitous on the part of the Brazillians, who refuse to apobjgisc. and continue to hold forth frcnh menaces to himself, and of course to the government of the United States.

It is said that there has already been a Cabinet meetintr UMtn the the naval force An Ycsterdiy the Mayor received from Hugh Bolton. Esq. Chairman of the a pv1 if oeer Ihe Wiloii. Af OUDI1WCK, Siipplementary a an Ordinance paed on lit- l.Vhdav Store, al tire corner of 00H nml Th rd strert to Lav it r-bBlt in tltc course vf inn or thretp mon'h. r-spcet-fnliy tnmrm hs friends and ilie puWbc j-entmHy, that he wtM com tune h' business as heretofore, and Will Ha prepared with Mier lacililivs to iaopty rvay thmp in Ihe line of a iMikselieT and Stationer- at ihe kiweMp-eis.

I it die meanwhile, he wilt irauaei h' I'UMurm i the Pry o-d- store of While A HnxheE. No. 7 street, between -till sl and line Jhuutoad, wbcrns he will Iw- happy 10 see lupoid eukHiieri, -Mid supply tlteir orders as usual. apfi l.t37 00 I This is the amount of a collection taken up by a lew SNibbath their cents and lips, of their own accoid. Watt, Dovt I.oi isriLM.

The Louisville Journal of Monday last, says: We understand that mir citizens subscribed not less han dollars on Satunlay foi the lelief of the Pittsburgh illerers." A letter from that city in the Cincinnati tia-zette says 5000 dollars have been raised. Noble Louisville, her citizens have hearts with the spirit of true benevolence- THE QUEEN CITY. The Cincinnati Gazette of Tuesday, states that 6829 dollars, 72 cents, had len col'ected for Pittsburgh, and the Committees had not got through thir work. This is exclusive of a considerable amount of produce, Ac, sent forward free of charge. Truly may Cincinnati be railed the "Queen City" Her merchants and citizens are princes.

MUNIFICENT DONATION. The donation announced below, is truly of a munificent character, and must awaken sentiments of gratititude and respect to the donors in the heart of every Pituburghcr. Brady's Bend Iron Works are located on the Allcghcii5 river, about 50 miles above this city, and arc now in successful operation. May the generous proprietors never know reveise or sorrow: Bostov, April 19th, 1815. Pay to the order of Thomas M.

Howe, One MIK niiilt avmsr lost their bill fit 111 (he late nr, r-mn--t ihat fto whom thev have intentwd for Mexico will receive instructions to 01 1 llnlinaiiee the crmlc of Water sireel and the Whaif. Ac." The grade of Water utreef beiwe Wood and Markt-t tts. ax established hv th--ordi made put lii belween 1-n and lMli lo eiid in ditplieuie bitisi wohocit fiay WILLIAMS lI LW )RTi I IIS Wood i. visit Rio; that Mi. Wise will not return until such time asotir goiicrnmctit is determined to act with efficiency and force, regirding, as it docs, the rase nance of the ith June, is a reat nttrmtce to the tlnh of extra oTinv Furniture as an exceedingly aggravated one.

tthout 1 east, arces of dra' s. cart. e. from Winul to Maikel sir-et. 111 eonsetnriiee ol ihe uiiereitne of the irredr.

Titer to re. He 11 ordained and enact, bv the itten 'itroii or Wedie av l-i. I left the AI- I'm however, knowing anything njion the subject of a positive character, it ia probable that the Presi ures procutK subsi-rtpitons for the relief of the sullerers by the late calamity iu the city of Pittsburgh. The Hon. J.

Hredin was apftointed chairman, andlieore W. Smith. Secretary. A committee of five prisons were appointed in each borough and township iu the county, for tilts humane and benevolent purpose. The condition of suttvrcTis, apteals directly to all the nobler feelings of nature, atid is calculated to excite the warmest sympathies of the human heart.

Wo have every reason to lelievc that these calls will not be disregarded. Butler county, we know, will contributed her full quota towards the alleviation of the misery and distress occasioned by the awful and distressing conflagration. As an evidence of this, we may mention thtt fact, that on Friday evening last. Sheriff Campbell and G. W.

Smith, ent about two hours iu visiting the citizens of the borough, for the purpose of soliciting contributions for the above puriose, and although thev did not visit Ot Pitfjshnrtjh. in S-leet and oitneds ttnetn-bled. That so much of the i lidmanee on lit Fifth Ward Committee, Fr im Leon Dycrand Turner, Esqrs. of the Sixth Ward, From W. II.

Cole, Sr. Esq. of the Seventh Ward, From George M. Gill, Esq of the Eighth Ward. From Samuel Jones, of the Eleventh Ward, From J.

t- Hewlett, of the Eleventh Ward, From J. Wilkes, of the Ward, From L. W. Gosnel and R. Garrett, of the Eleventh Ward.

From Wm. George lined, of the Fourteenth Ward, Phh June. eniitied, -an Irdniam e.iablirdni!i the dent may be forced to convene an extra session of Congress to decide loth ujion the Brazillian 91 135 29 Hi 00 ins 00 lWZ 12 A'Z 0(1 132 05 190 29 55,170 00 -Trade. Water sireel. MoiKimraheia Wharf.

A' a l-jrh-ny F.nitt- htm wuh the ear. panned up 4h Mnrk' t. iIom 11 litrk.t to Fifth, np Fdtb to Sin-iiitn hi. and alooj; Sitt'lhtiebl lo lh 1. Tf Hub eme off-imie wh-re mi ihi lutttv.

A Idn-ial reward wdl I-e paid for jt reeovery. A. Mcf'FRHY. Alltrheny Knffnie Hotitte, -4th -t. COATS SIX C'OItI THKE.tll.

and Mexican tlttltculties, whictt Iroin leccnl ac to lite tjrade ol aier sit- el and the Wharf between and Market be and the is hereby rejwaled. and ihat fmni and after lite pns-aire tii ihis (Irdinauee. the prade of Wait-r trei, between Wood and i. hive a im form afitdiii? era He inmi lire riadeot Wood utieei 10 tb counts arc fai from being favorable to a continuance of jieace between the two governments." Trxtit. The New Orleans Picayune says miii: Mitmifarlurf-r ol itiis an.elr Iwsr rrsprcllully to grade ol Market g'r et.

We have two private fetters la-tore us, a day later than those published, and winch were writ ten at the latest hour to be in readiness for the Skct 2.1 lie it further onlano-d. Ac. That the Wharf between Wood street and Market have a re--nlar f-ndin- -railr- ihe lute of Water ireei the curbm? at h.xv watt line. SkcT 3d. 1- it Innhtr ordained.

Ae Thi steamer, from which we learn that President Jones had returned to Washington, Texas) and the of Front stri-et. l-t wee Woo-I ami Market nts shall MORE NEW GOODS, SII ACKI.ETT A vnoI.KLK DKV tSO'jnS A 97 HW a frro doors afnrrt, the burnt Didrirt, .) RI'. now reeeivine aiMih'r supply of STiMg mmti Sumwrr bWt, hich Will iHRlif their to full and complete, ami larger than it has been Mne year, ami we are. prepared to city and countrf nn rt at such mftictt rice, a wilt make to their auraniairt: ti rivc us a call. apU Ilo! for the Head Slarkw.iirr Savigatiov.

NOWS VOt CHANfK HI hasaoi tsyard af Ute taarve Hoa Mr ia Urn was -V villel Arm Steam oil ri eairy i kiaa mm to copts with lb iiliva on Ue Nito. 'IW late Ntspfw. Mient ih ihe oi ihe Mommyalw ha, by iaca-waier. has irans ned ihts ph rhlutf- town tnt-a trrvat mart of omia-fff. The atihsenljer oltera lor aathr ai a sftei-ul-ittoM.

a Ime properir this nWntr ihtH-R tow m. coiststs of a Mary Brick arrhaMt Hd lwllin-f, irtMHmx Wwrket rr rrcn. etatMnn-ott ttw fast lion britlrre; tae lot ruaa bea hew water-mark. Tin property is adwrabiy atinaie snr a (to ness Hnue and has a very reave tent and Owelitnc Honte atiactWd. The fropeny a eeniilpotuilieiww'atwoSteaitiltoait Witar-s-a.

whiea atallt tnt-s prcs-ni a tiiiincsa aspect; all urrnry out buiblitiff on the pn tu s. dh a mtnp at ihe door 01 excellent water. be battilm is Hrl ia depth by Ail teei ia width, and on ile river Iroeu thtee torts It 1 km. There ts aaliictetil CriHttid vacam fti-am Isir ihe river, at buihi an addtttoa 94 tMMe-t a Mos-wharf already ctNuiwenced. For lh Forward asnl umiiuiffwiu Pusiih-s.

ao bvuetr loralta rn oe sssmssI, and (ititstnt aptenrMaee tit lastily ili imM Hrownsvdte istietmneit lo jrrow and dotinsh rars to Tlte term will te reassHtable and aecaiaaMMla-tllitt Aa llldtMOtitable lith- tanli im- mtivM. ll MM sa4ts hV S. Minister, Major Done'son, hnxl b' tn tretiteil go eartinri btf hitn and hi Cabinrt that he xpnke nf withdrauHrtz frnm the rat nf Government to (lalrentnn. This intelligence is from sources so CollcN'tiuiia were Ukrn np on Sumlajr in ot the churches; hut returns have only Imjwii aa tpI, from the Cathedral. The sum cotitrihutrd hy the congregation worshipping there was have a uniform a-cendui rade f.oni the en.dt ol Wim-mI ftre-M to the cram- of Markei and thai the nan hereby ptrmai-nll fixed.

Ortlatmdand enacted into a law in Council's, ihis T2M day oi April, A. I. I-V Mi Mil ROHFRTSON. PrtVl C. C.

Atteat: K.J. Korfkts, rik F. F. i.F.O W. JAFKSON.

Pre'! F. Atftx. Aa. Flfc C. apVFSi direct i to leaveno room to doubt tt4 accuracy From all that we learn are constrained to believe.

1 15 07 that a mflure with Major Donelson would assist 5,91 07 in procrastinating action with th acquiescence of the peaple.President Jones would edify the na tions witli ether exequatar proclamaliau. been imib-r the of filing bill 111 Fhan eery -ffaiiiM var.on partn in niaiiiiOieliiritii; aftd wll nf tiaudnhitl ari.ele. ii thread. ilh llftr name and le. In all lit ie easept ihey have bee a JMivelid i proeunnt; mjuiK-imn.

arid iht-y now Im-r hi ulale thai they are resolv-d to prolt el th-tr ihe public, ami iht ir own uiirn'M, tin iraiiduteni irtiftic. bj pro--entinar. wiilnnti r'2iinl to el. allparlie who are base enough lo lend them-t-ive 10 uth anpmiciph dfiil ii? tn any shape whatever. Tht eonnicrf-Mi thradt qtH-jpott are generally very inferior thiee rord ihrrad.

rininiti trom ut IOvd in Idiih althoitih maik-d 'JtKI yanl. Th-y are Hnie-liltte hckett-il with hrlsliMis label, varjoig hihll from Ihe pt-iinitie mark. mm us ihe follow via; I. St II. J.

P. Coats, AP. Feats. Ac. Thi is done with ihe view, at the same time, of deeeivin the public and the penalty due to rlerepnor and fraud.

Ifnl ha le-M expressly deenb-d. in iTie reeeni caici 011 ihe ubieci. thai all mutation ot nntmifHeititer' mark or label, intended to deceive, are Itnmb iihii ihe ptiblie. aifl mvamotnt of ihe parties. 'tt tlint: lbf parties itn'115 10 perpetual in-Him-tNui eo-t and iLtina(s.

The (Vdhf-rmff are th Sr A P. Coats' Six Ford Thread lor tlw Failed HKW IURK. M-sr. Hmrh AMoh-nelo ft Sous, -10 Beaver ot. Kates Foil ten.

MMVdar sl. 11 rHft.onKfJMtt Mewr-i. pDte ft cnles. I Fiintch alley. 1 POATO.f.

Sl March. The tine fibers will n-el thankful tor any mtorniaton that will lead 10 the detection oi forgeries an their ttamp, communicated to any ot the atr-r named partira. ar to eotniel. Diarle Ivl ward, Kq Wail New York: A. II Fiske, IUq.fios.toii.

J. P- COATS. ap-ii-Jt $3 It is very evident that the interests of the peo NEW PA It PET" A It I'll oi sr. Corner of Fiji hand W'nttd ttrttfs A ll Nf i'PI Met'LIN'nM'K. HA YIN' h-id move from the lai- calamity, i aow prepred to show to hi tustoutrrs a stock of Fitrp t.

all of' wh eh have been purchased ftoni maiintat-iiirers. and part received the hrc. 'I'Imwm wth'ii'rio furn ih-melves will tind wane s-vmmI ap TJRFSSFLS FAIIPFT ived thi dav a vTrv ple of Texas have become a minor consideration to one half of the persons that would he likely to contribute, they succeeded in raising about one hundred and forty dollars. The people of Butler county, have not the ability to contribute as largely as they would depire, but, every one will give something the poor man's mite will le as acceptable in the siht of the Great Giver, as the rich man's boon. Httfrr Drrnttrrof.

I NOTICE. At a meeting of the Ditectors of the Firemen's Insurance Company held this day, it was Ke- dved, That the sufferers hy the late fire, who were insuied by tl company, lie requested to meet nt the office of the company, over Bid well 5c Mc Vay's storeroom, corner of Market and Fifth streets, on Monday next, 28th instant, at 10 o'-clock. A. to receive a statement of the affairs of the company, and take such aetiou in relation thereunto as may be most advantageous to the persons interested. Kesolved, I'hnt the stock holders he required to pay five per cenfon their stock notes, on the Second Monday, 12th May next, and five percent on tho second Monday of each succeeding month threader until the whole amount is paid.

Thousand Dollars, on account of the Brady's Bend Iron Co. A. K. Treasurer. To the Cashier of the ftate Bank, Boston.

Bostos, April 19, 13 15. Thm. M. Huwe, Esj- TjeAH Sir By direction of the proprietors of -the "Brady's Bend Iron Co." I forward thcaliove check on the State Bank of this city, for the benefit of the sufferers by the late calamitous fire in your city, not doubting you will excuse the trouble of harwliuir it over to any committee procr to receive it, with as much pleasure as I experienced in being able to remit it. Truly yours, 'liL Deuwii Mcnui Ivsraiscic Cnjir.

This company, which is advertised in another column, we learn, after inquiry and investigation, is a flourishing and safe institution; and the well known and intelligent gentlemen at the head of its agency here, whose abie management of the Penn Company has given so general satisfaction, must rnako it a very popular inatitutiou in Add to thi, the rontrihuliniia of Mr. IValr, oftlie Museum, $100; of the Klhtopian Werenadrrs, 5'04; of O. CTillany. Kp, privaudy transmitted to PitUbtirfh on the receipt of Ihe ncw of the disaster in that city, 100; of the Jtazor tStrop rnati, 63; and the atim suhncriUvl at the Town Meeting, $KO0 in all, 1,112 63 the interests of some nf her officials; and our sus- picions mislead us, if the inquiry for the present is not, what will certain individuals gain by accepting or rejecting antiexationr the great concerns splendid si le of ftcarlet Itruels l'rM'l. at ihe new of the ft lie being Icfl out of considcratiiTii in de iarp-t warehot cotiicr of aih ami Wood ciding a personal issue of so momentous a charac W.

the firt of May. proieny wiHI n-nts-d a trra-d ter. lenaui. The properiv is souabn- tor any kind of bta-nesa. F-iKjuire k.

R. JUNKS. Mm watt die. Pa. It seems to be atrrced that proclamations have 3 PLY IMPF.RIAT.

CA ItPI-rr Ree'd this dny sonic hnndotrie new patterns of plv Imperial Farpet. Terms oi ihe aliove ntooertv lehre I be tire mm i been issued to fill vacancies in Congress, so as to a ill 1st soul cheap, at ih new cuipet warehouse, ror. muse the citizens with a few elections. None has And wc have ax the total collections in this city. far, 70 We understand that Mayoi Davie tratMntit-ted to the Mayor of I'itbihurgh ycslerdav.

a check for $5,000, which, judging from ihe hlwral spirit manifested hy our citizens, will soon be followed by auother for a similar amount. rh. It ran now Uni-rhl tor 9JtiK To fay MK in hand, the balance in one. two or three years, a rare chance is now I'te laisntess wan. aptF! at rtlT.AR FFRFO KAMILY II A MS, a choK-e arucl been issued convening Congress nor will there be, ..7 tP--l ic LI Tl K.

rhslre Tnbaccs snrl tfcara. tHH ID supply alwason hand imported and home -de. SM1THSON -k F. ap-JV-taa No 3 Maikci st, near Uie river. wa apprehend, until there is a general rising of lust ncd nnd tor retail ly the country.

A. O. Rf-UMIART, 110 laibcrtyav J-J.

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