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Bernardsville News from Bernardsville, New Jersey • Page 5

Bernardsville, New Jersey
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THK BERNARD.SVILLE NKWS. Kill FEBRUARY ROMAINE C. NICHOLS CO. Real Estate and Insurance I Main Street, Opposite Depot BERNARDSV1LLE W. N.

CONKL1NQ, Mgr. Main Office: 353 Fifth Ave. NEW YORK CITY Telephone Connections CDe Bcrnardsville news FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 110? LOCAL ALMANAC (Computed rmiii tlm Bun'l upper limb, Allowing time tot ii'l'i-action.) Friday, February 1MI7. Hun rises 1.41 Sun tod Length day ()1 flllm Local Events. John Cliisholm is building ft house on Chi Ids avenue, Peter Flomerfelt ami family removed on Wednesday from the Pickcll bouse, in Main street, to Pas3aic.

A meeting of the Bernardnville Improvement Society will be held on Friday evening, March 1, at 8 o'clock, in the lobby of Bernards Inn. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church at Mendham, will give a chicken and wattle supper in Hoffman's Hall on Wednesday, February 27. The Bedminister Township Board of Education has advertised for bids for the erection of a brick school building in Peapack. The notice in another column of this issue. Albert E.

Ctuse has purchased the interest of Postmaster John G. Uaslou in the firm of J. G. Guston of Komerville, and the business will hi conducted under the firm name of Philip Case Son. J.

V. Hans, of Mlllington, has suld the sixty-acre farm of Simeon Miindy, at Millington, to Robert Bryan, of Mt. Prospect; also the Kick farm (105 acres), near Lumingtoii, for Rev. T. Walker Jones, to a Passaic man.

The installation of the recently elected officers of Bernardsville Camp, No. 9934, M. W. will occur at the next regular meeting, Wednesday evening, February 27. All members of the camp are urged to be present.

VV. C. Ludlow, of Bernardsville, F. W. Compton, of Pluckemin, have purchased the Bernardsville butcher businees of L.

Ludlow, the transfer to take effect Marcli 1. The new concern wiil be styled Ludlow Compton. It is expected that Dr. J. Meigh'g new house on New street will be completed next week, when the doctor and Mrs.

Meigh will take possession. The interior painting and decorating, which is being done by S. T. Palmer, is nearly finished. Dr.

Meigh will remove his office from the Buist building to his new home this week. The many friends of Joseph F. Schefcik, who recently embarked in (he drug business at Peapack, will be pleased to learn of the the splendid success that hasj attended his new venture. A neat and attractive, well- stocked store, coupled with close attention to business and courteous treatment of all, has won for him many new friends and a desirable patronage. Fred P.

of Kernardsville, who recently built and equipped at his own expense a $100,000 schoolhouse, which, together with 27 acres of ground, he deeded to Bernardsville, has had plans drawn for the erection of a high school building on the grounds, the structure to exceed the present one in size and ville Messenger. The foregoing report ia without the slightest foundation, as will be seen by a communication from Mr. Olcott in another column of this issue. SLEIGHS AND SLEIGH RUNNERS COftN SHELLERS OUR HUSBAND'S CALF FEEDERS and Cow ami Tonics, Poultry Supplies, etc. MCMICHABL'S Personal Mention Dr.

and Mrs L. Tuttle entertained a few of their friends Monday evening. Wright. hnsltoMii confined to his home by illness during the hint few days. Fred E.

Baliantloa lafl mi Sunday for ihe West, where he bus gonfl to IUrebate horses. Joseph Erlianlt had two lingers severed while operating circular saw last Friday. Judge William H. Crane, of New York, spent a short time in our village as the guest of J. W.

Lent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hnniig i U1 son, of Newark, were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Louis Obert.

Miss Edna Wheaton, of Morrigtown, who has been visiting friends in Ber- nardBville, returned home this week. Miss Rosie Obert, who is learning the millinery business with her aunt in Newark, was a visitor to her home here over Sunday. Misn Minnie A. Houghwout entertained a large party of friends from New Vernon, at her home near Mine Brook, OH Tuesday evening. The Misses Clara ami Helen Schweikhardt entertained their Sunday school at their home on Mt.

Airy, last Saturday afternoon. Miss M. Hubbell, of the Public Library, is attending a course of lectures given in the Newark Public Library for tlie instruction of librarians. Rev. H.

voiiUliilin will he entertained at the home of Hon. S. S. Childs, in Morristown, during the coming session of the Newark Annual Conference. The editor of the NEWS has been critically ill at his home in New York State for two weeks past, but is now somewhat improved and hopes to be about in a few days.

S. N. Puff attended the wedding of Miss Lilian Davis and Mr. Herzenberg, at New York city on Wednesday. The bride was a resident of Sussex Borough, wliere Mr.

Puff formerly lived. William H. Lyon, proprietor of the Bernardsville Hotel, and Otto Jargosch, who Bailed about six weeks ago for South America, Jamaica and other points, have returned home. They arrived in Kingston, Jamaica, shortly after the great earthquake. Tnc tro ot General nua Bonllla, president ol Honduras, attacked the NEIGHBORS.

for( e8 of General Zelaya, president of Nicaragua, which were guarding the Nioaraguan frontier. After many hours' fighting the army of Honduras was defeated. The trou ble between the two Central American republics grew out of the Invasion of NlcarnRiian territory by Honduran troops in pursuit of rebels. President Castro Is again reported to be at the point of ileatli, following an operation for nn infected gland In the groin. Ills forces have put down the Paredos revolt.

General Thomas H. Barry has been ordered to take chief command of the American army In Cuba. housekeeper. One mid din HgHil, not youog. state etc Apply to Henry Bryan, Liberty Corner, N.

J. S-W-lt losue DEATHS fllln(nm Italian poet OF NOTED nnd cri tic, died In PEOPLE. Bologna of pneumonia Slgnor Carducol received year the Nobel prize for literary eminence. He wns born In Francis J. Carmody, assistant United states district attorney for the southern district of N8W York, died In Washington ns a result of a nervous breakdown.

His widow Is the step daughter of Senator Platt. Mr. Car mody wns iuvolvod In tlie recent trOH lilen of Mr. and Mrs. Plett, Ho was twenty seven yearn old, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, cofouwl- with Mini', lllnvatsliv of tlie tliooso- phliti in America, died In India, lie was sevenl v-flvp vein's old.

ONE CENT A WORD I BANKING BY MAIL! I ndrr thin hmd Hi the uniform rnfr or One Win .1. but no HiiviTllni'iiii-nl will rtrpivi-d lor leiw limn IV lor Ihr flrol for oMenl hniiee work, or resperiahlt" woman yrtu ferring good homo to liigh wanes. Ap ply NVws titu'ue. I JHJ8 HALE Qooi Guernsey Ball I old, 1'. A.

Hood Mt'iuHrnu, N. i. X)U BafM, Boggy, sleiuh amk harness. Mrs. J.

II. Tope, Basking N. It" L'OK tuiis i.f buy and slum 1 A. Hunter, Itux MiiliiiR- on, N. J.

AVB YOU CA.SII.'—See what 1 can lor you. An elegatil unlry Heat of about, W) inules' drive to Hei naiilsville depot-ill StOCksd with borses, raws, ohiokMIB, ill and wagons, You step rinbt in iern owner drops out. A Imilt Mansion House of Vi large rooms; beat, mill and ymir own water works to all IttildlllgS, Garden, lawns ami burnt, barn, funnel's and what noreoould mortal want? Pruw cash; balance to unit Haas, of Millington. MJ-tf 1 are in the Real Estate and id uiiance Business. We can sell j'ou property of any class or value nnd ntiiire anything and anybody.

All we ask of you is to come and see No barge for consultation. Jas. VV. Lent Agency, Bernardsville, N. J.

2-22-8t OH class single oonni white Leghorn! and lilack Min- arka Cockrells. Inquire, at 0, M. Kerry'! place. Saturday, February a gentleman's sold monogram ring. Liberal reward if returned to News fflce.

ATCHING EGGS for sale. Selected single comb wbite leghorn egKs, bent laying $1 per $0 per hundred, U. Voorhees, Hasting Ridge, N. J. I yon are need of prune bay oy good rye straw, send your order B.

Walsh, Pluekemin, N. be will give same prompt attention. OU SALE-1'air heavy bob sledJl good as new Addi'ess I. Oaria- brant, Busking Ridge. 2-8-tf not fully ployed, to devote some time evenings, or when most convenient, to write up nnd keep posted set of simple double entry books, Apply News tilHoe.

8-8-tH I WANT farms and suburban property of every description to sell in every locality. I shall have local representatives in every neighborhood. My record is U4 farms in 22 mouths, What have you to offer? Peapack, Far Hills, Pluokunun, Bernardsville, Basking Ridge, Berkeley Heights and Murray Hill preferred. Write John V. Hnasi Millington, N.

J-, District Manager fqfr A. Strout Agency, New York 2-B-8t I A im; tuindif of Nortli em ienmj are looking ll pern Kinir I'fr Out. MI I'lic MorrlK County the hest fni in of a IMIIV-H ne inent. Tlie I'riiicipal is aviiili.blc at HII times 'iiul ilie iuooeit It adHptaliln lo any ainuunl frotn Dollars to Five Hundred llellars Tile Morris County MtYiiigii Hunk is the only Having! in Northern New Jersey and one of tlie strongest in the Staltv popularity Is at prestMit OTM Ten Thousand One lliindi'fd I li'pnsil Our system of Hanking m.ikis it piac-tii'Hlilt" for you to depucll here berrver you The Morris County Savings Bank Morrlslown, N. .1.

A. WMOHT rosi llhKltsl I'ltll AMII IV IMIikSON. HORACE WOU Si-i DEPOSITS SURPLUS id is Interest begins the I irst of each Month Thomas Day GRAIN, HAY STRAW, FEED, ETC Carload Lots a Specialty Cyphers' Poultry Supplies and Pratt's and International Stock and Poultry Foods All Orders Promptly Killed Telephone 18 BERNARDSVILLE, N. J. OR good two-seated sleigh, cheap.

Apply to J. Walter Allen, Basking Bidge. I to do general work; German or Hungarian pre- fered. Address Bernardsville News Office. 2-8-St i OTS, Plots, Sites, Homes, $500 to $50,000.

Heman Childs, Bemardsville, N. J. 8-9-tf of six rooms, with irm provements. J. 1-25-tf Liberty Corner Notes Liberty Corner, Feb.

and Mrs. C. Oondlt spent a few days with friends in Orange, Elizabeth and New York city. Mrs. Clifford King is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs.

William O. Allen. William Trimmer, is ing in health after a six weeks' sickness. Mrs. John Boyle has returned, having made a two weeks' visit to friends in Gladstone.

The Stirling Silk Mfg. Co. Will taka boys and from fourtMn to wventMH about, Train IHIIVHH Btrnnrdtvilta 6.. i0a. lliiNUing Ettdgt, 8.68< Itailroiid liuii nt OUT I'hiuitn.

Apply ll'" OfflOB of tlio mill nt Htirling. W9-H Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS and FERTILIZERS A.D.RUNYON MILLINQTON New Jersey TGLEPHONR 4 National 1 iron Bank MORRISTOWN, N. J. On mid after January 1, 11)07, and until further notice Interest will be paid to Depositors on all Balances in excess ot $ioo at the rate of 3 Per Cent. PER ANNUM Subject to Check LEWIS 1).

KAY, Cashier, IF YOU DESIRE Fresh Meats Fresh Poultry Fresh Sea Food Fresh Vegetables Visit this store, and you will not be disappointed COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO Our Telephone Number Is Orders Receive Prompt Attention DON'T FOROET US Fred Schweikhardt THE BERNARDSVILLE BUTCHER Ballentine Main St. Barker's Oats Hay Straw, Bran Feeds, etc. Wheat Exchange Manufacturer BBRNARDSVILLE 16 EAST 80TM STHttT, Ntw YOUR PtTT TlHrWfMII 3 7 25 Putt, POST REESE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE IT.OtPQtllil HIKNAKDSMI I I R. STATION. lllHi-J rilAUI.KS Al.HI till.

i i i.nimnaiooer of i ol N. at Ik nmnt.v au al mtnf ul 1 fimlty AlTlllHIHIIK HKK AMI I I Hill II IVMKIMt KPKCIA1TY The Bernards Water Company i Wator Povvor I (in rent ing Stmioii HI Powtf rluosi Cbf Auto OSoa Ilium in lui'i p. ra. Bernardsville, N. J.

ottn KM Morristown Trust Co. Pays 3 for Tnicreo On of or Subltct to Check DEPOSITS, OVER RBAOURCBSi Satuual Freeman, President Jno, II. A. Hull, Harrj Treasurer W. Cutler, And Vioe-Pm, Ralpli 8.

Btreett, Beo. iV The Compliments of the Season TO ALL OUR PATRONS As we are about to enter on a new jear of service to the people of Bernardsville, it is lilting that we should extend our tions to them on the prosperity of the year just closing and the promise of more prosperity in the year to come. This business has of course prospered with the town and because of this success we hope to do better limn ever for our patrons. Yours for Pure Foodstuffs, B. AMSTER Bernardsville's Leading Butcher and Grocer Thtt li lurtly the plaoa to purohAn otii iw our gnarsntee ix hank of ''very one we sell.

Nickel olooki from 8Oo to 81.78, (loud 8-day clocks in onk and walnut sum from 82 A batter grade in variety of iron OMM from up, Fine French and A rir.ui Movement! Ill Naluiil Wind ami Uryitftl "Anniversary" or 400 D.iv Olooki froin SI I to Quarter Hour Strike and Wi-Hliuiiirtter Chime Cll il) MIDti.v rtyln nixl prici PARKER VAN CLEVE Succeuon to J. K. Parkei Tel. 380 MORRISTOWN, N. J..

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