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Bernardsville News from Bernardsville, New Jersey • Page 3

Bernardsville, New Jersey
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THE niUAV MARCH 18. 1898. DEATH OF BEARDSLEY. The Passing of a Noted Artist and Draftsman. HIS WORK WAS REOEBTLY A FAD.

JT1.11; a Humble Beginning Attaint-it Not a Little Fame an Pratt trail? Founded a New School ol Arl JJjoniJon. March Beards- Ify. the artist and draftsman, died at Mentone last night. The lain Mr. Heardsley, who was attacked early in ixitfi with th? pulmonary complaint that has terminated fatally, was born at Brighton in lS7i and edu- Jured last evening.

He a.nd of Captain Parker were out horseback riding and while coitttaf ficwn the mountain n-ail of Highland Fal' the cadet away, Tlie yours? Iran thrown violently againi't done wall Er.u rendered unconscious. ventlon reported irona the committee. It the Nashville conference, favu, action at the organiia- tion eonun at tVe St. Jan. nl tJie of a na tional eonv i i July -i, A vigorous protest tge I rualan is entered and the St.

Louii indorsed. Eggs for hatching, of a (Vntrimrlun. Lancaster. March Miss Peggy Turner, who believed to be thf oldest resident of the state, is dead her home In West Lampeter, H'7 years'. Phe was born In thin county and was never beyond its borders and was only once on the cars, a trip of miles from this city to Kohrers- tuwn.

Snuar, Pnlimuu Will Wed. Han Frnii March -Ths Kvtn- 'n? T'ost thf engagement ol William Banger Pullman, run of the late fieorRi IS. Pullman, and Miss Loui: West, daughter of pionei banker nf this city. It is stated that are being made for a quiet wedding at the Palace hotel this oven- Ing Tlie of Art Philadelphia, Mnrcli midais of bom of the i a Academy of tha Ails have been awarded to Miss Cecilia Beaux and twin A. Abbey, both of this city.

OtlM Itend. Morristown. N. March William Brush, Who WAI the oldeit living graduate or Rutgers collage, is de He was born 2'i, He studied ut Kutgers with the class of 1830 and, became a minister of tie Dutch Re- $1.00 per setting; 6 settings for $5 CO rtmn (Mini' I i White horiiis Buff ami Iturml Ituckt Mammoth White Pekin Ducks. 8 i Vrl'ilu II Nl formed church, He retired at Morris- I Rllfk' I town In 1877.

lie is survived his if, J' UVJV and two chl. Mrs. Morris C. Sutphen of Mori stowa and Hev. Dr.

A. Brush of Bjojklyn. 11 pouuds weight Breeding Stork for at Prop'r. Farm 1 Poiiltrv Yard. SIHIIIIIIMI oil Company Trenton, March John Dunn hai secured from the court of cbanrerj an order restraining the Standard i I ompany from laying i through fertaia streeta in beth The upi court recently declared ordinance ffrftimrig the prtvllegi oi I j-inj these pipee, the order today will lie In foive until the matter of by the court of errorr.

F. K. MacKENZIE, and Decoralors.yCv li.ui:. i and HOLOESUST. Ma Lose Their Lives In a Fierce Conflagration.

A XCUfiG WOMAN BESOUSS Unique Method of Snlrlile. Corning, N. March Timothy Ornnin, a termei living six miles from here, committed suicide by holding his head the surface of a creek In wrhlch ii.i water only a fool deep, x-Ie bad prevli usly tried to obtain poi- xoa from a nslehbor, bui (ailing in this, to the 'ther method. Es Mr. Given and Contracts Taki n.

Barnardsvi anil Msndham. nsvenor (Rep.) nf ohm rated ut tht Brlgbton grammar school. He Ih-. 8oa of a whom hli A'affi a i lirk In a ihop helped to support. Ai Brti he drew fov bis own amuaeraanl which were like the childish "bons iioiimus" praised by ropffer, not because they were well bat bwause they had expression, Ills lil.nd* thought that If he studied he miKlu become artist like Bume loneB, lOiiKlishniPTi that Hoi Irredeen able PbilfitlBM revere.

One Bundaj he vent with a friend to the great paintsi studio, saw him, -lioucd to him and was en- 1 courajred to riutt conimerct the phrase. "I never encourage Rrt asplra- but I would not dlscouruKe yours." JonM advised ley to siudv art. I If he stfirved. llanisuy ti'i'k and the first work which lie uffend for sale was a success. It pro-Raphaelltlsm In Thi-i" wore Hue! Ol initial deep shadows and a startling t.

Some said his pictures were Absurd: others that they were merely skillful; a their economy nf tabor and rlchntM of the can- de'nbra, flowers and Jewels, Which the artist made Whits OB the black back ground of Cinderella scene. Ho Lane, the London pub. anil maili the artistic oddity of The Yellow Book the most feature of mi 'liin book Illustration. He divided his Critics Into two thoae who extravftBantly denounced i.nd those who extravagantly applftUd- He the art of (he most mndern invention to art lovers of the western world, He Illustrated mar- vtloiisly Mai Mlllan's reprint at Korte d'Arthur" a number of rs which, pvi-ii if right In saytrnj that they lire nut ar- tistir. arc exceedingly effective in capturing and holdlnR attention.

Mr. Beardsley bepan xvorkins on Th" Vail Mall and The Pall Mall Btidjret in IN! 1 and in the following year was tin inl member the Art iiub. Subsequently be for various publishers, his arpearlngr in The Yellow Hook, Savoy and Le Oourrier Fran- cals. rntil his fatal Illness completely prostiafii him he kept fairly busy upon an illustrated edition of "Mademoiselle de Maupin." lie was tall, thin, pale and always overworked. He had the honor of caricatured, and his facp, posed like a (Tilth ic vargoyla by a sympathetic At tha Hi t'f'lllO of If.

tUk ul Her HIM 1 l-'elltm Ihe lolsiu ami lun Hull mill, 1 1 1 Mr lUgf- to I Other rney cape Acts Chicago, March 17. it required just 20 minutes yesterday afteraotn for one of the most savage flres Chicago ha seen since the tarnoua coid storage warehouse lire on World's fair grounds in 1SH3 to tai from to IS lives. Itialrn SO people and reduce a six- itory iirii building to a pile of biasing timber, redhot brlc-kn and twisted iron. The number of dead la still hi dcubi ami probably will not bfl fli Halt -iy known until the debris of tb 1 building is sufficiently cooleii to admit i starch beinK made for the 'o idles those Who undoubtedly perished in thf fire. This will be two days her, at least.

Three men arc 1 now to be dead. They are: Samuel A. Clark, bookkeeper for the Olmstead Set-mine company: Miles A. Smith, ealesivan foe tbp Olm- Btenil Scientific company, am! KiHvard Binz, cashier for Sweet. Wai ab Co.

The building' was ptories hv' had in ntage of 58 feet on Wabash avenue ami extended back 160 feet to an alley, It Was of what is Known mill construction, bad two el ivator shafts, cne. in front and ous in rear, and reach- Ing from the third Story to the root was a light shaft which grave the (lames' everj chance, and it was bsrfutse of this shaft that the fire Bpread i 1th such awful rapidity. The building wai occupied by a numbf-r nf some of them einjili larirc of people, it is estimate i too peraoni were at In the building when the fire WHS discovered. nf Heroism. The elevator men.

Harry Gleason and William St. John, conducted henselves with heroism and eence of mind. As as the stVrm "us gTven in the building liieafii'n started ths puaengei elevator to the seventh floor, shouting i fire at the ton of his voice as he passed pilch floor. He waited only an instant I at the top ami quickly gathered a load of women, whom he took down first oi all. Trips were made until tht timber! i at the top of the elevator shaft were I seen to be allnnie.

No instance Of heroism oxi ceded in resolute and enlm courage the conduct of Miss Kate Carney, forewoman of the N'ational Music company, v. ho stemmed the headlong, mad rush of the yoUnfi women employed on the fouith flooi and helii them at the elevator shaft. She waited until the last of hei charges safely aboard, and then there was net room for a slnRle person more. The elevator descended for the lagt ilia Dead. Boston, Slarcli LI, oi the Btevtnaon.

Hied in the secret avihVK iif the irfolk eourl pending act! by Ibe pa ties Interested, accord 1 til the friends of tha deceased oon- tatns no provision for Grace, his Bliss ing dauph'c because he believed tha; she no longer lived. Female Owlix- For (lie Klondike, Boston, March B. Mosher, M. if Itoxbury, accompanied by a younger Miss Mattie K. Mosher, ha? Ktarttd for the Kk tidike.

Dr. Mosher is, so far as known, the first woman physician to go to that country. low look occasion to deny emphatically thr Stories to the ilTei (hat the Ident desired an early adjournmcni oi loiiuiess in ul'der that he might effert a Without congressional in tevference, The subject Hawaiian annexation also came in for more attention. Messrs Williams (Pern.) of (Rep.) Of Pennsylvania and Berry (Dem.) of Kentucky, all members of the foreign affairs cotntalttee, mads s-i lies on the subject, the former in opposition ami the two latter In favor ol the proposition. and tured.

Dr TH Yuri; pfcj 1" with aii i her tiarn lie fill lo tin lUli 1 John ivoods, but 'i 111 fo lean rjf the i. Carhari lues. in! New Ini an: gh Ing PUT SON OVERBOARD. Vovk Albany, March Mr. Eldredge's bill to amend the railroad law was passed by assembly yesterday.

Weather Forecant. Showers; warmer; brisk it'n wester winds i POWDERLY CONFIRMED. Tin and reproduced in many is probably much more familiar than time without Miss Carney, who an- his photograph. I swered the despairinc cry of the young women with a resolute, "I can take at iioinut. UiKeftn, Philadelphia.

March Mc(Cean, one of tta vse.Jthiest and most prominent ItL.ens of this city, died last nifilit. A few days aRO Mr. McKoan suf- stroke of paralysis ami his nm ditlon steadily worse. His wealth is ostirnated at between J10.000.000 and AfcKean was a membei of nearly all the prominent cluba uf tin cltj and was trustee the TTrilversit of Penns. lv.inia.

His gifts to the iat- over $800,000. lip was born in His great-grandfather, Thomas McKean, wirs signer of the Declaration of Independence and chlel justice and (foverflor of the commonwealth of 1'ennsylvanla. a resolute, "I can care of myself!" She ran to the fire escape in the rear, which was crowded but instead of going down on the outside she swung: inside near (he wall anil went down, pass- inn (ill on the ladders and escaping Without injury. WATSON NOMINATED. Wi'Rl HnTt.

West Point, N. March Lieutenant Kdwln P. iirieker, flisl class. CUambersburt, was seriously N'ama Him I'xr lilcf l.xerntivi' (k-iirirln. Atlanta, March 17.

-The Populist state convention adjourned shortly before i o'clock this tnorning after a loni Rnd stormy session. Hon. Thomas ES, Watson was nominated for governor, and, although fie haw repeatedly declin- ed to accept, it Is believed that he will consent to make the Tho.platform was adopted by the con- Scnafn His Appulnluient iu i illiin Conimisiiimiox. Washington, March 17. Terence V.

Powderly'S nomination as commissioner of Immigration was confirmed by the senate In executive session by of 48 to 20. Mr. Chandler was only Republican who cast bis volt a continuation, while a large number Ol Democrats Voted for Mr Powderly. The vote was preceded by a rather sharp debate, in which the question whether Mr. Powderly bad made a trade with the Republicans in the campaign was discussed quite freely.

Messrs. Teller and Stewart Mr. Powderly's record question! and Senator latter from Mr. Powderly written during the Oampftlgn of 1898, In which br had declared Ii adherence to nf bimetallism and denounced those ot the labor element who had aligned themselves an Republican side as rendering tfci iselvea liable to the charge of being made the subjects oi bribery, Mr, Hams wade a brief speech, in which he ted that Mr. Powderly'S Mjppi rt ot i' Repuolican ticket in the last rampaif ivas sot tbe result of any colirsion or bargain.

"Mr. Powderly," he said, "ram to us of his own accord und any solicitation on oui part. V'I dtd not go after him. and we did not pi him anythins." Mr Clmndl made another speech in opposition, Protests from labor organisations and declaring that the Republican party could not afford to appoint to so important an office a man so distasteful to the labor ele- ment. ButlQesa In the legislative sessionwas confined to the passage of a few bills largely of a local character.

The national quarantine bill was not considered. After a thorough dlscustlon of the Hawaiian annexation Question In ail its the senate committee foreign relations concluded to abandon the treaty and report to the senate a joint resolution based on the bill which Si n- itor Muipai introduced in the last Bes- dun providing for the of the islands bj ucl of congress. The I. Btofflce appropriation bill.which technically the subject before the house, was almost track of in the lehate. Numerous topics were discuss- sd ami the t'nban-Ppanisb question, vhi'h had been kept in the background leretofore, forged to the front.

Jlr. (Dem.) Of Mlsponrl ir.iurbt the 'pipstlon into the arena In the curse of the debate that fol- Geiieriil Koarny Meets liis Krrlnu OIV- tiic New Ynrli. March IT. John AVntis Kearny, who escaped from Cooley'S aanitarlUiu In Plalntlcld, N. last Sun- das; evening, astounded General John Watts Kearny and his three day bride yesterday by confronting them aboard the American liner St.

Louis miles off Bandy Hook while the ship was heading- for the open sea. General Kearny. chagrined and angry, had a passing tuK hailed, the great vessel halted and young Kearny, struggling with strong was bound with ropes and into the Kmily J. Kennedy's small boat, fie w. land ed at the Battery yesterday afternoon i at 5:80 o'clock.

If the younK man had succeeded in Secreting himself for another hour he would now be the unwelcome Companion of his father, Journeying to Burops on his honeymoon. No tuket was produced by utie Kearny. Tic speaks of suing the Navigation company and swears he will pursue his father still, "it may have been a mean Kearny, "but I have dealt on the financial! with outrageously, and I propose to Stewtvrt read ttj have revenge for the deprivation of my liberty." Genera! Kearny. father of John Watts- Kearny, vim escaped from tin. in North Plainfield, x.

on Sunday night, left with bis bride for Eurcoe on the 't. Louie yesterday. He ascribed the present difficulty to the Influence of hin sister, the Marquise dp Kernel. was she, he said, who was influencing his son in his course and that everything might, be well bui for her. "She is either crazy or malicious devil." said General Kearny.

"In inciting my son against me she is nctinR spitefully. 1 gj, i ways acted toward my son as a fathei should. In Europe 1 offered to spend two years with him In 8 retreat, but i he fought me and refused. In other places where he was put for his own good I have at different times paid $20 and $30 a weeJt regularly, so he well cared for." WHAT'S THE TIME? len YmiMnli, Which tiio Vitn Mean. re HIV tow (inefltioili morn fre- Iy pat it tltHtl ii 1 1 "ORB you toll me the true tiiue?" A stickler for exactitude reply: What kind of tiuia do you mean? Dc yon mean solar or sidereal limy? Apparent I in: a or mean time? Local time or standard time?" There use nil sis kinds of time, not to speak of others.

It is only within tlm last two generu- indeed, thu of oui so.ei-fign, Victoria flic sub ject; of tbe differences of most of tbew kinds of time, bad beooura of preBsiug importance to soy hat theorists. Iu one of tbe public OS of Paris little caniidsi is set up with burning glaw attached to it fnauob manimrthat sun itself (ires the oannon as it reaciies the meridian. This, oonrie, la tbe tiiuo of Paris apparent uoon, but it wmild be exceedingly itoprndi nt oi any traveler tbrnugb Paris who wished, Hay, to catch ilic 1 o'clock express to Ket his watch by the gnu, for If it bap pened to ho in February he wiml.l timl when lie reached tije railway station that the station olooli was taster tbaii the Ron by uearly a full quarter of RU hour and that bis truiu bad youe, whili toward Gao cml tt Ootobei i the begin Ming of November he would 8ud liimst'li i as imiob tnu (-oi)ti. Until maobinea for nooumtely nring time wew iaveated, apparent I that is to say, given by tin i suu itself, as a th- only time about whicb mi knew oared But when raasounbly good oloofei and watchus were madia it "was WJOU seen that at different tiim.s in rbi year there was marked (HlTi rrmv tweeu the raudia! time, and thatsbnv by the clock the reason lvinc sii.iv'" I that the apparent rats ol BK tioa of i sun across tljo sky was not always the. Haimi, wuilu Hit 1 movcmci.t of ti)U nluck was, cf course, as rogalar an r- oonld be Erie, ban'K.

edtali W'illinm i pen for line i Fnllnre In Krlr, Vs The Benson ifhed by th" Judge nf .1. did nut bii ii-e- it rday, and a long I. ur' und ihe A iM.n.i itee hae the i ut the ink, AJlu i- li( -I-'" the bill irt'i ltii.lm.wn. The worth' i ii n'tted to YViiriicil by a It thought by tha Danes to IT cowardly nttack an euensy after nightfall, i ut mi one oooftsion they de- vinttil from their osoal rulo. un they orelt, uoiaBlossly aud nnobsaevod, in tin if bare fot t.

li; OUisuJpeoliup I Scotobineti. When near the camp, ow i ot tbe Dauw trod apou thistle ami ii oui This Ibi SLM hmcii, and they jjavc tin Dauts were deflated witb i 1, 11 life, aud cvor tbui tu thistle b-a 1 tlu uw TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES, Captain Wliliarn an II, mortlt i bei i he failed to get tb of postmaster In Met ehiinuiiie, oommlttod luiclde. John Shanaphy ran away with a loco motive near Sewaren, N. 3. He was; ouraued by train hands on another en pain oni.

Iu the heiKhti of a linusf.UIUK; not nxoeoil feet, Thu floor of the Btorv nut be more than 68.6 'aval ot the street. When ttW iironad ilopes, this nieairare must be from tbe highest potat, Tbehonw not have more than Bve gtonra liiolnding tin 1.

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