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Independence Daily Reporter from Independence, Kansas • Page 3

Independence, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOY YOUR VALEOTBrJEB AT THE POST OFFICE HEWS STAfJD. I ll1 )LM) TIM) mm ill. Martin started for homo on Tuesday morning hut it is likely that ho stopped in Kansas City to procures en run testi-inony. It will now devnlvo on Mr. Martin lo ptovn an alibi, which he claims he con readily do.

T. SlCEELS, Proprietor. IN 1881 VACCINATE. Although small pox has been prevailing for some weeks past in Chautauqua count v. twenty live miles' away, no KUFUS WILLIAM.

General Implements. Waps? Buggies, Pumps, and Field See, Sewing Macliiiiesj Planus anil Orps; INDEPENDENCE i KANSAS, LOCAL NEWS. And wo arc now going to give extra inducements in Jjhll MoCullilSlll last tli ht alarm has been felt ovr tho mailer iu I this cilv. but there iwm ehano-o of sen timent yesterday when it becam-j known tu J. B.

Zicgler returned Tuesday night from hi ni trip to Howard. Mr. nnt mm. will hcutt have that a genuine case had developed only seven mill's Rouih of town, in neighborhood which has frequent a nil easy access to this city. A hoy about sixteen years of age, by the name of Boeming, and in (act everything belonging to our line, in order to get ready for a Large and Elegant Stock ol' CITIZENS' BAIK Personal Liabilities, SHIELDS BURNET, is now down with the disease ami is being treated bv Doctor Hood.

The boy's mother, is the Mrs. Boeming who was married a hurt time ago to Mr. A. 11. Smith.

The disease is traceable directly to the infected district in Chautauqua county, and thorn seems little doubt that it is li genuine article. Doctor Davis, of Elk City, ho county physician, and the county and city authorities were in consultation jester day over the matter nud will nt once endeavor to prevent tlie spread of the disease by a rigid quarantine, against the infected neighborhood The weather is still cold enough to permit of its prevailing to an alarming extent, and the best of all safe guards, vaccina' tion, should at onco he Vesorlcd to by everyone. Every head of a family should see to it that all the members of his household are vaccinated without delay. This precaution, along with a rigid will doub lc-s check the spread of the disease. EX-SOtDlEHs" DO A GEMERAL BANKING BUSINESS WITH A il nihtcr, horn on Monday r.ftcrnoon.

-Tin! iientest and best selected linn ot viiloDtinrs will be found nt P. O. Si and. Mis' oallie Wilson of Jouesboroush, in tho city, visiting ln-r sister Mrs. P.

Nf. Easley. The linest liue of carpets and window Ehades in the city, til the Hue Hive Store, Valentines Cha.Me, elevating, ennobling, beautiful urn flowers from Barnes' Garden. Seo tho hulks' nobly shoos and Oxfords just received at lliu Beo Hive Store, -V 1 nl i ts Clu-1: Hit) sick with pot, basket, or bonnet of real ll iwun from Barnes' Garden. EllvCityestablUhed a vigorom qnar-iiutinc last week ha smalt pox district of Cbautauqua county.

'Foil KENT A good house of live rooms iu Fifth ward. Inquire of Tuuner. Any ono having a good organ to rent can lind a customer by calling on iijfl at Citizen's Bank. A (. Harper Tho probate judg yesterday issued a Marriage license to Uavid A.

Dabney nnd Ella Boyd, both of Fawn Creek township. Tim condition of Mrs. 0. Gottlieb still eoiitlmu's to very soriou, there having bonn no iiiiproveuitint within the past two or three days. Enir.a McGown, of PorecH, 1.

visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs 11 J. Hill, having accompanied her father homo on Monday night. Frank M. Miller and Evic M.

Graves, Loth of Oeirjvalc, wera married In KtfV John Hrrron yesterday i.fternoon SAViiMdS DEPARTMENT HUN IX CONNECTION, WHICH WILL feECElVE DEPOfcUS 1 tlOM FIFTi CP, ALLOWING FOR SAME, SIX per cent INTEREST; FOSTER, STEOH CO. NOTHING LIKE IT1 Elood Is thicker than water, and must be kept, puro to Insure good health. Swift's Sim-xikic is natures remedy for this purpose. It never to fails cllmnaro tbo impui A mass convention of ex soldiers of the union army, will bo held nt the tics and build up the general health. There is only one Swift's Specilio, and tlicre is nothing like it.

DAILY TRAINS 2 Pirst "National "Rank- opera house, Arkansas City, Kansas, Saturday February 14, 1301, under the Mispiecs of the Southwestern Soldiers Association, to consider ilters of vital interest pertaining to the. early opening of the. Cherokee Strip to settlement Comrades fun Mc.Carty, Lew llai.biek and Bernard Kelly will be present ar.1 address ynii, mil Corporal Tanner. Major William Warner. Gen.

.1. (' Caldwell and Col llallowell are also expeoted to speak. All ex Kildi'Ts an I I hair nous. vin Ee suro and get the genuine Treatise on. Blood and Skin Diseases Bailed free.

Tbo Swift f-'peeific Atlania, Ca 0, L. HEMIKGTON, Cashier E. V. ALLl'U rrcaidoat Mf Ml 1 a pe ee, a a s'. -to he Ladies' Oiisn 6 o'clock etorj ilftUQaa LjiieU L(J Ul1 CAPITA AND SUIirLlS, STOCXliOLilEKS hi mim Ails wim 1 1 whether members ot the association or not, who wish to secure lands in the Strip, are invite, I to attend.

Oilieers of pnVs of the Grand Army throughout the state, tire cari.etly re quelc I to notify their in of this meeting, and all are ivq'U'tc I to send TICKETS. per year. Fifty vui Ft. -Ullill Little Rock via Cofl'cyv ille and ticket. 10 cents liei volume.

Uoonis up stairs in Uniu-i iiloek Waggoner. Ins. Ai.kt., Liorariau STOCKHOLDERS; Mus. J.

11. Fruit, A irr i nd rinliro will ba helrl at the 5 DAILY TRAINS "HOW D'E BO? opera house in tha evening or b-r of M. Si.t.v.T!!. president. B.

Ciill.DS, secret, ii-y. I. A. PEOCBAM. in the parlor of the Caldwell limine.

Large voice wire 11 designs ol cro-xc, wreath, iniehoM. harps, ins, nljo flower to Till ihi iii nt B.VKXK.'J (sAREEX. Wanted -A good girl f.r general work, to go to Kansas CiJ) Gnjd home and good wages. Add res', with feivnees, Ll. Craw ford, Olive St.

Kuns.M City. Mo. A now publication out, live of ih" am! tuwni of Kansas, give Cliern lie the following soothing notice: "Cherry vale tin: o'etest, nicest mid most homelike town in Kan as." 1, Stud ley, returned Tuesday night from hii trip In Wi-hita will, prisoner. lis turned over hi prison P. Allen.

J. Paul, J. II. 1. C.

Ma-jin, Geo. II. Evans. II. C.

W. (i. fjiif-nccr, Nellie Williams, 0. H. Worley, I).

r'nmeiica J. M. Talhott. Evncs Uro: J. 1).

McCue, Mrs. b. L. Mo.CullBfb. ,1.

A. Ctamr-r, A. F. I'itts. triu llrown, K.

A. LuUl3D, S. Parkhuvst 0. L. Keniiiigtor.

It, liinaro, Jr. 1. Voc, nmlfi'l! of lift, ui.horn suQi-rlnB from aonwer Rlmimily. V.i.. i d.

lm City to Lou scfiit'ti. fe UiHfl A. I 4v.w fc.wJ jniffil I The L. A. will meet with Mr-.

Humphrey Fridiv Feb. tli. Program ALi llullulu, N.Y. Li uiu 11. TOWNSEND, for afternoon as fo'lows: 65 WHAT AILS YCS13?" EiiuUiiis iu all its departments.

Ma'uc lo.iua on Farm or City Property lor Leuj' Shurl Time. CoUcctiouB l'roiiiiitly Hcniitti-d. Voui (ieueral Passenger and Ticket Ag't, Iloll call I'esponces on early Ameri can poetesses. St. Loui.s.

Mo. Lesson in American literature chap ter three right pages, conducted by CUl'UCJI. CITY DIRECTORY I i'iwir'th nw eour li'iu-'n. Si'ivtrf- IvlJ rpiii ni Iv fTtirj- ir.tlay morniu ftjd orDiBg. rablitth rhiioj nt iu.

iitv omcr.K?. Mrs. V. A Hamilton Paper on poetesses of Americi -Mis liarwick. News.

Music Mrs. Humphrey U'-ailing -Mrs. Fulfils Willi. m. 3.

News items. Business. UIIidl'lAS CUlUCH Corner Main ht4 lliii trfstn Scrvl rfT Puf -avinoraiaiAaJitrtigr. f-ni-liy at-10 -jj. Ji ttton iiuwco I'ttor.

Mayor City Ch ri; City Treasurer City Atlornev hikuas nliee ihldiie 17 W. KrxCAiD. IV Cndi (C 'J'. SCKAMOX Zir.iiLKK 11 (ilillKKV. (V E.

H. D. Grant. JicwiT-r. P.M.

Nkah. roinor of MiTi'itinaaJ rnti 1. ft'rvlnn at 10 evoi-v Suorlay. ih'iirAMC i'sttor. SOHS CF meeting at the (1 A.

11 ball City Marshal 'ustice of the Peace Constables Ihursilay evening ret). in com Is i si iintl pi-ioreitlo r4 em it pn i-l ami lin llin rip, rl -lnj'- 111" woiM. triiint. Id'r cliirt ul Ent-rav. I'nt vi cuiv.

s'ii'l ii!" p. i v. e. ire 43 vi'nr. Kmir rrinl, 1.

LL'KN I'l in.lsiiLii.-., SI! UiuuJay, ii.V. BUILDiM 6 i Edition tf Scientific American. A Each ptmtnlnn cilnrcd l'lati'iof luuiil rv vil rt vi'lon biilUtlr.i:. Niniincu enpraviPKfl r'h1 ftiil I'tanf" unit tr tl'oust ul KUi'itst'iintomplHit' I'rfrc 'i y-nt. AiU uuopy.

I'L-UUfrUCUii. in cxiiorlonca iiml Imve 111111:0 i-vi-r Sq ImI.OIJ fur Aniorlrnn lliu! hur-t I'ijii fur Ihu.uLu'i. t'orrcii. poriUcui.u sM-icily coutklcntiie. TRADE MARJCS.

In fn iiiim" In nut routi-1 i-i il l'i tlm rat-cut ripely in McN proturn piutoctiun. fcciiU Jur for charts, mup iiujLiy MVSS i I'iilcut Oun XI N. 7 cATuo-tu cuunoii. nioralion of Lincoln's birth-day, er at ichita on Sunday miming and cam? to Moliuc Sunday night, where met two Osats and withtheiu proceed-i'd to secure some horses stolon some time ago from tho country. Oa-hurso win found in Molinc, one about nine miles from Molinc, and a third in the edge of Iji.iK county.

Tho thieves me already in the penitentiary. Mr Shadlcy lift Inst night lo return lo the agency. An alarm of lire was sounded about eleven o'clock Tuesday night, occasion by tun burning of a small frame house of four rooms in tho northeast part of town. Tho alarm, was not Sounded very vigornsly, however, and I he good sleepers ol tho city were not diitnrbed. The hou-e belonged to 0 11.

Millikon otul was uninsured and unoccupied. It w9 probably set on lire by some oue and was nearly burned down before tbo alarm was sounded On Uyrfl Iiirmwn lui Ml strov'l, Br iivivry SurnUy and 1,1:30 a ra, Kuq iayHrbaul at p. lutv BCBui Tiftgr, SECRET SOrJItriE.5. W. L.

DOUGLAS Clish .1. II. Noiiias. ,1 CriAKI-lON. TlIXKY I he stins of veterans.

I'itOGKAM, Prayer-Rev. C. II Rice. Music M'tle quartette. Essav-E B.

White. Essin Alex Nash. Music Male cpiartelte. A 1 1 il ress Ami re St eve son The public ia cordially iiiviti-d. Probate Judjje Clerk of the Court.

County Attorney. Micrill County Clerk lleirihter of Deeds. ttca for (icndoincD, WH I fm W.! rint ul fiffl ail rnninrd on AflllreRS lo.M L.UNE.-r. V.

Sold by For E. liiniriiiin. QUilEB 1 UK IRON llALL. Meets-Mujud aad fourth Tnesdai of ench' month. c.

U. Ulssaiu.v, C. J. J. Uottisox, JMlCULLUK LODGE.

NO 60, K. OF P. Merts at liall ctci'y rridavoveuiar C. ri.Mofr, C. C.

J. li. E. of U. a S.

CoSTItcbE tittKSE.Kd.tat. LT. audi. Sept. Publio Inslrucl'n f.K NASH Surveyor H.

II.HiBBAkr. (uouor S.TlU.MAK IN. BoiTox. Scotch bonelss herring at Ile rl quarters. Nice and cheap, try 'em.

ers 1 S. Moure. Pil lieaiiiiiui in earp-'ts. win W. Sunn.

BISIEY'S weBESTWAV DO All!) OF Al.I.MiMr.N. rli.w sharb's, anil lace curtains only i the New York Store. 1). F. Camkxga.

Akotipgsheltl the second and fourth Tncs' EXTRACT, aaps 01 eacn at ir.cir nan. J. B. CltAlo, bcc. Ti itct a FIRST-CLASS Watch is in our Co-Operative Clubs.

FINE WATCHES tt llic 1'OM IlARKISOti I Scott Myehs. 1 1:. J)i oi.F.v. bliTilSj Chafing, Headquarters will sell you good than any priees. yon sen quoted 1 II MAITUEWS WOODMEN OF AMERICA.

1 1 il- A'A. First Ward Seeond Ward Third Ward Fourtb A'ard. U.S. ItAV. Just received an elegant lire of SLGOaWe 'l'li building would probably Iimvc Justified an iurUinincc of three hundred dollars and Mr.

Millikan considers him-self out of pocket in about that umouni for his failure to have it insured. Constable Charley Booth of Cherry-valo came in yesterday afternoon wiihti Barber, who was arrested on a charge of murder in connection with the disap pe.rirance of his partner, W. C. Yard, of Cherryvalo. Booth, accompanied Mr.

Barber on trip to Missouri, going ovoj' the route traveled by Barber immediately after Yard' disappearance, and found that Barber had been at the NEI.SOSJ wash fabric goods, such as sateens, 1 A Whitman. Mets every Thnmlav evening at thelt camp iu Enterprite Uiocii. F. E. Colyee, V.

.1. B. Usdebhil-l, Clerk. EXTRACT victoria cloths, Sicilian cloths', domestic I Thousands of the best (38.09 Gold Watcn ever made are selling in our Co-Opcrative Clubs, i. n.i Mnst and zephyr ginghams, The finest line of these goods inlow n.

C'oaionnd see "ftb Ward ''i iiirLT BOA HD OK EDfCATIOS. Convenient.niul only co-operative them at Baden's. S'iOunceSize Sunburn, Soreness. LarhehesG, ore Eyes, sf a'Tiimation, H.eorriiaces, cyiicin Ul fcciimg iftaiincs. 1 iii tvatchei aie American I.evcr Stem LL Winrfrni.

eontaininir every esieu- ar: Knlitbts, A. 0. U. No. Meits.tbefirst aij.l third Tuesday of cacl nouth in Enterprise b'ock.

K. 51. C'AiSIDAY E. Rcc'd'r. Bargains for you inqueeusware and PRICE 25fJENTS Hal to accuracy and durability have In addition, numerous other im- glassware at We ure now CHARLESFRlSLEVi various places as represented by him i oveistoeed Come an I bargains rrotremertn found 111 no otherwMch.

Kfgj i'hey re absolutely the only Dust IJiff eZCOURTLMDTSl NEW YORK. asu uainf-piooi movtmcnu (iOPl)KI. Fosftu. M. Nrvins il Sl'FACKIi.

I It. P. kVlLTSE. I White. A.

Hamilton. H. Paynk. )(i KkmIMi ton A 15. W.

Stephenson All winter underwear at cost at the made in ine aim arc First Second Ward. Third Fourth Wari Fifth Sixth DiMrict P.c.1 Hive Store. jewrltu throughout -uh venuine Rubies. The Vuttnt Stem Wind anil Set ts the siroflsett indmiivlestniade. They 5v re.liily equal for Lent is here in and we are fixed iOND'S XTRACT As Good as Pi ice of to sell you any Uind of lish you may JODGEKO.

17, A. 0. U. V. Meets evciy Wednesday cveuinp in A.

V. hall. Nxtu, M. Hill, P.econlf r.

B. Uxdersii.i., Financirr. JrPlii'rs'Ui Kn, Meets riilaf, at the (i. K. hall inaepeudeiice, m.

Mrs. L. 13. Way, Pres. JIkr.

31. A. Henry, Sic. iitsiifOK want, at 1 1 a r. i' a ht ks W.K vs-'ri Bkown rucy, auraoiuiy, ana service 10 Upon consultation with tho county attorney and Mr.

T. L. Yard, tho complaining witness, it was decided that there was no evidence to justify the holding of Mr. Barber in enstody and tho case against bim wat accordingly dismissed at the of the complain-iujj witness. Mr.

J. Brannon 'recelve'if a letter yeitcrday morning from tho shetifl' jl Appanooao Co Iowa, where S. V. Mirtin was taken to answer to tlm charge of grand laroony in stealing ono hundred and fifty dollars frotii a farmer A handsome lino of drugget rugs ny $75- Watch. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES t.Mir co-ofH-rauve I 'liitiSvitcmhrincs price one dollar just received jl D.v DENS JI lllll WlllJ.ll 1 UUSO itaNH OUUIil'tAN A8S001AI1ON.

nf fvfiv cr.i' i Blankets and flannels lower than eigcnts Wanted. lt(llna llnnmr "neo darlr. (Sundaveioerti-d ever known at the Bee ILvo Store. Tha Keystone Watch Club Cu nntll9 ni. V.rkir- Tra nlra Cata 'ili Ihoau.l'nn rsnu evrrv l'it lulur tnlnKar Yoiia Men' social rliauiup m'- cun mntd it oar tffC rrK tstKiir iiti iiimt'Ublr.

ty rhc i gst Chestnut PA. Ij'r-S Uw. Aiiy tVnt' au tl-j tli vrtk. IUk loni. Akron graham just received 'nenvwry evwnlnrr at 'iclors M-'n' i(wiil Mii.t-ng tiv-rr 01" rhn tw i nnrwiv, "at i'irP' VafuniH -'yiU(uir.

muit you. rUk. Ton cn 4cTvt- full VHE PENEFIT OF FEMALES, a.jf--, zwnixt and ttratily, alt secured I illl.Dl'UKKN or K-raaV r'riewt. Urtu ramphlct. 1- ull (lireel ench biitilc.

S.iM Ik': (nr C.HA:4. KIl EV.ia CwirllBndt Nc Vc MFM Who want anything in hats, underwear, neckties, su.s pemters, soeV, come nr.d see nie rui' f(" lUUfoU!r.s. ijiidcrwoar, silk handkerclik f-', siispcnrlcrj, hosiery, elc. Will sec iini get the latest styles. npVC If you want hat, necktie.

QU I Weollaror nuythlng to wear, come and sec iuo ntid seo if I have it. yuiiripu- -v mnt.Kiif yoiT tirrm tt wcte. r. rn Sr.ftti in -vuh iri uvM'- T-" i It.V.Outciirx, Sec. W.

n.Ki:i.i.Y.r'ies, ifi afi 1T1 ilailM iMlMllrli 111 Uwpi.f rVr- 'ifi rarniiifr frow 5: to ft upwui-if trtd met-' -itt'Tii Hui xvri'uc. tt cn fVirulfb jw r.iuar ft. cntrRcn. IT fOC: MO vnr ti "imV I .1 ki ir.rnlulL.ti i 'fUV'lt' A. 1 ft aH flihaA.

HAlMf. iuf.rmaULm I-1 i I.mmr, a. i i 4 you mi; '-r nipue math, bill i' cini -nrfi ni Ma-ilo lxnt and Pean ivpntrn. SMrTloos each ui.lvki- t-xi i sM riniarly Hnudaj muriilmr and avnoiug, li.i.y.itirtt..andiiiuii- lb m. lti p.ator, on.

Utiih K'fci-j, 411 fur. In i av I'ml 1 1 by the name of Bridal. The sheriffsxys' Unit on Monday tho whole7 Bridal family appeared and positively identified Mr. Martin ns as the trim who com milled the robbery. Mr.

Martin waived prcliraiuary examination and gave in the sum of ono thousand dollars for bii appearance at tho next term of court, The shrifl fay? tint W. P. TXJRNEE' ATTORNEY AT L.WV- Will nttcrd to all leal business entrusted to him in the -district' and supreme court. Otlico formerly occupied by Judge JlcCuo. Amrik-H.

rn pi rO a vuu: umi.iir 'art- nivip-n'i t'l-n t-j 10SOHEOA1IONAL OHfRCU. EIAL IM ttio work. AilKinw. Griit tr hi UK I1 0 UCks CHr titeKd TUlt. trv wcilttr.

ls 9 iron i-'uiuntnir vi.i.irr. t-l'El I'lLV ksmeil. l'Aklli flAl'S VMt A-tlr-H l.t'.VvX tOKIUD, uci. A-V5aY Kansas i J. W.


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