Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 56
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 56
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
JANUARY 27, 1929 ablanD Ccffiunt Willys-Overland Officials Great Record Set by Willys Overland, Company Promoted Melvin A. Mooser, who has been appointed manager of Federal Outfitting 'company store in Oakland.1 The ensuing year will be the -largest in ness, for. five passenger, 'and the beautiful new Superior Whippet See Great Export Field 4 J- Four Coach. The insert is of R-SPEAR, zone manager in charge of the plant of the Willys-Overland: Pacific company. Overland company, it predicted by 'off icial.
Views below are of (above), the Oakland distributing plant of the WJlys-O verland conv pany and (below) a new Whippet Four Sedan with increased rooroi- automotive" Industry, during 1929, will build 6.000.000 cars and trucks. A recent survey, activiUes by the, Willys Overland jn a rends: i- This will involve an expenditure of aoDrox mately 4.ooo,ooo,ooo. wn- "The maintenance lvs Elves' due respect to the tremen dous size of the job when-he makes this "Accordinsr to button plant, which serves the entire northern part of the state, -la an Important industrial faotor for. the the Wlllvs-Overland' company has a liMililiiiiM storage capacity of 250 cars, and Is nearly all key industries, 1929 is to be more than a year of Tit will, be a record-breaking year, a And Business' was never more efficient; fundamental conditions In transportation and agriculture are, -on the whole, rapidly. "In Europe, the progress being H.
Spear, zone "It proves the importance of the Pacific, 'as an- autdmoblle in that? two this company's plants are located in' this-state Hz "Plana which the Willys-Overland -company have completed: for mis year will materially affect the Eastbay district. year, it- is planned, will be the greatest in the made little snort 01 amazing. Melvin A. Mooser, who has. Just been transferred to the Oakland store of the Federal Outfitting com'-pany.
at 1722 Broadway from: the Bakersf leld division, comes here with a record of progress in the valley city. The move to Oakland Is. by way of a -promiUon' earned through achievements during the past three years, while he has had control of the firm's' busiaess in Bakersfield, it is stated. -r Mooser states: "I cm appreciative of the possibilities offered In a territory such as I "Spe great progress in the Enstbay region and every indication points Jo a continuatiop of this growth and an era of unprecedented prosperity to come." It is-Moosers plan-to spend considerable time on the salesfloor meeting the ustomr. "The spring stocks are.
already in Mooser "and they, are colorful. We have made a' special effort this year to 'present to our Oakland jone, of the finest stocks of smart for as well as niatepna and' we. have not neglected the men. 1 "Through the large buying power of the Federal ohaiii stores we have been appointed, state dealers for the famous Hollywood clothes." i 1 jr. if I 5 People over there are beginning to have money, and -want the things that money-will buy.
-Wlth a prosperous America, and a' rapidly improving, Europe- in positlon to purchase more automobiles than ever before, industry has an excellent reason- to expect growth in-the buying power of its markets at home and markets nVtrlAOl history or, this company, even surpassing the past year, which set a new record In production and. sales for the Toledo factory. "The. plans for 129 find, their culmination in the company's presentation of Itn new. Whippet four 'and six which strike a new I note of artistry, and beauty, in- addition to advanced mechanical features.
"Now tha't he i American auto mobile is focusing his attention on the possibilities of enlarging the export market, the management or. tne oomDanv ha reason to-con "During the past year, tne most successful- in the the company, the.Willya-Overland deal- gratulate itself for- the foresight and enterprise-displayed almost, a pnni Af TMLrll II CO. jv i by more than 200iiew dealers, I while plant facilltres have been i imriillsfai -tr -i'i nrrrrrn 1 1 1 1 1 1 ey svt Aysf yv' A "Approximately 75,000 Whippets and Willys-Knights will be delivered "to trade during 1929. augmented to Increase the com- pany's capacity from 1B00 cars a Tluev will be built in isagnsnr uan- adian and German factories, erect- ed to. suoDlement the Willys-over land plants of the east, the middle west and the 'far west.
This far-flung, organization is the 'outgrowth of a trip taken by now -dead, who One of the Best Buys in Beautiful ESTUDILLO ESTATES carried the' "news of the young American -automobile industry to distant lands In 1910. day to more than 2000. "This manufacturer showed an increase of 85 per cent in 1928 over 1027, while the Industry as a whole showed a -gain of but 12 per cept In new "Throughout' the past twelve' mbnths the Willys-Overland company has been engaged. In a program of exoanslon both: in Its production facilities nd Its sales out-Jets. This has enabled the Toledo manufacturer, to set a ear-building schedule for 1929 that calls for 600,000 -automobiles.
Production for the first six months will probably equal the total number of cars built by this company during the' entire year 1928. "John N. Willys, -president of this 1 company, predicts, the "An Overland by Edgar, was the first automobile to reacn the base or tne upninx in "1 .1 i a 1 Mi Egypt.1 "Willys-overland dealers, now- operating, in widely separated obtained initial franchises from.thui globe-trotting emissary, "John St. Willys, president of the WlHys-Overlalid- company," and chairman. of the foreign trade committee of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, has long been of the opinion that mainjy to Lafuna if, 1 1 1 1 n.l Kanteen Store America7 belongs the Job of -sup plying the world with automobiles.
automo Dues man ufactured In South America, and Now' being erected at the corner of Thirty-fifth and Pablo Long Xoa Angeles, Barbara' and Santa! i -V In his addresses he the Importance ortaxAtlpn legislation, education' and Membership. In order to' bring about thorough standardisation of. the real estate business, the situation is an ideal one. for President Addresses Local Boards rriiirtent Bradley Clayton of tliB 'California Real EstMe aisofla-tlvn hopes visit ftfid adiTrbM very une of the 100; local." real elatJ brtardg In the atate during h(a administration. Since the first of th year he has appoared before There are huge agricul avenue by Harry, Knight according to the design of Douglas Dacre Stone, for 'the National Canteen SITES IN tural areas and commercial, centers imperfectly served by railroads and boats.
They have great need for our cars and trucks. A new air mall' service between Oaklanfl'and Ban Joee "was i "The countries which show the tne Jteaitors pr Airtambra, Ana GREAT DEMAND helm, v.Berkeley; Beverly. Hlls, rated, 3 Significant Factors! largest, increases during 1928 include Brazil, Chile, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. All of -these countries are In direct touch by shipping lines with the Pacific coast. A large portion of this foreign trade will come through this Central' California port, and the Willys-Overland, company recognizes this Important factor In maintaining their Oakland plant." To Introduce in .1 In excess, of $300,000 been expended In homo investments in the Requa Jl'srhlands tract, according to Ralph A.
Knapp, realtor in" charge of the There are jonly eighteen, home sites Will available In the 'Knapp, of 'the original thlrty-twp slteB that, were Aside-, from; the Quality of the homes already built, an excellent indication of the character of the' development Is ariven by the Glendome Cercle's Newest House ft "CASA PALERMO" It is not possible to do Justice to this really distinctive home in the limited space of-a ad. It must be seen to be appreciated. To start with, the location, is -ideal; it is on a corner at, the Junction of San Rafael and Collier Drive, where- some of the most attractive homes in the tract are located and in course of construction, The house is splendidly planned and well built A most artlstio hall leads to every room both up, and down stairs: 1 The finish is very modern and beautiful. Tiffany effects on 'walls with the exoeptlon of ths bedrooms, are expensively papered. The woodwork, both of 'trims are mahogany; all floors ars oak exoeprthe which Is covered in the highest grade of Inlaid Linoleum.
-Furnace outlets in every room; large every modern built-in fixture and Improvement; large closets. 3 There' is 'a delightful living room, dining den, and one bedroom on the ground floor and two most attractive. bedrooms and- complete bathroom on second flpor. The Price is $10,500 and the house may be purchased on easy terms I' a Fageol 'Cub' cost'of the utility wiring (which ,4: ILHI LHWIIII III sHIIWIITI III Five, thousand cubs, the largest single order of teddy bears ever purchased- to advertising one hundred per cent below fj-ri-. male it incomparable to other houses built to sell.
The slate roof, the -Genezro tile the' $00 art glass -window. Many other features seen only' in few bliilt-to-'; order and lots more nevervseen before. 0 ,1 An unsurpassed marine homey; artistic house as light as out-of-doors with every cohertiehe and comfort, at a price made possible only by stripping xff all "overhead ground) a figure (in- excess of: for purposes, have Just been thousand When the at- the Fageol. Motors company small size of the tract Is taken Into plant in Oakland and-win be used consideratlpn this expenditure is in a unique plan of introducing pxu-aorainary, says una pp. Requa Highlands is part of the tne new Fageoi cub, the-light, one ton truck juat got out by -the former Kequa homestead located WEEN NOW fageoi Motors company, accord almost in the heart of Piedmont 4 and middlemen's profit.
I build, design; and.sell direct to Ins to T. L. Baumgartner, local Mrs. Amy RenuS. Long Is retain National' Kanteen Company, Harry Knight Is general, builder and contractor as well as -state leasing agent.
"The ''building is unique" in that the top of the cylinder affords a complete ladles', dressing room. branch manager of the Fageol.Mo Ing portion for the" family home ana it is the balance of the old tors company. "They will be distributed immediately to all Fageol coast dealers to give away during BEING homestead which is now available as the subdivision known as Requa Rigid restrictions huve been imposed throughout the tract The floor plans, allow for, counter, tne introductory week of the Fag eol Cub in accordance with the ad fyou. I own the acreage at prices of years ago. We have tennis courts and playgrounds dedicated to' Glendome home-owners.
A 1 Out Trestle Glen Road, through St. Jamts Wood to Park Blvd. to. El Centro direct' to Glendome Cercle. i F.
A. HEROUX. Owner FRED T. WOOD Inc. A pleasant drive oat East Mtb St.
or Foothill Bonlerard te Batudlllo Avenne Tract Office at Foot 111 Boulevard and Bntadlllo Aveaas Telepbone Sweetwood 3100 Main Office 1801 Franklin Street, Oakland Telephone Lakeside 04 to lts prestige and char vertising plan of the company. "It may be af surprise to the pub-Ho to know how difficult -it la to acter. Located almost at the The. National Kanteen Junction of Highland Avenue and through its Manager E.t George Wildwooa avenue1 In Piedmont. purchase 5000 stuffed teddy bears of one, size 10.
inches at one wunm easy react! or grammar Sanders reports: "Kanteen, stations are rapidly be scnool and high school, close to the city hall and but a Mock dis ing built- in varlqus parts of Cali- tant rrom the Ransom school, fprnla. A kanteen Is-being built time," Baumgartner went on to say. "A manufacturing concern that said they, could supply this order of 6000 teddy bears was located in the east only after weeks of searching on both the east and west coast. But they -finally wired that thev at. the corner of; and Ban.
Pablo avenue property of Dr. Burton P. Jones. Other eeuW-not find noush plush Mn Kanteen'BuB4eifceenatuetlonJtt tho of, and Ran booth and car aervice by, one person. Kaoh feature In the building, is specifically to render kanteen quick service.
The stations are 100 per. cent- electrically equipped by California manufacturers. All equipment is bought in California. "The company's offices are located on the entlre fourth floor.of the Great Western-Power building, Oakland' Veteran of Sepoy Mutiny Recovering General Reginald- W. Nuttall, Realtor of Oceano, San' Luis Obispo county, is recovering from' a serious injury received when he was struck by an automobile.
General Nuttall Is in his list year, and is perhaps the only sur-, vivor in this country who served in the British army which suppressed the Sepoy mutlr.y in India in 1867, dolph streets In and construction will start within a few eastern marKets to make up. the order. "Jusf as the Fageol Motors company was about to give up hope of carrying out the novel plan the eastern representatives of out advertising agency found a manufacturer who could handle the order. "The. bears were made, un and days on the property at: the corner Broadmoor and East 'Fourteenth-street, San Leandro, and at the" corner of Ninth avenue, and rC Ready for immediate occupancy East, Fourteenth street.
'The National Kanteen Com shipped to Oakland in record time. pany's -designed patent on the building has created considerable i'wo n'ageol Cub trucks were required to bring them to the factory where they were uncrated and comment anions: builders and -de signers, The building was designed are being, sent out to the various by Douglas Dacre Stone for j1 the Drancnes and dealers for distribu tion." Real Estate Groups Redraft Legislation REQUA HIGHLANDS Muuva suets luqao on legislation affecting planning, wmio-mcmm tottewr map iiung ana allied subjects, members of the California Real Estate aesociation and the "state conference on. city planning have met a number of times recently to brlnsr about 'a wnrlrh1 nnn. 1" a iw js sv si tlcal special committees representing, of MInr acta. Item objected to Piedmont buv va.i vnuftio iniereeie 1 is mat requiring approvaKof- the city nlannlnp, rnmmlaslnn a.
In all our experience wa have never offered-" 1 greater This attractive house has large living room, walls la Tiffany finish, doors and trim in mahogany, oak hardwood floors, beautiful side light fixtures, fire- place. The dining room is similarly finished, but has center lighting fixture. There Is a cozy break- fast room, and the kitchen is one of the most at-. tractive. rooms in the house.
Center light and light thsvslhk. All modern built-in. lnclud- ing refrigerator. Water heater installed. Two elevated bedrooms, nicely -papered, and "large with- the.
most modern fixtures, shower and tub, pedestal wash bowL The furnace room and large garage are all cement floors. The furnace is for either or wood. 'Interior to garage. This home can bought for $5,250.00 woith $500.00 down payment Come out and see this truly grsaf -It Is looated in beautiful when a aktch is made -of art area Of tn Shift lAftabrl I. YOUR offices should logically be located in the Tribune Tower, a high class office building that is devoted exclusively to comrnerdah and certain professional tenantry (at preserit over 90 occupied by firms and outstanding corporations).
Located in the downtown financial district -and close to all local and subuiban transportation, with all the' light, fresh air and sunshine that a Tower building provides, this structure is the ideal location for your business home. tvovu, vji tuillg is up more than three unltji rwhrrllnau a rtr diu-j UUttlU, Jjos Anseles, 'chairman? of the city Only 18 lots unsold uifummg comuiiiretj-or tne California Real-Estate association. The physical improvements of this small exclusive tract are of the highest In excess of $40,000 has been expended in-the placing of utility wiring below ground an extraordinary: investment for only "30 sites. Priced as low as $6500. $300,000 already 1 inveated in Requa Highlands Home.
Your inspection of our available suites is invited further information communicate with the 3 Melba Apts. Just-Completed 3307: Bruce St. Near. Hopkins 2 and 3 rooms furn. or unfurn." Every convenience.
Steam Frigidaire, colored ranges. Tastefully furnished and decorated. TRIBUNE TOWER Franklin at 13th Street ARTHUR J. SLAGHT FRED T. WOOD CO.
flftH ssa flat- fai 1 SOME OF THE BEST LOTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE RALPH A. KNAPP REALTOR 1532 Franklin LAketld 3142 Drive ant Uth i. to Dnr.nl- Are. eat'ttemt Fmc tor. tkaH I.f "C- Building Manager ft Rentals from 35K52JO C.
Builder Tract Offleet Dnraat Aveaae at Btynlr Telepaoaa Trlaldaa XtOO Mala Office: 1801 street, Oakland 1 --y ''''''J''' i.
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