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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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i if MAY 8, 1923 TUESDAY EVENING --r Oaklant. CribunrT UPHOLD Captives Classed And Priced After ''Review by Leader Women Spat oh by Raptors Driven Barefoot on Rocks JIIIIESE BAITS dilflfiY PBISONERS U. S. and Powers Troops in China '0e Son Torn From erkeleyan Following it another, installment of the firtt eye wilneu ec- count of the spectomlon raid ger train near Shantung peninsula, when about ISO per ton in- eluding American men, women trued. Thm first-hand information of the raid wat given ex-zlutively to International Newt Sen tee by Lloyd Lehrbat, former San Francisco newspaperman, a a out escaped and made hit way By LLOYD American Newspaperman (W riUtn for end copyright, 1923, SHANGHAI, May I.

-I believe the bandits In whoa hand rest the fat of a dosen or ao Americana and other foreign rationale and probably a hundred Chinese, will make a desperate fight before they can be forced to.releaae their cap- -They are well organised and appeared able to meet any attack. The bandit are a cruel, rough lot. They are of the heavy Bhantung farmer type, ragged, unkempt and warn-in; queuea, which adda to the flerconaas of their aspect. are all welt armed. i VICTIMS IV The foreigner In their, power art having a hardtlm of It in the bandits' flight the mountains due to their bar feet, the roughness of the terrain and their, lack, of clothing.

Alb are In night dress. The bandits gave no considera tion to Women or children as they beat and spat upon them. But In the fac of all their fright; terrible treatment, exposure and. anxiety for loved ones, women were, -courageous. ur? Mr.

Roland Mrmer wlf. Major Plnger, of the ordnance depart ment, U. .8. walked untllah dropped from carrying her J-year-pId "on. A ah fell ah olasped him tightly to her body nd when a bandit attempted to 'take th little lad trom her ah fought him -like a tiger.

SON TORN FROM I OMAy. A sli lsy upon the ground she aw her t-yeanold son carried off one-direction while her husland, fighting rto 'om to hr aid, was driven off In another' direction. Mrs. Robert Allen, wife of. Major Allen, of the fnpdlcal corp.

U. S. told'her graphic t6ry to VICTIM USES who ITACYHONBRS AT HOME RALLY Quirinal Stene of'SplenJor at Official Dinner Given King Ceorge. ROME. May (By th Aaa.

Ciaiad I'raas). Th official gala dinner last vnlng at th Quirinal palace la honor ot King George Quae Mary wa a cn ef plea dor. The dinner wa laid la the banqueting halt ef th am lent papal palaA. Th fin old tape trie en the walla, th bright re-flection In the anmne Venetian glaa chandelier. Ih glittering ef many uniform and th wonderful ceetume of beautiful worn mad a vivid Impression, King Victor Emmanuel.

In offer ing a toast te th royal guest a said that Queen Helen and hlmaelf regarded th visit of th British eae-e reign a an occasion for rejoicing on the part ef the whol Italian peopl. and new testimony ef old friendship, consecrated at divine moment In ihltory. HI majesty thenalludd to th trial of arm born together 1n thOlat war aa creating new "Vend and strengthening old bond. King In replying. ald: "Memories of long yx found-ad en a common conception ot liberty and justice, a well as a more recent comradeship.

in, arm, bind th two nation by a tl that no hock can dissolve." Train in Death Race -Makes Time Record CHICAGO. May 'I. (By Inter-national New Service.) Another transcontinental speed record this one on land wa established today when a special train cerryfrg David Benton Jones, seriously ill with cancer, arrived her today from Los Angele in 47 hours and 17 minutes running tlm, including atopa for water and to chang engines. The previous record of 44 hours and 54 minute. Including no stops, wa mad In July, 1903.

by "Death Valley Scotty." Earthquakes Felt At Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA. May 8. (By United Press.) Six distinct earthquake shocks were felt at Monte- clto, a few mile from her, be tween 13:10 p. and 1:01 a. according to a report, from, the Montecito Country club; The quake was sufficiently, violent, club members says to stop the clock and rattle crockery and glasses.

Several persons here, reported feeling several slight quakes. (Si! What aroma! Laswdls VATTON At CREST feli-phone Ulrrei. nahlrtnit 101 1.800.000 cups wera sewed Atth PANAMA-PACIFIC; IgteraamlEXPOSmOSi BRITISH ROYALTY (otfed JJTJJ WILDERFJESS Piirtuing Troopi Outwitted; Imperiled By New Death Threat (Conlinuti from Page One) hostage. He suggested negotiating with th bandit now and tk Ing punltiv action after th foreign prisoner hav bean reloaMd. Tha altuation now requires tha ni out careful handling In vy I way.

Anderson, who haa departed (or TJn Cheng to atart negotiations I' with tha bandit, waa born In thla i 'country and la known to tha brigand chleftlan. Ha la conoid rd amlnantly qualified to under I take tha dellcat task. Although fca la actlnar unofficially, ha ba r' the tonfidenc of ha government and foreign-, legation. Ilia me I a era ara blng gtvn priority on tha telegraph line, ao ha can keep 1 constantly In communication wun I Faking. PEKrNO, May Foreign prl-I onara of ttjeeL'hlneii bandlta In Shantung will ba killed after three days uiileaa government troopa ceaaa firing, according to a me un broui-ht from the outlaw camp by Wise Minnie MacFadden one of the women releaaed; I From Mlaa McFadden and front i ethera who ware captured and later freed.

Robert Scrlppe, American I newspaper-publlaher, obtained tha I ft rat deacrlptlon ofwhat occurraa i after the hostage had been re-moved from tha wrecked Peking Kxpreea nd huatled away Into the hill. Mis MacFadden, companion to Mis Lucy A. Aldrlch, alater-ln-taw r-f John Rockefeller maae I 'her way back from the camp with i treat difficulty after being turnea loo, wearing Chlneaa Woman' -costume. I Scrlppa despatch followa: i By ROBERT P. SCR1PPS.

1. (Copyright, 1121. by the United Pres.) i t- PEKING. May.a- (11:0 a. was awakened by a oraah, followed bga volley of bulleta agalnat 'tha ateelVoaehea.

The bandlta amaahedlha wihdowa with their pistol and crawled through Into tha ataterooma and corrldora. I to Mlaa Aldrlch'e room and 'fjrought her to my cabin. Then th bandits entered, rifled our DHg-'gage and ordered ua all from the 'train." 1 Mlaa Minnie MacFadden. companion to Mlaa Lucy Aldrlch, gave thla deacrlptlon of the attack by -brlganda on tha Peking Expreaa V.aarly morning. She was -one of the prlaonera carried away the outlaws but was later re- leaned to bring back word that all -caotlves would be killed within three day.

If tha government troopa did not ceaae firing. H. Day, who waa alao cap-'tured 'and waa aent out under a flag of truce with a message from 'the brigands to the soldiers, said 1 he 'was accompanied by a Chinese hearing an ultimatum written In English and Chinese, warning that rthe captives would be alaln unless firing was stopped. 1 1500 IN BANDIT GANG AND ALL WELL ARMED. I The prlaonera said they were not harmed by the bandits, and that nl-r though, they heard shooting, the were not falling near them.

These refugees gave the first de-f cription of what occurred after they were carried away from the train and taken Into the hills. They reported that the bandits number sxbout 1600 and that they are well armed with Mausers and automatics. They told the captives that they, did not "want money, nly hostages which would Insure 'their pardon. "After they had been taken from the train," Miss MacFadden said, "the prisoners were divided Into five bands, which were ordered to march rapidly- over the rough fields toward the mountains. I "Mis -f Aldrlch was separated from me.

I called to her a warning not to identify herself for fear the highest ransom would be demanded If the brigands knew who was. 1TCDDLED TOGETHER th tlf ANGIIAL May I (By Inter-national hieaa Th priaoufcr taken la the raid aa tb Peking train war put through a unique rlaaalfiration following their capture, according to a re-part kruuaht her by a China vit-lim aha eaeaped from the brlraeda. Th priaoner war first drivea over a lung, rough road Into a small valley Hlddaa la tb mountain th first hid-' tag place of ih outlaw. There, en by en. Ih captive were forced to march befur.

th bandit leader, la each rasa he demanded thelr-occupallon, SB-parently deciding Ly thi aieao their ability to, pay ransom. After th court had baen held nd he had conferred with hi ub-chlefa. th CMnaaa a Id. th bandit chief announced th following seal ef ransom: V'orelrnera, $50.00 each. Rich OiJnea.

each. Weil-to-do Chmeae, $10,000 ach. Poorest class of captive. $i0. Two Chines succeeded In escaping th mountain atronghold of th bandit.

On mad hi way to thaUieadquartar ef Defenas Commissioner Yunchow. who la directing th chaae. and th other mad for th railroad to bring th third chapter of the thrilling chaae to the world through International New Service. Man Hurt in Crash Companions Jailed MARTINEZ. Mar I.

Francisco Per, to year old, 1 In th Mar- tinea hospital today with all the rib en hi right aid broken, hi right ear aplit In halt and a severe gash en th right aid of hi throat, a the result of an accident on th highway Sunday evening. Hi con dition la described by hospital at tendant aaxrttlcaL Constable Evan Thomas of An- tloch, brought the injured man her for treatment and two companion to be lodged In jail pend ing Inveetigations, according to th police. Iso charge have been made against Peras' companions. According to Thomas he found the trio on tha road near a badly amashed automobile but they declared they did not know how. Perk received his injurle.

Th jailed men- gave their names as John Boguichl, 26 year old, and Andrew -Cook, 35 years old. All three are section hands working for the Southern Pacific. Stockton P. -T. Clubs Hold Annual Meet STOCKTON, May 8.

Tho Stockton Federation of Parent-Teacher cluhsls in eesnlon here today for its 2ftli annual convention. Several hundred women are in attendance. This evening Governor Friend Richardson will be th) speaker, following the banquet at T. M. C.

A. hall. Other who will make brief addresses during the evening are: Arthur H. Chamberlain of the California Parent-Teacher association: Dr. W.

W. Kemp, president of the State Teachers' college at San Jose; Mrs. Harr J. Ewing, State president of the Parent-Teacher association, and Mra. Blanche Bates of San Jose.

Greetings were extended the visitors this morning by Mrs. Fisher R. Clarke, president of the Stockton federation. Archbishop Confirms ISO in Manteca Class MANTECA. May 8.

A class of 150 was confirmed by Archbishop Edward Hanna Sunday morning In St. Anthony's Catholic church. The edifice was crowded to the doors by Interested parents and friends. The ceremonies were beautiful In the extreme. Archbishop Hanna began the day by celebrating mass at 8 o'clock and later administered Holy Communion.

He was accompanied by his secretary. Father Cant- well, and during hia stay was the guest of Rev. Father J. Marchisio, pastor of St. Anthony's.

Raid on Boatkouse Nets Liquor Suspects WOODLAND, May 8. Special operatives of District Attorney George T. Kern's office late yesterday raided the boathoue owned by George Burke and Mike Ellsworth on the Sacramento river at knight's Landings and after the two men as bootleggers, confiscated four sacks of bottles, ready for filling with alleged Illicit liquor, some of which was seised. The men are 'out on $1000 cash bail awaiting a hearing in the Superior court. Fire Department to Select Its Chief SANTA CLARA.

May 8. The Annual election of the Santa Clara fire department wili be held tn the town hall her on wonday, June 4. A chief engineer, two assistants, president, secretary and -treasurer Of the department-will be elected. FOR FLAG OPTRUCE SALESMAN BRINGS FII1ST OF RAIDERS' CAMP New Yorker Bear Ultimatum That' Flintier! Fire Must One. By EDNA IKE BOOKI1R, iMUmaUofial New fcrrtkra atlslf Correiaii4cit.

(Copyright, til. hjr. International Nw Barvlee) May l-Th Chi nes bandit who held up a Sbang-bai-I'eklng train, seis ing about It persons. Including many Americana th sitan- lung peninsula, today sent out an emissary threatening to all th captive unless th purtulag Chin regular soldiers a re called. Th imlaurr, an America com mercial traveler and writer named Thoma Day, wa a passenger op th train, being captured along with th other.

A Chines Inter prefer waa sent him from to robber stronghold In th moun- Ulns. i (Thlt was the firtt direct aord from (k brigandt tine the peuengm train toes vracktd end looted nr the allow river en Sunday, Con-, very te rtpert tarried In the Veiled Stetat, the bandits tneda ne mention of raniom, their only demand baing that the treept ba celled ell Irem lur- ther pmrtuit.) "CHASTLT XIGHTMARE." Day arrived at Tientsin with Ms mag from th brigand. sva wak from' severe traveling. exposure nd Msok. of rest.

He sen to th Rhatighal bureau of International' New Service the fol lowing narrative: march rrom th cn or tha attack to th mountain was a ghastly, nlghtmar. Th brigand wielded their gun butt right and left, foclng th weary prisoners onward with blows and eurses. The cries hysterical women nd children, rang through th darkness. The night wa pitch black. Ther wa no moon.

But th men In th captive gang were helpless. They wr partly clothed, auffer- ng from' pain and shock and In a strange, wild country. Vl'OMKN FALL Th captive were divided into mal( parties to make escape harder, Each group wa 'heavily uarded and hustled forward at top speed toward th mountain. Sometimes a prisoner would stop nd attempt to dig burr from hi bar feet Th Chines would grunt a warning. If It wa disre garded a slap In the fac or a pok with a rifle barrel would follow.

On the way two of th women prisoner had fallen exhausted. All th beating jof the brigand could not rouse them. They wer help less. Finally, It waa decided to move on and leave a guard over the helpless women. LEADER HAS "MEAN ETK." 'Tha bandits were led by a hard faced ruffian with a mean eye.

He told me to take a Chinese In terpreter and go with a mes sage to the soldiers. "The bandit chief ordered me to take an Interpreter with me as I cannot apeak Chinese .1 was to act as middleman in taking th mes sage to the soldiers. "Exhausted and shivering, bare footed and dresRed only In night-clothes, I was forced down the hillside to tell the soldiers to stop firing or all the captives would bo killed." Outrage," Declares Envoy From China CHICAGO, May 8. (By Interna tional News Service.) Dr. Alfred ambassador to the United States, denounced the bandit kidnaping, on Shanghai-Peking railway as an "outrage," when he passed through Chicago today on hi way to Washington.

a NEW ISLAND IN LAKE IS READY FOR WILD DUCK The island In th middle of Lake Merritt. 100 by 00 feet in dimensions, will be completed tomorrow afternoon by the municipal dredge. The dredge will then retire, according to Admiral Tom Altken. flag-officer of th municipal fleet, and the ducks of Lake Merritt may thereafter disport themselves upon the Island. Landscape Architect Howard Gllkey is arranging, some land- scape for the Island In the future, making It not onl yattractlve to the ducks but striking to th human eye as welt.

The new island, som time ago, wa. Informally named Gllkey" In honor of th landscape architect; but Gilkey asserts does not Seek this honor and has re-named v'Duck Island," which will be on the map of Oal land herearter. "Duck IslshdV Official career as part of the city of Oakland will begin tomorrow, at 6 p. m. Hunter Commended On Course of Study.

In the midst of the battle of tb Board of Education, with criti cisms hurled at the Hunter administration by several members of the board. Superintendent of-Schools Fred Hunter today received from Tale University a letter of congratulation for th Oakland achoel conrse of study aeries. letter, eigne by Professor F. K. Spaulding.

follows: My Dear Mr. Hunter: I have Just tia examining your course, ef atody ar1e which yen have kindly had aent to thi depart ment. This aarie represent a sound and excellent piece ef work. Hearty congratulation ea ynor Ticrs in the development ef the Oakland, school MESSI6ES a I th a By ROBERT P. SCRHTS.

(Copyright, 1923, by th United Priti.) May 8. T. II. Day, at us. (A Chines Interpreter ao- GOVEHUOR'S "VETD Virrinft'AfiemWjrrnfo Cause Roll to Be Called ISum-' Ler of Time.

rr aasooiTTp firs lXasi.0 wiai yd laxavvg, SACRAMENTO, May I 3or eroer Richrdon' vet of hn la th budget bill earn beror tha as-aembly today and tb veto of th first thirteen Item to which he objected wer sustained by various vote wlthla fifteen minute. Th high eat oppoelng rot wa 41 ay, II noes. Fifty-four votes wer needed to override the veto. Tb vetoee austalned nd th vote thereon follow: Salaries of th tat board of health, reducing tb Item Th vot wa tf ay. 41 DO.

Support atat board of health, reducing tb Item 10,111.11, asm vote. Balarte of railroad commission nd employe, reducing th Item $11,000. Vot: II ayea, no. Vateaan' home, appropriation by rafarence, amount unstated. Vot: It ayes, 41 nee.

Salaries and support. California Industrial farm for women, reduc ing th ltm 171,000. Vot: 41 II noes. Permanent Improvement, same Institution, eliminating an Item of 1110,000. Sajn vote.

Chloo Teacher' college, reducing the Item of support and ealarles by 140,000. II aye, 45 noea. Salaries at Fresno Stat reduction 1710. Same vote. Support at Fresno State college, reduction 115,000.

Sam vot. Salarle at San Diego Teacher' redaction 111,000. Sam vol. Salarle at San Jose Teachers' college, reduction 17400, Same vote. Salaries at Santa Barbara Teach ers college, reduction 15,000.

8am vot. San Francisco Teachers' college, salaries, reduction Vote 1-1 ayes, 45 noea San Francisco Teachers' college, building 119 0,000 eliminated. Vote: 14 aye, ,41 noes. Salaries industrial accident com mission, reduction $14,000. Vote: 14 aye.

3D noes. Superintendent of public. Instruc tion, $5000' reduction Vote 31 45 noes. Th assembly took recess for lunch. The assembly agreed to let one roll Jlatand unless there were objections, but wavering assembly changing their votes on the dofterent Items, forced th roll to be called a number of tlmea This lengthened consideration of the bill, with its final approval not due until late today, It wa believed.

Roll call on the first amendment, which wa largely the way the as aembly voted on succeeding Items, waa a follows: Sustaining th veto Anderson, C. C. Baker, Badhajn, Edwin Baker, Ball, Bromley, Burns, Carter, Chris tian. Cleveland. Connolly, Coombs, Davis, Donohue, Dqaler, Duval, Eksward, Erb, Foster.

Fox, Ful-wlder, Graves, Hornblower Johnson, Johnston. Kline. Lyons, Mcpherson, A. G. Mitchell, Moore, Morris.

Noyes, Pedrotti, Pomeroy, Roberts, Rock, Scott. Smith, Sny- er, Stowe. Weller, Williams, Mer- rlam. Total, 43, Opposing the veto: Broughton, Carlson, Clarke. Cleary, Crltten den.

Dean, Dorrls, Emme. Fellom Hawes, Helsinger. Jones. Lyman, Mathews, McDowell. McMillan, Miller.

T. A. Mitchell, Morrison Mueller. Prendergast. Relndollar, Savtor; Schmidt, Spaulding, Spence, Stevecot.

West. Whltaker, wooa bridre. Wrisrht. Total. 32.

Anti-administration a aalned 43 votes on the industrial home for women amenament, enough to include it In the budget, had a majority vote alone been necessary. Th railroad commis sion increase Item resulted In a tie, 8 to 18. The teachers college amendments gained 45 admlnis tration votes and II against sus-tainlna tha vetoes. their vote on some ox the amendments were AssemDiy- Ttl man Van Bernard, uci rnnmhi. Pomeroy.

Williams. Pren dergast and others, but on most tha item tn aunmu- tion held the majority. Snow Flurries Hit Straws in Indiana ASSOCIATED ES8i LI A RED WIXK TO IJUnewa. INDIANAPOLIS. May I.

Snow urrles were general throughout In diana today. A number or auto mobile race driver who arrived at Indianapoii Motor Speedway from California wealrng straw bat hurried to the clty for mor aea son-able attire. KANSAS CITY. May I. Snow fell last night in Moberly and Han nibal, Missouri.

Prize for Biggest Family Given to Thirteen Children WOODLAND. t. First pria for the largest living family In Tolo county won the Farmer' Annual Plcnie near Woodland last Saturday by John Schaupp. prominent farmer of the Western Tolo county district. "Schaupp brought ten ef the older children to the picnic, giving Mrs.

Srhaupp a holiday In having te. care for bat three the bujom Another intcreating evening- of the farmrs out in waa I v. a vi bnmlien mm Captaia C. a ri.te-atf Af 7 a rt r- waa tha awarding of prise for th ON BUDGET BOOST 0- by Chinese bandits upon patten- children, were forcibly wot captured by the brigands, mm. back to Shanghai.

Kaesped I tarn CJiine Baniliu. by International A'ari Snrvka.) International New Service, through Major AUen abowed realstano when th bartdlls broke Into our eompartmenf, but my aon cried out! "Co" a lib them, papa. I will uy wllh mother." 'I was arced from the train In my nlghig'own" and in my bar feet. -Th robber seemed to In a great hurry and would glv no on time io dreas. Th roadbed of th railway waa mad of.

cinder and my wre badly cut a soon a I Jumped down tha train steps. I waa separated from my family at The train hkd been, carefully searched. Fifteen of th bandH war carrying loot In blanket swung over their shoulders. UNABLE TO; GO All were two of th Chinese, hurley fellows, with dark, evil face, drove Mr. Finger and myself before them for three hour.

They csrrled long barreled rifle In their hands, When our strength gave way they beat ua and slapped u. Finally, when fell proatrate and were unabl to move another foot, they left there with a brigand 'standing guard, over us. For two hours wa. wer, huddled on th th cold, shivering, and wondering what would ba' our Ultimata fat. Th brigand walk ed up and down, at times swing- Ing bis rifle to keep At times squatted down with After a time a detachment, of regular soldier came up In pursuit of the brigands.

They, fav. us blankets to wrap ourselves In and a little coarse food. They assisted us back to tho railway lin ln or near Tientsin. V. D.s companled Day.) reached the soldi era' camp and presented th ultimatum, written in English and Chines.

We talked with several officers, on of them promising that he would or der th troops to cease firing. Be fore leaving th camp, we saw a wounded bandit, but evidences of heavy firing wer scare. WhU I was a captive, the ban dits shot twice across my stomach to Intimidate me." French Prosecutor Scores German Acts WERDEMajr 8 (By Associated Press.) At the trial of men accused of conspiracy for outbreaks th French prosecutor. Captain Duvert, referred to the devastation of Northern' France by th Germans during th war. Just as th Krupp directors," he said, stood Inactively a -the! r-offlc-wlndowan March 15 and watched th workmen being shot down, had 'Germany's war lords stood by and watched the burning of village In Northern Franc without a raising hand.

The prosecutor based his case against Baron Krupp von Bohlen and tji director on two main points, flrat, that prior to the ehoo't-Ings they had arranged that demonstration should be held In case the work were occupied and had propaganda material ready for circulation among the demonstrants; second, that during the demonstrations they, made no attempt to bring ahout order or to shut off the factory sirens which called the men together. Hughes Gets News From Rockefeller SEAL HARBOR, Maine, May (By The Associated Press.) John, D. Rockefeller clad in his working clothes, and an old brown slauch hat, paused in his activities of building a new summer house at liis Country home here to express appreciation for the news that his had -been released by bandltFn "When I was.told that Miss Aldrlch wa believed to be among those kidnaped I called offices in New York," Mr. Rockefeller said. "Nothing had been heard there from Chinas Then 'I called up Secretary Hughe at Washington, whom I know well, and I asked him to do what coiild.

'I gav Secretary Hughes th first nw had rcelvd of the kidnaping, Incident. NaturalTy are- all greatly relieved at new of th release i and I wtsft to-express my appreciation to Th-Aasoclated Press for keeping FASCISTI SKKKS BRANCH." May I. -Th "F-eJstl -of America" are preparing te organise a branch in Seattle, according te word received today by a local newspaper from K. Fuller, vloe grand Jlctor of the who- "Imperial tower" -en- Way fL-fBf fa ArUi Pre. IV der the dgnad ia Sap.

m-bW, 101, by lM tayammteu bka Mrtkipai hs the Hemmr ipxliliea. taterasUeaal salutary fare ktt tmaUnmimed ba Lhasa far the Bar at "karping eeaaaiaairaaiaai batwaam fJ capual (Fc4ia) anii th Ia arcMdaar wiih tW gr tha L'nhed Mate has fare IS fftfra end I8 auilaaaj at Tlaatala araJar sanj at Briiadicv-Ceaeral ham D. Caaaar. OffkUI vrs vent atatiatlr ahaw that BaI(ioas auinlalaaj I adirar ami 14 man at fekma. lh Brhlah It afTirar and 944 aion.

the rtcli 24 Wli. tart and IJKO men, half 1 aUitat and IS aaea, the JapsmrM 5 Wfl emt and fit aaaa, and ilia Nmb arlanda 1 aNrcr aaxl It saea. Thar I at Faking 1 battalia: at United Stale marine ataliaocd a Itgatian gnard. A tfpeH aiijliary frr af iht natar. rampriaing mar -tharf s.ww' aiitrars ana Ba, is, in ptalan military experta, wanJd ba more than aafflrient cop with the bsnJH In flhantnne.

PEKING ORDERED (Continued from Page One) the banker will do everything poeslbls -to glv a. steady Influence to th Peking government. JOINT INTERNATIONAL ACTION IS AftKCRKD. WASHINGTON, May I. (By In ternatlonal New Service.) A council of ambassador and mln later, representing all the great power, la meeting in Peking today to decide upon a course of action In the Chines crisis, brought about by- th robbing and plundering; ot foreign traveler on the Peking- Shanghai express.

It was announced at th atat department today. Joint International action by the power forecast yesterday in International News Service despatches thus appear assured, Th United State I rpreentd In th council by Dr. Jacob Gould Sohurman, tha American mlnlater, whose report to Wsh Ington emphasised th eriouness with which th general situation China I regarded by th ambassa dor of th foreign government. PUNITIVE ACTION BY POWERS 13 THREATENED. Th expectation prevail here that th council of diplomat will fram Joint et of demand upon th Peking "government for Imme diate re leas of th pruoner ana laet a tlm limit ror mi xo oe mv MAni fati, ur will be punitive aotlon by the power themselve with th troop now avallabl there, it Is belUved.

Th ambassador already have Informed th Peking government It will expected to furnish th ran-om demanded by th bandit for release of the American, Th aotlon ot the great power thus constitute virtually an ultimatum to Pelting, the exact languag and Its method of preaentation being left to the discretion of the ambas sador and ministers. The three most Interested nations are the United States, Great Britain and Italy, the nationals of these powers being among those held captive. It 1 understood, however, that diplomatic repre-sentatives ot France, Japan and The Netherlands ar co-operating. Dry Agents Will Work as Unknowns NEW TORK. May 8.

By Associated Press.) toy Einstein and Mo Smith, versatll federal prohl-bitlon enforcement agents, whose use of-numerous disguises and novel methods of raiding in the tracking down of dry law violators, has caused their names to appear frequently in local newspaper, now will have to work unsung and un-honored by popular attention, as the result of the issuance today by National Prohibition Commissioner Hayne of -an order prohibiting making public of dry agents' names, under penalty of suspension. Zone Chief Merrick sald detail of raids would b. made public, but names of raiding agent would be withheld. Chaplin's Ex-Wife Declared Bankrupt BY aMOCIATID MISS leases win TO LOS ANGELES. May Mildred Harris, motion picture actress, formerly" wlf ot- Charll Chaplin, was discharged from bankruptcy by Judge Oscar A.

Trlppett, In th United State district court yesterday. WThen her name was called there wa no opposition to her dis-, charge and debt wer wiped out when th caurt declared her; petition In th pOtloii, i filed. October 8. II5. she gav her liabilities a incurred chiefly for slothing, millinery and wiry.

ana report Curton Joins Fight For Leiter Estate CHICAGO. May S. 4 By Interna tlonal New Service.) Another ti tied litigant entered th fight ror 10.00.t00 estate of th late Levi 8.. Leiter when Lord Chrion. British minister fr foreign affair, filed fin action in the Chicago court this afternoon In behalf ot his three daughter, asking th removal of Leiter' son as trustee.

Lord Cur- i who Uft hiia Uc tUtua-I mTb Brut wife was aiarr PUN -III PUNISH OUTLAWS PEKING, wholwas sent out by th brigand with th ultimatum that their pursuer must cease firing upon them If th live of 'th prisoners wr to ba saved, death even while acting as the outlaws' emissary. "I Used B. V. D.s as a flog of true while crossing the valley front bandits' camp," he stated, "but even then, some of the brigands, believing us to "be escaping, fired World Honeymoon Couplem Holdup RICHMOND, May 8 (By the Associated Press). F.

W. Pratt, mentioned In despatches from Shanghai as being among the foreigners held captive by the Suchow bandits. Is believed to be the Rev, Frank W. Pratt, pastor of the First Unitarian church of this city. He was given an Indefinite leave of absence from hia church work here on April 15, 1922, and was married in Boston the following month, The couple left on a honeymoon trip around the world soon afterwards.

Two weeks ago a letter was re ceived from the minister, then In India, saying he purposed visiting hlna and Japan. Pratt, has a son by a former marriage at the Harvard Medical school, and daughter, MIps Thereua Pratt, at Columbus university. Miss AldricK and Maid in Hospital SHANGHAI, May 8 (By Inter national News feervlce). Miss I.ucy T. sister-in-law of John D.

Rockefeller and her maid, Minnie McFadden, who were re lense4 after being seized with num erous er passengers from a train by bandits, were reported today to be 111 in a hospital at Tslnanfu. Shantung province, not far from the sceno of the raid. Their condition is eerious and it Is expected that will be able to proceed to Peking Immediately. They were suffering from frlKht. shock and exposure.

Miss Aldrint vaa found In a lit tle Chinese village "fifteen miTs from the acene of' the holdup. She had been deserted by the bandits Lwhen she. fell in her tracka from sheer exhaustion. huts and stopped while we ate a bean cake. A Chinese woman lent me trousers arid coat, which I wore until reaching the railroad, where I obtained clothing from passengers on a train, returning the bor rowed garments bjr Catholic priest at Lin "I had difficulty in reaching the train because the conductor- 'first guided, us.

to a branch railroad where met U. Day, an American, and Mis. Mathllde Bchor.bergA. Mia Aldrlch'e maid; Mr. Jacobeon, a Dane, and Mis Corelll, Itallaa.

"The Chinese bfficlala assisted as la obtaining a mining train 1 take us to Lin Cheng 1 "JVe wer clad only in night clothes and we were barefooted. We wer made to march over atony ground. One of the bandits was gallant, helping me on the stony i hillside. must have tramped miles, finally reaching an unsheltered camp. There an outlaw soldier provided but we could not aleep.

All the people In our rroup were huddled together because of the weather, which was old. ''We were held there all during tha night. Our only food was bean cakes. "We heard firing in the 3, Ar urrounding hills in the morning, out in cuiiets aear ua "We remained day Sunday. A and then the colder.

did not come in the hills all rainstorm came weather turned "We marched much of Sunday Ight and camped in a valley. The -rain became heavier. We could Hot aleep because there was no ahelter. "The firing ceased during the Tilght but was resumed Monday at Chinese bandit I appeared. inform-Ag-ug that all the 4 women were ordered released.

He -ordered me to tell the soldiers that 1I foreigners would be killed after three day unless th 4T 'III KSE WOMAN LENDS TROUSERS AND COAT. "My, back-was hime, ea the result falling from a donkey on but I started back for the rail-' j-oad, accompanied by th eon- ructor of the train, who continual ly toik the wrong road, fearing re- capir. reached a village of mud 1 t( iMi)fitl). located 111 Omaha, Neb,.

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