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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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iMARCH 1894. WORLD'S FAIR ART PORTFOLIO COUPON. fi of different and 10 securnn the current number of Art Portfolios. VOL. XIX.

LOGANSPORT, INDIANA. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 6.1894. NO. 55. The Hard Times The agitation of the silver question, nor the fate of the Wilson Bill have impeded our progress And Why Not? Because the Congress of our friends and patrons fcave voted unaniinou-ly "Aye," as to the strength and desir.tbility early and recent purchases.

Hue of Spring Dress Goods, Silks and White Goods, Trimmings and Laces. Our new Hosiery, Underwear and Gloves never met ivith such unanimous favor from every one that saw them and learned our very low prices, You, who haven't visited us yet are most cordially Invited to the ever BEE HIVE, 315 Fourth St, Wiler Wise. OrtLL ON WflLKER 6c RflUGf-1 -420 BROftDWflY, FOR flNYTHINO YOU WrtNT IN GOT HIS RELEASE. JCd Williamson, lit liot Bprlnicn. CRICAOO, March telegram from Hot Springs, on Sunday announced the death of Ed N.

the famous ex-shortstop of the Chicago baseball club. His death was caused by dropsy. Williamson grew portly he stopped playing ball in tho fall of 1890. His health, however, not considered in jeopardy until last December. was probably tho ill- around ball player who donned a uniform.

In addition to his skill Bt shortflold Wtlllfinson was good catcher and first-class pitcher. He played llttlo In tho outfield his skill In greater demand cKewbere, 'But be would have become an unsurpassed outnelder. He was ono of ths best batieM in the profession and wan a brilliant base runner, being a clevnr slider. also the undUputod champion longMHs- lanco thrower of the profession, easily WOD the prlie ottered for that feat lu Cincinnati In fall of 1HN Ha was yesrs of age. Be played his firs! as a professional bill player wltn the Newcastle (Pa.) team In 1S74 Before tht close ot that season be with the AJlsubenles, of Pennsylvania, profeislousl learn, which, while a mem- twr of no wu one of the stronfest clubs In tbe country.

Hs remained there over a year and then a plain In the that was to In in IsTI. Al the sod of ICMOB JodUnapolls and Joined the Chicago club-wlih orjsnlistlon as until IssO, wtUek time, owlnf to an Injury received in furlM while on famoni tour of world trip, compelled to bM enisfod In tts saloon business in dtr.J ol BJO DB JAKIIKO, March Ptixoto has. prolonged the state ot until the 1st ot May. The provincial elections for members of congress show that a majority of tho members elected are republican. Scant In- tores was displayed in the elections and comparatiroly tew rotes were polled.

The yellow fever in Rio is becoming worse. ItecMTtr Wanted. SpRisonELD, March J'. Jeffrees and John Foos have applied for a receiver for Amos Whitley manufacturers of harvesting 1 the foreclosure of mortgages. The Indebtedness In bonds held by ninety persons and corporations is 1400,000, Miners Resume Work.

UAI.TIMOBK, March A special to tho News from Wheelinff, W. says: All the miners in tho Ohio sub- district No. (i, over 7,000 in number, have to return to work, pending- a settlement of thu question by arbitration. Committees of thu miners and operatore will meet Wednesday to apppoint arbitrators. Tho operators aro holding out for a tifty-opnt scale.

Hurled lu Ouo Grave. CAPE March A trader named Daivsoii, who bus arrived at liuluwayo from the Hhangani river, says that at the point where the last stand was made by the Wilson party, which was annihilated by the Mata- beles, ho found within a circle of 15 yards tho bones of thirty-three men. Oawson (fathered the remains together and buried them in one grave. Ir.inen Hurt While Doty. WATERLOO, N.

March the cellar of the Towsley house block did about Two firemen fell through the sidewalk openings and were badly wounded. Tight, TBOUOIQALPA, Honduras, March In a street fight 000 Nlcaraguan officer and four were klllid. Three cltlMns, who fought the Nicaragusn, were plaoed in THE NEW PKEMIER. Prime Minister Kosebery Busy with Cabinet-Building. Some Speculation at to Its Queen Victoria's Short Speech Proroguing Parliament.

OFFICIALLY ANNOL'KCKD. LonDOX, March queen's announcement of the retirement of Mr. Gladstone to the people is contained la Wie court circular and written by a court official Every word of this circular is generally submitted to the queen in advance. Tho announcement is dated Windsor castle, March and states Rt Hon. W.

E. Gladstone had an audience with the queen and tendered his fstg- nation, which was graciously accepted by her majesty. It adds that the queen March The Miign- ment of the Brewing company to John D. Bobe, which took place Saturday afternoon, is announced by the officers an only temporary, aa the company has JHOO.OOO of assets with which to meet 1160,000 of pressing- liabilities. "Danbury Mews Man" Is Dwid, DANBURY, March 5.

James Montgomery Bailey, tho humorist known us "Danbury News man," died at his home here Sunday moralng after a short Illness of bronchitis. A widow surviren him. at Klo. Rio JANIIBO, March The Italian consul at this port, Sig. C.

Bertola, died Sunday of yellow fovor. The spread of the plague continues. About 100 people are lufferlng from disease. I.OHD BOSKnEHY. has summoned Knrl Uosebnry, K.

secretary ofsslate for foreiffn atTuirs, and offered him the post of primu minister, vacated by Mr. llladstonc. and thai Lord Kosebery has accepted her majesty's offer. 1'arllAnu'nt Parliament was shortly after noon. Queen Victoria, Princess Beatrice and ex-Empress Frederick of Germany arrived in London nboutnoon from Windsor and pi'ocoeilc'd to palace.

Tlie house of lords met at 1:30 p. mo. There were many ladies present in tiic crnl- Tlie roynl US.HOIH was to the local frovernment bill. speech was then n'nil and the house ud- journed. 'J'he queen's sjiecoh was puve- ly formal, only lines in length.

The ()iieijn thanked tlio commons for tho supplies granted and concluded with the remark that she anticipated lasting advantages from the laws enacted. Lord llosiibury spent the morning conferring with thu cabinet ministers and, apparently based upon this conference, there is in circulation a report that John Morley will retain his position chief secretary for Ireland. Tlie cabinet situation is complicated by tho death of Baron Tweedmouth, father of Edward Majoribunks, the liberal whip, who may bo made a cabinet minister, his name being- prominently mentioned in connection with the office of (secretary of state for India. This would add another peer to tho cabinet and still further enrage the radicals, who have already declared their intention to upset the government should a peer be made premier. One of the sisters of the new Baron Tweedmouth is the countess of Aberdeen, wife of the governor general of Canada, It is said to bo definitely settled that the earl of Klmber- ly, secretary of state for India and lord president of tho council, will become secretary of state for foreifi-n affairs, in succession to Lord Rosebery.

In the Hume of Cumnuins. In tho house of commons Sir William Vernon Harcourt, chancellor of the exchequer, assumed the liberal leadership amid enthusiastic cheers from the liberal benches. When the speaker, Rt Hon. Arthur Wellesley Peel and the members of the house of commons were summoned to the house of lords in order to hear the queen's speech Henry Labouchere sad few radicals remained behind Later the queen's speech was also read in the house of commons and that body adjourned. for a Declaration.

The Irish Independent, of Dublin, a Parnellite organ, contains an article saying that Mr. Gladstone has now retired it will be necessary that full assurance be obtained from Lord Rosebery that the ffoTernment's borne role policy shall be continued. It adds that only on this condition can the Parnell- continue to support the liberal government. On this point, the paper declares, Lord Bosebery must chow colors immediately. The members of the of are concerned deeply in the situation in view of the early place promised by tho jfovernment for the Welsh disestablishment bill in the next s-essfoni but the general feeling one of confidence that Lord fiosebery will carry out the promises mode by Mr.

Gladstone. The Irish nationalists say they do not feel as they any to take part in tho agitation over the leadership of tho liberal party, but, stronfT in tho past promises of the gor- ernment and their own strength, they rely upon tho jfovernmont g'ving 1 practical Attention in duo pourse to the Jrlih claim. Congratulates His Successor, has written a letter to Bar! Uosebery congratulating turn upon his accession to the premiership. In his letter Mr. Gladstone promised to akl the now prime minister whonover his assistance was asked.

It is understood that Earl Kosebery's communication to Sir William Vornon Harcourt lias resulted in the latter consenting to retain his position us chancellor of the exchequer and in his accepting- tho government leadership of tlio house of commons. Lord Kosebery has been tho recipient of many congratulatory letters and dispatches. Among those who telegraphed to him were the prince and princess of Wales. Itetlrmucnt. Hundreds of letters and telegrams expressing regret because of his retirement from office were received by Mr.

Gladstone, The ex-prime minister nt- tended church twice Sunday. He looked remarkably well. The nationalists propose to present to Mr. Gladstone an address in recognition of the great service that lie has rendered to the Irish cause. ttwtr Sixty Years ID Rt.

Hon. William Bwan Gladstone, four times prime minister uf Omit Hrlialn and Ireland, was born in Liverpool December 1809. bi'intr Ihi! foiirili son of Sir John of Kincardlncshirc, 1U- educated at Eton I'hrlst fliurvh, Oxford, und was uliint; a uoulilc first class, In lie cnti-reil tlio of commons ut tho gencrul election of IbW as member for Young political lif-5 a tory. Hoanlerwl at Lliicuiirs Inn never practiced ftl Hie bar. lie bc.en Iw-i than year in ihe house of uoiniiums when Hubert Feel appointed Jilin junior lord i-if trcua- ufy, und three months laier ho secretary for colonliil ulTairH.

Ho lt-ft otllcu wllh Ills chief in April. IS-i, am! ill opposition unlii l-'oel's rolurii to power IM1. In Scptombcr of Hint Mr. OliiJst.ine worn In the privy counH! tcr of the mint of the board of trade. Krom 10 he president of the board of trade.

Monnllmo Mr. OlaJstune had olil.iim-d Inctolllcc, hlh inisitiuii of M'creury of mate for Iho In Pit' Oxford university elected him its representative, position he retained for eighteen years. Mr. broke uway fruin the torv purly In tile occurilun to necessity of university reform Uie rc- rnnvul of political of Hebrews, lie entered th" A Ijerdcun -cmilition" December, us of Ihe exchequer, a which lie frequently held In which lie nr.nie his mark i he or urobliiraa. In the oiirly piU'lcf lUWMr.

Gl.iil.-'j>no bronchi In uf resolullons for tho nail dlsemlr.wmentof the church in Iri'iiiud. The Irish church su.piinsory act, tin these reHolutioliH, with adopted, but thrown out by the huusu of lords. At iae t-XuJtinK Kfiiei'ul oleelloii followed Mr. flltvdsioue. contcKled bouthwuat Ijancashire WUH defeated by territorial inJIuenca In trio meantime Uio KrciU metropolitan borough of Greenwich had returned him by a large majority.

Mr. Disraeli resigned and Mr. Gladstone bo- prime minister In December, 1854 Tho principal tjveutw of his administration were the piufslnp of thu Irish disoswbllshment net, 1W9; of the Irish land act, 1WO: and of tho elementary educational act, 180J; the abolition of purchase In iho army by the oxeroise of the royal In consequence of an adverse vote by tho house of lords on the army regulation bill, 1871: tho negotiation of tho treaty of WnshUiKtPii respecting the Alabama claims, 1ST1; tho fussing of the ballot aoi, and the judicature, act. It'll. In August, 1873, Immediately aftor Ihe close of the season, tbe cabinet was considerably remodeM, Mr.

Gladston assuming the chancellorship of the exchequer in addition to Ills office of first lord of th treasury. January IW4, fortnight before both houses word have met, Mr. Gladstone everybody by surprise by announcing the Im mediate dissolution of parliament, and issuing his address to hla constituents at Greenwich. In which ho promised to abolish the Incume tax. At tl.n general election which ensued ihi votes were, for the first time, taktn by score ballot The rosult proved most disastrous to the liberal party, 361 conservatives being elected and 802 liberals.

Mr. Gladstone atonco resigned and Mr. Dls radii became- prime minister. In 1875 Mr. Olad stono, then in his 06th your.

Announced his termlnaijon to retire from tho leudershlpof the liberal purty on account of old age. But Mr. Gladstone, April 23,1380, for tho second lime became premier. Ho acted for years ai chancellor of tho exchequer also, but In 1883 t.urnod tho financial over to Mr. Guilders.

Tho Irish, Egyptian and franchise questions filled tna time of the mlnl.itry. long and stormy debates tho Gladstone government WK overthrown In June." on budget vote, and the marquis of Salisbury took office. In November following a genera! election beid, and the liberals found themselves with a voting force about! to thai of the tortes and the Parnellltcs combined. The Salisbury ministry was turned out by a snap Vote oil an agrarian measure, and Mr. Gladstone again took office.

This, his third premiership, Is known as the "homo-rule" ad ministration, for Mr. Gladstone announced that the time had come when Justice should be done to Ireland. Be appealed to the country, and beaten by a combination of and renegade the latter led by Chamberlain, Hartlngton and Sir Henry James. Mr. Gladstone resigned and Lord Salisbury assumed offloe for the second time August 1884 blnco that date Mr.

Gladstone was In opposition, until August 16, 18W, when, rtlult of tho liberal victory in tho general elections, once more became premier minister. SIX HURLED TO DEATH. PAID IN FULL The Lehigh Coal Iron Company Freed from Debt. FROM HOOSIERUOM. Telejjraphio Nowa of Interest Failing for $1,860,000 a Year Ago, Its Receiver Hai Since Liquidated All Claims Against It.

AGAIN ON ITS FKKT. CHICAGO, March Lehijfh Coal Iron company, which went into a hands in April, 1893, has been declared restored to solvency. In I his chambers at Milwaukee Saturday Jiidjfa Jenkins of the United. circuit court entered an order discharging the receiver and directing that the estate be returned to tho corporation. Duplicate copies of the order will be filed to-day in the United States circuit eijurts in this city, Madison, and St.

Paul, Minn. Immediately thereafter checks to the creditors for the full amount of their claims will be sent from I'rwident Poly's oftice, and this action will relegate to history a failure in its extent and the celerity with which the intricate complications (Trowing out of it won- settled, will, it i.s out prominently for long- time to come. 'J'lic company failed for fl.ioO.OOO. Unik'i' tlic direction of it has transacted a business of fO.DUU.DOO iluritifr the last yi-iir, and. as said, is able to pay al! its in full.

I.vil Ilic raiifr. i'J'ne oi the I.fhlL'h Iron coin- April, on aci-oiilit llic gloomy busi- i.o'un.t'.i.oi. in tlx 1 linn', und this ir.i. uii-ii Its aHairs, was one of Hie of the year. In muusure It may tin onnl 10 liuvc' inaugurated thf iwnic, for when tho Lchlgh tum- in i In; world Tim liirtjsst coal com- puiy iii I hi- it hiid long been n.xardrd us llio und most powerful in tin' It alniunt v.iiliiBiU'd docliuge fin-ilJiii-B UK: products of its iiiiiii.

1 mid Us froljjlit Hleumcrs rode on uliliMt uvury wave between Huflulo an Chi'-ifo. The comiiany did a business tons of codi year and it.s coke oven I.OIW tons of In adiliUon. 1 eonl from West Virgin: tbrouKh I'uiinsj'lvanlii und and up lo tl WCM K'Jnerlor Naluraily Hie collsps of gicaiillc ccnccru shook businea In half a dojx'U Tbu failure of tho Luulgli Coal A Iron Com jiuny oy Ike collhfwe of A. Yaics, of liuchevivr, preiiident the Koche tcr, rullroad. Mr.

Yale was also president Lchiuh company, an wbilis an attempt was mude nt tne time to den that his individual fuilurs would affect the coi pany, the crash could not long he postponed. Ills; Failures follow. Directly after the tumble of Mr. Yates, H. I Warner, iho patent -medicine man, sank sn his failure was speedily followed by tba of the Ohio Coal Exchange company, the Cre Coal Mining company? the Qatar! Coal Mining company, the Manitoba Coa Kullway company, and the FranUHn Coal company.

All these wer feeders of the Lentgn Coal Iron company and the big company fell with them. For a urn its furnace nres were banked and all Its mines were Idle. Fifty-six banks wcro caught when the com pany tumbled. Among tho most conapicuou Railroad Workvn In Hlfh In Air by Train. BKBUN, March While a gang of railway were repmirinff tho track at Chorlot'eaburg 1 they were Interrupted by the appearance a train.

They stepped from the track upon which the train com- jn(f and stood upon the track upon which the trains were run in an opposite direction. As the traiti rushed by the men were enveloped in steam, and did not sen a train which was coming on the track they stood on. Before they could realize their danger they were struck and hurled into the air. Six of them were instantly killed and not one of the others escaped injury. March The Da Soto postofiice was burglarised Sunday night.

The safe wut, blown open and 8250 in money and JI.700 ta stamps were takcu. credllori were tho late- James G. Hlalne, Sen: tor Gorman of Maryland, Senator Brlco Ohio. ex-Senator Sands of West Virginia and number of otbffr public men. Appointed.

When company vroni down Presfden Yatds resigned and Capt. K. Doty wa clioion to succeed him, and a few days late Judgo Jenkins appointed the new president ru culver of the company. Soon Recelvor Doty took cbargo ho an Judga Jenkins outlined the policy for tho com psoy and managed its with the grratrs care. They reduced eipennes wherever It couk be done, but it Is doubtful whether either them expected to discharge enormous deb in eleven months.

The year's profits, however were far In ucens of their calculations, am' after it becamo apparent that all creditor: could be satisfied It was determined to aak fo tho receivers' discharge. Ills said that ihls affair la without parallo In iwo In that Ibe Judite jwr milted tbe receiver to bo discounted before dens had actually been pala, and, In that such a gigantic concern earned enough in less than year, under the management of i Dnlwd circuit Judge, to actually pay al: llsdeblij Wants a National Strike. PITTSBCROH, March Join! convention o' railroad, and river coa' miners of this district will bo held today, when the officers of the United Mine Workers of America will probably attain be urged to declare a national strike. This would affect between 80,000 and 100,000 The reduction in this district during- the last year has unsettled the of the men In Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana aur Illinois, and the here believe general strike the only way a better mining rate can be obtained. Mrasll's New President.

March Mendonnfthu received the following cable mwugw from minister of the interior in Bratil: "Election perfectly tranquil; elected bj a Isrfe maJority-Dr. Prudente Cs Morats, prsadent: Dr. Manuel VIcJorfno, president" Senor Mtndonca has received no definite information concerning the cod- elections, but he is confident that the large republican majority which appeared in the presidential election also obtained in cougress- onal. to Kemaln. BaooKLtN, N.

March before the commencement of the morning service at the Brooklyn tabernacle Sunday Kcv. T. DeWitt TaJinp.go said a. congreg'ation that crowded the church to the doors that ho had an an- noucemcnt to make. He then read a statement to the effect that he had reconsidered his determination to resign the pastorate of the tabernacle.

Two of It Kobbnr Bauil EIAVDOD, March Hid May and Murray Cain, two members of notorious Uofxluiau were lured at Orrstes while blealitijr the carcasses of fivo beeves fr-mi Carnot, who pursued them nu horseback. After a mile race ha cauffht up with them and opened with a double-barreled nhotpun. wounded both of thfira, perhaps fatally. then took charge of the outfit, coa- siiting- of spriDjf wajroa uiiil Wain, and drove back to Orestes, where thft thieves were taken in custody. Body Poood an Hallway Tracks.

VALPARAISO, March day afternoon about 1 mile from Tol- Jeston on the Michigan Central railromd tracks a section crew found the body of an unknown woman. Sho had dead several hours and it is believed that she was murdered and her body afterward placed the tracks. She richly dressed and was about 25 old. Tlie coroner is now raakinff an investigation. N'othinff was found ia- dicatinfj who she was or where she was from.

An empty pocketbook was found a short distance away. Vannot Mo Burled lu New hope. March friends of Cyrus Brown, who shot and killed his wife here August lost, and who is to be hanged at Jeffersoiiviile April 20, have asked to have bis body buried by that of his murdered wife in-- Xewhopo cemetery, but tho dead woman's brothers refused, and the trustees by unanimous vote refused to allow lirown's body to be buried anywhere in New-hope cemetery. lilfc (or Uncos. TF.RKE UAVTE, March Vigo Fair association, tbe stokei for tvhoso threo futnritp trots now have paid in value of and will be worth $47,000 at the time of the moct- iuff, August has secured the his natures of Ten-e Hauto capilaiists to gurtranteo of more in purses.

The is the largest uuiount ever paid out at a lifflit-harncss raca mecthiif. Fire DettrnTS llousok. MOBOAMOWN. March business portion of this place was destroyed by fire Friday night. hardware store, Normand's dcufr store, the Voifrht building, MiLChell's hardware store, Knight's grocery, Smith'a dry-goods store, Obensham's undortalt- iug and furniture store, Jones' RToeery and L.

G. Kadst's drv-g-oods store wera all burued. Loss, small insur- Cheeee Polioned by Absorption, ASDKBBON, March dozen people wero poisoned at Lapel Saturday night by eating tainted cheese. Anderson physicians were called and majority of the victims wero relieved. It thought that none of tbe easel will provo fatal.

It is thought thai the cheese had become poisoned by absorption. An Indiana Politician Snlcldea. ImoL4.HAPOi.t8, J. Conway. an ex-deputy United marshal, committed suicldo by banging Saturday morning.

He waft an influential man in local politics bad a wife and large family. Financial reveries caused the deed. Mannfaotnrlnr Plant. KLTTOOD, March strong company of local headed by Philip Hamm, Daniel Benedict and K. A.

Agner and having a capital stock of baa been organized bore for the erection of a plant for tbe manufacture of artificial Ice. Indian Bairlnf Ground IMjoorered. Cor.OMBUs, March eastern boundary of this city Indian burying ground has been discovered and a skeletou eihumed which now on exhibition. The search will continued. Bantlncton's Bloetallla Leacae.

HujrrnraroBr, March metelUc league was organized here Saturday by the silver people. meeting- quite lurgt one. Speechee were made by prominent men oj all parties. Death of aa March B. tbe oldest physician in up county, died Friday night, Be was the father of Bet.

Jwem. well-lcnown of Ington, D. C. Am InsodliTf 1 Pont, Sun. day mornlnir partly tiM yard of A ot this dty.

IOM 000. Hare a Papier Maone The Berlin fire department experimenting with a novel fire engine. Thf arriago is constructed entirely of apier maehc, all different lie body, wheels, poles, being nisbcd in the best possible manner. your papa an ency- Little yes. and it's not oftly cyclopedia, but it has all tuer.

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