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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 46

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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MdanD Ctibunt -B JUNE 29, 1924 SUNDAY If ILES in do mm BIG EOOGflJIOIP I ACTDVDTDES EXHIBITS WILL- Aaegroes iE-DMEO iCTia STILL HOPETHAT i I cSviWSt largshipment ot Pure Jam a a recent meeting of the executive lib IS COlinCXl OI mucmuuiii William A. 8pooner, secretary ot theCentral Labor" Count has been, advised by labor leaders of Sacramento that it has been, reported that a member of the State Police Regulations Control Paris Guides Th6uanda our? previous want more. Those who have not tried this jam have an opportunity now to buy at a price much lower than they could put up jam athome. No one aff thjs. unysual bargain.

Come te our stores and avail yourself of this an'd our' maiiy ether offerings of dependgble-merchandise at saving prices. Washington Bureaus to Make Aristocrats Believe Former Ruler la Hiding in China and Will Restore Monarchy. Board of Control haa suggested a plan which will be submitted to the next session of the State Legislature whereby the State will make degre granted tor andergraduate efforts. Her list of negro graduates la not long," but among these are men of marked ability holding responsible position in the busl-nes and professional world." William H. a eolored student of Amherst college, haa won high honors.

Ha ha just com Showing at National Convention. Dr. Owen M. Waller of Brooklyn, N. has been appointed aa a member of the associated staff of the Brooklyn Cancer Research hospital of that city.

The appointment has been confirmed by the board ot trustees of the Trinity hospital. This la the first time a colored physician" has been thus honored. Dr. Owen M. Waller waa born In Eastville, Va.

He attended St. Mary' Academy, graduating In 1811. He. then, went to England, where he entered Oxford Univer contracts with factories and Indus trial organizations for employment Bt o. tj.

Touscmrs. Universal Servk Staff pleted hi junior year and during fiy TjKO ArMcCIiATCHT. -By 8leo1nl Wire to The TRIBUNE. WASHINGTON, June 8.Dele- of defective and girls. Spooner states that If the report Is- true that tn current has been elected to the Massachusetts Beta TJNE and New York World.

PARIS. June is. The Perfeot of Police has done an excellent thing In Issuing regulations to prevent unauthorized persons from offering their services to the public as guide-interpreters tn -Parls. This measure Is Intended to get rid of the annoyance caused by the detestable creatures, often of a highly undesirable class, who accost foreign visitors In the atreeta and offer, with a knowing, smile, to show thin "-Paris." Under the new roles, any one wishing to. ba a guide-interpreter must make a formal -request- for permission to the Prefect of Police, to whom he must submit papers nrVioihor ftr Tint has "he will bring the matter before the Oureapondeut.

BERLIN. June 28. "The Csar Is not dead. He la alive and some w411 Mhirn fwtm Ilia flftnrtt gatea to the National Education chapter of -Phi Beta Kappa society, local counoil requesting that organ association convention, openfng In" He 1 the first colored student to be thus honored. He Is active aa an Washington Monday, will have an athlete- and has proven on of the sity, remaining -seven years.

-He served as an Interne at tha Freed- strongest assets of the Amherst track team during the past sea man hospital of Washington, D. opportunity to study education activities In the Interior department. Covering a floor space of approx Monday Moriiiiig after which he moved to son. Brooklyn, N. Y.

imately 8000 square feet In the lower front oorrldor of the Interior department building, the bureau of MSss Mabel Sanford Lewis, of Ther war two -eolored men graduates with the of M. D. last week at th ninety-second com Chicago, has bean awarded the ever been charged with an offense against the law. education, geological survey, na first prize, a gold medal, from the mencement of tha University of tional park service, bureau of Iri-dlan affair's, bureau of mines and reclamation bureau will unite In a single educational exhibit. Chicago College of Music.

She won it In a competitive contest, 13 white students taking part, for the DUBLIN CABBY OF jvew They were Oma H. Price and Howardson N. Stout. Both etudents received the degree of doctor of medicine after having studied the entire four years at Until Noon 12 O'Qock The bureau of education will best rendition; on the piano of Rubensteln'a concerto In minor. Eleven Judges (all white) rendered the Bellevlew Medical college" of exile, drlre the Bolshevlkl out of the couvtry, and restore "Holy Russia" Its Its former greatness and rower." That the legend whlffli Is being kept alive among lee Kus-alan exiles as gospel -truth.

Most these exiles are former aristo-erata, high military and government officials, or landf owners the former ruling classes of The Bolshevist revolution has completely destroyed these classes In Russia and- those of their Members who were not killed fled to ther countries. In the prin-slpal cities of Europe are whole eolonles of these Russian exiles, who are eking out a meager living by tasks which they have been brought up to regard as menial. To them the Csar stands for -all the wealth and splendor -which they have lost. His return is their only hope for their own return to their former station; That is why the word that the Csrfr lives, that he baa not been murdered at Ekaterinburg, finds passoniate believers among them. Aoeordlng te the most accepted version of toe legend, the csarist family was saved through the ef the decision, giving her first prize NHERITS RICHES She holds two diplomas from this college of music.

Mlas Helen Lock Leftlet, of Chi-cago, was graduated this week from the University of Chicago Special Correspondence of Oakland 4-ounce Tumblers Ia- for FT OUR Gold Seal Get Acquainted Oppor- fr riASUft unity-10-lb. i5J)C. CHILI SAUCE Large bottle 2 for 35c ir Some of Our Regulcir TRIBUNE ana sew xorn vtur. DUBLIN. June William with the degree of Ph.

H. The following girls. Just graduated from the different Oakland High schools: Bernice Allex, Lata- Brown, a sixty-three-year-old cab- driver, who was declared by the Dublin Chancery Court a few days belle Atkins, Ruth Ursula tne university Of New York. Dr. Stout did his pre-rnedlcal, work at Columbia university, and Is also a graduate Jn pharmacist.

Dr. Price i a graduate of the College of Lib. eral Arts, member of Phi Beta Sigma, Th annual Exchange Day of the Federated clubs of Northern Call-fornla was held Tuesday afternoon in th First A. M. of Th object of the ex change ta display th handiwork pf th different clubs of the sec.

Uoiu. This year M. The Purnelt, as chairman of Exchange, has added many new exhibits ot Interest. For Instance she visited all the publirchoolg--of Oakland asked for exhibits of work dona In the vocutlonal training by. colored pupiht.

Tha assemblying of th same ruade a moat Interesting exhibit and one to encourage the mothers who are club members. It ago to be the Inheritor of real have maps charts, bulletins and photographs to Indicate the various phases of educational development in different sections of the country. baskets and other articles displayed by the Alaska division wU show the life and prog, ress of Eskimo school children. The reclamation bureau, will have large colored photographs of farms that have been made productive by t))e construction Of storage and dams. Methods and apparatus used in rescue and first-aid work will be' shown by the bureau of.

mines, and the educational development- pf the American Indian Will be illustrated by original designing, embroidery, basketry, pottery, and a variety of other articles of native workmanship. Arrangements have been made for teachers to visit the map-mak-ing plant of the geological survey, the largest map-makjng plant" in the government service', ana one of the finest In the There will be motion pictures of the trip the geological survey party dawn the Grand Canyon, pictures of Alaska, western farming, lzed labor of this county oppose the plan, Tom Cory, organizer for the Boot and Shoe Workers' International Union, will arrive In Oakland during the coming week and visit the local unions In a campaign that is being made by the international organization for the products being manufactured by their membership. Cory, whose home Is In Boston, has visited alt of the large cities ih Washington, Oregon and northern California during the present campaign, Cory at the present time is visiting the San Francisco labor organisations. Searoh for Mrs. Marie Kramer, who disappeared In 1920, is being, instituted through police channels, the newspapers and the radio by a brother, H.

C. Jioxle, 1818 Lafayette street, who is a member of the Painters' Union, Local No. 127, of Oakland. At tha last regular meeting of the Material Teamsters' Union. Local No.

677, a committee was appointed to make arrangements for an entertainment and smoker to be given during the early part of the coming month. The following is the committee: L. D. Johns. James Lewis, George Beckman, Delbert Erlckson and Earl Armstrong.

A special called meeting of the Retail Clerks' Union, Local No. 47, will be held this coming Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Native Sons' Eleventh and Clay streets, for the purpose of hearing the final report of the recommendations made by the recent session ot the "Early Closing League." At the conclusion the meeting refreshments will, be served and a program of entertainment will be given. Prominent labor officials from Sah Francisco and Oakland will attend the meeting. The Laundry Workers' Union of San Francisco have negotiated a wage scale and working agreement with the San Francisco Laundry Owners' -Association, providing tor a wage Increase of $2 a week for each of the 000 members of the organization most of whom are women. In the -latest report of Secretary Frank Morrison of the American Federation of Labor, attention Is called to the fact that dur estate worth about 00, 000 left by his aunt, Mrs.

Jan Isabella Lewis, formerly of Kllcuilen, County Kll-dare, was plying for hire ae usual yesterday. His cab was in great demand everybody In Dublin "seemed to want to be driven by th $400,000 cabdrlver, CRYSTAL WHITESOAP 10 F0R 35c "I have driven my eab," he tola r. "for fnrtv-two also gave the public an Idea of. es JAMS AND JELLIES Pure "Fruit" MEDIUM LARGE or -jar 2 for aJDC LARGE Dozen years In Dublin; and my father was In the business before me." He Calhorn, Ethel -Craig, Miss Clarady, Elizabeth Davis, Lois Gibson, Thehna Gibson, Margaret" Lanfferd. Ethel Samuels and Roberta' Wells, Tha prize student -was Elisabeth Davis, who completed the course In three gh entered Fresno High school September 1 S.

121. During the two yeara she attended there she ieryed a accoropsnlat for the Girls'" Glee club and was a member of FreBno Volley team. While a lower classman, she was pianist for the' school orchestra and boys' and. girls' chorus. She transferred from.

Fresno High school to Oakland High school August, 1929. and graduated from the Oakland High school June 12. She will begin training for a nurse at Oakland eolored hospital In August. In the Alumni Review of Williams college which will hold this year its one hundred and thirtieth commencement exercises, appears the following: "Williams -college has always given folored students every opportunity to. qualify for her bachelor arts degree, the only began to take an interest in tne fortune one day last September, when ho took up a newspaper left In his cab by a fare, In which was an advertisement asking for Information of -the -next -ot kin to ume oi in line training tne children are receiving In the public schools of.

Oakland, most appropriate since this week was known as Oakland Week. Intensely' Interesting was some exquisite-needlework and rare old 'aces and a Spanish hand-painted shawl, all from Manila, the property or Mra. Loving, the wife of Major Loving. She has spent many years In the Philippine islands first as a child, while her father Mrs. Jane Isabella Lewis.

"When-I aaw this ot a bit-ex- forts erf Che former Kaiser and wougnt te safely In China, where they are supposed to be now. COLLECTED DATA. Waether the gend ia more than legend, vhether there is a firmer basis for It than the mere' wish that It might be true, It Is Impos-albkt say. There is. however, same material which can serve as aoch a basis, and it Is being eare- iully eolleoted and treasured by He Russian exile.

okoloff. the investigating judge Who probed the murder of Czar Nicholas and his family at the re-4jueat of the Kolchak government, and who had all the official data at his disposal, 65 telegrams between the Bolshevist government at Moscow and Bleloboro-dolf. tba leader of the murder tang. Is convinced of the Oar's death. But even he tells the following atory: "In the.nummer Jl, there lived la Xleft, a Count von AJvenlsleben, a German diplomat who was a monarchist and in close touch with Marshall Besale and Prince Dolgo.

ruhoff. Prince Pologorukoff has testified! "On June I and Bazak telephoned me hat Alvenaleben wanted to visit him In order to give htm Important news regarding the Csar. I went to Besak. Alvenaleben told us, Kaiaer- Wilhelm, who waa then still on the throne, waa determined to save the Csa at all eoat. The necessary uree had been already taken.

to the solicitor who Was advertising; and the lawyers did the rest." Brown' has been granted $1950 by the court while the big fortune Is being liquidated. Meanwhile be proposes to continue his. Job. i- Beds of peat, blnr worked In the middle west, are believed to afford an almost inexhaustible source of fuel. clted," he I -knew, that she waa my aunt on my mother's side.

Sh "married a -Mr. Lewis, who afterward got elected to the House of Commons for County Kil- DEL MONTE sauce 6FOR25c was stationed there, ahd later returning there as a bride. During all these years ahe has been engaged In making splendid collections, dare and waa appotntea tiign Sheriff for 'that county. I wrote 1 1 CANNING SUPPLIES i Fruit Jars Atlas Mason Strong Shoulder, dozen. I DC HALF GALi or dozen i I eD JAR CAPSMason zinc lined ir 2 dozen TrD JELLY GLASSES with covers 8-oz.

A fi Horseshoe doz. JAR RINGS Regular 10c Value ing the past five and one half months the membership of the Federation has Increased 1,160,000 which brings the total membership up to over 4.000,000. Morrison also cites the fact that the Federation has Issued over 58 charters during the period mentioned. Secretary Frank B. Perry of the 15c "Between the lth and the istn June wa would hear the Csar had been murdered.

But we should not believe the report, as It waa to be spread merely to help bring te csar to safety. Alvenaleben asked to keep theews secret and above all not to show any doubt regarding the death reports. On 2 dozen 4 MILK CARNATION 1 1 Tall I UC Dozen 07 'Tall a) for LIZ Dozen SMALL CAN or -5 for. I ayC COFFEE Old Master -Quality Unexcelled can. $1.45 can.

50c VEGETABLES: orwS Fancy Baby OC-Kerneir. 6 for a)DC' SUGAR 9 or for DC 25c -dozen 12 70 CERTO For Making Jellies and Desert Large 29c BEANS Stringless SKAGGS LITTER Fresh Daily None Better 90c pound. 45c SHORTENING local Barbers Union has been advised that one of the principal resolutions that will be presented to the next convention of the International union will be the question of the admission of women to the organization. H. P.

Morrell has been elected a delegate to the convention ot the International Convention of the International Association of Machinists by the Automobile Mechanics' Union, No. 1564, of Oakland. The convention will be held In Detroit in September. The Painters' Union, Local No. 127, of this city, haa been advised of the death of their former National president, Fred Kneeland, who died suddenly while seated at his desk in the Boston city hall.

Kneeland was elected National president in the year 1898. and held office untlM900, during which period of time he took an active part In the unification of the factional branches of the Brotherhood Of Painters and Decorators. The funeral cortege whloh followed the remains to their last resting place was one of tha largest held In the City of Boston, followed by the mayor of the city and city officers generally. The National organization was represented by General Vice-President A. Cullen.

The local railroad organizations have received a communication from the conference for Progressive Political Action, that a special convention of the conference will be held July 4 in Cleveland. at the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers' Auditorium. Arthur Holder 1r secretary of the conference, and William H. J.pfyn-Btone, president of the International Association of Machinists, is president of the conference. EMPSON PJEAS 97 Very small can.

Ci CRISCO 6-lb. $1.45 CAT a 3-lb. 75c Produced by the GOLDEN SHEAF REMAR COMPANY for the thousands of housewives who have been waiting for a cake that would compare with the home-made article. can SNOWDRIFT BMPSON PEAS Small 25c QC' value. for JaC EMPSON PEAS I Large and meaty.

1 DC ASPARAGUS New pack OA large can. a)UC ASPARAGUS or TIPS New pack. e5DC FLOUR GOLD SEAL -Best Family Flour 2 49-lb. --v (J0 AC sacks Pa4D 1 1v.7r sack aPlelD 2412-lb. AA.

8-ib. 1 7C can 1 I 4-lb. QaB.V etl June IS. the iueir newspapers ium the murder of the Csar." BY POPE. This report la supplemented by the Russian language paper Russ," published at Sofia, with a proclamation of the anttbolshevlst Cossak leader Bolowjoff, who has teen leading a revolt in Siberia for three years under the slogan, "For the Faith, the Czar and the In his proclamation, So-lowjoff says: "Don't believe that the Czar and the crown prince were murdered.

Che Bolshevlkl assert that because they are afraid to tell the truth. The truth Is that Captain Solow- ioff, aaved the Czar and his fam-f from Ekaterinburg June 12. ,911. and brought them to Altai. They are safe.

In order to conceal tba truth the Bolshevlkl asserted that they had murdered the Caar and Wa family and shot those of the entourage who bad no time to aeeape." Bolowjoff assarts further, that ot the aervanta only the eon of the valet Sednew. Leonid, waa saved and was now with him. One of the daughters of the Csar. Maria Nik-lajewna, died three montha after the flight, according" to Solowjoff. Supporting this statement, an English newspaper recently se-ecured a picture of the Czar and nls family, clad in Chinese costumes.

And Maria Nlkolajewna was not In the picture. The paper as-aerted thla picture had been made tear Shanghai In January. 1822. that the Czar and his family were saved from Ekaterinburg nnd that the murder waa staged by the In addition. It's pointed out that the dowager empress of Russia.

Maria Feodorowna. who lives in London, haa never allowed a death mass to be said for her son. A council of Russian granddukes which met In Parle In 1923. came te the conclusion that there were "no sufficient reasons" to consider the Czar and his brother Michael, dead. And In a meeting of Russian monarchists at Berlin.

In which a throne candidature of the Grand-duke Cyril Cladimlrovltch was dts-eussed, an old Russian dignitary got up and said: -i have verv good reasons 40 as. ume that the Csar lives. It is therefore unseemly to discuss the Question of secession. The years will reveal the truth about tha Czar. Alan Loses Hundreds of Dollars "I am sorry I did not hear of Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy a few years ago; aa It would have saved me several hundred dollars.

Five yeara I suffered from Indigestion and sever bloating. I grew worse all the time. My doctor eaid an operation would ba all that could save me. I took a course of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy Instead VADr hlVA hln 24b. 48c emarcake is made in three styles; FURJE-LAKD Silver, Gold, and Devil Cake.

No feril atter is used In any of Remarcake Is made with fresh eggs, good, pure butter, crisco and the highest grade flours; mixed according to a recipe that has been used successfully in hundreds of $1.50 CO 8-lb. pail 4-lb. nail Ad arieties. The whites of the tnrei e4 80c sack aJvt fresh and the pure white 2yih dvetfi 43c 10-lb. sack.

flour silver cake its snowy piil -r homes, it is perfectly bakedjhd has the-moisture, texturje and whitejiessTfvvhile the rich tempt Meat Departments flavor that only the finestangred At the last regular the Brotherhood of Carpenters and JolnerB Union. Local No. 1167. a large class of candidates were Initiated, all of the new members being presented with a gold watch fob, being the official emblem of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Charles C.

Ourney, secretary for the local Building Trades Council, the business representative for the organization, has announced that the charter will be opened until the last of this month for the members of the Amalgamated Association of Carpenters who desire to affiliate with the organization that Is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, Charles C. Gurney, secretary for ---sAil our smoked meats are mild sugar cure from ingxolor of the gold cake comes from the yolks of the eggs. Pure high grade jpocolate is used for young eastern pork, sold at a money-back guarantee ients can There is nothing T-BONE- he frostingfand coloring of the 1 -J HAMS Well trimmed. OO whole or. half lb.

ewOC 4 rtrxT" Remarcake. It is good honest devil cakef ibv everv one L-wwa-J A that will be enjoye( r. xf 397 -----nu -rotar Our highest priced SIRLOIN aSTBAK--peef---Ibf cr.a aWal V. ponrcHOPs liVchilflrerPtoJl Remarcake in the family, froi is sold wherever Butter 'mm By the whole or half piece lb. Y.

28c the Carpenters' Apprentice Class, which meets in the Oakland Labor Temple every Wednesday evening, grand-parents, and will beVoundi rust Qtiwawr oread is earned, the price isthe same for each na irenenciaifs! rcan -and- loin, 0 equally healthful to all. LAMB CHOPS Rib and loin, best or young lamb lb, uOC kind; 10 cents tne cut. has announced that a new class will be organised In mechanical drawing. Any one desiring to join the class may secure full Information regarding same from Gurney. There are no charges In connection with the class, the expenses of same being borne by the carpenters unions of Oakland.

Secretary William A. Spooner Of the local Labor council will send out a call for a meeting of the Nonpartisan Political Federation of Labor this week. The federation Is a part of the American Federation of Labor, and Is a permanent organization. Spooner has been advised by tha officials of the federation that the whole plan of American organized labor's political cam- palgn was definitely formulated at i entirely well?" It a simple, 1 nrmnanHnn that re- nriu r'r moves the catarrhal mucus from inri and allsva tha MSSColleae Ave. East tith St.

1 1600 18th 30l Colleae Ave. 'ill Broadway 332' Hhsttuek Ave 1624 San Pablo Oakland 471 4(S and Broedway 412 Piedmont Ave. Ninth St. Sll Bast 14th St. 11th St 1441 Frultysle and Pennlman 1017 Saa Pablo.

W. Berkeley- Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. On dose will convince or money refunded. At all druggists. Advertisement.

i. i r- -J fc 1 1 lth.

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