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The Great Bend Weekly Tribune from Great Bend, Kansas • Page 4

Great Bend, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Great Indian Blood Purifier. Anothar two inch snow fell last The-Lllinwood Express in comment Cold Weather Splendid sleighing. A little son of L. F. died FURNITURE Here we are with a New Stock of Furniture.

Latest Finest in Quality andLowest in Price. -a sr a Style, lately, so I have ben compelled have bought at the present low in My trade Has large to till up witn iNew uooas, wnicn eastern prices and will sell them lower than ever offered in this If you are in need of Furniture, Carpets or a good Organ you can save money by calling at the old and reliable Furniture House opposite Postoffice, where you will find the largest and best assorted stock, and prices the lowest in the land. Call and examine. Under- O. taking a Specialty.

Are Your Lands Surveyed and a a a hi Q. a a -5 a 2 a a CO Respectfully, B. C. MAJORS, County Surveyor. BIn Office Every Saturday.

C3LADIES' A few reasons why you can buy goods any otner piace in ine city. i I buy my goods of one the WORLD. are Your Corners Established. BAZAAR. Cheaper at the Ladies' Bazjab.

than LARGEST HOUSES IN THE cts. will buy more Millinery at WELTNOR, FEED and S3 STABLES, caaaie Jiorses, uenue Teams and Careful I buy them in Lvarge Quantities, FOR CASH, Therefore get them at bottom priees. and will give my customers the benefit of THESE BARGAINS. And on every Hat or Bonnet costing one dollar or more I wil di- count io per cent. Bemember 90 than 1.00 at any other place.

ZUTAVERN PROPRIETORS OF LIVERY, SUE Good Rigs, Double and Single Carriages, Drivers. Horses Boarded by Day or Week. Special attention given Buying and Selling Farm Horses. Cor. Peters Cotcgill streets, Gteat, Bmd.

Gr. H. HULME, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. The, Cherokee, at Hyler Wilson's. A new invoice of PURE Buckwheat Flour just received by A.

R. Moss. Notice is hereby given that I will on oaturaay, January oisc, iooo, at o'clock, p. at my farm on section 10, township 19. ranee 13 west, in Barton county, Kansas, offer for sale at public auction about two hundred and forty head of sheep, belonging to Wm.

R. Doty, to be sold to satisfy a lien for feed ing and care of same. Terms cash. E. J.

Dodge. Great Bend, Jan. 23d, 1885. Free Distribution. 14 Wh at causes the great rush at Hyler Wilson's Drug Store Tbe free distribution of sample bottles of Dr.

Bosaoko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the most popular remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and Bronchitis, now on the market. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Township Primary. There will be a Republican township primary at Dundee, Saturday, 1 p. Jan.

24, for Liberty to nominate township officers for the -annual election, on the 1st Tuesday of ebruary next. J. N. Robinson, Chmn. Com Hill's Peerless Cough Syrup will cure Uougns, uolds, uroup or oore Throat and relieves Whooping Cough, and Asthma.

It does not dry up al cough and leave the inflammation and fe ver behind it, but loosens the phlegm and morbid matter, and permits nature to heal the lung tissues and diseased part. Call and get a bottle. If not satisfied after using it, return the empty bottle and we will refund your mon ey. A package of Cobb's Little Pills in top of each bottle free. Hyler Wilson.

Purify Your Blood! Browns Sarsaparilla and Dandelion, with Iodide of Potassium, Removes all impurities of the blood. It corrects the torpid condition of, and re moves all obstructions of the Kidneys, CURES- Scrofula, erysipelas, dyspepsia, syphilitic diseases, boils, tumors, ulcere, cancers, salt rheum, constipation, sick heahache, fever sores, kidney diseases and rheu matism. ine tormula ot crowns Sar saparilla is printed on every bottle. Phy sicians endorse this great blood purifier. Every druggist in the State sells it and recommends it.

Price per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Manufactured only by the Brown Medicine and Manufact uring Leavenworth, Kausas. For sale by A. S. Allen and W.

J. Winner. Cure for Piles. ine urst symptom or lies is an in tense itching at night after getting warm. This unpleasant sensation is im mediately relieved by an application ot Dr.

isosanKo 1'Uo neniedy. in all forms. Itch, Salt Rheum and Ring worm can be permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr.

Bo- sanko Medicine Company, Piqua, Ohio. Sold by Hyler and Wilson. Dr. Bosanko This man has become so familiar with the most of people throughout the United States that it is hardly -necessary to state that he is the originator of the great Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lungs Syrup, the people favorite remedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and all affections of the Throat and Lungs.

Price 50 cents and $100. Sold by Hyler Wilson. Improved City Property For Sale The dwelling and lot owned by James Hargrave Lsq. Also Double block, 300x600 with two story frame dwelling, owned by B. Mar- key will be sold low and liberal terms of payment, At Buckland's Land Office.

To Horse and Cattlememen. O. Van Houten, of New York, Vet- prinarv Plir'sJoinii nnrl SnnrAnn Imviniy located in Great Bend, treats all kinds of Diseases. Performs all surgical op erations. Attends to calls day or night.

and keeps on hand medicines for all diseases. A Bargain Farm 200 Acres, 3 miles from Great Bend, story and a half frame dwelling, 50 acres eultivated. Half mile river front, 100 acres second bottom and balance first Price 81,800 half cash, if sold quick. Enquire at rjuckland Land omce. PAWNEE ROCK BOOT and SHOE STORE.

The Latest Styles, the Best Quality, Ai JJ LA) XV EST FrllU-Ko, always to be found at if A One of the best selected stocks in in Bar- ton Why pay high prices for cheap goods when you can get the best for the HA P1, --ja- -a- rj rS I and Horse Furnishing Goods. CIGARS and TOBACCO, the best in the market. CONFECTIONERY, purest, sweetest, and cheapest. STATIONERY, NOTIONS. You can get all these things at A.

W. METCALE'S $200,000 in presents given away. Send us 5 cents postage, and by mail you will get free a package of large value, that will start you In faster than anything else In America. A wort mat wilt at once onng you in mone I C. I about the in presents with each box.

Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex. of all ages, for all the time, or snare time only. to work for us at their own homes. For- tunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay.

Maine. Ii. Hal let Portland, nizht. Punktn pie and baked beans are all that's lacking now to make this a New England winter. Mr.

Torrey is still confined to bed with acute rheumatism and suffers great deal of pain. Mrs. Willner received a very fine upright piano this week as a present from her husband. It is a most elegant instrument having many reeent improve meats. A receipt for lemon pie vaguely adds "Then sit on a stove aud stir constantly." Just as if auybody could sit on a stove without stirring con stantly.

iUr. iay irerman class in music presented him with a gold headed cane Monday evening as an appreciation of his labors the past year in developio their musical talent. The class is said to sing well and ere long may give some public entertainments The distinguished local orators who were advertised to speak at the install tion of officers before the G. A. R.

Post Saturday evening were, most coospicu ously absent, except the editor of thi paper, and he might as well have been absent. We see no occasion fur such conduct, and trust the Post will order a court martial if such a thing again bap pens A. man named Cain, from Cain City, undertook to raise cain in town last Fri day afternoon by entering the room of a widow lady and insulting her. He was arrested by the city authorities and fined by Judge Lwalt $o0 and costs, but through the manipulation of third parties he got away. He will probably be found and put through the mills in good shape yet.

He richly deserves it. Died: Tuesday, January 20th, '85, of lung fever, May, infant daughter of W. B. and Loreta Cornell, of this city, aged 5 months, 27 days. Little May was sick for about 15 days, during which time every attention from physician and nur ses was given the little sufferer, but hu man aid and hearts o'er burdeued with anguish praying for her restoration were powerless to sive.

The bereaved par ents have the heartfelt sympathies of the people of this city in this hour of their trials and sufferings, uneral services were eia at tne iamiiy residence on Wednesday, at 10 a. J. C. Hall officiating, The remains were placed in the City Cemetry. Attention Comrades.

Pap Thorn a Post No. 52, will hold an open meeting, on Saturday evening January 31st 1885 at half past seven o'clock p. m. An interesting program will be brought out. Everybody invited to come and partic ipate.

By order of i. lyler 11. Udell, Post Commander. Adjt. The Republicans of South Bend Town ship will meet at the Dennie School house.

Saturday Jan. 31st at 8 p. m. to nominate township officers. By order K.

A. Bidleman. Mem. Tp. Com.

The Democrats of South Bend Town- hip will meet at the Dennie School house, Saturday Jan. 31st at 8 p. m. to nominate towuship officers. By order of Committee.

There will be a Republican caucus at the court house next Saturday, Jan. 31, at 2 p. to nominate candidates for township officers. II. M.

Kline, Chmn. Cum. A Warning-. The public are notified that my wife, Sarah Eveleigh, having abandoned my home, I will not be responsible tor any debts she may contract, and 1 torpid any a one giving her credit on my account. Jan.

19, 1885. F. Eveleigh. AT G. N.

E. R. MOSES. "WARRANTEE We have put in a full line of Terry's Scissors and Shears and request all our customers to call and examine them. They are sold to us under a "Warrantee Unlimited and we cheertuliy recom mend them to our trade.

We keep them in Terry Cylinder Case, and can witnout trouble snow tnem to our friends. Our stock is complete. A full Stock of Hardware, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silver, Musical In struments, Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, G. iV. tfr E.

R. MOSES. Xr. Spyer, The peerless Dentist and inventor of the new patent Automatic plate has re turned and will be at the Occidental Hotel tor 10 days. His rooms thronged daily.

are Larnxd, Jan. 20, 1S85. Dr. Spyer, Dear Sir. Having had long experience with the old style artifi cial teeth, which caused us constant inconvenienca and discomfort by coher ing the roof of the mouth, and dulling the sense of taste, we consider it our duty to make known through the press our appreciation of your new and valua- hle'invention, and the comfort and satis faction which your New Automatic Plate gives us, and the great advantages of your New Method over the old style of insertiug artificial teeth.

We cheer- ully recommend your New Automatic Plate as possessing all of the advantages claimed for it, and are satisfied that all who adopt your New Methed will fully realize their highest expectations of cons ort and convenience in wearing artifi cial teeth. S. C. Johnson, Tonsorial Artist. Geo.

Ripple, Central Meat Market. V. S. Nussbaum, Merchant Tailor. Chas.

Graves, Capitalist. John Soott, Cattle Breeder. The 3d regular annual meeting of the Kansas State Shorthorn Breeders' Asso ciation will be held in Topeka, Kansas, during February 10th and 11th, begin- ning at 7 p. m. of the 1 0th.

Promt- nent breeders and speakers will be pres- ent and eive addresses. All interested in the breeding of Shorthorn cattle are cordially invited to be present. I 1 ine upon an editorial in last week's I Tribune touching the removal of the land office from Lamed to Ellinwood, sees a "nigger in the wood pile" and as serts that a certain gentleman in Great Bend who is aspirant for Register of that land office is at the bottom of the Tribune article. In justice to the per son referred to, whoever he may be, and to correct brother Carr's erroneous opin tons, we will say tnat tbe article referred to in the Tribune was written by our-self on the spur of the moment, on reading the article in the Express about the removal of th 3 laDd office. No one ever said or hinted a word on the subject to us before or since.

We have heretofore expressed similar views on this land office question. We have no knowledge whatever of the opinions of any person in the county on this subject. We spoke for ourself and for no one else. As to the if the two land offices are to be retained, and there is a prospect for removing the one at Lamed, the Kllinwood folks can rely on our hearty support for their town. But we still believe there ought to be but one such office on the Santa Fe road and Dodge City is the most available point for it.

Ed. Tribune: Mr. Keeney advertised in the only religious journal in the val- ley," last week for the thief who stole his broom rack to bring it bask While I had a hand in removing the article in question, tbe elements ot tbett did not enter into the transaction. Haviug tumbled over that coveted nuisance on the public highway almost every night this winter, I finally kicked it over into the northeast comer of the M. Church yard where it yet reposes patiently awaiting the caressing hand of its devoted own er.

But its sacred locality would probably furnish it a safe hiding place from him for many years. As "no questions are to be asked, this information is given. Mr. Keeney is a friend of the writer, but woe to tnat rack it it percnes itseit in the middle of the sidewalk again on dark nights. The Usual Result.

It is not to be denied that a good sew ing maebme is one ot tne most important appurtenances of the modern house hold. We thought we had a good machine until one day the agent of the New Home presented himself at our door and proceeded to deliver an oration upon its characteristic merits. But," we answered "our machine suits us well and we don't care for an other." The agent, however, begged the privi lege of leaving one of his machines with us "for the ladies to try. The request was not unreasonable, so we granted it but more to oblige the agent than anything else for we really did not want the machine, and had not the remotest idea of buying it. The machine once in the house, it was natural that the ladies should look it over they did so, and as a consequence! fell in love with it.

They say that with. out the slightest wish to decry or disparage any other machine, this, all things considered, is, in their opinion, the most desirable one to be had. This unrivaled machine is manufac tured by the New Home Sewiog Machine Orange, and 30 Union Square, New York. ASK P. CI.


W. WIN STEAD How they like the Woodmaese Geared Grinder. You can save the price ot it VI in a short time. or sale by G. N.

E. R. MOSES. TO ALL EVERYBODY READ And save your money by buying of G. N.

E. R. Moses the oodmanse Geared Feed Grinder that works with- out a horse power and grinds cobs and corn into corn meal wheat rye and barley. Also get the Farmers' Feed Boiler. You can make tne price in a weight in your cattle and short time in hogs.

Jail and see tnem anyway. G. N. E. R.

MOSES. The sage who lit a candle in the day and wisely said "I seek a man," would not be called crazy in these days if he did the same thing to find a strictly pure Baking Powder, and unless he found De Lands Chemical Baking powder, might still be peering around. It is made from Cream Tartar and Soda only, no filling whatever. Sold io cans only. Try it.

For Sale. -If you want Coal. It you want Flour. If you want Feed. If you want Rock.

If you want an 80 acre Timber Claim, It you want to buy or trade Barton county property tor a farm in Arkansas, call on E. B. Kellar, 4 doors west of Postoffice. Coal Oil that I sell icill not freeze. A.

R. Moss. Sewing machines, needles and extras of all kinds always on baud at Singer Office. 11. U.

Gailey. Fresh Oysters, all grades, constantly on hand, at A. R. Moss. Neither mental or physical labor can be accomplished satisfactorily unless the system is in order.

When you feel tired, languid, wearied without exer tion, the mind slow to act, and requir ing great mental enort, you can rest as- snrorl that, onnr I Avar ia nnl onrinur nrnn. I erly, and that nature requires assistance r--r to help tnrow on impurities, mere is no remedy that will accomplish, this so mildly and yet effectually as Prickly Ash Bitters. A trial will satisfy you of its merits, 1 Sunday night. Mrs. J.

W. Brown has been quite sick the past week. Hersehel Campbell made a flying visit home from the legislature to spend feunaay. It is said that in England all roads lead to London. So in this latitude, al winds tn winter bring cold.

Thursday opened out with a south wind for a change, but it brought no re lief, it was as cold as ever. Another two inch snow fell Sunday night, and the weather was a trifle more pleasant Monday with fine sleighing. -a a Mr. ochermernora lias Deen con 7 a fined to the bouse this week with a so vere cold almost terminating into fever. He is just about able to be out.

Pap Thomas Post desires to express its thanks to the band for the very pleas- ant music they furnished at the 1 natal lation ceremonies Saturday evening. A Great Bend girl calls one of her beaux Muff. She says this name was suggested to her by the loose way he holds her hand without squeezing it. An East Side girl wants to know how to relieve herself of a tickling sensation about her face. We would advise her to have him shave off his mustache.

Bob Bidletuan returned from Mich igan Sunday where he spent a month or more visiting, lie says that business is much better in Kansas than in the States east of here. Mr. Willner will start in a day or two for the New Orleans exhibition. When he returns we may expect several new patents from him, as he will find many things to suggest new ideas. The snow has been on the ground here for four weeks with prospects of a continuance ot this sort of winter for month longer.

Verily it begins to fee like "back east" to "we'uns." Mr. and Mrs. Cornell desire to ex press their most grateful thanks to the many friends and neighbors, who. durio the sickness of their little child rendered every possible kindness and attention. The art of advertising has been carried to such an extent that the preach ers, on reading the scriptures in church, first drop their eye to the bottom to see if it winds up with a patent medicine advertisement.

Mr. Wierman, formerly of this county, paid the county a visit the past week. He is pleased with his present location in the eastern part of the State and is doing well. IIi many friends here were glad to meet him again. A little boy of the city schools, while engaged in defining words a few days since, made a mistake which was not a mistake.

He said "A demagogue is a vessel that holds beer, wine, gin, whisky or any other kind of intoxicating liquor. The Odd Fellows lodge has organ ized a Rebekah Degree lodge and the ladies are taking quite an interest in it. They say they propose having a night or two in the week to "attend lodge," eat oysters, look after a "sick brother and so forth and so on. Fror. Uaraway has used the money arising: from the school entertainment given at the close of last quarter, in pa pering the scneoi rooms.

1 bis is very oreditable to teachers and pupils, as it saves the district a very snug amount mske these improvements. Wednesday was a very pleasant day, apparently the sky was bright and clear and to look out doors one would say "how lovely it looks." But it was one of the bitterest cold days of the sea son. As Mr. Jarndyce would say, "an east wind to-day I'll stay in doors." Clarence Majors, a brother of Byron Majors, died Monday morning at 2 o'clock of lung fever. We understand a a that be contracted a sudden cold by go ing out doors while very warm -after at tending a dance.

He was apparently i very robust, healthy young man. His sudden death is a severe shock to his mother and family. J. K. Grier sold his farm this week, 240 acres, to Phillip Lelloy.

Mr Grier will leave in about a month for Sekgwick county, near Wichita to Io cate. regret to lose sucn men as J. K. He is pne of the early settlers, a most excellent citizen and a prosperous farmer. He will take with him the best wishes of many warm friends for his future prosperity.

Grand Reunion meeting at the Congregational Church, Thursday evening, Feb. 5, 1S85. There will be appropriate and very interesting and impressive religious exercises; and refreshments, free. All church goers aud non church goers and everybody else are most ear nestly, and cordially and heartily invited to be present, uome and make your selves at home. It will truly be a gos pel least.

xuxercises win commence promptly at 7 o'clock. H. A. Raymond, who is asrent for Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine, having headquarters at Mrs. 'Greenfield's will give a public exhibition of the working of his machines on Saturday, Jan.

23. It is claimed that this machine will do all kinds of work, from the mont delicate embroidering to the sewing of leather, and all manager asks is to call Saturday and see the ma chines at work and receive presents of handsome samples of work. The Building and Loan Association scheme is at last finding many adherents in this city, and within the noxt month it is safe to say an institution of this kind will be in good working order here. From 25 to 50 dwellings will be added to this town the coming summer if such Stn organization is formed. A meeting will be called in about two weeks to talk the matter over.

There are a number of men in town who are familiar with the workings of such associations and they are all heartily in favor of one. associations enable the poor man to own his own house, by simply paying monthly rents. When the meeting is called, we hope to see every Juan in town in attendance. KEtEPM FOR SALE THE Increases the cost of living in many ways but you can make vour money last much longer if you buy your Groceries of KEENEY. New Orleans Tourists Tickets.

Great Bend, Nov. 29th, 1884. Winter tourist tickets to New Orleans and return with a lonjrer limit than Ex position tickets proper, are now on sale Rate $38.15. Good until June 1, 1885. lorrey, Agt.

Election Proclamation. Ot the time of holding a General Election of Township Officers. State or Kansas, Barton county, ss. The State of Kansas, to all to whom these Presents shall come, ereetins: Know ie, isai i. snenn oi Barton county.

Kansas, by virtue of the au thority in me vested, do, by this proclama tion, give public notice tnat on tne ruesaay succeeding the 1st Monday In ebruary, 185, there will be held a Ueneral Township Election, and the officers at that time to be chosen in each township, in Bald county as loi lows: One Trustee. One Clerk One Treasurer. Two Constables. One Road Overseer in each Road District, Two Justices of the Peace in townships or ganized in odd year, and to nil vacancies as i IOHOW3 One Justice of the Peace in Cheyenne township. one justice oi tne reace in cunaio iown- shlD.

Two Justices or tne reace in ursnt town- hln one ustice onne reace in Pawnee Rock township. une ustice oi tne reace in Union town- snip. one justice or tne reace la Wheatland township. And votes or electors ror sam omcers will be received at the polls of each election trict in said county. 4is- In witness whereon nave nereuntoset my hand at my office in Or eat llend.

in said county, this 14th day of January, 135 j. n. uaiziei, Mienn, rUBLICATIOX NOTICE. First Publication Jan. 16, 1885.

E. F. Verry, Ella Verry, K. S. Medberry and Frances Medberry will take notice that Samuel Alexander Jeffreys, Richard Gossill Brown and John Henry Jeffreys, as trustees for Thomas Jeffreys, as plaintiffs, did, on the day of Julj, 181, file his petition in the District Court, in and for Barton county.

state or Kansas, against tnem toetner wttu Cnancy h. Jones ana Mary K. Jones as de- rendantn, setting rortn tna. on tne nrst day or June. ISM, paid nancy Ij.

Jones ana Alary K. Jones crave a mortgage to the said plain tiffs, on the following described land situa ted in the county of Barton and State of Kansas, viz. The northeast quarter oi sec tion number (24) town number eighteen (18), range number thirteen (13) west or tne sixtn p. to secure tne pay ment of the sum of show1, according to one certain note or bond referred to in sai mortgage, and praying Judgment against said Chancy L. Jones and Mary E.

Jones for the sum ofM.0.0 now claimed to be due and unpaid, witn Interest on liti.UM at VI per cent, per annum from uee. 1st ana in terest on siti.uu from une 1st. iw), at tne rate or iz per cent, per annum, or tnat saia prem ises may oe sold to pay tne same. Now aid defendants K. F.

Verry, Ella Verry, E. 8. Medberry and Frances Medberry are hereby notified that they must appear and answer said petition on or before tbe twen ty-eighth day of February, 185, or petition will be taken as true against them and each of them, and a judgment for said amount and a decree forever barring them of any right, title or interest in and to said lands, after the sale thereof, will be reudered against them, and ordering said lnds to be sold to satisfy any sum found to be due the plain tiffs upon said note or bond and mort gage. W. J.

Tatterson, Atty. for SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Kansas, Barton County, ss. James K. Kellogg, riaintiff, Augusta A.

Crawford, Lewis Crawford, and vs. Kdwara J. rearce and wmie orvnie Pearce, minor heirs of John F. Tearce, deceased, uefecaanis. Dv virtue of an order of sale to uie directed and delivered, issued out of the Kith Judicial District court or tbe state of Kansas, sitting in and for Barton county, in said State.

I will, on Tuesday January 27th, A. P. 1885. at the hour of two o'clock p. in.

of said day, at the court house door in Oreat Bend, in the county and State aforesaid. offer at public sale and sell lo the highest bidder, lor casn tn hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described prop erly, to-wit: Lots number one tl) and two (2), and the south half of the noitheast quar ter of section number two town number twenty (20,) range number fifteen (15), west of the 6th p. m. in Barton county, Kansas. Said property to be sold as the property of tne auove naniea aeienuanis.

J. S. Uaiziei. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Oreat Bend.

Kansas. Dec. 26th. 18X4. W.

J. Patterson, Atty. for PUT SUBSCRIBF. FOR THE Wf.EKLY Globe Democrat, 1885. TEN PAGES.

ONE DOLLAR TEE YEAR. The Largest, Best and Cheapest Weekly iNews faper in the World. Dall per 812 00 Semi-Weekly, per year, 3 00 5 00 Sunday Edition 2 00 Postmasters and News Dealers will receive your subscription, or address. GLOBE P2INTING Send for sample copy. St.

Louis, Mo. EKITS dfer Pampa'et Rgfaiencea. Aft DA. HASELTIN J.Miaaourl nratcntc A J- Semi six cents for postage and A i rlzS receive free, a costly box of mmW 11. will h.ln vrn tr.

more money right away than anything else in thl world. All of eit her sex sex succeed from first hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the worker, absolvtely sure. At once aaaress. iru AUgusia, Maine, L.nrnrcn i uuwu ntu Rem JACKSON WAGO II crjsM 1 1 1 mmtm THE BEST IRONED WAGON MADE.

Opposite Court House BUILDING BRINKMAN MATERIAL. POLLS 23 YEARS IN USE Tfc Qreatait Kadieal Trianph of Ag! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. IMf astlta Bewela eaatlva. Pala la ta haad, with a dall aeasatlaa la taa back arcf Pals aaaer ca aaaalcer lade Fallaaaa after aattac with acta-tacliaattea exertiaa af ady ar niaa. Irritability of temper.

Law lrita wlta a feellagaf saving aaclaetaa aasaaaatr Waarlaaas, Dtzztaaaa, Flattering at Ik Heart, Oats before ths syss Ileadaesa war ths right eye, Rcetlsaaaesa wlta Stfal arsaaaa, llltaly eslerea Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S P1U.I are specially adapted to such eases, one dose effects aoea a change of feeling as to astonish ths sufferer. They Increase tn A cause tb boey to Tate en '1U, tau tb yntern la by their Tosl Action a Um tools prodafi. rri'-aaiie. TUTTS HAIR DYE.

Gray Haik or Whiskers changed to a GlossT Black by a single application of this DTK. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express cm receipt of 91. Ofnoo44 Murray Now York flRRIAGE GUIDE mSZr mm. p.p,f ntTU MtalM KlltbTnrWM.

Saafctfal laqaUil! wnm to hn. tor WMt-K viemmlU amy mmrrj, ImmS why, MdtolM. Wo, witmmom mm pmpHrt i ii SJWlJJStUfT I1T "I -dux ou fmd 9 ujsaass ers suiBdiuoo snoniQ puv XBSSOI jOTTrS 1876. 1876. Buckland's Real Estate -AND LOAN AGENCY.

Cboice Lands at from $5.00 to $20.00 per acre as to improvements and Location. Real Entate Loan a specialty. Foil government abstracts. Kent follected. Chattel loans negotiated.

Correspondence solicited. A. J. BLCKLAM), Oreat Bend, Kan. SPooiiEopn.eoimoi 7SE7S27T3 CSAJX27B, Cannot Chokea Horse Adjusts Itself to any Horse's Neok, Has two Kowh oi Stitching' Will hold Karnes in place better thav any other Collar.

For sale only by the undersigned who has the exclusive right for Barton county. A full line of Harness. Haddlas. whins. Ac always on hand.

Repairing promptly dona. JOSEPH HISS. Help! for working people. 8nd 10 cents postage, and we will mall you free a royal, valuable sample box ot goods that will Dut vou in the way of making more monev in a lew days than you ever thought uomi- ble at any business. Capital not required.

lou can live at home and work In spare tfme only, or all the time. All of both sex es, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test tbe bnsines. we make this unna ai It-led oflVr: To all who are not well atirfied we will send 1 to pay for the trouble of writing us.

Full particulars, directions, sent free. Immense pay absolutely surefor alt who start at once. Don delay. Address. Htlnson Co.

Portland, Maine. iff 1 ISNl 111 MiMi -III.

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