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The News-Chronicle from Shippensburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MiMti- vin! 1 1' nirim riitM rd.iun um? I nUa I'd. ii Biibl i (UilrdN nam imnm AHinijiu wa; 'j i jt uvn'i: Hi 1 1 on js Ti 'j eti Ali fefj fUiiijt df sll floli ail' ni ''In- i-' iticjeftnhii'ih I eMl btiiMS Wmb 1-thi and th liit'Hpfthlfl Wff tdillf-d Itj Sri Ui9 lent of UiU ''Imtioa Tool Factory. titstf are bested lbs es.teoslf Fuinitm Work! of II. Blercr whkh rank among oar most extenslye manufacturing estab lishments. The principal buildings consisted of two large brick work shops, which remain standing, and a finishing shop 75 feet long by 40 wide, partly frame, which Las carried away.

The brick portion of this shop was one of the old Edje Tool Factory buildings. Its walls were 13 inches thick and it had laughed at the high waters of the previous fifty or Blxty years, but on Monday forenoon, when the water bad considerably subsided, only a few bricks could be seen near the surface, no two of them all remaining in place. tSierer Co. had In this building, be sides paints and tools of considerable value, fully $5,000 worth of finished or nearly finished work, all of which was carried away and now lies scattered down the creek some of it, perhaps, going to the Potomac, whence It may even be swept out to the ocean. A portion of it will be recovered at ditlur tint points along the creek where it has lodged, htlt even this Will be damaged HU rcr iV Co, had about 0 000 fi of Tlulil lumber piled on thlr grounds, but to but ol It remained and they put their loss on ibis score at not over ILi'iOO.

Thev estltnali tholf total loss at fll.OW. ItudioM, mud Id tho 1 1 of 'I 'v a di wt. a i trot. i pii's 1 I I 1 I of niltv, or any knit ury kooih, Hint (nnijiaio iioiu with my innnls in htylo, nuality and iiiico, and you will lind it to your interest to buy your o-ooiU ol mo. W.T.

S. Jamison. i kmt's weah, lied twilled Saxony wool, and all tlie iest goods, very cheap, at Holland's. Another new lot ot those heai) fur caps, helling fast, at Gcesauian THE COUNT SUl'EltlNTEN DENCY. We copy the following from the October number of the School Journal: On the Becond Tuesday of May next county, city and borough Superintendents are to be elected.

This is really a more important election than that of members of the Legislature or even that of Governor. The boper- intendency Is always succcsaful when the right man is in the office, and it is never successful unless he is. We can name Superintendents in Pennsylvania whoso worth to the counties and cities where they labor cannot be tmimated in dollars and cents. They are literally dolcg more than ail other agenctta combined to lift up the people to a higher level of intelligence and morality. And, unfortunatclr, we cn name others whose services could be dispensed with without Incurring logs of any kind.

They arc dead weights, drawing their salaries and doing nothing. We write to aik School Directors to begin to look around for the man they want to serve them as Superintendent for the next three years If you now Lave Lira, keep him; If yoa have him not, light your lantern and go in starch of him. Don't Lesitate about salary. You can hardly pay a cood man too much, and a poor man you do not want at all. (lecsainaii it Co.

had a orand-or and nicer stock of Holiday roods last than any house in town, and they expect to ex col it by far this season. Wo are making great luvjiara-tions and thall oiler special inducements for the next sixty davs. Call and fee ns. K. shearer, the only merchant tailor, gets up clothing in the best bt vie.

It New Fens, blankets, felt skirt, shawls, beaver cloths, coat trimmings, hoaiery, gloves and handkerchiefs, all at the lowest prices, at lieddigs' Cheap Ftore. C. V. It. It.

Why can't the officials of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company use portable steps or platforms for the convenience of passengers who have to board the train at bhip ptnsburg? The passenger coaches on this road are provided with lih, awkward steps, making it almost impoebi ble for females and aged persons to reach the landing without aasifctance and, then, too, females are frequently compelled to expose their persons to tiie g.o of filthy, vulvar alers who fietjUriit tha stations, In their Hurtsto get and oif the ear. We think i'i admit time the ell. rial of tl.y toad would give some attention to this luaUr and tieal their patron at ail stations to the and aei omniiida. t'miia, IJf'ddig'n have ei lh'u Week tii'W ioldit ions, ul' i "heap giiod-. ll yet want to buy, at I he lowest pi call at Ked-dig-.

CUKA 'LK 1PM OUOCKRY bead-quarters for syrups, sugar, dried raits, provisions, vegetables, wheat and tu k-wheat II ur, corn mflsl, In fact every. thini? In the eating line, and all, too. tlie best qnallty and lowest prices. (Jo lo U. Hie winter clothing.

nrer'd for your novn-U Ladies, look at good silk handlverchicf-t for 25 cent. DON'T FORGET that Mrs. Wither ow's is headquarters for Holiday a. Santa Claus Las been there and left lots of pretty toys and tilings ueful to please the children. Beautiful things for th ladies, and many articles for ladies to present lo their gentlemen friends.

Kememher the cheap Hore of tl i ruove t'ut. The fsglng flood fits threw Itself against the furniture establish ment of Eelrer which was nearly demolished, sweeping away two bulld-lngs-ona of thera containing several thousand dollars worth of furniture. A third building was also somewhat in jured and a large quantity of lumber lost Their loss Is estimated at (10,000. The iron bridge commonly called the Wolfstown bridge, was next broken to pieces. At the same time a fire broke out in one of the injured buildings.

The fire alarm sounded and the whole department responded. The fire, bow- ever, was soon extinguished, with little damage. The stream content with the destruction It had wrought, rushed oa into the country to carry devastation thither. About one o'clock the waters besaa to fall and fell very slowly all day. On Babbath morning the banks of the stream were lined for miles with people search ing for property and viewing the scene of disaster.

The eas works also had been so atfected as to be unable to sup ply the town, and religions services wtre suspended all the (duircht on HabbatU evening. The damapa was not confln t'd to town alone, Tlm brldguon tlm riilUdtilphla turnpike, two utiles noiUi of town, was also partially destroyed and tonal vo wettings am said to have occurred along tho Mont Alto railroad. The losa of property in Chambers burg alotio Is estimated at not less than The damage to the various mills will poMluly throw a number of employees out of work. High water has bee seen here before but nothing to equal this flood since 1830 or (here abouts. The sudden rise wss due to the volume of water flowing from the mountain and the breaking of several dams," i We are Indebted to the Opinion for the following particulars; "The destruction all alonj the Cono- cocheague creek, must bo very treat.

We learn that several bridges on the Mont Alto It. as well as a portion of its track wee swept away. This will of necessity stop operations on that line until repairs are made. The wooden bridge over the creek at the Old Cale donia Iron works is gone, besides sev eral others between that point and Scotland. The stone or "Red" bridge on the l'nlla pike midway between Chambersburj! and Oreenvillage is also badly damaged.

The covered bridge near Scotland, is swept away. Brnugh's dam (Wolff's) a few miles below this place yielded to the pressure of the flood and gave way, on Sunday afternoon. The bridge over the stream at this dam as well as all the County bridges below this point, some six in number, are intact, so far as can be ascertained. "It is betlevod that no serious dam ages have resulted to the County bridges seven lo number on the West Coco cochesgue. At the hour of the writing, however, we have received no Intel)! gence from this section of the county.

"The loss of property in fences, out houses, straw and lire stock is doubtless very great, but of this no estimate can now be made. We have been informed that not a fence along the creek between Chambersburg and the E'otomac river is left standing, but is only conjectured. 'There are several causes assigned for this great flood. One is that a water spout must have fallen at some point west of the b'outh Mountain. "So far as Chambersburg ia con cerned, the oldest inhabitants do not remember wltneesing such a freshet At one point in this place the water was six feet higher than was ever before known.

'The engine house of the water works was flooded to the middle of the windows in that building, but we be r.eve no damage of any account was done to the machinery. iNo damages are reported aions Back creefc. "-o far as we can learn no human Uvea have been lost. Tour spans of the Cumberland Val ley railroad bridge -over the Potomac river are gone. The bridge consisted of six spans each one about 120 or feet in length.

Six or eight coal cars on the Virginia side went down with the wreck. The Cumberland Valley railroad bridge over the Falling Waters was also swept away." The bridge over the Conedogwinet, at airview, uas sustained some uamase we understand. That portion of the bridge which spans the tail race of the mill, with one of the winus has been washed out and is now l.ving in the channel, and the bridge, in conse quence, is itupasnable. From Carlisle we learn that none of the bridges on the lower Conedogwinet Creek have been destroyed Mountain Creek and the Yellow Breeches were also heavily in carrying oil' tho water, and the safety of Mount Holly hung only upon tlie Stfenglli of tlm dam IhiV that place which was reported in bad roiiduion on unday evening. From th Vfiii7.iff, we barn that whets tlm rreek ft iws along tlm Mont Alto railroad between WoodsWk an llrooksldn, It has mads a bo sk In tlm trail of the Moot Alto road, about threw fourths of a mile hi length.

The train which left the Mont Alto Junction on Halurday evening, was compelled to return lo Chambersburg. At Scotland there Is a covered wagon bridge which about nlni o'clock Haturdsy night, wss swept down stream, pairing under the railroad bridge half a mile Ulow, and lodging somewhere between that point and th old red bridge on the Hhlppena burg turnpike. The plaolna mill at Hcdlland, belonging to D. W. Hess, fell In at two o'clock HunJay morning, and twenty two thound feet of luv bcr came down from ilesa'a yard? Wta.

bouse Lai about three of four feet of water In It, and his spring bouse taken, while Mr. Itowe had ninety Jars of fruit snw.hed ia bis house and bis fish pond broken. Horses, cows, hogs and poultry went wholesale from that neighborhood. Several foot bridges are gone between Scotland and the turnpike. The red bridge at the crossing of the Shppens 1.

7 uarK oout wo muc ana cti pi i.ii, Arm eb'fla I ft'l'olhUtia'tl of h. M. lf 64. ib c'l. Jtv-lament (or pialoUa for with Interest from this date feud ros'g, ami of execution until dsnmry 1, 18 ra.

JPavid ilaytvs. PottsviiJe Mutual Insurance Company, summons. Ymlict for plaintiff for $1,143 CO. Ibis suit was brought to recover the Insurance on the property of laintia" burned in Bhlppensbura a few ye ago, wuicii was insured tor $1,000. Ii.

v. Hays vs. American UcJcrwri- Assocsation, sursraoEi, The clam- had an Insurance ia this Association $1,500 on the saEce prODertv. Ver for defendant xred'fc. Myers vs.

John Rife's admin- summons. Jadgmcnt in Court for plaintill for tha sum of $100, witn interest from this dale and Fred'k. Fry ys. David J. Cook, for eign attachment.

Judgment entered. Martin Best vs. U. P. It.

II sum moos. Judgment In open Court for piainutr lor JU3 78, with interest from dato and costs. Martin Best vs. Daniel V. Ahl.

sum mons. Judgment for plaintiu" for the sum of "with interest from this date and costs. Altifc Brewer vs. M.T. Walker, sum mons.

verdict lor plaintiir for till bs. Farmcra' ii Mechanics' Bank of SShip- peniiburg vs. iienry sumrnona Continued, i arnu r' Batik of Carlisle v4 Peter rpahr, suinfiioiis, PUlntirr a lion suit, Win, Mckh'S vs. Martin lUuH man, suinmons Hi oeh, i ronseril jury withdrawn and rusu letlk-d lf tha partus In open Court, tlm pUlntHl pay w.e llio fosia. John (I.

ilutf hlrisoo vs, l.otiU t'hrlit and 1phralin Cornman, ummons in ejetiuieiu. Verdict for ituichlbsou for tho tuidivlueil one half of the premmrs and lor Datilel lloilinger for the undi vidmi one bait. All the cases, twenty five in cumber, were disposed of until Saturday fore noon. JuJge Herman is fully determined to get rid of the old cases on the docket, and is anxious that the work of the Courts be expedited. To this effect there wilt be an adjourned Court of one week in January, immediately after the January Court of two weeks.

Herald. AM goods Hold and jroods made to order in my ment are guaranteed to give satisfaction. To pell is our watchword, and not to he un dersold our motto. Give me a trial. J.

C. Ilr.MMEL. Headquarters for Holiday goods, at Cee.sarnan Neighboring Counties. Adams. A little four-jear old son of Mr.

John Wolf, of Latimore township, was recently kicked by a colt and died from the efiecta. The store of Dr. V. 11. Lilly, Mc Bherrystown, was entered on the niuht of Oct.

81 st, and a quantity of coilee, knives and notions taken, amounting in ail to $40 ia value. On Friday a seven year old daugh er of Daniel Whitman, living six miks from York on the Gettysburg pike, wa strangled to death by a ol apple in her throat. Oa hunday evening, a six year old son of John Keiler, of lietdelbcrg township, near Hanover, was attacked by a vicious ram and severely injured, the scalp, twin torn from tho temple to the center of the head. On Tuesday week a two-year old daughter of Christian Bytrs, Highland townub'p. broke her U'ir, while piayioij; "seesaw" with other children during school recess, the board suddenly breast, Mr.

Byers has been peculiarly ai-fiicted, his other ISree children hein: sick or disabled. He had gone fur a doctor to attend 'one of the children, and on bis return found Ms remaining with a broken leg. York On Thursday of last week. while two young mea living three miles east of Kossvlihi, York county, were out rabbit hunting they separaUfd in the field, and a rabbit starting up between them one of them fired, missina the rabbit and hitting his companion, sending many shots into bis friend right side and thoulder, producing dangerous wounds. A house belonging to 51.

A. McMul-lan, in twp York county, occupied by Joseph 51. Funk, was tired about 5 o'clock on Sunday evening, and entirely desiroyed, together with all of Funk'a household coods, but a few small articles. Funk and family Lad gone to HarrUburg on a visit en Thursday. Last Friday two small children of Daniel Whitman, living about miles from York, in Jackson township, were playing about the bouse, when one ot them, a little irl between 7 and 8 years old pot a piece of apple in its throat.

It was instantly strangled to death before any anfeistatici! to relieve it could be rendered. Over thirty thousand dollars of rce-nue was collected in York county lat month, neariy all ot which was en cigars alone. Another large supply of those cheap overcoats just received, one shade lower in price and two degrees better iu quality. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to fdiow goods.

A. C. mm r. INTAKE NOTICE The subscriber has opened a repair shop at reslderce oa South Pcnu street, bet wren Mia strett and Ui-s Lutheran church, where ha wi'l re.nair every Uescrtptlon td ttoapriuvtit from averse a chronuU). it rrpt utiiig ii 1 a'aita watches clocks tho ceiniisom-sl to tb futf-st By iBg eijrieiic In tlm ha aatUfied far.

glTC in. satinfaCtion. hovi! 'lm. Ua Lasiii. Shearer, elU ooili lor the 1um i.e-t It BALE fulhiwia Sales are either ad fe.rUted lu Tits; Nsr, or bills hate been printed at Una

All parties having their sale workdoDP at wni ri5eie a notice jrte Satur.iav, lino. 11, at I In Orrn. loan, A. -iiimp I.i n. il i.

niw noes gooiln, MatOll A uo on WeO mi. iny at la a. i it, I ok itoMKr um mp.iHi nr. iii el liu pi iijn i i Jim i I' i roii. iiotn, I10USK IXHl ai-Jc of tho double white cottage, Um i i- i i tKji nut, un irt oi i Aprd next.

Inquire of botIO tf Mrj. K. M. Cjahkk. MP.3.

WmiEKOW bus a flats of goods tot the UoSiday trads. D-on't fad to ca.l and iiect present jour IrieiuU. Yoa can saUatile for ladici. gt-etlemen nd children. Ui ftl tU ll at i iinanm FIFTY 11 KEF talc bf Itscs C.

lilUfi. 'J i.O' or in beer that of the ingly for 10 In. the be of 1 i i I I I I i I I of tm iM-teM i l' Usk ldnf-r In tim fli.iwl" l-t I fires wh! hare utre 1 In 9 luce kiiH at edt of which the Ca- wetiand vancy tire company hois? a prominent parti Jantiarv to, fr. A.

Stewart and Uotou Hotel at able. January 14. n. oonavin's ham. January ls.itf, bamuel I'aigue'a, John WlUierow a anil Minse fcoti Htablea.

Januanr 21. J'9. Old White Church. January 26. 13, burnliiii of clothing In John Uixh'a house.

A prll 22, Irtsa. Joseph station's stable. May tl, IKt'J, Stephen Cochran's stable. AuRUBt 21. l''tf, Bavid Walters' stable.

February 29. 10, Iaraol Myites' houae. March 10, Win. Bush's houae. June 11.

1-HaJ, Samuel tiarria' huae. October l'J. 1, Joseph Mahon'a stable. October 24, Daeid Kenower'a glable. November li, A.

bierer a hay abed. November 14, Itobt. McClure's barn. Aug. 1, ltu, u.

btouner'a carriage shop, Oct. 1, ls7, J. H. Criswell's warehouse. February 6, 13f, John Blair's stable.

Seotewber 47. J. Steviclt'a stable. April 17, 13, C. V.Eallroad depot, Xaws ana aentmet onieeu.

or. eiewaria anu bherman House stables. April 13, bJa, Wm. Bush's stable. May 18.

lseu, J. H.CriswUa warehouse. December 1.1, Blair's warehouse, A. G. Miller's and J.

M. binilev's stables. fcejitember 1, House drug store. April 11, 1871, stables cf J. La ton ana ti.

II. coi. OeUilmr l'J, 1571, Travelers' Uuat. March 17, ln7i, irab liouse tif linthel. Mar S.

lHT'i, tabl-S of ti. W. Crott. John Hi IiIkcs. SI in l.tiHit Coxiver, Mrs.

Dual, J. ttH lou.ii. It Cole, II. Ruby, hi John bliiiiibauh, and Joint 's ln.i. lily 'i SI Use heotl's ti It, Cole's iii-li August stubies or VVi Mi f.eii Hi olioiibi 1,1, ldjJ, Jolui riLKiuii and and I.

M. Hvkim I i 1 1 1 II, tii. HniH'V III lulitill's mlal'bi, 4 lnl, 1. Bliibte, May mi ii i III Ii A Mi iiunlntf HI, and will. Men liouti, Onlolier Hi Ii, I'l J.

Wi'l hum boumi, Mhii Ii ft, IfiU, Rudoli'ir badt-ir. Noveiiibi'l 7, h. flollm uluble. I (. Oi'il.

VV 111 I loiiiul I to nine Ilttn Wall' rt' Ik.iiki. elu nniv fctHl'le ol II. Hollar, K. iieuvt i I. II, llubli.y, John Wjii- noo.

Aurfual. 1, fierce' rnsf HepUMliher It. l7, I'm lick MeAllllllV ami Samuel A'HI-H'U houneH. Up to January 2'Jlh, l.Vj, no regular organiasion of the Company had been effected, but then the Company was or gaoi.ed, aod the following officers were elected I'reniitrnt Henry Knby, sr. I 'if I'mlililnJ John Altlek.

KecrrUtfu M. Allele: Iv Wsifner. 7V.xiirr -J onii uriilerlleli. IHrmort First. H.

Releht Ine: Serond SainuxL Kunkel: Tniid. lUiaui Willis Fourth. John Noftuker; sixth, vviiitaiu urinia. The C. V- Fire Company, besides attending and doing active service In a) of tho above 11 res, was also brought out by fires out of town, and through all this service the Company attended to keeping the apparatus in good condition at Its own expense, and while it was kept up for the Interests of the Borough it was independent as to its necessary expenses in keeping it in working order.

It has earned all the support that can be tendered, yet is ever ready to respond when duty calls. Go to the fair and siive it your hearty support, and the Company will do your town honor in the future as well as in the past Geo. K. Geesaman, CoJirwiin Com. of Arritngtm-nU.

(ieesaman A. Co, aro retting ready for the Holidays. Nice new'sfock of collar, ruch- iii''s, kid trloves, neckties, linen and Ktlk handkerchiefs, jmhiaf, linen towels, napkin, just ojien- ed and very cheap. Holland if- will open another lot of overcoats today. They have them all styles and sizes, and are selling lots of them.

More new saeques for ladies, just opened, at lieddigs Call and see the latest styles and hear the lowest prices. WALLACE BBUCE'S LECTURE. Owing to the inclement condition of tho weather, the attendance upon Mr. Wallace Bruce's lecture at the State Normal School was necessarily a fail tire. The small chapel, however, was comfortably Oiled with the students, faculty and a few persona from the Borough.

Mr. Bruce changed his theme, from that advtnised, anddeliver-ed Instead "The Womanhood of which save the mst unbounded satisfaction. lie expects to return In tho near future, and favor the people of this community with ono of bis popular efforts. We bopa Mr. B.

win be accommodated with bri-bt skies, on his next visit, for he has been met each time with weather of the most cxecra b'e character. Handsome new styles calicoes, just opened, at (ieesaman's. This is the kind of weather for overcoats. Holland d- arc making a many of them. great CRESSLER'S GROCERY, next to McPhera.m'a hardware, is the place to get cheap and Rood (groceries.

A (all stork always on hand, and frenh jjoods received almost dally. LI HT Of LETTERS remaining In the Pont OMU-e, at hltppetisburij. No. la? John A. Uabler, Dawaiii Draper, James M.

11 ill, bmul Milter, Aliied Mourns, Mil linger, John 11. Don, James r-herk, Aol E. r'liecli, M. E. ul, tamuel A.

Meyers, Myers, Joha Mel linger, (iike) James M. HH1, Jlary tuiith. Cm to Holland's if you want to buy good sttit cheap. They still ive a full nisort-rnent, and are selling them low. (JentV lino white hbirt uU complete, for l' cents, nt dami- FOR BALE OR ItENT.

The subscriber o.T.ts -for sale hts Dwelling llottftc, ors 5'sln street, and If tot disposed of, will be for rent from the first of Jauuary, ls73. dec! 51. C. Havs. DON'T FOIIQET that the to get jour groceries Is at Cressler'a lie Is seliiEg them as low as acy body, aed warrants them priue and fresh.

WOOD WANTED. A. few cord oi good wood will berfCtlTed attbis i on account. tf I made-tipsacijues froi "2.00 up, at Janiuon'a. Tl li stay Fire tera' tiff for dict this 1 is I I I-j.

1 ltfj lj llnntj will) tinalmted Interest, aiid lli tnnubeis lu eueudancn tiot least. The ct of this tiork Is helnnlng to tell on the bar-rooms ami saloons, and tha general dire Is a'l who have egaed the Murphy pledge rosy never falter ia their new resolves. We believe it lathe intention Prof. Kelly and Mr. Dully to make Cumberland Valley their field of labor this winter, and their work has been attended with the very beat reeu'U wherever they have yet appeared.

On Thursday evening, A. B. Sbarpe, of Carlisle, delivered an exceed fine lecture to a crowded house. Oiher prominent speakers are promised future meetings. Dress plaids, just opened, for and 1'2 cents, fancy and black cashmeres, Matala-se, brocades, poplins, alpacas and dolains, all reduced to make trade lively during tho Holidays, at (ieesaman A POSTPONE T-IUilhoau Mann.

no The meeting of our the ieUreut of tha iUfribur and Poliiiimt; lUilroa culled fur last Tuesijsy Yrilijf, Was ptmtpotied until Httr-1s4 aliefitoon, )) inln litt, at elm i. Tho tnretltiif, will bo held iu hall ol the F. A M. buildlnit. We hope this meeting will I fully attended, as we have re'datihi infoitua tiou that Importroit etpkrmUons will um 1" in regard to tho coustr urUoa this greatly desired lhorouitifarp.

We are reliably informed that the fol lowing gentlemen will be present, Col. James Dull, of Harrisburu, Jude Wills, of Gett)sburir, John Dacy, of Boston, W. F. Badier, of Carlisle. More gloves, just received at Rutnmerrt cheap store.

SABBATH SCHOOL INSTITUTE. A Presbyttrlal Sabbath School Infcti-lute, of the Preshytery of Carlisle, will be held in the Presbyterian church, at Shippensburg, on the 11th and 12ih of December. The ministers of the Presbytery, together with two delegates from each Presbyterian Babbath School, are expected to be in attendance. En-tertaiament will be furnished and railroad laciiitles secured, if intended pre: ence is sect before December Gib, to Rev. W.

A. McCarrell, Shippensburg. Tan I)j'ke's Sulphue Soap. Dr. Van Dyke, has the treat-iin nt of Skin his Jiff-long specialty, ami has emlmToreil lor years to eoitibiue nil treatment, ton'ain-Intrthe qualities of met! inr u-sr-'i in liu Uoiuiflw: piacVu e.

This Hi null ha ui-foinpliftn "1 in li.e ot hi Dr. mt Dyne' sulphur simp. It CleHiiilng, TW'oilorffilnjr, t-ltis, Sihil hi jig, lit'iJiri unit l'urilyJng. It ren.h-rit in eoarRtwt klit retuni hably iMitt Hiiit liHHilhful. It a Irt-iuitUul wntiMitliii'X Hinl brlliiaiit-y to kai, Htui fm UK mi whlli'iH'xK b-u uppllc-il to the tm-p, hfck.

Kt niH It I llliVli t'lUlplt-n, I il Will iliiii lieu.U, Trtti, Miiihurn, Kreck Iru, I.iv, fruiii uny pHil of tin' lMly cjih eiirtppe.i iiuTnin. cioiiiiie, si itiiu. r.uiDH, I U'vr. Rouii hiii if the fekin, I iiiml i utT: lievo bui nmi? ttlriKiiiK 'f 'he Kkin. the itchltig tttlll Jl'lltatlOU Of billll BTlil el of In t.

ti eM'elallv a'topteil in the urnery and Ituthruout. In -bathing etui-ilicn it Imi no ftupei ior, ami yuu cau take a Stilptiur bath at pb-H-tue. Laiiiiti who use it In their Toilet would never ilo wltlxmt It. It is frvn from ail OtTi'DHlve ami liigHgreeablo rfrior. It lii oOor of pe-rplration anil exlialations of tho tmily, and s.

ait exionial ii ilical applKMiiiuu Toiitt nwi'siiily it ha no i anl. It ill relieve liehinjf riles where noth-i nir fl-a will havu anv i-Iftt! Annni-ilrr. nal npp'ieution j-ou can ecureely use jj, l'rite 25 cent pr ealce a TVx (3 cakes,) cents. Snt by mail, (prt-paliJ oa re- ct ipt oj price. Ic ar.J retail at Main Depot Noitli 1-iTtii Strt-rt.

lh i beiei pnia, i'i. E. S. KP.s'l ik, Proprietor. CiJ to your Druictfha anil ask for Dr.

Van Dyke's SulpLur oup, uiiJ take BO otbt-r bl by all DruiTi-ts V.y, an.l 5a Shippvnuburir bv Ailick. juii-ij-ly K. F. Ki'NKtL's Bitter Wut or lssoa. K.

K. hunker ir-bratf! lilUi'l livt-r W'liiniif Iron ill I euro complaint, hiutunce, chronic or i'-' vom tivbiiity, -in ehniuic distr- i lio-a, 0 i-i-ase of the kiuiiryu ami ail Uia-oises uiilnjj troin a Oisorili-ri'i-l iiver, titimiii' or mtfi Isipii. t-ui um constipation, flatulence, luwarii ji Ir.tss of bbKwi lo the of tlie i-touiaeh, tiHUKt-ii. hcnrtuurii, tiiKuuKt f'T f.Kul, flip-nts or wcie'til til tlm oumiacii. Hour erui.

utioiic. Mnkirni or 11 ut i Ht the pn of rim fefouiHrh, swimming nf the lu-ml. liut-i l-d or OlOicuIt Jiuitrlna at tin-, hcrtit, ciiwliiiii or ai ii: teiua-tmii Khcnlna ly luir illumes of l-ioti, dot or bi'loie tiie nill, (lull twin in tl; licatl, wey of Mrit.ira-lnn,-ellowitvaa of thnkiuaiu! -a, jwitu ill tlm M'li', t'iick, hi-a 1, liiiiiis, nuOiitui itiii)n if hem. tuiitiiriir in tn cooiut miitsnii, ttt hviI an-l If real li prcni-ion of jr bottle, iii ware it couslei (nt. Do not let your piiin e.T aiiine other preparation rif iron 1 uiv uny It i am t'lHMt, b-it a-ilt for kimWi'i tier ine of Iron.

Take no ottier. hunkel'a itter VViuii nf Iron Jun- t. biiik only in SliiottIc-4. K. K.

1'roin -ietor, o. a. i'J North MiRth Min i. Pa. sobt l'j all druggials aad Ueaicta evry.

where. TAPK WORM HKMOVED alivr Ileal and ail t-onij b-tt Nt) Iff till IIHWK. hi 1 wo hnurn. Sent, I'm aii'l Stuiiteh tVornja hy Dr hunk. 1, iiJ Not'ltl Jviiitil MltH-t, I'liiiEl'ii'ieiiiat, I'd.

Sfii.l cncubir. Hir n-inuv it l'iii ir t-tomar-li Worms call on jour ilrii-tit an i aak for a LioUie of koakd' Worm syrup, pi ice It nev-r t'outuion nfiisti teaiJiesjf 'lajnt Horiu i i i oi orill I'm ib-cl 21AIUUKI). US 1 1 At the- hmm. of In l-t. i.iti.iii, i-v i.iv hist i.

ai.u I r.sf..- lln'j hit! bui ii oi 1 1 1 i io I a. Ho mi no! i. i i i.t a ti'l i rV- I i iii. ia I. Tit' I III' I lti.

il 1 I I (1 -i I I A I. IliliVI l.mlitin, Im Abl.M Ho w-i. is. of liiia uitoitjj aiei 1 Y. SMlFpi fSDUSU KAKKHS FlIO'I-J Nov.

l.t a 'our, moy I i it i a. Illovil Ttttmirtv tv i il.iv ii I e. i 'i Drsei! 1 Shu. I 1 1 ii t. Hon is I i I lt-tk 'V UMTOH'S NOTICE 'i.

Ailtur aifoittlt-l bj- the i lo' 'r' I'liill til ii 'ii 1 j.ii-1 i ly, to n-iak 0 it hi ti tb iiiiot" of J. P. ni ii Ml i S. V' K. net of fc'1 Iklerlian iu Duti'iM-ttvitn i-v lit it't "uu! ti'i, i ot f'f tb.

it teiin. tut rt tii's et'. iiiet tt-lrii Hi tha ltiit.k Hsaf li-toHi leer iV tii.ihI iv tt.f it vi-u. if- I'-itoi-mi jiotnttnent. a.

e. 1 1' SU It A V-K 11 BOOKS AND PAPERS. 'alalM'i au-tJtnJ by tfc nnf.h'Cl'At; Jt tf. MAIN UTll. A.

Ins in ult l-t'f poHio). "ill-, tt tt 1 It. 14 I'Utiiii'll I'f iti I lli-inif poHtdy, --A )itl; tH'9 Ttifn litf tn nifum-n. fpaitrj C'Kritflie. It tietti'it pound.

Mr. John Myers, of Wonroa lowtmhlp, paid to be tho oldeBtcltif.en of the county, died ou Saturday, aged U7 years. Judge McLean, of Gettysburg, was the honored guest of our townsman, Mr. Wm. McLean, Thanksgivinit Day.

The South Mountain, Thursday morn ing, woke up a little late with Its nlgut cap on. It was covered vt 1th enow, In other words. On account of the raia last Saturday, the sale of the real estate of John Wyn- koop, dee'd, has been postponed unyi Saturday, 8th Inst. The wife of Mr. Joseph E.

Cornman, editor of the Carlisle Mirror, flied on Tuesday, leaving seren, children. Mr. Cornman has our deepest sympathy in this sorrowful affliction. Sheriff Gill has been compelled to ap point another deputy Mr. L.

8. Elsenhow er. Ilia deputies now are Joseph. Shroia. B.

K. Goodyear and L. S. Eisenhower. Heavy showers, like heavy drinkers, begin with little drops.

"Little. drops of brandy, Little kegs of rye, Make the mighty toper And the rummy eye.u Samuel F. UreeuawaU, formerly 6her- i of Franklin funnily, ha departed tbli litu, Ha had bnui tljuigcriHialy til for mniio tlniti, iiiiaidmialniBit lull lui Oil Biiii.liiy fm mioiiH but, i lliij; nt cit (111 win hour mi Mimdny hlalil. ll'di lit ilifl lm 1 1 i i'i Jnu i en! of I Imiiibi I in I tlnlla lib! pli'liiimliiiliill)' iVM Moiiibtt, fur Imi iIims, I emu lit liifl Hiilll I in-1 bi i livi'iilntf. llllleH III ln I lil liifj, (ippiiHllii (Itn IhmIi, it'll I A I ml I.

hi tit In to i'i per liii. on pallia) oi lull did of lei'lli, JHiiCli II -Mr. I'cier lleiHlili linn chcIihiimimI hit llitee tit It liu IIiIIiib, on Main llce. With Mr ti. Fin, CleAnler for piopeilytm Noilh I'enil leet, recelvliiK fl.iHHi additional.

It 1st Mr. Ciilet'n pur pone, nett dug, to bo alter lii new pur. etiiiHc tn kIvu him additional store room facilities. tieo, A. Kimfr lias puichased wood- leave trotu outad Kyner and Joslah Filer, on tlm KiiUronil, a few ml Inn oulh of (his lioioiigh, Tho colored ieo Ide's citmpiiicei Intf, for several yeara punt has been held on the Filer tract.

Thin limber will all be cleared olf within the next ninety duy. On last Tnemlay, Sebastian hhovcr slaughteied (our hogs, and, ax their ic upective weights Indicate, will not likely bo excelled in this locality, this season The hogs were about one year old, and when iliensed balanced the beam at tlx following flames: 40b, 34, 3117 and 821 pommstotal, Hit pounds. Tho Chlel, writing to tho Mechanics burg I.edtjer. says "The prettiest school mistress in the Institute claimed Ship pensburg as her home; but Is'ew Kingston matched this pretty picture in the fair. skinned widower representative.

But the lady with tho scarlet underskirt is regis tered from Mechanicsburg." The (spirit says On Saturday night. Nov. 17, while a sou of Samuel Grove, who lives near Scotland, was riding home very rapidly from Plasterer's school nouse, here an entertainment had been held, his horse broke all the bones of one of his legs below the pastern joint. The crippled animal is at 'Squire Blttner'm receiving the attention of a veterinary surgeon. Uev.

James L. Phillips, M.D., Mission ary from India, delivered a most able and lutpim.ily interesting lecture in the Urthel of IUU Place, uu Unt Sunday morning. Tlnii'flm lit I an mid le lice pre nut, and tlm iTort to r1o money for tli India a iulte siieeinnfiil. Tho collec tlon amounted to about Dr. Phillips preached for the congregation at New burg, Sabbath evening.

Tho Echo says: Last week the Ml. Holly Paper Company received from Lon don a letter of Inquiry, initiatory to the establishment of an agency there for the sale of their paper. Samples of Mt. Holly paper are also In Mexican commission houses and other foreign places. Surely American manufacturers are working their way, with merited progress, into the markets of the world.

When you see on a tombstone the words "Dearest wife, my heart Is you can bet your suspender buttons the husband is married again. But when you see a husband walk into the News office and lay down one dollar and fifty cents for a year's subscription, you can bet your suspenders, buttons and ail, that he is a sensible man, has a happy home, pretty wife, and Intelligent children. We have great sympathy for the poor fellow who declared that he had nodeslre whatever to go to heaven if it is as musi cal as it is supposed to be. "Just think," ho says, "of living in a place where all sorts of people are practicing on all sorts of instruments at tho same time. It will be a kind of everlasting rehearsal." It is very evident that music has lost the charms with which to soothe that savage breast.

Miss of two maiden sis ters who live together near tho lower Path Valley Presbyterian church, was burned to death recently. The other sis ter had gone to bed, and was horrified some time later by the appearance of her sister at her door, in flames. The fire was extinguished, but the old lady died before morning. Her clothes bad taken fire from the lamp or fire on the hearth She was eighty-two years old. The uniforms for the members of the Shippensburg Cornet Band are now in course of construction, and, with one ex ception.they will be the nobbiest gotten up suits of the kind in the two counties Captain John Snow is the architect of the coats and John Holland of the pantaloons, and a further description will bo given hereafter.

The members area little short, financially, and we hope their personal appeals will not be In Vain, They promise not to ask for another uniform during tlm present genet at lon. ThoHo who nrdd't'cuito nice I I 1 11 I ami ilH'ii i iriiniiri, hiiniuu iniy I In in nf Ji i 1 1' ts mi 1 -Ii lt Imy iiin liit dill iiiml" of WiniMHtlii luu.i lih, Willi IllHIl II I I I I i illl iili'l I MHlllllO in "MM lllbl hi ii pi im itl .1. Itimiiiii'lV. tlV" MJinnlft nl' rolli'll III I i lll I III Ml'i4, I'll1 A 0. Fin Cfr lr, listing tmaiiftirij Hit) I litlffl lro)f) tirMi of Um grocery In lll'Xk, lnriui the ntlrni of Plilpi'fi birK an.) vlclnltflo glfa lilirj a fall, nt tie will always Imp on hsn nliill of ro( rl wliu-h will lie olJ low hi anv In the market, IN lm full linn of tilgari, 1 frulU, ftabU ajUifn, fjuei-nswart', Hour and firoviilofj nf all Ulvu i'lu sail III tUx ami priw.

KtMi' f'lwnvM kn-jf a full icn l't-fCiVT'l every lew nay. If you want tall at The finest aortmcnt of pYjoi.U i'ov ladies' coats and gen-rioincn's at Shearers La.lics, look at Geesanmn furs and pacue Lcforo you Luv. JIav'c sold as many iu one month this season ve did the Avholc season last year. This proven our goods arc heap. i imif whhli Unit tmnf t'dtli bf hf roufjlfy, Nswiutrttct-tt failing, In ihU locality, eu Ihutsday of last week, and continued to fall without Interruption until Saturday, when lta greatest force was felt.

Darius; (til of that day the rain fell la torrents, accompanied with considerable wind. The streams, which tun through and are adjacent to this Borough, commenced to rlao rapidly on Saturday about noon, and continued to do so until about nine o'clock at night The waters of the "Branch" and its tributaries, together -with the "Burd's Run," rose to ahilit never before attained within the memory of anyone, and yet, strange to say, the damages In the immediate vicinity of this Borough are comparatively light. During the bight of the floods the water presented tho appearance of an unbroken sheet from Orange Street south, as far. as the eye could reach From Germantown to the Borough Una the waters were fence high, and persons living In that locality werei for a number of hours, completely Uo lated, The waters did little or no dam age lo Mill dams, At the U. JUllnmd tlomnanf warehouse ft U' nan J.iuiit iv Johnston dud a emuid bin niniiiiiit i.f tin! iwrpl away, an Mi'MM, Ion iV mewartliiMl Willi a similar InM, In llio IIoKiiirIi, In tlm Vic inity nf "llrsiii thn pn-tiimn of Mr.

11 Mf'tati, Ittir. Joseph Maliou, Mr. 1) VV, TnUuii, and oIIht sur rounded but we have riot learned that any una stiltVred any pecuniary lom It was feart'd the footbridges across the Hralifd, ttf inbt hot ba kbtn in Alkrift tliH prcHnure nf the waters, and be lifted from ibrlr moorings. Buch was not the case, however. A portion of the ap proach, leading to the foot bridge, from Mr.

Jas. G. McLean's sidewalk wathed ut, a repair that can be made at light expense. I be pavement and curbing at the old Cumberland Valley Engine House was considerably torn up and washed out, together with the street lamp and post, which stood at that place. The old foot bridge, near Angle's tan yard, was also swept off, and with the street lamp has not vtt been heard from.

The waters at the ea8t end of the Borough were fearfully high. We have been informed that the streams which come in from Clevers burg after tho waters subsided were left without a bridge, and the roads every where on the south side are washed out, and in many places utterly unfit for travel The meadows of Mr. tiamuel Kunkel, Mt. John Craig, and otherB adjacent to the Burd's Run, were com pletely submerged, the water flowing over the topmost fence rail. AH the trains passed over the Cum berland Valley Railroad safely.

The road was carefully patroled by Bors and his gang, Soon after the Clil pm. train on Saturday, passed through, Information was brought to the station that tho culvert, which con ducts the waters of tho Burd's Run under the railroad, was washing out, and fears were expressed that the road would go down. Jbe p.m. train was met at the point of danger, by a train from Chambersburg and the passengers transferred. The culvert and embank ment was considerably washed away.

and the track went down several inches. On Sunday a large force of bands made the necessary repairs to the track, and the trains have been running regularly since. Mr. Samuel Kunkel met with considerable loss in this locality. IIis large pond, which he had so recently constructed for the making of ice, is badly damaged.

It was situated imme diately below the culvert, and there was no escape for it. There was little or no damage along the mill streams that we have any know ledge of, until we reach the paper mill at Middle Spring. Here the rush ol waters tore out the fore bay, or flume. The floor of one of the buildings was also washed out. The loss to the Messrs.

Bhryock will probably reach one thousand dollars. The low lands below the mill were all submerg ed, and for several hours the residents of that locality were fearful that their dwellings would be floated off. At Nickles's mill, which is situated near the junction of the Middle Sprina and Conedogwinet creek, we learn there was some damage from the water, but to what extent we have not yet been in formed. It is almost unnecessary to say that the cellars on Railroad street and op Main, from that point to the West End, were filled to overflowing, with water, and all the cellars on North Penn, were In like condition. -t- I he rain, which commenced on Thursday of last week, fell almost with out interruption until Tuesday morning last.

There was not a great deal fell on Habhath, but several showers paied over. This storm was, by no tun a in, local. Us limits i mhrancd tlm taatnu pnrlloii of i alley, tlm UkM fi'Hlmi, part of Uo and Mli ii'li-d along Hi toot as tar in Hnv Hittinlii ant also fRiioii lu tlit Hniiih Weal with iniiUtulabU fury, Um pnr ilcolars of which will bi found WlietH. At Cliamlxiiburg and fcolland tlm destruction to property has been quit lieavr. Indebted In a corres pomlerit for th following i "Ott Haturday the Conocochesgue, which flows through C'liaitibersburg, was noticed to bflslfiK LUlla account, however, wss taken of the fact, until two o'clock p.

when the rise in the waters became alarmlna. From two to four the stream rose four feet. At about tie o'rWrf-k It tore away the Iron bridge mmr Hf yscr'i paper udll and also Indicted some damage on the null. Tho bridge was born down stream and struck the Market street bridge with a terrible crash. By clock the creek bad become a roaring torrent, and was rushing under the Market i.

reel bridge with terrible velocity, which was at every moment expected to go down. At 10:20 p.m., the water havlna risen at least ten feet more, over flowed the bridge and tore away one of the stone spans, of which there were three. About the same time the whole rear end of the woolen mill was torn from its foundations and leii witn a crash. A brick blacksmith shop was swept away, and the foundations of set- MM'U, A Nil yiiGft. Ailcerlier and vtheri n'l plci lake notice that we go to pre rojtthirly every Friday morning, and insure the insertion of much mat ter after Thursday evening.

Tie mail slip on each paper indicates the time irhen the subicription expiree, 7id ti a receipt in full to that dale. HOME DIGEbT. Did yoa give thank9 Subsiding the high waters. lima beans at S. A.

Angle's. Fresh oysters at 8. A. Angle's. Christmas is twenty-four days off.

Dandelion blossoms by the wayside. The way to get coal la to abate It. The tuountaiu tires are extinguished. The "Pi'iu'l" t-birt for sale at lietldles'. Fur the best family flour, go to Cobweb His.

A four buttoned buekwheut cake ia the la test. Muifi; pies have been termed winter 1 hu niyhlij hi now tha luiij-enl part i.f I lm- ila -I hu I ohlll towll III i Inot ill Ul-'l l'trj. I nn I i i.i fur (ill itta it pound Hi 1 l.n lo i- I iili til li pirbl nl ht iit i I i i ii 1 1 n.ii-l i('iiii-( if ii i i-i i i imi 1 A A imli" 1 1 it in 11. Mill Ml. Ml.

M' ll .1 ill fitfully Hi he H'M' kIi i.l illh-il tipple, OH I hi I I'll in I i pound ii I A. A hkIh'N, I CnhM Hour (Hint nil I (ii be I pi I -I (I I I'd mi I lm In i 1 1 1 1 i nilOn In loan tit 8 A. All 1 1 1 1 i' pi ii ml pit i I II I'i i I II nt MHiUilcy, nf Dick 1 1 id HI. Ji-. Inn In II llilln 111 fi.r NeVt'ltU I tl (i I'll I'll pounil Cltll Of in ma f.

1 i roul 4, ttl H. A. Aiig-le'a, i i ii I viti It I ten of rote continue In bloom. Vi-iily I hi ii in hi' 'i. in li'inan ax 1 vi-i tin.

I from tin count ry I coin plititihiK i I Urn lion idcoudltloii of the. 1 14 i i in' r-u i tin' licit HH'i ciitupcst M.iit mu le, to he hud only at Kcthlij-ij' i hi iip More. t' inililwiicil some Irn wcibl Iiik last U-, anil a minister Informs Unit tins only lu Inn Ibir 1 in ipicni in ui laches arc coming to the front, (in ninny of the wearer appear ilmv ii if tlm mouth. For liiicly executed and new J'liotoijiiiptis, tall at H. Frank llehlle'a, i iivv Iluilding.

A kitmage, measuring nine feet six incite:) in length, was made in Mlfilin 1.mii?Iup, liiMt week. Mrs. McClure, wife of Col. A. K.

Mc t. lure, died suddenly In rhiladeli'hia, on uiiilay last, aged 41 years. Ia tlie utiHeiicu of the Pastor, Ilev. F. I.

Newtou will preach In Middle Spring church, Sabbath, December 2d. F. Uardner Carlisle, are now in imiuufacturtng a lot of churns Dr. I. I).

Hayed, of line niht last tck, a btt of good lui iiiras was stolen from the burn of Mr I Kier itn, residing near Centreville If jour health poor, devote yourstdl ii a buck heat diet IhU winter and you'll I. ii uta.i to imn! up to the nciatch in the -Mia, Miiy Himuiau, t( Mrcliaitli'M. in i i pt t'd an lu.poi taut jmnillou Pi be Ti i lm til 1 icpiii 1 in Put at Wash ln lliton. 1. C.

lln'M' win no fieliPt on the suiuo amm river, and the Han dsburg papers r- poit thu wuHt only a few feet above 1 iw liter mark. are not able to inlorm a corres pin, ii nt now many loaves there aro In a b.nrel of Hour. Let him consult dough- ill'- hmetic. Tiie moon will eclipse Venus on the ed December t-th. Should there be a clear skv, this antral wonder will be a Oi th Ir.

A. II. Senseny's residence, at Siatnbei -bursr, was ntered by a thief on l.i-l Friday niyht, and robbed of a sold watch and in money. Now that tlie cheuiiloon has become an institution, wo hope some one will in vent an article that may be used at once i n- a necktie and a shoestring. Iieidle bus ust completed somo of the speeimtns of rhotoyraphs in the Valley, hich he invites the public to call and exam ine.

Prices very low. If j-ou have a friend with a cough or cold, tell bnu to try Or. Bull's Cough Syrup. He wilt thank you for your ad vice. The price is only i5 cents.

-Notiiini; is appreciated more for a Chris: present than a good, true photo. rapli, which you can get by calling at Frank Ileb lie's, Criswell's Building. The protracted meeting In the Evan geiieal church at Jit. Holly Springs, Is "tin continued with good results. About itly conversions have been reported.

A run-cilf took place on Main street, Wednesday forenoon, in which a buggy was knocked to smithereens. Thehorsea and vehicle belonged to B. Frank Irwin mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church has been established at Mechan ic-burg. The mission under its charge lias a Sunday School of seventy-two schol fir-. The First Annual Convention of the Hi.

idle District Sabbath School Assocla ti'Tiwillbo held in the Lutheran church at Cf on Thursday, December -The Mitler.hip at Cailislo Barracks l.ns been to Geo. W. Spencer, son of 1 late Col. spencer, who for many yearn held the position of hospital steward of best. It iloes not follow that a is in Really inclined because lie ha a great luiiii crotchets in his head, nor that 10 is 't be-i'iUPni lit! pit Vi his I he.

ij'ii oil I ho I'd nbj iei laii liunb i.l Pi, ii ii. .1 i l.u.i Inch taku itiia it, i 1 lie i i. pin id ll'itt liilll lllu now nil i. imi piiiii In uliiii Hliidi thw a Cl.ii, I li.l Ii I 4 ill it hlo-l Willi 1 1 i mm 1 1 mo ii I nllHiliiN to I Mull Hill UU Of 1 I -I i 'I (llll IHCll.lOll ci I i i I I el mo it led In I'I I'll I I'M II i i .1 1 1 ii II in'i unit) In lle in oiiiini 1 1 In i hill I Inn -ii I'M Ii II fi'ill albitbHl ii iiiii'-! pu to i IntH Ii In lii-t old boimi'l I mi III pi nl mIiI lm VK a ''hi oil" I hut i.

1 1 i bed on I il i I. I lie, of lot Hull, I Ih In, HH i i it I.l fieliliil pi i fii'tirc, In Mi i lliit fioill PICH itlltilK j. (Hid III! I Hill 1 1 liltt I (ftlHH i i I ii.i houol Of III IMlf I II "A in II mat )i I I ii I'd col en polidi'tM'C, i' llll' he urn II'ITM llll iiUM or 111" W.i will IiiHy fill iilfll pof i i ii or llH'll 'iilni lil i i i i I ii ii I. i i Ii tlm I ask buiijiliMd pui-t, lib It i I iiwuy from iUu cuibiiirf lh I.i' hoiirillJ-llVC lit CM -fOVI'M hi In positioii. Aflf Um iiltfli wider (id 1 1 Him foo ml h( ar tlio "old hi v.

KMi'dl. Ir i'Vinl i. of tl.i I id nl tti liii Mlllipwn it Kff Not um Pclioo), now i I Imi Ii.iiiil Ohio, and j.ii ii'die I hfcptd, wliertt lio Ims bien for D-iriiirf th'j florin nf Frldjr night ths "Sn ip of war Huron on of North aroltna. Out of ISO of icw sit were nawl. Ainong the Is As-Niant Knisiaeer Edmund U.

a nal ive of Carlisle, I Hi ii if he past week Mr. Mumma.of iino ii towiigiilp, as guunlnj? In the 'i'H Mountain, and wheu near to what as the High Bocks, his attention ultiacted by two wildcats amui-Ing like kittens. A shot fi'OUl hi hi: 1 one out, the other c-scuped. The I rt iiieasuitd about live feet ill gone. rherson store, hen you wish Speaking of Sierer loss, to uy hoots, shoes, hats, eloth-Chacibcrsbtirjj, tha Spirit My: inff, Ac, at bottota priCvi..

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