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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I a L. i I OCTOBER 29. 1926 1 I I Hallowe'en Chod Hemstitched Luncheon Sets All Silk Ribbon CORRECT GLASSES Britain to Link Dominions With Net of Airways y2 1 9 pt and marsh. Hand "rolled, hsnd Wectez 3 mallowi in dark or milk chocolate Wool and Cotton Tennis Flannel 36-INCH. Just the thing for warm gowns, pajamas, assorted striped designs OO in wanted colors.

LVC EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY: Yard. 35c 4 DIVORCE HELD MAN'S WEAPOO AGAINST WIVES Ghost Carriage Haunts Castle Of Dragsholm Spirit of Bothwell, Mary of Scott's Husband, Pay Phantom Visits. uJehkhs to more heat of tropic sun 4 or inches wide; assorted colors; a wanted item for. the Christmas work. Some with satin stripe or moire fin- 1 For the ladles.

How many of you have seen the needle's eye In a yearT CORRECT OLASSKS make it easy and here is the secret frowns and wrinkles disappear. The expense Is moderate. trdr OAKLAND'S Cloth siie 44x44, with four napkins to match; heavy quality linen crash with plain colored borders of lavender, blue, gold, pink Of or green. Set 4 LtO (Whiuhornt Swan Main Floor) K2 OWE'BIf JELLY BEANS i Black and HALLO WE'13 CAWDT JtOVELTIESi LarB lasaorj 14c lsn. lard London, EgyptJMesopotamia, ment of candy for Hallows en Saturday, special, lb.

(W. A S. Main Floor) STORE THAT UNDERSELLS sronruiiiMuS (Whitthorne Sum Main Floor) Hpeclal, lb. i. T.

BLACK, OPTOMETRIST, Balcony (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) India Lines Will Btfgin December 27 BSr We Can and Do Sell Good, Clean, Staple Merchandise Cheaper Than Any gr Store in Oakland Your Money Cheerfully Refunded If You Ever Doubt It Specials for Saturday, October 30 Specials for Saturday, October 30 (SpacUl Cable to Tha Otkland TB.IBUXE COPENHAGEN. One of the test known Danish clergymen, Dean Martenaen-Larsen, haa Just published a book. "Qllmnsea Brazilian Authoress Says Legal Separation Aids Man, Not Woman. Observatory in Southwest Africa Completed for Smithsonian Savants. nvnnM rt, 90 cm nnntiB In.

I ftiBiiiaalnn ft AmtlA U11IS i ir U.St-U.O.U,l i. I. Ill (Jll M. AnBA thA far-am ft Through the Veil." in which he Aatr tnrtlr nn th, nuaaHftn nf intar. deals with ghost phenomena.

The old castle of Dragsholm seems to be especially rich in apparitions, communication oetween memDerg oi tne empire py air. CI a 1 21. The observatory to neuurt the heat of the lun established on the barren top of Mount Brukkaros in South pernapi aue to the fact that its dark cellars have been used as 1 i i i i ii niiioi i. A ,1 nramlor, an1 prisons. told them the British government's Among the prisoners In the ml a west Africa National tieo-rraehio Society In cooperation with 'III log up even the most distant outposts of the empire now were all the Smithsonian Institution hnM castle was Bothwell, the husband of Mary of Scots.

While Count Carl Moltke was once visiting Dragsholm and was sitting talking with the owner. Baron Zvtnhen- RIO PE JANEIRO, Oct. Correio Da Manha, a Rio De Janeiro morning newspaper, haa set out to discover the Brazilian atti tude toward the divorce question, and is publishing a series of interviews obtained from people In all walks of like, seeking the opinions of the most figures In Brazilian science, art, letters, industry, commerce, finance, govern-ment, religion and the working classes. According to Senor Oraeav Aranha, futurist, diplomat, minister plenlpotenclary and roman II 1 vin fiiti. In fact, the announcement has Adeler, it sounded as if a carriage- ana-iour was entering the castle yard.

Count Moltke rose and told the Baron that anbarentlv thev were going to have visitors, but tne baron replied: "Don't heed End of Month Clearance in Art Shop that, nobody is coming." up to tne tiresent dav manv Pastry Specials people nave heard the carriage. Sanitary Napkins "Ever Ready." Large tiie?" seamlecii abiorbent cotton; hoipi-tal standard quality. 12 pada in box. Special been made mis ween, ana oruciauy confirmed today, that regular passenger and mail service between London and Egypt, Mesopotamia and India will be introduced December 27 with three-engined planes flying on a bi-weekly schedule. The passenger fare from London to Karrtara.

the port for Cairo, is fifty pounds sterling. The fare from London to Basra, for Bagdad, is 100 pounds, and that from London to Karachi, for Bombay, is 120 pounds. The trips naturally are infinitely faster than existing sea routes. Agreement has been reached on the attitude of the dominions inn-trn th T.nrarnn treatv. accord greeted by barking dogs, and the ticist, the question of divorce does not exist for the true modern spirit.

"The marriage contract, like atl other associations, is based on the. desire of the associated parties," the futurist declared. "Marrlaga Is In accord with two wills. When the desire to persist in the mar innaDitants declare that it repre sents tns arrival of the ill-fated LEMON CREAM PIES: With real Of whipped cream. Saturday, special, ea, sdtC PACKAGE GOODS From a well-known company.


Gray Kid Caracul Coats RemarKfc1e values; fashioned in the newest styles, with pouch collars of caracul or fine fluffy fox; tailored sleeves; silk crepe lined. Each, $179.50 Our Club Plan Allows 10 down 10 monthly, (ff hitthorne wan Second Floor) Guaranteed. All 95c BARBERS' SHEARS: forged steeL Special, pair A card Dartv will be given bv 45c PINEAPPLE BUTTER CREAM CAKE: 2 layers Saturday, special, ea. kre makirVj Saturday, the final a big p-day sale we expect Mngs whi belong more prop-IVIanv snecial itemit ri mni-L-orl tne acnes' Auxiliary, S. Loco IRONING BOARD COVERS Fall size.

Special, each 29c motive Engineers. In the Pacific cial, eacn- NOVBLTd GUM RUBBER APRONSi Many sty lea and colore. Special, 7C-each IOC FOLKS: Following custom, day of October, clean-up dayj to clear out our stocks of thos erfy to Summer and early Fal very low for this clearance. building, Sixteenth and Jefferson SCISSORSi A wonderful scissor for the sewing: basket or embroidery workr all Wednesday afternoon. ing to a report given the plenary guaranteed.

Special. Cft. GOLDEN LOAF CAKE: Very rich and delicious; not frosted. Saturday special, each ulC (Whitthorne Swan Downstairs) riage union ceases to exist, the union should be considered extinct, To prevent those in one society from forming another society Ir an, attempt against human liberty; inconceivable to the modern 'spirit. DISCUSSES ISSUE.

Taking exception to the allega- tions of divorce critics who declare; that the institution is an incentive, to immorality in Brazil, Sr. Aranha asked whether the peoples of nations where divorce ia banned) could claim to be morally better Preparations are being made for the entertainment of more than 100 LAMP STANDARDS: iron; Bridge or Junior styles. dC QC Handsome, rich looking lamps; usual $10 value. Special, each. vDeD (Whitthorne Swan Third Floor) session or tne conierence uy iho ftf IirilllP Til i lSt PI'S uut pair Natural 19c INFAHTS' RUBBER PANTS I color only; medium and larg-e sixes.

Specii.1, pair (Whitthornt Swan Main Floor) yHITTHORNE SWAN. guests. Mrs. David Markey is which, by the way, has done all the president of the auxiliary. work of this conierence so nr.

The agreement indicates that the A lt ara aarisfied With the Bale of Big Fa BEWARE THE British foreign policy and so de Great Fall Sale of pendent on tne tsritisn neei in cms tint thpv ara unani inan mo peoples among wnom 01 vorce is practiced. Professor Miguel Couto. presi-, dent of the National Academy of mously willing to sign the Locarno 9 agreement it mat rormai step desired by the British government. tm i.tiitrmin of the ens COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON osiery fiRU iDm.iWM, committee on research which will Medicine, declared that it is anj injustice to prevent two unhappy) creatures, parties to a marriage) contract, from finding happiness Its' another union. He defended hits view not only from a moral stand, point but from a scientific onej pointing out the serious error ot trvinsr to nrAVent hv law.

tinrnvaa omen tnderpriced 7500 Pair! DRESSES Persistent coughs and colds lead COATS to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleas report on the subject riaay. (Copyrifht, 19M. lb Chler PilT Wews.) Laborer Jailed For Robbery of Church VIENNA Emmerich Wenger, a laborer, is in Jail here charged with robbing a church. Wenger entered the Brelntenfeld church for evening worship and remained after the congregation had Tliminff Via nifht Vl.

Ktllffed 600 Pairs Men's Work ant to take. Creomulsion is a new selection and multiplication. "Laws are not necessary to fortify the attraction of sex, for it Will exist by its own nature. However, tnv. H.lvtc a- i Jose medical discovery with two-fold Sports 6tyles.

Of Caljer cloth or knitted The tvell-known "fladlum" brand, cotti 11 made for hard Two-piece. Wool and velvet combination, jersey or crepe. New colors. Each, action; it soothes -and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits es Va to 12. Our wear: colors are blarK, cordovan and fr Values from $1.85 to $2 Thousands of pairs of FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE Standard makes such as "KAYSER," "MANNING," "WAYNE KNIT," "POLLY' and other well-known brands.

Splendid selection of styles. SHEER CHIFFON with lisle welt, reinforced foot. MEDIUM SERVICE WEIGHT, lisle top and sole. CHIFFON with slipper germ growth. Midshipman Jackets Of flannel or velveteen; good range of sizes and colors.

Each $4.75 Tomboy Skirts. Of flannel. With a novelty striped belt Each $4.98 YOUNG LADIES WILL DEMONSTRATE THESE MODELS IN THE SUIT DEPARTMENT. special 18o value. Saturday, pair Of all known drugs, creosote Is his pockets, especially enlarged for Women's Union Suits i Medium weight; low neck, sleeveless, knee length; regular $1.50 value.

Special, suit, mm 300 Pairs recognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent the booty, with sucn vaiuaoies as he could find about the place. tt hari intended to leave with IS comparably more efficient and more true than friendship; if marriage of love transforms ltselt intq a union of friends is cemented by- the formation a fam- lly, its lndissolvibility is assured but it this transformation does not occur, all the laws in the world can not hold the bond together, and It is best that it be broken." DIVORCE ATTACKED. Divorce is attacked by Senhora. Jose heel: lisle top. "Kayser" brand.

ALL PERFECT. Pair, Men Fane coughs and colds and other forms the first worshipers in the morn of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains. In addition to creosote. ing, as he had Deen locaeo.

in me church, but during the course of th- ntirht ha fell nleen. When the Good quality cotton hose In a aecnds of a res-aisrSf to 11 other healing elements which Little Men's Long-Pants Double-breasted coat, vest, 1 pair of long and 1 pair of short pants; ages 7 to 12; $11.95 value. Special, snit, mar zbq value; win wear tne -sameiiis soothe and heal the Infected sexton arrived to open the chureh UlJVb(aS JHil i i II I of i membranes and stop the irrita UR MEN'S FANCY HOSEt Scores of 400 PAIRS MEN'S MERCERIZED he louna tne man Bleeping on a bench. An investigation disclosed what had happened. tion and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach.

1 Albertlna. Bertha, well-known Brazilian writer, who sees in It Only a weapon for the use of man against worrian. "Divorce Is a and materials including rayon, rayon lisle, novelty full-fashioned lisle md wtool: seconds. snrrtA irrfrii1a ur is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs; Coats 1 a teeter sizes 9 to ll1; regular 50c, 75c IIDDIES'COLDS Dresses New two-piece models; velvet and wool, silks or orepe; latest colors. Each Creomulsion is guaranteed sat 14 Hat Sale values.

1 Id ce Travel models; of worsted, or tweed; Venetian lined; trimmed with mandel or coney fur. Each nsirn HOSE: Fine mercerized. yarnB. Reinforced heel, sole and toe for 4xtra wear. Neat appearing dress bVse.

Black, cordovan, beaver, gray and white; sizes 9. to 13; our regular 3 for value. Saturday only, pair fciiJC MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE: Neat striped effects. All new patterns. Up-to-date in every way; ideal for'fifta.

Sizes to 11. QCj. Pair VDC bean completed and the American observers are moving: in. Word to thla effect haa been received at the Smithsonian Instltutoln from the British public work office at Keetmanshoop, which built the observatory. A.

Dryden, Inspector of works under the government of Southwest Africa, with a -corps of European and Hottentot laborers, haa been at work on the observatory since Dr. Abbot of the Smithsonian picked the site last March. The Isolated position of Mount Brukkaros In the midst of a desert, the difficulties of getting- men and materials up its rocky slopes, the heat and the scarcity of water have put so many obstacles In the way of the work that only the cordial cooperation of the British authorl-tiea could have made possible its completion so early. TUNNELING DIFFICULT. TheA natural cave originally selected by Dr.

Abbot for the observatory proper had to be abandoned due to the nnauitability of ths mountain for tunneling. A econd sit suffered the same fate after several hundred tons of loose rock had been removed. The third try proved successful. The site is located on the topmost ridge of the mountain. To obtain water during the construction of the observatory, the engineers had to sink a well under the site of a dry waterfall.

Two excavated In the rocks with a capacity of 3000 gallons each have been completed to catch the rare rainfall for the observers, but during the six months past not a drop of rain haa fallen. However, ths "rainy season" for Brukkaros occurs' inFebruary and March, when it is expected that a sufficient supply will be caught In the tanks to carry the observers through the long dry season. Until the rains come the Americans will have to haul their water supply up on the backs of 4 small donkeys. PHONE DAILY OBSERVATIONS. The postal authorities are erecting a special telephone wire connecting the observatory with the railway station at Tses.

Over this wire the daily values for the sun's heat will be telephoned to Keetmanshoop and. thence cabled to America, For the observers a special house some distance below the observatory inside the mountain has been constructed, while on the plain at the foot of the mountain a garage will house the truck by which supplies will come to them from civilization. On such site and under these conditions the two American observers, William H. Hoover and Frederick Greeley, will probably spend. the next three years.

They will have the relaxation that books, music and hunting can give them, and Hoover has his 18 months' old daughter with1 him; but their chief compensation will be the realization of the important contribution which they are making to the development of long range weather forecasting by solar radiation measurements. Women's Alliance Will Hold Bazaar The annual bazaar sponsored by the Women's Alliance of the First Unitarian church will be held next Thursday afternoon and evening in Starr King hall, Fourteenth and Castro streets. Mrs. W. F.

Esch-bacher Is general chairman. The clubwomen are planning to serve both luncheon and dinner. Mrs. jSherwood Grover and Mrs. Elinor Boyer will be in charge of the tables with Miss G.

Crocker in charge of the kitchen. Chairmen of the booths which will offer novelties to the holiday shopper are: Fancy work, Mrs. W. 8. Patterson; aprons, Mrs.

W. C. Reveal; delicatessen, Mrs. Henry Miller; candies, Mrs. H.

W. Moore; white elephant, Mrs. William Keyes; used books, Dr. Lolita Fen-ton. An after-dlnnerprogram will be iven.

U.C. Faculty Men To Talk Mathematics BERKELEY. Oct. 29. Four members of the University of California mathematics department Kill take a prominent part in the fiftieth meeting of the San Fran-slsco section of the American Mathematical Society, which will held in Room 300 Wheeler hall, Berkeley campus, at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Berkeley men who will have tharge of the meeting are Profes-tore J. H. McDonald, A. B. Bernstein, Florlan Cajori and Derrick VI.

Lehmer. IRS MEN'S NOVELTY HOSF? XViA 1 should not be "dosed." Treat I them externally with VOCRS VAPORXJB Ow 8 1 Million JmUwd Y.aHy Hundreds of new hats. All the latest styles and colors. Greatest a. up-to-date patterns.

Silk and wool, id wofll, rayon, cashmere, cashmere and isfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma. bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough cold Is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist. Advertisement.

tuucb uhtc ever on ere a. Dresses ntvf-ail nertect: sizes V'A in 1TV- GROUP I-Each md $1.25 values. tf CHILDREN'S FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS: High neck, elbow sleeves, knee length; gray or white; ages 2 to 16 d1 1 -years. Special, tPleleJ WOMEN'S LIGHT 'WEIGHT UNION SUITS: Low neck, sleeveless, tight knee; reinforced under arms and in crotch; sizes 36 to 44; our $1 "Poliy" brand. 7Q Very ipecial, suit I (fPhitlhorne Swan Main Floor) COATS Smart Pall styles; of plaid or mixtures; Venetian lined; tashioned with fancy pockets; trimmed With moufflon or coney fur.

Each, Pearl gray $1.95 BOYS LONG CORDS: ages 6 to 9. Special, pair pairs te, pair IUC -Main Floor) double edge weapon which -has been added to the resources of man against us," Senhora Bertha stated. "It is one more medium by which man proposes to. escape, 'with dignity', from the work and responsibilities of the head of a family. "Realizing that, it would be- almost impossible to make marriage eternal in the world's giddy whirl, I can not admit that divorce represents a -finality, an ideal solution fop the re-establishment conjugal harmony.

"The causes for divorce are found in ourselves, in our education; we must marshal bur foreea I I tlfrninace anu uesu-u tnee causes." Rabbit Meat Held ear est to Chickeft BEST FOR COLDS Party frocks of georgette crepe, taffeta or crepe; beautiful pastel shades. Each, (Whitthorne Children's Novelty Half Sox Rayoh plaited over lisle; service weight; all the new shades with tops in pretty color combinations; sizes 4l to 50c value 4 (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) GROUP II-Each GROUP Ill-Each $1.00 $2.50 $3.50 $4.00 BOYS' FLANNEL LUMBER- djo i JACKS: Each VOMO and THROAT TROUBLES) i $25 9.98 BOYS' SILVER GRAY UNION SUITS: Each Morning Extra Ek 19.95 GROUP IV-Each (Whitlhornt Swan Balcony) is (Whitthorne Swan Second Floor) file ONES HOI 710 of Month Sal End of Month Sale PURf Women's Daintiness Under the most trying; hygienic handicap now assured. NEW way offers true protection discards like tissue. WASHINGTON Dorrfestlc meat is the chicken's nearest Attractive Rayon ise lasts that long. No phone orders Aluminum Roasters prices 9 to 11 A.

M. only ir, or deliveries. We reser ucui uiutf to the oVgrlculture) igm io lima quantities. October End of Month Sale Women's RAYON and SILK UNDERWEAR BLOOMKRS, CHEMISE AND BlAPS of rayon, light and dark colors; CREPE DE CHINE CHEMISE; GLOVE SlUC VESTS, seconds; imperfections slight; $1.95 and $2.95 values. department.

Housewives are told Women's New Hdkfs. by the gov. End of Month Sale Novelty Hand Bags Of genuine leather; novelty grain; some two-toned combinations; beautifully lined. Each $5.95 ernment that rnKhita raised for. Dainty OTS Big End of Month Sale in Children's Shop Girls' Tomboy Skirts Choice of flannel, tweed or mixtures; fitted with hip pocket and eporta belt; 10 to 13 years.

Special values. Each, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 meat are rich with foot value and Wash Frocks Beautiful qunlity; Fashion's newest filalds Stifl stripes In two or tlirfs-color toDe combinations; lileaslnc iott ihades; set-In, short sloevs; V-necks witli roll collarn; leal set-In pockets; button trimmed; sizes 36 to 40; extraordinary 'Tallies. Special, each. 1 25c have delicious flavor. COTTON good quality cotton.

Eae (Downs taii Oval; heavy gauge; Sunray finish. Most popular and practical sizes. Wonderful values. mumr Man's condition serious Forced to give up work when infection spreads Read how bo beaded the trouble White with Vemse type lace edgings; all-linen, white or colore; hand embroidered. Navelty silk handkerchiefs in pretty colors with scalloped or 'cut-out effects Each "Domestic rabbits have clean habits.

Their consisting; chiefly of oats, barley arid alfalfa hay, makes the meat sweet and tender," the Department said. 'Pi promulgate the popularity of rabbit meat, the Department has ia- TIGHT frfirlr sheerett cmnm. SITE OUTING FLANNEL 17-inch. $2 BOYS OVERALLS Heavy qualil ages 4 to 15. QC wear them now any day, any time, anywhere, without a moment's doubt or fear I 1 12-INCH, $1.75 value.

Special, 16-INCH, $2.50 value. Special, each 18-INCH, $3.50 value. Special each $1.39 $1.75 $2.75 od, fleecy quality. 750 ds to go at, yard (Limit 10 yards Main Floor) Pair A fragrant NARCISSE" PERFUME and lasting odor. Ounce.

(Balcony) dressed rabbits and plates of fried and baker rabbit meats. The uncertainfv and fnirruriftr n4 LNDKERCHIEFSt Plain white lawn; WOMEN'S PRESSED CREPE BLO the old-time "sanitary pad" hat been Me colored voiles with tiny "HIND'S" HONEY AND ALMOND LOTION: Bottle enaea. ERS: Light colors. Pnir I ite dots. OX, WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS I Lovely lace trimmed or tailored models; pastel' shades.

Each 2. S2.85 and S3.85 I 1. T. 34c 34c St Louis, Feb. 20.: "I had a very bad cut under my eye and also a dog-bite on my hand, both of which became infected.

Although I did everything for these infections, nothing helped. They seemed to jrrow worse instead of better and Were pronounced chronic When my hand got very bad and when the infection caused by the cut under my eye spread, I began to give up SCHOOL SWEATERS i For the Young Girls. Firmly knitted; brushed wool or wool lumberjacks; pretty color combinations; sizes 10 to 36. Specially priced, each "3-48 and 3.o CHJLDltEN'S SWEATERS: For play or school. Roughneck style; plain colors with contrasting stripes; sizes 10 to 14.

Specially Aft priced, each JH.TO a new and remarkable way. COATSt For little boys and girls. Tailored or dressy models; cleverly trimmed; fully lined; aizes 2 to 6 years; exceptional value. TC Q.C Each pu.I7J Xew ShowJmc of LITTLE BOYS' FALL STITSi Mannish one and two-piece suits wool serge. Jersey or mixtures; 2 to years.

Each 1.48, $1.95 to $3.5 CAKDT JARSt 1-lb. capacity; footed; with cover; spiral, optic, pressed designs; colors of amber (Second Floor) GIRLS' MIDDIES: 60 ONLY. NEW NECKWEAR: MODISH VES-TEES for the new frocks; COLLAR AND CUFF SETS, unique etvlesi LARGE ROUND COLLARS of net with lace trimming. The latest models. Each J) 1 ARTIFICIAL GARDENIAS: The smart shoulder flower in white or pink.

The correct accessory for the fur collar. aa Each jSfC ARTIFICIAL DRESS FLOWERS: Dainty pastel shades covered with shimmering trkotine; with graceful drop" ends, Very effective. tf 1 ir Each J) 1.4 (Main Floor) ETONNE: Pretty patterns; seconds 29e value. in WOMEN'S SILK UMBRELLAS: Good assortment; red, blue, green, brown, or purple; fancy borders; cord handles, 10 ribs, amber tips and ferrules. iA Each tDO.fl? FANCY CUFF FABRIC GLOVES Good assortment of colors and novelty cuffs; fine quality; suede finish.

Pair. vl FANCY CUFF FABRIC GLOVES anted shades and styles. Turned-down or flared stiffs. Good Pair UJC TEBECO" TOOTH; PASTE: Tube Five times as absorbent as ntAl POPULAR RAYON SCARFS 1 Of 1 splendid quality rayon; novelty conventional flower designs, two-tone mixtures or stripes; very attractive for sports wear. Special, i each iff I SMART TOM DOT SHIRTS 1 Fashioned of good quality white broadcloth; long; sleeves, button cuffs; tuck-in or overblouse atyles; high Strand collars with deep point; these blouses bought BANDOS AND BRASSIERES I Of fancy novelty materials; radium, rayon Jersey or glove silk; sizes ii to 44.

Clf Each OVJC COKiETTESi Of fancy broche; reinforced back and front; also ELASTIC STEP-INS; regular (2.60 1 QC value. Bach Pli7a vr green, epeciai, nary cotton pads. HAND-MADE GOWNSi Pastel colors; also PHILIPPINE GOWNS with beautiful em jean. Some with colored collars. In vpnrs.

Farh MIDDlESi Of good quality white jean; long or ahort sleeves; co-ed or regulation style; set-in or patch pockets; some have colored collars with braid trimming; sizes 16 to 44M 1 Each wl OOO WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SWEATERS 1 A wonderful opportunity to purchase a sweater at a reasonable price; splendid quality, attractive styles In, tuxedo, ooat or slip-on; a large and varied assortment of colors; practical and serviceable for high school, house or general wear. Special, dQ each D6 each (eclal, yard IOC Deodorize, thus rnriinir AT Am (Third Floor) $1 (Second Floor) ger of offending. broidered designs; tl.7 value. Each STUDIO PAINTED CUPS AND SAUCERS: Dainty floral designs in beautiful 7C shades. Cap and Saucer I DC 1 Discards as easily as a piece of ail nope, as GIRLS COATS Yarn 200 Balls tissue, wo laundry.

No embar rassment. FRENCH BEADS: Beau 1 was unable to do any work. apecmiiy to wear with the wiiii tne $1.25 Obtainable at all Arutr anA Anr $1.95 tiful lustre. Strand. 5 10m iJoy skirts; sizes 34 to 44.

Each For school or dress wear. Snappy models. Of plaids, buxkin, velour and Bolivia. Beautifully fur trimmed and lined; sizes 7 to 15; unusual values. Each 87.50.

$9.50. 812.50 to $24.50 1 (Whitthorne Swan Second Floor) lues. Each "Venus" Corsetalls Of fancy broche or Swami; well boned back front; for the medium and slehdef figures; sizes S4 to 46. Very special, each (Whitthorne Swan Second Floor) ment' stores simply by laying Good assortment of colors: usual 30c (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) ELECTRIC GLOBESi Be prepared when Winter comes; clear or colored Tungsten globes; guaranteed perfect; tested. CLEAKf 40, 50 and 60-watt; Cfl.

reg. 24c value. for .1.. 0JC COLOKED; 25-watt; reg. ng Each COFFEE CUPS AXU SAlCERSt "St.

snowy white bodv; heavy, serviceable quality; cups for everyday use at a price that is unusually low. Special, 1ft Cup and Saucer lvC (Limit IS) (IF. S. Downstairs) ifiA. Kou ask lor it without (Liml 5Thir, Then a friend of mine recom-mended Resinol Hesitancy.

1 .95 Coita Onlr a few rrnf Prnv.a WILLOWSHEEN COSTUME SLIPS: Good, heavy quality; love-ly Fall shades of henna, rose, blue, pink, purple and green. AH have deep pleated flounce. These slips will give fc- QP wonderful servire. Each 17 -y (Whitthorne Swan Second Floor) aid wavi a needle t'n a n.rU. End of Month Sale Real Kid Gloves Contrasting flared or turned-down cuffs: fancv em-broidered backs; shades of black, gray, brown'; fine quality; neatly fitting.

Pair (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) age. In fairness to yourself, try it End oi Month Sale oi yf End of Month SHOE iALE 6 Fine Specials After using about half of a small Jar I was completely cured and am bow back to work aain. Resinol is certainly a wonderful salve and mean to have a jar on hand from now on." (Signed) Edward Smith, 1016 Dolman St. appetite of Month Sale o.Tex No laundry-discard like tijtws and Linens in Rayon Nets 50-inch. Jade or lavender; durable, lustrous curtain fabric; 95c value.

Special, yard, Dotted Marquisette Mill ends." 'VFhite with white dots; 29c value. "Special, yard WOOLENS "Rayart" Rayj REMEMBER, how itused to be When VOU ConM harHlw ar.lf In End of Month Clearance End of Month Sale of Domestics COTTON AND WOOL MIXED BLANKETS: 66x80. Pleasing block plaid patterns; (t A AT warm and Comfortable. Pair PeD SHEETS: 81x99. 'Superior wearing quality.

Free from dressing. Neatly hemmed. tf 1 Each tj) 1 .55 Groceries "CAMPBELL'S" TOMATO SOUP: Tin 8j PRUNES: "H-B" brand, ew pack. 2-lb. pkg.

"PEAR'S" UiNSCEISTED SOAPt The 10c cak? Earl' 40-inch. Heavy $1.95 puiting land striped designs (school dresses, etc. WASHABLE BLACK CREPE: quality pure dye stamped $2.95 "valueYardr for mealtime? And than. alf. CUTICURA HEALS and eat several helpings ol every- WOMEN'S 0 STRAP PUMPS i Colored leather! or patent imitation reptile trimmed; $0 AQ value.

Pair; tPetJ CHILDREN'S ONE-STRAP PATENT DRESS SLIPPERS: 1 4Sj 36-incli" Splendid variety of neat plaid, in colors suitable for smart afternoon An exceptional value at, yard POIRET TWILLS 64-Inch. Alt 'wool; tans, grays, blues, black, henna, Chanel red, Calabash tan; high, lustrous finish; for suits, dresses, reg- lil.i. llflS vn'liia .1 35-inch. Heavy tainK enjoy every morsel and get up from the table, feeling satisfied with thfl World hannv nrh BLACK DRESS TAFFETA: quality; 100 yards only. Very special, yard iuiuaiu iiUl SAUCE: 1A HARD PIMPLES ED OUTING FLANNEL 26-in.

tin. 1UC tins body and ready for anything." "RENFREW" RAPON DRESS CREPE: 36-inch. Shown nr. value; sizes 6 to 8 and I neat striped designs in colors of Al quality "HILLSDALE square tin ASPARAGUS: 54-Inch Largo No. 2 25t nui wna.

a ainerence in livinjr when even the sight and smell food Sickens VOU I Novel- riunm. br blue; warm, fleecy quality at $1.98 beautiful array of popular colors! 8 to 11. Pair $1.95 Festered, Burned and Itched. Face Was Disfigured. COCOA: Excellent quality, Mb.

ky price DRAPERY DAMASK 50-inch. Guar-anteed aunfast; beautiful popular-colors; stripes or brocades; (0 Of $4.45 value. Special, RAYON DRAPERY: 36-inch. 12k -sriumrs" ujk "Al" ia Pillow Cases 42x36. Good, serviceable quality; neatly hemmed.

Each 25' Bla ck Satin Coating Wool back; rich, lustrous finish; $6.95 value. Very spe 9x12 VELVET RUGS: Fringed ends. New Chinese Large selection of up-to-the-minute pattorns. 50 $3.75 down, $3.75 per month. -RUFFLED CURTAINS: With valance.

Soft white material with pretty colored stripe on edge and acrost valance. Fancy stitched ruffle. flJO OC Very special, P-eVJ Mr face atarteit hraVI. ana aesigns. I A Special, yard Orlt NOVELTY GRANITE SUITING 86-inch.

Attractive colon with neat con BATH TOWELS: 22x44. Snowv white with hard, red vlmnlea. Th no matter how tempting the food is nothing tasting right. And then, after nibbling at few bites, feeling worse than ever. Oh, life is hardly worth livfaitf this way.

And yet, all in the World the matter with von that- mn B4-IXOH FLANNELS All wool; I SHADOW STRIPED FLAN-good assortment of colors; for NEL: 54-inch, Good heavy Handsome striped or brocaded pat at colored strines of hlne. crnlrl Inv. tered, burned and itched causing cial, yard, BOYS' TAN LACE SHOES All. leather; also TAN OR BLACK LACE OXFORDS; sizes 9 to UVa, tfJO QQ and 1 to 5. 'O CHILDREN'S TAN PLAY SHOES: Lace Style.

Made like scuffers. Sites 6 to 8, 8to 11. (1 QQ imio 2. Pair. T-ePleUO WOMEN'S PATENT STRAP Vjinkt good heavy quality; At I md llnrrl wAArinor Pm.1.

4uL aressea, regular 41.95 value: Tard 1 quality regular $20 1 QC 'value. Yard tarn iv acraicn. scratching; caused eruptions and n. far ti. $1 51.49 value.

Special, yard trasting pencil checks. OQ4 Specially priced, yard aCvOi naured. The irritation caused many BOLIVIA COATING i Chanel red, jungle green, black, een, black, are starving for rich, red blood. It BEACON BATHROBE BLANKETS: New, tnappy pat. terni and colorings; fleecy and warm.

nn With cord to match. Each Dfzt70 RAYON SPREADS: 81x108. Good, firmly" woven qual-ity. Pleasing designs. an in Lustrous finish.

Each OJeIV $4.95 $395 vi jcgujar .9.90 value. Yard uecpma nients. I tried different Mnwrtu acunowieagea everywhere that S. S. S.

helps Nature build these healthv rd-hlwl-e)l ti tha nt 9x1 2 Axminsters avail. Aftel havln tha rri Ma "Alida" Dress Print- Irish Linen Table Cloths Saality, bleached linen damask with FLOUR: So-called. 1 U-'lb. bae JFANMNG BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES: "BLUE RIBBON" "MRS. WATSON'S" PIE CRUST: "HILLSDALE" PINEAPPLE: Broken 171 slices.

Large.No. 2Vj tin lljC "BUTTER-NUT" WAFERS: Regular tfc value. Package Hk Eastern Sugar Cured Hams By the half or whole ham. 0 1 Pound J02C EASTERN SUGAR CURED PICNIC OO 1 HAMS: While 100 last, (Whitthorne Swan Downstairs) K' PUMPS: Cuban or low heels; a year I read an advertisement for lions I All you need to do vuncura soap and Ointment and sent for a tree sample. After nsinc $2 sires 3 to 8.

Pair 36-inch. Fine quality; highly mere Broadmoor Paris in this paper SATURDAY co get DacK that won- rierful anruitita la i. a vurcnaaea mora amif at iba ai $1.29 CREPE DE CHINE: 40-inch. All silk; (rood 20 colors. Yard.

active floral An exceptional ie at. this low price. rfiklO. Each S3.95 7(5x00. Each.

jBS.Sft Lining Specials 36-LNCH BROCADES: Extra good wearing quality for the new coat; regular $1.50 value. 1 STRIPED iATlNETTrir 16 I PRINTED SATEEN 3 1 Good heavy inch. All wanted shades; quality; for linings, 116-inch; regular iOo 1 regular tOo ro 1 value. yarda 1 1 value 91 (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) ized shown in the newest Eo SSSL build rich, red-blood- of the third month I was healed." (8lsned) Mlas Dorothy Carlveau, 4724 Nelson St 8pokane, Heavy quality. Handsome patterns a for those desiring a heavy rug in con- servatiye designs.

Special, each. $35 down, $325 per month. (Whitthorne SwanThird Floor) 98c 100 PAIRS SAMPJLE SHOES: Fine quality; size 4 only; dJO $6 to $8.50 values. wO Balcony) print designs in popular colors. Special, yard.

iPKINS. 22x22. S5.50 ceus wittt B. B. S.

It's simple. Jnst try it, like thousands are do- 18-INCH MILLINERY VELVET: All the latest Fall shades. Yard (Whitthorne Swan Main Floor) ram lya-o. main Floor) (Whitthorne Swan Downstairs) (Whitthorne Use Cutieura foe a.Ja S. S.

main. V.Iwo( J.t. purposes. Baths with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. WHITTHORNE SWAN Washington St.

at 1 0th and 11 th WHITTHORNE SWAN Washington St. at 1 0th and 1 1 th -briinf ul i Pay checks freely cashed at Teller's Window Women's Rest Room Public Phone Booth Second Floor Tel. Lake. 7200. Soap aVs.

Otairt and ft. Tiim Km 8W JtThra. S.mtJa c-h fraa. AHdma: 1 ar.iwlia, Malta, luaa i eeasu enrrr 1 2.e.f7Si ftt, nT dr utMura Saavias Stick 2S. oomicaJ, uu.

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