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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 TUESDAY 'KVENINfi OaklanD (Tribune JANUARY fi, 1923 47 Private Hospitals For Insane in Probe Jan. A luvratih-ntliiii e.f i.l.t ilnlni; 111 private ht.npllitla II1.1 mania in i. wna I Ii. IV Iv I I Miiii i Ilia alnta nt i.f Inilllullnlia, repot ta I.V i it.i limpi'ctnr I.I .1 1 't 1 1 1 in 11. of tho us luma US 'file Iraps l'oily-een liiM'itutlnna.

are under pn.l.i', W.ii.'iur aui.l. uml It I i.b.thlo the licenses of "I'll I'. I will lo rev.l.eil follo'llnif riiliipli'Uiill of Ai 1 oininoilailiiiia fur patli iita nl the type ff no dn al 1 1 ment pro I I him a under Inquiry, In tutu offi. 1 i.l, and inai It utions 1.1. It fall to lueuaui up In pill rmrlits under Ihe ilt I'S 1.1 ilii-ir itonra Progressive Defeal Laid Alameda County Men Get Honors In Legislature El ESP05I To Franklin Hichhorn if RABBI COFFEE simeiiis ASSUMES PDSITIOM Bieiiiiive from Ontario, a rirui ar wtie 10 1HL IHIBUKt FRIENO DFHEDS VWF.

of Ilia een Ira.lini lie ami Irai.taliv poilln in California at tlii wwion of the ri.lalur sre heU l' inn it I FACHAMKXTO, Jan. 0 lUI'M Ruilolph I. Coffee of the flaklaml Tfttiila 8inl nrrlve.l Hai-ra-inentu thla niurnlnir. follnln hi ilfi'tion rh.ipl.iin, open the I. vibI i Kniuii of the M'iiilly fi.irp ftvmitive AUmriU foiinly.

ihe llt lira.lrj hy rrlemt HirHard'en. Tha AUineila rounly men hn hae leiitini toira in auil.tiux I i.m I rui.Ulllir labhl Cuffee iva elected yester ('uiiiiriinlan rninliilul. 7 IXisT ItOslAslllXi: VOTI'A Jniua l.ruuk'nt at i-ast two (li)i Into hn put the lli'iir (u'l inn nhi-til of llH'ir iiuri KHivlmii, hut, n( thu k.hih tlftli'. It Jiixl tt fi'W of mini ifi Hiiinl fiii-mU who fur Merrill tit than to tt nil the wl uml dry Inmih'. I' in nk Cnniiili.

the vi-teran Na' uml fni hut i mill hen frankly intimitiM thiiy wimlil have voli'J fur linmii- Mr ie ink n. ANDl.ltSOV, KACItAMKNTO. Jan. 6 time loduy htm taken the place of mm kins- lull rttlla In the two hiiliHi-il nf the IcKlalnture, HlntliiK fur the i'uihI liny. Ax imni Ihe i nininlllc ra ma Hiilaiuiii i il th In. t.f hills will lomll''IICB, I. Hi III the. meant lints the 1 1 ill Uiiiih ii rn liolitini; postmortem Hid tiiKHiiixiitiun vlrtoiira ul the diliutiilHlrtftiiiii ycatciduy. (iimrimr lilrhaidson ia beaming hi llui iiku tuiluy to thiiNe loyal iwinuki is li" admit hy hint.

I I In hi I'll the aki i sh In Iho ihi Mi nt in 1 i mik 1'. riiain hy In a i Ii of only ono Vote, th fnviTimr hiilipy an think I can make this overcoat do" tUS urllllir are: l.le ulenaiil-Oovernor L. Voun, Arthur 11. Urrnl. peker pro Inn of ilia N-nale; llnmrr It.

penie, of Alaine-I. eWer pro lent of the iinl I. Coffee, of UakUml, rluphiill of the emlily. The only lo leaJmit lf- not Midi ly Alauieda tounly men are aprskrr of tha tenihly anil rhaplain of the Senate. Nhine hut nut fur Jum-a.

Tuil.iy thi-y Denial hy An ii-cd Wiinli'ii. 1:1:. j.m. in. tat-r (itmi a n.

ronin lit the I ted i lnM'ltnl nt htiliiln, viIiiii ho has t.eett roiif.iifil since Vmr'n il.iv, Thomaa J. Tynan, of "'ilitrmln (-lute penl-'tiliniy. lnviii Hatcim-nt i fui.iiimi of i hi in .1 r-t, unsl linn Covri iior Swovt Mninl iv. iln name Tynan iln until. I lci.

Ihe linxpllul tnitttir-t n- in" iltt III' iidllceof his ph i.l Ii 1 II II I I in II to null to pllpill. 1 11 ill II tin IM failed l.i fun- State, Civil Scr- day, ami upon receiving wurJ of hu a iiient. "I ilccply appreciate the honnr that iiieinliera of the Cilifm nla nsieiiililv have helauufd upon ine In ma Willi? me chaplain of thut branch of legislature. "This appoiniment an un-ij ii 1 1 one, an. I I fear that 1 inuy ut have sufficient time in which to properly fulfill the duties awarded me.

However, I leave at midnight fur Fariaioenta and shall open ihe mmcmhly with prayer In the morning. 1 mil ovcrw In-lined." lr. t'offeo'a election I said today to he the first Instance In American history of a rabbi of the' Jewish church beli.g selected as chaplain of a Suite l.fglslativn, lr. t'offie came to Oakland from T'ittsliurg, l'a and haa held rah-blliatea In Toledo, Ohm, and me "kiiiiiiK iri-n ni'iiniHi. inr Altrh III ili-f.

iili'il ramllilait-a h-nvi-a thi in kliiB III ho df thi' ml inn, ihi i ni inn. Hut tvill te ii in ply rew nnl-nl wllh faviirilu c-uninilitce without nayliiK IIiuukIi It una hy the rvrrul nmre thun he hint cniiiiti-J iipun. The inuilni; i'tiniiir lli-rlu-rt V. Jniim nf htm i iho hy the mlicllnn Hi'iiiilnr Arthur II. llrued.

of rleilniuiit, fur prralili'iit Pro tent. Tlmo who Innk'-'l I he ruviIIiui enerally means liiailo the iiiitn iippi-ur It i'lei-i ui i. fi hi tin i ml. I uml utile body nl.y (t. Murlam I In.

lay -than hail lit Irlpateil, rum li in in fliaiie 'iml 111(11 111 STII.Ii LOOMS. the ruh will lome In In tin. Willi ell of the vuvrriiur't ulee chuii iiiiinHliiim lire nnniumri-il. to ni.sutr tin" ovi-r the nui-criuirul orKanlallun of I Ml llU IN Sl A the liL-liiliitiira frum un U'ln liiln-! In the nciialn It will not le i I it i i. Tn.

hi in. iiN- of i i li.H hml. Lieutenant tinvirnor luui.e Unlive Hi i ml IK'l nt of U'v, hi' ellll haa lot of'a on hla liaiulu i'inilhn the hlltvrni'iw In the iiMKftii- that another overcoat is due ci'lilni; denial 1. 1. II I'd Mini liiiipi llur h-i ti-il I lit It it iiu tit hly fii.

lit. hu eiuli'it 4V to 3i, ilt- ii i a fine line of iliiiinri ntuin Hint will l.e rt flicliil en iiiiiny 1 1 1 1 1 ilill.ll i.u mi i i i I. i i .1 .1 I mi in I Hi i tltii! li It t. I. ml In 1 1- I i I ki mii Ore.

.11. 1 I I.I Rural Counties Plan On Reappointment RACRAMLNTO, Jan. Itepre-aentatlves of the Sacramento r.d San Joaquin valleys and from rural counties on the coast and the north Mill meet In this ciiy Tuesday. January 1J, to nfc-ree cu aoine plan of reapportionment which will r.ot phuo them behind the three blu cotiiitles, I.oa Anpelea. San Fran-clsoo and Alameda, hlch with three per cent of tha tata area, contain mora than half tha population of the mine.

It Is expioted to reach a. compromise tvl-h tho lilff Three, ar-cordinu" to (icorea T. McCal.e, president of the San Joaquin Valley Secretaries 'AmocIhi Ion, by means of constitutional amendment. This amendment, said McCabe, would affect only senatorial rep I i. Villi' ill 111 Hi- him IMIi-l lit inn t.l 1 1 1 II lil' Vpl I l'.

IV pleased Willi I'll II I I I it tlllll'll. hlln If a I Ludendorff Defies German Dog Order MI'MCII, Jan. In splto of the dogs control order in Munich, (ii in till I.udemloi ff has, for twelve mouths, allowed his two sheep doga to run An attempt was made last May to have the animals t-i'ized and destroyed ns prescribed by law, but the attempt waa frustrated by the general. In Aucust Ludendorff was again aucceasful in preventing the rcmowil of hla peta, tha authorities from drastla action, "owing to the excited Mate of tha general." Now an order has been mada that the iloga ara to be chained up In the ginernl's garden until January 25 Mini the Kovernur do not epiak tin Hiiue polltlcnl l.iiiKiiaci-.

but tin' covirnur ho wtll plenHod with tin-periointfl Jr. the npfii-r Ik'Ui-o he haa no fear if rlie nn Vnuin; will natne to lb puMtiona. of lui-put l.ini Aa mien na the romiiilttera nil liaiui'd the Introduction of l'lllt will Btart and then the foihlcr fur futura Imttlea ill go into the prist mill. Until lbl done, the law. innkeri nill nut have much to do.

They pre today flKurlnc out the legalities of hurrying throuch the child labor rntifli'iiUon Just us th did the rntlfli-atlon of the lini.l-eenth Bniemlnient yeura nco. Thla will be about the only mtnHure of Iniportnnre that can he acted upon at the January session. There, In also sum talk about throwinKa legal doubt around Mit-rlain'a (lection aa speaker because in' I lin I. ii v.l. it In' mum." II.

I 111). Ill nip i i.i.r lull i. i' 1. 1 of I In- I loll rail the rtuntthi to come One of the thurkh-a the poll-II. ni nre oujiiyinir on the mlrll i in the ft 1,1 him ii the Riiviruor hy one of til Btnuici i't pulit al itn-tarnniviH hriiiiUIln Jlirhborn, the iliraii ii.

mnvaptniilt'iit, nh. i hint fiMiL-hl the hattl of the hy pruci I'Hiivi'a year In ami ynr nut, uhi'ii nut fxpuiiolnif Kiidulph i-pH-i ki-lh' wnti uml power net. It win 111. hlmrn who talke.l Joina Into cfttlng hack Into Hie ficht fur preahient pro tern of the M-nnte, afn-r veti-ran like Al. MrCnhe anil oth- hail him ncrea not to hud him-M If lo iii.litlrnl tilauchti-r.

Hie I'l tin coii'l uc I "I'll. 1 1, i with the hu My iii.I...'. ii i.i iiinl i t. i fii .1 I I I ul I III -I' 1 I'm- 1 I I iiii.I HI' Ii l.iNnl Hi: I in In. li.

I I. id. I hi nt inn ni In i In ir a l-ii iMt if in. lift. 1..

i a ii, an who i to he next, and ara to be visited periodically by government veterinary r.urgoons until May 1. 1525. resentation, safeguard Iwr the "rlKhta of the rural counties." wl.Tie pi 'ocri'iuilveii kiirw thiy cllil not have Khont of a nhow to beat he lacked the ono vote of a major- liieril. Joncn li his nauio KoUtv of the eighty nunihers. Jtut Los Angeles, San I'rantisco and Alameda counties will have an absolute majority In the assembly.

Hayward Natives In a tncil thut a nu'inix-r oi un i 1 1. ni of M.l iMilnli'tl hl IV ii ii. iii iN within tin' tnti nt iat y. I I to ii nf p. 'lit- ik.

I in tuhnlf of 1 1. ti.l.' i who wore woiiiiv of i i.t.i.itiuii I. nt thry I I un hi, i in Ii 1 w.i-.. i i. .1 thai flncclni: I.

ii a i of. tin. ii-. in rmi- 1 Hi it .11. olh.

fni iiih of i I iluriiiii hi. attorney Beheral's office had ruled that evi'iiinn It was legal. Had Tom Iiutitl of Stockton, the only absentee, hecn nhle to leave hla sli bed and be there, the vote tor Merrlam would have been 41. co nobody in going to get anywhere quibbling; over technli nllt i h. To Elect Tonight 1IA YW'A I ID.

Jan. fi Officers for the ensuing term will be elected nt a meeting of the Native Sons' parlor tomorrow night. As nomination waa unanimous at a previous meeting, the lection will be mere formality. Tho nominees follow: lou to a 2 to 10 lli-kliiK llirhhorn InnNlcil that the. of in control he fuucht iut.

now ei tin tori nre "unre" toil, iv l.ora u.n thiy were forcod to mile out on a tent vote that got iinwhire. It KM AMMOSITV. Tin to wiih no nul pnliiical anl-inoNlty In the ik lit fur control nf Ihu Hi'liate. hut. In the HHHotuhly, the moHt hitler that has i xlHto.l in joara wua devetope i with llirhhorn hla moil.

In the harkiirouinl. for the progressive de Leo KoretZy 'Master Swindler Dying by ukited rhrss LEASLD WIRE TO TRIBUNE JoLUJT, 111.. Jan. ti Leo Korctz, "prince of swindlers," Is on his deathbed, lr. W.

I'letcher, physician at the Illinois state penitentiary, said today ho believed. Koretz was sentenced to prison for a term of ono to ten years on his confession of of wealthy Chlcauoans out of millions nf dollars In his mythical "Hayonno "I nil I lii.r i I ii l.i.l tu II ill. tin- Oil i p. i Hayward Pigeons Will Race East IIAYWAI'D, Jan. 6 While the Tlmmin ii- out Jiml IiiXi m-t II IV.

I i. fun-. I ii lii ciilcr the -n. Un fin. I I prison IN Of the I .1 feat.

SIX-STORE BUYING POWER season was disastrous from The San lYanrlco lecldlntlon lolnt ot lost birds and bad lurk a no etfrn nuntered by members of the especially wrought up over the Ions of their fight fur A. A. HoHenshlne, by having agreed to sidetrack I lit fur Isaac Jones, who missed being speaker by the vote of 40 10 3.1. lu if horn I hii l-'e ti I Italians Unveil Tribute to Dusc Jt. Leonard, past president; O.

(. Fink, president; Leo liern.ird, first vice-president; Krank Snares, second vice-president; Llincr 1'. llerrler, third vice-president; William T. Knightly, recording secretary; I'd. ward Manter, financial secretary; Stanton Sonres, treasurer; Lloyd Kussell, trustee.

4 Chico Member Will Propose No Laws AMENTO, Jan. 6. Charles II. Iieuc-1. assemblyman-elect and Chico newspaper editor, is attending the legislative sessions and announces that he will not Introduce a single bill at tho capltol.

"It Is my belief that fewer and better laws Is the big need of the Hiver Trust." )Io was suffering from acute diabetes when he was found near Halifax. X. has been growliiR worse steadily. III tlie delegation "took program" fur a iL-evniio. birth ill iin town of fil of Lienor.

I IlllVe.h'il III ho I' ll. M.O.I II hi .11.1. til" Jlayward Homing I'lceon club, the results wero fairly sal I "factory considering It was tho first year of the chili's existence, Joseph Vargas, past secretary An interest In pigeon racing was aroused that will be evident when tho flying season opens, ho says. The eastern flight will be resumed this Mason, It has been decided hy club members, tho course to extend-to Nevada and Idaho. The longest raco will be from Idaho, about 650 miles hy air line.

then, was i of lie Teiitro hy Signor to the memory it lo tlesM. In 111." Ihlll- uiy progrrsJKivo ni inu aacruiee ri i heir own favorite candidate, and again the responsibility la laid at the door of llirhhorn. lie waa ns ardent in hi support of T. M. Wright, nuihor of the Wright dry act, as ho had been for Senator Jones, but Wright did not let hi.

iiiimii be used when It camo tun'! for Ihe nominating; because, A-i. mblvnvi fellow li to o- ot the I'M t. ii if Outfitters to Women and Children a i was hold, presided Woman's Gossip Puts Husband in Jail Jan. Carrie P-ates of Newark confided to a woman neiphbor that her husband was wanted by the police ot Virginia. The police learned of it and had Bates put in Jail.

For three days Mrs. Pates pleaded for his release, hut Ipolico learned from Newport News that Bates had been wanted in connec IM I.V I of In- province the new member of The racing schedule will open lien times," snld favorable weather sets In. the I V. 11. '1 CUIKI'I "11 I'' pe Mennl ai of inse.

i now at our oA nn a I Overcoat Sale tion with a hootlee case. JANUARY Sale! I araece SALE PROVEN OUR GREATEST, in Volume and VALUES! A feast of values for the woman wh'b revels in smart apparel! Weeks of preparation make these values possible endless effort and time have been spent in selecting hundreds of models for you to select from at sale prices which will amaze you! A SALE so vast that complete details would only obscure its magnitude Every man, woman, and child can profit from the HUGE SAVINGS. cm Women's Shoe Sale 2500 Pairs Values to $6.50 r- DRESSES Silk and Poiret Twills also many clever Sport Flannels 9.95 Values to 20.00 COATS Dress and Sport 19 50 Values to 29.50 2500 Values to 39.50 $..80 SALE PRICE Children's Coats and Dresses -Wo OFF 15 i.50 3009 Pairs Values to $10.00 Values to 29.50 39 Values to 59.50 lues to The cream Styles for .50 23 49.50 Values to 85.00 SALE PRICE Values to 39.50 Offering you an attractive selection of styles and sizes. The season's smartest fabrics and furs are featured. 1 of our highest grade stocks in gleaming patents, smart satins, soft suedes, and tan Russia.

evening semi-dress, street and sport Wear Spanish heels, French heels, Cuban and low heels. And Perfect Fitting Service NEW HATS A wide selection! Plenty of all VELVET HATS Now is the time to get one. Never were the styles more becoming or varied. Values to 25.00. We're C.00 casing them all out at.

Quite a few are 1.95 values to 25.00 Modes f-rke-moment in. hats for immediate wear MenV Shoe Sale lever little styles in silk faille in fascinat- Q.95 to Cn a $4.35 SALE values to io.ju. 4 OUR BIG "Tuice-yearly" SALFi and remember what -you usually have lo pay for I coioro 1 -s-tmf SALE PRICE good and Calfskin. Clearance bale here doesn mean old styles, either. 1 hese are the styles being worn now Black and Tan High and Low.

PRICE i SHOP OUR WINDOWS SHOP OUR See Windows B.KATSCHINS Kl See Windows for Children's Shoes iiedelohie Shoe Co for Children's Shoes in this Sale WINDOWS 525 FOURTEENTH St. OAK LAN 17 in this Sale 517-519 14th Street nd in San Francisco.

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