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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 62

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OCTOBER 24, 1926 I Oakmore Highland Plarerl on Market Scene at opening of OAKMORE HIGHLANDS, the new Walter H. Leimert Company velopment at the upper end. of Park boulevard. The tract is served by the newly constructed bndlge I I across Dimond canyon. I SUNDAY ilMMi BOND fi MORTAGE CORP.

Designed By Oakland Architect ST, MARY'S HOSPITAL, to be erected at Modesto for the Sisters of Mercy, according the deslsm and under tfw Mirvrvitinn nf RiiMfll P.iierne De jinr- OnUanJ IN OAK KNOLL V. Oglou and F. B. Plant, structural engineer. Construction on the hospital is to start approximately the piocieb NOTED nrst or tne year, on tne northwest wing.

5 Corporation Has Loaned Funds" on" Homes'" Since First of Year. Major Improvement in' Home Tract Are Announced by E. B. Field Co. C-M MOUN IN NG WIDENED Mountain boulevard, a most Im vJleporUnK a Urge and Ing; volume of business, a recent statement by the East Bay Bond and Mortgage Corporation sets itflasNe -a -mmm iviiV ft-nSiiiiiisi -rrfjfiritr-i mrtrr" -TTintnTnj I I -I I X.L ouio c.i 1 I 1 I I (t Lir't.

ILCIITLCr. I I I I I I OClOI imiiiiIl Kl III IUf II PROGRAM GIVEN D. Keppy, reneral manager the concern, "and it Is going to Ve problem this year for us to supply the demand for Ward home heat Estudillo Estates Home Showing one of the artutic homes built by John Roman at Estudillo Estates, the scenic Fred T. food subdivision in San Leandro. Big Demand for Ward Furnaces Is Reported The opening of the heating season has increased the demand for Ward furnaces to such an Vxtent that the large stock of these furnaces held by the local branch of the Ward Heating Company has bee nexhausted, it is announced.

"Our estimates for our require vxortn: "The East Bay Bond and Mort taw Corporation entered th lnonl field quietly and has teen loaning money on comes since tiie ilrst ol xce year. "The officers and directors are B. Hall Bither, president; G. A vice-president; Cyril J-iOtz, secretary-treasurer; H. TV Ennor, M.

B. DKlver, Paul T. Swed s. fcerg and Ray B. Cox.

"The offices of the corporation are located the Koerber build Jng, 2054 UnK'erslty avenue. Berke ley with a subsidiary office in the Jf'irst building. Oakland. "That the directors are men of Vision Is evidenced by M. B.

Driver. wno said: I was much pleased 4.wlth theartlcle that appeared in a recent issue 01 a wiaeiy reaa na- tlonal financial magazine. The writer, Gurden Edwards, stated the 'n tacts so clearly that any reader should be able to see the Eastbay su outsiders see it a locality pos-essing wonderful opportunities for 'mei) with vision, energy and abll-' sty. Living here and being a part the every day development place we do not notice things that attract the attention of out- aide financial men. Most of us do not realize what is really taking i place.

Factory construction Is steadily Increasing and in other lines of building there is contln-1 nous activity, it is a matter or record that more than 660 new buildings were started in the East-ji bay during September. In Berkeley tenants are moving Into our twelve atory chamber of commerce build-j Ing, a store and office structure now covers the part sliced off of the Southern Pacific station grounds and it Is announced that the Bank of Italy will soon com- mence the erection of a $2,50,000 building at Shattuck avenue and University avenue. Xew telephone connections and applications for new water service tell a story that appeals strongly to the man who notices things, but, unfortunately, passes unnoticed by the general public. New telephone and water service connections indicate new homes and new homes means work i for builders and our retail dealers. are called upon to supply the ma- i -terials that enter into the con- atruction of homes, a "New homes call for mortgage money and our company is helping to furnish the money.

Loaning, as do, only on homes we believe wo are engaged in an absolutely 'm aafe business and as to profit, the records 6how that a carefully aged mort. company cannot fail to make money. "I- my Judgm nt the demand for mortgage money will continue to ments for the Eastbay region have been absolutely shattered," states JUST WHAT MAKES A HOME ing systems. He added: "Rush orders for an addltloas supply of furnaces hare bee placed by the local branch with th Ward factories and furnaces ara being rushed as fast as possible tk Oakland to take ears of the larga number of orders nowon on the books of the company raiting lnstalla- tlon- secure Come out over BROADWAt RIDGE car line. portarit link in Oakland's major highway system, is being widened and surfaced through Oak Knoll, according to an announcement Of the E.

B. Field Company, In charge of sales and development work In Oak Knoll. E. B. Field stated: "This new scenic boulevard is soon to be an important thoroughfare for eastern travel out of Berkeley, Claremont'SJld Piedmont and for Oak Knoll residents.

It will be a delight to the motorist not only for its ample width and ease in driving, but also for the view it affords. The grading is nearly finished on Mountain boulevard, arid it will be open to traffic in sixty days. The on this Important thoroughfare is typical of what will be done throughout the entire tract. It is our purpose to create a home community in this beautiful spot in Oakland which will be second to none1 inline state. The natural topography of the land has made the task comparatively simple, but we are going far to make every feature ofv the development equally attractive.

The golf course on the property Is representative of this. Designed by Willie Locke, it has been declared by golfers, who have Inspected the plans and seen the course as laid out, to be one of the best on the coast. Grass has been up on the first ten holes for some weeks and the fairways are being rolled and cut. Water pipes are installed underground and automatic sprinklers keep it green. There will be no dragging of hose over the course.

We are well pleased," said Field, with the progress on the clubhouse. Within thirty days the framework will be up and enclosed. Then some idea of the beauty of the structure and the provisions made for the comfort and enjoyment of the members will be evident. In 'Unit of the property the curbs and gutters are going in and the rock sub-surface is being laid. Before the beginning of the rainy season this work will be completed.

All construction work is going ahead at top speed." Building in San Leandro Is still showing an increase, according to a report of Building inspector Fred C. Sharer. He states, "The month of September was the greatest month in history for the collection of fees. There never have been so many permits Issued for dwellings." The forty-six permits Issued amounted to $180, 050 "for homes and garages and $3500 for alterations. The Fred T.

Wood Compay comments: "Closely linked with these figures is the building activity at Best Manor, Estudillo and Ardmore. Homes are going up apace in these beautiful restricted districts. The transformation from a vast orchard section to a garden land of luxurious homes, undergone bY Ardmore, Best Manor and Estudillo Estates, is the work of the Fred T. Wood organization. LE increasing TW TTT fl.

io tx duili To have a PROPER floor plan To be in a SUITABLE DISTRICT These appointments require study and thought When homes areBETTER BILT" they carry these features We invite you ior comparison. TERRACEto end of ROCK Realty Service Iliiriiliiiiiiliiirtirrinoifitiiiv-ipriTrnitffiiiiipiiiriVMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii) 455 17TH COR. BROADWAY opposite Phone Oakland 441 Postoffice Tract yhone. Humboldt 7977 I Increase. New people are moving into Berkeley.

Our industrial area i expanding. Last year, our sixty Wk manufacturing plants turned EW HOSPITAL MPNMNT 1 EXCESS LOANS George S. Seward, secretary and chief appraiser of the itortgage Guarantee company, who was treasurer of the Lawyers' Mortgage company of New York for a number of years, in a recent survey states; "In the present market It seems to me that there is a tendency on the part of some borrowers to load up their properties with all the loans obtainable, and they seem to be encouraged by lenders who are charging high interest rates and discounts, and who feel that they would be willing to take over the properties involved for the amount of the loan. Under circumstances of this sort, the lender is no more to be blamed than the borrower, as both are gambling. It is just as necessary for the conservative borrower to look into the integrity of the lender as it is necessary for the lender to investigate the financial standing and honesty, of, the bor rower.

''Often the value of a iiece of property is judged by the amount of the loan thereon. If poor Judgment is exercised by the lender, and full or top-heavy loan' is obtained by the borrower, almost invariably those interested in the fee will boost the value of the property to two or three times the amount of the loan, thus endeavoring to substantiate an unfair Value. This condition Is to be avoided for the good of the community. "I-iet borrowers be more honest with themselves and less critical of the lenders, who often help them most by declining to grant unwarranted and excessive loans, which, if allowed, would only cause the debtors embarrassment and possibly the loss of their property. Again, let the borrower take into consideration not only the amount of the loan but the standing of the lender, and give preference for his own good, to the substantial and conscientious lender, who deaires to assist, not hamper, whose business is loaning and not foreclosing, and who therefore desires least of all to take over the mortgaged premises." of more thoroughly acquainting themselves with the extent to which Eastbay manufacturers are engaged in foreign commerce, according to Moore.

One of the features of the week just closed was a reception devot ed to sea captains wno maice uaK-land a port of call' wlth their ves sels. The advantage of personally quainting these men. with Oakland development, Moore points out, is that on arrival in port they have the authority for the purchase of laree Quantities of supplies for ves sels; these purchases are made from local manufacturers. This is especially true of the masters or foreign vessels, who are given wide discretion in refitting vessels for service. Moore explained, also, that many marine masters have an idea that Oakland is a shallow port.

By demonstrating to them through a thorougnxplanatlon- of-present harbor facilities and contemplated port Improvement, that Oakland is one of the most Important deep water harbors on the Pacific coast. Moore asserted that Oakland's reputation as a world port with deep water and first class facilities will be' established throughout the shipping centers. A survey of the exhibits on dis play shows that Oakland and other Eastbay cities have about 200 manufacturers with foreign trade connections shipping to and importing from some sixty foreign coun- PLAN BOOK FREE! FloorllplaneJnterJor- and exterior views, new building Ideas, decorating, heating, etc. A copy of this ItS-page book given FREE to residents of Oakland or vicinity. Get your copy at" Iyon Fireproof Warehouse, 1400 Broadway, or send the coupon today.

It's free. piTBxmth Ce.j is nrtk Dir, owr. Oeotlnn: Without obMnflnr sm fMH seas' sm rod IBE1 piss book. AGA ON PROPERTY FOR VISTA DEL Announcement is made by management of the Vista Del Mar club that this project has been approved by the State Corporation commission. The site of the proposed club is in Alamade-at Sunny Cove and Green Harbor beaches, on the south side of Central avenue between Fourth and Fifth streets, affording 250 feet of private beach accessible from the club house.

The following description of the club, which it Is supposed to erect, is furnished by those in charge of the project. "The design of the exterior is to be imposing and dignified and will be carried out in the Italian mariner of brick, terra cotta and tile in a pleading color combination." "The revenue-producing portions of 'the building will be the stores, cafe, bathers' grill, barber and beauty shops, locker rentals, club dining room, and the combined ballroom and gymnasium floor, accommodating over 4000 people for conventions, balls and athletic events. The sleeping rooms are planned to accommodate upwards of 400 people. "The mechanical equipment for such a large club will be very elaborate. The kitchen equipment Will be the best of its kind.

"The basement, besides the boiler room, storage, trujik, laundry and help's rooms, will contajn the bathers' grill and separate pas sages for the bathers across to the plunge and beach. "The first floor will have two entrances at sidewalk level on Central avenue. The cafe and stores for drugs, knit goods, and cigars, candy and magazines, barber shops and beauty parlors are to be available from the street arid the clubhouse as well. "The large lobby also opens to the beach front. The indoor salt water plunge, visible from the lobby, will be C5 by 165 feet, giving eight lanes for swimming races, and is to be the largest pool in any club now built.

and move HOW TO GET HERB By Auto: Drive north on Sembv arr Avenue from E. 14th Street or Foothill Boulevard to Mountain Boulevard ind torn cut at MillaCollegcYellowarrowtmark the war. car on nth or E. Streets and transfer to Mdroee Highlands bus at end of line. MAR GL MB HERE into the gODS! VT pfloL 'ilk RAISE THE RBNT TEN HAVE A HEART.

I'VE 'V6N Biro enough monk I DOLtARS A month! BEEN A 6000 TENANT THE (AST IO YEARS P0 TEH TEARS- TO BUY A PLACE LIKE future I jf0mtfyyL V0U- HAVB SOMB I CLUB ft HOLD The Rock Ridge Highlands Improvement Club, recently organized, will hold its second meeting tomorrow night in the Rock Ridpre school on Broadway Terrace, it is announced. Frank A. Mack, is Chairman 6f th association and S. Ai Dibble secretary. The following committees were appointed at the organization of the club: Membership committee, J.

R. Elrod, chairman, Emll P. Schlichtman, M. R. Mitchell.

F. L. Courtney; grievance committee, J. H. Wilbur, chairman, Mark M.

Hall, J. H. Cooper; constitution aad by-laws committee, Willard W. Shea, chairman, J. M.

Sabin, W. E. Qlayton; finance committee, Leroy Goodrich, chairman. THE MOIT SATISFACTORY SHADS CLOTH WINPOW SHADES compel admiration foryour taste by their cloth-like softness and the decorative effects which the artistry of their colorings permits. Washable Crack-proof Last twice as long See Ray-Flex Mt your dealer's Pacific Shade Cloth Co.

1833PeraltaSt. Oakland 1549 T7-710 Home MEETING DEB TO BE BUILT AT MODESTO A' model, hospital, capable of housing 100 patients, and equipped with modern surgical appliances, will be constructed at Modesto by the Sisters of Mercy and will be known as St, Mary's The hospital Is to be constructed according to the design of Russell Guerne De Lappe, Oakland architect, and his associates, V. Oglou and F. B. Plant, structural engineers.

The first unit, three and a half stories high, will be built at an early date on the site on Seventeenth and If streets. The first floor of the new building will be half underground and will be used for the kitchen, diet kitchen, laundry and dining room for the nurses. On the second floor will be the administration offices, the reception rooms, a fine X-ray department, a dressing room and four cubicle wards containing four beds each. One of the wards will be devoted entirely, to children. Each ward wilL conxain four beds, but the beds will be separated by parltions and will have individual service facilities.

The third floor will be given over to 20 rooms, many of which will, have private baths. On the fourth floor will be the operating ooms and maternity department. A special cooling service Is to be installed at the hospital so tHat In summer the will be kept pleasantly cool. Elevator service will also be provided. tries.

About 400 different manu-facturered articles and commodities are on display. The exposition will continue throughout the week. tDiis Berkeley One year from now a EondrerJ pnwpewm homes sheltered among die tuQQj pines and eucalyptus oflhe Highlands of Oakland. Two yean more scarcely a vacant site ta this ultra-desirable district with the world-renowned view. FIVE YEARS frojn bow, values will have trebled I It means dollars in profits and uriRrrrited satlsf action to buy NOW.

Lots as low as $400. 000,000, and this year, the output will be much larger. All of which means added population and hous- Ing facilities must be provided Furthermore, I believe our section of the Eastbay district offers to the Investor of moderate means the greatest opportunity for legitimate profit. Naturally I think our cor poration will play an Important part in the upbuilding of the com-' muttlty and that the reward in the way of dividend to unit holds' era will be more than satisfactory." ITen Thousand See Exhibit in Oakland Bank ylfea thousand people saw Oak- second annual foreign trade exposition in the lobby of the Oakland bank during the first week. according toa check completed last mgnt ty Vice-President A.

W. Hoore. The exposition enters its second 'Week with every indication that at least an equal number of people will examine the exhibits. Special days have been set aside for school children to make a study of countries and products directly connected with foreign trade. During the week prominent shippers from San Francisco and Oakland will spend a day going ver the exposition for the purpose Accounts An Oakland Association, Managed by These Oakland Business Men: OFFICERS DIRECTORS John p.

Maxwell, President -Walter p. Woolsey. Vioe-president H. R. Gibson, Vice-President Geo.

W. Ludlow, Secretary Geo. M. Rudebeck, Treasurer Waiter J. Burpee, Attorney IL CapwcII G.

H. ChlJcot E. F. lyer F. M.

Greenwood J.TL Knowland. Sherwood B. Charles H. Wood I UwnmlH Dee 90S. OAfND tUaBIMO LOAN ASS 17TH STREET OAKLAND, CALIF.

6rer $2,000,000 Pay $50 Today see this exclusive Tunnel Boelevard property Jut 6 minutes from the end of Broadway ffighlaiiidls into a fresh, clean home in Melrose Highlands Monthly payments $30 including interest. Homes open for inspection Today, Come Early I 40MNTAtN Hyp Tract Oaklaad MUST BE SOLD at a dig sacrifice! OWNER. Offers BARGAIN Seven rooms, large lot. beautiful oak.s. exclusive neighbor-hood.

close to S.E trains, school, etc. ExcelL- erit condition througruTucrunusual Kfftis and PRICED VAY BELOW VALUE. Inspect at 1821 Capistrano Ave. (Thousand Oaks), Berkeley-and write Ow-ner, PQBox524 Hayvard. Don't miss this opportunity.

Of fie i Tunnel BaaleraMl Pit AM Sk TkAVSiearBll Ktst Of fleer 1801 Fraaklla Stree Fhona Lakeside 343 P. MURDOCK, TRACT OmCB Mountain Blvd. Phone Emhurstjoi OAKLAND, INCORPORATED DOWNTOWN OFF1CB 417 Syndicate HdgiPbon Lakeside xjoJ CALIFORNIA" i v-.

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