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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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What is BUENED A BRIDGE. West Virginia Striking Miners Uae the Torch, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's rescript ion for Infants nnd Children. It neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Xarcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Drops, Soothing Syrups, niid Castor Oil.

It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty uso by of Mothers. Custori.i troys Worms and allays Castoria prevents vomiting Sour CuriJ, cores Dlarrheoii and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cartoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowcl.H, plrlng- healthy and natural sleep.

toriu. is tho Children's Panacea-- tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Outoriti an exci'llt'ut medicine for chll- Mothers hove repo.iti.Hlly told mo ot itn upon thflv children." DK. Mass.

iohi-t rwncily for children 1 Am i hopo day not when of tln-ir elillilrra, nnil Castoriix in- nro iiaUn.i In. ones, by forcing opium. syrup ainl otbt-r hurtful ir fJiro.its, Mtmiiiu; tgmta it" Cutivvay, Ark. Castoria. The Situation Fraught with Much Governor He Will Uphold the Law.

JIHII HAS IH OtV.V WAI'. Va, March 3. Masked uud armed strikers are terror- the iMiiintry in the of id uiilos from this city, and the aiithoritie-s four tlmt lives will be sacrificed lieforo the miirauders can be Cheeked. About 12 o'clock Friday nitfht more tlnin forty of the rioters, with their faces carefully concealed, and heavily armed, f-titrted from Coalburg the new bridge butweeu that town and Acme, which spans Cabin creek on the short line of t.hd Chesapeake A Ohio. Besist- for work In the col- leffes and 140,000 fn tho The ihoreTDent hug resulted in nearly 700 missionaries (foiujr abroad.

New ltrld ilt. Faul. ST. PAUL, March new bridge is to bo built here It will, cost and will bo located at South SL Paul, 8guiles ro this city TIM oiut at On September 23,1898, under the title "The Giant of the I gave tlm very latest authoritative facts and figure's relative to the dimensions of Jupiter tho titan ot the solnr system. Outsido our "system." however, in the realm of the stars, is body so larpv that were it possible to place our little earth alongside of the piant the former would look like a bird shot and the Int- Hood's Cures l.ook for CHICAGO, March among I pCr Yale fool ball in comparison.

Chicago bankers is tlwt the t.icle ha turned improvements in business may be from now on. CINCINNATI SPREADS OUT. witii 111,000 I'opulKtloii. CINOIN.NATI. March the authority of an ad of the Mate legislature, the Cincinnati boanl of U-gisla- lion has pushed an ordinance annexing to the city tho adjacent villages of West wood, Clifton, Avomlaie, Linwnod and Riverside.

Mayor Mutiby binned the ordinance, niaidng it immediutuly effective. Tuis will udd Iroui 10,000 to ffi.UOO to the population of the oily. imee nn tho part of Division (Super- Sorm tne vj iuiiy resist 11 fnstorift Nsowt-ll nilnpicd tochliilrenthat I it n-ssujwriui'Loiuy prcticripUou ITIIOWU to me," II. A 1 1 1 So. OTfunl Brooklyn, N.

Our physicians in tht children's dtpart- im'tit inivo Rjwken highly of tlieir exper'. In their outside practlco with CastorU, wo only have our diivil what is known as retrul-r yet wonro free to coufpM that rits of Castoria 1ms won ua to look or UMTRO HOSPITAL AND Boston, Mass. 0. Sumi, Pret, T7 Murray Now York City. Drs.

CHRISTOPHER LONGENECKER riUE TORS OF intendent ,1. W. Gill, ot the railroad, was useless, and the mob quickly prepared to burn tho bridjfu. With arms displayed the rioters waited while the, flnuiefl consumed the.striicture and then diMippeared. Superintendent Gill tole- praphed Sheriff Silman here that tho road was at the mercy of tho striking miners and called for protection.

Scarcely had his plva been dispatched when tho cut the wires. Hastily tfatheririif a posse of lully armed men, Sheriff Silmiin started for Cabin Creek at o'clock a. Arriving an hour later, he found tho bridge in ruins nnd rail communication with absolutely cut off. No traces could be found of the m'aaket men who had caused ihe destruction. That further trouble will result i considered to be certain.

At and Powcllton the excitement is in tenso and the strikers are assemblini in ffreat numbers. It is said upot the authority ot a state official tlia the (fovernmpnt will move mifflcien militHry to Eagle nnd Powellton to awo the rioters, and that tho threat encd outbreaks will be averted withou The Logansport Medical And Surgical Institute MARKET'STREKT. Make a sppclalty of treating Chronic and Private Diseases, Cure cured here. DioeaseH of me'liod used. tifnuuh Vapor treatment is the best yet Alno, Hheuinatifiiii, Bcoinach, Liver anil Kidaey Diseases treated.

and Tumors roiuovod withou; tho knife. Piles Sexual H.W) Private tho best treatment known. CJmrueH reasonable. Cotisiiltatiou free. No quackery about UK.

Wo are well known. Tk Keeley Institute, MARION, IND. Forthe cure of the Liquor, Morphine.Tobacco, and al) other drug addictions. Absoiote Freedon, No SnlferiDg, No Sore Arms, No Impairment of the Health. The Institute at Marion, is authorized by Dr.

Leslie E. Keeley, and the treatment is identical with that given by him at Dwight, Ills. Write for terms of treatment and other information. AH correspondence strictly confidential. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Marion, Ind, Uov.

MacCorkle is alert to every feature of the situation and aggressive in his determination to have tho laws strictly upheld, and there will ba no vacillation in his coureo. Snid he: "Any rmm who wants to worlt shall hare lull nnd absolute protection, no matter what theorlRlnul eiiusen of Ihlsi '-rouble. The peace of tho stiUe IHIOD anil aa armed force In endeavoring to violate Ihc laws. It han cdiimHl to bo a question "betwflen the onoriuors and minors. It in too utrlkcn on oai' Hiitf) uuil tlln liiw-lovInK people of th-i atals on tho olhor I huvo toM tliu opcriuora thoy KhouM take thu ri'spoimlbilliy on their own hands.

The aULe nnt propone to kocp troops them inawflnlu'ly. Wo only desire to IcnJ military ulJ In enforcing tho civil law." OL 7 RREN EfEiVTS. The Colorado legislature hns adjourned sine die. Seijor lillauri has been elected provident of the republic of Uruguay. At Victoria, B.

(irecn Wnrlock's bank closed with liabilities of Henry farmer living i near Mascoitiah, was Uirltcd to i death by a horse. state bank at Ilroobville, closed its doors with liabilities of foO 000. Kev. Mr. Urvbens, Methodist, of liieh- land, quit his pulpit for other fields because of the Hard times.

CIcn. Miles said at lies ton there was riot ft harbor in proper condition to resist a hostile modern fleet Dave Johnson find Mansfield Washington, colored, were hnngcd at Baton Rouge, Friday for murder. (it-ape growers of Ohio have formed a alleging as the business is now conducted there is no profit. Jake lOlfitin, the heavyweight pugilist, is thought to bo fatally sick from dropsy at liis home in Unltimore, Md. Two members of the American hunt' party were killed by wild, beasts in the Sierra Mndre motintrims, 1'atient Williams died at the St Joseph.

(Mo.) insane asylum from a beating given him by Attendant son According to the secretary of die Orleans rxcha.nge, increase in cotton over the year before was nearly tsQO.wiu bales, Colorado college, at Colorado Springs, tes its new library L'liili March 14. 1'rosident Harper, of tlia University 01 Chicago, is to deliver tho address. Judge Fullcrton at Corvallis, has ordered the sale of the Oregon Pacific railroad at a date not later than Juno 1. Bidders will required to make a deposit of $300,000. Mrs.

Thomas M. Holmes committed suicide, at 1'omeroy, 0., by taking cologne. She' had recently given her daughter some of tho extract by mistake and thediiughtor hodd.ed. ation by an appeal to the courts. Jutlfift MuKt htunu Alone.

WAHIII.NUTON, March judiciary committee decided not to recommend the investigation of decisions rendered by Judges lirewer, Taft, Duiicly, 1'ardee and others in connection with the investigation of Judge Jenkins' decision restraining railway employes. Ho ANDRKSOS, March natt, a farmer living north of this city, ciuight Bill Mays and Murray Cuin in the net of robbing his meat storage house Friday morning and emptied a double-barreled shotgun into them. Murray is expected to die. Both men belonged to the notorious Goodman gang, and are wimted on other charges. The 1-rllMi liar.

CnAvronnnvn.i.K, Iml, The tirat monthly meeting of Simonidei court, of Ken has just been held, and new lunmbero were initiated. The iffair concluded with a banquet Thiy is a new order of tlie Supremo Tribe of Ben llur, founded upon Gen Lew Wallace's novel. CARE OF The Value of Their I'urnpcr ttnd How Miiy tie Iti-talnc'l. The negligent housekeeper is inclined to let the llatirons take care of themselves. leaves them at tho hack of the stove, where tliey arc never cooled, and she secretly wonders why they refuse to retain the heat ivhen heats them again for use.

Xow, iron and steel a peculiar quality which is called temper. The temper of a.steel instrument which has been heated becomes lost, so that the instrument will not retain a- keen edrre, no matter how carefully it is ground. Xew iron--, which itrc heated a "high tempera- ure and are eoolea as Moon as the user a through with them, will last for cars, and the old irons become even uore valuable, providing that good arc otherwise is taken of them, such keeping them when not in use in a ool. dry place, where they are not subject to moisture, or rust. If, however, they uro kept continually on the life, they lose tlieir temper.

A certain quality departs from them, so that while, they may be brought to the highest degree of heat, they will not remain hot for any length of time. Such an iron is very annoying to an expert worker. Irons that have lost their temper had better be disposed of. as new- ones cost but little. There should always be dry shelf or closet in which to keep the irons and other articles of the laundry which require such a Y.

Tribune. tiiR (.1 win an umpire children under 13 years of must not ho em. ployed in labor: under'l-J not more than six hours a day; uudcr 14 not uiore than ten hours. Arcturuw, tho sl.ur in is far away that figures oonvey no dcll- nite idea of the immcMiso distance. speak of our sun as though it.

wore an unthinkable distiinuu from the earth. Yet it is but compared with space which separator us from tho giant Arctiiriis. The; sun is miles away and our monster star times further! volnuiv. of Arc'tnrus is grojtor than that of the entire orbit of Mercury, or about times greaU'r tha.n (iur smj. St.

Louis Republic. Thn lliHTjn In MoiliTn Tnrhry, "Unrein," in the modern acceptation of the woni, merely means ibe private apartments, and these would be called by Mie same even in a establishment inhabitod solely by men, but generally it is applied to every place intended for women. The ond of Turkish railway carriage, curtained off from tho rest, is a harem: is the ladies'cabin on board ship anil the latticed gallery in mosque, in the dwelling-house it is all that quarter inhabited by the wife and children and other ladies of tlie familv; liore may say. in passing, that very few Turks nowadays have more than one wife. The traditional Turk with his innumerable women no longer exists, except us very rare e.xeeption, but the Mussulman lias not sacrilicod the advantages of the privacy gnntej liiiu by the Mohammedan law and Times.

OMe L. Archer Saved His Life Flaro bepn nuffCTlnf from hip lor eight yearn, having three running am mj liip. I began to tuka Hood's Sarsaparilla and It JIM given me a perfect curs. I feel owfc fldeat It dkl my lift." AKCHEK, Dudley Street, Dayton, Ohlflk Hood's Pills assist digestion and eun Sold tijr all drnggtuu. MUliilr JJuol llrtwtn During the I'Yanco-PrnsMan war a blood-curdling duel oeeurred in midair between two uerouituts, of whom wiis conveying dispaU'hen from the governor of The balloons, approaching at a considerable altitude, the encounter wascommeueed with pistols.

some time neither comuatant could secure the advantage, but at lenirtli one balloon mounted above the oiher, and its occupants seizing his momentary advantage, threw his irons on top of the other balloon. They tore through the fabric thonjfh it hail been so much paper. There was im escape of gas, a nhriclv and the noxt minute hotb halliuin and bn.llooTjist lay battore 1 out of recognition upon the ground tliou.saml feet Tit Hits. T11E MAKKETd. (iraln, Ktr.

CHICAUO, March 3. qnlft, hut Winicr- Pttlcnu. li; strjilKhlB, 12 50 4 cliNirs, LWHJI.W; low uniJes, II Soil 70. HiiUers' low (rnuleri, U.4J41.M; lU'il Ryu. active anil lower Cash, WVTtSHC: Juij, Quint Hr.d it trifli-cadier.

Ko. and Na 2 Yellow! No. 3. 3.1HC; No. 3 Yellow, Miirch, under Muy: MAT, Had July.

Moderate tradlau and ennier. No. 1 cash, No; May. WKWXc: July- In fair domau'l and lower. No.

M'i No Whlto, No. SOc: No. White, Miiss IVinlIng very qulsl and lower. Quotations ranced Ht tll.flotf JJ.72^ foi cash regular; UI.7uOll,WS for Maj nut (1 1.77 'i dl for July. Market slow iMid dull wUh prtwn at l7.lX»»7c» tot cusb: M97H3T.OJ for May, awl (01 July.

Livii Per pound: 7d 8c Turkeys, ftQ4Mc; Uucki, 8a(c; Oeem, U.M 00 per dozeiv Creamery, 1X4CIC; KCklng Stock, I'jaiSo. Primo 8'4c; Wfttci WuHe, Michigan Frlme Wblto, BSc: Wa. Mr White, Indiana Prime White, (Valor White, 16 Uas- olltif, dec's, lliic; T4 dtg's, fc: Nuphthu, lU Krom to Son. Ae a family medicine Bacon's. Celery King for thi nerves paeges from slro to ton as a If you have kidney, liver blo'd disorder not delay, but tut a frte sample pnc'jage- of this remedy ai onco.

If you have Indigestion, headache, rheumatism, prHiid will euro uui. 311 Fourth Klreet, the leaoinc drupsic'. is sole agent, and is distributing samples free to the iillin-ud.«e packages 5S cents. Children Cry for Castoria.

One tu be nt ti'ii liiucB to to the c.omtortB of jour family, Sbould aay ono of them catch a flight co cough, prepare you'-self and call at once OD Ben FUber, 1 Fourth street. sole ageot, and get a trial bottle of )tto'8 cure, the great German remedy, free. We give it away to prove that we have a cure cure for coupbs, coldc, Kftlbma, coneumption, and dieeuaea of tho throat and lungs. Larpe sjteo 50 cents. For Orer Flllj Mrs.

Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup ZIM for over- fifty years by of mothers for ihelr children whilo with perfect it soothes child, softena tho allays all pain, wind colic, 4cd is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists La every part of the world. Twenty-fire cents a bottlo. Be sure and ask for Window's Soothing Syrup" talto no other kind.

Whoa Baty- we fare her WM a Child, ahe criod for Qutoria. When the became, Mte, clung to CMocfe. When the CbUdiwn, the I boon istilled spirits steady nn tin basis of i). 18 per RaL for flnisbtd eoods. Nsw Yo IK, March rod opened BrniiT on bia weekly oiports boih COMLH, but turnml wwik on toenvy al July.

December 71' 4 No. I ralrl.v unit at nrsl but wlih whe.ii. May, 1 July, No. 2 dull and casior; track track whin: walcrc. rnovisfo.v<— Bai'f Bull; famllf, UJ(Wa Quiet: new I prime western KNOWLEDGE MISSIONARY CONVENTION.

It Id Attracting Great Attention at trolt. DJCTHOIT, March Never have the church people of this city entered so heartily into a missionary movement as they have since the opening of the students' volunteer conven comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with lew expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid Laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup ot Figs- Its excellence is due to its presenting tion, and now all the public services I in the form most acceptable ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colda. headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and with approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the neyu, Liver and Bowels withont weakening them and it Is perfectly free every objectionable substance.

Syrup of Fira is for sale by all drug- glati in 50c ai.d $1 bottles, but it manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well will accept any substitute offetw- draw crowds which rival the December revival The Central Methodist Episcopal church, where the principal meetings are held, is scarcely larjre, enonjfh and overflow meetings fill the largest religious edifices. There arc 1,499 delegates present On Friday Chairman Mott read the report of the executive commit tee. This was a review of the development of tho work since the last convention three years ago. Thii financial obstacle, ho said, WUH the greatest one to overcome, and thosetn thu movement should try to influence the world to furnish funds to aid thu missionary boards.

He said there had been bands of workers organized in 477 the memljcrs of which raised 8S5.000 stock, CHICACO, Mnrchi iictlvc with lots Ao briber other Kraclcs unchuasoii Sales rowed al Piifs; K8.XJ"'. 10 for light; H.SHf 4 76 (or roiiuli p.iclilfib'; Jor mills), and tor heavy packing unit shipping lots. only moderately active, bui id Tory flrm. Prloi's well maintained. ranged At f40Ga5.2(> for cbolcr to extra stripping BtoorH; W.

75 tot good U) M.SOQ4,OOfor V) 12.004 S. 86 Tor common to meiftorti 86 for Stcera: Ii 5038,10 for Slcckcm; for fat K.T03S,*) for tt.tOt&m for BulUI for Tent for Veal Calves. or Orftih? It ID It nliouU under- itood person" kldnern arn Inoctlvn. tba tills condition of Is Inductive of imte of organs rump la the bnl albamlnnrla are al) RKH obttttiots rbaraotrr Ii thalr ninturc ntimr, and all tare fatnl ofwn bslrle the most praotlned rtlll and the appT'Ted rem-alM of materla mwlcn. Bne oppowd st tin outiet-tbat fs to aw, when the kldnojt begin their funotlom Stan dmiKr oat I cbucked.

Verr Useful, Ii tliU liounehold medicine for Bllnipntu of coiiimon ag mat nmlnrU and avertu chroiilt rhoumttinm. Erery day Most people need California Fruit Laxative It own true remedy. It the medicinal virtues of California and plants which are known to beneficial effect on the human tycteoi. Although harmless to tho most oate constitution thorough and effective, and will afford a poimanent eufe for habitual constipation and the many disorders arising from ft or inactive condition of the kidoeyi, liver, stomach and howola. For gale by all druggists st 50 cents a battle.

Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoHe. ICxornloii to And winter resorts in the South Pooosylvania lines. Tourists to winter resorts on tho Pacific slope and in Florida and the South, are now oo sa)o at principal ticket of the Pennsylvania lines. The Ion will be In effect during the winter. and return limit of excursion tickete- will permit an extended sojouri.

For details, please apply to nearest Fenn. lylvanialioe ticket agont, or iddrest F. TAB Chief Assistant General Agent, Pittsburg, fn Children Cry tor Pitcher's Castoria. BUM'' Pert If you arc reduced in vitality er strength by illness or any other cftuw, we recommend the use of thii Old Wine, the very blood of the grape. A grand tonic for mothers', and those reduced by WMt- Ing disease.

It creates strength; proves tho appetite; nature's own remedy, much preferable to drugs; guaranteed absolutely pure and over five years of ago. Young wine ordinarily sold ie not fit to ute, on having this standard brand, It no more. in quart Bottled by Royal Wins itton.

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