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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 18

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Oakland Crlbunc MAY 10, 1923 SUNDAY PIPE LINE TO 1 800 WHALES ARE CAPTURED OFF AMERICAN LEGION ,000 STUD ENTS MEXICAN COAST "SLUMBER WINGS" the new MULKEY MATTRESS EGI PUCE 100,000 ACTflVfiTIES Among Negroes fiDelilah IS OBSERVANCE Mil Li rapt. Waet Hamilton ef Separate WABHINQTOM, May With the eonrenlna la tha cttv ef Wash Plin of Depositing Debris on SACRAMENTO. May No leaa than SOO whales, ranging from SI tone to 100 tona In weight and valued at from 1400 to jlOOO each, have been taken of the coast ef Mexico by American and Norwegian whalers ba. tween Mptaiubsr. lift, and February.

1I1S. according to a bulletin Just Issued by the SUM i'Ub, and (Jama Com mission. The giant raybark haa Joined the long Hat of extinct apeclara ef mammala, alnce none of thla variety waa captured, lis dia-appearance from the seas la due to the policy ef extermination practiced by old-time whalers, It Is said. The humpbsek species was moat numerously represented In Ihe ratchea, although aom fin-barka and sperm whales fell victims to Ihe whaling craws. tngton.

D. of tha International Council ef Woman aneny women'a organisations are holding eiecutlve board rneetinra white malting for Ban on Revelry and Tributes to Heroic Dead Asked in Statement 'BerlelejT YoungitersT Main Uin Iligh Average in Thrift MoTrtnroti. Government Island It Opposed. Hattallon of Nashlnrton, p. and the writer, mho tolj of tha only Negro War Mothers' chapter In tha I'nlted Mates, namely tha Maria Baldwin chapter, organised by Mre.

Theo rurnell and Mra. Mettle B. Tllghman and and ethers in Oakland and Ihe work the colored woman ware doing to cheer the the opening of thta International body, among them tha National Aasoclattoa ef Colored Women. Protesting that Memorial Day Is ALAMtDA. May Acting en Thay are membere ef the Interna Uonal Caunell ef Woman and con not a time for revelry, rejoicing or the suf i sat Ion ef Lechltl M.

King disabled colored auldiert in Palo Alt Uaae hospital. tributed aa their ejuota 100 to- prealdant ef the city planning com warda the Qutnquinnisl. The eiecutlve board ef the Na At the call ef President Mre. celebration, but a day set aside to pay tribute to tha eountrya hereto deed. Oakland Post No.

I. ef tha American Legion, today Issued a statement calllag upon Eastbay mission. City Engineer Burnett Hamilton today waa Inveatlg atlng tha practicability ef constructing Mary McLeod Bathune, the etera beiucelet. May t. Berts.

leys aenoel children ham a eora-fciaad "bank rail" ef mam than Wit in peaelnl nf tha IM.0M nark reeenilr. the eollese elty took place ef national Import nee In tha school vine eyetam the nation. Berkeley a achool eerlntt department baa arproil-tnateljr lO.aoO dapoaltora. renting la aa from five-year-old kinder, firtta kiddies to IT and 11-year-. Uve board met in the Wage Earn- tional Association ef Colored Woman decided to hold Ihe next biennial meeting In Oakland.

The writer not being a member of thta a pip line acroaa the elty en Oak stratt. to permit tha co-ordination ere Home. The moat Important bustnoae transacted waa the vote auatalning thalr president In her recommendation for the purehaae of a heme to erve aa headquartere realdenta to observe the day with fitting ceremonlea. HEWHEIIT of estuary dredging and the recla board had no power to speak before It, but when finding that there The Legion asked that places of matlon ef south shore ttdalandt for the organisation la 'Aaahtng- east ef Park street. bualnaas ba cloaed en that day and ton.

D. waa a rnvement on foot to change the la's a to Philadelphia en ac that those displaying tha national Although the brief time before dredging will commence will not TIP Mre. Mary Church Terrl. of id kirk achool etndenta. Bark lay holda a place ea the national arbeol aavlnra honor roll stntaa a distinction 1 colors keep them at half meat until sufficient to complete the sur count of the exposition to be held In that city next year, aha proceed Washington, pledged the first flOO toward the project, and waa fol noon time, when they are to be, raised to full mast.

aocorded to but a ecore of other ed to talk and write letters to membere of thla board In an effort vey. City Manager C. E. Hlckok pointed out that the eetuary channel must be kept dredged at Intervals, and the material taken from "Memorial Day." according to cities In tha country having mora than Tl par cant ef achool ehlldran with bank aocounta. As evidence tha Legion announcement, "has been handed down to us by our A new twenty-cent special deliv to convince them that Oakland waa expecting the convention and naa making preparations to entertain the canal might In the future utilized to maka new land en the ery stamp has been Issued and la Felted layen of pure white staple cotton, infolding hundreds of velvety steel springs inside, constitute the construction of our wonderfully comfortable mattressour "Slumber Here is a mattress that will pillow the tired body entirely away from the shocks and vibrations, "that come in encounter with the roughness of the world." The most treasured possession we have is, of course, life itself; health is essential if life is to be while.

Our Slumber Wings invites perfect repose through years of faithful service relaxation is natural rest is perfect and health more secure. lowed by Mrs. Margie L. Walker, of Richmond. Virginia, who pledged a like aum.

Other woman pledged a hundred dollars until tha fund reached lltiO. The board empowered the prealdant to appoint a committee to make the purchase. Tha esecutlve board then vlalted Prealdant Coolidge end aaked him Jhle great body ef distinguished soon to ba placed In circulation, ac forefathsra aa a day sacred to the hearts of all true Americana. It Is fitting thst we should pay tribute to those who have gone before us south shore. Plana of the government to de colored women.

I ensured them cording to Oakland postofflee off I posit ih estuary dredging on Gov. hat Oakland as a city does big hinge little advertisement. elala. ana to tnoen who have given and ernment Island ware under fire to ef tha amcJancy of tha thrift pro-arram la tha local achoota. a Junior high achool girl who racantly gave a bar studies draw from tha achool sa vines department tha aum ef tha accumulation of an yea re of aavtng.

Tha aum waa Immediately Invested la bonda by the roan aoeeeeeor. I roar schools are on the 'One Oakland won. sacrificed their all to preserve thla The stamps are for use on par day In a epeech by Captain Walter a. Tlbbltta, ef the city planning union or ours, ana it is our duty as cels tan pounds or more In weight the aame consideration for colored Tha women ef Washington are well to see that Memorial Day Is which are to be sent special da woman accorded to woman of ether 'ommiaaion, berora the Alameda livery, aa provided under the postal rreuna. The delegation plans to fittingly observed by leading the way for all Americans.

vary much alive to the great political questions ef the day. They Improvement Club. Capt. Tlbbltta charged that Gov increase act or ebruary zi. visit the gravee of The Unknown The new stamp la the aame shape "This Is not a day ef revelry or rejoicing or- eelebratlon, but the ernment Island would be elevated Hundred Par Cant Roll." which tneena that every pupil la them haa a bank account.

Theee are have an organization known aa tha National Legislative Council of nd size as the current ten-cent to a height that would render It useless as Industrial property If the special delivery stamp, according one day set aside In the year for Americana and America to pay tribute to the country's defenders. the klcKlnler. Lincoln and Whit Women. Mrs, M. Griffin la prealdant and congressional oredgings are permitted to be to the May 4 bulletin or the Oak land postofflee.

The central de timr 1b Berkeley and the Marl dumped thereon. He recommended chairman. Mrs. Mary Church Ter Sacred to the heart of every man Soldier." and that of the lata Col. Charlee Young In the Arlington cemetery, as an act of loving memory for the mothers and woman of the negro race In America.

This body will aleo bold "Mother's Day" aervlces Sunday morning In tha Mtthopolllan A. M. E. church. Thla movement will be guided by Mra.

Julia Weat Hamilton, of Washington. that the 1. 000, 000 cublo yards of sign la a motor truck, standing at the postofflee with a carrier load and woman and child ahould be avenoe In Albany. Between MOO and 4000 children are making weekly depoetta according to Mlea rill, national lobbyist. They also publish a political magazine In the earth to removed from the channel, be pumped to either the ing parcel poat packagea for apeclal the memorlee and brave deede and the great sacrifices made by tha interest ef women In politics.

The delivery. At the top of tha atamp, Political Recorder. They alao have soldiers and eallore of America." Bath MacDonaia. wno naa cnare the achool aavlnra dapartmant the lrar. Berkeley Branch of upon a curved ribbon, are the a political etudy club.

The writer Will you drive out ef town to will address thla club Sunday aft worda "Special Delivery" In dark letters with S. Postage" direct tha Mercantile Truat Company, south shore or former naval base site, and used In reclaiming tb tide landa Government Island should be entirely removed to provide a turning basin for big ships In the es ernoon on The National League of where the fund of the children The president ef the National morrow? No car? Read "Autos for Bale." (Want Ada.) Com in at first opportunityand see for your-If this mattress imraluablel It you hara a hair mattress, hare ft re-made into a "Slumber Wings" construction, or get a new one direct. Women otere. The membere of am aatwtaited after being "banked ly beneath the ribbon In white letters. Above the motor truck are tha varloua aehoole.

At the Lift the league at thalr Waahlngton headquarter have offered me any Association of Colored Women and the majority ef tha delegates arrived In Washington early last week. Mra. Bethune la alao presi the words "At Any United Btates Post Office." and at tha bottom of coin School thle week honora want to tha first grade for having a 100 latance I ahould need In the way "Pierce Trim-Pad" tuary, according to Capt. Tlbbltta. Similar, recommendations have been made by Mayor Frank Otla.

Lochlel M. King, tha Alameda the atamp, within a panel, are the of literature concerning thla organ- rent banking recora. me worda 1 Twenty Cents." In both up voungeet dapoaltora at thla achool are Mildred Merkt and John David it ion. Among the women of distinction dent of the Dartone-Cookraan Institute for Colored Glrla. located In Deytona.

Florida. per corners, upon- ribbon scrolls. Chamber ef Commerce and realty board. are tha numerals and In both attending the quinquennial are the Hooa after her arrival, sne, to Radeon, who have eacn juat reached their fifth birthday, and following colored women: Blra. lower corners, within circles, are tha white numerals "20." The Dredging of the estuary la ex gether with Mrs.

Myrtle Foster who are enrolled In the kinder pected to atart about June 1, ac stamp Is Inclosed within a cross Cook, (editor of National Notes), and Mlaa Nannie Burroughs, visited cording to Hlckok. Bethune, Mrs. Eatella Rlckman Davis, president of tha Ohio State F'ederation of Colored Clubs; Mra. Lawton, preaident of the New Tork Uae border and is printed In black art an there. Auto Crash Victim the International Council at the lhle.

women's headquarters in the Wash Packages between ten and two Your Credit is Good Phone Mcrritt 240 MuikeyNirttress (o) E. 12th St. at 6th Ave. Daughter of New ington Hotel to obtain tic a eta or pounds in weight may be serit spe Returns to Home admiaslon for membere of the exec utive committee, it being the In NAPA. Mar Felix Vender cial delivery for IS cents, according to the new law, while letters and packagea under two pounds still require 10 cents extra postage.

tention of the president to uae them Envoy Lives in 5. By LEO A. McCLATCHEV. WASHINGTON. May 8.

Charles ao that each day tan colored worn This oUsrat4 "fiDrsr-prastura" Tmt Is the tnljr psrfsot lattnuasat for the rails' the nijturd. Only sua that will a14 a BAD CASE Is sseMMiul whsre print, wirs, Isatbsr, slsttis ead all ethers fail, iBTSitlfaU Ms fsaey friMs. call er wrtu, rsor. WaL IEBCE, ttt rark ALAMEDA. echoot.

one of Ihe prlnclpala of the automobile accident In flan Pablo avenue In Oakland last Sunday en could attend tba sessions of thla a i Will you drive out of town to body. C. Hart. Washington correspondent of the Portland Oregonian, just ap Tha enthusiasm of the meeting morrow? No car? Read "Autos waa cruahed by being notified that for Sale." (Want Ads.) evening ta which two peraona were eerloualy injured, haa beea la-char red from the lower bay hos-pltal and haa returned to hla home pointed by Preaident Coolidge to Federation and head of the eastern division of Republican Women during the pnt presidential campaign: Mrs. George Williama, of Georgia, who waa a national com-mltteewoman In the last Republican national convention: Mrs.

Cora Calhoun Home, Brooklyn, New Tork national chairman big sister department: Misa Sara L. Williams, of Woochester, who has tha distinction of conducting a school which prepares students to entey college In French end other languages; she has French, Bpanloh, Serbs and other nationals as pupils; Mrs. Rebecca Stiles Taylor, of Savannah, Ga and Miss Hallle' Q. Brown, past president of the National Association of Colored Women. they would be eubjected to aegre ration, whereupon Mrs.

Mary Mc ba United "Stktea Minister to Al Leod Bethune, aa prealdant of the la thla air. Livermore Lemon National Association or colored Women, registered a protest and bania, la tha father of Miss Mildred Hart, 'who lives at 40 Norwood drive, San Francisco, and who ta a former student In the refused the tickets. To Visit Hospital la it possible that Uia American University of California at Berke representative council or tne in -l ternational Council of Women 'UVERMOR. May Coin-tmnder H. Wente of Llvermore Hart.

Is a former enlisted man Wednesday whoae object and aim la to work a nlan whereby the condition In -the regular' army. In the late nineties he was stationed at the Peat. American Legion, haa named all tha office ra of the Poet aa the of all women throughout the world Presidio In San Francisco and at Alcatrai and Angel islands, in San will be uplifted, haa accepted ou Berraanent committee to visit the 8. V. B.

hoapltal patlenta. A via- membership, thereby bringing to Francisco The collapse, in ttina dar in which the entire poet the capital of the nation colored women representing the brains. ii i i i 1887, of portion of the struc memberahln will take part la aleo ture on which the Alcatraz fog bell waa mounted, resulted In his foot culture and refinement Of the rne, that you might humiliate us in the being arranged. Farm Looting Is getting so badly mashed amputa ii i eyes of women oi an tne worm? Hay ward Legion To Drive for $1000 HATWADl May A drive to raise $1000 as this city's share In the American Legion national endowment fund, for widows' and orphans' of ex-service men, will begin shortly. The following Past tion was necessary.

The following I she aaked. year he was honorably discharged I refuse to be a party to sucn Admitted by Youth an inhuman proposition. I refuae to be a narty to such an Insult to XA.PA, May t. Charged with from the army. CLTJB1 ELECTTOX.

havinr looted a farm houae near the womenhood or coiorea Ameri thia city recently. John Darrls, 20, cans." SANTA CRUZ. May 8. The May 13th OAKLAND'S SPRING era taken Into custody by Sheriff After asking the committee xo Garfield Park Improvement club committee haa been appointed for the program by Jack Flynn, commander of the local legion; 'Hugo haa elected officers as follows: give her a written statement of the decision, that she might show it to president, Capt. C.

E. Brenner: Frank. Jack Mitchell, Captain D. W. Pierson.

Harry Bradford and Mrs. Warren Ash; the other members of the execu tive board of the National Asso Dr. Nels Clemens. 1 treasurer, Mrs. 'Jeanette Nason.

elation of Colored Women, they rranted her request. This letter was later snown io Miss Hallle Q. Brown, who. eerving as president of this organization, was asked two years ago to take I rharee of the negro part, of the program devoted to a music even ine to ba srlven during the quin I I Bps arm miennial. Miss Brown having in J.

R. Harria and upon entering a plea of guilty waa assigned to a cell in the county Jail pending the passing of sentence. Luncheon Tools of Boosters Stolen NAFX May 9. Entering the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, local headquarters for the Rotary and Klwanis Clubs, thieves made off with a coffee urn and considerable silverware used there OB the occasion luncheons. Vallejo Delegates Back From Meet VALLEJO; May 8.

The following member of Vallejo Council No. 174 have returned from the State meeting held at Fresno this week: Thomaa Lyons, George Lyons. Jay Cunningham, Frank Bathe and Dr. Lea L. Vorwerk.

i foreign countries spoken from the ill name olatform wltn Lady Aoerawn and also being a life member of SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, MAY 11 the International Council of Worn en. also resristered a protest with Mrs. Philllo North Moore, the American president of the council, In her nrotest she said, "unless this decree is withdrawn by 4 o'clock today I will send telegrams throughout America notifying the colored singers not to come to Washington for the concert. It GETTING BIGGER We take pride in the fact that, in less than six months of our ownership of this market, it has been necessary to build a sizeable addition. Our new wing will reach through to 9th street.

The construction is going ahead rapidly. In the meantime there Is no interruption in business. 11 must not be later because It will be necessary that they have twelve POIITICAL ADTEBTIVEaTEBTT. hours' notice ere they entrain for this eitv." Continuing, she said, "Under no Ml: ii DEI. MOSTE" Seven year of I Child Welfare work Mrs.

Rote B. BURCKHALTER for Director No. 3 tin. While 19c Sliced Pineapple Puffed Wheat, circumstances will I accept segra: gation or prejudice. If the women of this council have for their object the uplifting and the bettering of the condition of all the women of the world the sooner they begin this work the better." The writer went to the T.

W. C. A. to secure a statement from Miss Hallle Q. Brown and Mrs.

Bethune, finding the latter had a letter from Mrs. Phillip North Moore which stated the colored women would be allowed to be seated on the first floor of the Washington Audi Welch Grape Juice, 07- Pt. bottle LlZ Quaker Oats, quick or regular, 20-oz. a 11c Naptha 34c Package P. G.

White Soap, 10 bars for 1UC package i We Kwrve the rljtht to limit quantities Grocerterla II- fVI Jr I I torium during the meetings of the International Council of Women quinquennial. Butter 85c Bohemian brand, fresh pasteurized, churned dally, 2-poand square Mrs. It. Lools, Golden State Batter Stand sai The presence in wasmngron or the most distinguished colored women of America "has been the incentive among their own for many social affairs. The first on The East Bay's GREATEST Bargain Event anal Bacon Stand am the list was a banquet given in the cafeteria of the Phylis Wheatly T.

W. C. A. by Frederick B. Lee, aassssBsaBsaasnBaasaasi Kcsaler's Ham Lindsay Ripe Olives Kesnler'a Ham Standard size, pint tin 10 Ripe Ollre Stand, opp.

Mrs. A. Lerlti president of the National Memorial Association, whose object is to build in the city of Washington a suitable memorial building in commemoration of the deeds of valor of the negro soldiers and sailors made manifest in every war In Per In your own Apple Cider Vinegar container Salad OU Stand, spp. Keasler'a which the United States has par- Regularly for 25c; BLOATERS ticipated. This society waa organ ized in February.

IS It. Monday, each WATCH TUESDAY'S The governors of the a Keasler'a Delicatessen states have, by request, appointed one state commissioner to cooper 28c TILLAMOOK CHEESE, lb. ate with this movement. At the request of the National Memorial Valler cues Batter Ca, Association house Joint committee. Medium Santa Claras, inta Claras, resolution number Z48 was Intro PRUNES How to Reduce TV itUtlf tjn ttul frAUm Have yon often wondtreo! bow some women keep their fig wes slendert Have you often wihed that yon could kealender.too? Perhaps you bavt tried to redoes by dieting, eicrciticg or other aaethodt.

And still yo are overweifht. Bat have yon tried the pleasant war to reducer Have yon nted Marmots TaMeter These tablets are not something new and untried. For neatly twenty yean, hundred of thousands of men and women each yc hrrt rcgsincd rare py uiwj Mnrmola Tablets. List year alone, aest purchased mora tbaa million poxwl Sorely yoo would rather use these T2ieo and regaffi youf tlenda figorer thsa try sosns unknown and perhapa Urmful metbod ofreducinjl ss M-aAMlj d-j; HARMOIA zssrJ Dry toKcdx 25c 4 lbs. for duced in congress April IS by Hon.

William R. Wood of Indiana. This Wat Sarder, Clar St. Entrance SBssssssssssmassmmas resolution will be acted upon in the CAULIFLOWERS -Fresh Picked, each 10c next congress. Tlitra wat s'f" waUfl Ktn I LL1TUCE Crisp, solid heads, 4 for A.

Ratta, Stand aa msmssmmmmmm in the same building while we were being banqueted by the musical pupils, both Instrumental and vocal, of Miss Pinkney. After the collation waa served many short Electric Light Globes 2ZZ.ZZn-.19c for the money-savfog addresses were made by' women of A. C. Daalap. Stand distinction, notably Mrs.

Maggie Walker, president of the Penny 5000 EIDEIXO CIGARS (Ideal I Savings Bank of Richmond, Varf Extras), Monday IjC Dollar Day Ad vertisements Popular tOo sellers. Extra special and Mrs. Addle Hunton, who was (Iimlt 1 bot W. among the first women of color to volunteer for service In France Venae. Department, rear mt Oreeerterta during the World I War, Chaplain Major Scott of tts Sta Cavalry, I.

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