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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ITCHING HUMORS Torturing, dliflfrurlDR ecuniu, every of itcbtna, scmly, tcalp with (fry, iniii. ami felling bklr, by ilnele appllntion, and cnomimmllr cnrml hy the CI-TJUIIKA Kr.uf- thn Iwst reniocllea tail. Itching Skin for Years My dlKcano (psoriasis) com- meucod on my hcinl. Sprtrad np- ldly nil over my boily, Kot, unUiT my Hcultw would drop ill tho lnnu, unlTerint; eiuJledS. und without relief.

1 cannot praiso tho too made my tn clcnr from All I nan! S'j worth. Waloibury, VI. Skin Disease 9 Years Hut) over niiio ycnrg tiJMi'uso. I rodsjotri on my biv.vtt which kept HiTiwIinj; Mlowly to my back. Tim turned and Small HcaU i voitlU off, ami it contlniu-il all 9mr I trltnl nil ineiliclncH.

con- nultAd no nio. Tlirn I it all up, Triod tho RKMBOIM, they cnn'il mecntirotr. uuwiiurcaad whiious IhAtof JOHN K. Whatcom, Wash. Scratched Bled bulTprcil thrco yi-tirs willi which I hail to cli uttiill At: ft tains' two urn nm ircli rurvU.

A. K. (iltAMM, IHT, Mt. Hortu, Large Sores on Face crcatlv troubled wlili Mood oit my c. IhimU vcro in a niiiiliLinn tliat.

I roul.1 nut trtoin. uml no liriu-llt, tried nmruKA now from HI tronWo. SAMVKI, 233 Fuirnioiiiit luil.iinor*. Uir Ihn wori.l. ilow tuC'ureSkiu free.

Of all human trouble5, Sleeplessness Is the moat dlntressing! tbint, malaria and bodily injury may be borne for a time, nud while borne may be over come, butslecpless- ness crushes its victims relentlessly-, it kills as a scourge kills. Just as there is nothing that can take the place of sleep to restore energy in the human body, so there is nothing that can take the place of Dr. WHEELER'S NERVE VITALIZER in making sweet, refreshing sleep possible to nervous sufferers. If you lose sleep from any cause whatever, you need it. PRICE, 91.00 A BOTTLE Inquire of for free sample.

If not found, write us enclosing five ceaU for postage. The doctor 1 free advice to any nerve disease sufferers. All welcome. The J.W. Brant Co.

DAILY JOURNAL, SATUBDAY MORNING. MARCH 8 bow Mbirwbc.thatuiM remedy opium or Any ALBION. MICH. Sold by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St. WANTED.

A OTNTH a daj. kitchen otoiull Invttntwl. Retails S5c. to 6 In nwry tiiMiW. Sftmnls, pontwe polrt, lire KORHHOI A MoiUKiN.

Clnclnimttl, 0. L1CIKR, to Hnjr window, nOmlUHl CuH Ihf btiutj of SUItfd Knerjicllo Hani wanted for fed LlbPriil CoininK'lon NttrtmoB Orr. S8 Wall 8t, NgwYort. AT7R HAN(iEKS OR KiKNTJ WANTED to Mil ipor from Kiuimlo No larKCstcummlSKlolu; lowwt pttwrni. no daiar.

Hnndftt ouort for full partlcularx agHiit WHDiutli Cblcago. ANAGER WANTFID-To appoint to Rtiplil ixhttr. and 'i without vpttlns ingorn. a ei-k wwk and all mtitl 'Hi no bird work; c-ui niiixe it Hwk. Address P.

llairlnon 14, Oolumboii. Oblo. ANTED-A an, $20 to can be -an wltn our food-i In toi'alitj. will won it or rMt 0.00. Snlarr or oomm non, FOB primer.

of a hour '8 work AM maul- ft weex's wtw f- AMmi, "HANDS," P. 0. BoxoSW, Button, tAIHTB WANTED-. uMimalio money If will it for It. We want a llveWtler In Tlrtn lo hindle tbe beM wUlnji lint hooaehoir 1 ill In world.


T. WORLD'S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS! Out this coupon out and loep it un. tH you have raved eU similar coupons then bring or send them together wltb 00 FOR CLOTH EDITION $3 50 FOB KOI now to the offloe of THE DAILY JOURNAL Where you will receive this Tbe Birds Have Vlawu. Or the visit whlob Zella Lytle Nloh and bur latest hufibac paid to her parents at abash th Plain DjH'or of that place "Their 8Uy bare was brief but brll llant. Tbuy took an airlntr in tbe flnent rig In the city each day, aua spent money lavishly for frulta, boo bond, tto.

"Mr and Mre. Etibman attempted to leave secretly ant" rajstorloupiy as they arrlvei but In ibln they failed. Tbe exact time of their dsparturn wan known to very many citizens, but it la safe tr that none were at the depot when No 42 pulled out lor tbe eaet at 8:33 thltt tnornlcK' to poll them with old rboes anH handfula and to wlib them Gort- speed, They purchased thi-ou(rh tickets to Now York City yesterday a'ternoon and are DOW ppeedlnr on their way to the metropolis. This endcth th3 third chapter." Will three of the at the Michigan City prison have ex plred thero IB a larffe number of idle men and Cal Armstrong has been added to the force. He will not be put to work for a time.

Ho an ex pert book keeper and, City News thinks, It In job in that line may aim. His father, James K. Armstrong. who wag treasurer of Tipton countv while Cal, as chief deputy, was steal- In? the county blind, and who is now serving a term of one year in northern prlnon, wan informed of his son's surrender and considered It a wise act, the Michigan probable that be found for CUT THIS OUT. KOK TIIKA.1DHKU.

I will be a cnn'lldate for Treasurer of the city of Lostansport, subject to will of the ftcpubll am Cltj Nominating Convention. 0. 8ARQKNT. Loraniport. February 13, 1894.

I will DC a candlilve for Treasurer of the city of Louansimrt. to th- will of the BoimDll- City Nominating Coowntiou. A. LONO. Loganaport, February I will be ranlldnte fo- nnmlna'lon for the Dfllee rtNi-urcr subject to the wllloftho tepubllcaii Conventl'in.

J. D. ALLISON. Loginsport, Kuornarj 19,1894. APUITIONAL LOCAL.

Family 40 Major M. M. Gordon's adver. leoment. Every man the Sherman hat, and the older men like the Guyer lat sold by Patterson.

For within five Court House, Cheap rent to good party. H. Stevens, 209 -Market xreet. See the many new dress goods and White goods for Easter dresses opened and trimmings to match the Trade Palace. Prices way down.

We have hoard men say "I would give to have this approachldg baldness arrested and a healthy growth of balr produced." This desirable result Kill surely be brought about at trifling expense by the use of tho Excelsior Soalp Curer and Hair Producer to sold by agents lo this city. energetic agents, ladles and gentlemen, to take charge of a business that pays from 15 to 25 dollars per day. No risk; will bear the moat careful Investigation. People are mas lag a fortune with it. LoeltlmatQ and honorab e.

Capital required from 50 to 500 dollars. Call at 4H North street, city. Montloello Democrat: Mr. lease Kerlln, residing east of the river bad a public sale Tuesday and will move to D. Gow moved back Logansport the first of the week and Is again located In bU coxy residence on ihe West Side.

He still retains at Logansport. I paint the best is cheapest. Don't be misled I trying what is said to be "just good," but when you paint insi. upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Leac It costs no more per gallon cheap paints, and lasts many time as long. Look out for the brands of Wh' Lead offered you any of UK- ic lowing are btirc: "Anchor," "Southern," "Eckstein," "Red Seal," "Kentucky," "Collier." Foft Lead Co.

Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. Thcsccolors nre Inonf-pound heiiif siiflidcnt lotint Pure White I he desired rhndc; tin no rrutly-iuixul paints, liut cfiR-rfcclly pure colors in the handic-i lint Strictlv White Lend. AKOOI! hi.inyihmi«inrldollars have hem bv hnvinR our bock i ana Send us a postal curd bgtli fret 1 NATIONAL LKAH New Cincinnati Branch, Seventh Avenue, CiiKinn.i. LIABILITY ACT. Indianapolis News: The first sui under tbe employes' liability act 1893 was ended In Judge Brown'i cuurt this morning.

This law seeks to make a co-employe liable as a vice principal were Injury occurs wllhom negligence on the part of tbe company The jno found that Phlliph Enaugh who lost an arm on the I was entitled to recover $5 000 from tbe Pennsylvania Company Judge Brown gave tbo following: HB ibe construction of the law dividing the liability of the corporation and Its employe: If you find from the evidence that the Injury to the plaintiff complained of la tbe complaint was caused solely by the negligence or inooropetenoy Guatavo Fubel, the conductor of the train lud that the plaintiff was tree from neifllgenoo contributory thereto, and that lha Injury happened to plaintiff while he is carrying out an Instruction or command given by Fubel as such conductor, then tbo court Instruct" you tnat you should fine 'or tbe plaintiff, unless you find that tho injury resulted from obedience to an order whl would subject the employe to palpable danger. If you find that the Injury complained of was caused solely by the ncompetenoy of Gustavo Fabel, th conductor, and that the plaintiff was ree from negliBenoe contributory thereto, then you should also find for lie plaintiff unless Id further flnd that such Incompoioticy was known to tbe plaintiff, or by tbe exer cine of reasonable care if? tit have been discovered by him. Frank Zlndall has resigned bis posi Ion as fireman on the Pan Handle. Superintendent A Gould of tbe Wabish and wife were In the city yes- erday. Thos.

Stapleton, timber purchasing for the Wabash lying very Ick at hla tomo on Miami street Senator Washburn, of Minnesota, laused through tbe city yesterday on Handle train No 21 on his way lorne from Washington. On account of dull business sovora' elegraph offices on the north end of he Cnlcigo division of the Pan lindle will be closed today Chat. Beam, tho well known Pan fondle engineer, bar returned from )otrolt where for the pan three weeks 16 had been in a hospital undergoing a palnfu operation. He la nearly en- Irely cured and will shortly return to its duties on the road. A tramp giving his name as Perry fell off the flrst section of PHD Handle freight train No 82 yesterday morning on which be bad been steal- ng a ride.

He was badly Injured and was taken to Marlon near which place he accident occured. He will re- over. Tbe American Express company as sent out letters to banking houses equeetlng them to be on the lookout or a certain $1,000 bill which was tolen from thtm at tbe Lake Shore rain robbery ar Kendalvlllo last ummer. The number of the bill Is nown and can therefore easily be dentlfied. T.

W. Fowler, a T. P. W. switchman at Effoer had his right arm Inched off yesterday morning while making up the Pan Handle local reighl.

Tne T. P. W. does the witching for the Pan Handle at that otnt. Fowler Is knowd In tho Uy having formerly worked for the Pan Handle.

The following is the statement of the business of all lines of the Pennsylvania railroad company: All linet eat of PltWburg and Erie for January 1894, aa compared with tbe same month In 1893, shows a decrease in gross earnings of (763 416 60, a decrease in expenses of $877 616.69; an Increase la net earnings of $114,200 01. All lines west of Pitts burg and Erie for January, 1-894. as compared with the lime month In 1893, show a decrease In grosi oarningi of $425,911 85; a decrease In expenses of $414,99968, a daoreaie lo net earn. Ings of $10.912 (100 Bewtrd, 1100. of thin paper will ta nlMwad to loam that III at drraded ST" andtba Catarrh, Hall Catarrh Cure (a the onlj ooil ire cure known to medlealfratijrn tj.

dlMjM. rMtUrK. mutloni treamen. taken Internally, acting dlractlj on He and m-JMStem, thereby dwstiro Ing theloimdatlon of he dUeaSe, and giving the pa- llentMWBfth building up the constitution and 8i.litln7n?Mre In doing Its wort, The proprle- tore iifve io m.ieh Mtth In I powers, that thmoffiv One Hondrwl Dollarn for anj thSt it riSito cure. Send for list of Xddtlts, r.

IT sold DJ drugglsu. Don't Tobcco Spit or Toor Life li thf tnituful, 'ta'tllm tliie of a little book that about wondflrliil. ianu- i orby mall free. Addrww, 'j Co Indiana Mineral Ind Quaker fceadaohe oapiuls give re. lief la ten minutes.

GEN.GREENLBAF He Knows No Equal of Paine's Celery Compound. A So dier Who Has the Courage of His Con victions--Commander of the Nationa Guard of His State. "I feel Hko a new man." saye Hrlg. General W. (Ti-eanleuf, of iho tlonal Guard of Vermont I do not know tho equal of Piilnw's celery compound BrigadlerGenei'al Greonleaf of Burington.

is a man of national reputation, As a soldier, be has tbo courage of his convictions, and mnnfuily mukes a public statement of what he knows will benefit othera. Ho as follows: permit me to add my testimony to the valuable qualitieso' Paine's celery compound, which I consider tbe biet preparation of its class on the market. From an experience of nearly 20 years In the handling of drugs, I am familiar with the medical proper, ties of Its. various Ingredients, and I do not hesitate to looonmend It, especially as I never beard of a case where it did give perfect eatisfao. tion.

have used it myself on several occasions, and always with benefit. Last spring beinr very much run down and debilitated, I procured some of Palne'a celery compound and commenced taking It. Tho first hot produced marked results, and uso of two bottles made me feel Ike a new man. Aa a general tonic I do not know Ha equal Nervous debility produces morbid changes in the blood vessels. They become relaxed, weakened, and lose their state of healthy contraction.

Tbe relaxed condition oi i hi; lurgi-r current ol Diond. und a consequence, motion beComen BO much slower and uioi'o hlutftil-h, congestion of tb lining of tin- blood vessels ensoes, with the resulting formation of morbid matter, which io Into the bluod stream, producing rheumatism, fjoul. ntura pia. disease' of liver and kiilnoiH, nervous weakness and dchilily, and ibe many direct elgns Of impure bl od, as tkin diseases in some of ihe muny forms. fc'ti celery compound cures ner voux debility Tbe recently published testimonials from M.

of Providence. H. Judkins, M. D. of Port, land Dr.

Ltndiloy, C. E. Cole, and medical director of the Prairie duCbien Medical Instltut-v and hosts of prominent practitioners all over tbe conntry have resulted In tbe moaV extraordinary remedy that was first pro- s'c Ihed by Dr. Phelps of Dartmouth College, and has since come to be known to the medical profession, and in fact, tbe whole people, as Paine's calory compound. People of the highest standing in all classes of society.

In every city and town In the Union, have been benefited by tbe use of this, ihe greatest ol all remedies for the cure of the numerous ills that result from impaired nervous system and impover ished blood. It makes people well. Notice to AU persons having accounts against ihe Logansport Brewing I'ompunv, contracted prior to October 12, 1893, and all having accounts against the Receiver of said company, will file an sworn statement of the same with me before March G. 1894. A USMER, Receiver Logansport Brewing Co.

Vandftlla E.IUO To South, Southeast and Southwest will run no various dates from now until Juna 6, 1894, inclusive. One are round trip. on or addresi any Vandalia line agent and for nformatlon contained in circular No. 327 of January 20, 1894. To prevent oar sickness or headache to give restful deep, so difficult obtain whfle traveling use Dr.

Vheeler's Nerve Vitallzer. Taken at bed-time It quloii the tirad nerves, muring iweet One dollar of Ben Fiiher. arminative Balsam, the great stomach and bowel remedy, IB still working wonders. For ialeby all druggists. Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood purifier, gives and olearnen the complexion and oures constlpa- Ion; 600.

and fi Sold by B. f.Keesling. The Bos; Onion Syrup gives Immediate relief and cures croup, colds, colic, and par- icularly vomiting of curdled milk. For Keesling. Ool 25 centi per bottle.

They Want Ibe Red. "The people )f this vicinity insist on having Chamberlain's Cough Hem- pdy and do not vnat any other," saya John Bishop, of Portland Mills. Indiana. That la right. They know it to be superior to any other for colds, and as a preventive and cure for croup, and why should they not insist upon having it.

Fifty cent bottles for sale by B. F. Keoallng, druggist. La Grippe Vanauished. 'C a 8CBF, SPBCI- KIC to thW disease.

most ur rtwldent of ArUnnsaa Cltj can Mitlfj. Santa Fe Railroad Boys Heard From. KB. R. PH.KLI-S: -IB -I tnkfl great pleasure Hi recomintMidlng your Konr-O cnuulu and colds.

HiiTtiin given It trial, I couM mend no better meJIclne for mr rrlHtids. truly, I-. KKNNRDT, A Santa Fe Engineer's Story I contracted a bud cold: wns hoarse I couldonlyBpn-iktiDovea whisper; wanvery dlstr ssliu: imrolnyw pottle or jour from the tike great plwwure 1" reronmioii.ilnii It lo if. Jl. Ke Railroad.

i UC Is sold under irunr- Ll iiinw to iflve iwrtect witlsfacilon or money always retunied by BEN FISHER. The B-jard of School of the school city of Logansport, Indiana, will receive sealed (or mo construction and CDtiro of a now High School bulluiag to- bun ciiy, until I'utuday, tbo ISlh day of March, 1891, 12 o'clock noon. Bidb to be opened at 2 o'clook at the oflleoof the architects. Biddi-ro are requested to make their proposals us ehuwn in tbo schedule. HA lot's and specifications be eucn at the oftico of tno architect, Kruiecb haycock Slate National Sank building, nud afior February I'he tuccofsful budor will be required to enter Into a coo tract wttfe the Boa wiihin ten (10) davs from ihe umo he Id cotified that his bid been accepted.

To In uro consideration each pro- por-ttl (A to be accompanied by a carti- uVd bunk cbcck or appioved bond mitdo p-iyable to tho order of the tn-asu'T of the school city of sport (J Elliott) ID the sum two per cent, of ibe amount bid, guarantor that the maker will enter into contract and bond stipulated within ten (10) days after receiving notice of acceptance his propotJV- lion A failure on tke part of the contractor to enter into contract aid fi'o a eat bond within the dme named will forfot the amount of this above chook and all right Md title to tho said contract. Toe Board reserved the right to ject any or all bids, or any park thereof. JAMES P. MARTIN, Pres. HANAWALT.

Sec'y- JKHU T. KLLIOTT, School City Logansport. Logansport, Ft-b. 19th. ItUcutuKlim Udlcltlr Turee it a Very short time ta whlcQ to euro a bad case of but It ctn be done, if the proper treatment is adopted, will be itid following from James Lambert, of New Brunswick.

III. "I was badlf aflhcted with rheumatism In the nipt nd legs, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. I am all right today; and would insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible eaee to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and (ret well at once." Fifty cent bottles for sale by B. F.

Keesling, drup- elet A Forty Xllle E. R. Swetnim, of Fairfax Virginia, flays: "A parly came fortj miles to my store for ChamberlalaVl Cough Remedy and bought a doaem bottles, fno remedy Is a great favorite in this vicinity and par- lormed gome wonderful cures hero, It is intended especially for croup and whooping- cough, an4 Is a favorite wherever known. JNr sale by F. Reoallng, druggist.

ftulatiwu Dluttani. Chicago citizens in their deaira excel, have lately accomplished a Mf feat, namely: In discovering by acUMi measurements that there are lady residents who can wear twelve Inches long. Your blood needs regulating to spring. "Lafeld Cabinet Port" it turt's own blood purifier. Mild MA mellow.

Price quarts, pints, cents. For sale by W. Porter, prescription druggist, 326 Market street. LiOganaport, Ind. To one round trip, via tf.

Oo March 13th and 14th, the rip rate to Indianapolis will be owest first-class fare from any ticket itatlOD on the Penusylvanta to ndiana account the Prohibition SMte Convention. Tickets will be good to until March 18 th. Apply to my Pennsylvania line ticket ageat tor details. ftkli Is a certain cure for Chronic Byes. Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Piles, Eczema, SdK Iheum and Head, 26 oentt pr box.

For sale by B. F. Keesling, TO BOMB OWKBB8. For putting a horse In a finebealUif condition try Dr. Cady'i CoodltlM They tone up syiMM.

aid dlgegtlon, cure low ol appetite elieve constipation, correct ktdMf lisorders and destroy worms, fflviiff life to an old overworked horM. per package. For tale kf B. F. KeeaUpg, druggist.

The Kidwtntw Fair Excursion tickets via Penniylraiia inos good returning until July IWk. 'he special low rate excurilon Sun Francttco, San Diego, Angeles, San Bernardino, and othw California points, now for sale Pennsylvania lines will be good rm- urnlng until July 15, 1894. lonlsts can select any route trom For particulars apply to J. McCullough, Ticket Agent, ansport, Ind. ConchlM Kemp's BkltMtt will rtop OMflk tonoe.

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