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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 6

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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THURSDAY EVENING afelanU MAY 29, 1924 2000 REPORTERS TO WRITE ABOUT Returning U. C. Leader Given Ovation DR. DAVID P. BARROWS, with grandchildren, DAID BARROWS STEWART (left) and ELIZABETH ANNE BARROWS, a he appeared on his arrival from an exteniive tour of Europe and Africa.

Oakland, made upon MacLafferty'r recommendation, is going to be all issue. Certain factions in Alameda county 'wore strongly opposed U. MacLafferty'acaxdidato and urged MacLafferty not recommend hm. Disregard of those requests has embittered these factions, and their strength, said to be consider- -able, may be used against the In- cumbent. 11 manager, and his appeal for votes will be made on his "record" in Congress, particularly the fight he made for legislation that would exclude the Japanese, and his vote In favor of overriding President Ceolldge'a veto of the soldier bonus.

Refusal of the House naval affair committee to "recommend acceptance of the site Alameda offered for naval base purposes, he does not expect to be an Issue In -his campaign. There Is no' issue In his having DEICRATIET SUHPASS RULERS Nature's Danger Signal Nervousness, melancholia, back- railed to secure an appropriation for a- new postoffice building in Oakland, he contends, because it was against the policy of the ministration to allow such appro- prlatlons at this time. headache and pain in the r- I i PI FAILURE, SAYS Congressman Plans Campaign T.ooks For "Red Hot" Contest. BPECTAt BY WIRE TO THE TRIBUNE. WASHINGTON, May 29.

Representative James Henry MacLaf-, ferty wlll'start right out campaigning for re-election, immediately upon his arrival in Oakland, about June 25, he thinks, making a few stops en route home from the Cleveland convention. MacLafferty anticipates a "rea- hot" contest, having been advised City Commissioner A. E. Carter probably will oppose him for the NO ISSUE IfJ RAS MAC LAFFE RTY It is apparent, however, that the liar to a woman. When sucn warn-appolntment of" a postmaster at lng symptoms appear women may 1 I'll t'S Sti 7Ai" A 1 a wir-- a elpaign will be directed from of- flcf of bulldlne from Taylor building, I a A la whero literature will be sent out.

He will not have a campaign handlers will bo entitled to rub their eyes. CLUB HELPS OUT. The) New York Newspaper Club has undertaken to establish a fellowship with visiting members of the profession through Charles- G. Hambrldge, its farmer president, and one of its founders. Two floors have been taken over In addition to the club's established Beadfluarters for the convention perioa.

Dining room facilities and accommodation for the preparation of news will be greatly lounges, and amusement rooms will be extended. The clubi wlJJ have a program of convention all Its own, which will include Indoor as well as outdoor The feature of the, latter promises to be a midnight frolic at Coney Is land, In which It is expected up- Wards of 2000 of the Journalistic craft, local and out-of-town, will participate. EaJhiMiiiE! IE A lfPOnti foil fWk WtttMUlHI side are all nature's danger signal I which Indicate some ailment ecu- they will rely upon Lydla E. Pink. sam's Vegetable Compound, as Its tonic, ngtnening influence speedily removes the cause and re stores the- system to a healthy, normal condition.

Advertisement. STEP aboard th Western Pacific for the East Up through the Feather River country a trip you will never forget, across the famous Salt Lake, and then to the East. Nothing that will add to your comfort or conve nience has been overlooked. Special rates effective from. May 22nd to September 15th.

You have the option of returning until October 31st Chicaro sum! return, $86 Special rata to all other astarn cities. Come in to-day and get full particulars. 44t Thirteenth) St-t Depot, Third Weshinrtoa Sta. oaauana, uaiuernis. 1 former U.

Head Silent on 7 Conferences WitlHCoobdge i'a in Washington. 1 BERKELEY, May 19 "Tha people of Europe are better than their government," Er. David P. Barrows, former president of the University of California declared today after hie return to Berkeley after travels of more than ten months in Europe and Africa. good financial system will put Europe firmly on Its feet once more, "Dr.

Barrows said. ''In my observation, in England. France. Belgium and other countries, I found the people of Europe stand lng for higher things than their governments. The people over there have had some keen disappointments in government since the war, but the conditions are vastly better in mv estimation than they have -been." SILENT ON CONFERENCES.

Dr. Barrows admitted confer, fcncea. In Washington with President Coolldge and Secretary of Btate Hughes, but declined to discuss -the nature of these conversations. Asked if he was tendered appointment In the Philippines, where he was a xormer airecior of education, he answered: There Is nothing to say about that just now I would rather not discuss the nature of these con' ferences In any way." Dr. Barrow has been rumored on number of occasions as a possible governor of the Philippines and It was on questions of island policies that he was called to Washington, according to friends.

Dr. Barrows expressed himself as (ratified with the signing of th Japanese exclusion act by President Coolldge. "I am Rlad that that episode Is finished," he aid. "It is good for everyone concerned that It is definitely settled. I am sorry to see.

however, that the feelings of a nation which has played the game like Japan has ince the have been hurt In this way. It will doubtless be an embarrassment to our diplomacy to have hurt Japan's feelings, but am glad that it has been acted on definitely. "Every nation has a right to determine what peoples should be admitted to its shores. That la one of the prime privileges of any nation." FUTURE SEEN FOR AFRICA. Dr.

Barrows in his travels traversed the Jungle regions of French and British Africa. He traveled only with native guides and the party was forced to shoot Jungle animals for food. He declared that Africa would take an Important place in the future development of the world, and expressed himself as gratified with the colonization work as carried on by England and France. He covered more than 60ft0 miles In his travels. Barrows wag met" at the train today by the officers in the Berkeley National Guard company, which he was a former com- JACKLEY IS 8 1, aw 7 t.

I IX "Complexion Supervisors Speed Up Highland Hospital Work lUIllUitllUil a ,1 PuVw Ul CARTER Little Liver Fills will do more to clean up the skin than all the bcautv treatments jn creation, An complexion is causcu by a sluggish liver. Millions of proplc, old, young and middle age, take them for Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and or Sallow, l'imply and Blotchy Skin. They end the misery of Constipation. Small Pill -Small Dose-Small Price New Treatment For Varicose or Swollen Veins Bwollen veins are dangerous and often burst. Sufferers are advised to gel a two-ounce original bottle or 'Emerald Oil (full strength), at any pharmacist and start to reduce the veins and bunches at once.

fbyslcians recommend Emerald Oil; it is used in hospital practice and a small bottle will last a long time, because it Is very concen- "aiea ana a iiciiegoes a tong way. soft brush as dlreoted until the swelling is reduced to normal. It is guatunteed. Bo marveiously powerful la Em- erald Oil that enlarged alands, wens and even goitre disappear when I used steadily. Advertisement.

1 Facilities for Wiring News to World-Set Record-at Madison Square. NEW TORK, May 29. Only two events in history, the Versailles Peace Conference and the Wash ington Disarmament Conference, have attracted so man representatives of the press as have applied for accommodation at the Democratic national convention in this city in June. Not only has there been an un precedented demand for facilities for working newspapermen but. according to those responsible for equipping Madison Square Garden fi party conclave the 'expected num and editors for seats In the visitors' galleries has been exceeded by hundreds.

RECORD BROKEN. James D. Preston, veteran su-' perintendent of- the United States W.ahlnrMn and for many years advisor to both the Republican and Democratic parties in drafting national convention press accommodation plans, has undertaken to meet the demand as 'fully as possible. A great part of the 150,000 being spent In reconstructing the garden to meet convention requirements is going into facilities for transmitting the news of the sessions throughout the world 'without delay. When completed fhe accommodations, In point of size and completeness, will exceed anything heretofore Installed under one roof for a single event.

850 REPORTERS. There will be desks for 850 working reporters In the main au ditoriumc on platforms encircling and only three feet below the speakers platform, whlcn in ltseir ill seat S00 persons. Each desK ill command a good view of the speakers' platform and of the en- tt.n aiiilltAKliim no wall Vah will be readily accessible to telegraph, telephone and wireless stations in the garden basement, and to battalions of messengers who will shuttle dpwn between the new writers arid the news senders. Two wide runways, which the animals are wont to tread from the underground menageries, to. the street, level arena when the circus is In town, will lead from the rear of the press section to the send- ers' stations.

Down there, replacing the animal quarters, the garden swimming tans, tne Property rooms, will be the heart of the news broadcastlner system. i 1000 EDITORS. 'There- will be facilities for 1000 editors and telegraph operators. Eight hundred telephones will be Installed- for the special use of newspaper men. Thirty-six work rooms will be set up for news associations, domestic and foreign, and for individual representatives of the out-of-town press.

Cable and wireless companies Will maintain substations, and radio apparatus will be centered there for such, convention high- lights as" are to be broadcast. In remote places, away from the din; of the Instrument of communication, will be several loud speakers Reading from the auditorium overhead. A taxi-stand for newspaper men will be maintained at the nearest, entrance; a restaurant will Berve them light refeshments without charge. Good lights, a specially Installed ventilating sys tem costing J8000, and comfort able furniture will be innovations at which veteran convention news FOR irCHSNG TORTURE Use 'Antiseptic Liquid Zemo. There Is one remedy that seldom falls to stop Itching torture and relieve skin irritation, and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy.

Any druggist can supply you with Zemo. which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, Itch, Pimples, Rashes, Blackheads, In most cases, give way to Zemo, Frequently minor blemishes dlsap- overnight. Itching usually stops Instantly. Zemo Is a safe, anti-septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable.

It costs only 35c; an extra large $1.00. It Is posi tively safe for tender, sensitive skins. Zemo Soap, 25c Zemo Ointment, ROc. Advertisement. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AM and 75 Packages everywhere rhe Aztecs Baffled Gray Hair Travelers to the Southwest marvel at the Indian women's thick, glossy.

raven black hair. I hey wonder that gray hair is known to the aged only. BR0WNAT0NE Tints Gray Hair Any Shade Combining the secret of tha Aztecs, with modern science, an eminent hair specialist has evolved mod era hsir tint that instantly colors gray, faded or bleached hair to any shade, or blonde, brown or even Indian Black. Brownatone will not rub off, or wash out permanent colors. Easily applied and guaranteed harmless to -hair, scalp orsCin.

At all dealers 50c and $1 JO. Send 10c for bial bottle, indicating color. THE IENT01 PHARHACAL CO. ,502 Coppis Bids. CayiaeW I.

i IN EXCELLENT HE ALTH Corns NtwUuaKnlfel It is so easy to get rid of a com. Blue-jay ends them. Stops the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and cornea out. Does away with dangerous paring.

Get Blue-jay at your druggist BftBim Bluejay SMOTHERED BY GAS One of th mot hsfrbwtn experience's possible to describe Is that swful smother ins pennatlnn rsueecl tT, urit presnnrt about tne heart. Such an attack mar bs sccotn pmili-ci by elmilni anil KacKins. extreme nerrnnrness. heart palpitation, pain, bleb blooil pressure or rarions forms of stomach dlstrcsa. Von ean easily avoid these amotherlnr spells and their evil effects If yon Will take Bcalmonn's Gas-Tablets before and after meals.

There will ta no mors as pressure around heart or lungs, no shortness of breath no palpitation, no bloating, no discomfort, you will sat better, sleep better and feel better. Results from the first dse will really smase you. Get the genuine. Is! the yellow package, at any food druggist's, rrlce' $1.00. Banlma-nn.

Chemist. San Francisco. adtaaivrffti Crippled by Corns? Use "tMs-Jt" World'a Greatest Corn Remover Tt's just wonderful how "Gets-It" ends corns ind callouses. Put a lew drops of "Gets-It" on 1 hurting corn and Prestol The pain stops at ce forever. No matter how long you've had how bad they may be, whether hard or Kft, or what you have tried, believe this 'Gets-It" will end corn pain at once, soon you lift the corn right oS with the finners.

Money pack guarantee. Costs but a tnfl everywhere. Lawrence Cbtcaio. "Gets-lt" is sold In this city by the Owl. Pnig Oo Advertisement.

Buy a Used Car Be Independent Come and go you please, and when you -'ease! Of course you can buy a carl The money your kmily will save on carfare, shoe leather and railrqadf ares for vacations will help make those monthly payments easy! Pick your car from those advertised jn today's Classified Seo "tion under 84 and "pay as you ride. iBsaraaSJsfAaBSjsA HsTVSSj glltTITTtlllTIITTimiTItYIIIITITTTritlllTTtTIIItltlllTITTItlTtltlllTTrTn Kansas City Man Gives Tanlac Credit For Part It Has Played. 1 "When a man at seventy-seven can eat as I do, sleep as I do and feel as well as I do, ho -certainly tas something to be thankful for and. as for me, I place the credit for my good health where it belongs, squarely on thft Tanlac treatment," ly declared Phillip H. Jackley.

a civil war veteran and former city passenger agent for the Chicago Northern Railway, residing at IS4 East Beventh Kansas City, Missouri. "Back in 1922, following an ennriLtlon. my strength was abso lutely gone; I had no appetite, and1 my stomach, wnicn naa rrouDiea mo for a long time, almost failed me completely. 1 was In an awful condition could scarcely eat or digest anything and there's no doubt whatever but that Tanlac aved my life. "In a few weeks I was like a new man, eating everything, and never feeling a touch of stomach trouble.

Since then I have used Tanlac occasionally as a tonic and I don't feel my age by twenty years. could never want a better Medicine than Tanlac mander, and by representatives ot the university as well as numerous friends. Officers of the 158th Infantry, California National Guard were the hosts at a formal dinner in honor, of Dr. Barrows at the Hotel White-cotton- Colonel A. J.

Eddy, who commanded the 159th Infantry in the absence of Dr. Barrows headed the committee in charge. Dr. Barrows announced that "he would assume his post as head of the political science department of the University of California immediately. BOBBED HAIR POPULAR.

VALLEJO, May B. Out of the 211 girl students at the Val-lelo Hleh all but .36: have bobbed their hair, eoordlng to Principal C. B. Brown. 77, BUT Tanlaq is for sate by all good druggists.

Accept no substitute. Over 0 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Veoetable Pills. Advertisement. THREE ACTIVE HEALING AGENTS gum myrrh, red gum and zinc chloride highly valued by the dentist for their medicinal and antiseptic virtues.

It prevents tooth decay, keeps teeth beautifully white and frees them from nicotine stains; makes spongy, inflamed gums firm and healthy, and keep the breath sweet uid wholesome. Harmless. Children in its use, and, if they accidentally swallow it, no ill effects (omiMT mm. act) the eKJsen pacbaujs I "if I '-Tf. I I ja i With' the avowed purpose of completing the Highland county hospital and formally opening It by January 1, 1926, the board of supervisors, in conference with members of the Institution's today ordered a resolution instructing Henry H.

Meyers, county architect, to make all possible speed with plans and specifications of the work. The board took this, action on request of a committee from the institution's commission, which comprised Joseph H. King, chairman; Harrison S. Robinson, Dr. G.

G. Reinle, Dr. George Rothganger, and Dr. R. G.

Broderick, director of county Acting as' spokesmen, King and Robinson asked that contracts for the work contain clauses placing the time limit for completion of the work with a stiff penalty for failure. Robinson also pointed out that the same efficiency should be shown' In securing equipment for the Institution. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE LEASED. The proposal to build a new addition to the hall of records on the Franklin street side to take care of additional quarters for the county recorder, assessor and surveyor, finally resulted in the board's instructing the district attorney to draw up a lease for floor space on a building to be constructed at the northwest corner of Fifth and Broadway. This space will be used for the offices of George Posey, county surveyor, and will be rented at the rate of not exceeding $825 a month.

This proposition was placed before the board by Posey, who declared lack of space, lack of light and the damp, unsanitary conditions of his Office were hampering the work of his office. The question of building a new addition to the hall of records was raised by Supervisor John F. Mul-lins, who pointed out that crowded conditions, while litigation was making necessary the establishment of two additional courtrooms. STREET BUILDING I OUSTING PIEDMONT, 'May 29. Reports that Sidney Dearing.

negro residing at 7 Wlldwood avenue, who has been made the object of a condemnation suit by the Piedmont city council, would move-from his Pled-motn residence, were unconfirmed here today. Dearlng said he could not discuss the matter at present but would have more to say at a later date. Petitions, which have already gathered several hundred names, have been circulated throughout this city, asking that the council build a street through the Dearing property from Fairvlew avenue to Wlldwood avenue. Mayor Ellsworth, when Informed of the petitions, said the ocuncil would proceed with the condemnation suit with this object in view if the petitions reached the council. "The council has been asked several times In the past, year," said Mayor Ellsworth, "to build a street at this section.

The block is unusually long there, and It has been made the object of much discussion by residents in that district. The matter of condemning the Dearing property and building this street, will be for the lmprovemenv of the city as well as to make the negro move from Piedmont. It is probable that the city will form an assessment district in this vicinity and tax the residents there for the construction of the street." The Piedmont city counell voted to condemn the Dearing property recently when attempts to secure tho negro's consent to movskby the West Piedmont Improvement club and yneighbors in that district PLftN It was stated by Henry county architect, that it would cost about $200,000 to construct such an addition. Board, members took no action on this question, but declared failure of the courthouse bond issue left them these vital problems to face. URGED TO BOY IX OAKLAND.

Representing the Central Labor Council, William Spooner, secretary, and two other members visited the board, asking the board to adopt a policy of having materials from local firms used in the construction of county buildings. The labor men particularly referred to lime now being used on the Highland hospital which had been purchased outside of the county. Chairman William J. Hamilton, with other members concurring, assured the labor men this yas the policy of the board, but that they were powerless tq enforce such a policy upon contractors. The supervisors adjourned following presentation by them and other county officials of a heavily upholstered chair to Lauren Park-: er.

retiring expert of the boardi and a county employee for aboutM 25 years. The speech of presentation was made by Supervisor Mul-lins, while Chairman Hamilton Joined in the appreciation of Parker's efficient and faithful service for many years. PORTOLIVE BRIMFUL OF THE ELEMENTS WHICH GIVE HEALTH AND VITALITY-PORT WINE AND OIL of olive Five out of every seven people fall a prey to colds when the system Is at low ebb and susceptible to ailments. Portollve Is not only a corrective of digestion and a ppark-plug to your nervous system, but It greatly stands between you and seasonal aliments. Delicious to take a toothsome mingling of nature's corrective, with rare old Port Wine and Oil of Olive.

It thrice dally and at" It's a regular builder in thousands upon thousands of homes. Your druggist hns Portollve. PORTOLIVE LAXATIVE Bfotdi your SHin It' tup toy on to look your 6 est Young girls, old girls, plain girls, 'pretty glrla don't we all know those days 1 1L. veuuro uie mirror when, with a sigh, we turn away and say, took plaint" On those days when onr akin looks bad and won't get right our noses won't powder our eyes are dull We all know them. But wise women watch their skin and at the first sign of something take the best remedy a dose of Beecham's Pills They purify the bnVxf.

clear the skin, tnaks you happy, bright and attractive. fltEK TRIALS Write T. ALrFKCO Dee, Farlet of to h.iJth SB, 411 I C4i at. Htm Yark. It he MiT ul W.

I JUL Psfl ii SI That Anxious 10 Minutes in the Dentist's Ghair Regular faiepectioa of the teeth by cusnpeieut dentwt is a vital necessity to frfeJt and child, but you fear this periodical inapectioa, nevrtheleMk Suppose you sittteg io your dentist's rereption oom awaiting the examination hoping ainat hope, but fearing the worst surely IM dentist win discover cavities this timet Ah all too soon your turn bas come. Crlpping the arms of the chair, you lie fcarfc while the dentist goes over your teeth with probe and mirror -end up-fxxM ju suppoee -alter what seems a century of anxiety the dentist rmilingly nnounces "I CAN'T FIND A THING THE MATTER." Wouldn't thai be a grand and glorious feeling? Users of MYRROHL Tooth Paste rtea have that wonderful experience. So si onld you. If you clean your teeth twice Uliy with it. MYRROHL contains no grit and is ligbtful in taste.

In addition to being a trough cleanser with strong germ- rir. oyjng quslities, Myrroni comaiai THE TOOTH PASTE in HUGGISTS, TUBE J5 MYRROHL CHEMICAL COMPANY A iJreee, Sl Howard St Teleohone Cearny 141 1. San Francisco -man sum ail Druaa uui tea. to. to.

1 1 1 faiieo..

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