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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 9

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mmmm MONDAY EVENING1 OiklanD APRIL 30, 13 Ell DECLARED 750 Children in Peril as Flames Damage School RECOUNT GALLED APPROVIVL VOTE Hawthorne Schoors Long History' Ends Scene at the Ilatcthorne school, Fruitwde avenue and Tallant freet, which teas partly burned end wholly damaged by flames this morning. The photograph was made by a TRIBUNE staff photographer fijteen minutes after the children bed been marched in safety fronf the blazing building. RUTH TO SEEK JURY PROBE dF 1 SUlf SBRCKERS Xstppm ELECTED IV Dp4MiUilTY frpcrior Judges, En Banc, i Announce bffieial Result Recount yy- -s I Th official flggre secured as tbe rauu. or. baiuraays of tne recent city election were ann nounced today by the Judge of the 'superior sitting en banc.

favor John It. pa vie was declare! to have attained a majority tt e'gnty-iour over opposing canal dates. In announcing the decision of tfie court, which was reached by 'stipulation aa to the correctness of the figures, David D. Oliphant, wh asked the recount, and Judge f. R.

Donahue, representing May. er Davie, entering into the- etipula-' tion. Judge Harris took occasion 1 to compliment the election officials 'who presided at the polls during "I want to say that It was a very agreeable surprise to tha judges of this court to find the great accuracy of the election boards." saying: 'I want to concur absolutely In the remarks of judge Harris, i want te say further, that the re count has shown that the reports, many in number, which came Into our headquarters on ejection night 'and subsequent thereto, were abao-' lutelv unfounded." Judge Donahue Joined In compli menting tne judges. San Jose Miss Will Give Radio Recital BAN JOSE. April SO.

Miss Alice i Jlltchoock of the Institute of Mu- sto of thla city will be heard la a radio recital, broadcast from Hale's Ban Francisco station tomorrow afternoon from 4 to o'clock. She will play Mozart's famous Fantasia in minor for tne piano ana Mao-Dowell' "WiU the Wisp." With her will be heard Mrs. Sarah d'Contonl ot Mountain View In "Pale Moon," by Cadman, "Good-bye! by Tostl, and "Cradle Song" Brahms. Hiss Hitchcock will also accompany the-singer. These two musicians were heard a short time ago in radio recital and made such a favorable Impress slon thatwthty were requested to y' i.

Native Sons at S.J, To Hold Ladies' Night BAN JOSH, April "A Night In is the official name of the ladies' night to be presented 1 this evening by Ban Jose parlor. No. 22, Native Sons of the Golden West ItalUa features will 'predominate throughout the affair. A course dinner, cooked by an Italian chef, will be served by a number of Native Daughters, with dancing between the course, p. D.

Cam-blano, A. Katea, James Payne and Dr. M. 8. Kneans are in charge of arrangements, Th affair will be for members of Ban Jose parlor and their ladies 'exclusively.

I Hill Mil II I nr" 'Alameda Co Health Conditions Better 1 HATWARD, April 80. Health i. conditions in, rural Alameda coun--ty are better now than they ever have been In a period of eight years. It was announced today by 11 Ibs Sarah L. Fiynn, ot the Associated Charities, following a tour at investigation throughout the rural county with Miss Oline C.

Phafer, in charge of the Hayward Health Center, and nurses of other health centers In the county. Miss Flynn said that less than 1 per cent Of the people of rural Alameda county are now suffering 111-. Parlors Will Hold Double Initiation April 'JO. A double initiation will be conducted tomorrow night by Claremont and Berkeley parlors of Native Sons at Native ons hall in the college city. Members of claremont parlor will fee guests of the local parlor for tha evening, and following the Initiation a smoker will be held.

E. Bertheaud, Harry Johnston, C. F. Eraser and. Charles Brennan "Comprise the Berkeley committee In Hawthorne Structure Swept 1 dj jc ire; jlwo firemen Badly Injured.

'(Continued from Paga 1) Jured by the faUlng mlsalles, but they stuck te their task. Four firemen balancing at a psrUou station ua a ladder wera threatened With death when a large section of, the flaming roof fell upon them. Their escape was sala to, have been In the destruction by fire ef the Hawthorne school the Board of Education faces one ef the most serroua educational problems ever to come up in thla eity, -BURNING OF SCHOOfj MAKES BIG PROBLEM. Thl waa th statement et Lloyd Barsee, manager of the board, today, in discussing th burning of th school, which wa rected twenty-fiv years ago. Aceordtng to Barsee the eost of replacement Of the building will be (50,000 and it was insured for 118,000, leaving a loss to th olty of 123.000.

W. A. Banner, principal of the school, had in hts department some twenty-one teacher and 160 pupil a -v "Thl school is in on of the most eongestsd districts In tha olty," continued "and it will a problem difficult of solution to squeese these T50 pupils into school already crowded a point overflowing." The Alameda County Automobile Trade Association I planning a big smoker and get-together party for next Tuesday night at Aahme Tempi. Bob Abernethy, who has handled several of the parties arranged for th automobile men here, ha charge ot this affair and he promise to have soma real surprises a week from tomorrow night There will be entertainment of all kinds, including some excellent boxing exhibitions, put on by soma of Tommy Simpson' beat boy, There will be singing and smoke and all the thing that gladden th neart or automoDii men out for an evening' fun. ti The Alameda County Automobile Trad Association ta an organisation which Inoludea most of the automobile men of this eity, and the county, too.

They have associated to make their conditions better and to increase their business by eo-operatlon. Several time a year they get to gether as a body and have a party, enq mey Know now to nave tnem, too. Nelson Sootchler, president Of the association, is actively engaged In completing his plans for the smoker and it is eertaln that it win be on of the best ever held bare, it (The association hrld on last January which wa a huaa'aueaess and It Is expected that this on will more of a sucoe. Several hundred automobll men and their Mako this Lemon Complexion and Mix th Juice of two lemon with three ounce of Orchard White, which any druggist will aupply for a few cent, shake well in a bottle. and you have a whole quarter-pint or tne most wonderful; skin softener and eomplexion beautlfler.

Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon cream into the face, neck, i 4 1 i skjMUs -News xs social salvation Just as strongly as individual 1, Our age needs the crusading spirit in order to risk and consecrate all to make possible tha realisation, Of ideal Real Development Is Urged Watchers in Garden Furpish Lesson Says It Vindicates Iliff Belief in Honesty of All Election Officials- Mayor Davie today issued a ral statement commenting upon th recent election recount and asserting that he does not look upon it "as a Purely personal triumph. but rather as a vote of approval of my policies." calls It. a "tremendous ot et confidence. and promises to' continue "an administration of achievement." The statement follows, in pa'rt: "The result of the recount has vindicated my belief in the honesty of the election officer In -the. re, oent election, a Charges were made thatI had not been elected by a majority of the voters, but had obtained the election by irregularities perpetrated in my behalf by the election officers.

To convince the cltlsen of Oakland beyond a rea. son able doubt that this wa not the fact, I Insisted upon the recount. The recount has demonstrated that the election officer were average American cltlsen who did nothing to frustrate the expression of th will of the majority, election 1 offloers are to be complimented upbn -the few mistake that were made, especially beaause these mistake were -due to too technical -adherence to the election laWsand due to the shortness ot time at lowed for counting the ballots "I am pleased that the voter of Oakland have seen fit to return me at the primaries with a plurality of over 6000 over my nearest com petitor, 17,000 over my next com-5 petltor and over 11,000 over my last competitor result unparalleled in any other city election. I do not look upon this unprecedented election as a purely personal triumph, but rather consider It a vote of approval of my policies. The citizens of Oakland have an proved by this tremendous vote th constructive, economical and efficient policies Inaugurated and ao.

oomplished by tha present city administration beaded by during th last two years. This tremendous vote of confidence Is indeed gratifying and In my opinion ha amply rwaved my sacrifices en behalf of my olty. The eltixens of Oakland have demonstrated that they are not forgetful of promises well kept. I again promise them that I will-continue my efforts to make this "an administration of achievement," Private School to v'yf Have New Horn BERKELEY, April 80. Work waa begun today on the construction of a 8105,000 building for the Armstrong school, a private commercial institution of Berkeley, th new structure to be erected at the corner of Klttredge and Harold trieeta.

W. H. Ratcliff, is architect for th new building and Walter Sorenson has been awarded th contract for the construction wprk. For some months the Armstrong aohco! ha been located on University avenue at Mllvla street, Tha ifew building la planned to be ready (or occupancy py September 15. Cream to bring a Clear, Youthful to bleach away Jan, Freckles arm and hand, than shortly not th youthful beauty, softness and whiteness of your skin.

1 Famous stag beauties us thl harmless lemon cream to bring that velvety, olear, rosy-whit eomplexion, also as a freckle, sunburn and tan bleach because It doesn't Advertisement. aPtn beauty of hill and dozeVor so different 1 EDSTW' LE1II5IITEII AND BEAUTIFY SI Delorei Dixon May Be Faced With Proscctiiion in the New York Courts. TORKi April iO-Hymaa Bushel, oounsel for Bab Ruth, today laid before Acting District Attorney Pecora charge eonspir. acy aad a request (or. the indiot- ment et Del ore Plxon aad ether involved fa the gfri'a suit against the home ran which her attorney withdrew last week.

Bush! declined to eay what re eora'a attitude we toward hi re- Hiaa pixon began action against the baseball player last tall, al legtng he wa the father ot her un bora child. Ruth denied he even knew the srlrL Whan tha ault was withdrawn, Bushel aaid he bad in his possession a eonfeasloa by ftfisa Plxon involving a blaokmall con ealraoyv The Better Government League wa organised yesterday at a lunoh eon meeting at a downtown rest rami i- Tret Aadereoa waa named tl Pbrary ehairman, Mr. A. Olaaier, secretary, and S. smith, treasurer, iTlnanoe, executive and publlolty eommittee will be named and dally meetings will be held all week at piaeaa later to be decided vpon, it wa eeia.

Thoe familiar, with gohool affair and aompetent to make uggeatlon tor the betterment of eoadltions will be asked to meet with commute from time to time and aid the Investigation ot me cnoeis," Anderson deolared. Eradloatlon of aelltlc from the inside of the school system and gen era Improvement of the whole tone ef the schools, la to be the policy ef the petter Government League, uwuunBiaf said. "I there an aveuu called Edge-wood In Oakland? If so, in what part ot Oakland la It loeatadT" Ther an Bdgewood avenna In the Fourth Avenue Height dls- iricv xaKO a t'aric Doulcvard oar to reach it. -i'--Vf1 1 "Please publish nam and address of association or person at tending presentation of claims against ermn-and Austria flrs insurance companies on account of unsettled loss sustained in th Are of 10. i Edward aetretary of Poller Holder' Aaaorlatlnn.

A3 kMontgomcry street, Baa Francisco, "Aooordlna- to present plana, what form of trafflo will ae-eommodated by the proposed estuary tub A propoaed at the present time, ft will be for street cars, auto, general vehicle and pedestrian. Doe not Include tbe S. p. track for the small cars they are now operating to Alameda, or the S. P.

train track to the mole of San Fraactace. "Does the local postofflce eatl for parcel post packages Jfo. "What year was It that the old time fleet visited San Francisco harbor and such a Iargs number ot battleship wa her on a trip around th world 1" May, 1008. At that time, vessel were here on a trip around tne worw. i rWhat son of King George of JCngland waa married thla week, and how muoh younger la than the Prince of Wales It wa the second oa of King George, "Albert Deoember it, 18 VS.

The Prince of Wale wa born June 29, 1894. "Kindly tell how to clean oil paintings." To clean aa oil painting, take It otrt of tbe frame, lay a piece of cloth moistened with rain water on it, and leave It for a while to take ap the dirt from tbe picture. Several application may be re-Quired to aeonre a perfect result Then wipe the picture very gently witn a ni ot cotton wool aamp-ened with absolutely pare linseed OIL A raw potato cut lit half I also said to be good to clean an oil painting. Peel and rub the nalntln; with the flat aide of tbe potato, when It become dirty, cut eT, and continue cleaning, with the new clean surface. Valuable paint ing aheold be taken to an expert.

aa (rawing and restoring really reenlre special knowledge, and damage I likely to result from Inexperienced handling. Tbe cold frame be cleaned with a freshly cat onion; It should be wiped with a soft sponge dampened with vain water a few hours after the application of the onion, and meet floaUy bawlped wltb a soft rag. TRIBUNE information Bureau will answer all question of a general nature axeept school or legal problem, i debate, trad and firm name and Queries a ta th tlri of day. Th bureau is open every day except Sunday from 8 a. nv to p.

m. -al 4 If answers -ar desired by mall stamp must be enclosed. Quickest result can a obtained py teie- boning to the bureau- It you eve any problem ot a general nature to solve, ask The TRIBUNE Information Bureau, Lakeside friend ar expected to attend, OTXiXm TRIAL DEXATEP. LOS ANGELES, April 10. Trial ef Fillpe Olguin, charged with the murder of Petectlve Sergeant John J.

Fitzgerald, was postponed today until June at th request ot defease counsel, LEAGUE TO BOOST FOR GOVERNMENT the church today la to increase the "When we quit making physical life and enjoyment more than duty, then shall have a victorious grip on spiritual things, said Dr. Frank M. Silsley yesterday morning the First Preshyterjan church, speaking on the theme "The Watcher the 0ar er' a part he said: "Christ set two watches in. the garden. One watch was Composed of eight disciples, the i.

other of three, and these two groups, differed greatly from each other. They differed In mood and tem-oerament but tha createsl differ. ence was spiritual discernment and What is called the inner elrcla A IsGlnfc Pftt ar. JlAmtm and John, one ot-ffie twp watches were men of ready spiritual understanding of Christ and the mysteries of the Kingdom. The watoh of the eight dlaciplea was more worldly minded.

bad a certain spiritual perception and a certain real faith but It was still honey-combed by materialistic things and the love of the world. "The church today la made up of Just these two groups the inner watch of the devout and the oute watch of the worldly m.irt(iedi the inner waicn ox tne Ooffs 01 mi Word and the outer Utoh with' dust-covered bibles; the Jpner watch of great givers, and, the outer watch of spending too much "Future of Oakland 'The future of Oakland hang upon religion," said Dr. Frederick Vlning Fisher, speaking yesterday at the First Congregational church on the theme "The City: What WJ11 It-Do With The Church -tfd-What Will the Church Do With the City?" He said In part: i "The four big problems now facing Oakland: Tubing the es. tuary, getting new sources of water, transportation and making way on the waterfront for the traffic ot a world are all deeply religious questions for they mean much to actual human beings. "But the supreme question of Oakland is the vital issue ef every city today and that is how untold thousands ef men and women of every race and creed and Class can live together in love and peace under the same There Is only one solution and we all know it and that is that they must feed the kinship of a common family with a common great Father over them alL The oity cannot be an orphan asylum where Eyes Shouldot I mifirisy'irffti-Tivriiii'h-rtWfTttiwrm time on tne world.

The hope of number of the inner watch. We are watching the Master's eause when we hold to tha true Christ and true Christianity and guard against counterfeit Christianity, character and doctrine. "We heed in America not only a renaissance of American idealism, auchas swept our minds and hearts during the war, but we need a rena'iseance of christian ideals that exalts Christ and tha truth over alL. For how shall men know that they can be forgiven of sins, how shall they know that there is immortality in Heaven They must know through the fidelity ot Christ's watehers in this world. The sad spectacle of Christendom is Christ's watchers who are asleep at their post and, while asleep, tha invading bands ot Judas lecarlot approaoh to scatter them.

"Christ states in the plainest and mos( vivid way the reason and mo. Uve for 'the failure of the two watches. They fair because they yield to temptations of the flesh and when followers of Christ 'quit yielding to the siren- voice of compromise, or quit making physical life and enfayment more than duty, then we Shall have a victorious grip on spiritual things. Christ indicates the method for all cessful watchers. It tff 'watch and 'pray lest wa enter lata tempta-tion." Hangs.

on Religion all dress alike and sink into a common groove, but a family where each is himself, self-reliant, free with his own Personality; but evil work: 'in the team work of the family with the Father of us all at the bead of tbe table. The big business of tha church Is to put that altitude and soul into the city. Tha parish of the churoh is not where its members live, it is tha city with, its battle for existence, its hates and loves, its tears and joys, Ita crowded struggling life. The nearer the church can gef to that the better. "Tha city defeated Christ.

Will it also at last defeat the church and became the tragedy of all the ageaf Not for down tha years comes to us the greatest dream of tha human race, that soma day there will come the ultimate civilisation; tha 'New and it -will be the worldwide City, transfigured and the City of Light and love." Be Shut to Facts problem of today. Wi hart dur ing th past decade lived through year full of th record ot human hatred, ylndlctlvenass, cruelty, greed nd selfishness. Many o( the animal Instincts in human nature have been. anhTasked before us and have beheld the "worst forms-, of bigotry, fanaticism and revenge. We have discovered that In the subconscious mind of man are many suppressed animal Instincts, and it only takes the appeal -the erewd spirit to release them, fs It possible to think of human nature as poaseselng the divine in: the light of th World War, the Russian Revolution, the Irish turmoil ami the Herria maasaereT "We are witnessing today, the dawa ot a new era of untold spiritual -opportunities.

The hops df the future is In the realization of the fact that every person is tbe guardian of a portion of the very being ef God- He who is untrue to himeelf or barms his fel low man is untrue God. This modern religion i mare concerned to express that which 1 true than what la comforting. It accent m9 ex values. Tha greatest religion! movement of all tha ages is about to arise, Tha supreme glory of today is to discover and express a new knowledge QfQod in terms of modern i and humanity who has never had to faoe difficulty and to ever come it 7 To clear one' path of all ditfioulty ia to olear It of all real opportunity for genuine de. velopment.

"And what ia trua of difficulty no less so in tha matter of tempta. tion. Here, surely, la another big, Jagged rock. And yet, what would the character be like that was. never permitted to encounter temptation I have seen trees la tha mountain so haltered" by their companions and by tha canon walla that they grew weak and spindling.

Any moderate atorm would snap them in two. And again, I have seen other that were growing out where there was no shelter, and where they bad to endure every wind that blew. These were often gnarled and bent, hut they were strong, and their roota were driven down into the rocky soil until ft would take a hurricane to dislodge them. "Don't expeot to escape the storms. Don't be afraid ot the rooks.

It is Ood'a gracious pur. pose to enable yoa to get honey and ell out of these things. Brings Moral Crash achievement- Concentration ia discrimination and consecration, "persistency release tbe re serve of character, and determine the i value and permanency of human efforts. If we have been true to the Ideal of loyalty and nobility set In our own hearts; If we have Increased th sum total of human happiness In the world; If in an abandonment of fidelity we have shown our ability to forget, to concentrate, to persist, and have done it all In the name of human Ity and In the name of God, we shall receive the Prise1 of our high calling and be content with God' Well donr at last." CHILDREN VHO ARE SICKLY Votbere wbe vala hsskh ef HmK eUiei heald eeve be Wits torm euri twin rewDas re cauin. They te Brssk Cotds, BsUeve'revertifc a'fcsnaaji F'JaflHsJ 430CaaeJJ)p tssa, ifaaiessij Tsettilai dlseteer sal teMeh ear SmmmUtmtm.

TnaWea tr-4 lyarettee Mr fsara At PraffUM aerrwaen), aaktedar. Tnal pasaaae raxi. Addiws, MOTXEI C8AY CO I EOT, H. Y. Alkali in Soap Bad For the Hair Soap should be ad ry carefully, yon want to keep your hair looking it best Many eoap no.

pr. pared snampoos contain too much free alkali: Thl dries th sea lp make the hair brittle, and rains hV The bt thing for steady -oae to Mulaifed eocoanut oil shampoo i nicn te pure ana grais. and Is better than anything else yoa can use Two. or three tea spoonfuls at Mutsifled fa a eup or glass with a little warm water Is uniclnt to the hair aad eealp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub the Mnlslfled In.

It make aa abundano rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing ev.ry particle of dust, 4irt, dandruff and exoess OIL The hair dries quickly end evenly, and It leaves the soafertoft aad th hair line and ailky, bright, lustrou. fluffy and easy te manage Tea can get tfalstfled eocoanut oil sham at any Is very cheap, and a few ounoes will supply rery member of tbe family tt-r montha. He sure your drucelst glv youj MulsifleX Advwti-ment i i cnarge or tne aatoi loir. "The path to success Is strewn with difficulties, but to clear tha path of all difficulties is to clear it of all real opportunity for genuine development," aaid Rev. Edward C.

Philleo yesterday morning at the Centennial Presbyterian church, speaking on the text "And he made htm to suck honey out ot the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock." He laid in parts "A moment's thought will be sufficient to convince any thoughtful person that this is poetry. It couldn't have been literally true. It is simply the poetto way of say. ing that God enabled His people to And sweetness in the most. unexpected places, and to draw nourishment and strength from tWe most unpromising! "So He has always done for all those who truly trusted Him and sought to obey His will.

"For instance, mighty difficulties often lie In the way of anything Ilka real achievement in a man' life. And difficulty is surely a flinty rock, Andyet, when was anything that could be called real auccesa ever without dlf Acuity And what does the man amount to in tha service ot Lack of Thought "Many men go down ia moral1 crashes between the ages of 40 and 5S because they have lost the ability to think elearly," sid Dr. John finape at the First Baptist church yesterday morning, in delivering the "Educational sermon" in connection with the annual commencement of the Berkeley Baptist Divinity school. In part he said: "There are two fundamental error in the world today, on of. which may be summed up in this sentence: It matter not what you do, so long as you think the other may be set forth with thla dictum: 'It matter not what you think so long aa you behave Both errors are great errors, for deed is never separated from creed; doctrine is not divorced from me.

"Culture la germinal and fra ternal. It I seed in the soul capable of continuous growth and development. When education becomes an end in itself that 1 the end ef education. If. educatiop make a man an all-around man without making him a square man.

It is immoral. It la a great thing to know! it ia a greater thing te know that knowledge la partial. "Concentration ia elf-mastery. It la not stubbornness. It is the focussing of th forces of person ality in the forge of immeaiatenes until the whole being glows In the white heat of an exalted ideal Drummond thought it wa worth traveling a thousand miles to And an Idea.

It I worth traveling another thopsand mile to And a man wh can translate aa idea into an Grand President Is Portuguese Guest SANTA CLARA, April 0, Council No. 8. E. one of the JPor- fugues lodge of Bant Clare, yes terday entertained Grand' dent Frank P- Gome, of Bast San Jose, at their lodge rooms on Grant street. Th Initiatory eeremoniee of the order were conducted by the officer ot the lodge, at which a large, class of candidate were Initiated.

The grand president reviewed the work of the local lodge anct a luncheon, prepared by the ladies' auxiliary of the order was enjoyed. JOYNER I EOOD HEALTH 1AEIETS taasUU tVt tr Kltxrrs tat Bvwato. ln laaatif, si.e tf ms wa Cmsi4 Sn. 4 it ef jonu azxipixs RESERVES TO MEET. VALLEJO, April 80 The naval reserves of this city and Mare Is-' land will hold their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday evening at the Sard.

Chief Gunner II. C. Allen, r. 8. R.

F. will give tbe addreas cf the evening on "Tha Construction and Functlou ot ft Storage ntfry." Not the old trips everyone knows by heart not the-regulation jaunts you took last year and the year before that somewhere different WHERE TO GO if ridowA too tired to eat' jj AND How to Get There The supreme glory of today istoptlmism win not; solve the great Hovvf to find the hidden a 1 mm vale, where your car can make detout and find secluded camping grQund-the pros and cons of a toursj reliable and detailed data regarding roadsyou will find in the 1 to discover and express- a new knowledge of God in term of modern life," said Rev. Clare jc Reed yesterday1 morning at the First Unitarian church, speaking on the them "Today." ia part he "We ought not shut our eye to any fact or group of nor open them at such an angle that are not able to see what is taking place in tbe age in which After facing all the facts ef modern life, we believe that we are living In the dawning of the great est -era in the history of elvlliia- tlon. We have the cnoice today between a reversion to the darkness Of the Middle Ages of to go forward with a heroic determination to create here and now a glorious age of enlightenment tr "We nave Wltneeeeo -in recent rears a slump til the acceptance ot spiritual and ideal values. Dar ing the past tea year nave passed through the stages of easy going optimism, war, revolution.

anarchy, disease, famine, inflation. flffiation, 'ndusrtrlnj strife ana depression. "Tbe eay going Foilyanna Ubo'rcdorti energy i aids digestion The cause thick, Impoverished i tloodl The result a tired, woro- cot feeling. '--v" )' rurify onr bkd with BootTa t- trnparilla good health, appe-'r lot and siren gth will follow. Hood's Sarsaparilla invigorates end tones up the entire system.

It 7 tslM helps to correct acidity of tha iood which many times cause the pains and aches of rheumatism and lumbago. Get Hood's today. Someone 1 fat family needs It now. At all tniCSist. 7Tu tonic for thai tired fctUng mm IWNUALTRSBU I0DRING OUT' SUNDAY, MAY 6TI Order extra eddies now).

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