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Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • 1

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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miE JOURNAL 1 A 3 STIIE JOURNAL 3 2 Give lie IlMPitemfaiM of the World 2 fi Ur Tier Oerar and AH toe 3 local Metre While it la Freuh. fopeeoaoaaoooooooaooaooroaooa la Only fl-w fa nr. lie 44. aartiaiag Matca arm Mteeeenae. and Meenlte arc Certain.


18lJ3. TRICE FIVE CENTS. 1 SF PAJfiJ CMATED KSTIi8ALEM. SUBSBMIFBBil BOOB OKI TO ALL FOR INSPECTION see (The truth la the above dazzled this reporter.) Well we just can't write more thun to nay everybody was de lighted everybody deserved ptlzeaaiid that Mr aud Mra iU-ynolds' turn OJt aud decorations were superb. Parade Will the Chief Another Grind be One of The Peoples National Bank The Floral ParaJe a Most Im-.

posins and Bewitching Attractions. Picture u. S. DEPOSnARY. Thrice and Trice Again! Ollloo ltrlcf-i.

Thk Joi hnal, aekuowIe.lgCH a most pleasant cull from Mr A lira-liziu, a prominent attorney, of Ft. Joseph. Missouri. Mr. Ontiaiu, who 1 isvUitiug the fair, end his friend, Mr.

Lindsay laltersou, expresses the greatest ad niraMon for Wiuston-Sa- terns great Kali and the evidences of progress in the eitk-s. Fpesklng of tlie Fkirsl parade, he said that U-ing on of tlie judges it was the moat ditticult problem he ever hail lo solve and the committee wialied very much to divide tlie prizes among at least six. He said the whole display was tlie most tasty he had ever seen not excepting tlie great carnivals in tlie big cilh-sof tlie Wtat. Mr. Wright, the founder of the (ireeuaboro Telegram, and one of l.reenaUiro'a most pnignaaive citizeua, ia highly ram plinipiitury of the lilicr- It Was One of the Most Beautiful Sights Ever Books and News ipp A A D.

n. BROWDERS, (Successor to Justice A Browder.) J. W. FRIES, President T. k.

WILSON- Cashier. GKNTLKMKX: will Ire glad to meet you, aud I jolt wish ish a new hat, tduii cr tie or auj little lining, we ill Ire glad to nerve yot at a leiauualrie price. Full Dress G'oves, Ties, Hhlrts, Ac. J. M.

VVOOlUtl'FF Men's rurniHbliig. Opposite Jonea HoL I. 1 The County Fair Will be the Source of Attraction to Thousands. Following is the program for Friday, Nov. 4.

Couuty Falf opens at o'clock a iu, ut Flnr warehouse. (traded Hchool children parade at t) o'clock a iu. Line of Match -Form at Weat Knd Kcliuoi buildiug, mo- lug aloug Fifth I to Cherry street; iloug Cherry to Fourth atrect; along Fourth to Liberty street; arouud court house siiuare to Malu street; along Main to Fifth street; along Fifth to Cherry aud dispeiae. Livt stock (tuiadc at 10 till) a. ui.

Form at Brown's Warehouse. Marshals -J. li. Met 'n-ary, It. J.

Bcynolds, 1. II. Hanes, Sami. Mark-huru, t'kvjro Oglturn, FcU-r Corivll, Jliiuter Wall, li. S.

Galloway, Coo. Hwiiv, Jas, Allun, Dmiii, Oscar Shojipard. Lino of March Form al Browns Warehouse; moving along Malu street WATSON BUXTON I WATSON. ATTOKN JC YS-AT-LA W. Office: First Natl Bank Building.

Wachovia National Bank, Winston, N. GROWTH OF THE Wachovia Loan and Trust Company. Winston N. Since Bmamzation, June 15, 1893. ality aud push and taste of Winston's business men.

Mr. Fclieiick, of Urecnaboro, a due lawyer and of dlNcriniinaiiug judgment, says tlie half had never been told aWnit the Winston eoples liospi thllly ami public spirit, and 14 Kandall, the celebrated artist, assures up that the artistic elfect of the exhibit la superb. That a was a fine parade Oak Kiilge made for us ycstciday ami a line walloping she gave tue (iiceeusboro foot hall team. Two hundred wideawake school boys In hue with a fine hand of music attended by those prince of geu- li WATKINS CONRAD, Dentists, And Dealers Is Dental Supples. Office-Upper Main Street, Salem, Phouee, Interstate IN), Bell 230.

5150,1 $150,000 im Pits. THF. rniZE WON A Iluiulxome Steel Cwklag lnureby Mrs. Lilly Wlnimer Suleiii. Tlie Winston Hardware Company ottered through Thk Jouiwal ooi uuius to give to the must popular lady attending the tobacco fkir a haudaome (HNiklng range.

Thia range will be donated to Mm Lilly Wiimner, she having received ho higbtet vole east. Below will lie found tlie vote as cant: Mrs Lilly burner, Salem 7W Mrs JO i ouilg ai MiseAlabel Ireland l.Iil.IlHJx Mrs Lilly Winimer baviug received largwlnumber of the rango. I lie Winston Hardware Company will take s)eclal p'easura in delivering and putting the range up. IzK-alx. To wif aw tlie niurvi-lloiM partbrumiMS ot Jim Ky, will bo hi nilm Ilia ImM IMUiufilw KarfeMinsary WoMmaya.

The fwitball game will be played tomorrow moruing at 1 1 ocluokiuatead of afteruoou aa formerly auuouuotd. lie member the Flower show closes tomorrow. Don't fail to see It. Open rhuu 9 a. m.

to OdO p. m. Admlsskm 10 eta. Dr I it Jonea and wife, of Danville, are iu the city visiting their daughter Mrs Kuinia Gilmer and lu the meantime lakiug in the sights at the fair. The doctor la delighted with the exhibits.

The ltahy Grand piano iu the HteHT exhibit Is a wouder of beauty. It Is ot Fan Domlugo mahogauy, (lie rarest and moat expensive of all wiamU It call be bought at a barglau aud ought uol to leave Winston. It The football game will be played tomorrow uuiruiug at 1010 oclock Instead of afternoon as announced. The Chief of Iolii-e Is advising ever-one to tea Beautiful Jim Key. The I -oat show we ever had besays.

The Flower show Is open from 9 a. hi. to 92k) p. iu. lu the lluxtuu liemly Block Farmers warehouse ou LilertyHt.

Admission ouly 10 cents. Edmund ratterson, Clint Miller aud -Thomas Fount, of this city, returned home last night from tlie University. Tliey were accompanied by Messrs. Beikeley, of Allauta, Julian Carr, Jr, of Durham aud Wallace Hutton, of Fayetteville, who will visit friends here. Detents are especially requested to si-0 that all of their children, without any exception, will meet at the West Winstou graded eciiool promptly at H2MI tomorrow uiurulng.

Without the chlldreu the parade wiil not be a sue cess, hut wllh them It will be a wonderful exhihilkiu of Wlustou-Haleins educational camclty. TliersarsNMlabirsvaryona wltli uo sxlra i-liaras si lirsiitlflil Jim Key's perrurumnr Adnilwlou Adults 10 cents i'lillursu etaUk Tht footlmll game will lie played tomorrow moruing al 10210 oclock instead of alteruuou as anuourn ed. A 1'ivtty Exhibit. Among tlie iircttlest exhibits of the kind at the tobacco fair, Is tlie one g--l ten up by it lluweti, general sgei.t I icre for liie Wheeler A Wilson F.lumlurd sewing uiacliiiies. Till- fancy needle worx ou exhibit at tills booth done by their tiisclilnes would bedifil-cull if not ImpoHeiblo, to imitate, it is a rare work of art and genius com hi lied, aided by the most delicate ai wrfecl machinery.

One among tlie Beclnl claims for the Wheeler A Wilson Is Its easy ami uolhekws runulug, as the journals are iterated iu irfect hall bearing, the machinery is made as easy end perfect In ruunlng as It Is iiossitile In inechanisni. The style aud workiiiaushlp of these machines makes of each a piece of elegant iiarlor furni lure. It would have been difficult for the Wheeler Wilson Cuniny, or the Standard Company to have secured a tieller man to have exploited the Hiiieriiir mialllie of their macliluss than Mr Jtoweii, HORTON HORTON, Dentists. Office over Wachovia Bank. Ball Phone, 177; IntereUta 10B.

LOANS. HMM71.RS on 012.17 biciusrrs I WUM.W wAsn.w tuivuird Inna 10, lisa iuna IS, nwt, iunslMHs, June is, nw HapL jus. W. a. LEMLY, President JAS.

A. GRAY. Cashier. We Bid You WELCOME! R. It.

JONES, Dentist Office In Feoplee Bank Building. Phouee: Interstate 59; Bell 108. Moi li in Cioonr. WINMTOX, N. Acts as txecutor Administrator Guardian.

To tins nismy Winston-Salom tin- of visitors fxtomls tlie llioustiiids ml in fzlitil liaml of tHir- t'TOKKrf, FAGTOKIKH. DWF.L-I.) lit.gH, Ottlces, Bed Booms amt in fart I kinds of real eel ate for tale or rent. I will make it pay property owner I. place their property In my liamlr JAS. S.

DUNN, 1 KKAI.r.STATKAUKXT. in ten-late 'phone, Dr. J. PETTY, VETERINARIAN, Diseases of domestic animals treated. Hospital at Hinoke A McCrearys stable.

Ambulance for conveyance of dia-eased animals at hoepItaL The best and Most Reliable Trust Company lu the State. r.uesaOeneral Ihmking Umlntw. Interest on Deposits. it ii-. ts Your Business.

Real Estate ANDREW J. H0WEIL, MtlSAl US I ATti AUKST. Jimi'il Over Wall A llunke, Hint A ion Wellloito Ty fowr iter i be bent one. dial jfivotiiijf. Your jm'semr amoiiir us gives all our pHilo grout plosisuit'.

Wo trust ou4vill not bo disapiMiiutod in our Fair whoso exhibits you will find Ixuuliful, unitjuo and fiooas tlie air of htuvon to sill. Oui' jhh iplo iit't! hospitalilo, kind luurtod and generous, and tlie expression of si need to tlie proper authority is sill thsit you will retpsii-e to have your every want attended to. You will find many ixiints ot interest iu the Twin-l-ity. On tlio(kmi louse Observatory you ean got sm idea the sie of the. cities, a lovely view of the mountains, aud plenty of resit sti r.

deur old Ksilent you will liud matters of interest stud Ixuuty thsit attrswt jiilgrims sill tlie year from all parts of the world. Visilotir Manufactories, Electric Plants, Mills, Msichine Shops, Wsircliouses and tsike a ride on our Street Curs. And msiy Ut witls you until we meet agsiiii. ice Oream Soda AM) ftilk Shakes Made from Fresh, Undiluted from Dr. Thompsons Farm.

All Cold Drinks. at Thompsons Soda Fount. Iteader have you ever attended a three riug drcua? Wlieu you had uuly two eyea to ace wilti and in three rluga wax going on ut tire aame niouicnt niattcra tlmt you dialiked to uiiaa! If you took iu tire attiped clow in out ring you miaaed the beautiful atrlpcd lady awiugiug by tier I oca oil a trai-eze amt if you look her in (a you are mighty apt to do) you rted company with tattooed man from Borneo aud liie blood curdling handling of the knivea, iu the oilier rlng. Well the euibarraxMiiieiil of veelug a three ring cln-ua with ouiv two eyca la nothing iu coiupaiiaou aillian cllbrt to adeiuately reimit toe luugnillceut floral parade of yi-atcnlay afternoon. The w.iler bail the honor onie of reporting a New Orlcana anl I (iraa parade for tlic New York World anil Uii-iuuuud Diaiatcli, but the clliirt was tame aa coiupawd to a proier repreaeutation of the ttoral parade in Wiualou yealcrtlay.

Tlie lieautiful woiiu-u, lovely clill dreu, gaily caparisoned horm-a aud handaouie ninipagea, made of them aelvea a moat impoaing atul lewitcldiig picture, but added to thia tlie varied hues and art lath arrangeiucut of millloiiHOf llowera, ferua aud Icuvea of tlie foreat, (lie deacrlplive jaiwcra of anyone ure timply paralyzcil. F.very country baa Its grand parmlc, fmm the rude savages that cany human akulla impaled upon tlicir wiaidcu H(cara to the opuleut royalty if EuroM wlio wtl li weaitli of dnem and lieraldy, aatoulah laud gratify tlie 6ze of tlie nilllioiiH of the musses. But it was tlie inaplrallni of tlie ladies of our Twin-Cities tlie liiglicat tyja of tminaii liojie and liuimiu love to Inaugurate tlie ttower iarade aud give gratia to tlie gaze of the tlioiiaunda the prcttie.l moving picture of modem tones It wua like the elliua of tlie wiMnlalind cuptun-il our veliii-lea anil wit li apartlve glee ami rarest laate liud fci-tooucd thciii with guyiwt aud tr'glit-eat aa it a pet pin tlie imriala of imiuiib-o aa tlie golden ulicel eliuriot lulled along freighted with Us many little winged angels. Fo.iiilng at tlie North Wiiialon graded hcIkmiI the ptoccaaion ianiiaieud if 7S vehicles moved along Lila-rty street to Fifth; along Fifth to Hummit; along Kuinnilt to Fourth; along Fourth to Clieiry; along Cherry to bbullow-furd; along iShallowfiml lo Multi; along luii to Huleni Hijuan-; arnuml tue iijuure to Main and along Main lo the court tiouae and diaHrsed. hui the paiailc reached IlieHulem Hiuari the judges, J)r A Alderman, I (Jim cl llnl, (I JUndall, of Hul-eigh, and Joshua A (Iruliain, of Kt Joseph, Mo, liud all the dei-orated vehlclia plueid in line around I he wuare and then reviewed them.

The uainea of theownera of six of tlie vehicles were clioueii by the judges and after considerable diiu-UNsion ihey decided that JUggina wan entitled to lira! pilxc, which was a fine Mias Fcarl (Jrillllli waa as aided aeeoiid pi izt a buggy lamp and tlie third prim. a buggy whip waa given to Mins Ktia Caller. the kiiuin Salem Acudeiuy II st repreaeuled the early hlatnry of Salem and was fully dircrilifd In Tueailays (ini. id around a beautiful meinUr of (lie M-uior clues were several lovely rhildieu with instruments typifying manufacture, industry, religl ii and education. The platform was Irtuulit'iilly and waa lie handiwork ot uitisls, lli'j eiadit being due to fleerat! lluoii Willis J'fold.

Tlie veruiillLon dccrraicd buggy of (illmer Keruer with landern team dec-oiatrd wilb il.ryejiitheiiiiniih iu colon of yellow, and Idle in reunions. Miss Dmu Keruer occupied lilt section with little Maine Ix-e Kerner the lluee year old daughter of Mr mid Mn II Keruer represented cupid, who field the riM.oiib sud drove the horsia iu splendid sty Ic. She waa dressed in while gauze wilb wings and cupids trophies-, Cow air iwaand sheath Tills feature attiacieii much attention for the unhjue design aud artistic conception. It ta impossible end it would be uu-just to perticulsrize further where so many deserved praise fur skill and beauty. The prise taken had I.

i.ulifui equipages audio did all. The fair occupants ihemaelvea would all take prizes at any beauty show, X-, I Wc Ar till People! Don't Unit to See u's. PLUMBERS, STEAM I VITERS, MANUFACTURERS AND I'i iWI'-ERS Of Tobacco King if 1 1 1 iteMate, Kx ik- CUAWFOIU) HA(iliAM). H. Montague, Att'y, LAND A LOAN AfiKNT, WIMKTilK, N.

Hoiimm, l.ytH suit a for sale, re ur ex-rh'inxe. Izjhiin huge or email aiuuunlN. lutemlult! phone I. Always tlie Best Iure Hpiees, Best Monha aud Java Blend, Fries Banner Flour, the best iu the city, Very Fiue Pickles, Heinzs Goods, in sweet, mixed and plain; Oatsup, Rahul Drawing, Ac. All kind of Dishes, nice aud cheap.

Dry Goods and Shoos to suit you in style, quality and price. H. A. Giersh Main Htreet, HA LEM, N. U.

Tobacco Fair. lliiby Show. The baby show will be held hi connection with Hie Flower show tomorrow at 1240 p. ui. A haudisiiiie ring will lie awarded each of liie follow ing: The prettiest baby under one year of age; Hie prettiest child between one aud two, sud Hie prettiest child between two and three years.

Admission only 10 cents. IOJUU.04 7' i llenien and kings of education, Messrs A and Holt and Wldlakcr, are calculated to make an Impressfnu uuyw here as they did here. Our ieople appreciate their awialanoi and tlieir picseiice. Tire l-liiral parade waa attended by litre uia'slials, WliiHtoii-Halom citizens, and they represented a combined capital of uver 3, But tliey love tlie tieanliful and grsH in life. Neither sordid lucre or carking care have hpuiled them.

7 M. Me TRADE NAIR, PALACE, ft "hi if Every Day, 2.15 o'clock. Every Night, 8.15 o'clock. HIGH-CUSS CLEAN in FIRST-CUSS ARTISTS FROM NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON. to Third; along Third to JJberty street; along Liberty street to Fourth street; along Fourth lo Street; along Cherry street to Fifth street; along Fifth street to Trade street where premiums will lie awarded.

Football game al 1(12X1 a in, at Houth Hide paik between Hie University of North Carolina uud Virginia Iolj technic Instilutc. Tournament at o'eliatk in, at North Liljerly grounds. Knights will form at Hiuoko A Me-(treary's si aide, moving south lo stnsjt; along Second street to along Main street to Tliii'd; along Third street to LilsMly slixxil; along Liberty street Ut groiinds. In order to preserve order arid add lo the comfort of ihoexhibiUjrs and tlie public the following marshalls are requested Ut lie on duty at lliu exhibition hall at Browns Warehouse at tlie following times. They are requested by lliu management lo do evrry-thing to add Ui tlie coinfort and entertainment of all present, preventing the blocking of tlie aisles, coming into exhibits etc.

Tlie following Marshals will serve at the Warehouse: Friday morning K. T. Kapp, J. A. Vance, G.

F. I)wire, Jas. Allen, J. 1'. Taylor, W.

T. Brown, W. B. Ifollard, Tlios. Maslin anl H.

Dunn. Friday evening Hunter Wall, It. S. Galloway, II. A.

I 'fold, Oscar Sheppard, it. J. Bey nolds, I'atterxon, Henry Uoan, J. A. Gray and I.

A. Gorell. Friday night M. D. Bailey, It.

M. McArthur, W. A. Wilkinson, W. F.

Sliaffner, Geo. Norfleet, Sara'l. Iliac1' hum, W. E. Dalton, P.

II. IJgp Fred Scliaum, Be sure to see our display of HARDWOOD HANTELS, ORILLES, TILES, Ac. at the Tobacco Fair. We will he pleased to quote you prices on anything In our Hue at any time. FOGLE BROS and Liberty.

thing in dress material neceft atylish and attractive. lies Will be Found Helow ly trimmed and lined in rich clotha uea at reaaniiahle flgurea. reel material, correct color, correct llroadi-lotbH, Coverta, Ueori-gea, C'lievlola, Whlia-orda, Weavea and Crt f-aud teilk. PARTMENT. and fineat diaplay ever brought to tlicmielvea.

They are the admira-atock. The acleidioii la erfe-t. It mage liad leut ila fcallierato add to iiartiueht. Thia dei-artment la under (uluiilableaud splendid milliner and In Hie Advance Guiml. Andrews, great pioneer iricrcliunl.niakwili a (Mint to be in the advance guard of every progressive movement (hat means business and the exjuindliig of Ida.

trade. I hia fact is lielter evidenced by his apprecia'ion an exhibit at our loba co fair. Hecuriug a near the main entrance lie haa had this dec.iratcd aud Iteuealb this puvii.ou of oriental lauty he has placed some of Kuabe and Ives and Fund sweetest toned pianos. TIh-hs -instruments have stood tlie test of the critical prufiseiunal exrts In ibis aud foreign countries and have inimerged wilb thchlgloJit medals for disUuctive feat ore of sweetness of tone and touch. Mr Audrewa makes It a point to get tlie I jest and keep Hie best.

The exhibit here (a under the super vision of I) Kuinmey, Jr. 7 i 1 Corner.Third la where the ladies liud every tary to make them Only a Few ol Our Arti Cloakr, (Junta and Capes, liaudaume and plushes. Splendid val IN DKtiari tjllOIM 1 have cor trimmiugs, at a correct In ettaa ISerges, Poplins, Bel Armurea, Plain Corded fecta, Wool MILLINERY DE In thia we have the richeet fullest Wiuaton The goode will speak for tion of every one who hae seeu the kwke ae if every bright bird of plum the epleudor and ricbucss to tine de tire immediate management of that aaiealady Mra. Lassiter. The pub ic will find that I have prices perfectly eatiafactory to the iteepectfuily, M.

Me A show that Ladies and children need have no fear of attending. Music-liancing-T'-'' 21-2110" am aellnig them the goode aud trade. 7 Matin' NAIR. Talk is cheap but It will piove mighty expensive if vou allow yuur-aelf to be talked Into buying a piano without seeing the world renowned Htieff. It is sold direct from factory aud oh! what a profit saved.

Hee their display al fair. I i.

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