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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 5

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'i NO 8TTLE OF WRITING CAN DISTORT BtiiCK SAM BLACK cotton la the county Is grown la tbr Lock hart trade territory Is shanr in CANADIAN WHEAT meats of both flour and wheat from tha port ot Montreal durinr September and October were nnuaaally the recant report that Caldwell county had marketed a total of U.t2t bale and of this number 21, IM bales was received at Lock hart- paratory to' receiving a bard surface i being executed hy Hog Lewis, local men. Contractor Frank P. McElrath, who spent Saturday here, has returned to Corslcana headquarters to ship out the paving equipment, which will arrive hi the next tew days, when work wQl begin within the dty Hmlta. GETS TURKEY LIKE MOSESGQTMANNA EXPORTS IH 1922 SET NEW RECORD 3 RAIL SPECIAL; OMISITTOWACO r-ffn in- 1- Specialists Gather Around r- n. lleport? BIRMTNOHAM.

Nov! It. flam I Southern Pine Lumber Increase Capital Stock Houston Post Special' AUSTIN. Texas, Nov. 2. The oiaEa, negro percer tor a runuturo company here, didn't wait or hanks Souther Pine Lumber, company of Texas IVt-S.

P. Bumper 1915 Crop'Is Equalled by Do- minion Vinson Warns -Violation of Pro Law AUSTIN, Texas. Nov. Dr. R.

B. Vinson, president of the University of Texas, having been Informed by federal prohibition agents, that attempts would be made, to- bring liquor Into Austin for sale to students for celebrating the Thanksgiving day football game, has warned every student to refrain from purchasing or Indulging la intoxicants Dr. Vinson premised close co-operation with the prohibition agenHs in. their effort to keep liquor from the students. "All students who may be implicated In the attempt to 'transport liquor are hereby warned In advance that detection will submit them onlr to the penalties provided by law for such offenses, in addition, to rigorous discipline by the university authorities." declared Dr.

'Vinson in a notice Issued to students. "I am loath to believe that students of tha giving oay to start gtvlng thanks. Heaven, Bam avers, sent him his Thanksgiving dinner. He was loading furniture on truck when a live turkey flew down before his eyes. Sam's an embracing 'arm reached out and clasped the bird to his bosom.

i "Tb- Lo'd done sent me aturkejt" he exclaimed to his employer, standing Dlboll Texarkana has filed an amendment to Its charter with the secretary of State seeking to tacreaae Its capital stock from to Tha papers were filed here today by M. McWUliama of Hemphill, general attorney for the company. Mr. who is also general attorney for the Temple Lumber company) of Hemphill and Plneland. filed Houston PsVt flMclaL Kl -Cotton end seed experts and fardiers from over Texai fathered here with local benk- nearby.

"The Lo'd glveth and the Lo'd taketh away, and they ain't nobody elss coin" to take this 'here bird from me." Identify Suspect- In Daylight Robbery 1. United Prase DALLA8, Texas. Nov. two men held here, charged-with robbing two employes of a chain grocery of $3000 recently, has been Identified as Irvin C. Jarvis, notorious bandit, who said -to have been connected with a daring fGQOO pay roll robbery at Kansas City, January this year.

It wag announced today by Detective Captain Will Moffett. The man is also wanted at Kansas City, on charges of automobile theft, and at Chicago for a pay roll robbery of (10,000 which occurred last winter, it was said. The alleged bandit gave his name here aa Charles Arlington of Omaha, but according to authorities, his Identification as Jarvis was I. G. N.

Offices Destroyed by Fire United Press Report. PALESTINE. Texaa. Nov. 18.

Fire of unknown origin destroyed the old swneral office of the Internatlonal- an amendment the charter of this company Increasing the capital stock from $1,500,000 to $1,750,000. This latter company purchased tha Interests of the Knox Lumber company last Optometrists to Hold Handsomer Tfatn gUd-QumrMtetdlS Tetht YES, go tad so' the H-ytar Pen that rivals fl beauty, poise and grace of the Scarlet Tanagerl Only the Duofold ia a softer red, that looks like fine lacquer, as shown in The Saturday Evening Poet on sale tomorrow. Thia is the pen that 62 men in a 100 picked out first by actual count. Oeo. Parker, inventor of tha leakproof "Lackv Carve," created this Over-else Dno-J fold with a native Iridium point as asnooth nd lif e-endorlnf ea a hard jewel bearing.

It needs no Veakina in" and ia foaranteed 33vearaforwaarandiDechaQicalperfectlaa. Oo np to any pen coonter and see its over-alse barrel that holds nearly twice the Ink of Jba ordinary. If yon Ye known to tha dealer lie will five yoa one for 30 Days' Free Trial. LOte every Important croaiton, Daofold Is beinf copiad. But red robber doee not make year and the Increase In the capitaliza Associated Prees Report 'OTTAWA.

Out, Nov. W. Canada exported 1U. (41,717 bushels of wheat valued at fltt.ltt.f71 to the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries la the year ending August il, according to a report compiled by the dominion bureau of statistics. This was an Increase of more than 21,000,000 bushels over the shipment of the previous year, the report stated.

Shipment of flour In this period totaled bushels, valued at compared with I.SS6.M0 bushels In (he previous Jl While exports of both, wheal and flour were much greater In quantity this year, the value showed a considerable drop, due to the slump In price which occurred throughout the world last spring, according to the report. university would be so lacking In. I Convention in January United Prees Report. WICHITA. Nov.

M. The an tion of the company now follow i. Cuero Farmer Bitten ewelledtlie erowds visiting the Bouth- em Paclflo-Texae A. M. special now cm tour of th rich forming area ot "Vitrei Ten.

Among them were A. I 1 sMebane for 40 veers a specialist In dsveloplng the sed Hat namej-Dr; A. D. Freeman, former tton and seed expert of ttaa Brit-h government and recently appoint- 1 head of tha teed braadlng service; T. JC- Ruaaell, seed breeder of An-i ou, Sad Bhrar county, and 8.

lias-1 oa 'Nbxon, grower, of "blua wagon" itton at Robatown. ft itatad: Tha Peycho-1 logical, effect of -the grain immees-, i Tha raaetlon of tha atockman I and farmar to thla display la ona of tha inoaa wonderful results of tba whole By Large Rattlesnake nual convention of the Optometrists' association wiU be held hare January t-t. according to Dean 8. Truax, president of the Three hundred delegates are expected to attend. loyalty to the university itself as to subject It to the humiliation which action on 'their, part would necessarily "Homecoming" Week Set Apart by Odd Fellows Houston' Poet Special.

I) Houston Post Special. CUERO, Texss, Nov. 2t. Albert The convention will be an all -Kan -is affair. Onlr members of the as Kuester, tenant farmer of the Peter Roggenkamp farm In fnls county, was sociation In the State will attend.

bitten on two fingers of his right hand Lectures will be given In the afternoon and continue Into the even in areaf' Northern railroad hare late by a large rattlesnake while hunting rabbits On the Smith ranch which adjoins the Roggenkamp property, with aeaslon. Discussion and adoption of a Tha entire Stat la betas: stirred Walter Roggenkamp. Tuesday, causmg an estimated loss of $60,000. IN MKXICOON BUSINESS. au-TearpouM.

Be anra yotu pen la stamped Doofold Parker Locky Your hand wfll crave tha tmsineKj-hke feel of its waicbt, At Presence of mind of the victim and the fact that he bound a cord string by ttisj gffort by broad minded offi-! rial ot the Southern Pacific railroad I understand O. K. JDnnlap of Houston, trafflev manager, la responsible to in-; crease the production of the farms and ranches of thla broad territory. There KOSSE. Texas, Nov.

The grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Texas has set apart the second week of December as "Homecoming" All lodges are requested to treat their second meeting In December as a special meeting In visiting Odd Fellows and providing special programs. Kesse lodge Is making elaborate preparations for the night of Monday, December 11. A grard lodge officer will speak and a banquet will be served. very tightly about The two fingers and new constitution, election of officers and open clinic of unusual eye casta gleaned throughout tha State will feature tha convention. A complete office will be Installed with proper Instruments for correct eye examination.

A banquet and dance sriD close the convention. was promptly rushed to Cuero for ORANGE, Texas, Nov. Telegraphic messages have been received here from F. H. Farwell, vice-presN dant and ceneral manager, and George yonr dealer has net received his apply', give Mot rear order object to approval after trial.

Or medical aid, resulted In the victim get' ting over the bite with little dlffl eulty. I win oe tnousanoa or natter catua pro- i duoed here within the coming year as An interesting feature of the report the fact that exports -of wheat to he United States showed a decided decrease this year, due mainly. It was said, to the Fordney tariff recently enacted. Wheat shipments to the United States this year amounted to only lt.ttt.ltt bushels, compared with bushels In the J920-21 period. Shipments to England, on the other hand, showed a big Increase, jumping from bushels a year-ago to bushels In the present year.

"With a wheat crop this year that is as large if not larger than the bumper crop of ltlS, and with a decrease' In wheat production In European countries, Canada Is in a strong position," says the report. "Demand for wheat In the coming months should be particularly heavy. "Flour mills in Weetern Canada are working to capacity in an endeavor to writs as, giving yow dealer's eaaDecfcMsrlnss .1 Colburn, chief accountant ot Lutcher st Moore Lumber company, since their arrival at Tampteo, Mexico. They expect to spend several days In that The snake, which was killed, measured four and one-half feet in length ttsaU. and had ten rattles and a button.

i a result of thla dlaplay. Homes, farms and del will bo better managed. Otr food -supply will be more ample. message pf pure brad live stock and aclehtlflo farm production la being My presented by Mr. McGregor." city, working out an; important ouaj nasi proposition.

ROAD WORK STARTS. ORANGE, Texas, Nov. 21. Work of turning dirt under the first contract COTTON' AT LOCK HART. Houston Post Special.

LOCKHART, Texas. Nov. tt. There Is some little cotton picking going on, but the receipts will not be very heavy. There has been received on the streets of Lock hart at the end ol RANQ.KRS WITH OR AWN.

III I HcOmor. snicultural scent of ROAD BONOS APPROVED. ATJ8TIN. Texas. Nov.

An issue of $30,000 worth of Bailey county road district No. 1 bonds has been approved by the attorney" general's department. These bonds are payable In 10 years, redeemable In JO and bear 1-1 per cent interest. An lssus of worth of Wharton special road bonds ale) has been approved. These bonds mature serially and bear 1,2 per cent interest.

IU 1.11 In VI Ze If AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. It. Rangers awarded under the $700,000 road bond whn have been on duty at Breokea Issue was In progress Monday on the ridge have been withdrawn and are Maurieevllle road, between Bancroft's the Bowthern Pacific Linos. Hesrne, Waeo, Merlin and Bremond were visited today. 'Feature schedule for November ti: CaldweH.

from to morning: catch up with Far' Eastern orders. the past week a total of bales warehouse on the concrete road and Maurieevllle. The subcontract of grad There Is an insistent demand, from I of cotton. There Is yet In the ware- expected to arrive in ai iumui the adjutant general's department an' nounced today. England for Canadian flour.

wBhlp- bouse 7157 bales. That the bulk of the ing this portion of the highway pre' it to II noon: Elgin, 1 to evening; Manor, 4. to evening; au uim at Ausun i nanKBgiving. i no i. 1 I i.1 11,.: I Hi.

'II i. T' ill' r. 'i train win oe on display at Austin tne atlre dy. The train' force will attend the A. M.

-Texas game. Snail iIm wMh Mia rlaa Mv ueteUtae Liquor Raid in Kentucky THE PARKER PEN COMPANY United Press KeporL re alas efrarkar 1kr Leak" Peaafls l-i UABiaN. Nov. Three men JANE8VILLB, WI8COM8IN were dead today as a result of an at -tempted boosa raid on the home of Harlan Ball late yesterday. 7 Whoa James Pope, chief of police of Hstan, entered the house; in aearch of bquor, Ball opened fire.

In a gun battle which followed Pope shot Jsmes 11 BaU and his so Sidney Ball and stag gerea the mortally U' 1tAT 4UPHCMK COUPJT. Yc'h'livmtott Poet Special. AXmrat, Texas, Nov. The fol- lowln proceedings were had ra the -court brYrimlnal appeals r. Affirmed Klppas Under, tram An i deraoa bounty; C.

R. Palmer, from Dallas; James West and Ernest Tre-'. vino, from Dimmitt; Dan Raeae. from Waatland: Otho Robertson, from Mata- Hiiaat' HarhT4 from Shelbv: from Tarrant: Zalme Wllkca. -from' Tarrant; Marvin.

Ash ft- troen Travis. Reversed and Remanded T. tt Grossman, from Fannin countv; Bob Bobgood Hamilton; Toleefero "eir; Iena Welle Dos-t eett fro. Mark Smoker, from Nacordocli, -I Tolston. from Polk Ik-E.

Couch, from Palo Pinto; Roy En- i mn Ck-1hw' 11 UrArMi mm v. Titos. Reversed and Dlamlesed Ambrose tuenienaia. rrom noDKins countv. tt Motion for Rehearing Granted, Re versed and Remanded Fred Reed, i Trera comancne county; tugene Holt, Motion for Rehearing Granted and Jodgment Affirmed WUUiams Reg-gltDBk-frem Harris county.

Appeal Dismissed B. H. Whiting, I'M- from Tarrant alias -Burton McLean, Motion for Rehearing Overruled H. Huchaa. from Brewster aountv: Wvatt Rodgers, from Cherokee; Lawrence Savage, from Hill; Wallace Bland, from.

San Augustine; Sidney Harper, Yes, We Are Thankfar That today, is Thanksgiving And our store is closed a So that our big store family SulMnlHarf Tli4f mvtA rtofll A gument for Beth B. H. Carpenter, from Cottle county; Mrs. J. H.

White. front' Ellis; Ennlt Tinker, from Cass; i.i bian Koas, rrom Tarrant; u. crow, f.t i. k. vr.ib..

mi liutu vvioiiii, naiaer, I rum II- tuo; Horace Henry, from El Paso; mmm tjraveianu, irons num. yjm ana wui-nw rvpua ironi Wilbarger. Of over 400 people Oa Brief for State Victor Coortlnaa, from: San Patricio county; Victor Cor- trnaa, rrom Ban ratricio; u. A. jonn- frOra Williamson; Ester WUker- May enjoy without interruption from- El lis, Motion for Rehearing H.

J. Seymour, from Wichita county; Pearl Davis, from Kaufman; Milton GUI, Entice stock of Rebuilt Automobiles, consisting of Fords, Dodges, Hupmobiles, Buicks, Studebakers, Chandlers, and Cadillacs and others, to be sold in TWO DAYS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST AND 2ND, at prices and terms that will go down in history as the greatest automobile selling event ever inaugurated within the bounds of the State of Texas. Tremendous sacrifice, Entire stock of Touring Cars, Coupes, Sedans and Roadsters Astonishing values in cars of known reputation every one a cer tified bargain. Our ldss, your profit. Now is your chance to own a real automobile at a sensational low price and you can pay as you ride.

No matter what you want in an automobile, big, little or medium size, we have it at your price. Every car you 'saw this morning wa a used car your Doctor drives one; your banker drives one, if you have a car now it is a used car. If you buy a new car today it i a used car tomorrow; don't let foolish pride cripple your pocket book. Don't spend money needlessly when you can get one of these serisational bargain and certified. Their turlcey and cranberry sauce Franklin.

f. from Ft XiviHiSTORIO SILVER SERVICE. RAT.lBTflW. ft. Km M-Th.

And all the other good things r. alive service of the old United Vtates cruiaar saietgn pas been worked over a K. ana wtu oe presentea to tne new ship fsf Mm nam T1ia nil That the Good Lord above v. wag a unit of tha famous white equadV -roa that played an Important part nv 'tha batUa of Manila BayK under the late Admiral George Dewey. The new Raleigh la a scout cruiser.

Has made it possible for us launched a ew daya ago at a New England shipyard. To have and enjoy For all of which blessings we are a Really and truly GRATEFUL a A liigh-grafJe rantmurMtor car, much better value than a cheap ntw llllttt jif you are considering a new car(VirWul pay you to attend this sale. Everybody is invited to attend. I Don't wait and see your neighbor's bargain and wish you had gone; after it is too A Car For Every Purpose A Car For Every Purse Never the history of this city has anything like this sale ever been attempted Neyragsin will its like be duplicated. There are inex-pensive, cars, and the very finest cars are most reasodsbly priced.

Cars that are-a monument of fine cax-buflders Cars that are a household word wherever cars are known are on hand and wQl be sold at prices that will astound and astonish automobile, buyers for mOes around Houston. As we bow our heads a And offer a prayer of thankfulness On this Thanksgiving Day rrmm MOf 01 CO Levy Bros. Dry Goods Qo. WO LKER, )PHONE: PRESTON 943. LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS IN TEXAS.

tfSVv---i 1 in ii jpen XLvenings until nine Clock. Enjoy lloon Ltmch BOYS EN'S A-B Ga lUnca Reduasd Pttesa Lew Monthly PapMite Over 1J0 New In Use la HeuatM Hemes Hoiuton Cn Fnel C..

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