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The Salisbury Post from Salisbury, North Carolina • 7

Salisbury, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SALISBURY EVENING POST THURSDAY OCT 9 1919 PAGE SEVEN DOINGS THE DUS The Call Made Helen Suspicious BY ALLMAN BE TURNED INTO 1 SCIENTIIC DATA I 4 1 WANTS OR SALE WANTED By EMALE HELP OR RENT One six room house in Spencer on Main street "OR SALE MASONIC NOTICE WANTS WANTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS PALMER Sec'y OR SALE LOST luuw Liieir living incy usu i ally receive great quantities of cheese perstitution and A4 1 1 rs 1 I zi 1 1 mi 4 of MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE OE SALE Will Make Vour IMr Lur Teo' fex KINKYHfilR on 10 Gi READ THE POST ADS A CHANDLER I WORKERS BEAD TILE WANT AL'S PH Elent will the East 300 chains to North 89 deg West SPEAKW6 OAlEWSPAMSM I HAVE SOME GOOP MEWS oR'fOU 1 STAKTtMG Next week Your ps WILL BE MCflEASEP TWO DOLLARS oak un 88 orPansk! SOME LAty WISHES TO SPEAK You ON The PWoME hind Mc iReinforeed concrete piles are made to drive themselves in by the aid of jets of water DEPT AGRICULTURE STUDYING PROBLEM DANIELS ORDERS PROBE INTO HAZING REPORTS will of a foreign nation export trade again is serious ly menaced alike by enemy and allies $5500 Carriages 84250 $5000 car riages $3950 Saturday Get 1 1 Lentz furniture Co 8 4t There will be a Regular Communi cation of Andrew Jackson Lodge No 576 A A this evening at 8' Work in the Third Degree All members are urged to be present and visiting brothers are cordially in vited BIGGEST lot of baby carriages on sale Saturday Oct 11 you ever had the pleasure to see Lentz ur niture Co 8 4t LOST: Grain leather hand purse con taining gold band ring Stamped envelope with name and address and quantity of valuable receipts Mrs Lizzie Kluttz Salisbury Route 5 (Re ward 10 8 3t BIG ULCER ALL HEALED OR SALE or TRADE on easy terms 1 Kelly Springfield truck in A condition Bernhardt Salis bury Marble Company 8 3t SALE VAL UABLE ARMING LANDS IN LOCKE TOWNSHIP ALL ACCOUNTS due A Byrd are in the hands of Whitock for' collection and can be found at office Salisbury Realty and Insurance Co A GOOD BED AND SLEEPING room for rent See Whitman the Barber 10 8 4t OR SALE 30 cords of wood Ham bley Bros Co Wallace Build ing 7 3t 5 shares of stock in Peoples A and Peeler Call 58 8 6t V16LL MRS BRWU1 This is mpsddff SPEAKMG AMP I 11 SM Tt IMORM YCU TRAT ABE EATiPEXJ OUT ORDER IN YOUQ UHDEBUAMVCD WAV TfiNiNG TO SECURE MM MAID ROM Me 1 SHALL ME TUATT SHE IS PRoPeBW TAKEN CARE nMAMCtAUV A fiCOOPAS! chains to a stake or stone corner thence 1018 chains to an iron stake thence deg West 2050 chains to an iron stake thence 2 deg West 2465 chains to a stake thence 83 deg East 660 chains to a stake thence 2 deg West 510 chains to a stake thence 84 deg East 1240 chains to a stake the beginning corner con taining 67 and 1 10 acres be the same more or less same being the farm of the late A Harison and Har rison This the 1st day of October A 1919 Having qualified as the Adminis trator of the estate of Alex Yantsios this' is to notify all persons having claims against the said de cedent to file an itimized verified statement of same with the under signed on or before the 2nd day of October 1920 or! this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement This October 2 1919 CHRIST ERNESTON Coughenour Swicegood Attys HUDSON Commissioner Hudson Atty OR SALE Nine room stone bun galow on ulton street Hot wa ter heat Mrs A Rice 9 4t Maxims Handed Down By athers Not Superstitions But Contain Helpful In Information $3500 Carriage $2650 Car riage $2250 Saturday Oct 11 Lentz urniture Co 8 4t OR SALE Two solid black horses weight about 1400 each Can be seen at on Saturday A Peeler Salisbury 6 2t Cypress tank anythingunder 1000 gallons Charlie Hall Rockwell 8 4t $4500 Carriages $3650 $400(1 Car riages $3000 Saturday Oct It Lentz urniture Cm' 8 4t SALE VALUABLE REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an order the Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty made in the special proceedings entitled Lee Harrison and wife Eva Harrison vs Lee Harrison Guardian for Bland Harrison los sie Julian and husband Julian Sadie Barger and husband Barger Lottie Lyerly and husbanu 1 Lyerly Edith Pope and husband Garland Pope Harrison Bax ter Harrison Minor and Walter White Harrison Minor by their guardian Ad liten Chas Coggin the same being No 427 upon the special proceeding docket fof said court tlie undersigned Commission er will on Monday the 3rd Dav of November A 1919 at twelve noon at the Court House Door in Salisbury offer for sale to the highest bidder or bid ders for cash upon confirmation by the court all those certain tracts land lying and being in ranklin Township Rowan County North Carolina and described as follows: irst Tract at a post the cor ner of Church Dot thence 78 OR SALE: Everready storage bat teries Guaranteed against defective mateial and workmanship Rouzer Garage Co 10 7 5t ToMWAiT A I'LL ANSWER THAT iasrr OR SALE: a song book highly recommended by those using it for public sihools and Sunday schools and especially by teachers and pupils as a medium in learning to play pieces while taking lessons on piano vl'i an The be ginning is simple and the progress gradual until reaching anthems Pub lished by Sterling Music Co Phila delphia Pa 4 Write for testimonials or send 35c for sample copy to Leon ard Piano Store Statesville or Kin OR SALE One ord and one Grant one ton truck complete as good as new at Spencer Motor Co Spencer NC or phone Vv iena 1037 413 Iredell Ave 10 6 61 'Now I Can Says Mrs South cott of Medina is another letter that makes me says Patterson of Buffa lo that I would rather have than a thousand anything in this world There is many a big hearted rich man who would give all he has on earth to be able to produce a remedy with such mighty healing power as Ointment to sell at "all druggists for 60 cents a large Road this letter written hrebruqrv 14 1918 by Mrs Albert Southcott ot Median It seems like a miracle but it is tpjie every word of 'it? I I knowfib because I gjfet similar let ters almost every Ydav from people wrho have used my ointment for old sores eczema and piles Is it any wonder 1 tupihappy! Peterson Ointment Co Inc Buffalo i 4 Sirs: I was an untold sufferer frohr an old running sore and ulcers 1 had tried most everything without any relief from pain A friend told me of your wonderful onitment and the first box took away the pain that had not left me before in years and after using' just nine dollars worth of the salve I am cured The ulcer was 9 inches by 6 1 2 inches is all healed and I can Walk Never never will I be without again may use this to recommend your ointment if you wish I cannot say enough to praise Yours truly Mrs Albert Southcott Medina Mail orders filled by Peterson Oint ment Co Buffalo Peoples Drug Store will supply you Two lots 60x200 feet on Mocksville Avenue One six room cottage in East Spencer near yard office vimiiio i i 8 deg ast 810 chains tle place of beginning containing 26 md NLLOThiS lt Talking I vjantedIG ask Nou I LlKETo COME Tb WORK OR ME I NEED A MAID ANO WM PAY VoU more than you ARE GETTWI6 BASEMENT DIGGING YARD Grading and all kinds of grade work See or call Eagle Phone 4302 9 4 12t PUSH CARTS of all kinds in grey old ivory white and brown on sale Saturday Oct 11 Lentz urniture Co 8 it OR 5 shares of stock in Peoples National A and Peeler Admrs l(' 8 6t OR RENT 4 down stairs rooms lurnished electric lights and batn also 20 gauge Parker and 22 Win chester automatic for sale cheap Address Box 799 8 4t Pursuant to authority contained in a judgment in a special proceeding rendered on the 11th day of Septem ber 1919 entitled Carrie Bogle John Bogle and wife Effie Bogle against Bogle Pettie Bogle Annie Bogle James Bogle Lillie Bogle John Cauble Settie Cauble Mary Price Earle Price Cleo Bogle and Anna Bogle the undersigned commis sioner being authorized of said judg ment so to do will expose to public auction at the Court House door in Salisbury on Saturday the 11th Day of October 1919 at 12 the following describ ed real estate the same being sold for division among the heirs at law to wit: 1 Beginnig at a stake thence south 85 deg east 2875 chs to a Black Oak thence south 1 deg 790 chs to a Black Oak thence south 37 deg east 526 ehs to a Black Oak thence south 36 deg west 655 chs to a stake thence south 40 deg west 635 chs to a stake thence south 76 deg 1 chain to a stake thence south 46 deg west 175 chs to a stake thence south 67 deg west 2 chs to a stake thence south 43 deg west 325 chs to a stake thence south 88 west 1731 chs to a stake on original line thence north 2986 chs to the beginning containing 74 acres more or less and adjoins the lands of Henry Bost Otho Cauble Thos Sumner Watson 'and others or Back title see book 77 page 255 2 Beginning at a Hickory said corner runs thence south 1695 chains to a stone his corner thence east 890 chs to a stone a new corner thence North 1695 chs to a stone thence west 890 chs to the be ginning containing 15 pcres be the same more or less or back title see book No 65 page 388 3 Beginning at a stake Richard corner thence with A Imp south 1 2 deg cast 1658 chs to a Hickory A corner thence North 89 1 2 deg east 1711 (hs to a stake Samuel corner thence with his line North 1 2 deg Wet 1658 chs to a stake corner thence south 89 deg west 18 chs to the beginning containing thirty acres or hack title see book No 60 page No 260 etc 'The different tracts will be sold sep arately and then as a whole This land lies in Locke township and ad joins the lands of Henry Bost Otho OR SALE: Goodyear tires We be lieve they are the best Rouzer Garage Co 7 5t Cauble Thos Sumner place ston land Watson and others and is very I bury' 1 Ar 1 tin Ls 1 rv 1 tr A 1 A kl A 4 1 1 4 I you fail to come to our sale Satur day Oct 11 you will miss the big gest bargain you ever had offered you in a carriage or push cart Lentz urniture Co 8 4t Brown Ins Realty Co i encl'll foi NewSoutV tp buy i food ropi the BntrsA Domintofts I Howgvet gr at may be thtj I 1 ahtnng power of thp League pf Na tions I cannot cloftecmy eyes to 'the 1 poiffiibility ofnothor world con 1 nd the sk df ouY stttlfth pging yilt off if said BwfcCharlesb wj'JA interests andor cHmk of national defensCthis'CAiMftrji mjiibtbtf self suportuig Wht "We cttnfidt produce withim thui5 taind ntuSk imported and djemapds iIiul we I our own kith and kin on whose co Stat of Ohio City cf Towao kS Ch nej main oath ht Bckt narnor ct the flrm cf Ch nry Co doing business in Ctty ot To Cou ity and State aforesaid wuctliat said fir i vzlll pay the stun ONit ItTIN DllAD DOLLARS for any case ci Cativrh that cannot be cured bv the use of CATARRH MEDICINE RANK CHENEY Soin to before me and subscribed in 1'! presence this 6th day of DocemheL A (Sen!) A Gleason Notary Publc HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE tat en ImerniJlv and acts through the HlocA the Mucous or thb System I Druggists 75c Testimonials tree Cheesy Co Toledo OR SALE Pure bred Berkshires bred sows bred and open gilts ser vice boars and pigs Also a lot of pork shoats for sale Will trade any of the above for ord Truck in good condition Midway Berkshire arm 10 3 6t LOST Cameo pin either as Mrs funeral or on comer Emiiss and Long inder please re turn to Mrs Beck 213 South Lee street and get reward 10 6 6t and is being sold to pay debts thence 1 49: corner chains to a stoti corner thence stone near a large black Margaret corner leal line a stone Jeremiah line thence a stone thence 87 beginning more or less this is the 1 07 aero trnct belonging to the estate of Lean deceased make assets to low Washington Oct 8 Inquiry into reported cases of hazing at the naval academy at Annapolis was cideud today by Secretary Daniels The sec action followed tLi i eported attempt at suicide by two midship men which reports have said yas a result of persecution by upper clrs1 men Real lAdmiial Pcalrs si pei intemi ent of the academy however reported today that Midshaomai 1 IL Seltzer of Pa We attempted tc take his own life mi Sunday had de nied that his ci wa: he res 'th of heziiif The second runirrcd ease of at tempted suicide had not been con firmed "Mr Daniele md vvr is being invest is ued Brown Ins Realty Co 120 MAIN ST North Carolina Rowan County in the Superior Court before the Clerk A Chandler administrator of McLean deceased vs Robert Mc Lean and Mary Bell McLean minors and their guardiap A Chandler By virture of authority contained in a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County in the above entitled action the undersigned com missioner will sell the following de scribed real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in the City of Sal isbury on Monday Novembfr 10 1919 at 12 o'clock Noon Said lands being described as fol lows viz: Beginning at a stone mar home formerly a hickory stump thence to a stone on the South side of a hill thence 1108 chains to stone A orncr on the East of the hill about 50 feet from the brunch cniins to a store said thence West 1165 Margaret 3120 chains to a said Wm thence chains to a Is corner 5085 chains to former corner 1728 chains to th containing 1 07 acres halve formerly called Cure is especially com pounded for the treatment of Itch Eczema Hing worm and Tetter and is s'ld ty the di ig gist on the strict guarantee t'aat the purchase price V5c will be promptly refue led to any dissat isfied customer Try at on locnllv by SMITH DRUG CO advanced science of the twentieth century Williams KidneyandLiver Pills Have you overworked your nervous systeai and caused trouble with your kidneys and liver? Have you pains in loins side and back? Have you a flabby appearance of the face and under the eyes'! If so use KIDNEY ANDIJVERPiLLS or sale by al! Druggieta Price 60 cents WILLIAMS MG CO Prtft ClHtlW4 Wt or sale by Empire Drug Co mous astorial Message rom Bel gium Miitif "Vzwa 1 AxiL i i juia uuu vurumai ivjer hmv luu uwuiimii cier at a luncheon of the goloenrod and the time association yesterday told for the white common Japanese niwr i i i i a 1 1 desirable and valuably farming land i of sale Dated this September' 19'19 JOHN BOGLE WANTED: Good second hand bicycle fMust be ri bargain Apply to Glover at Slipe Storp 8 2(t'r To employ boys and girls over 16 years old at our plant Yadkin inishing Co? lft 8 6t The Time to Plant Wheat Has Betm Determined by Natural Sign and Time to Plant Others Be Same Washington Oct 8 The problem' of'jinaking agricultural superstitions into scientific data is being studied1 by experts of the Department of Agricultural who declare that many old maxims handed down from father to son for generations are not really superstitions at all but helpful infon mation discovered by keenly observ ant persons Everybody has heard some of the old maxims They deal with every (variety of agricultural operation I Bean planting for instance neverWaA done by the forefathers of thjpresent generation except at the time i of the blossoming bf the blackberry (bushes When the catkins bad form's 7 10 acres more or The above being the home laco of the late A Harrison on the States ville and balisoury public road Second Tract at a stake corner thence 5 deg 540 chains to a stake thence leg Last 704 chains to stone inence deg Kast 14(54 chains to a stone thence 88 deg West 73? ELECTRIC We have a full line of Electric Irons and Ironing Boards Irons alone $600 Iron and board together $800 Southern Power Co 7 5t AlrxiSlflv thu QtnfoA rmA WOUICI DC 11 1I Zin i I by the nest uvtvvy 1J1IVUUS 11110 DClLlSri 1 7 supremacy in the East Both of these KCt a Start before cold nations are already equipped and ready for keen competition in com merce wnn tne WANTED Liberty Bonds for cash i 227 Council street Phone 748 L2 Summers 75t nor of Church deg West 391 chains to a stake i nonce iN deg a stake thence 818 chains to a stake thence 20 deg West 1758 chains to a stake thence 6 leg West 670 chains to! a stake thence 89 deg East 8t5 chains to a stake thence 5 deg East 560 chains to a stake or stone thence deg East 415 chains to a stake the ice 6 deg East 725 chains a stake tl cuce 57 deg rast 414 chains to a stake i rcry ran Hive nice Jr Dpr a May (iilbrxt har hoa jmiwn inches Inru? by uiny your vamderful EXELENTCT POlVLApE I Pn't I fcoled by fult Kink 'Uwwvtw 'Ye btraijjhsc'n vgv it's loan Our remade rctnevm anvniff feedt roots of the hxr on 1 It grow Ion' tUsd (( Wa fflilu xcJrnfn rrnuUficr nri I oliHinrnt ir dark Ju LkaDii treat uivut if skin rouble PP1CE0 EACH Z5c IN STAABS (WT AGENTS VVrK ir i EXELEMO MECICifiE CO'' tlr'is Cj ww 1 YKi 11 1 4 W4u vu uabtdj it was aecKieu mat same natural in dication woqld give the information desired It is now claimed that ob servation has proved that the A best time for sowing wheat is that period between the full bloonumr of tall late when the Mnmntict first time how he had smuggled his flowers are nearly all gone or the famous pastoral letter of Christmas I leaves are 'distinctly colored ou the uui ot neigium to a priest uuvuuu mcnones Holland that it mightbe published to What has been done for wheat frkic xirvv Ll i no ilnno fv thou vx nuiiu I 'M IV41V AVl VVI Vl Lioun fill I the frontier between Belgium I working out of the signs will be a and Ho he said have a sow process Meanwhile every far seminary a college for priests and an1 even the city gardener have there are seven or enight hundred stu T11 own guides at hand if they dents andor their living they usu pave eyes to see Thus has the su ally receive great quantities of cheese pefstitution and folklore of days in boxes Many of these boxes come called primitive been justified by the nom noiiana to Belgium for com merce When the cheese came to Belgium to that seminary the papers in which the cheese were wrappedWen? of course old filthy and solied made my letter old filthy and soiled and it was sent back with ail those filthy papers in the boxes to Holland So my frignd received that and I think he tolcl me after ward not with disgust but with re spect He took the letter and publis ed it and sent it to rance to Eng land and you got it from England here in America and so the whole world knew the WHEN we say bargain it must be so We sold every rug we had on sale last week fail to come Saturday Lentz urniture Co 8 4t EIECTRIC We haTe just received a shipment of the fa mous Thor Washing Machines Let us demonstrate them to you South ern Power Co 7 5t ine farm of 114 acres in ranklin township Splenr did dwelling barn and out houses On good road SnjMl farm42 acres No house vTwo miles townjMeadbw some wood and timber Terms Eas ive room cottage on South Lee street Good loca tion Bath and sbwerage Terms easy Six rooni house on Military Avenue our fine lots on West Council street WANlED Our Quality is as high as an aero plane and prices as low as a submar ine American Tailors 122 Innes St 9 30 lmo rvi SUPERSTITIONS Commissioner i WALTER II WOODSON Arty SHOULD BUY ROM DOMINIONS INSTEAD Advises the Agent General for New South Wales Also Believes There Will Be Another World Wide Con flagration London Oct 8 (Correspondence on the maple tret R(wasvarsi of the Associated sPressj fc Instead 6f rTcm nature that MctafG gardemmr buying food Troth the United Stated and South AmericalBritons aid urg iT Ofi of frost 6 by Sir Ch trje ad agi ut ty? lhe ltunnI ithcilfoi New South WAles to bL nuv ill turf yflycla res that there is a best every farm and garden opertion and that some tree or shrub or plant indicates that 'time more ac curately than all the scientific instru ments can register 1 it It is those Signs which Were noted bv the pion eers who laid the foundations of this country and recorded the simple Sayings handed down to posterity Soon they will be disrnified with the scientific name of "Dhenoloirv which tiiuv wc Mitill TrifBlliei il CUfl" supply of raw materials from wiivvvvu imvuiai oiiLiin jniii ir operation we can rely rather than phenology probably 'was at the mercy of the chanegable good a campaign against the VVX1V VI IkiVC ing to determine the best time for planting wheat so that the sowing would be late enough to prevent ruin and yet early enough ior weather It was easy enough to work out the general rule that the merce with the United Kingdom Tas0" variJsi our t0I tach on while this country is suffering from of degrees of an epidemic of increasing cost and ronutle ant but diminishing output asjjpw two seasons are just the same recover or maintain British the tel1 markets a friendly field in the Do 1 the farmer should do his sow minions will be a great help and preferential tariff may stave a act guide danger of under cutting by foreign the Depart the cold realm of scien I tific formulae for to MERCIER SMUGGLED (information As plants respond 'to lETTKB iv climatic conditions and not to dales 1 it wna that comn nnlinnl Cardinal Explains Ifow He Sent a I MomeorYou I MAs So Pamsy eor ike pacty haotme rr was 7ui NUMBER I BA1 MEWS I aMT gras MS 1 BS 5 ira i.

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