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The Sentinel from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • 1

The Sentineli
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I TWIN CITY DAILY SENTINEL ASSOCIATED PDKM.DlSI'ArCNES ra ruicis i iknth. 20 Pages 3 Sections WINSTON-SALEM, N. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 29. 1915 4 o'clock Edition Scenes In London During Anti-German Rioting I Tl That Followed The Sinking Of The Lusitania i 1 1 I llTE ANSWER NOT IN NOTE OF WAN GOVERNMENT Aiislrii-firrmnn F'lirrw Arp Miking Some IriHtremf Kxrrpl Ht (hie Point. lU-lit-u-il Hr Will Insist SiisHn(l Sultniiirinr Warfare on I'.

S. Ships. HUNGARIANS DEFEATED OFF-4 CHEW lirilish unit 1'irmh Prouresn in the Western Arm llnd Hern lteNirled. 1 Ilut That Likt-ly lo Ik Comlilion If (irrmany Wants Long NrKolialions, ltd an Invitation to it Terms" to lie IVed Arsument. PIES PKOPOSAI.

I MTKD STATUS 1111110111111. May After discover) of a large hole in tin- aide of the mill marine K-1, submerged alin Mun-h 27. In Ihe harlair here, atlempla were mmle lod.iy lo remove ihe bodic of Itr crew of 21. The hull la now wliliin 21 fis-l of Hit? aurfaee. Koine natal officer aaiil Ihe holi-wan probably mmle liy con-daiit pouml Ing or (In- hull on Ihe oeean Inh.

inh-era I bought It wan Ihe n-null of an exploaion. thlrs In PvriilinK (ucs la Whether Ihe Ship urird tnntraluintl. Washington, May 29. (Hi Hie eve of liennnny'a reply In ilm American iioIh on Hie sinking of Hie lainllaiiia there are Indliuthinn that I'realdenl WllmH will lake tlm poullkill that If lieriiinny wlalien lo riindmt ing im-Kiitlulionn aim lirnl must usM-iid null marine warfare on Aim-rlean nlilim. II wan expected here Hint Ilm Herman note might In delivered any hour today lint iilltrlala Hiought II might not reaeli WuKlilligloil In-fore Monday.

Tim passing of three weeka, however, nlliee tlm l.unllanla wan lorpe dih-d han not dliiiliihdicd Ilm leiinioH In high oflti lal iiuartern, where Hie eonvhiioii prevails that H-riimny nliouhl make an early dlnavowal of any Intention Hint Amerh-an liven nliouhl la? lost. Tlm Herman admiralty admlto-lon Ilm I Herman nulniinrine torpedoed (ho Hiilfllglil wlllnnil warning In taken In eonhrni Ilm eoiii-lilnlon ri-aelieil lie- 1I.ANS em STBAMSIII1 LINKS AKK IKKSKNTKI) -i-m. M.iv Her- AlnMISII lllllR Tvl 1 In (mlMUiimilnr Print t-slav iind ra III i '1 it- i.iiiiiii'M I melt Is- iimii- publli: May Ilann for vicainsliip I'nea fri the I'mleil hlsm lo Konlh Anieruw, dii-ineil enaeiiiiul' for elowr rclatioua liel ween Ihe Amcr-linn, were preaelileil today liy Ihe iranepoiiaMon roinmlllee. A immn--III loiniiilltno of n-pn-netitalltea of Ihe I'nlli-d Klulea. Argentina.

Ilranil. 'hilt, I'niK'iay, Kcmtilnr and li-ru lo woik for the develiiiiielit of lie- plull wan reeiHiiiie-ilis! 'I hi. rnninilltc-- re-Jiniin were aiilimillml. fine, fclKtii-vl hy Ih-legalf a Alndn, of loiiilon. May 29.

--Tir rifle lighting ilea along Ihe linn with Ihe Aua-iroiit ruinn howl making mmm prog-rea Kienlawa, i.u mllea north Ilrenivid. white Ihe lliingnrlnu lor la Ih-Iiib hurli'd hack g- roan Ihw river In Ihla region lh lluvnlann a-M-it they Imik aeveral Ihnuvand prln-mu-in. In lim Cgu n- ua Ilm lluaainng are now III poMo-Mlnn of Van and arw aO-vilili n-l an It- a tc'i. 1 Tnrfcn. The in-t ieiir dwelt on Ihe Itnli-h advani'c toward lavllaanee and inrlher I'n-iii prog nan In Ihe nee-lor ol la-nn-Arran line.

Near Kcarle, a lit i tv- In Ihe north of Arran, a formidable Her man forln-nn Imra tlm mad eastward he French havo taken a pail of Ihi wotkn, known an Ihe "Imliyrnih." The lii-rmaiin are imdsting nlouHy and llo-y have Hindi? nevea aaaaulla on the Fn-mh ponliMinn. Ilerlln n-porin that Ilm hulllu of AhlnlnMl Nnvnlre nllll I raging. Say SuccvtMg Offgal. I'eirograd. May 29.

Army olllcera Imre asM-rl Dial Ilm llunnlan vklnry on Ilm Han linn offset Ilia nuci-eanea of ilm Austro Herman (on en at Nadym-no and ihuinskow. Al Nndynimi Urn Hermann occupied o-rriiorv on Ihe rlald Iwnh id Ilm Man, extending nve mllea east and an miual dMnme smiili id the village. These gains am regarded Imre an Isolated niiiteiiieiiln, while Ilm whole left flank of Ihe Herman army heiween Ilm Via-luln and Cnriielhlana In being preaaed nlnna Ihe llna In Ilm moulh of Tlm lie ml remarkable aeqiml In Png mud lo Ilm kinking the I iisiianln wan Ihe allimnt Imiuidlale Milhfenk of anllHerinnn rioting in all ihe Urge It lea and limny of Its- run I dltr.N The rioting emillnued -isundh-ally fur "'newt a week, and a'llmmili emiipar II lively mile vln'i-nrn wav ilmm lo Herman rr-udi-itin In I'ugtnnil. uiin-h properly daiiinim n-nutieil. par llenlarly In llw Kant l.nd or lounlon, where Ilm dnmnge In e-liumlid at md le-n limn one linnilreil iiioiisnnd d-d lira, dim pkinra klmwa ihe rffio-t on one Herman ahop afi-r a visit from a molt.

Tlieotlierehnwaa pmierilon u-sl l-y a llrlilnh baker t- guard bla hlo-p from attnekv. Araenlina: Cavah-itnu, of liraxil, anil Ilm lamllanln note wun nenl. iuii'T -ii flu reply vl? a ninH-iil In CIu Mi defer dclinlln -i' HO i'f fini-iiy'N mile -Un slid flfiiiHnilit i and Hie tv. govern-iurka-l an iiiijhii I mill to ahi-ln Ihe l.usilaliia i4 i sir: niitrahnnd, ar an cruiser iVi.ili f-pl). II ib)-, would In In ia fii-alinii in "ilefine Ihn mV ax-4 in tin- argument pn-rriifig Willi till till- It-IM-rts from Ih-rlln that Ilm mile marine nHiiniaiider had nald elono III venllgalhm of tlm neutral rliariirler ol Ilm Hlilfllghl wan dmigeroiin Is-enusi-nlm wan In Ilm i oiiimiiy of two lirlllnli paiml luiais waa poliiH-d mil hy oltl-rlaln an proof of Ilm i-onlenllon Dial Herman submarine with nennli or at leant wnrnlng may nub-Jei I all Amerlean trenmda lo Ilm nanin rlskn an lielligprent rraft foiu.

or rruguay, proposes: A fust line or lii.mi-l Ion nleaiie-m would lie iiiHtalh-d h-tween tile I 'till Hino-a Hiol Ilm Ho Jwnclm.Miiiilu?ldio and lluriion Ayres, capahlo of making Ilm toyaue In fifteen mil'll ahiim lo In? exemi-t for live yearn from lineal i liarg'-w. Iinin would In- called (or tint later than next Deennher mid would In-aii'-d uinin williln lliiee uiuiiIIih and M'hsildo awnnlml lo tlm liuildiT si-lid i-Mlliesl deliveries. The Not Hi and Smith would arp-e on (lie ill? ishui of eniH-nse, It wan agreed hy Ihe oilier nieinls-rn and delegatee from i hill Hint then- nliouhl lai iwn linen of fal hlenninliliM. PRESffiENT TO WARN MEXICAN ACTIONSr GAlllESii. NUMBER SOCIALISTS' PEACE MEET ABANDONED.

4aitcl In London. Mo The Herman jili- Aineiiiiin mile mi Ilia Use l.iiu.inu in lu-ing 1 iiih ki i iiii-n it. It In 4 IkTlui il i-nileHk'iir I'l ar h. il luir-t nn gcveral iw i Ihla jj lion I bp. Kuaaian fqyraa I rea ten IhwlvaTlMlv Ihe nmdh.

I l.i His Slali'PHiil oil Siluation In l.nirw t'miiiilinns mid Srnc As a Nolirr lo I hr Idtulrm That I'. S. Will Insist on ImiiiTivmieiil. A XKITKI.IN STHPCK ItY imiTIXII S1IRIX I'arln, May 29. Owing lo Hie ron-ll-llonn of war wlneli have Imilalml hwil-Xi-rland.

Ilm Inlet imHoiiuI --n-e ga'h enng of KorlullMa wlilth waa In Imre Ih-i-ii lil-hl In y.urihh tomorrow has Ix-t-n aliumloiiiil. When rondiiinun iiiopiioiin II In proponed In hold Ine inleniiilliuml riuifereiue hi He? Iw. ini-ann lo hrlng hIhuiI Hriuunent in-are at Ihe elone id Ihe war hv llllirtalionn nrinnmi-nt. hy neeurlng ou-n diplo-iimry lu-iween imlionn, and hy rnlali-liNhlug an Inleriiailoiial i-oiirt of tijcnl Warning. Mar is.

urgent In Ann rn an shipping I iriki-rnng the naval war mw-iv in have all -jtailia- ill. na veil an a- llieliiililiK ''a-1 tiictil was vi mini II-! la 'in- iliHrl ini-lit Ci Kuan go? cm lili-lil. He, it-va, My 29. A dispatch from Frh-drli hshafen ssva ona of tlm T-ep-IM-IIng lib'll raided tbiuihendn,, lltrea Hava ago, wax airm-h hy a llrlllxh shell and Itnally fell Inin Ihn msi off llelgoland. Whether Ilm rraur was aayml la tint known.

ESTATE LEFT TO INF! l.ondnli. M.i) 29. Tiltklh lmoei li'0 iiiling lie- HmIIImiI p-ninsula lit- luinOng foneH mini Ih-h-iI su.iHin aminlliig lo an I VHe ns di-i-nl- li. The Tuisii ale reiiiHiuliiK on Ihe de In Ho- r.iu-J'ols and are mu i i-ht hi nil i-iOiiis on Ihe lierdaii- li. wtn-ir.

ililori eiiii-iila are being liioiighl from Kvrla. Aliiluunlllon Is ii pnil--d 0. Is- din ri using lapldly with no pi-MM, ol' st ruling mine. I.0SS P.Y FUCKS IN I'. S.

LAST YKAIC $22 1.000.000 Waiiliiiigion.Miiy I'm Id- nl il soiin Klali-iin-iil mi ilm Mexii.m siiua I linn Will milium review Id nil-lit and her vn at a warning In lli fai-lion al li-adein ihm tin I'lillril Hlalcn will limlnl oil an I While refiiM- indue 0. dlK i lisa what ai'ei native Ilm pis-Mil- of lian In mind, wan liilunuo-d hriiad1? -Ihul Ihe ndniinixirallon l-t O-rmi-ii-d lo lake Min-h aw nei e-mar'. I The linn In el i .1 )-! I 1 IWWj Hie president ell Ilia own pew ri'-'l I and In said i-oiiiam ufmiit I --i--1 I Id ago. May I n-:) In wnnln. Il wii! 'e- f-irwanh-d tin- Mi i.

la.irm-, t-tl la-ui lean npi-ulK l.n-4-,1 on Ihe IV. aim-iiK Hie On l- iiltlel-. In Il nl li.i slim I linl mini it inna ill 4 hr Better Agreement. -c-n. Mj-: AiulntHnudor ii.i.i- ii; while tlm kv in Hu- A iiii-i li-un Hide i iH-n ii.i-ri-il lo him ho a riHiurst for I IxelS.

x. I MTKI PUKSHVIKIH VN I III II If KSOI.1 ffadaatrlana ta Taka Lang Htka. ITtllaib-ll hla. May 29 Several aeon or men. ranging in nae (ruin 20 lo VI years, are to atari from Ihla rlty to inghl nn a walk lo New Vrk eby he Walkers' elm of America la promoting the routes III an attempt stimulate Intereal In long dialaneo walking, a branch of allilellra in whirl I lie Americana are far behind Ihe Ku-r-iprsns.

TTm ronle lielween Ihe two clllcv inea-urea almut 97 miles, anl ii la a peeled ii will be roxrred by a Now York. May hulk of Ihe Phlule of Alfn-d H. V.mili-rollf. wlm perished on Ine l.ilnlluuia, palluiMli-d at over liflv iiillluin dollarn. in fl 111 Iruid under Ills will lo ln mluul Miuij f22l.iHMi.uiHi.

a mini rxreedi-d imlv liy hln m-eonil wife. M.uaan-1 Fnn-r In Itml and 1W. In l'ie himory non Vainierliill. They an- Altnd Ihe rounlry. areord.n In Jr and Uinrge.

The will wan lib-1 1 sulmiliieil lo Hie Natumul IWnrd of fin pro'-ate onlay. rnderwfrtieM In illiam II. Vimderliill. IiN -am hvlTlie however, were well dla hin ft rt wife, who wav divorced, n-. trilmled llininiit Ilm rounlry.

Ilm re-relvi a irunl fund id live iniHhui dol-j port showed, larn. Ihe Vaiiih-rhlli pru-rly known an Ilm naklaml fnim m-ur WAIMIII I'ACiKS KKPOIM' AKUIVKS The fi-por nl. May fg'ii'lilV1 fii 1 flt I iMir il Ir-d l.uit-ius. If I.I...!,'",I,:"1 I mid 'I' hdi.iriHd I ls.ll.-4 of the walkrru wbhlu 21 nalorlly hours. FORSYTH COUNTRY CLUB BUILDING adoplcd In a-scnihlr of lh ch'ir-h of North on Monday addreed l'ie for lit r--.

luuly lu iil.scrvaiic". nl liiuvllig liaHMdoi 41 fi-r I ii- rv ih hi which f-r i -i. an it i-xperta wlm wr. In- at, tin Ill- will lie wllhlield ihe nhlp he deuirl- it Vera brua'victim. A tnotiu- 1,1,11 sulmT-rlpIliUI Of hr.ini-ln 1'.

i hi nullor, wlm Im -h. of Vera if lie unveiliul iiiueiery In voilie to a -it llial I lo- ITuie'l Klaien as rn rcpiildii a Tu Irlciul" I- il lint In-rc is limige. Ail i-inliirru on rkpnnuiioii of mn Trom tlm I ini'-d i-i s-ud to I- i under ciuislil- r.iiiiHi. Tin- i Ike ton t.r-di, iiulnn.iti. I'reslih-nl Wil on liy Iniviill West, who' :) PI.

lerenllv r-luriH 'I fnun Mexico. Is mu 1 1 vi tulle-, and no di lii" I ilv of anv fw 'i-in lo mi lofiiniii'ri -f ihe sim.iiion 1 1 rH" The n'. .1 II Hkld. is lM d- lo it. I week "Ml Mnu Icrinliii'il mi on Air.

V. c-i-. c. ti.n hading SMT ulone, I'stk llieso f.iiln nl in r-lli- an.iiil oilier ili'-a that hail lerii cMiiing I i- a If. lie ic-i.

1 I llllil for llioiillis Ill'll I'm--, i tn-lh-a for M-rlio an Itu Toni nn r. lo In lie concept: -I In rnvclli aii-l -ill. a. 1 in-nt warchon al Hnl? Mon. and Kl iv.ivr m.d'i.o iht' ninks! of l.ik.- II N.

cMial r.ns with Cariiiiigs m'd an I u-i ViPu iivivTi'm lo open Hu- radio. h)M( iif toini-r IH I nun Vera 'un lo Mexico city Is- ol m-d e'lpplis ('l il ii 4- -hi, I lo- ipi rsl I'iiii-d I'r- iivicruit America n. it Kin of mot. wits and a rf-1iilin I i- ii of I'u a k.14 i of of Miioilsv A Id. it I l-iris alo ri- ITAI.IXN I'OIH'KS -I 'I lUlM.I'l.ll, I.

SIKAMLU I Mi I I'll Ihe tsirimll nnd Imsl of Cornelius Van-derlillt and a gold inediil viHeil liy i-on-greaa lo Corm-liua Vanderldlt. Thin legacy la In addilion lo a liberal set llniii-iit which William II. received (nun hin rather during bin life Hmu-e la HI yearn old. Mr Vandi-ridlt made pmvlhloii for the widow hy leaving her three iiillllmi dollar anil the Income from live mil lion rinllura In trust an well an tlo-Vaiidi-ilnll estate III Ihe Adinuulaika and In laiinlon. Iteluiiv-a and fri-iids rii elveil from It iiihi lu The tnlaiil nous share ill Ihe retd.

The legacy will held In tru-d for lln-m until they NTlVV HIV A 4 lial.jiM a' t- gun laiiiil 11 Ihe runner ir I sr- The iliri-elora nl tie' Forsyth Cimiii (Tub have -alined In imld III--lol'llisl iiH-nillK llie t.ew r-lllli I I'll mg wi-id of i ne it) on ii XI Tln.ra duy evening, at r. when grand Imrlsciii- will hi nerved H.e of Ihn ('lull on the grounds, ibis to lie fnili-w-l l-v a dance in club hull-lli's. A.i Inf'TiiMl proguni in for Hu. evcn.iig le-im. nrrt.iige-l Hiiniisldre.

Ilia iMH-rs, and he lad fell mor-H I'n-suleiil hy an g.idlenca that park-. i ue healer from tup huitam, Hm everclses of Ihe Win--ion Ssl-'in high hml were held last iity'it s' the Aud'iorium. lea! ir- hv a luillisat ail-lr- ss by Hr. i iisrlis ll.iper of the I nlveraltv of Carolm, and a delight rul an- 21 when each will reieive onlriKin Ihe Inenine and one-foiirtli of Ihe print-limi. Al Ihe agea of 2S.

3n nml i. Tliiiin- -i-nuig I hose wlui in lliia W.s wiili lui.r win. each non will receive imm- rain son will wlih there WlH lie SI' rl soi i ii or 'i itisro Mav 29. 9 hv I high ai-hool pupils- SifT O': of Hie principal. Ntw Deatroyar for U.

8. Navy. nsidv A leiier in Hu- eovi-miiu-nl -f siai" and -miuu- iiiicrcsicd lh Means, kll-g n-ci-ntMil was l.i ml lislay hy ('rima Ip r- ni-w ih-varil. derlared I UV I'l pii fliStOrd fr ii't' I Mh lrt hvi4 (iMltn i i r.n i ll Ai In li' I. ii i'u i 1 -u 1 ii I 1 it lii'in- riin I 1 I.r --an I ran is It.

i j-1'1 i I- It ti -it. off Pott. 1 Ilrc. ll-- i. tu Ilm h-Ti- I ud ati i.

knn A iniv is, mil-, li-te lue pleasing feature of lh-, hlri the inusl-s high mdueil arches giving nn vBffMifhY nvuriwpfi snd rias-b'al nunilN-ru during l-e ev. nln Af-er I'm (imnlng prav--r l.y W. IlMlelttns, Ihe htgv liuol 'mrUrt rendered Thn Voire of C-Biiincenl scenic a. waa lorinullv iislav. t-i I II "si- Tlm road I'uii'jI il Tops ii an lulka liv III' nl the i.lll.

I he will le iiiformsl in i.v WnahlmHoii. May of- sense nnd a rn njovald-i line Is n- lals of (he Navy H-larllin-nt wi-n anln-lpali-d l-v iliorie fortiinal 1 1 Camden bidav loaH-nil Ilm launch enough In Im liii-inhera of lliia organ Ing of I im iirs-io boat destroyer ijaijnn. hullding Ml Ihe yard of ihe la nnnreive I in-1 lull has na- I New York Shiphiilldin-4 conip.iny ina sib-nli-l tin-niiN and Ilm -that city. of the itrg inlJli-n la gsau.rd. l)K( UKASi: IN RAILWAY AH IDKNTK IS SHOWN hi fii- 'i I The groiiiida arn now In apb-iulid r-' I is wide enough i- id9iM.

fr. 1 wlb-ii of almui i-osi of more 1 fl ih, it or ii miri.i) BOATfi Washioc'iiii. May 29. -A ic railway s--''t''-t is aliowrn in lh- rc port for I'u I iHHlcr of fill filf.TA'C.r ftACF thv inlcr.iinic loiniiicric I'oiniri- -ion It show killed nml tl.otu jiirvil. (if killed, only 79 I dentil In Irani wrcikn.

SOU SPlt -i I I- I mu i o' Floated Without Damage. 'shape aiwl hardly a day paasua 1ml tint Washington. May 29. Tlm gronpa of golf and rs-reaiun I I AN KITM AI.LY i Alexandria, has ls--n flonleil wlilmiii dainagi. i ii i.

i' s-K-i, ft si Mi 29 Anxc l-t. i-r Ini- Hatfield Ian sifi I'm VliCo? i k--nl u-Ki. fi trill' ally til MI 11 ld 1 I Ili'lH't. i fi 'lrll 1g ir.i urn. ANcrniKII STKAMKIt IS Timi'LDOKIl ANU M'NK -n i I'O-S- I I V-It Mill Ik- ft I 1 p- 1 -d li- 'i; Cllv I Ii f.tsf "il -I, Muts." this Ino heme a mine, i -mg fent-iro of ttm i-yctili pr if! rum 1 1 -I folio lug ft- rhonta singing the Sinners In seierwl rei-ept dMlauis-i 'hi i and nave ttn-ir prim Innlna which wera splen-ll-lly appla-idcil (ior-lon Amhler, winner of the -M-'lver nip declama-ion, and Miss Ib-sslo llntflilna, who 'in Hm re-its'lon m-d4l.

gavn i heir s-li-rtoiis. after whb-h WrL-h' annntinred the I'csrrlnglon hygiene are.nly anticipated bv dsas Mr Carroll the winner, amid lass mates and th lotinnm then pro- In tin- At, rh a't ion and '4 tocit .1. -I in- in- ond'ii i- Ifll- I Iif r-ou-cN III ii, le- i-i. In I- fii-'oi i j-artii ipa-M North Carolina, wl.leli gnimid'-il (l imuid nn the exi bin iH.ks, WHh ihe opening of llie rlnlr house, one of Ihe handsomest, largest and Im-hi a knied Tn aim siai-. II la eenaln tlial the Country i Tub will Im the scene each day and evening of delightful goeliil affairs, 'ninny of whb-h are already l-eliig plan -I folbtwlng ainiounri nieni of the LiIiiIh for the formal opening, After i lo- la opened fe Iiiciulmra (here will lie coilipeleiit stew Indicates was Torpedoed ridence Forwarded die Nebraskan Liverpool. 29 -Tlm Khb-r-iN-riipsicr I'l- steamer Kpinope In- Is-en io'pi-lo1 and aiink. The iltl-r officer and men have Iss-n it. up. The of (lie cicw Is In- ti.m lleved sal-. Vaya Memorial Unvailad.

M. -in. 29 Tli" vtnwi, lather i II 4-1-1 .1 assli-i-i-fill? in 'ii- iinveil-na of a The lire air trom ill I hr I winning I'rof. II winner of t-u- jl.ritc. an event i he exp-f lan- was d-.

'r Kv Id-nee for-. cal cxamlnnllon of I'm vcv-o on Iter wda in charge al all Hines. Meil will Taae tn the I rival at Liverpool anl look Marenients H. served When ill-aired and tight re oMalnalde. -r it Maaa at Msnailary n-s Military It r.c I i.

'i nil ro -r- i-' Sin-1 Fall, a former -i-ii'r 4 lid an I f.1 I he tb'i- lr Mayo, was i i iii'-illii ct-renuini-- i i i-' si ul, our. Ipia Iiark lilshop i from Capt. Hreene and lh" er-w The nlwaxa Show jli( balliereil maineer said lie saw tv sul.itm-;.r and tnh baths, golf and delightful i-'t o-i-pb-ied tor 11. llal'i-nore May 29. cl Vitt ma.

I1). I l- 1 c-l I'l 19' Xjl1' i1! i'. I 1 o' h. 'i In Ursur i (l.l.-ii- t-lC 1 1. -) t.uML i o-r ii-1 rh ir- Ii t-f walks, nail x-erwuina.

pb-niy of rending yapl Ml St. Josepi J-ns 1 sud nm-tal In Mr. Ml tuhliui. Tha llur- ink Liuliih prise wag awardid Mary F.tlrd and lh Wiley aorta- ewers, naval at-jrlne Just Imfore Ilm attack. embassy tlm Nebraskan at an The detailed cvhlclue Is Imihg k-iil ii.atler and ollmr diversion" will Kl-1 M'inl hy niail but a summary of Hi tualn i wava tend to make the ountry luh a dead.

A ifeiitiires. pri-imred liy dm Mule de moat populsr n-surt for Vi iimton-Miil. in cp ts Isllluior idav In --v Son! iiior- nr-- h.r:9. I I a il.icii-i -S' (Continued on page Five.) -il- made a technl-' will Im leu-d toiilglil. SiKi-ir folba.

lo take kirt..

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