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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TEEEOR CHILDREN. Ono Disease Which Every Intelligent Mother Dreads. If Toar Child Not Well, You Should It Ui'foro tlie Sett In. Do Not Itnoro Flnt Symptania, Thei'e la no more drtadcd ascaso by parents than fits, epilepsy and St. Viius 1 dance.

If there is one -word o.f advice wo would give to parents it is not to allow children who become indisposed, nervous or a. little out order, to drift into these terrible diseases. Kcyicot of tho first symptoms is marly silways accountable fur tho termination in fits, -epilepsy or Si. Vitus' dunce. Cure tlie child when the first symptoms appear.

Watch the infant or child and sec if it manifests auy nervous symptoms, if it is nervous, restless, wakeful, cries grits its teeth or tosses about in sleep, hus twitching 1 of muscles, limbs or eyelids, it its tong-iie is coated, breath bad with irregular appetite and bowels. See if it is pale, puny and does not prow and develop if it tires.easily and does not play with usual energy. so, you must look out for j-OLir child or these most dreaded complaints will follow. Give it at once Ur. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, which, from its perfectly womlerVnl record in curing children, is thu remedy in nearly every home in tlie land.

This greatest of children's remedies is perfectly harmless, being made of p'aro vegetable medicines, and may bo given to infants or children of any age. Jt will always bring 1 health and strength to the little ones. II LITTLE JIAItY Jt'BAY. Charles L. a highly esteemed oilieer, who resides at 14 Myrtle New Bedford, says: "Aboxit two years ago my littlo daughter became vun down in health suffered from St.

Vitus' dance. Soon after she was prostrated by rheumatism, which, severely affected her lower limbs, After trying various remedies with-' out obtaining she began taking JVr. Greene's Xervnra blood and nerve vemcdy, and experienced Immediate benefit. continued its tise, and sifter taking five bottles her rheumatism was practically cured. -Her appetite returned, her pains disappeared, she was' again able to wallc without lameness, her general health was re-.

stored, and she was able to attend schotl and to play like other children." Eemember that Dr. Greene's Nervura blood-and nerve remedy is not a patent medicine, but i.s physician's prescription prepared by the most successful THE RAILROADS Hammond to Have New Transfer Yards at Once. THEY'RE BADtY RATTtBD. Popocratic Press is Full of Con trad ict ions. TWO ROADS COMBINE General News of Railroads and Rail, road Employes.

The MiehJ'giui Cenlrul Itailruad coin- will UL-xt wec-k besin. ttou eon- sr.ruetioit 1 of a 'JH-w Sinn-age-, switching and rriiinsi'irr yaird.s ait H-uiii-mnaid to be uporalj'd In eorai'ijciUon, wi'Clii Pennsylvania, lliiies. tlve OliicMgo it Term tall Wosten Belt Hue. The yards will consist of twenty tracks extending I ho State HIHJ to point near nlve river. Tihrsoi tracks will be used for the tra.nsTer of ii.r.mad by tlKl-r use the conges- of 'business will bo grwutly ro- lie-ve-il.

Tliw; Ohiiieago. Belt has ii.lre.ndy uvude a record of twiinsfwring of cattk- llroni tho Siui-hi Fc rosid nortli of Cllii- Ciigo to the Hamir.oinl yards Tin ntty- elglut minutes. improvements will cost NOTjas. John IT.vd''iiijrPr IKI-S ri'snniC'il work after brief Hl.uess. Sophie a.

coat-h 1 ofC for days' vivwution. IT. S. Tous.Je,v -wcnut to C'hiicago yesterday cm No. 21 business, Si'temiaiKl 'has work in 'the shop aifitw a fmv da.ys' s.iek- ness.

Ed of I'he Msiste.r otltt-o Is olT duty on of- sick- On lines wldl tr.ainis to Lo.ufcivMle ii't for the t.rlp. WHlinan Foster, of the pHiulwg mill, accO'inpanied by luis wife, IMS returned from a visit with relinitives at St. Louis. The now crane which is being erected Just mst of tlhe room is olrnosl complete nmd will be ready for use in few d.iys. H.

IJ. B. Moore, -boss of t'be lalborlns repair track gang, has resumed -work aftcf 'a few da.ys off on account of aai 'hiju-rsHl Ifg. K. Boyd, for years fl: baggage mastcir on.

i'he Vaiula-liht, Is -ncnv farm- i'lig on. ji.n extensive scado iai Crawforil Illitoois. Young, storc-keepi'ir at t'h'fi shops, aiud Mr. Gould, of the Dcmii'lsom sho-p, were visitors nt t'lro local shops yestK-day af'teim'com. LMi.clw.el Rl'ley, the Now York Bowery evangelist, is this to Columbus, 0., lialilhi-g aioon-day raeetiJigs a.t the different railroad shops.

C. IT. iSclui.ti'.mnin, no-vv iviitlii tho rotmsylVOTia. will on. Nov.

1 become geiroral -agwit. of tine Columbus Vailley ia.fc Ciocin.ira;ti. excursion tickets -wl-ll be sold by jtll today: Western at That stnffsei'tag Pojiocraitlc or- the Kokoirio IMspfihrJi, is badly rattled AS 'the Plwnw. It a plate tlwut does not liarmoulze with tbe views it expresses in its editorial columns. For Inelsimeo, tlie Dispatcli kis to the ropotiratlc Ctilljicy the pir.Ice of whcait aaul tho price of sJlrei-Jwive been clcpLjidcut on- each' other; tMit whom silver did -e, awl vice licrc Its special service srnrt the aibs.ii.rd the lie.

Here is a clipping from -Bic Issue ol' October -(): "'J'luo vaJwe of whwi.t is franked a.b- 'by l3ie u.naJ.tCTHbl« lai'ws of ply do'imund, nikli'd tamixwarily Itlinos. by influences. rs advance or (live -pi-ice of wltcsiit. -to flic' oqi-portiinitiiWi otfwod to. the exer- fft tine business.

There are evidences -at -t'be present time whi-di show ck'ai'ly Uci-l; eitlver Eopnblican Nn commldtee, m- a syndicate hi -elese 'touch witdi Jt, liuis recou'tly been in -a sipeeulti'tiive vc.uturo iK Ivatl 1101- 'Ms piu-poS'e ttie nwktiwof ca'jiileil in a.ddition. to IK few dollaa-s." Ttwuiliiff over to a.nothei- page oC t'bo pa-pcr t'lio m-arloet quotations toll of. t'hiO famine Jin India and the conse- queut la.i'prc export dema.nd, to which lly ascribed the sharp tul- vainiee in pi'l-ce of whicwl'. Popo-are ihavhip 'n-. 'hard stnigfflc this year to recciiR-i'le 1'lieiT theoiretlcfll IJil- laei-os wi till nih facts tis tiiey exist.

Republican Meetings. Republican speakings irtll 'be held at the following places in Oass county: Thursday niiglit, Oct. 22nd, Broadm-ay rtoli, A. J. Beverldge, IF TROUBLED WITH RHEUMATISM READ THIS.

Annapolis, Apr. 1G, have used Chamberlain's Paia Balm for rheumatism and found It to be all that is claimed for it. I believe it to be the best preparation for rheurawtiism an; deep seated muscular pains on tne roar ket and cheerfully recommend It to the G. Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, No. IS Main St.

ALSO READ THIS. Mechnaicsvllle, St. Mary County, Md. -I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man wlio had been suffering with rheum-atlsin for several years. It made him a well man.

J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by B. -F. Keesling, druggist.

specialist in curing- nervous and chronio roads have aimujtfwl for four more, diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th nvo to be in Novemlwr and two Jn New York City. The Doctor can to consulted without charge in lll 1 i ff Western, tourist season. case, personally or by letter. STATE NATIONAL BANK LOOAKSPORT, IND.3 OflPITfVL, J.

F. Johnson, PrMldent. 3. W. Ullery, President H.

J. Heltbrfnk, DIUECTOR8. T. Johnson. B.

W. Ullery. J. T. Elliott, W.

M. Elliott. W. H. Bur and Government bonds.

Loan Money on peritonal security and IMKIIC certificates of bearing per cent. Interest when left one year; 2 per cent, per annum when deposited six months. Boxes In Safety Deposit Vaults of thli bmnb for the of deeds, Insurance ycllcles, mortgages and ether valluablea, rented at from IS to $16 year. ONLY ONE LINE THAT DOES IT. There Is now only one lino through double daily service from Missouri River points to California, and that lime is the Union Biiciflc.

'The Overland Limited" is the fastest "train in the "West, and Us equipment of Free Keel in In? Chair Cars, Buffet 'Smoking and' 1 Library Cars, Pullman Dining Sleeping Cars Is unsurpassed. No other line offers equal facilities for California travel. For further particulars send for advertising matter of. the Union Pacific, the Original Overland Route. Jus.

Welch, General Agent, room 30, Carew building, Cincinnati," OMo. from 5Iny 15 to Sept. 30, retunin tourist tihte joint ngen cios in Colorado. er JJO'rc-c 3ind Ills su'b offieialls on the west of Pittslrai'R yesterday In- tlie 'Iiuliuaiwpolls diivlskni be- Vctnv Coluniibiis omid Indianapolis, The 'been oblised to re poTbiou- oC its round houses at Hante-nnd other p'oimts to admit of liousliw Wfic hm-RO now frelglM Tnobrvi's 'they IIOTV receiving TJie s'took'hO'ldens of the Eel River wad will GiO'ld (ilioli- annwiJ mecdug nt Nov. 4.

'Some impormmt is to come 'before the mooting for in wiitli CHAS. L. WQLL, UNDERTAKFR 417 Market 0 feet Calls attended to proi iptly, diy Central Union and Mutual telephones. Office. No.

Renldeuce. No, IE. KROEQER STRAIN, Undertakers 610 BROADWAY. Catarrh is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaiparilla, -which the blood. a work la by elck caused by Indisestlon and trouWes.

DeWItt's Little Karly Risers are the most effectual pill for overcomtaif auch M. Johnston. today Wrlghit Boddc's opening 321 Bearl street. A wis at Hie Peimsyl- vimiia tro.tU'Otul shops in Altoonia, staitlns tlia.t to order to reduce expenses 'lit would bu jiecessaiy to close iiUo shoiw wiitiil nexb Monday. The order affocts 'Some six thonisirnd employes.

Joe Qu'inn of Woarver's gamp striiL'k to tilwj 'bead with a wrench yesterday and quilte sereroly Injured. He wns tlffhlomtoR a bolt wlieii tbc wroneli off stniclc toto in t'be forehead, iinfllctiug wn ugly gash, flnd brills. the flesh severely. Prospects are that tho yaaidnto. Wte Big Four (S't Louis' division) will for the next tluec nuonblKS 'ha-ve the live-stock tralflc at any time i'n tlie ihilstory of the lines, and in turn the PanlwJKlle airid Bee-tine divisions of the Biig Four will be fcirgely by tlh'e increased sbJpnTerats to Bast- In the first flftecn days of October there were defflvered at Atlautlic ports for bushels of graio, against 1 3,510,271" bushels to the corresponding tivo of 1805, and a relplit bfflclol says tihe more Importnnt of the situation Is that all avail- albie graJn room for months ahead has been eiDiyaged on 'both 1 Atlantic and Pacific steamers, Bfnud-mnxle Oreaans Opera.

Cneam Oaniamwls Turbans Loaf 23c Vclvcit Chcwlnpr Candy Full ll'nc 1 Fruit Tnlblots 25c Kff orton Peainait 2(Jc A full line of nut goods awl caramels, also a full line of Walter M. chocolates. WRIGHT HOUSES FOR SALE. AM the houses, om, ifihe south side of Cniiiafl street bebwean Third street alley west of First street, Log-ansport, to tihe P. C.

C. L. Ry. are for saJc. For prices ap- to L.

Purccll, claim agent at the even.img, Oot. 22, Baptist school 'house, Harrison, township, W. Wlilsoa. evening, Oct. Stady Nook, Clay township.

M. Quian. ailmrsday, Oct 22, Pleasant HH1 school house, CliniLon townisWp, D. 0. Fi-idiiy evening, Oct.

23, Onward, Robert J. Lov eland. FrUkiy evening, Ocr. 23, Harness school hoiuse, Deer Creek township, ii. A.

"Quiinin. Friday evening, October 23, Harness school house, Deer Greek township, B. McConnell. Friday even-ing, Oct. 23, TF.

T. Wi'Json. Frldny evening, Oct. 23, Ffl liner school house, Washington townsbip, Ciipit. Framik Swigart and S.

T. MeCon- Saturday evening, Oct. 24, Lucerne, M. A. Qui'Mi.

'Saturday eV'on-Inig, Oct. 24, Walton, W. T. Wilson. Saturday evening, Oct.

24, Georgetown, Orlando Powell. Saturdny evening, Oct. 24, Twelve Mile, George W. Funk and George W. Walters.

'Monday 'eA-cmlug. Oct 2(i, Waverly, T. B. Kvnms of India iwipolfe. Tmesilsvy cvftiriing, Oat.

27, Young Anwriea, T. B. t-vcuhig, Oct. 2S, Royal Center, T. B.

Evans. 'evening, 20, Clymers, D. IB. M'cCouiiwllI :i.i:<l J. 0.

McGregor. Olcmfttj- evening, Oct 20, Wilson's ichool liiouw. Tiptonij Q. A. owiung.

Oct. 20, S-u-vcn-foo't schc-ol liouse, Tack'Son Or- Powell ivuid B. F. ewiring, Oct. 2G, Dcneon.

W. T. Wilscn a.ud Fn-ed Tjiindis. Tuicsdfuy evening. Oct.

27. Ca.Ko'wa.v school -baiise, D. C. Justice. TuesulnO' ea-eniniig.

Oct. 27, Ckntter sdtool ilwusc, Wrtsluiaigtoni, Ga.m- ibTe aitti'd Gw, Fonfe. cveiiiing, Oct. 28, Oengc school house, BethWiem township, Q. A.

Myers. Wednesday evening, Oct. 28, AVtilfcon. Gco, Funk Geo. Walters.

Tlmrsd.ay cvom-Ing. Oct, 20, James F. 'Shitesman. evening, Qct. 20.

Adams-, Q. A. Myers aiiul G-eo. Tiiursilny cveaing. Oct.

29, Center lionsc, Jeffersoai lowBis-lilp, Win) Acton. Oct. Center school Noble townsliip. W. T.

Wilson. Fred Ljuidis. Friday ovculng, Oct. 30, G.ilvestom, D. C.

Fred Lnndis. Friday evC'iiing, Oct. 30, Lucerne, S. T. and FraMc Swigart.

ovenilng, Oct. 30, Twelve. Mite, T. Wilson, wud Goo. Honey Saved By buying fail clothing ofus.

We have the ku-gest line of coats end Ulsters to select from in the city. Bought at hard prices, these goods will besold at prices that will save you money. Come In and we w.ill con-viiice you that we mean what we say. Men's Overcoats and Ulsters $3.50, $4 and Youths Overcoats and Ulsters $2.50, $3 and Upwards Children's Overcoats $2,50 and Upwards The above statement ap-plies wiuh equai) force to our line of Men's, Youths', Jiind Chll-dreii's Suitings. Good, every-day, serv.ieeaiblc, suite or liuedress suite as desired.

Read tbe prices. Meii's Suits. OO upwards Youtbs Suits 3.5O Oliildreu's Good All-Wool SuLcs, lots of tliein 2.OO upwards Boys besc knee pants in America, all wool double seat and will not rip, at 5O cents. Men's Clay Worsted Suits best in city at $7.50 Men's All-Wool Pants 1.25 HOWS THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Kail's Catarrh Care.

F. 3. Cheuey Toledo, We, the undersigned, have known J. Cheney, for the last 15 years, a.nd believe him perfectly honorable IB all business transactions and flnanclaUj to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST TRUAX, 'Wnolesale Drug gists, Toledo, O.

WALDIJJG, KIrv'NAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nnlly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price 75c pe bottle. Sold by all druggists. Boy Ointoir oC tine Platte passed through Bimlford, 0., ycstoirday mt S.3Q a.

-naid 'although people ihnd collected from, the sniTonmdiing towns to see ami ireair him, nwike no spoech or even show M'miseLf because flue com- in'ittoo eouW not raise tlie necessary 100 to gno-KiJitec for -the stop. (PERU (BAEBEOTJE. Tho Wabasfa rwlliroad will have a train for Para at 8:25 a. m. today.

Fare for rouiml trip fiifty cents, good on all passenger Half fore aJso be mode to Delphi and Lafayette on abcowmt C. G. Newell, 'R13PiOBiLII CiAN ETTBOOT. 24. For aJbore occosHom" the will make rate of $1.11 for rouad trip, tick- its limited returning to Oct J.

rings, loose diamond's aind etaeralde to mount to Mar. A nnislcate wiJl be given at Khe Bap tist church Tlwii-sday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock by Miss Mtriwra SfcMulIen. She wiill be assls-ted by Mr. Crawford, or- ffiin'ist ot the Episcopal chTirdi 1 Mr. Eidihorn, alvoirmnster of tlie First elrnrc'h, and Mrs; E.

B. 'McDonnell, mezzo eopnuio. Admission 23 cents. Tine following program will Piano Nocturne Cbopln Mlss.Mlfliim McMullnn Vocal Vcrdme Mrs McConnell Organ TheDoblns Mr Crawford Plsno Solo-Efbrunry Tscr-nlkoBBky Mls.s Vocnl Eole-SelMtW Prof Klchhorn Piano ond Orcin Hiss McMullen nnil Mrs IfcConnell Piano dK Miss M-Mullen Vocal Solo-Romance from win Tell Rossini Mrs MoConuell 12..... libopln jiin- McMullen Orzan-Msrch In Bat Costa.

Mr Crawford Jersey sweet potatoes, 2c ermel. THAT JOYFUL FEELING. WJth the exhUiairating sense of renewed health and strength and Internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrop of Figs, Is unknown to the few who have not progreesed beyond the medlclfaes the. substitutes aometlmee offered but never accepted by the weH-lnformed. Full line of Harts, Caps.and Furnishing Goods, as low as any house In Cass county.

KEilElIBER we carry afull line of sizes in all grades of goodfc, can you withontdelay. JUB GUARANTEE IS GOOD, YOUR MONEY BACK IF SOU WANT IT. J. D. Ferguson Jenks 822 Slrei-t.

A REWARD Of Health and Happiness The Indiana Depurator Company has placed in Dr. J. B. Shultz office at 417 Fourth street, one of their instruments, for the treatment of Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever. Bronchitis and Consumption We do positively cure the above named diseases also Rheumatism, Sciatica, Skin and blood diseases.

It you are afflicted or have friends who are afflicted, do not fail to investigate at once. See testimonials of Leading Physicians; also testimonials of patients cured, on file at office Parlors of the Indiana Depurator Company at Dr. J. B. Shultz' office 417 Fourth Street Logansport, Ind IT'S NOT STRANGE That people prefer to buy cheap, NOT CHEAP GOODS but BEST GOODS CHEAP.

It shows their common sense and in this instance their appreciation of their luck. Merchandise disaster, Bankruptcy to the Merchant, means luck, reduced prices, about HALF REGULAR PRICES to the consumer, Such is the case with the OTTO KRAUS stock. TheCothing and Shoes were the best the qua ity and variety immense. It wou be strange considering the hard times if the peop did not buy staple goods appraised and at about 50c on the dollar. A.

G. JENKINES, Assignee Natural Gas Rates. Partial payments annual rates begin Octo ber 1st 1896, Consumers desiring to avail themselves of the annual rate, on the basis of six payments, should arrange to have their stoves.connected in order on time. Lo 0 WabastValley Gas Co, 317 319 Pearl Street. A.

O. U.W. Monday, Oct 26th, there will a special trala to BvansvIUie, leaving Wtobash sfcorton at 10:34 p. arriving: at Evansvllleat'7 27tb. Fare for round trip.

Train leaves itundng Oct 28th, at 2 p. G. The British Sledlcftl Journal again pleads for f.ncillate curative treatment of Inebriates. dowmfcroddett' ttonoeifa of son county, lave about $500,000 on deposit In the Jocal banlw..

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