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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 70

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 SUNDAY aIanD 0 FEBRUARY 1, 1925 PROCEDURE OF FRED T. WOOD Stately. New Apartments Built at 123 Bay place for the account of Albert E. Classen and Sommarrtrom Bros. Co.

The latter firm built the structure according to the design of Clay N. Burrell. local architect. Convention Discusses Standardization Law California's present grape atand- ardizatlon law will not be changed until an- Investigation Is conducted by the State Department of Agriculture In cooperation with the University of California and results are This was decided last week In a convention held -In Sacramento under the auspicee of the California Farm Bureau Federation. In addition to.

16 official farm bureau delegates, representing all the grape growing districts of the state, approximately 200 HEADS DEPT." Ok REALTY MUTOFIiNCE DISCUSSED JfiCHITECTUflflL MASTERPIECES Fred T. Wood, head of FYed K. S. Hart Analyzes Big Earn fommarjtrom Co. Com VT 'i' 4 i i ki 7 rfl i ni? f-SJ grape growers and shipper at tended the convention.

ings On Auto Sales Contract! TOMATOES TRAIXLOAD. The tomato growers of Merced plete Park View Manor At 123 Bav Tlacc. Ranking as otip the finest county realized $200,000 frcm their 1024 crop. A total of 230 carloads were shipped. Wood Co.

of Oakland, has been selected as chairman of the Horn Builders and Subdivision department of the California Real Estate a.ssociatlon and will be in charge of this Important work at tha-liext-state convention, which will be held at Fresno. Wood is as one of the leading subdividers in the west a recent Issue of the National Ileal Kstate Journal an extended article told of his work. first mortgage, and Insurance cov ering every possible contingency." ipartment lmMt Hip If.uFtbay territoriiy recent years, cijTif!" Hip 'Tni-l'Mion of T'nrk View Mar. nr. 1 fnmriinr-trorh nrothTB' 3-3 Bay Place.

Thr ctrjcture is par K. S. Hart Co. announce the removal of offices to tho top floor of the Eastcn building, starting tomorrow. ticularly in view of thr fact that everv ndvinlncp lias been fakpn of a ppttinjr nffoKJoil by a civic park frcntinp thf nrnrt-meht house.

This rircumstanrp Automobile finance companies aggregate $52.50 or 11.5 per cent on a $359 Bales contract, according to made yesterday by R. S. Hart, fla'oal agent for the Western Btates Acceptance Corporation. Hart bases his figures upon a computation made by certified public accountants. Ha explained yesterday: "The earnings on a single automobile sales contract seemed so large that I employed a firm of certified public accountants to make a series of audits.

They report that the price of a small car, including extra equipment, fees and Insurance will run this amount the purchaser pays 40 per cent down and signs a sales contract to pay $37.50 a month to the dealer making a total amount due of $450. At this stage of the game the automobile finance company enters the picture and takes over the sales Ipivcs the aparfrnent house the ap-taenranre of brlv.g by Its own extensive prnumls. nn.1 lends it the atmosphere of rata eslatp. Tlie structure- las en built ncporiiine' to' the iiosipn (ftf-ArchltrTt rr- pnt'y also designed th OlifVoH partments in this city. The -huiM-n'u is, in its linos, n' free adnptatlon ii th Aland type, anil is distinjruishcil through a dignified plichy of Iflpsicn.

Mexico Shown As LOCAL BEDDING contract for $359 ($450 less brok EE BDWD.MORTbfl Big U. S. Customc: erage fee of $3fi and an Insurance premium of $55 "Thus the amount outstanding The I'ni States proilnces kiiid 1 commodity practically "ever at the first month of the loan is $35i): the amount outstanding at I EXPANDS CO.iOUCES coming: to Oakland peopla usually need bedding first "of all, and we feel a special bedding; establishment has a place in this city. With our largaj' selling facilities we are now equipped to render a complete service second to none on the Pacific coast. "We believe in Oakland and as we anticipate growth and expansion our service will be extended to cope with the revnie.

"The Mulkey Mattress Company has been steadily growing for the past five years. The plant is 1 into Mexico and eontrib- per cent, or over, of Mox- in: I'' utes the last month, is $37.50 ami the average amount outstanding Is VThe building consists of twenty-, our two and three-room units. ach unit' having a combination -kitchenette. The equipment of the i kitchenette lnoiuiles tile sinks ami. drains iwith tile Lack, metal re- friperators.

lid-top ranees, dis.ip-l earingr taMf-s, ironing Ki.irfis onl the usual accessories. Of hiph artistic merit is the lobby, which has executed in I ipripinal caen stone, with hronzej ftrilles. The lobby floor is of I black and Vwhite marble. The Unique fixtures include torcheres, consoles with mirror and stair Eli: LOAMS mwm Sixty years Garden and Orchard experience In California makes our advice and auggestions aound and practical. 112 pages profusely illustrated.

Our 1500 varieties of fruit and ornamental trees accurately described; The. Nursery-Is one of the show places of Alameda county. One mile from Nlles on the main highway. Motor out and pay us a visit. You will receive a hearty welcome, 52 4 3.

earnings of the 'finance company, according to the certified accountants, are as follows: "l-'ee brokerage, interest, $36; 30 per cent, commission on Insurance, total earning on loan, $52.50 or 21.5 per cent. 41 ieo's imports, according to. a liamphlet on "Vhen, 'Where and What Mexico Buys." prepared by Hector- I.azo. a Kpecia-l agent of the T-i tin American division of the Bureau of Foreign and Bomesno and issued by tlie le-partnient ff I'l'inuutn toda.v. The importance of iia.ii market equipped with the most up to date machinery." Considerable Interest centers on is fix pr rent ir.or liable "ilders 'to contractors and I the Mulkey Mattress Company of for g)ods, says t'n "ThQs with an average of outstanding the company earns 21.5 per cent.

Then as the money is paid up on the installments there of the Kast Bay I'isttii for perio of from three mor.Mis to l'n yea from -this city on account: or tne growtn liamphlet-, may be perce. A 120-year-old cottage in New-York city, hich has been in possession of the same owner for 75 "years, has Just been wired for electric service. This installation Will be equivalent to twenty BO-watt lerfrif 1am ps accordirc to nnnounoi icent rtt by the California Ar is the chance of re-investment. Many companies tarn their capital" several times a year. And the tn-vpsrment is always protected by the fact that in -Mexico ranked eighth on the 1 1.

of I'neie world-customers ami In our Latin American trade, Cuba outrank it. The value of American exports to Mexico in 1ft 2 3 ap-I'l-oximated active competition American goods have everywhere held their, own in Tails, all in po.y-chronie. The interior has a highly decorative effect, which is increased Ihrnuph the careful selection of wall paper of latest imported patvern. The basement. hich is entirWy finished, containing storage andtriiiilrack rooms, sjill also acco'nimpdate a -large beauty parlor. of the apartment house inemdes "elevator aerviee, steam heat. vacijm system and hot wafer. JncineraV'is. and the finest types of electrical fixtures. A radio aerial ha.been placed on the roof.

The exterior of the building is of red bric-tj. Company of thfis ity. Thi niofivy is available for finnm-insr homes! and business irnperty on the i on- stniclion plan or" for refinancing property already improved, accord- ing to-the statement of the presi- dent of the company, reading as follows: 1 "CHir company is taking an ac- five part in tlie building up of the Kastbay community. We make of the business and the improvement of the building in which it js quartered. A adjoining has been added, to tlie former salesroom.

A'hat was a short time ago a row of small stores with wooden frame windows is now- superseded by a tile front with plate glass and other features. This plant and salesroom is located at East Twelfth Btreet and Sixth avenue. In discussing the growth of hto business. V. D.

Mulkey, proprietor of the Mulkey Mattress Company, slated: "It is a hatter of service. "When Mexico. 'loans on the construction plan ARK VIEW architecturally In cities, for every mile cf transmission electric service companies h.ive an average of from 30 to customers, while in 'rural district the average is three -customers per mile of electric transmission line. from plans ami specifications sub- with the English plan. Albert C.

itted ro us. rhw money is avail- able tn builders in These loans are of two classes and are wKitten for a period of tlire" months f'at loans to run from threV to five years. They hear from six tcvspveu per cent interest defending upon the security of Classen and Sommarstrom Bros. Company own the property. In commenting upon the new building, yonuiiarstrom, Bros.

Compay state: "The building is of a permanent, durable type. Its cost marks only a. very small advance over that of wood and stucco buildings. And INVITE YOU fered. W'n nkn mnlrfi f'nt lnnns nn this increase is fully compensated a to run' three.

I'nnrn i Bin Tn I IMC bv lower insurance and fire risks five and seven years. nere tne security warrants, we are in a position to offer six per cent installment loans running over periods of 10, 15 and 20 years. "We fire aide to take eare of practically all classes of borrowers by virtue of tho fact that we are able to mak) loans of various kinds. These lonhs are proving pop- )i RnnFRHiNRiFS ceiers ular with" local builders. now: i ne company ouij-e is locatea at 153 4 Franklin strew.

it Weed Cleaning Campaign Iir Credited for Decrease in Blazes f' A of mere tlin flro 1 I1 shraj durlrs- tlx nnnths r- We have now built apartments in Oakland for over twenty years, and have experimented with every type of construction in order to hold down the cost of building and the same time construct Fuccess-ful and permanent buildings. A well-constructed brick and sten building will last for generations, If properly cared for. and has a decided advantage in attracting tenants. It is particularly attractive to Investor who are looking for practical investments." FRED DEED TELLS JFREflLTMET WAPIII.VGTON, D. Jan.

SI. The Department of Commerce announces that, according to th data collected at the biennial census of manufacturers, the combined value of the output of. establishments engaged primarily in the canning of fruits and vegetables and In the manufacture of pickles, preserves and Fane's amounted to $51 5,510, -HC, an increase uf 41 per cent as compared with last preceding census TIEMEMBER the lX Prrkeley fire? Chief Rose founlit i He knows whereof he fpeaks vhen, in his official report, he "talks rtpht out in meeting" of the pril PARK VIEW MANOR, DISTINCTIVFXY ENGLISH IN STYLE AND APPEARANCE, WITH ITS RED BRICK EXTERIOR AND PARK FRONTAGE, IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. PARK VIEW MANOR OFFERS TWO AND THREE-ROOM APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED WITH CONVENIENCES SUCH AS ELEVATOR SERVICE, CENTRAL HEAT AND HOT-WATER SYSTEMS, INCINERATOR SERVICE, AND ALL OTHER USUAL ACCOMMODATIONS AT A REASONABLE RENTAL.


fl the fntno rril of with an ft Increase la ro Its ef ili'i Is ja I "hown iln was nidja I iu3- urO-sy City f.anpr K'y. dr.a'.-. in ef Jf to Thief Kre, dim ii t-i li w-cpHi fr'ri vacant lotl. .1 rro 4 4 H'ir-s l'h a of $20. i I 10.

I f-o x. r- Tl of 19-3 I v. -e Hi anl a loss cf I i '-TRt-ro' Is r.u!.t mid CM'f ll -t ri-'i-jctt In the I r.nrif.T cC d-is'to the 1 I wtrd-c leanlr.c cjnppln. whlh, was I I rarried -n (Jurmr t'la dry. roonihs -Q II urier t'- it tho ire ja II 'iUUtiidJl'l If it i a 1 n' te 1 t'ut l.rt I ifi'S )r t.r: rv cf (h that lurks in wootlen roofs in fhlnsles of ar.y find as the to promote a four-ytar course in real estate practice in the University curriculum." that get dry ss tinker that invite snnrki from every sraas and rhimnry fire to rome snd tiine on your home, your The recent mid-winter mectinr 'of the National Association of Ileal Estate Boards at Dallas, Texas, was highly successful, writes Fred K.

Eeed, of Oakland, who attended tha gathering in his capacity as vice-president of the rational body, and who Is now risking a tour of Cuba and the West Indies. "Three hundred and fifty dele-rates from all parts of the Cnlted treasures perhaps on your lovtd ones! r- ths pir. rerl'xl yftr-lf I v.rh thilr.cra.y In J. "c'tH and at the other tCeather extreme: Il: i awA.v un In-1 JT Mates attended," P.eed writes. "The two big things now before tha Na- tional Association are the matter of Keal Kstate License Laws, and i duration in the real estate field." The reports rf the gathering how that Fred K.

Reed was intro- duced as "the man who was in- struinental In putting the first I crearinir na atfds of li.e IS EMEMBER the vio- f. r.c If f.fTl. 'V'" i't I to th f-li If i.f I a ifh as jCV follow the 1 arrows li IV lent, long continued rains that California winters bring that seek the sun-cracks in wooden shingles, soak through, ruin your ceilings and drip on your nigs thai depreciate the value of pour home ibclf. We Finance Build and Find "Tenants UR'S is an apartment construction service complete in even" detail. If you have the property we will furni-h all the money for the construction, cf the Luilding and jiJ the Scores tf our clients enjoy financial independence frrm the ownership of one apartment house Lecaue our organization specializes in keeping construction cots DESIGNED BY CLAY N.

RUR RE LI-CONSTRUCTED BY SOMMARSTROM BROS. CO. With the Co-operation of tlie Following Suh-Contraetor Bricktrnfk It's the Terms Upon Which You Borrow Money That prevent you from building the tort of home you really want Millunrk CLIXTON MILL CO. 701 4th Avenue) P. C.

KNTDSEN 5359 Kales Street LAST BAY SHEET METAL WORKS RIGNEY TILE CO. 260 Walsworth Street Spark Range UAM.MER-BRAY CO. Plnitering VXEL SOMMARSTROM 223 Broadway Electric Work ALEX. E. ANDERSON 740 K.

17th Street Fxeavaling ARISS-KNA1T CO. 1 41st Street are the safe and economical defense against both these dangers WaUpaper MARCUS MERRICK 581 1 Stli Street Wall MARSHALL-STEARNS 411 19th Street Heating SCOTT CO. 381 11th Street Ilardirnm MAXWELL HOWE. CO. 1320 Wn-hington DICKEY MASTER TILE WORKS 313 12th Street GRAND RAPIDS FURN.

CO. 1109 Clar St. asbestos Shingles 1 the in- that own in crarr ivh. I'lumhing M. COUJSTEIN 817A Grove Street Marhla LSTOSONS-K EENAN C( I.

1 130 Wehster Street Ihtrdu rxtd Floors ROYAL FLOOR CO. 331 12th Street anihrnpt Gardening BERT SCII A A NURSERIES 2H30 E. 1 1th come may LIBERTY ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS VaMet Street Fouling GR A FF-WINLUND 1701 Frnnklin Street How often have home owners said, "If could have only borrowed a few dollars more I could have had exactly 'he kind of a home I wanted." This company, through the medium of flat loans, makes this possible for you. explain hmC under our system vou can pay for a second mortgage before your fir it is due. Oakland Mortgage Finance Co.

1432 Franklin Street Oakland Lakeaide 2S6G Aliwhitrlv firr-pronf rigid -mntl fif lnnt-fibr and ish-grailt I'orthinri rrm'nt, enmpnrtnl urnVr enormous prttoure, ihiy arc mnrr liurutltl lUnn wJurat ie-ye rol lr than tlnte ami oo roU lest than an similar roofing material on the American market. uid rlt er yoma prraral til, Inrinninmlila asnnilrii ahlnttlea i n-iil pay youlo investigate Winlund Roofing Co. I 'ien I ti a I j1 l-wndioij." I Km me fj El I'honc and c'll ta. BUILDERS C0.1J Oakland Consultation vn this or other itylc buildings invited SOMMARSTROM BROS CO. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 1 536 FRANKLIN ST.

Lakesido 4736 1761 Franklin 5t. California a DiUAbtttort for Alamntla County 1761 Franklin Street, Oakland Diitributort lor lh I'arilie Couti ami Slop and llauall Write ttr Tetrn-oaa I tmw fk Nam a Taar Rraftil Pl 9.

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