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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 17

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4BeegBaBBaaSBBwsjeeuaa pQR gENT. vTM'; UlFQft tafr: V.r 'I' 'I HnMplng Hoom 'msajl gsxAtrfli tmprovad City. llMyMIMMwMMWMMWWWVMWMWI tgjcAi; bstaip gotf- salb. real' estate fos hwrv4 Cltr. Unlmpfvtd.

real estate fobsale. Parma and Ranehaa. MMMMWlilW VWVMM I V' for sale, MiaMllaneoua. aATVaawM-asaf-aaataai sBraavwassswaaaisai a KUCLY ftiralakad II at) kaaaakiaatng rooma. Mem South End Hooks olQutlity B4 1-etory.

atnac earwrUr, hanrwuod Suori Suura AVONDaLb Brtra foanv tu paora is artaaea aa aaw M0NTBC1NB t-atory. atucco extorter, audhna arleef. bert tmM Wra flaaed la deeping porvat and break feet, room. Bear oat Ua. EONTPOME 8-atorr frame 8 bed rooma, a leer, lag porea.

aaac rroer, emw nr. OOTROHKW-roout buwalow. hardwood ioora, beaaMid aetllng. eaat front. ONTkOHK Aaothag baaaUful bungalsw, 2 bad.

rooau a4 laxn aciweaed aorehi ate, VTle Rassel Brown Bultfen A' FOB 8AIJC 100x130 feet, yard. $autto for ouick aala. eornar tot, oa Bouk raoaa Aayior Aaw, at HlciuHTS Ooraer kit and aadara 1-auoa cottag. Addreaa 12, tbla oaftoe. -ft LOTS 18 BK1UUTS.

LA AND 18, BLOCK w. a NTEWABT, it, D1SSEN ONOVUJJt. OOHNKK SITE 2 black South Bod oar, ant IA 8344. uooa riaon rraaroi JACKSON ST, Preatoa 703. SITE, aaat trout, fnM.

Pboaa EAST FRONT LOT au Harvard and Igla St; wen lucBiau. wai mv wm evawa a. 1 Tailor 108. FOB HALE Lota on Hutcneaoa Bear ear bam. Apply ewaar.

1417 klcKhuwy Are. Paaoa Preetoa 1 atH-i. a BARGAIN In Melgbta Iota, aoutbeaat earner Kith and oirora. luoiiu rei with cement walka am id beautiful trees. giitoO: aait front.

100x132 fee W.Terlr heti aetween Attn aua Ztq bh Vi m. H. Colbr. 718-20 Ugwp tMational tva Bldg, 4 UU LOTS. Third ward.

ooraMr Oraw aad BraaA. way; tka Ibratloa for store aad rant houaear cbvapeat property In vicinity; 83600 take It. Wa. U. Colby.

7WO0 Union MaUenal Baak Bldg 8 LOTS for Hh), jr air, mia Ring Preaton Safe. McKi Bt. brlda. 31860 BUYS 100x178 fat twern Harriaburg road aad Mlucbeu, Preaton 1001. a Orran St.

br aatwood; Ultlj LOTS on the ridge fclanan Potsti 880 Ki regular pnc. Call owner, Prtatua Ma. tg ONLY 1100 for a Houatoa, Texas, ruburbe lot. 62x160 feet. 86 cssh aad til per month; guarl anteed title.

For miD aad Mrtlcolar addreaa J. W. N. Burkett. ilouatua.

Texaa. 8 FOR SALE BY OWNBB Oholea lot 'In Ma Dee, aoutbeaat comer. Phone Had toy 3078. FOB SALE Euultr In Central Park lota. cloae to car line; will aaCJiftce for ouick aala.

Addreaa 4420. thla ofUce. CORNKR LOT. near Clvreltod comprtMs -4 i ifania jooa iioa lor oearQ nnc boumi oa SttOO catb or trnui. Wm, H.

Colt) TW-, union niinoBeii aaos a tag. Aoraao. 1 acres of land oa Sou than Pa cine railway: twitch on property) fronts pared atraat within about 26 blocka of court konae; manufacturing plant, ready to atari. Tba whole thing goea at a price that will eeelly net you 60 per cent aa your lnrestment. Batlafactory raaaoni tut ailing.

Will coualder soma trade. Call At otuoa for information. BUTTON AlVANN BEALTT Phoaa Preaton 1024. SOo-7 Kraaa Bldg. tf FOE SiJLE FIVE-ACRE TRACT.

One block from Klc (InaUtuto car Ira aad Boulerard. Choice location. Prlca aad taraua llkht. JOHN RICHEY. OWNER.

Second Flour Bias tyouatan. Texaa, tt 10.000 acres well drained nralrla atsaL 8 alia from railroad, splendid graotd road running through the land; about 1600 acre of aplendld timber can be added to tbla tract: prlca 818.80, teruia. Fur furlher Information call at abUo. W. L.

BLNULE. 407 Scaulau Houston. Texas. ti FOR SALE 30 ACEE45 lVj mtlea of South liouatoo, IB acre la cultlv lion. bOO bearlug orange tree, 30 peach troeea.

8 acrea In rigs, 6000 (iipa uf different varietlea; price l'S2'i per acre, oue-hali caak, balaaca to ault purchaser. t. 801-302-303, Kress BldgL Pbaae Vrcataa 227. IMPROVED FARMS 137 acrea mtlea of Belton. Bell county, 80 acrea in cultlraUoa.

balance pasture; 4-room bouiv barb aad other outbuildings; uric 84600. tiMDO caak, balance 4 ream. loo acrea sear Con roe, S3 -acres cleared, bar- anew timber, dark aaudy lani, 6-rooni oarn ana cnicxea nouae, bo uugs, a calves, all fur 32300, terms, JL'UU aV MiLROY. 401-2 ScaaUh, Uauatoa. Taxa.

tf HARRIS COUNTY FARM LANDS. 1400 acrea well located and wall drained farm land in ao.ithwe.teru part of Barria county, claw t- Itlchmood shelled road, la mllea from cltri partly Improred by small farms. Tbla I a well located large tract of farm land and oaa be bought for 842 per acre, good terms. YYa make a specially of geaorai farm, track aud ranch lauds. Call lor our Hat and lnforaaatloa.

C. H. STANCLIVV LAND Phone loue. 306 Scaulau Bldg. tt THEIIB'8 A OOOD REASON for all tkaa ad appearing in thla paper.

Ownera and ral.nataa deatera bare found by xjlerine that tbalr ada In Th Post brlug them much better raeulta tkaa elsewhere. Hence that'a wberg they tell ot their offerings. Should you bare anything la th real estate line to orrer. una ia ue piac a au Of jit you want to all It. FOR SALE BY OWNER 80 acrea land, Ve mllea from court bouae, 8 mllea from car Uaa, on ara tel road, partly Improred.

aui table for dairy, fruit ur truck farm; price right: terms ault. If you mean bualueaa phoa tot futke luforanitlon. H1034. i THKHK'M A OOOD REASON for all tka ada appearing in thla paper. Owners and real eatale dealera bar found by experience) that rhelt ada lu The Poat bring thejn much better reaalta tbaa elawwhere.

Hence tbat'a where fney tell of their orferitifj- Should you bare aaytblng la th real eatate line to offer, tbla la th place to 111 ot It If you want to aell It. tf NOTHING BETTER. 7880 acres clear patented land, ba running water and thousands of dollar worth ef wax plant, from wnicu lor tunes win oa made; wax factory wlthla oaa mile; apleadid laraatmaat and dandy isncu: pnc i.xo eaaa. tt. -raw Land Marfa.

Texaa. i FOR SALE 12o6 acrea Jackeoa county, Tex-aa, good faruilnar land: 1T01 acrea near Sablnal, aeil on-easy terms. If you want to buy cheap and good address Adolf Hole, New BrauaBtle. Texas- 6 PKAIItlE LAND for aale I want aa offer, 184 acre 8 miles front court bouae near Central railroad and "bell road. 1400 Edward Houst'Hi.

Texss. Preatoa 1848. FOR SALE Timber oq 680 acrea In I Ye alar QUI survey, Montgomery county, oa U. 0. and 8.

railroad, user Fostorla. Apply onuer, 1417 McKlnn.y A to. PUone Preaton 404:1. 8 BELI.AIKK Boulerard, about acrea froatlag tbla till road aud street car line at a bargel Srir for caah. A.

B. Kelly. 318 First National ant Bldg. I 10 ACRES 13 mllea south of Houston, 2 miles wat of Pearland; ahell roada, drainage, acre, fourth caah, balance may. Addraa Owner, Box 618, SbreTeport.

La. g. EA8T TEXAS BARGAINS 1600 3008 cres, mi acres, acre; eaay J. T. Bertrand.

Stewart Bldg. taraatg FOB SALE 100 acrea of unlmprored pralrl laud In fruit and alfalfa belt, one mile fraa railroad town; 10.ou per aire; 826.00 aaaa, balance Id mouthly luatalimenta of i0.00 aack, without Interest. Fred U. Irby. Heat.

Texas. 14 FOR RENT lt acres, small ruralsaad bana. outbulldiugs, implements, lire stock, aa akwil road. U. K.

Jobnaoo. Seabrook. Texaa. 4 138 ACRES fnmtlaa oo ahell and nllroad, a Biles from city, ouly 80. Mr.

Kllaa, 6.08 Preston. Bcnart Hotel, 417 La Braach. 4 8700 1 8 one of tka Meant, at. rtchaat. beat Improred 100-acre farms la Waller Caoaljr, eaay letter Land 0..

Wa her, alWf BOUBiy. Tana. 4-lt FtiU SALE-- 10-aca tract la twbarbea Oardeua. feuced and la culthratloai will all ooe or both. Val Waggle, 1106 Fannin St.

tf LABOR. eool. akalr furnieaed ma tor 1 i raw nallf. a biocb irons McAakaa 118 Mala at. I OB 1 CONNatoriNw alewlr rurutskod maiaa, Kith eet Kfwini nltu aUMaaoa UT.

104 Otay Atb. 4-1 XOD CAN at Aui Oh I org give yea family Mo or. aeuy gx aa Mr, Mta 4-l BKB1BABLB) aosthoaat a a. lairs itoo IW itdyi private nun; aaunera coavaaieacoa. i reace; cloa la.

naaay (15 UP rural a4 i Frail tnrtm hm marlmr with Bodra, xurt. fcl atranob-Walier. F4T4. AT mi MAIN Tor Ml, kias.ims MM, everTtklauT wptM B. Iiwm.

a 180 MAIN a larg airy uiiiWImW roora With private aath prlte. LABOR, aleebr iwrasshed. mimmA mnwut THB LARBNDON Ooarealently located) handsomely furnlehed noma with batk. 68. IM IWv SWIM MB aJacxato LABOR Bawl papered aa4 pa la ted room, private family, young bmb at oowple; walking lis-Uaoai aperat bed.

171 Carotin, tt NIOKLT fnrnlabed nam. atrletlr electric fan, southern exposure, hug board It deeirod. 11378. Madera, HANIMOIIBLT fnralaha lavatorr with bat vatar; eawla or gaatiaa aiao anuria looaa. ioib aaa 4aciaio 8 LA BOB rooaw itk bath ant aa at paaaf Brooka BaUIB aUUaa.

Tartar 1HST. 1 MOB loana. a bloeka of Bk. kot nm klac watar aad raaa naaaBabk). Piaatoa wnA I.1U A.R Nlcalr tnrnlaiiad amitb tU adjulaiix, art rata faaaUjri IWaWoxa uotr faooa rraaua abvi.

raivaia im. win nm teat front roam ta aaaiilnil couDia tBDland. i.i.iir i mil kililt L. 1 fel 1 1 1 Wvaton 2S1. It 1 RITRA lam am ta bath.

aaallar bad rouua; laos raaalo. Pmtaa Ka lacaa raaannaliia. 1 x-VUHNlUUKD Dartharaat froat room, noAara coavoaleoces, $8 per moatb. 0a car Una, Apply tM Bouodrr i'Utll ward. J.

W. aaarrlU. t-4 iHouaakaeping Reoma 1 1TCBNI8HBD bnoaekaapuut noma with eaaR tie, aa avuB wauwuuwi wiukw waak. Iallaa. i JOB H0U8EKEBP1MO noma, ufnmiah ararrliiliur daalnd.

too B10M. WIiaON APABTMBNTS. 1710 PoU. taialabad t-raoaa aoath Bat. tbnrnaatily awoara.

Paaaa Praatoa 545a, tt BVBBXONB ADVBBT1SB8 tbalr aa fat ml la Tba Paat aad Baarlr aratroBa aaoklag tar Bona kaowa tt, Tbat'a war our roaaa ada fat lock wonderful raaalta, tt Vf 10V HAVB AMITH1NQ TO AP" i ad raa thine ataa, a utua aaesaaca aa raa a weak ta Tka Poat will Far ftm. tt LIOBT BooaekMplBa; la walkloc dia- taar. laan. all BOBvaJuaacaa. aood aalabkarbuod aad paca raaaoaaoia.

Avoir uu Jack bob COMPLETELY furnlabad aMttaeat. a con Bectina aoutk rooma. nlcalr turaialMd. acraaaad. prUata coaDvctlaaT batk, alaclrie lucbta, ckwaL porck.

alnk, (aa raose, tit eoaTaalr-ca, beat rlrtabarbood: walkioa dlataaca, 181k Bnak, Preatoa 8481. I 2 FURNISHED connectad rooma wltb Drtrata porrh; lower froat room for kmiaatBaplnf. Pkana Preatoa 7043. a NEWLY fnralaked lam alula Boaaakaaplac IB. Praataj room, rarj raaaoaabla).

1311 aui SUITB of Itabt howtkeeplna; alerpius rooau, Trr coaiealenaa. Kianer Aaax. lai4 alaa Mc- a KDBN1BHKV llaTbt raBia. UKkta. batk aad kouaekeeplos pbona.

1318 Dallaa Ae COOL lanra rooma, furBlahed oouaakeaplnit, faa raaaTo; ratrbjerator, reduced rataa, crawfura. Badle USil. IMt TO SELL XOVB BBAL B8TATB, tn Bltnra. kaa, aataeaobUa, trpawrltar, boaaakeU ajoooa ar poaiur ur reat rvar aaaae, rooai office, or to gat kelp cr aaciua a lab DM IT'S A POSITIVE ACT It roa baa aaj aid taraltura for aala, or toe cbaat, ar oa ar eewa. ar anjtninc raa waai aa aaii, a ran.

waai aa will aau it ur rw- aa arpra, u. Will OBIT U7' CLOSE IN. cool aaatkeaat reoraa. wall fr-a led, aanuier ratea; alao koue eapUaV raea- tun 1886. 7 Oil Hamilton.

4 TO BUY, BBLIi OB TRADE aaaa can, coaaa to keadquartara. All pricaa, OaaU ei tarau. Iloualoo Motor Oar Kirkanp. uoa Taa Aia. Phoaa P1102.

tt CLOSE IN, 'aaai tlr turalalwd anlto at konae. keeploa rooma. oaat axpoaure, prlata fajnllr. modera. reBBtawaM.

cui arcruai Pkaoa Preaton 7784. 2 FURNISHED kouaekeaptu rooma. In prlrata family; all coareuieBcea; rccereacaa excaanarea. 1907 DalUa atb. 10 HOUSEKEEPING rooma, aplendldlr Tentllatad.

alrelr tiirDlahed: aatxaacea. rallwlea. artrate: cluee 1b; la.W weak, liu McK ner. Pkona tltW. FLAT of lurkt kooaekeeptnc rooma, porck, phone, prlrata balk, walklus dlataaca.

18 Blauley St. 10 4-ROOM cottaae (S week: B-rooea Oat 84.80; rooma 82. all wall furnlaked. aewlOff a. rblue.

aa rancc. aleeplac porck. aaodara, tcreened. lawn awinaa, 8 blocka UUtbbnd Park. Preatoa 3381-8887.

10 LARGE front aeatbeaat kmjarkaaplna; room, furalaued complete, claaa ta. 1210 TraTla St. Preatoa Sim. 10 MonF.RN 4 bonaekeaataa; fnr- alabed or unfornlahed; prlrata i aaui prlTata camiir. ciaaier xivi.

UQHT HOUSBKEEPINp BOOMS, for Pkona Prea- the rammer. 1UU8 rntnkiu At. toa 8U2. -10 8 UP PoaltlTeir clean, modera, taralakadi faouaekaeplna rooma, reduced rent to employed people, walklnc dlataaca. 1803 Dallaa.

10 ENTIRE UPSTAIRS for rent, faralahed ar oa- ruruisnea, ror lutut.BouaeaeepinaT: cool location, In prlrata famllr. $12 per aaontl tonui. SOS airard. a aua. 9 r.IXlMU IN cent aepaaat rooma.

1811 Mala St. Hadlej 3688. 1 NICELY keeping; cloat taralabed rooma tor Uckt la. 141T Taxa At. HOUSKKKKPlNa rooma.

clean bbA eoat. lfilt TraTla. 10 i FOR RENT 8 romlahad nradara Hatu konae-i keeping rooma, an objection caUdraa. Pkaaa Prealoa 700. 1808 POLE a faralabed for kouaekeeplng.

alnk aad jtaa week. Pkona Preatoa Tsft. range; UPSTAIRS APARTUENT Three modern for aUaned rooma, ecreeaod, -prlrata bath and a leap. Ing porck; aaw gma range, refrigerator and all conTenlaaoaa; alao fJaa garage; atrlctlr prlrata amllr; aalect aaighbocbood; oaa-kalt black aa. ind car tarma raaaoaabla.

80 Toaat Are, ad NEW H08PITAX Oaakta Brora capital ra-palra all makaa of atoraa, turnlakea new parte (or cook atoraa, raagea and heater atoraa; alao puta up aad takaa down anrea; gaaollae atoraa a apaclaltr, Pkaaa HU lot tba atora doctor. 8 8 NICELY fnralahad cool nriv.t. ram. I it. priraca antraaoa, can uoaa tafarancea.

rmn i vii. 8 UNFURNISHED krga eoanacUag light katk houaekeeulug reeaea; llzbla, tat) moBin. Pkona PoftttT. BOOMS TO LET for light booeekeeplof. 111S Hooaton Are, Phone Preatoa 4814.

Q-10 FURNISHED Ught BOBBakaaBlna room, all 1708 Cap-8 modern ooaTaaieacea, llol. tin par month. ROOM FLAT, faralahed tor boaeekaepHng, alao 11 rooma. Ills La Braock. Preatoa fS43.

-i e8 i 8 ROOMS tor llgkt hoawkaapiag, farnlahed; ga raaga. alnk; price moderate. Hadley 1812. 6 NICELY furnlabad booeekeeplog noma, modern aonraalancea) prlrata famllr; ctoae tat rat-areacea. Preatoa o488.

1MB Baak. 8 8 BOOMS, 1 nrataaea ana i aararalaked, gee. iibbb or llabt hoUHakeeplag. 1808 Dallaa, Preatoa 'MS7. CLEAN, oomfortanla hoaaakoaptag rooma, la.

4 glao Bice cool aawi mi rwaa. xviu 80S POLK Clone la, large, wall foralaked room, with kitchenette, ta couple without ehll- dren. 8 ROOMS, kitchenette, tad acraaaad aareb, 8 blocka from klca UotaU aa MatatAStag arew 848, 1 NIOBLY furatebwl rooma far light koaaa keeping, modern convrnlencaa, ta cMuplt wttuout children. 111 Crawford. a IFOR BENT Furnlabad rooma fag right kaaaw-eeplng, prlrata kotae, aa other euoaei1, 1408 lllam.

Preatoa 18)8, a T.ayiANTLY farnlabad rooma for keeping, aoutbeaat aipoaura, walking dntaaoe. gAddraea 1 1 la ueepeTen. rreeroai ewxo. WHO WANT lOTalr 3-room Boat? Vary homelike, all oo faralahed anarf. aaraalaBoaa, cloea la.

rraatoa oiou. a XASaB eo Beetle kooMkeawlag noma, area It fnraiahed, Badlar 8410, ta priraea taaatva I aeanraoB. HATE aU klada at farailBg laad and dtr Property for aala ar axekange, CU at rooa SX4 JBldaa-. a fbaa a. a.

ayataaa. Pre Raal aUtata ta Cxohangw. 84600 WORTH of "Oxford TeleDbOa Jom- pang" stock. aw aeraa, a mite Berth tt Hews to, oa anal) 111 all naif. 86 acrea In WMtnaoraland ram, 14000.

Phone Vlckrer. Prealoa 1867. alt 8000 WORTH ot ral eatate la Colorado for traae: wui a bargain traded aooa. If latatwatad writ T. F.

Brown, Guater, Texaa. lasun LiaT of tarma, Imorored and unim. sivi iui nvnraaaaiM; lesltlmale exchaagaa, eanara Bxchaace. Klam Bldg, FOB TRADE Eoulty of 8360 In 4-roam cot' tai at Houatoa Height for acreage. Arlragtoa at.

X1448. 73. kaw t-room bona aad 2 lota In Height ta trad tor automobile. Praton R107. 4 REAL ESTATE WANTED.

aaaaasaaaaaieai Wa bar customer for aa improved 8-arre nborbaa farm, not orar ml la from center ot tbla city. What aar you to offer I Write fully by latter tba price, term aad kxatloa. L. BRYAN a Chronicle Bldg. tf WILL TKADH ay downtown Taxaa City lot, worth 700, and building, worth 4800, for an ana, anywhere np to 6'00, balaaca caah or on timet.

Addaa 4016, tola office. tf WANTF.D-tTBEL PILES. Want a boot too 46-faet Carnegie section aKoani kaad at! pi lee. Addraa P-18, Houatoa CENTRAL PARK, bunnlew on 3 corner loss, aar Harrlsborg car; price 81800, eaay arms, Phoaa P6766. 4 WANTED Acreage within 13 mllea of Houatoa oa a aaar elation at ahell road; moat be aheap.

4448, thla oavce, tt OWNERS To farm a A. B. Bldg. aell your land and Improred Kefir, tit Flrat National Bank 8 WANTED TO BUX OR LEASE 6000 to 10,000 acrea grams and la Bra aorta eonuty aaat of Oyetee Creek. Addraa 803, this office.

8-6 OWNER-Ltot your Houatoa clt rale wltk ua; it prfcejs right Saa Baalty Co-. 22) Blaa Blc city real estste Uouaton. AVBBB. 0 i8 TRADE OR EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE trst 'claa 10 per cent aot) tor cheap land Muatgoaierr coaaty; tbor-oughly aeaaialBtad with raluaa; full deacrlpiton Artt fatur.

Addreaa 413O0. tula oalce. 4 FULL BLOODED Jerar ball. 8 rear old, 1 gaeonaa aagiBa traoa ror worm muie Pak, Webstar, Texaa. at cottaae.

raetn aoutb en alao a recast lota auMolalag. to wll; a will trade part at aparetely for laraer In ATiaadala. Moatroaa a Watasure- adley 720. 6 TBRRX Oil Oa, stock: bow maay bbana in exehaua tar 8440 lot la South Houston I -ArK Area 4417. thla oa.

4 HOUSTON LOTS WANTED, city and au li ar baa; oasrrgood trade fur desirable lot; slat Saa, exact locaUoa. prlc sac. Writ Arlltt, Aatia. iexaa. a SHARKS Induatrlal stock, wortk 82O0, wltk aak dlfnrene for auto roadster equal valaa.

Praw Hadlay 1221. 8 FOB SALB or oxchaBge. dairy, Talue 812,000. Booa Praatoa 48U. a all at room 224 Beatty EXCHANGE Clear northern property tat elear land.

F. A. OataVaa. 808 Seaalaa Block. 4 FOR SALB ar agebaag, 4 bat altuated Iota toa Mtirnt.

yuoos at. saa syatem. 4i at roorn z4 neatty guug. a WB SELL and axcKaag eTarytbln. phone aa, gJoa 486 Batty Bldg.

8. A WHAT HAVB roa all or xehanet Phoaa PiMtaa 461 a 411 at 224 Beatty Bldg. S. m. a Syatam.

WILL TBADB Berro lot ta Hoaatoa Hatghto, werta 61W, for dlamoad ot aeooud Ilea aotw. Addreaa 4422. thla omca. 4 FOR SALE. Sacond Hand Artlolaa.

BODA FOUNTAIN bar aud up fur prompt aklpaaat 4, 8, 18, 12. 1 aad 20 feet lata! Icelesa frwat arrlc pump eyeum outfits, saw and slightly aaad, at a big Bring In prlca I oa aaar aaootaty awjBssaia. iaa uroaman Dales. Taxa. 4-88 IT'S A PoaiTIVB FACT If roa hara aar eld tamltora fa mm.

a le chut, or doga or cow. a a ay th lag yea waat ta Mil. a Post waat ad will au It tat pen. wa caa aror It, if you wui only try, ti 1 171 KIM BON nhaoaraBb. 1 820 rarord cab.

taat, 1 818 woodoa aor, good aa aew, wltk ISO beat recurJa. all for 184. Vbono Hadley uua. Pumitura, Houaahold, Off roa. SEWINO MACHINES.

wneeier wtlaoa. at wuaoa, aZI.aoi aaa lataat modola White. 824: ikeao machinal lataat modest, and Ilka aew; raal bargain. fownaad A 101 Pralrl At. FOB ad-kaad fnrnltnra at ,1814 State St' Phoa Preatoa 8870, BUX XOUB furaltura, Oauiaer.

rafrlxwratara aad aad Mta meaty. Pk gtorea P7820. a a. at. FOB SALE Jrurai tare iLB Furaltura at six rooma; erery-i ta piaca ar lot.

111 suiea. Oak- thing mw law. FOR SALE Furniture fur 2 rooma. a fa aom one. Anuly 1418 Liberty Are.

bargain 8 laaoluM range. slightly BIRD'S-EYE SET FURNITURE, a nlM-M. mm eaap oy ata a last. 71 Oalhoua Are. 7 HOUSEHOLD OOOD8 mornlBa-a 1428 Harraru.

at a bargain. Call 31 drain, Hay, Eta. Bfl 1" -is TEAM OWN ERB Feed year atock Kurnfalfa Kaady Peed, blaad ratio; rompoaod of good corn, Mta rolled, alfalfa, molaaws sprayed: feed per cent Wa taaa atalght owta; healthier atock. fat partltuiara aak Armlated A OOtw'. SAVE THB CHICKS by ualng Dr.

one' Cor Sore Usui Remedy. At all dealers. Sure 7-7 Building and Raofing Matarial. xA 2x4. 1x8.

aas ....812.00 ner floorfag, calling and aldli sldlag. 812.00 per atock; It la a banraln. agtos SC and too Baker St. Oeraar Lusabor Ca, tf OUR STOCK ta eery complet and well aa-aarted: wa caa farnlak all klnda of building fuppliea at rock kottom price. Call aad ae teg yowigaU, Uwraer Lumbar 300 Baker St.

tf LUMBER All building materia la: complete bona hills ahlpped anywhere; long leaf lumber; grade guaranteed; and eetlmate. ludepeutleut Va-oaertlT Lumber Lake Charkia, La. tf OAK, hickory, aah, popiar. birch and maple Maury -24 ruwocr. vwau ssaruwuuu a.umpur BSB owwaaaw rlanta.

Traaa, BaaCa, Etc, FOB SALB too huahela Mebane Triumph alaatiaa aeed. releed Falla oouaty, glaned early, la area welarbt. 3-buaMl aackt 81 per bushel, aaajMeaswuiotpolut-. Baaymont Cottuu oil TO SB1X XOUK REAL ESTATE, farm, fur-Blture, boaM, automobile, writer, huuaebold goads ar poultry or to rent your home, room ur effle, a to get help or aecura Jpe USK A tf WANT AJ IN TB POST. COTTON 8KKD- We bar a few tone of good oraara taken for lea a mwa awru lur ee at at per Bualle tbaa 26 buauela.

taft Raach, pea aa, urrgury 2 exaa. MlactllaiMaua. FOB SALE I motor boat, a la avtseaobtl roadster; caah, I-bon Praatoa 2242. fully equipped; FretUH. Burkey.

tf 8ALB Mator boat Bar-ha feet 4 tncha a. a-, t-fwl beaai baa FairbaBka-Mam marine motor; good raanlng or gar; aa ba bawgkt at 1-8 coat. Phoa T146. tf 8 POOL TABLES cheap, rraatoa 7404, 404 Milan. Pbona 4-a FOR BALK Chap for caah or en aaay terras, 1 cottoa bellag hand pree.

8. Samuela A 101 Treeta 8t. 10 A BAKOA1N Wa have for ala cheap, 1 No. 62 4-4rart Soar aaah ragisteri In flrat claaa. Cmittea: aay terms.

For particulars write a 28, New BrauBfel. Texaa. 6 PRIVATE PARTY baa a diamond ring In pawa; win Mil Mwa ticket at wcriflce. Ad-irau 77. Ihl offle.

4 FOR SALB Bnrroutka adding aucblne, practically ara, coat 8228; trat offer ot 6126 takes It Prestep 4077, 14 Mala St. FOB SALB CHEAP New maboa-any upright a-Bwsni aayiog adio. bel billiard awaaa, raoar usaa- wars waidjeke lug coraeas hardwaod Pbona P8820. tei-a f-reoen -eaom Bldg. Phoaa Preaton 68M.

a Moatroae, 84000. Ausm ana ttiguy 8-room baagalow oa Ia Branch 8.I0OO. Iaar nargatu la au parte or tne city, bar city property to trade or exchange. 1 kare furnished betels for leaae or reut. I do a general trading baslaess.

Ask aa for what yau waat. I hare it. tt SEVERAL daalrabla building ettee In Houatoa. Ifelghta cut boucht direct from owner cheap 'alt mat aaauaani farau. AQUreia 18U AN UKOUEsnOltABLB BARGAIN In the tlnaat 6-rooa bungalow la Bousiuu, at 806 Wll-lard araana, FalrTlewJ Hadley 3171.

8 FOB 8ALE-4300 aaaa, balance -5 per mouth; Bice boata, a largo aooma, ball, front and rear Krcrv batbi raoni, fttlljr equipped, electric hta, aaat front. block from ear. Phone Preaton 8207 or 1388.. for quick ale 82000. 4 BARGAIN OB t-reoa houaee.

sell or trade. Call at Asa, hetwasa Sad and 3rd Mag-all Park. McOomba. a-4 aOATTH -erery, 7 rooma aad Mta, acraaa ad-la araepi Tanta1 nuartara, ana hall porcn, garage, from South End ear; adjacaat uau owner, rree-tt MAIN ST. INVESTMENT Between McKlnaey aad Laaar Arm: will accept part In o'ber property.

For partlnilara see A. B. Kelly, 318 Flret rTatroaal Baak Bldg. THE OLD oners rd residence, corner Sen Ja-elata St. aad Holmaa for nle to be moved off.

So o. A. Forsgard. 8 Unlmprovad. Lots of Satisfaction ARB THB KIND YOU FIND LN Oakhurst They aatlafy becanae they are beautiful home-sttea aad ipleadld laroatmeBta, aold at aucb low prices and on aack easy terms that any man or woman who can aar 80 per mouth may become the owner of oaa ot them.

sAak for nutp aad price list. Willtam A. Wilson Company "Home oa Eaay Payment." 814 Franklin Ara. Pbona l'reatou 467. 4 'r ITijasftfiftnirfl "IPIIaisce Near Bice Institute and Hermann Park.

02 Sulla Day JSwslb 7th-. Fr llTzcniirsJoia Sa Window Display In Old' Km Bldg. 5 fine Lots Given Away J. L. TBBBOTT CO.

S4S-4-7 Kreaa Bldg. Pbona Preston 4338. Jiobbln, Texas THB TOWN JW1TH A FUTURE. la Corakaaa and Humble oil belt, lot buyers get 3-4 lataraet ta oil wella to ba drilled la city llmlta; 860 for lueiile, 878 for corner lota; aaay row; boat uraatmeBt In Texaa; agent wanted. W.

Vt uITEHItAD, 4M Xbua aUdg: Houatoa. 4 ONLY rflO $200 Caslh. Bal $20 will grr roa jwaaealon of a little ale borne an saw, itjvuib aou garden aad chicken house. ball. o.

ra. 10 as 404 Klam Bldg. CO. Preaton 7078. Montrose If voa waat a bufldlur elta.

let aa aii warn tm MOMTB08B, wkgt 20 ucw aoaM are now aa- aooatrucrjoB. HOUSTON LAND COBPORATTOM. I. W7. Link, Prweideat.

u. B. Jackaon, Secretary. jueraaui riaor union r-auonat nana atiagi raw i i tf I dTao karo aot already Dorcbaard a to before it la too lata. Motor can will ta operation very anon- Beat boating.

Ban ana aatnirur on iae oar aarar. itB lor chap. Xenaa raaonabl. For Dartlculara sijilrea TAT. T.

14 Sit S18 Oartar aUda. fhooe Preaton 2157 or 1434. x. B5 ro5iK8 lr a few day oly 0r; 60x126 AToadala lot. caah $5,100 60x100 Waton.

Welch term or caah 1.360 60x100 Crawford, aatt tare, caah 2,100 a aaaa iota au ore wona mare money, are ur located oa pared sir! and bar all cauranMaeaa. If you bar lb aaouey aa ua. Co. 412 Sranlan, Droi Sderc SStis bare tba beat located lot la Houatoa for drag ator and 2 other store. Will produce 30 pt came, aa ru oaiw.

Praatoa 1296. 204 Stewart Bldg. OOBNEB, Improred, over 2 lots, only it block aea aart bouae. at fll'iOO; ao better larast. Beat la Roust ou.

Addrra Owner, 4488. this ofac. a FOB 8 ALB BX OWNKR o-room residence. Iota, oa Corner, In Hyde Park, Mrraat a room and garsga. CaU Uadlry 2308 at Preataa 1847.

a FOB SALE factory urea, 811,000. 814,000 Blnuer gad 24.400. Apply Owner. 1417 klci Ar. Preetoa 404 J.

8 aBVEEAL dealreble rnaa la Hoaatoa Heurbts oaa bouxbt dli. ct from owner Ca.p lot caak et aa aaaaunsbla terse. Addraa 4180. thla amce. t( KUTH FRONT LOT, Watch.

Mat Uepktas. it 836t eaaa. Bating ii MEW a-raom bungalow la Oak Law addition, i oaar BBrnseBta: all mNlera -coaTaBiaatewa. raana Owner. Hadley 882- 6 row a iota ai ei i suittaaa.

Hon, Hehthta. A.Y. Bobacvk. kaat Beraard. te isroa exes.

10 8800 CASH will bur nv equity la tT-TO m. hw, Beaaiatoa; baUnc of 1110 para hi 810 frk- heaeaa l-kua. Wtlaa4 aar. am, aHW t'mii, oair lagS Wlatat Pkuni a BOOMS, bridal a-tta, aiak, gaa lapta fornltnra, lg raiure. areaa am.

turfl a-ara prtrata koaea. J. '1W Orotk.U BL Woodland car. Wo cklldraa. Afteraooa, a7 MB wi.T 1-tJ BJi 8H I faaaaa, renkaceav BrtT.ta faaaU.

ao cMldrea. alt pMl 181 Ml a. rwoaa Hadlej ami. COST HOOTKBEEPINO BOOMS, ALL CON. Board and Roam.

Ja1TOraVaaTrafTi' "VVVVnrti Oa to 1017 Lamar aud gwt maala mt IS. iriaaa aad board. 9 -i HUH -v attraatlra aoaUwaat rooma, with or without aannaotlag bath alaa ether roaroai acreened aallarlaa, large, cool dining room, with excellent aanaii Terr daalrabla fog refined couple; claaa la. 811 Lamar Are. 10 M0 MATTER Where raa are boaxtllag Tou'li PAHB.81DB INN.

rataa. 118 Baghr. W3. ail IOX eonrJaae rooma. beat koaaa cooked aeeala laaiiur atria, iieea IB cwaa la, to couplaa or gao-708 Walker Are.

a HOMEWARD OOTTAOB Near boalaaaa dii tract: bomallka aurroundlaaa. axcntkii eou If genial: all eourealencea; guod caokinai 8A week. 714 Jaekaon. Preatoa 7128. ajO LABOS aaol room aultakla fat a ar 8 nunc aaa; koaaa aooklng; rataa.

Praatoa, a0t, JU. BOARD with room, bath, 4 par arret; good bona cookkeg garr ed fault? atria. 1420 Oou- 1 OB, OKNTLRURN can aecura room and laard ta art ate famllr, electric llghta aad Prt-ftta bath. 008 Boul.Tiird, HalahtaT Va MIGILX funlahed HJ874. PRIVATE HOMH, large, cool front rooa.

ax eelleat board: Poaaa; fiJOSi fcw- ecmaiaiBU B1U 4 SOUTH EA8T front room. 8 wlndowa, with or witoouc para; Biao uouaeaeeping rooma. Wrl Lamar. a4 BVBBXONB their raoma for rant la The Poat and nearly everyone looking fur rooau knowa it. That'a war our room, ada got aack wonderful raeulta.

tt BOvTH ROOM with batk and aleeptag porck: board fc-alahed. Praatoa 8172. 810 Loulalaj at. IHi ULfBUHi UtiUU. UHBJ OOBMTa taralalied rauaaa with or without board; blocka aivBB unne b-vui, iw aaiBai arvan aiasa Ol, Home cooklaa.

Ratea reaaoaaMa. Pkaaa Praa. ton 8818. 1018 TRAVIS -Nicely turoienea roueaa, wttfe good table board; 8 blocka Bandar hotel; ratea 0J4 BCMMBB BATES Bouth rooma. excellent board, bath, clean.

homeUke. lira. Dixon. 707 Dallaa. Preatoa 8KS3.

8 WANTED 4 rbung mea table boardera for prlrata family. In waffltfag dUluce. 1410 TraTla. UadJay lk02. 8 TO 8 ELL YOUB REAL ESTATE, farm, fur- altura, home, automobile, typewriter, boon bold tfooda or poultry or to refit your house, room or eaca or ta Mt halo or aacura a lob IIHm, a WANT AD IN THE POST.

tt IT'S A POSITIVE FACT If you hare any old iwraiiure ror aauo. or ice Gaeeu or uon or cow a. anything roa want to eell, a Poat want ad wlU aell it xur you. Wa can prora It, IX will oaly try. SOUTH ROOM FOB 2 OENTLKMBN.

ALL MODERN WITH OK WITH OUT BOARD. CLOSE IN ON CAB LINE, BEFKR8NCE8. HADLEY -3634. 8 SOriTRRAST front room, nrirate Bath and aome eomrorta. Mat table poarfl.

neatua 24UT. 1812 TraTla. Beferencea. 8 BOOM AND BOARD for eon Die or 2 aentlemm with reftoed family. Pbona lladley 80..

Befer encea. io 1814 Rl'BK Soatneaat room with nrliate fam 11t for couple or gentlemen. Pbona Preaton 6106, Automatic 6108. 10 iiAjtOB. coot room, euitaoie lor a or 8 rotmg tea; home cooking; rate.

Preaton 8o07. 0 LABOB. eool aui table for 2 or a rourj Ben; bora cooking; ratea. Paatoa 3887. 1207 MILAM Oaafortabla room arltkt hoard table boardera aoudted.

Phone Preaton 6801. IN PRIVATE HOME Nice- froat roon. with board, for couple; alao garage. Phone B2728. tt NBWLY faralahed room, with or without board.

Preatoa 4710. 4O0 Crawford. a-ia IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO "SWAP" fe tor eomethlug elae, a Lttla exebaaga ad ran a weak la Tka Poat will ba aura to mi riul tor raa. tt Board and Room Wanted. EVERYONH ADVERTISBS their rooma fn.

rent 1b The Poat and nearly ererrone lookl-a for rooma knowa It. Tbat'a way oar room ale get aack weoderful raeulta. tt Unfuffliorvad Rooma. 2 LABOR unfuro tailed coo) rooma, kail aad Ellarle. modern otmreniancea, raooa uadler 16.

1803 Hamilton. 1 tt 8 MODERN unfurnlabed nnetalra rooma. bath. hall and aorch: newly pa pared to Connie with out children. 2808 Anatln.

Hadley 1074. BVBBY ONB ADVERTISES their rooma for rent la The Poat and nearly erery one looking for rooma knowa It. That' why our room ada get eoeh woaderful raaulta. tf 151 M'KINNKY-y-2 large, eonoecttag aoutk. aaat roama.

modern conTenlencea, cloaa to post-ogtca aad Cntoa alatiua. a 8 LARGE unfurnlabed aoutbeaat rooma, ara. la Third wara reaaoakble. Pkona Hadley 446. a 2 UNFURNISHED rooma with orlTate batk Calf tt and entrance, aad water farnlahed.

B1708. 2 I7NFITRNISHKD aooma with nrlrat famll- wouthern expuaure. gaa atora In one room, one block two car lines, xvib uiwnereri or ring Automatic AMI. 8 Mlaeallanaoua. DESK roora with telephone, southera) axpoa ure, llghta.

raa, hot, cold water. Sammena, 600 fcVattr a DON'T LIST XOUB BOUSE STAND VACANT. A email want ad la The Poat will reat It In a few flays. name la true about your rooma. tf FOR RENT Offtca on second Boor ef Lumbar.

mana Bank electric lurhta and calllu fan. B08 Lumbarnuna Bank Bldg. 04 FOR RENT Half of the etuta room of 1104 8 Preatoa Stewart Bldg. wanted to rent. A.1 wuyw, ui 1 unif HUCU ruoms, wltb prlrata bath, for light houaekaeplng; must be clean, bare good axpoaure and la good nlgb' borbood) atata price and particular In a newer; will ba Derauaeat It aaUafaetory.

this fflca. a WANTED To rent for 8 months a gaaonua tractor. xv-oV-Boraenower. on draw bar: d.iim. rental la Srat letter.

DO. C. Underwood, Pear- iBBd. Taxaa. a WANTED furnished rooma for houeekeeB- lna: prlrate family preferred; reference furnished l( aeoeaaary.

Addreea 71, thla afaoa. 4 WANTED Larre dairy barn to accommodate 80 cowa; plenty free. range, good water, cloaa la Houatoo. Addreea 114. tbla office.

WANTED Nice It furnished room' with haih Bill table for 2 young awn; moat be near Post; atata term a. Addreea 80. thla office. 4 WANTKP Furulebed cottag at' Sylraa beach ar Oalreatoa. a aaauiu, Uaoetoa, Texaa.

Preaton 84 FOR LEASE. FOB LBA8B to oil company to bora for oil. BOO acme In Fort Band county Bear Missouri City aad wuenoga. appiy owner, iui jc.ln. pay Are.

Puune preaton eOAil. sTg FOB LONO It acrea, tna for electric pleasure park, Inside ally limits, turrounded by atraat car Una and pared alreat, oaa end oa railroad. Prica tlauo par month and It tagea. Apply owner, 1417 Mc-KiBBey At. Phone Preaton 4042.

am IFiiVVKlTEKS SUPPLIES. 1aafaaMPaea IIKH kg TYPEWRITERS Oa eur abelraa ara erer 200 typewriters at different Bakea. wklck tare been traded la oar the L. O. Smith.

Soma ot theaa ara llkg new. ara aaTering them at great bargain. Will rent 8 eaoatha tor 17.60 and thru apply credit a aurebaa arloa. HOUSTON IN TIPEWRITBR SXCHANOL sraoa rresisa iui, tr SMITH PREMIER RALES AORNCV Type. ale, rapalriug Tiiiw uwraaiuw.

au iTiauara naaes; pear reut- (Ot raaala it Phoa Praatoa as. sou aupuiea, aaorriMoa a aoauer. POirillEUN MNt 1XKK i 714 Tmttla. A 00MPI.BTE Link op M'rniturb AT REA.HONAIII.K I'ltlfKS. THB CNI0N rUHNlTUKK CullPANY.

210-212 MILAM. tt Bared especially lor rlaullug; best rarlety. superior qusltly. A. P.

rlorileu, execulor t-stata of A. H. Pierce, Jlerce. Texas. 8 FOR SALB st bargala.l 200-horso powel Helaur boilers each.

Apply Cryatal and uel Co. all RXOKIJ.ENT A150 Weill salon piano for 81'J8 i and i'rlucc. dellrered. W. A.

Sabelwao. 1 Helitbta Annex. FOR SALE Siltt white and poatoat react nu In carload lots. K. Walttwr, Djt-rn.

Texas. aO FOR 8AUC CIIKAI' I wardrobe. 1 dresser, 1 wasbsund. 3 3 chair. 4 beds, 1 bugu.

1 gas store, 1 grapbophuue. ol' I'aachull flflh ward. FOR SALK Oaa range, good at newt, also 4500-gallon galrauiaed tank cheap, 470S llraaV. 1 PARLY new latly'a 17-Jcwoled Taltham watcb, -carat solid gold case, smallest alaa made, cheap for curb or trod for dlamuud. Ad-dreaa 4270, this ofttce.

IS BOAT 30 7 1-2, new, 14 II. P. notort beat offer takes It; particular. Hartley 8 FOR SALE 4 A. Kmeraon motor celUag fans with clisndeller llgbia; used 6 months: aa new; tl7.60 eauU.

Addreaa 4440. tuia'oillce. FOR SALE A nice 20-foot by 6 12 family launch. 0 H. P.

motor ami cquipmeut; alao canopy top; braud new, 1'lione Preatoa 7701-R or eee M. K. lx 1210 OranBer St. a Moving Picture SuDpllea. Uuuij-1 rirK-srvii i i-'f-trtf rs an a Bt Electric pianos, rieclally adapted to morhM picture tlieaterM; Crriiionu" rewind system, re- qulrea bo extert; oyer 30 "Cremona elocrrtc Elauoa and giving perfect aerricc, ai louaton.

HdJiHsiloiji Fliioaioraiplk Co. GOOD commercial morlng picture reels for ale very cheap. All with puper. From 3 ta 810 per reel. Independent Film and Supply l'laaa Theater ban Antonio, Texaa.

4-BI MOVING PltrrilRK SH)W for al, town 21100 population; doing good bualneas: good reasons (or ailing. Addreaa 4UA2, this ofUce. i FINANCIAL PROPOSITIONS. IF T0TJ WANT TO BORROW MONEY ON HOUSTON RESIDENCE OH ULSLNavHS I'HOP-ICRTY, we can supply you with- any amount wanted from 8600 to $000,000 wltk Interest at 6 to 8 per cant. Veador'a lion aotua bought and -Mid.

ApptjVo 201 Main Ground' Floor. at flrat tf National Bant ILajtmis os Oisffliioiiiidls We lend Immediate moavy on dlauiunu, gold, gad allrerware at the luweat ratea In llouatou. Equitable loan society. 118-814 Union National Bank I'bone Preston 788. tt To Ian on guod Improved city property at.

6 per cent; low brokerage aud quick service; will handle loana 61000 and up; caa handle aome good farm loana; alao some auiullur loana from tlOO 412 Scanlaa. Prostou 18.7. tt Real Islate Loans It roa aeed to extend a present lieu on your property, build a houie ur make Improvement wo can furuiau the loan ua a satisfactory basis. All loan are mads on Houatoa property and not to exceed 60 per cem ef. the property value.

i B. L. IKA1M at 1101-2 Union National Bank Bldg. Phone Preston tt'lj. tt We bare 'local money to loan in various amouuia.

raugiug from glOnO to Vel.ow, lu amounts to auit but-rouer; low rale ot interest; no detay; eusy terms. W.M. 11. OLSCHEWHKE It Beal Eatate aud Loaua. 40 scaulau Bldg.

tt MOVBD-t -D. D. UKAKE -M0VID to xoo Prlnc Theater Building. alO-NUY. Cheap Rates.

Easy Term. Phone' Proa ton 2300. FARM LANDS. UOUSIUN CITY LOANS. Vendor's ilea notes purchased.


PHELl'S, AT-TORNKY. SEVKNTII FLOOR UNIONS ATION-AL BANK 1I1.1XI. tt MONEY f'r alarled people and othors fur-, nlabed without security; easy cheapest ratea; ouiue and get uiouey wbeu ytm wane It aud pay ua you i-an. Tvaiiscu ac uoh Lumhermaua National ttuuk Lltbt. tf MONEY FtNt BUILDING.

No comulsalou at ektra (eea ebarged policy, low rataa. a. uat 403 Paul at lug. UI'ICK. LOCAL MOSEY 13500 und 82000.

T. J. tolllua, 303 Paul Ml.lp lu MONEY TO LOAN on elty property, no delay. Jobs 8. Hoover, 408 Uuioat Nutioual llnuk.

(i ll MONEY TO LOAN T. 1. Collius, 500 Paul Bldg. ltKADI MONKY to loan ou inside property. We buy Vendor's lieu uou-s.

iiuiil i.i,i,cr, eJl Hrt Natiouai Bank milk'. it WANT to borrow, tots.) for one tm tirst lieu uotcs secure.1 by liud lu uiljouou will pay 10 pur ceui iicrct. Addicss 21, this oitjce. u-0 WANTKD- Pat-liter taLc interest lu a tractive UKlvlUg aililotlH' j00 rc-UUirod. Addles Uo.

lul. olhcc. 4 8100 ON MY ti'V-l PIANtl. ll ullotv possession aud pay ititereat. 111, this of-Oce.

0-0 TO LOAN Fur client 11 1 I dollars. Security uiut I'. tli Clt)- property. 11. Ukiusid 1 wrath, -Ido -1'aul o-(t FOR SALE at a leust'liable ULcuunt, Vendor lieu uole.

1-i I'aid it'. by tuo BioulU. Au.wei by letu-r 10 a. 1'. i.oau, oOlO Alliaui Bl J.VilKt with iliu'-.

i pit cent on 6 Iota w. U.uiidcd Saa rVbpc. Beuebvr. Knttlnici tbla Uaa basilica: Bee. rtli ttro-llurua of valttc.

Adui't'sd 1:14. tuts ui- 0 PAY 1 lK'r Bioutlia. fully ecutiit-if you bave ut per Juu 3 Ailtireaa 4-iou, this 4 l.KH i't'H -l-l. the 3au Auttuuo oala Stable, 812 'Ma tteac teuiral depot. J.

Itotliateln. tt MONKY Tt) I.OAX goOIKi fori year at a pet cent 011 city property; must ba well secured. Apply 4440. Qua ufilcw. 1 WANTKI To Prealou 1T-VI.

buy luriHIure. tf IA1ANS A UK oq automobiles. 414 Ltilon Nstionnl Bauk. I.ipper. tf 31200 HOUSTON Title Utiaranty V.

atovk for sale at 80C ou the dollar. 11. M. CuUUu a tf 1218-1214 CartM hare a baaatlful l-room S-4ary atwea borne la Montroaa. cornet Hawthaxaa aad Whitney Sis.

that wa can aell cheap. Tbla la a lanra, roomr. atrlctlp modern hoave with hardwood SeWa, beam eaUinaa. sua rooau. breakfaat room, (rout aad aid cement porch, cement walka rroot aad aide, lark Jbetary ear-Tan room aad garag; hiat completed, aerer 00- eupiea ana Built ot tna past ai 80x120 teat, on wrner.

wU tiled, an car Ua. frupta aoutb. alley la rear. tract wa caa aell thla haaatlfuT butue at LESS THAN COelT. Thla la your opportunity- ta.

get a BAjj i. Vr.i- k. ia awbAera offered at a eacrlne aa-lc a. aaw. madam bom ta tba bast of neighborhoods.

For full particulars or Isawartloa gaa GJ.fSn NlCllOtf Will succeaaora ta Kimea ea ex im 0B0UND VI LOOK iicva. aww, Preataa 4221 Sad VJkwd IivwtSaBtii 1 D-reom. t-atory bouae and 1 4-raaB cottage oa 80x100 earner lot, faclag Borth and eaat. Honaaa an modern In arerr loapact, krlaa" 888 mmu. nnoMntant to Lab bock school, Kara auto factory, ear barn Jag aacklni lacking Bouse, a aaaur flaw caaa, oaianca aaruae SAkt BEALTY COMPANY, Real Eatate, lien tale.

Loans. O-jU UIm M.rnsrt Floor. Pkonea Preatoa 1008. Automatic A1008. tt kUGNQWi PARK BARGAIN Brand aaw 4-room baaac, arrar eceunlad.

oa blockrom Harriaburg road, all Unm alaa rooma. bouae fully acreeneu. bar 81800, small caak payment, balance Uke reat. Dr. O.

8. fraatoa. Scanaan Bldg. Fkoa PV4-; asi for Mr. Uergaa.

I Edward B. Jones Real Estate, Rentals and Investments 348-848 fcreaa Bldg. Pkona Preatoa 2020. 2 house la Third ward, 1 block of Junior High echoed, cheap (or cash at easy term. S-rooB bungalow on Auatta Bt.

8-rooa houaa Park Place; a bargala fax aalck ale. tf Yoakmn and Bora, behind 14 a UnatnM. atiioo ffxterlor. tile roof. breakfast room, ball room, aoath a leaping porch, music room, terra rao porck Soora.

tile kitchen aad bath, handeome band painted decoration; face aoutb, 734x100 feet; a bargala tog ante deal, nothing oner 1 Houatoo. raoaa UAHKTT- Hadley xSa. 8 I A da.r a.sat front cottaae. near Montroaa and South Knd car llnea, new and modern; 8600 cash, balance easy; would take lot ar auto first Preatoa 1380. 1 804 Stewart Bldg.

tf AlaMePsilsiCw K11 nBsBrthsfartut MMtttm MM otoUiK flaer la Roostm bucaw lw )ick w.rtalr" PhivrMi M9AS If. J- Mavratt. awMV KnVti builder. modem asienea. readr occuny will build anywhere in Montroaa to ault; liberal terms.

McKanUe A 218 First Katioaal Bldg. Praatoa 2102. 4 rna aar it BY 'OWNER That 12 rtsldrnc o. 1420 Scott St. (corner Scott and sun Aaw.f us lot 83x150 feet: all modera con- appalntmaata complete la trary de tail; must, pa aaaa turouguout to a ituiy ap- atDMUNDSON.

amthswatBra nhonaa Prearoa 82 and 602. P. O. Box 23. tt SOUTH KNIV-Modera t-atory.

7 lb awraaned la aleenink Dorch. I fid Oail owaar raat a uuartore. oae-baif block ST. AUUBOBBS' BBBSUB raatoa 8u. wn HAVB 12 beautiful rAVcea.

to Bouaton Heights, from 8S6DO tu 88260; 10 pat eeut cash, balance easy terms; all klada aaa slxe of. hotels and rooming laoaaa. S. B. srstem.

ruota 2.4, Beatty ot Phoaa Ptea- lou two, 10 THUtra a OOOD BKASON fa all annaariua In thla BaDar. Owner aad real aetata dialers hare foiwd by oxperteaat that tbalr ads la Th Poat bring tbea muck better raaulta tkaa hdwker. Hone that'a where ither tall 7 their atrerlag. -Sboald-foa hat anything la ta real eiutiuhe to offsrTthls la tke plam to tell ec 1 rod wane so aau is. as 7-ROOM cottag for aala la South Sad, aalua truoo.

tuoruughiy aaodara; for eulca aas wlU take 84130, K0 cash, balance 840 ith. Merrttt Nichols, rreaton bob. m. HAI.B OK RENT Mle ta atata 8006 Leeland, facial aoath, pared atraat, a treat car sad all modera conTeuleooes. Will aell monthly pay menu aou, or rent fag anon Oily.

YY, lUlBaUBuaon, roa rwa, a BUX FROM the owner 4 aad 6400a cottagoa. new; bouses opea tooari pne gioOO; make Jour own tarma. Owner and Tawapaoa Sta. a Itller. Preston 8634.

FOB SALE 7-roora. eattage. aaat front, half block from Louisiana car Una. Pkaaa Hadley 8078. It 4-ROOM HOUSE, 207 Chartre.

la good coodl- Uon, near car, llnaa, am locattot, a bargain If taken at once Praatoa 842. 4-4 8 BOOM bouae, eootbeaat corner, 4 Iota, 83000. eaay Will nuw locatad let aa caak payment, raww iww iw. o-a FOB SALE Superior home on 1 block eg granad, good well aad 4 -room bungalow, 3rd ward. W.

F. Hrpwurtk. 8814 HamUtoa." 4 van BALE 1 block with aaw 4-room bnaeaio-. I. ward: will sell all Ot Hit U.m.lT.

ton ar phou Hadley 4U08. GREAT A too dale bargain. 8680 aaaa. mm 7 -room home, aleeplng porch, aortaoocaara; ax- teptluoal. r-restoa 111, kkw modera btmgalow. aivrs. aiAA eaak. JaAa II i iA a 4-ROOM, 2-storr, 8450) 4-room cattaga, 83800; room bunaalow. 84200 eaay eraa; all awatl End.

Parry. Preaton 178. BAST FRONT let. Ore a rut 4 uwaer, eMeuey ara. HANDSOME 8-rooa modera real aaa1 a la fark.

84S00. eaay Phoa gHadMy mi Nit 9 S-rooas -bmuraleara. all aedrra. riOBC IO urw vi 1 1 mv w.n ti, vim pa put caak. balance eaay.

vail owner. 1 ay tor ania, a SMITHY AUTO CO. euly chariaa 82 par bear new Ford ears. Phoaa P82. 4-lg for NICE 4IOMK 111): 8460 dowa.

aaa 8708, tar tt6. Thoaa ar real bergalaa. at Bala' 4201 Rouatoa Ara. MONTROSE Beautiful now baaaaloar. 8 rooma, modern, neat con.truetloa: roaaonahJa teraia.

Addreaa 182. thla offlca. FOR SALE Central Park, beautiful beajhrrrard corner, oa car line: term. Addreaa 181, thla ohV. 8 FOR SALE 8-roeta eotrare, strict ly blocks front ear Una, 81800: 8400 eaah.

hi. anc moot lily. M. J. Mllla.

1001 TJaMai Baak Jldg. I8IS0. umca rraatoa aou, reauiaooa rraatoa 10 FOR SALE OR BENT My -rnoaa rarwlahaal ar BBfurnlabed hueae, erery modera eaaTauleaca, on of th boat location la cltyt baautUal grouBda; houaa la beatnajdltlon: an black of car Una. Owner, 014 Seaalaa Bldg. g-m SPECIAL HBIOUTS BABOAJNS New room bungalowa, aau 11 1 eaay term a.

Taylor 77, 10 180 DOWN, OB auttatt. 816 amnrhly, buys gild new 4-clty water, electric llgkte: this Sta. kit Beatty Bldg. Woo '-14 week. B.

11. Preatea 137a. FOB 8 ALB Nlc 8-rooa cottage, back aad front gantry I cooking and lurkta. awar. on ear 11a.

In 1BT- lag city. For term apply 1607 Uatcalawl B-ltOOM cot aaa. Mbb-boIIb in 1. auto or personal property raab payment, halanca annthLe. L.

R. Norton, ewwer, PiIM- tm. CENTRAL PARK baaaraJoar aa a near Harriaburg car; prlca SlPHt aw Phoaa rreatua 01 do. WI1.I. TKAOK tiooo eoulty ta t-room cottag 12 minute' ride on Interurban, 6c fan, for real eatate, cowa or aalea.

0. B. Muiucrr. Texaa. Auiaanatlc phoa.

tf Farma and Ranchaa, CC rOR SALB. 0XK OP THE BKbT UTTLB FARMS IN MONTOOJdKllY rvndftlug of 100 acres, 83 acre la eultlrwtiea. fenced nutl cixm-fenced, ft room bou, -story born, chicken house, good spring water; will put In 3 cows aud 8 calre. esr 60 bogs and all household utK 82600, ohe-kalf cah, balawe terma tu alt: ewaar auat aall at or bo tuld not anka tbla aaeriaW. If you want to buy this place you caa gaa saal at our office any Hay this wrk.

N. T. SYSTEM I goi-arc an-t Krea Bldg. Phone Praroo apt. ACHES1 Monttomery cotinty.

one of the beat far aolL ImproTrnienta and location la the county; 7 -room house, barns and outhullillnx. I will trad tut well located stork geaeral merrhaadlse. K. 11, 317 Beatty Bid. Half I nte reft ia on of the twit bat taring automobile business In Houston, Thla tg grst claaa moaey inakttig prop.

Silt Ion and will apt ba va the ararket loos. Se me at oaca. Preatoa 1373. a i war aaaota. bo inrr-rept is tanea aarji run.

i.t Addraa 201. thla ace..

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