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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 1

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
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GO TO CHURCH 1 Thto Coupon' Ur for Ono 2So ptoeo 'of Morehanfi Ovorland -Automoblla tarip whoa pnaaawtad at tha offUo of A Yog will benefiti tha church will benflt tM community mum snar in smtmng which beneftta you, because yen ara.s part sf tha community, v- Speak It; Print lt i Writs It-fJufialo Rlvif. -v. i "VofclSl; NO. 138 HOUSTON JTEXAS, SljNDAY, AUGUST 2019154 PAGES; PRICE 5 CENTS 1 i i crpri pHiinr a IF STRIKE GOMES aoaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaoaaaaooaaaaaaaaaoaaooaaaaiMOi Look to Spain to OF HFE KFOHTO wmm PUBLIC WILL'KHOW WHO ARE TO BLAME AT TEXAS COAST FOINT Mediate at Close of European War President Wilson in Plain and Em phatic Language Urged Railroad Presidents to Give In. Recent Submarine Visit With Dispatches Was Sig MUST FACE NAKED TRUTH At Corpus Christi Greatest Property Damage Was 'in Vicinity of Beach Hotel Loss Estimated at Between and $500,000 in Entire City-Prominent Citizens on Fishing Trip Have Not Been Heard From: IN THIS CRISIS, SAID WILSON nificant-Distrust of 5 as Mediator Dates in Germany to Portsmouth-Alfonso, Remembering Aid of 1898, Remained NeutraL Railroads Insist Upon Arbitrating What Nation's-Head Declares Is Fair Basis Country Believes in HURRICANE THRILLS! Eight-Hour Day, He Said.

to the most important newspaper in HungaryAz Est, two days after the A. A. Acree, Staff Correspondent. SINTON, Texas, August 19 Everybody in Corpus Christl Is safe but rnnaorvQtlva oQlirmtoa anv Miat hatwncn 9Kn ClftO unA 00(1 financial lOSg submarine's visit, points to a similar con clusion. He not merely insists that NO KNOWN LOSS OF LIFE IS REPORTED AT BROWNSVILLE Prist RttiriTl.

KAAn eiiffAraif Mho i vrfthnut llcrhto ftp arrPAT THinSminai Hill. LUK Spain has been strictly neutral through wiainunTnu 10 Proa. out the way, "In spite of the greatest difficulties," but openly stateshat the reason for this impartiality has been the hone of Dlaylnc an Important role in 4 t. A power house having gone down about four c'clock Friday afternoon, ident Wilson appealed to the railroad 0 0 7 0... tji a Scarcely a building in this entire city is unscathed.

Qn South Bluff, a officials Saturday to abandon their in- 1 t. A.mtBL natural seawall 40 feet high, where the most beautiful residences of the sistence on arbitration of the dispute ilt. nrnnf bringing about peace. City BIOOU, IS aiuiUBL a lunss ul nictuntc. ucauuiui threatening a nationwide strike and 1 A riarb to accept his plan of settlement, al-, nrttv WERE EXPERIENCED BY 60Y.E.F.

DUNNE Illinois Chief Executive Found Con ditions in Camps Satisfactory in Every Way. EVERYTHING POSSIBLE BEING Si DONE FOR THEIR COMFORT By Gilbert Hirsch. (Gilbert Hlrocb. a flolshrd itudcat of Oermin polltlcti. ocUI and rcononrte life, baa written mncU aTllllant correspuudeaco Irom Germany aluce tbe beKlunlnx of the present conflict.) Peace rumors which have coma out of Spain since the German submarine U-35 visited Cartagena on June 22 are confirmed by what 1 have repeatedly heard in Berlin.

"Spain would be the Ideal place for the holding of the peace conference after the war," well Informed Germans have said to me more than once, 'were It not that there would be no direct connection with Berlin, except over enemy territory." The success of the new methods of submarine communication helps to reduce that difficulty to a minimum. And whatever were the contents of the dispatches so impressively sent from tbe German emperor to the King of Spain, they wero certainly of a nature to increase the probability of Spanish mediation. ALFONSO HOPED TO AID IN PEACE. The congress of Vienna, held at the end of the Napoleonic wars a century ago. did much to restore the prestige of the brilliant but Impoverished Austrian court.

King Alfonso has apparently every reason to that the equally important congress which will end the present war may do as much for the Comparatively Little Damage Was Done by Friday's Storm in Lower Rio Grande Valley Section. WIND PLAYED HAVOC AMONG ready agreed to by the employes, be-1 chtenstein. standing only two doors away is damaged cause, in his opinion, the railroads are v'u" 6 contending for a principle which it I logs to resldenceB is the ,088 of the Hardin Court seemingly is Impossible to apply gtood out feay on Jhere to the present situation. In one the most dramatic scenes known to court at Madrid. SPAIN VERSUS THE UNITED STATES.

ARMY CAMPS AT ALL POINTS were ob Ol laeffl juai. uciui a iuo diuxui dvi uv.n., nun uuij ciQm on, empty shells, while the wreckage of the other 24 "is scattered all along the bay front. The contents of these houses are floating about the bay uncollected the White House in recent years, the president declared to the heads of 1 After, Visit to National Guard of According to the German point of view, there are only two possible mediators Spain and the United States. Sweden's sympathies have been too openly with while the occupants of the houses were huddled together in the Nueces and Beach hotels and the county court house and the city hall. The Central wharf is a total loss at $10,000.

There the gale struck with Thirty Thousand Begfular Soldiers and National Guardsmen Compelled to Find Eefufe in Publio Buildings as Tents Were Flat. Germany to permit her to play the role His State, He Is Beturning Home Satisfied Will Continue to Hevt Orleans After Stop in Houston of peacemaker. vl'he other neutral na tU its fury. The big municipal wnarr wnicn contains a large couon compress tlons of Europe are too weak according The claim of the Madrid newspaper to the view of the realpolitiker to hold the scales In which the future of the world will have to be weighed. The Germans believe that a peace congress held at The Hague, at Copenhagen at Chrlstianla, or at Berne would be domi- is damaged to the extent of $2000.

These and all other estimates given wero nade personally by W. R. Norton, cashier of the. City National bank, and ire said to be conservative. The damage to the Hardin Court flats will reach $18,000 for both houses (Continued on Page Two.) El Mundo to know the exact terms of the peace proposals contained in the kaiser's communication should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt.

But the statement given out by King Alfotiso SAN ANTONIO, Texas, August 19. five billion dollars worth of properties, assembled at his summons: "If a strike comes the public will know where the responsibility rests. It will not be upon me." A few minutes later he Issued a statement Baying the public has a right to expect acceptance of his plan. Refusing acceptance for the present, but not giving a final answer, Hale Hol-den, president of the Burllngtpn road and spokesman for the 33 railroad officials, ureed the president to uphold the principles of arbitration and declared his plan would "place in peril all that has been, accomplished in the peaceful adjustment of labor controversies by methods of arbitration." At the close of the conference President Wilson summoned to Washington additional railroad presidents from the West (Continued on Page Three.) I With opiyiv w1ialABQ rnnrti rATAtVAll 1 lit wavww up to a late hour Friday night stating there had been comparatively little damage and no known loss of life fa tbe Brownsville district, chief anxiety FDNSTON SAID TAKE U.S. TROOPS OUT OF centered Saturday on the situation at MEXICAN TERRITORY RAILROADS WERE BADLY DAMAGED BY FRIDAY'S STORM Losses to Public Utility Corporations and Transportation Companies Will Be Heavy.

and the executives already here told him Corpus Christ! and that vicinity as a result of the tropical storm "which struck the Texas gulf coast Friday morning. The only loss of life so far reported was in the sinking in the STORM PASSED UP RIO GRAPE VALLEK INTO MTH MEXICO Considerable Damage Was Inflicted Over Territory Between Corpus Christi and Brownsville. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS GENERAL OFFENSIVE ON SALONIKI FRONT HAS BEGUN AT LAST Attack Started Along-Entire Greek-Serbian Frontier, 150 Miles Long. ENTENTE FOLLOWING TACTICS USED AT FIRST ON SOMME "V'V AVV, At k-r, if "i 1 Gulf of Mexico of the small steamer Recommendation Was' in Report on Military Situation on Border. WILL TAKE SAP WEEK TO RESTORE SERVICE TO CORPUS INFORMATION WAS FOR USE OF BORDER COMMISSION they would confer among themselves and return next week, probably Monday.

Meanwhile representatives of both the ruads and the employes 'will remain here for informal conferences. The situation Saturday night was described by a railroad president as "not hopeless, but It will be at a standstill until Monday at least. As a result of the day's conferences. It was said on good authority that many of the railroad presidents looked upon the possibility of a strike as more remote than at any time since they came to Washington. PRESIDENT GAVE OUT STATEMENT TO PUBLIC.

While 1'residSnt Wilson still was addressing the railroad executives, telling them they faced a condition, not a principle," his statement to the country, reviewing his plan and characterizing it "us (Continued on Page Four.) PRODUCED HEAVY RAINFALL Thousands of Acres of Land Were Pilot Boy, plying between Galveston and Corpus Christl. The vessel curried a crew of 13, only three of whom have as yet been reported saved. These three were washed ashore alive at Port. Aransas, Texas. The last telegraph wire Into Corpus Christl failed at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon and the last telephone line went out shortly before 7 o'clock Friday night.

Last reports from Corpus Christl placed the velocity of the wind at TO miles an hour, and was stated the storm waa expected to Increase In Intensity until midnight, when the crest would be reached. Nothing later has been heard. The storm had abated somewhat at Brownsville at 11 o'clock Friday night, according to wireless reports to army headquarters at Fort Sam Houston, the Only Small Portion of Track at Brownsville Washed Away One Thousand Men Are Engaged in Bepairing Damage to Boads. by French, Capture of in Galicia TVnnn Tllinnis Premature Publication May Hamper Adjustment Officials Expected to Agree With Chief Military Advisor, However. Five Villages Taken Germans Beported Fiorina Kussians Gained.

Probably Overflowed, According to Dr. J. L. Cline, Head of Government Weather Bureau. Alter uciiis uuuwucu 1 over night and experiencing some the thrills of a tropical hurricane.

Gov -Ts 1 4ttnriatrit Prtst Report t4sc rre." DALLAS, Texas, August 19. The SAN ANTONIO. Texas. August 19. rnor E.

F. Dunne of Blinois and hla WASHINGTON, August 19. A re Railroads and other public utilities tropical storm which struck the ex party arrived in Houston Saturday; night. It was the first visit of the northern The Associated Press summarizes the war situation as" follows: The long expected general offensive on the Saloniki front has opened, and the grand assault against the forces of the central powers now is In progress in every theater of the world war. Sarrail is attacking the Bulgar-Ger- commendation from General Funston that the American troops be withdrawn from Mexico was contained in a recent report on the military situation made at the request of the war department treme South Texas coast Friday and operating through the storm stricken Friday night inflicted considerable district suffered damages aggregating damage In the region between Corpus m0re than 300,000.

exclusive of losses Christl and Brownsville, passed Inland in Corpus Christl, Brownsville and only means of communicating with that city. The message stated, however, another storm was reported approaching from an easterly direction. That was the last report received from Brownsville Friday night. THE WEATHER. (Associated Press Rtfort.1 -WASHINGTON, August 19.

East Texas Sunday and Monday, generally fair. West Texas Sunday and Monday, unsettled. Louisiana Sunday and Monday, partly cloudy, probably showers In southeast executive in Texas and it was hia first taste of a real Gulf storm. He was accompanied by Mrs. Dunn southwest of San Antonio, followed 3ther points In the storm center.

and designed for use of the Joint com the Rio Grande to about Del Rio, and and the members of bis personal They reached Houston at 7:45 p. none the worse for their experiences. It probably will take the San Antonio and Aransas Pass, railroad a week or 10 days to restore service to Corpus Christi and it mav be 15 days before its trains mission which will discuss border problems. State department officials do not attempt Jjo disguise their regret then spent Its force on the plains of Northern Mexico. This was the sum- PLAYED HAVOC AMONG ARMY CAMPS.

The storm played havoc among the army camps In the Brownsville district, practically half of the tents having been blown down by the storm, and loss of considerable army equipment waa reported. Fully 30,000 National Guardsmen and reg The party left Brownsville at 4 nary of the meteorological situation run t0 Rockport. The damages to the over premature publicationyof General o'clock Friday afternoon over the Gulf. riven Saturday by Dr. I.

L. Cline, head railroad properties iiuu.wiu It lost a mile of the deck of the two- coast lines. It took ten hours to reach the local weather bureau, from In portion. Forecast for Houston and vicinity-Sunday, partly cloudy weather. Temperature extremes and precipitation at Houston for 24 hours ending at 7 p.

m. Maximum 91, minimum 76, precipitation .008 inch. Atmospheric pressure at Houston at 5 p. m. Saturday.

30.04 inches sea level reading. Sunrise, 5:52 a. sunset, 6:58 p. m. Comparative record at Houston for Au-mmt 19: mile trestle entering Corpus Christl, and perhaps" three miles of embankment near formation available.

ular soldiers. It was stated, slept in pub Kings vllle, where' it arrived' at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. The Wind was blowing a gale, houses were crum Galveston, wlyrc a 40-mlle wind was lic butldtngs in Brownsville Friday night Funston's conclusions, but they indicated Saturday that it would not cause any alterations- in plans. Officials realize, it is understood that the most pressing matter for discussion by the commission from the Mexican viewpoint will be the ques Portland. The piling of the portion of the trestle swept away stands.

The guardsmen principally affected were felt, received the eastern edge of the disturbance, while San Antonio, with a 68- The roof of the depot at Alice was those from Illinois, Iowa and Virginia bling down, trees were being felled taken off by the wind. The depot at Sin- Their camps were either destroyed by the and debris strewn across the tracks, cattle stood on the right of way and ton was damaged. Many small bridges between Aransas Pass and Rockport are man forces along the entire Greek-Serbian frontier, a distance of more than 150 miles. Reports from both Berlin and Paris Indicate that the entente allies are following the same tactics in the Balkans that signalized the opening of the great offensive on the Somme. Small bodies of troops are attacking at numerous pofnta along the Bulgarian lines, apparently with the intention of feeling out -their opponents position before the real battle opens.

The French claim the capture of a number of villages in the initial phases of the offensive, while Berlin reports the capture of Fiorina, a Greek town 15 miles southeast tf Monastir, from the Serbians. Serbian headquarters admit the repulse. On the eastern front the Russians haVa wind or flooded with water from a four and-a-half-inch rain. Fear was enter 1910. 1310 1914.

6:00 a. 78 73 76 mlle wind last night, as In the northwestern arc of the circle. Atmospheric conditions resulting from the storm produced a heavy rainfall over the western and southwestern half of the State Friday night, according to Dr. CUne's every few minutes it was necessary; gone. Tne aamage 10 me mantu talned over the saving of Immense quanti 10:00 a.

86 81 88 Noon 89 84 87 was small. to stop to clear the path. ties of army stores and supplies. A small portion of track of the St. Last reports from Corpus Christl stated 3:00 p.

91 8S 85 5:00 p. 89 84 90 Relative humidity, 7 a. 85 per cent: Louis, Brownsville and Mexico, near PARTY REMAINED AT the storm had carried almost everything There has been considerable damage 2 p. 56 per cent. KINGSVILLE OVERNIGHT.

Brownsville, waa washed out. movable before it, leaving in its wake dozens of demolished summer cottages Officials of the railroads declared Sat tion of withdrawal of General Pershing's expeditionary, force. In order to furnish the commissioners with full information. General Funston was asked to express his views on the military aspects of the expedition. There is every indication that the commissioners, and later the administration' were expected to abide by the recommendations of the chief adviser it was inougnc saiesi 10 remain on the coast, where thousands of acres of lands are probably overflowed," said Dr.

Cline. "The worst damage Is probably Predictions for Week. Houston Post SfecMt and thousands of dollars of damage In KtngsvlUe for the rest of the night' be- fore proceeding. Then in the morning St urday night thex had more than 1000 men working to repair the damage. the business section.

Many smau crait In Comus Christi bay were thrown high in the Jmmcillatte vicinity of Corpus daylight the Journey was resumed, the The Southwestern Telegraph and Tele WASHINGTON. August 19. Weather on the beach, It was saidw Railroad prop- train creeping, along to woodsboro wim predictions for week beginning; Au- Christi. If, however, resiaents 01 mat section heeded the weather bureau warn phone company reported more than 800 cases of wire trouble In San Antonio. (Contlnued on Page Four.) out wire service.

iriint SO are: a West Gulf States: Except for showers ings for the past two days, I do not be-iinv thara was any loss of life. It waa some trip, according to thsj members of the official party. It in STORM PASSED INLAND. on border matters. at the beginning tit the week, the weather To have reached Corpus Christi, thr will be generally fair, with temperatures Publication of the.

fact that General Weather Bureau Reported It Would Soon eluded besides the governor and his wife, Adjutant General and Mrs. F. S. Dick- eon, Colonel M. R.

Kelly, and Colonel J. near the normal during the week. Funston believes It wise to withdraw the Diminitn. (Associated Press Re fort.) troops maV hamper the American com storm would pass over Port Aransas and Aransas Pass, two small ports, one on each side of the Aransas channel which connects Inner Corpus Christ! bay with the Gulf of Mexico. Telegraph communication from those points must come through Corpus Christi, and it la still Im- Tennessee and Ohio valley: Warm and generally fair weather first three days of WASHINGTON.

August 19. Weather forced their way Into the great mountain barrier between Oaliela and the Hungarian plains. The Auatrlans admit a re tirement west of Jablonitsa, tha gateway to one of the most important paasea through the mountains, which waa seised by the Russians last week. Further to the south on the Bukowiha end of the battle line the Russians have been forced back In their advance on (Continued on Page Three.) the week will be followed by lower tern Some of the tables were damaged by lightning. The company's line to Laredo was repaired during the day as far as Dilley, about half way.

Uvalde was recovered during the day. Service north and east was not Interrupted by the stormi Service to Corpus Christl may be restored Sunday. Service to Brownsville, Mission, Pharr. McAllen and points in the lower valley is dependent upon restoration of the line between Robstown and Harllngen, a distance of 160 miles. The Western Union Telegraph com K.

Finn, personal aides. Lieutenant Col one! Jacob Frank, army surgeon. They were passengers on the first train to leave the storm stricken area lit nMwn.vil1n TTnnn Arriving Houston bureau reports Saturday Indicated that the West Indian storm which has passed missioners, some officials think. In obtaining whatever4 guarantees tbey may ask of the Mexican government as to security of the border from bandit raids. It Is possible to learn iiu there.

These two ports, as wen as me inland from the gulf over the lower Rio Grande valley, would diminish greatly ah vh rn iney are auuaica. wouia k. KrooUu liter for any tidal wave or peratures by the middle of the week and moderate' temperatures thereafter, with generally fair weather. Upper Mississippi valley and the Plains States: The weather will be generally fair during the week.

A change to lower temperature will overspread these districts Sunday and Monday, and moderate believed the administration was fully prepared to arrange for the recall of General In Intensity during the next IS Hours. sweeping seas tnat migni ds uriven snore- Pershing's forces, since both state and ward Dy last nignu Tha i.nnnini'on of neither town Is sreat The wind reached a maximum velocity of 68 miles an hour last night at San Antonio. The bureau had no reports from war department officials are understood to share the views expressed in General Funston's report Brownsville arid Corpus Christl, the but hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested there by fisheries, oil companies, the San Antonio and Aransas Pass railroad and the government. In docks. pany estimated the storm damage to the company at 150,000.

The company has a larce force at work on its line. points nearest the storm center. temperatures win prevail tnereaxter. Houston Calendar for Today, MBS. DOUGLAS GOBMAN ILL Daughter-in-law of Late U.

S. Senator Has Infantile Paralysis (Autcultd Prw Ktfcrt.y NEW YORK, August 19. Mrs. Douglas Gorman of Baltimore who -has been 11! for two days at the home of her par-. The wire to Corpus Christi were lost in facilities Jetties and other ship! NO STORM ANYWHERE.

There can be little It now Is said, that the withdraw will be promptly agreed to when tha commission meets, Information receive Dy tne American Municipal band concert, 8m Houston at 30 p. m. Friday. They had been restored as far-as Beevllle Saturday night park, 6:30 to p. m.

Whst Remains of Friday's Hurricane Telegraph and Telephone Company Saturday said that the United States soldiers and national guardsmen In the lower Rio tha conferees, then turning their attention Meeting of Confederate veterans, city they were escorted to the Rice where reservations hart been made. They spent the. night In Houston and will leave) Sunday morning over the i.ulf Coast line for New Orleans and return to Chicago over the Illinois Central. SATISFIED WITH TREATMENT GIVEN SOLDIERS. Governor Dunne came to Texas for th purpose of making an inspection of thai army camps along the border A4 especially to note the condition and treat ment of the men.

He said: "I came to Texas to satisfy myself to the condition of tbe soldiers on the. border because of sons of the newspapel accounts which we 1 found that, the most scrupulous care was being taken of them, that their physical condltioi Waaj excellent and that their surrounding were good. Everything that possibly cu. be done for their comfort Is being done. "It was.

Ja. -soapoAM to DAMAQC AT BERCLAIR. to the drafting of a protocol to cover fu nnri vahev were not hurt by the storm. (Aesociattd Prtit KeforU, although hundreds of tents wars blown WASHINGTON, August 19. What re ents.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund 8. Nash, at ture border operations, Investigation of the causes of bandit raids and Such other mains of the West Indian hurricane which Five Wind wills Blown Down Crop Dam a Be Heavy. (Hitson Put 5oai.) Rye, Is suffering from infantile paralysis, nan, 3 p.

m. AMUSKMKNTt. Kden park: Free vaudeville. I sis theater: "God's Hstf Aoro." Liberty theater: MA Wtlah tlnger." matters as they may wish to take up. iff down and tne camp nana oy neavy rain This information said the most disturbing portion of tha storm passed north of Harllngen.

i 'Th teieDhone company also announced struck the Taxms coast Friday now Is sen It was learned Saturday. Her husband who la a neDhew of the late United States No intimation came from the- White I BERCLAIR. Texas, August It. The tral over Southwostam Texas as a feeble House 1 Saturday A to when announce storm damage of Friday night will run up depression, and vtt tkls Is expected to Qusen theater: 'Hell-to-Pay' Austin." Into several thousand Wind ment of the American membership of the commission mlsht be exneted. In view that a southbound train left Houston at (-46 o'clock Saturday morning with linemen to restore their wires.

The train niiM not arrive In Corpus Christl before Senator Gorman of Maryland, said ft was believed his wife contracted the disease in New York city. The total of new oases in Oraater New York tor the week ending Saturday was 12 as compared with till for the pre Majestic ineaieri nin Tauaevilie. mills, outhouses and crops Were damaged fill -up within ths next 14 hours, the weather bureau announced Saturday night. There now Is no well defined Crown theater: "TM Dawn of Fro. I considerably.

of Secretary Lansing's recent assurances to Bllseo Arrendondo, Mexican ambasaai dor-designate, that the commission could I 1, was Rtlll. wn If th I dom." Fire winamuia were niown aown in atom In anyf part of the country, the an dL south of 6 In ton. at present the near. I town: also several show windows and Key theater: "Tho Wild Qlrl 6f the vious week, whlla the number of deaths iMmnoemMvasJOk eat accessible polnli (window lights war blown out, (Continued on Pace Jfour.) lorras." 1 was S3 as compared with Q1 last week. ft.

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