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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 1

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DONT FIS AUTO SOU? i Thto Coupon Good for One S5 pte Morerumt Ovortand Automobllo Scrip when presented at th office of THE HWSTjpti forr. -IT 'PAY TO RIEAD THt POtT." -TT ill Mantaef ea ween Wftti RMmlm aJamb wimi that they have been put in shapev The avioa applies every etty ai within the Influence of The Pact. i i Fneak lt Print It: Write It Buffalo Jtlveft Vv, VOL. 31; N0.1137.: HOUSTON TEXAS, SATURDAY, 'AUGUST 19, 1916. PRICE 5 CENTS -u-lJ-Ljxr'u-LnrLn MIMiyMIWWWWWW I.

ljLJ lU uU i SUHUARY Of MEWS WailwaUOfficidls CiMSTI IS CENf Et TEErWZATEEB. tAif0Cfli Prtu X(fri.) WASHIfMTfOK, Aataat 'U. last OF TEKIFIC GULF STOffi Predicted WindWould-Keach Velocity Government Fom Say If Men Shall Strike Representatives of Brotherhoods Have Accepted President Wilson's Plan for Eight-Hour Dayo Other bsaes to Be Settled by Federal Commission May Pass Matter Up to Financiers Satnrtty staowen; San4ay partly elooa. West Texas Satardar aodaaday seattend thowen. Loulslaae Saturday aad Snadaj partly cloody.

fencast for Houtoa aad ridalty Saturday: L'UMttled weather, raia. TMopentan utremea aad preclpl tattoo at Hooitim for 14 boon cadlas rridar P. Maxlmnm 88, mtntmom TT. Preelpltarkm, trace. Atmoapberic preaaora at Beoataa at p.

B. aea Iml leadlnc. SimrlM 6:51 a. anaset p. at.

CouparatlTe record at Uo5J roAufuatlS: m. T7 1i 10:00 a. 8S 8 86 Koon 8T 88 8 3:00 p. 8 80 80 2:00 88 88 BeUUra humidity: 7 a. m.

89. 1 p. m. TO. Eoniton Calendar for Today.

Traffic club luncheon, Rice hotel, noon. AMUSEMENTS. Isle theater "God's Half Acre." Key theater "Resole Mixes In." of 120 Miles an Hour No Lives Lost But Summery Cottages, Pleasure Pier and Boats were Small Freight Steamer Lost At Brownsville River Rising With all wire communication to Grpu Christi paralyzed no definite news of the damage wrought by Friday (AuacUUi Prttt Rtfori.) WASHINGTON, August 18. President Wilson's plan for settlement of the storm, which' had its origin in the West Indies, could be secured late hnday night. 4 threatened nation-wide railroad strike was accepted Friday by the representa- Queen theaterWLIttle Lady Eileen." Liberty theater Betty of Grey Stone." Eden park Chlldren'8 days free vaude- vllle.

tlres of the employes and taken under consideration by the officials of the roads with many Indications-that they would reject It Saturday. The word came from the managers Friday, however, that they had reached no definite Zee theater "The Shadow of Her decision. Past." Crown Dawn of Free- dom." with the situation thus apparently deaaiocicea tne oniy nope in ine siiua- Domestic KNOWN CASES of Infantile paralyali EIGHTY bare been reported In Cbicaso. Up to the time the wires went down, early the evening, there had been no loss ot lire, except tnrougn uie sinning of the Pilot Boy, a small freight steamer which plied between Galveston and Corpus Christi. At 6 o'clock the wind reached a velocity of 70 miles an hour.

This wind had whipped Corpus Christi bay into huge waves which ainashed piers and boats. The wmH also demolished many of the small summer cottages on the bay shore. In the. city proper the only damage during the day was to stores, the plate glass windows being blown out. The large hotels and -the; business buildings ha3 suffered no damage and no one was injured.

However the government forecaster bulletined a wind velocity of 120 miles an hour at midnight. Such a humcane would undoubtedly do great damage should the blow be of any duration. ife At Brownsville there was no serious damage. The wind, which during the afternoon reached a maximum of 60 miles an hour, was reported to be dying down early in the night. The only serious results at Brownsville were feared a rapid rise in the Rio Grande.

04 Some of the troops abandoned their shelter tents and sought refuge in the schools and other public buildings in the city. V-rVj At Llano Grande and other soldier camps above the river from Brownsville tents were blown down and 30,000: v. i i. i -il- 1 THE EPIDEMIC of Infantile paralyala baa made tion lay In the reports that the railroad officials might suggest a counter proposal forming the basis of a settlement or that one side or the other might recede from its present position. Thirty-one presidents and ranking officials of the great railroads received from the president Friday afternoon his plan for the adoption of an eight hour day, regular pro rata pay for overtime and creation of a federal commission to investigate collateral Issues.

They told him they would like to consider the question and would report back Saturday with the committee of managers which has been conducting negotiations. but little pnvreM tne bouiu. uai 11 siawa caaea. MEETING 8 preliminary to Catholic week In New York city and a meetlnf of Catholic aocletlea besan la New York city Friday. BEV.

CHARLES BAIL1S. head of the alllea' relief buaplul communion in New York, waa lndkted by thj grand Jury cfaarced with gnnd larceny. Washington. PRESIDENT WILSON vetoed the army appropriation UU. Hla objection was based on the retired oOkera' clanee.

THE BATTLESHIP VIRGINIA made the blfbest ratine among the ablpa of the Atlantic aquad-ron. accord I oc to re porta siren out by the At the same time the general committee of 640 representatives of the employee wu approving the president' plan by a large majority and soon after the railroad officials left the White House the four head of the railroad brotherhoods delivered to the president a letter notifying htm of the result of the -Vote. The guardsmen had to seek reruge in puDiic Duucungs at merccucs aim iooiuu. Two hundred and fifty persons were marooned in the La Salle hotel at Port O'Connor. The wind there was very; ly their opposition to Mr.

Wilson's plan and indicated that they would press further offer to arbitrate all points at issue. ROADS MAY SUBMIT COUNTER PROPOSITION. Also it was rumored the officials' might suggest a counter proposal based on the acceptance of the eight-hour day and arbitration of all other points instead of the investigation by a commis-(Continued on Page Five.) high and had damaged the hotel considerably. nary repartment. employes' committee will remain here at the president's call.

While the railroad officials would make no formal statement they revealed clear PRESIDENT WILSON'8 PROPOSALS for the settlement of the treat railroad strikes were rejected by the railroad prealdents. They hare been accepted by the brotherhood a. CONGRESSMAN EAGLE baa Bled with Postmaster General Burleson a petition slsned by several thousand Houatoo realdents asklnc that the old poetoflke bnlMlnt be suae a substation. Summer Resorts On Houston District Escaped the Fury Third Victim Was Added to Tezu. ANDREW 8TKNXEK was kUled by UgkUlag at UtUeaeM.

r-tSS. KATB I4EAK, Wife of tlM.pcnalaat CM- ler abyawaadrnoee eeaqat acnsaasliaim tpy grob of Tropical Stoffm WestlndtesStorm tiled at Wtchtta raJk. JM Williams surraa. ered to the emoars after the saoetlss. rORUBB OOVKKNOB COLQUITT spoks at CleTeland.

Conroe and Crockett Priday In the intereat of bla candidacy for the senate. WALLACE PERKINS, ajed tog of a proml-ueat Da I la a merchant, waa drowned near that city. Ills wife waa a witness to the eccl-dent. RESULTS la the rarloua conntiea on district of-Acee In the recent prima 4' hare been asked for In a notice sent out by the secretary ef state. IMPROVEMENT of the Braaos river has been transferred from the Galreaton to the Dallaa district, according to an announcement la Waco.

MAYOR CAMPBELL of Houama la an address before a Dallaa conference told ef the orsan-laatlon and aucceaa of Houston's municipal farm. Two Htindred.and Fifty Marooned in Hotel at Port Clarence Cooley, Negro Held for Killing of Aldine Farmers, Admitted Murder of J. G. Loddigs, Aged Mount Houston Recluse. O'Connor At Corpus Christi Wind Wrecked Seaside Cottages and Blew Out Plate Glass Windows, But No Lives Were Lost, Rising Barometer and Decreasing Wmd Late Friday Night Reassured Residents Hahy, Anxious Inquiries Received at the Weather Office During the Day, Houston and the district surrounding this city escaped the tropical The mystery of the killing of J.

0. Loddigs, the Mount Houston recluse, lias been solved. Another victim has been added to the list of murders laid at the door of Clarence Cooley, negro slayer. Friday night Cooley confessed to the killing of Loddigs. He shot the old man while the latter was standing in front of his shack, alone, unarmed and unresisting.

In the moat matter of fact way, without faltering or hesitating, Cooley (told the officers how Loddigs met his death. The story was not much different fcpm that of the killing of Louis Teten and Johanne Hansen, the other two victims of Cooley. None of them ever had a chance for their lives. They were shot down without warning. ricane as The Post stated on Thursday morning it probably would.

The almost steady stand ot the barometer throughout Friday, Its slight fall during -the afternoon, accompanied by a strong shifting east and north. east wind and the gradual climb of the barometer back to normal during the): early hours of the night were watched and made known to thousands ot DeoDle in Houston and the surrounding country. ife I Sports. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS: New York 8-1. Chicato IS; Brooklyn 6, Plttabom St.

Louis 4, Boston 110 Innings); Philadelphia Cincinnati 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE RESULTS: St. Loots 4. Philadelphia 3 (11 Innings): New York 4. Cleveland 3: Weahinftoo Detroit Chicago 11.

Boston 8. TEXAS LEAGUE KESULT8: Hoaaton 2. Fort Worth 2 (10 Innlngsl Beaumont 1. Waco San Antonlo-Shreveport, wet grounde; Galres-ton-Dallaa. wind.

BOBBY WATJGH outboxed Jack Denny In their 10-round bout at Houston, punishing him severely, both men and Frankle Edwards, promoter, being arreeted afterward. Houston. AUSTRIAN STEAMER Is tied up at the snip channel dock. RESIDENTS helped defray the cost of ornamental llgbta. 1 111 it.

Jl L. OA B. A A 1 keys. One of them was a small flat barometer in the Houston weather office began its climb back to normal aA WORKED ON THEORY THAT Kicnnn uu RESPONSIBLE. pressure.

At 11 o'clock, when the weather office closed for the night, it registered 29.96. Ij" 'SB HI8ING BAROMETER aad faUlnr wind re vv sssw anviushu can amuuivtvi vs a As the mercury in the barometer forced itself upward there was a responding decrease in the. velocity of the wind, which had during a short period in the afternoon reached 36 miles per hour. At 9 o'clock Friday night key such as might fit a padlock. Friday afternoon Investigator George Andrew of District -Attorney Crooker's office went to Mount Houston and took the padlock from the door of Loddigs' shack.

He brought It back to Sheriff Hammond. The latter tried the key and the lock opened. But Sheriff Hammond had still another clue. An empty cartridge shell which had been picked up near the scene of the killing was brought to the sheriff. He compared It with the bullets found on Cooley and It was the aame caliber and fitted the rifle which was found In the home of Cooley.

Cooley was confronted with the facts and Immediately confessed. He asked (Continued on Page Five.) assured Houston tana who sad reared threatened atorm. INSPECTION and cleanup planned In Houston Helghhta by Are rommlatener; Sre chief aad Are marshal, K. B. MOT pleaded guilty to raid charges, eras abed 8300 and coats, and went to Jail wbea he failed to pay.

UNEXPECTED CK8T came to the borne ef Mra. H. Arimond on Noble street In the form of a baby boy la a basket. Was left os the doorstep with no'e. 'V Since the negro confessed to the killing cf Louis Teten and Johanne Hansen, the officers have held to the theory that he was responsible for the death of Loddigs.

This theory they persistently followed up with the most thorough Investigation. The Investigation finally led to the clue md when Cooley was confronted with the (acts he admitted the crime. A small key and an empty cartridge were the connecting links which forged the chain of evidence about the prisoner. When he was arrested shortly after the killing of the two men at Aldine on August 11, a bunch of keys was found In his Bhertff Hammond took charge of the thA wind had dnnreajind to 24 miles ner hour ana Dv 11 does, it waa only a strong breeze, rather stiff at periods. lKK When the barometer began falling in the lower coast country lats TELEPONE LINES were kept baay with la- weather department oinciais Decame sausiiea inai ine nurricane wouia head inland at some point in that vicinity, unless it took a very decided curve.

Early Friday morning the barometer at both Corpus Christi and Brownsville continued to fall, while the barometers in Houston and Qalves fn quiriea on atorm. Army or company employes anawered tbouaands of calls. H. A8II Aied new grounds of contest In hla ult against Commissioner D. Barker.

Entire Cottage Grove box attacked. CLARENCE COOLEY. confessed slayer of two. added a third victim to hla liat by confessing to the slaying of Farmer Loddigs. ton remaineu axuunu uuruuu wiui vuij suu uiwsv, .5 SweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeMceee Daring Deutschland Has .1 rrc i i cauicr jrvauiiijcvs vviui uiuuuics.

Corpus Christi, Texas, known as a popular coast resort on the Texas coast, will. It appeared early Friday night, receive the brunt of the tropical storm and hurricane approaching; the United States from the West Indies. Corpus Christ! is 200 miles south, of Galveston and 125 miles north of Brownsville and the mouth of the Rio Grande. The crest of the storm was expected to strike Corpus Christ! about midnight, when a severe sale was expected, according fo the forecasts of the weather bureau there Friday night. While the storm was reported early in the day to be headed for some point near tne mouth of the Rio Grande.

Brownsville reported Friday night over the army Wireless St Fort Brown that only broken windows, levelled fences and trees and the rasing of tents In the military camps near Brownsville had resulted. United States soldiers and national guardsmen from Illinois, Iowa and Virginia were forced into the city to take refuge in the city hall, court house and warehouses, where they took two days' rations. by telegraph and telephone was lost from Brownsville early In the day. The wind velocity there reached a maximum of SO miles an hour, but died down towards nightfall, although there were no signs of the storm's final abatement at last reports. Point Isabel, a gulf coast resort 20 miles from Brownsville, was not seriously damaged by the wind up to Friday night.

The scope of the storm extended from Corpus Christi on the north, to Tampico, kfexico, on the south. While comprehensive communication with the latter place was Impossible Friday, a wireless message was received from a coastwise steamer reporting heavy seas In Tampico harbor. Corpus Christi was without electricity or other conveniences Friday night The fury of the wind at that place had stripped the city of electric light and power facilities. While a 70-mile wind at 7 o'clock threatened serious damage, residents were forced to await the night's developments in darkness. Only Corpus Chrlsti's being situated IS miles from the gulf, it was said, prevented the city from suffering serious damage already.

The crest of the storm waa not expected to reach there before midnight. Telephone and telegraph communication was lost shortly after 7 o'clock, when Corpus Christi became totally Isolated. Its geographical position made It difficult to obtain further word than that already received. The damage done there was mainly to co(tages and other structures along the beach front, which were demolished by heavy seas and a strong wind. Not a business house In the city was possessed of a plate glass window Friday nighf.

It was said. Ten lives may have been lost in the storm. The steamer Pilot Boy, In coastwise service from Corpus Christi to Galveston, was sunk "somewhere In the gulf" about noon Friday. The boat waa a small freighter and carried a crew of IS men'. Three of them were reported to have been washed ashore at Port Aransas, but this Information was not yielding to verification.

High winds and rain prevailed at Bay City, Port O'Connor and other points on the gulf between Corpus Christi and Galveston during the night: but no serious damage waa reported. Railroad property, according to beet information, has not been molested at any point In the rtorm's Indicated path. (SO. Thirty Thousand Soldiers Driven Out of Tents. (AutifUt PrttM Rtptrt.) ANTONIO, Texas, August IS.

Fort Sam Houston at 11 p. m. reported the following message from a field wireless station erected at McAllen, Texas, via the bis radio at Brownsville: "Half of the New Tork national, guardsmen's tents are down and nearly that many at Llano Grande, Mercedes aad Mission. Thirty thousand soldiers sleeping In publlo buildings. Four and one-half Inches of rain fell here.

There Is lull now, bat new storm Is reported coming from the east. Ten lives Lost on Pilot Boy. (itSMcisfeS Prut Rrt.) Texas, August IS. The little steamship Pilot Boy, for years a familiar figure In the Oalveston-Corpus Christi trade, was sunk In the Gulf of FUNSTON WAS SILENT ON TROOP WITHDRAWAL RUMOR Al I. TT AH JAV Sis lUTing uie enure ua tuts nvuswu ncswu vuivo wous dwsiuittu hjiu in quiries, both personal and by telephone, from persona who wished inform- tion regarding the storm.

Scores of them visited the office during the after Arrived Bremen at Safely noon seeking first hand information. Weather office officials estimate that a telephone call every 45 seconds Refused to Say if He Recommended Such a Koto to Wsuhinfton. was received by them. This would mean that during the 15 hours that th a mainritv tif the calla were from women, with a arood sDrinkllng of JGerman Submarine, Which Left Baltimore August and Ducked Under Watching British War- ships Reached Home Port With a Valuable Cargo. (AtttxUlti Prtts KtPrt.

childish voices. Ail oi tnem were given aeiinite assurances mat noueioa was not in the storm's path. nsaidna a. lane number of lone distance teleDhone calls, which cams BAN ANTONIO, Texas. August IS.

General Funston Friday night declined to discuss a report that be had recommended the, withdrawal af the American troops In Mexico. Asked It he had made any MAMv nntnta alnfiv tlr Kiv ihir ajrkrAai Af tAlAsrrflmn vak rAnelved.T: J.IU&U mwm rf MMV. mrwm vw w.wD. wu.v ,.1. wtn llMUII Atmt nAlnli recommendation In the matter, he said; 1 will not even say whether any com.

(AifriotiiPrtulttfri.) tnunloatlon whatever concerning; the sub GENEVA. August 18, via Paris, 5: 50 p. m. A private telegram received Friday from Berlin by the Neus Zuricher Zeltung says the German subma ject nas pa anew usiweea me anq Wash- instoa.u CHILD IHDICTED. rine Deutschland arrived sareiy Tnursaay at Bremen from the United States.

ja. IQW Oi UI9 tClOfji aula wviv uvu, wbhw, yvuiw, i General Exodus From Bayshore. Persons from the bayshore who did not wish to run the risk of being caught hv the hurricane came to Houston by the hundreds during the day. Nearly' everf hotel In the city was filled early In the afternoon. Many of those who deserted the water front resorts were visitors from Inland points who had been at various points, on the coast.

Every interurban that came Into Houston Thursday carried one extra sometimes two, filled with passengers leaving the summer resorts. The Southern Pacific brought In a special train of IS oars filled with people at IX o'clock. Most of them were summer visitors. Besides the special the Southern Pacific carried 10 extra cars on its regular train. V'1' The motor oar from Beabrook and Sylvan Beach brought In -m pssseafirsr." Bo crowded was the ear that passengers sat In each other's tana and-occupied every to patrol the waters outside the Virginia capes In ther effort to apprehend the Deutachlaad, if should depart for a TwelTt-Yesx-Old Boy Charged With KiHinf Mother, (AtftimM Prut Rrfrt.) return Oeutwhland on August 10.

tAinmui Pribi Kurt NEW ORLEANS, August IS. WlBle Zlmmer. IS years old, Friday was Indict The Deutschland sailed from Baltimore for Germany on August and passed out to' tea on the following day, dropping out of sight' of th allied warships which i were awaiting her outside the three mile limit On Julr the Deutschland arrived at Baltimore trorn Oermany and the suo- cessful oompleUon of the first trans-i Atlantio voyage by a submarine In senrloe I as a merchantman attention. Bhe brought cargo of dyei stuffs and Other merchandise, as well as aiis.vtii'-;Mn;V: As soon as her arrival was. nade knowp British warahlpa were sent NEWPORT NEWS, Vau August Tha oapUla of a Norwegian steamer which arrived in Hampton Roads Friday, stated ed.

by the Orleans parish srand fury eharked with first decree murder for shootlrur and kllllns his mother here taat July. Court officials said the- bov wTl available place la the engine room. 5 ne spoae to the Qerman merchant eub-asariiM Deutschland August IS, then eight days out fro mthe Virginia' oSDea. the youngest person ever Indicted for murder In laoulslana. A.

Trnin Wm Ready for an Emergency. ii. if: 1 Mextve outside of Corpus Christi bay Friday moaning. She probably carried to Hh said the submersible at the time was under fun sail and the officers The coroner wno examines tn coy reported to the -sourt that he found him sane, "but oanninc and shrewd and of A train of ears ready for say emergency was being held at Beabrook and ftherv.FstOo was keeping the bayshore residents advised-; any changes their death IS men, of her crew. Three of the crew oS IS, with which she left Galveston Thursday afternoon, have been washed ashore alrre Pen Arajisas.

anoarv aanunea was. tne JMUtschland. vroioue newerer. v..

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