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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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ChkAco, Detroit, Atlanta. ICtaphU. PubUalud Afternoon Bicept Sunday Kntwcd aa second class matter it at Arkansas, under act of Con- October Member ot Associated Preo SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier la the city of BlytheviUle or any suburban town where carrier service maintained, 20c' per week, or 85c per month By mall, within a radius ot SO miles, $4.00 per jetr, (or six months, (1.90 for three months; by null outside SO tone. (10.00 per year payable In advance. Meditations For we trhfch hare believed do enter Into rest, he aald.

Ai 1 have sworn in my wrath, if Ihejr ahall enter ln(o my rest: although the. works were finUhed from the foundation of the Htbrewi 4:1. Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but a taking of God at His Barbs There may be rhyme to some of the spring what's the reason? Why not lake your lawn mower ta your nelfh- Ws let him have it sharpened? Doctors are familiar with ninny tongues though they speak only one language. Aa far younjslers are concerned, the first of home-frown spinach will be a surplus 'It's nice to be helped by a friend unless he looks at you as If he thinks you're terribly Ignorant. Postal Employes Inquiry May Define "Disloyalty" The question of just what constitutes disloyalty in a government employe is finally going to be asked, and perhaps answered, in a federal court.

Twenty- lix Post Office workers now under of whom have been challenging the loyalty program's constitutionality in a suit against the attorney general, postmaster general, chairman of the Loyalty Review Board and other government officials. Thii test is as right as It was inevitable, for the question is not only important but decidedly ticklish. Government loyalty investigations are not legal trials, of course. A finding of disloyalty carries no legal penalties. Yet there are penalties, as one may easily imagine.

A person discharged for.disloyalty is under a severe economic handicap, even though the charges? against him are found to warrant no more serious action than dismissal. For when this person applies for another job his past record carries the stigma disloyalty. That black mark might not prevent him from ever finding work, but it would certainly limit his choice of and, all likelihood, his earning power. In short, the stigma of dismissal might be as much of a burden as a prison record. Whether this is a just desert for a pwnon judged disloyal but not traitorous is now a matter of personal opinion.

But certainly it suggests a need for great care, scrupulous fairness and proof an investigation which leads to that judgment. Seth W. Richardson, the Loyalty Review Board chairman, showed a commendable awareness of those responsibilities when he took his position two years ago. His statement of policy gave assurance that it was at least hi administrative purpose to see that were at hand and rights were respected. Whether this policy has always been observed at lower levels of operation remain to be seen.

The 26 plaintitts say that they are Victims of discrimination. They cite the fact that 12 of their number are Negroes and eight are Jews. Whether or not this charge is true wilt be brought out we trust, at their trial. But fairness of intent and action is not the basis of the suit, The 26 plaintiffs charge that the loyalty program violates the First, Fifth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution These have to do with guarantees of thought, speech, assembly and association, and with other rights not or delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. The implications of the suit go beyond the fate of these 26 men and beyond the question of how dangerous to the government their alleged disloyalty in the handling and carrying of mail.

It la going to to borderline territory of "liberal" thinking, leftist sympathies, innocent or knowing memberthip in "front" organizations, and actual espousal of communism. is going fo be necessary to make some sort of distinction and definition that will hold water. All this in turn is part of the bigger and still unresolved question: Should membership in the Communist Party be made illegal? Out federal laws do not say that it should. But many actions of our federal government imply that such membership illegal. The pertinent facts are all in.

But the application of those facts is too often left to the discretion of the authority of the moment. Perhaps the decision in this case of the 26 postmen will help to point a way out of the present confused situation. VIEWS OF OTHERS The Hope Beyond the Pact The war of peace maneuvers between Washington and Moscow should not be permitted to narrow our on western cooperation. The Judgment, general among western capitals, that Premier Stalin's move aimed to Impede and confute those' responsible for building a western defense Is probably accurate. But this momentary, Inevitable stress on military col among western peoples highlights only hall the picture.

It puts In shadow the naif which has to do with economic and political collaboration. The Btalln move may have caused some ot in to forget that It not only our military program to which the Kremlin objects. Soviet leadership opposes also our efforts for peaceful development of western political lite from a highly nationalized phase to a more rational form In keeping with progress in transportation, trade, communications, and, yes. Ironically, in the destructive arU. While Messrs.

Stalin, Acheson, Truman were exchanging and through the nondlplomatlo of the world's free press, Winston Churchill delivered a speech on "Western Union" which helped to put the focus right again. In It he described "Western Union" as a "stepplngstone to a united Europe." A few days, earlier the members of "Western France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and announced plana lor a Council of Europe. TWs is to include an executive body, appointed by the governments, and an assembly with advisory powers, elected by the peoples. To their plan Mr. Churchill proposed to add a Supreme Court of Europe, with special concern for enforcement of rights as against goverrnnent encroachment upon them.

The five tovernments' announcement of steps toward a new unity for Europe was reportedly blasted In a Soviet statement. The Kremlin looks upon It as part of a plan against the Soviet Union. What Moscow doea not recognize, or at any rate does not admit to the Russian people, la that the Kremlin has made a notable contribution to the very developments, both military and economlc- in the West of which Huwian Soviet propaganda Russian policy his provided the external danger which ia helping Europe to But that does not mean that the new unity has a warlike aim. On the contrary, the protection of western Europe's Internal peace, the advancement of cooperation among western nations, He back of the efforts for a united Europe. Both have long been needed.

The United States, to be sure, la pressing hard for European unity. But for American imperial purposes? No, for there la Important division In American opinion to, whether the "new Europe" ought to be an adjunct of American power or a "third force," a great neutral, balancing element between the United States and the Soviet Union. For the time being, because Soviet policy Is what It Is, Europe Is seeking security as put of a power bloc of which the United States is the mainstay. But there are aims which go far beyond this, and they are held by both Europeans and Americans. The Council of Europe stands today as their symbol, In a deeper sense than the Atlantic Pact can.

The latter is an emergency measure which we all hope will never have to be resorted to. But tnc Council of Europe stands for something of which civilized men have dreamed for start toward that "United States of Europe" which Victor Hugo foresaw as a forerunner of a "United States of the World." SCIENCE MONITOR. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1949 Mike and Ike SO THEY SAY The Senste Is free from the dictatorship of totalitarianism It ought to remain the one place where public servants may stand express their views as representatives of their con- stiluenli without Impairment and without m- Stn. Tom Conaily (Dl of Texas, delond- Ing the right of filibuster. I was not mad anybody.

I just thought we needed a change. Always takes a new set of rascals a while longer to learn the combination to the Jones, former New Deal secretary ol commerce, explaining his support of Republicans In last November's elections. Happiness is never my aim. Like Einstein. I am not happy and do not want to be happy.

I have neither time nor tasle for such Shaw. Its not a cold war. It's a damn hot one. To call It by any other name is a Gtn. William J.

Donovan, wsrtlme head of Office ot MrvicM. U.S. Needs Effective Method to Train Personnel For Key Positions in Overseas Administration By Peter Edion NEA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NEA) threatened resignation of Gen. Lucius D. Clay American military governor In Germany points up what seerna to be a great weakness In U.

8. government. It has no adequate system for training good men lor overseaa administration jobs under the the Truman Doctrine for Greece and Turkey, and the military governments In Germany, Japan and Korea, This lack of system for training to be covered in one of the last reports from ex- President Herbert Hoover's Commission on Organization of the Government. It will deal with "overi'as affairs" of the TJ. S.

gov- ernir'nt. It will point out it or United States now' seems committed to playing an important role in world affairs for many years to come. It will put up to the State and National Defense Departments the problem or doing something to supply trained and competent people lor all the overseas Jobs that will have to be filled. Today General Clay comes as close Lo being an indlsen-iable man as the United States ever had. As a soldier he has been able to meet Russia's hard-boiled generals on ven terms.

As an organizer he hss been able to direct the reoonstruc- on of Germany's irar-born eco- omy. As an administrator he has a start at setting up a democratic German government. No Prosprcti In Sight The mere thought of sending omeone to replace General Olay as given both the State Depart- ent and the Army cold chills Thsy haven't a likely candidate to succeed him. This one fact has been a principal drawback to turning over the tovernment of Germany from mil- tary to civilian hands. General Ob.y's military government staff of 2400 Is now about per cent civilian.

As Germans qualify to take back more of their own affairs, the military contingent Is being further reduced in the U. S. zone. This is no great problem. The real problem Is in finding qualified men for the top jobs.

The casts of the three "land directors" or state governors to serve in the American rone under Oen- eral Olay provide excellent ples of what this problem In Hesse the director Is Dr. James R. Newman, a former school administrator in New York. He has been In military government since the occupation first began. He has stuck with it, which most of the military government officers not done.

He has given Hesse an excellent administration. Being an ex-educator, he has concentrated pirticulirly on teaching the people what democracy means and how It works. In Bavnrln the land director is Murray D. Van Wagoner, ex-governor of Michigan. An American politician, has concentrated on rebuilding Munich and other war-damaged cities.

His doctrine has been that if the people are properly housed and fed, their ideas will be all right and will take care of themselves. Rapid Turnover Changea Policy In Wierttemberg-Baden there has been a succession of governors wlilch has naturally made it difficult to provide continuity of pol- Unyielding Reds Put Pressure On Yugoslavia's Premier Tito The DOCTOR SAYS By Edwin P. Jordan, M. D. Written for NfA Service Death or serious complications are unusual in chickenpox.

in chlck- cnpox, like smallpox, there are blisters on the skin. The disease Is likely to come In epidemics and Is most common between the ages ot two and six. Grownups rarely come down with chickenpox, because so many have had It In childhood and have become permanently resistant. The time between exposure and By DeWlil Foreign Affairs Analyst Smoke-clouds are gathering oviTI where there! smoke theix must be fire. Tlic BalKins are boiling with 1 porls that the cominlorra (the erful Communist International IrJ formation Bureau) is a coup to overthrow Yougoslavlg, Premier Tito because of Ills pe.

revolt against Moscow's dictation. The Italian news agency Astr I has reported that Yugoslavia virtually hemmed in by anti-Tit I forces on her Albanian, Greek, Bull garlait and Hungarian The agency further says SoviT formations are on the Romania! the appearance of the first symp- a nd Hungarian frontiers, and toms is from 10 to 15 days. The first sign of the disease Is likely to be fever, sometimes accompanied by a slightly chilly feeling. The typical blisters on the skin usually begin to appear within 24 hours or the first symptom. At first they are most common on the back or chest, but may begin on the forehead or face.

They generally start as raised reddish lumps. Alter about two days the contents of the blisters become pus-like and cloudy. Itching Prevalent There may be a good deal of uncomfortabc itching, especially in adults. In a few days the blisters become covered with a dark brownish crust which falls off and, as a rule, docs not leave scarring. The treatment of chickenpox is usually simple.

The disease, caused by virus, is spread by contact from a sick child to one who Is well and has never had the disease. For this ueason a child with chickenpox should be kept away from others and also should be kept In bed until the acute stage of the disease is over. Sometimes soothing lotions or powders are helpful to decrease the itching and scratching. Bandaging the hands, or otherwise preventing the very young child from touching the pox and possibly getting an unnecessary permanent scar, may be needed. Icy.

Present governor Is the reUred Charles P. Gross, lormer New York City transportation official, and before that, in command of the Army Transportation Corps during the war. General Gross speaks German, which is an advantage. But General Gross had considerable labor difficulty in handling N'ew York's transit problems. In Germany he succeeded ex- Congre-Fman Charles M.

LaFolletle of Indiana. LaFollette has always been interested in labor affairs, and in Germany he followed a. policy of working through the labor unions to promote democracy. These widely varying policies in the three provinces of the American zone have no doubt added to the confusion of the German people. This kind of trial-and-error administration can get by in an established democracy like the United States, where the people can withstand an awful lot of bad local government.

In overseaa administration, chances of this kind can't be taken. Government has to be good, and it has to be right the first time more often than not. It must have consistent policy. And the man assigned to It must be trained to know what they're doing. During the war the Army ran a school of military 'government at University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

It trained hundreds of officers for the specific Job of moving Into liberated territory behind the fighting forces to restore local government. These men did an excellent Job till they were released on points and home. What seems to needed now Is another train- Ing school of the same kind. Note: Dr. Jordan Is unable to answer individual questions from readers.

However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions in his column. QUESTION: What causes cramps in the hands an hour after eating lunch? The cramps occur only at noon but the hands cramp up so much I cannot do my work. ANSWER: This Is indeed a curious condition and does not appear to fit into any well-known medical pattern. If it occurs regularly at the same hour of the day, a physician who examines you at the time when you have the cramps might find some clue to their origin. Methodists to Spend $700,000 on Hospital MEMPHIS.

March The Methodist Hospital will proceed with its building program at a cost of between $700,000 and (800,000. This was authorized at the annual meeting of the board of trustees and the board of managers. Officers of both boards were reelected. HOLLYWOOD Johnson NEA Stiff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD. (NEA) Twenty tonkeys and Johnson went to a udlo preview of "Bomba, Jun- The monkeys sat there with their opcorn and crackerjack and I sat icre with my air clarifler (the big conomy size).

The monkeys were asked to fill ut the usual audience reaction ards. Some of this questions were: "Does the picture qualify to play i an 'A' jungle?" "Did you set any monkeys you'd ke to be stranded In a tree with?" "A four-banana picture?" "Plenty of sex ape-peal?" "How many coconuts will this ing up at the box office?" I was asked the usual question, oo. Walter Mlrlsch, the fllm'i producer. stopped me after the pre- and nervously inquired: "Did they show any signs that hry liked It?" I still don't know whether he WAS klddlnjr. But I do know that the Allied publicity boys were kidding.

They announced the sUmt "solely study the psychological effect a innglc picture has on monkeys." WHO'S STUDYING WHO? I'm not so sure but what it turned out to be a cllnicnl study for the monkeys on the psychological effect a Hollywood publicity stunt has on humans. Despite the atmosphere, I don't know whether the monkeys liked the picture or not. If they didn't, there wasn't much they could do about It. as they were chained my of the week. There was the usual chattering among the customers, the lovers in the back row (two monkeys insisted on occupying the same chair) and there was the lobby buffet or popcorn, crackerjack, bananas, oranges, 'Wits and coconuts.

One little monkey persisted in nament. The opening lead was the king of clubs, and our life master friend In the East decided to be fancy, and not win the first trick in dummy. South continued with the ten of clubs and when dummy's ace was played, North did not trump. He discarded the five of hearts. Even now declarer had a chance to make the hand, but at this point he led a diamond toward his queen.

North won and led back technlciaas have been flowl nto Albania. There even are rel ports that rebellion already hal started in some Yugoslav towns anl villages. 1 Alex H. Singleton, Associate! Press correspondent, in a dispatcl from Belgrade said the people an the government have remain. calm In the face of reports of Ker on (he frontiers.

He added therl was no Indication of unusual mill itary precautions, even near thcl Hungarian and Romanian Greater Pressure Exni'cted Most evidence made public thus. I far Is circumstantial. However 9 highly Informed sources in Westerrl democracies believe that some Sov. 1 let action against Tito is boiling i It's significant that this view alsc I is held by Ales Bebler, Yugoslax deputy foregin minisicr, who hai just returned to Belgrade froir.t 1 Britain. Bebler predicted In a I don interview that the Cominfi will intensify its pressure on Tito In the next six months.

He I gave the Impression he believed il would be more than the economic pressure which Moscow has been! putting on Yugoslavia. Tito's daring quarrel with the Cominform revolves about his refusal to surrender the sovereignty of hi.s country to Moscow. All Com- munist satellites must take order? from Soviet Russia, and their home governments are executive bodle! I acting under Moscow's policies. Yugoslavia, us intensely nationalistic, a iacl which generations of her people have stamped upon the pages of history. Yugoslavia takes orders from nobody.

Her chief of state, a peasant's son who was Josip Broz and assumed the name of Tito. Is a piece off the same. I cloth. He came up through ranks of revolution and gives orders, easier than he takes them. Thus Yugoslavia presents a grlev-l ous problem for Moscow.

Nob only! is he the most powerful of the! Balkan states militarily, but she is! strategically situated jSoviet Russia) could ill afford to lose the alleg ance of Belgrade. Tito Holds Conference Thustar Tito has given every In-1 dlcation that he has no intention of yielding on the point of uover- I elgnty, although he remains a Com-1 munist and in other matters has dicated his desire to play ball with I Moscow. However, under the Bol- shevist code there can be no division of supreme authority. Tito has to give all or nothing. Tito is reported to have conferred with British and Americans to see where he stands with the Western powers in event of hiore serious trouble with the Cominform.

Thera has been no confirmation on thli report, and the Western democracies appear to be maintaining an attitude of watchful waiting. What would the western powers do in event of an upheaval In Yugoslavia? of course that would depend on circumstances but I think we are safe in saying they would do everything in their power to isolate the trouble so that it wouldn't spread. They certainly would do their utmost to keep from becoming involved themselves. Probably the same thing would to their chairs. If Hollywood's movies get any worse, this may give thenler an Idea.

I don't know whether the film is good, either. I was too busy watch- Ing the monkeys, the itudla theater trying to break Us le'ash. His trainer MioRizcd to press agents Johnny lynn nnd Lou Lifton and then ilh twinkling eyes added: "Nfiybe bored. He 'Joan of Arc' last week." SIMIAN STAR A monkey named Junior, who Ptsys the role of Oto in the picture (the film co-sUrs Johnny Sheffield and Peggy Ann Garner) and thus rates a star on his cage, suffered Indignity which may cause him to break all news photographers' cameras In the future. Junior was sitting there, ready' to enjoy himself on the screen, when IN HOLLYWOOD on Tuft 10 75 Years Ago In Democratic Women of the will meet monthly to study affniri o' the comity It was decided lasl nieht following the perfecting o( the organization with Mrs.

Lloyd Wise as chairman. Assisting her will be: Mrs. James B. Clark, Mrs. T.

E. Talc of Armorcl Mrs. W. Burkctt of Bassclt. The HI-Shy-Ny Sunday School of the First Baptist Church had a St.

Patricks Day party nt the home of Mrs. C. F. Tucker with Mmcs. H.

Wccim, n. L. Knight assisting. Mrs. W.

A. Black and Miss Cordelia Wilm'tc tied for honors In winning the beauty contest when each member was requested to her McKENNEY ON BRIDGE By William E. McKenney America's Card Authority Written for NEA Service Expert Goes Fancy And Regrets It I was quite interested in the contest that Jack Barry conducted recently on his program, "Life Begins at Eighty." Many ot you arc fnmiiinr with Jack through his program, "Juvenile Jury." Both of these programs are heard over the Mutual Broadcasting System. a spade, which South won. Another club was returned and North discarded the other heart.

If declarer had won the first trick with the ace of clubs in dummy, then quickly cashed the king and ace of hearts and led a small diamond toward the queen, he would have had no trouble at all to make the contract. be true of Russia. The point is that neither the Western powers nor the Russian bloc want to see another world war started. And a general upheaval could grow out of a Yugoslav explosion unless extreme tion were pursued by thn powers. Read Courier News Want est In prenenttllnn.

a Miss Holly- 4 a 4KJS VA74J AS3 Dealer VK10S 4532 AA VQJS 108 4KQJ 10874 vul. Went North Eut 1 Double 1 I 24 PJM Piss If Powerful-Jawed The contest was held to select the most outstanding over 80 years or age, and Hie winner was Dr. Francis E. Townscnd of old-age-pension-plan fame. In second place was George Bernard Shaw, the famous playwright.

Arturo Toscanlnl was third, and fourth place went to Cornelius McGillicudy, known to you and me 1 as Connie Mack. Jack and thought thai If we could gel this foursome around a bridge table, probably not one of them would make the mistake that one of c-ur life masters made alien toejay's hand played in tht world Individual lour- HOR1ZONTAL 1 Depicted reptile 10 Mouth part 13 Scoundrel 14 High card 15 Seal anew IS Asis IS Lieutenant (ab.) 19 Eternity 20 Operatic solo 23 Little tUpt 27 Presently 28 Driving command 29 Grit 3D Weight (ab-) Type measure 32 Annoying child 34 Seine 3 6 Uncommon 37 Journey 33 40 Newt 43 Moccasin 45 Indian antelope 48 Kettledrum 52 Poem 53 His related to the 55 Wager 58 Crowded dwelling! VERTTCAI, 1 Arrive (ab.) 2 Sheltered side 3 Lord privy teal (ab.) 'Erin 3 Ruminant 6 Competent 1 Symbol for tantalum 8 Indian 9 Nevada city 10 Loiter 11 Frozen water 12 Through 17 Social insecl 20 Agreement 21 Wanderer 22 Electrified particle 24 Symbol for silver 25 Take care! 28 Kind of dog 32 Rich fabric 33 Male sheep 35 Palm lily 38 Fastener Thing 42 Weary 43 Step Particle 45 Head (slang) 46 Fish 47 Permit 49 Container 50 Altitude-(ab.) 51 French plural article- 54 Preposition.

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