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Roseburg Review from Roseburg, Oregon • Page 4

Roseburg Reviewi
Roseburg, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

betntot ol title laud. Paper. pr. pared lor flllof ob govarnmaz land, Bine prlnu of townahlp map. anowlnc all re eaut lands.

TT1S A MATTER OF HEALTH Notes Along the Way. Spokane, Aug. 14, 1904. Editor Rkvikw: In compliance with my promise to write you occaslonly on my trip east will say westurted from FRANK E. ALLEY ARCHITECT and ABSTRACTER Plans and estimates for all kinds ol onlldinga.

Special designs for offiee Qxtures I) nice In UougUa County Bank Building Phone 671. HOSKBORG, OHM, Oakland on August 9th. We found the Willamette valley as bad or worse oil as to crops as we are in the Urupqua. Spring sown grain is very short, es pecially oats, much of which are not tail enough to cut. Some are cutting their crops that were sown in the vlotiou of Crawford speak in derogatory terms of his character and say further that they would have signed a remonstrance to the petition for his pardon.

Their estimate of his oharaoter seems to be borne out by the report that only a few days ago Crawford is alleged to have told a fellow convict that he intended to kill the man In Roseburg who wa9 the principal factor in securing his conviction. The girl in the case was taken to the Boys, and Girls' Aid Society InJPort-land. Later she was adopted by a respectable family and Is now living an upright life). Cholera Infantum This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy came Into general use. The uniform success which attends the use of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become known.

For sale by Hamilton Drng Co. Spring for hay, and It doea not make OPERA HOUSE ONE JOLLY NIGHT Thursday, Aug. 18 JTiK" tfrl JIUIXEU A BATES Present MJZLJnrA-sMl in J. Mark wan'B Howling A RUNAWAY MATCH 'Die Funniest Farce on the Stage. Very Nutshell of Laughter.

A Brilliant Company of Comedians. POI'CLAI! l'KICKS 2oc, 50c and 75c. Seats on sale nt Burr's Music Store, Jackson street. Ilodge director? much hay cither. We saw mower, binder and thresher all running in the same Held and some grain not ripe enough to cut for hay.

As to potatoes, P. A. Laurel Lodge No. 13 Holds regular meetlngH on 2udaua Uh Weduea days ol each month. J.

T. Bridges, W. M. N'T- Jkwktt, Secretary. P0VDER well they will be like Pat Murphy's potatoes," lots of them will weigh a pound," and ib wilt take lots of them too.

Corn is most a failure. Hurrah for old Douglas, she is In the lead this time. From Portland to Ellensburg we travelled most of the way In the nitrht and ran through several forest Absolutely Pure THERE IS jVfl SUBSTITUTE AO. W. Roseburg Lodge No.

16 Meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7:30 j. in the I. O. O. F.

Hall. All members lu good standing are Invited to attend Jah. M. llKtuoErt, M. W.

E. H. Lknox, Recorder. BP. O.

ELKS, Roseburg Lodge, No. 326-Holdi regular communications at the Ma smile Hall on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. All memhertt requested to attend regularly, and all visiting brother are cordially Invited to attend. C. Cankos.

e. r. Roy McClaixkn, Secretary. fires. There is no timber from Ellens-' death penalty.

It is wise to have Buck-ounSprague, except around $1 MB MEM vent fatalitv. when Burns, Sores, Ul ma, which is a very pretty place and they have fine crops there. I think they raise them by irrigation, but the hills cers and Piles threaten. Only at A. C.

Hoseburg, Or. Granted a Pardon. FOR SALE and canyons from there on look poor. KG REE OF HONOR, Mystic Lodge No. 13 Meets '2nd and 4ih Thursday eveniugs ol each month In Foresters' flail.

Visiting members cordially invited to attend. MilS. JOSKl'HINB RlHUiY, C. Of H. E.

11. Lknox. Rec. Roseburg-Marshfield Staee Line FOU SALE. Furniture in Bmall boarding house in Roseburg.

Must go quick. Call at Uevihw oflice. d-sw-ali). Rock, sagebrush and sand, then sand, sagebrush and rock, etc. The country looked like it hadn't rained for 100 years, and was so hot that I don't think it will rain for another 100.

Still Salem, Aug. 1(5. Governor Chamberlain today granted a pardon in favor of Francis James Crawford, FOF Court Douglas No. 32 Foresters ol America, meets each Tuesday evening in Foresters' Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome.

T. F. K. il. Lknox, lice.

Heo. E.V. 11 novKK, Physician, J. C. TivrriiHELL, they raise grain there some where as who is serving a six-year sentence in there were wheat sacks nf.ed ud at the penitentiary for criminal assault FOR SALE.

Good house of five rooms, in Hoseburg, with three-fourths of an acre of land In fruit trees and garden. Address care Review, or inquire at d-sw B. FENTON, Proprietor SIIOKTESX AND JSKST ROUTIC TO Myrtle Point, Coquillc all Coos Bay Points Staife H-nvcp linPL-burK every morning at 0:01) a. in.

connecting with trains at Myrllo l'oint for Marshticlil ami witli the boats tor Cofiuille river point. GOOD KHiS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS For further particulars apply to C. W. RAPP, Acnt ut Roseburg, Caf'S Street, near the depot. 10.

O. Phlletanan Lodge No. 8 Meets in Odd Fellows corner of Jackson and Cass streets, on 'Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order in good standing are iuvited to attend Oeo. W.

Perky, N. G. T. Jewktt, R. S.

MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Large residence. Ei quire of Albert Abraham. d-sw-tf. I O.O I'nion Encampment No.

Meeta Kt Ami lint to do general Apply, Mrs. M. I in wuu renuws leiujuy ThlirNilHV OVflllliKN of tch miiiifh Kit. WANTED. Girl housework.

Joseph son. lug brethren always welcome. If. Moorr, C. P.

F. Mil klu, Scribe, CANXHD PEACHES FOR SALE. Call on or address, Joe E. Harvey, Roseburg, Box 2iS. sw-tf.

10. O. Kiting Htar Ilodge No. 174, O. O.

F. meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Friday cuius. ttiiHB urt-niren iiittyn welcome. M. D.

Thomi'son, N. U. A. N. OlifirTT, R.

8. F. (i. Micki.u, F. S.

FOR RENT. Six-room house in Riverside Addition, one mile north of Rosebursr. on the Edenbower road. Address Thos. Graham, city, d-sw-tf.

When it's done with Southern Oregon's big 5 Evening Paily and Twice-a-VVeek Review. There's none so good. KOK Alpha Lodgo No. -17 Jleeta every Wednesday in i. O.

(). Hull, at 7:30 p. m. Membets in iiootl slHtidfiiLi hto invited Lo attend. MKi.LTnoMrr.ciji c.

C. FOR SALE. Lund for sale in Edenbower, fronting on river, conven t.LM Kit h. IMIIKKI.Y, K. R.

every station, and lots of teams coming, committed in Douglas County In I'M. in with more. They farm the tops of Crawford has served over half of his hills here I suppose, because the rocks sentence. The reason for the pardon are easier rolled down hill than they was the previous good character of are up the prisoner, the excessive nature of Spokane is a very pretty place and the punishment and the representation several times as large as Kosoburg. of a large number of persons who peti-One can take an observation ear and tioned for the pardon, ride all over the city for 33 and1 The petitions on Hie dilTeras to the they send a man along to point out all age of the prisoner, one saying that the places of interest and tell you all he was 20 years old and the other 21.

about thein. Spokane river is about It is alleged in his behalf that he was as large as the North Umpqua. The not of age of sound discretion, and that falls ure simply grand and furnish a the crime would not have been corn-tremendous power. tlere is a lare mitted but for the fact that the girl, grist mill of 800 barrels daily capacity, who was under the age of consent, Hi They also have a large saw mill here, years, was wayward, but where they got their logs is more The petition is accompanied by two than I know. I haven't seen a tree in letters from friends of the family, fav-the last 200 miles that was 40 feet high oring the pardon.

District Attorney or two feet through, but they get logs George M. Brown waived notice of the all the same. Provisions, are high here, petition, but neither the District At-Meatsof all kind "are out ol sight" torney nor the trial judge make any on the block. Pork is 20 to 25 cts, beef recommendation. The only objection IS to 30 cts, chickens SS.0I) per dozen, to the petition is an anonymous com-eggs i0 cts.

per dozen. Rents are high munication from some one at Canyon-and few vacant houses. The ground is ville, the homo of the prisoner's very rocky just the kind for a town, mother. This protest asks that Craw-but it seems to grow almost anything lord be not pardoned on account of his where they get water on it. We saw alleged previous bad habits.

Jos. Jones and family here, also Eddie (Crawford's crime was committed In Thompson and family. Old Douglas Roseburg In the year of his commlt-Co. folks they aro. All are well and ment.

His pardon is a great surprise seem to be doing well. They like the to many people here, who did not even ient for irrigation, In tracts to suit. No a treats. Call on E. M.

Moore, Roseburg, Oregon. 10. KO. T. Protection Tent No.

15-Holds rejrolar meetingM on the first and third Fridays of t-ach month in Odd Fellows Hall. All visiting members In good standing are iuvited to a G. W. Perry, Com. G.

W. Ram-, R. K. MEN WANTED. At Glendale, Ore-iron, to cut cord wood.

Price paid. 81.75 per cord, 4-foot wood. Good LO.T. Roseburg Iflve No. 11-IIolds Its regular reviews upon the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 2 o'clock in Odd Fellows' hall.

Sisters of other Hives visiting in the city arj cordially invited to attend our reviews N. Heard, Com. Mrs. Jemmk R. K.

timber to wortc in. Apply lo w. Minard, Glendale, Oregon. d-tf. LOST.

Between Jones' ford, near Melrose, and Edenbower, Aug. 11, a child's linen summer suit, consisting of sailor waist and trousers. Finder please leave at this otllce. d-sw-tf. LAND FOR SALE, Hero is the greatest snap on the list.

9 ficres of html; good house of five 700111s, rust 'MM, sin 1 1 burn ami all necessary outbuildiiU3 1 acre in orchard and I iuro in HtrawlH-rriea. I. ten on county road, mile to railroad station, mile to Hchool, miles from lto.ehurK. Thifl in one oi the nicest little homes in the ci unity and dirt rheup, only Ilere ip a trood home at a reaaonahlo figure. ISO acres 74 miles east of Roaohurti.

10 acres fnrin land, balance good (mature, all fenced and cross-fenced, (ioixl house of seven rooms, pond burn, Tox-iO, and all necessary outbuildings about two uoroH in orclmrd, mixed rii well watered by creek and spring, and plenty of timber. Si hool mile, posiolllce and store 2 miles. Nicely located on county road; beautiful view from place, good level road to city. ThiB is an idea home. Hero in a good home and dirt cheap; 210 acrea 12 miles west of Roseburg; under fence, 70 acres of plowed land, balance good pasture, well watered and ptvnly of good timlier; fair house of six ronns, fair barn and all necessary out-buii dint's; ti acres in orchard; '4 mile to school and postollice.

l'rice 4UWX). Hero is a nice litt'o home for sale six miles from Roseburg, one mile to rhool, poatottiie and store all fenced and cross fenced Hi-acre farm land, bal-tnee. pasture well located tine views, good house of 7 rooms, barn ami all neces-aary out buildiiitcH, gtHid family orchard. This is an ideal home and cannot be boat fur the money uked, only $2,500. MOPKRN HKOTH KKHOOD (F AMERICA, Hoseburg Ixdite No.

Meets every evening in Foresters' Hall. Visiting members ahvay.s welenuie. Mrs. Hkktha O. WitnuiT, President.

Mrs. Maiiy Secretary. OK. 8., Roseburg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting on 1st and 3rd Thursdays in each month.

Visiting members la good stand lug are respectfully invited to attend Miss Maud Hast, W. M. Mihs Red ik a Kabt, Secretary. FOR RENT. One large furnished room for rent to a young ludy with steady imployment in city preferred or one attending school.

Enquire of Mrs. A. Mowery, one block east of opera house on Cass St. d-sw a25 DS. T.

WEST. Fire Insurance. Notary Public. City Property rented. County and City Warrants bought and collections made.

Otlice on country and are proud of their town, know of petitions therefor being cir- L. T. Thompson. More anon. 0 culated.

Several persons here Instrumental in bringing about the con- TBk KOofcHCItG UARKKT, N.G., Co. Separate Haltallion Meeta every Thursday evening at the Armory Hall at o'clock. F. B. Hamm.

Captain. One Woman Among the Thousands. We received a letter from Waycroas, from a woman who had been troubled with female complaint for a Jackson street No. 407, Hoover building Here ye home-seekers read this! A snap. 18 acres 1 '4 miles from the opposite Post uuice.

d-sw-tr. ROYAL ARCANCM, Roseburg Council No. MM-MeeU lind and 4th Mondays of each month In Foresters' Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome. citf'of Kosehurgon the banks of the river, house 01 six rooms, lu iiinmur Lin-lion with f.illur mil Iiatii And nli n.rnftsrv niithilildintrfl.

(rood ii amlik, Kegent. A M. Sanders, Secretary. family orchard, lt acre in strawberries, and 3 acres of the finest garden land in The local market quotations today are as follows: Wheat 85 cents. Oats 3S(eN0cents.

Barley 60 cents. Hay Loose, 98: baled, 912. Potatoes 2 cents per lb. Butter Dairy, creamery, Eggs 20 cents per doen. Chickens Mixed, tta per pound.

Oregon; good spring ami weu ami plenty 01 limner, una is an meat iioiue. EREKAHS, Roseburg Rcbekah Lodge. Mo. long time, until she was reduced to almost a shadow. It affected her mind, she could not remember anything, would get confused and so nervous and irritable she could hardly sleep.

She described her case as one similar to A TARSHAL'S NOTICE. All parties' 1 1 are hereby notified that the gutters along the street in front of all business houses must be kept clean from all garbage. By order of the city council, made Aug. 11, 1904. D.

J. Jarvis, si. Cicy Marshal. i. u.

u. r. in c-ld Fellowi Temnle evnrv TiiPHilav ivsnln Vi.nin. IttW acres of land. 122 acres of this land is rich bottom land, no better in the stAto.hiilance hill hind, frond pasture and plenty of timber.

10 miles from It one- sisters and brethren Invited to attend. MISS r.MMA PISHF.H, N. G. Mrs. Kuitu Krlly, Secretary.

veai dc, aresseu. bur tiood house of six rooms, one house of three rooms, two good barns and all necessary out huiMinKt; hop drier on place; plenty of fruit for family use; mile to school 5 miles to It. R. station, good road to the same good fishery on ftlaee. This is one among the best farms in Pouglas county in fact a perfect arm.

Of the alwve described tract, 122 acres is tine land for alfalfa and clover. A perfect home 55 acres, three miles from Rosebnrg on county road. Al WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT, I. II 40 Circle. Vo.

49 Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays ot each month at Odd Fellows Hall. Vivlttaf members lu good standing are invited to attend tuuuwuu. uiur uluu, uu uu ft-Ccm, steers, 21 cents; ends the letter by saying she had heifers, 2c. gained 13 lbs. last month and never Hogs Fat, 44ic live; dressed, 6io.

felt better in her life, having no trace Poblavd Market The quotation WANTED. Hop pickers on 25 acres at and near Wilbur. Wages 50 cents per box. Good camping ground and water. Free ride by wagon from Roseburg ujwn notification.

Address A. A. Gsboru, Wilbur. d-sw-sl. ienced 20 acres in Itearing orchard five acres iu young orchard; 5 acres Mrs.

Belle Morian Clerk. li i In Vnrt.lnnil marlrnt. tsvlair a no of her former ui uur luriutT i i i i iruuu us. b.uui wen. auu pram; aft wm paniure, wen waiereu, ami pieniy oi umoer ior noma uw.

uomi Wheat, "7 cents; oats, 91.20 per cen- twoatnry notice containing rooms, iiaru imiBiieu row unm, uvx.u, nim uir hay, clover, 99; timothy, 915; wool, WOODMEN OP THE WORLD. Oak Camp Mo liWMeets at the Odd Fellows Hall la Koseburg, every 1st and 3rd Monday evening. isitlng neighbors always welcome. bed on one aide all neievnry outhuildiihts- Beautiful view of the city from menceu meuseoi ur.uunn oiooa ana valley, 17 cents; hops, 24 cents; D. P.

FISHFR.C C. J. A. Buchanan, Clerk, Xerve tonic just six weeks before she hogs, gross, 5c; sheep, gross; wrote the letter from which we copy beef, gross, 3fc; veal, eggs, the above. This tonic is in tablet form, 20c: butter, creamery, dairy, 13c; and should be taken right after meals, chickens, mixeu, lie lb.

It turns the food you eat Into strong, rich blood, feeding the nerves and seuing cne nerves ami TARSHAL'S NOTICE. All parties 1 that have sidewalks out of repair along their property, are hereby notified that unless they are put in ood repair within ten days from the ate of this notice, the city will repair and charge same to the property. By order of the City Council made Aug. 11th, 1W4. D.

J. Jarvis, a 26. City Marshal. BIDS WANTED. Sealed bids will be received by the City Recorder, of Roseburg, Oregon, up to eight o'clock, Tuesday evening, Autrust 23.

curing disease Sold bv all drui rnii-mato pn. by makin, hf.lthy fleah. COIUmDia rorySreS ad" ((Tisufor we. per box, Gmmm.r Hraile 13, I-sle, weak, thin I niVftK tv Onnr. 3 boxes for people should use this tonic.

For sale Catalogue. by A. C. Marsters Druggist, Boarding school for young men and boy Box 349 university Park Station Oregon Agricultural College. TOKTLAND ltKOON OREGON ShopjUne 1904, for the improvement of Douglas Oregon Agricultural College, located and Union Pacific Ask the street, in Hoseburg, ur-, between Main and Claire streets, according to plans and specifications now on file In the Recorder's office in Roseburg, Oregon.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in ten per cent of "the Three Trains Daily to the East at Corvallis, is the largest institution of higher learning in the state. It has 5,10 students nud 33 Instructors with Dr. Thomas GaR'h as president. The school has 5tH) graduates the average salary of whom is about 91500 per an plaee also soldier 'homo. This is an Meal Home, l'rice fa.uou.

Mouse coat i 92A.0O0. Good road and a nice drive to the city. One half down and balance in two years time. I No 8. H0 acres; 40 acrea fenced, 80 acrea in cultivation.

Small on we and barn, orchard, plenty of good mountain water and lots of good timber. A fine mountain range for atuck adjoining Thia la a nice little stock ranch. Twelve mi lea from city, two miles from school anil four miles from postolQce. Price, $1500 A nice homo containing 140 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced. Forty acres trop, 15 in fruit ami balance good pasture; well watered and plenty of good timtter.

Mile and a half to school, post-olhee, atore and K. It. station. Fair bonne of rooms, barn and all necesaary outbuildings. One span of horses, iwo sets of harness, two wagons, two top biitcgies, three cows, two calves, (HI chickens.

12 turkes, hogs, ami all fanning and household goods numerous lo mention. Kiht miles from Koaoburir. Every thiny oes for $3700; $.1000 down, balance on easy terms. This is a perfect home and dirt cheap. 1W) acres ot land 12 miles from Rosebnrg, all fenced and cross-fenced, good hoiiBeof seven rooms, Ifltrn and all necessary out-lmildings, young orchard, just beinninn to Ix'ar, of 150 trees of all kinds of fruit; small vrnpe vineyard and plenty of sniAll fruit.

20 acres iu cultivation alwut 1.000,000 ftet of timber, oak andtir; line mountain stream rnnninit through place large enough to run a aw-mill six months iu the year. Two miles to postollice and store. A Hue stock range joining place; fine, healthy location; plenty of good mountain water: good tilling and hunting. Price $1000. 100 acres of land lying on top of Camas monntain house and narn no other Improvements fair stock range and at least il.OOu ,000 feet of good timber, lyinp jn county road and K.

R. survey. Price One of the lnat fruit orchards iu Douglas county, containing 50 acres of good river bottom land, 11500 choice prune trees, and 1000 apples, pears and peaches, llandy to school, postollice ami telephone, ami well located. Only for the dire income-paying property. This offer only holds good for a short time.

Ilere is a bargain. O.w of the greatest of yonr life. Don't fail to invest Thia ofTercau't be beat in Douglas county. 050 acres of laud three miles from Fine living stream running through place, lots of good timber, in fact nough to pay for the place twice over if put on the market heie iu Koseburg county "rtud good level road to town. This is A No.

1 stock ranch. Ilere i a dandv home of 100 acres, all good farm land, 4V miles from Hoavhi rg, 4 mile to It. li. station, -4 nvle to school, lies on county road, all ten- wl, lair house, u00 Wearing fruit trees. Price J30 jer acre.

Ilere is Another acres 2'tf' miles from R.ielnirg. all fenced, tdentv i-f Agent for amount of the bid. liight is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of ruiiinu swuitra ann Tourist tleeplnccara dally to Omaha, Chicago, 8pok are; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tonrist sleeping cara Tickets via the u. l.

marsters, a23. City Recorder. August 12. 1U. Kansas City; reclining chair cars, scats free, to the East Dally.

ttorstMioN Ab 70 IT I PORTLAND TO UHIOAGO No Change of Cara. 70 R. H. L. STUDLEY TO SPOKANE, ST.

PAUL, DULt'TH MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, ST. LOTIS and all points East and South. num, while the highest salary paid on the Pacific coast is received by W. F. Herein, of San Francisco, a graduate of this college.

Tuition free; board 92.75 per week; books about 910 per annum. Courses of four years in pharmacy, mechanical, electrical and mining engineering, English, mathematics, household economy, military science aud tactics horticuUuie, agriculture, natural science', drawing, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN of chronic diieae. Consultation free, uillce over the postollice. Phone 1011. Horm 9 to 12 a.

m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Residence at H. 1.

Graves place. 'Phone 1M Departa TIMS acilEDDI.ES Arrl.o 'or From Portland. Irom Chtr-Mo Portland Uao. D.ner. Ft.1 Special Worth.

Omaha. K.d via nuDt. Chlcaao and Raat tnKtoo. KnrelS t-ako, D.t,rar. Ft.

a-iVn worth. Omaha, Kn- Tla Bunt- aaa CUT. St -Chlcairoand St. Panl Walla Walla. Le.l.ToTT fmim.i1 Spokane.

Wallace, 5 t6o PulIraan.Mlnneapolla Tla St. K.ul, Dnhith. Mil- :00.1. Spokane. aukee, Chicago and WH.

DARBY, P. M. D. DENTIST Office in the Abraham Bnilding. (Ott the Pmtoffle in the office heretofore occupied by Pr.J.

K. Chapman.) 20VKRLAND TRAINS DAILY FLYER and the FAST MAIL Splendid Service, Up-to-Pate Equipment, Courteous Employes. Daylight trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains For full particulars, rates, folders, call on or address timtvr nnd water, 100 acres can be cultivated, balance A No. 1 pasture. No bookkeeping, typewriting and stenography.

Certifies from h'-'a school aod colleges accepted. A snb'ieslimai. department has been pmvi-ied for eighth grade graduates who 3o not have access to a high school. School burding pbtce, lies on county road. Price $10 per tiers.

Rosebcro Oregon Also 20 acres all fenced, fair house, 100 bearing fruit tree, 1 aero in trnwlornea miles from Roseburg. t. mile to school. This is nice piwo of i lEO. E.

HOUCK.M. OfHns Sept. 20. Catalogue frr. tmce, in the Heview nuildiM ntm IS ami Registrar B.

Horner will he at the MeClallen House, Rosebuif. August DICKSON, C. T. 122 Third 11 Huh, from two to four o'clock p. i OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Forgan FranolBro Frf 11 't at 8 00 For Atoria, way point, North Dally, txr tt Sinlay, at p.

a unlay 10 oo Daily water lermutiof, on Wl.lamette anaYamhl) 'era. 612 First for the purjH'e of examt.iirv Street, Portland, 're. 9. G. W.

A Avenue, Seattle, Wash. mill and well located All houccliold furniture goes with place. Price $1500. No. to.

1 00 acres, 9 miles from city. Fenced but no other Improvemen firt cla land and well located Two and a half miles from railroad sta'iop One-fourth mile fmm school, and one and one-fourth miles from postntnre. Well water! md plenty of timlter. Price $20 pr acre. nic- little home tying on the south of the Umpqua river nenr Kcllog, cont lining acres tine Hilling and hunting somt gml saw tinilvr on plact AUhi' 12 mile tr-un Oiikland, price Oue-thirddown, one-third in one and one-third in two years at live per cent interest.

Now here is a ha net to got a little home chettp and on ensv erms.t It teats iking up a home atend. III IK. Vo Kiwpbury for entrance meeting desiring information concerning the col lege. alS. The Dath Penalty.

1 H'V'K Sli KUKwKo.v We give expedited service on freight. Route vour shipments via Gieat Northern. Full infn-m tpn from Ym. ARPER, ier, Agent, Portland, Oregon. For foil InformanoD rail op oi add.

N. I leket odioe, or addrM CHAIO Qttieni! Aeent PORTLAND OREHON A lUtle thing sometimes results In death. liiua mere vratWi. lonr aoutt licant cuts or puny boils have paid the.

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