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The Houston Post from Houston, Texas • Page 4

The Houston Posti
Houston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE' HOUSTON TO I amended to exclude violations of the MALONE MEASURE ONCE OUTLAWED CORPORATIONS MAY AGGIES AND LONGHORNS CLASH IN TITULAR BASKET BALL GAMES State CoilegeTitle Will Be Pecided When Two lading Quin teta Hook Up Friday and Saturday Nights College Writer Says Longcope and McQuillen Real Forwards. RETURN TO TEXAS the killings charged, to have been done by membera of the ranger force, that cpmnlained of in charge No. is shown to have been done by a member of the raasyer fore ia the discharge of his duties, aad while he may have bees negligent in his acta at that time, there is bo criminal intent npon bis part shows to have existed at that time. Eattlaaf. Cass.

I The ceaawet of certain members of Us ranger fore in some of the counties of this State remote from the border ia most responsible, and the killing in Eastland county charged to them was indeed a regrettable occurrence. These cases now pending in the courts of Eastland and Taylor counties will be tboroaghly investigated and at this time we do not feel like commenting thereon. The acts Canales-Pedigo Bill Passes RANGER SERVICE FOUND NECESSARY FOR REGULATION (Continued from Page One.) duties devolving upon him with reference to the State ranger force in an intelligent, conscientious and effective manner; that he has exercised his best judgment and discretion In the handling of his fores; that he has maintained a high standard and morale of said force in the best manner possible under the many disadvantages confronting him. As an evidence of this fact, it is shown at this time the ranger force consists of 108 commissioned officers snd enlisted men; that during the time he haa been at the head of this department the adjutant general has discharged from the service more than 100 men because of in State this year Forbes at canter doing almost as brilliant goal shooting a the forwards, and William, Hartung and Mitchell, the freshmen guards, a re 'giving the team a defense that is proving almost unbeatable. Four of these six are 'Houston boy and got their training on the Houston High school and church team a.

In reserve are a whole string of men wbo have shown up in first class tyi, first among whom probably 1 Keen, a giant center who would max Kingaland of Rice look small. Coach Driver haa developed some teamwork and except tor the tin-ortunate accident at Baylor all the odds would be on the Farmers. PERMITS SUBURBS TO BE ABSORBED Tarrant Man's Bill Assures Houston Right to Take Over Magnolia Park HARRY T. WARNER, Corrassoaeant Heutte Past Braa. ATTOTTV SUV 1Q U.lnna nf Tarrant believes be has solved the prob lem of annexing contiguous territory and he has prepared a bill which he ia confident will "stand up" in the courts.

While hia bill ia Drimarilv intended to take Niles City into the municipality of Fort Worth, it wul serve also to take Magnolia City into Houston and Highland Park into Dallas, as it ia general in its terms. The bill heretofore introduced by Mur phy snd the other members of the Har ris county delegation Mr. Malone does sot believe will stand a teat in the courts; and there ia, therefora, a likli-bood that the Malone bill will go through the committee and that the Murphy bill will be sidetracked. Miles uity is a municipality or ganised, according to Mr. Malone, to prevent Fort Worth getting the big packing plants: and be figures that tbe said packing plants would, included in the city limits of Fort Worth, add about $100,000 a year to the taxes collected there, thus giving more money for acnool and other purposes.

Maf-asHa Park. Magnolia Park has within it the term inals of the Houston ship channel and it also controls a considerable portion of the Harrisburg boulevard; there is opposition among the citizens of the suburb to annexation on the score that they baS-e not the facilities to compensate them for the increased tax rate which would result from incorporation within the city; but under the Malone bill they can vote their bonds for improvements before they are finally taken in and tbe money will be applied to the specific purposes within the specified territory. The Malone bin provides that any city of 60,000 population may annex territory adjacent and contiguous by a vote of the people of the larger city; and without those of the amaller having any voice in the matter if they did not have 5000 population at the time of the last census. To secure this vote there must be a petition of 10 per cent of the qualified voters at the last general election unless the city authorities themselves initiate the movement. In event that such an nexation is made, then the municipal government of the smaller city ceases to exist; and the keynote to the Malone bill is the clause which repeal all law in conflict with the new statute.

Avoids Constitution. He contends that the cities of Hons ton. Fort Worth, Dallas and others of that class are constitutional cities: while the municipalities of Magnolia Park, Nile City and cities of that class are creations of the legislature; and the legislature may abolish such either bv gen eral or specific legislation. Thereby he hopes to avoid the home rule section of the constitution, the election in the larger municipality giving the citizens of that city their right of self government and the smaller town having no such right. After the election and the subsequent abolishment of the smaller municipality, the records, books, public property, money and debts of the smaller become the property of the city which absorb.

And in event that the annexed territory had voted bonds for any purpose then the funds derived from the sale of those bonds must be expended as origi- nallv provided and tne annexing atv becomes responsible for the payment of the bonds upon maturity; and in event that taxes for the current year have been assessed, then such assessment and the rate fixed upon it are to stand for the smaller territory which has been taken in. Senate as It Came From House MANY AMENDMENTS DEFEATED Adequate Punishment Held Inflicted and Business Later Safeguarded HARRY T. WARNER, Carraspoadent. Houston Post Bureau. AUSTIN.

Texas. Keb. 19 The Ttdigo-CaLales bill, paving the way for the return ff the corporations convicted of violation of tbe anti-trust laws, was finally passed by tbe senate Wednesday just as it came from the house, after several efforts to amend bail failed. Fare explained the provisions of the bill and declared them equitable. Adequate punishment had been inflicted upon these corporations, aud there is a safeguard in it that before the corporations may be readmitted there must be a hearing and the attorney general is made a party thereto.

He declared that the methods of the International Harvester company now operates under rules laid down by the supreme court of the I'nited States. Suiter and Westbrook sent ud an amendment providing for a bond equal to 10 per cent of its capital stock and to be accompanied by a statement that such corporation is not now and will not in the future be a party to any truet or agreement in restraint of trade and will comply with all the laws of Texas governing and affecting foreign corporations. The amendment further provides that the products of such corporations shall Dot be sold at a higher price in Texas than they are in any other State or foreign country. Page could se no necessity for the amendment. At any time it is shown that any of these corporations are violating the laws of Texas the district court caa put such corporation out of Texas forever.

He moved to table it. Sniter could see no objection to the amendment. It simply provides protection for the public against eihorbttant prices as well as against violations of the law of the htate. Gibson doubted thai there was any necessity for the proposed amendment: it tnight drive out a lot of capital which otherwise would be available in carrying the business in Texas. The motion to table was lost.

Oarlock thought that the amendment would destroy the bill. There was a penalty in the bill which was fixed at banishment forever from Texas: and the provisions as to fixing prices he compared to the demand of hylock for his pound of flesh without regard to the blood drawn. Dayton said his farmer constituents wanted to know if he would vote for the return of the International Harvester, company: that they had to pay $Sfl more for a harvester than they could buy the aame machine for in Oklahoma. They had to send out of the r-tate for parts with which to repair their machines, often causing severe losaea. The Suiter-Westbrook amendment was lost.

Dean proposed to amend by extending the time of expulsion to-10 years- instead of five. He charged that the adoption of the Pedigo bill amounted to the repeal of the anti-trust laws; he thought that these corporations should continue to be banished for another five yedhs. The amendment was lost and the bill was engrossed and finally passed under suspension of the rules. Fee Bill Engrossed. Tilsoo'e resolution proposing to so amend the constitution as to abolish the fee system and put all public officials on a salary basis, which has already passed the house, was engrossed in the senate alter a Drier debate Wednesday morning.

most ot the senators appearing to have made a study of the matter and to know how they were going to vote. Dean explained the terms of the measure and Cousins opened the debate. He opposed doing away with the fee system in the smaller counties because the derks of the courts are politiciana and will, in all probability, permit the fees to go uncollected, their salaries being assured. He regards the bill as probably a great misfortune to all the small coun ties; and if this bill enscted then it would be well to abolish all fees. Hopkins interjected the proposition tnat service on process from outside counties woold be extremely alow and possibly not obtainable, for few officials would go to great trouble without a direct Interest in the compensation.

Woods asserted that the fee system 1 tnequitabl and the cause of much in justice. There is general dissatisfaction with the system and he cited the plank ID tne last democratic State olatform Carlock moved to amnd bv adding "providing that the legislature may make aucn exceptions as it may deem ad vis able." I'nder this amendment minor of' ficials in small counties could be main tained on a fee basis and as to the ma jority of the public officials a salary basis could be reached which would be fair. The adoption of the amendment would make the act flexible. The amendment was adopted. School Bill Engrossed.

The senate engrossed the Murphy hill providing tor an independent school die trict for Goose Creek and 1 Davidson's bill for the Katy school district. Carlocks bill giving to incorporated cities the right to lease land owned by the municipalities for oil and gas de velopment was finally passed. liquor laws from the benefit of tbe sus pended sentence act. -The bill was finally passed. Th hill hv Buchanan of Scurry amend ing the local insurance aaaoeiatioa law so the limit in which it may do business is increased from 25 to 80 nvues was en grossed.

Jitney Bill Wins. McXealus' jitney bill was amended by Dayton to provide that the act shall not apply to towns of less than by Witt to strike out "for each vehicle, thus extending the (j000 bond provided for in the bill to cover as many vehicles aa may be operated by one firm or cor poration; py vt ill Dy aooing mating rceT-ular triDS over a specified route." The bill was finally passed. The bill makes jitneys common carriers, compels the owners to obtain permits or licenses; gives towns and cities power to regulate routes and the carrying capacity of vehicles and compels a bond of $o(W0 to be used as compenaation for anyone recovering a judgmeut. Dean's bill applying to special venire in certain cases where the jury wheel ays-tem is id vogue was finally passed. Johnston's bill fixing venue in liboi cases against newspapers was engrossed.

McN'ealus' bill fixing a lien ujwn certain property to protect hotels was finally passed. State May Take Buffalo. The house Wednesday morning adopt ed a resolution by Satterwhite providing for a committee to visit the Goodnight ranch, there to inspect the herd of buffalo aud cattle and to make au effort to acquire such herd for the State. The author cited it as the last opportunity for Texas to do anything toward the preservation of the buffalo. The idea is to turn the herd over to the A.

and M. college in event it is acquired by the htate. The bouse took up the Dayton bill iroviding a system of distribution for the ree text boots. Terrell of Cherokee of fered a substitute for the Dayton bill, the main provision being a per capita distri-( bution of the funds arising from the tax for free book purposes among the depositories in the several districts in advance of the school term. It was the adoption of this amendment which so badly messed up the bouse bill that it had to be sent back to committee for repairs, and it is still there.

The Terrell substitute fur ther provides that schools not under con trol of tbe Mate may have the benefit ot purchasing the same books at the same price charged the State; that all matters pertaining to the distribution of the books shall be in the hands of county superintendents, trustees and the State superintendent of public instruction with one central depository to be maintained in Texas by the foreign pubashers. Terrell charged that the house com mittee had failed to property rewrite the bill when it was recommitted for that purpose and had omitted the adopted amendment providing for per capita dia-tributian of the fund: and he contended that that plan is the only just and equitable one, for the taxes are collected from the people of the various districts and they have a right to disburse it. Whatever excess there may be above the needs for free text book can be used for running tbe schools: and that is the meat of the per capita distribution plan. He attacked the Dayton bill on the ground that it provides for centralization and asserted that his own bill provides for local government, the true basis. Terrell Substitute Lost.

The Terrell substitute was debated at much length, several of tbe membera of the committee on education participating. and waa finally defeated. The estimated cost of free text books for the first year stated at $4,000,000, but after that the' annua cost will be much less. Murphy's bill giving persons arrested on extradition warrants the right to release on bond pending decision in a ha beas corpus case waa finally passed. Kauey a bill to so amend tbe gams law as to conform it to the federal statute and providing for a gun tax has been fa vorably reported by both senate and house committees.

Game Commissioner Sterett has received much commendation on the bill and has hopes that it will be enacted, as it rente provisions for propagation of game birds. Members of the Harris county delega tion are receiving many telegrams from citizens of Magnolia Park protesting st the enactment of Murphy's bill which seeks to give Houston the right to an-next that suburb without tbe Magnolia Park people having the right to vote on it. The Murphy bill has been submitted to the attorney general's department and the author was assured that it is not contrary to the constitution. The legislature has been invited to come to Houston March 3 to aee the al-lied government exhibition, but will hardly be able to accept. President Wilson May Reach Port Sunday Night Associated Press Report.

WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Wireless dispatches to tbe White House Wednes day from the presidential transport George Washington indicated that the ship was making such good speed that she might drop anchor in Boston harbor Sunday night. President Wilson probably will remain aboard until Monday morning and deliver his address in Boa- ton some time during that day.

ine Boston speech is expected bv ad ministration officials to be confined almost entirely to an appeal to the country for support of the league of nations. It waa said Wednesday that the president probably would utilize the opportunity to take the public into hia confidence aa to the need for such a league, but that he would reserve any detailed explanation of the articles of the pro posed constitution lor bis conferences witft members of congress and an address to congress, which he probsbly will da-liver soon. Secretary Tumnltv will rn tn Tfoatnn Friday to be ready to confer with the president. Hearing on Mob Rule Amendment Thursday Houston Post Special. AI STIN.

Texas. Feb. 19. A ioint hearing on the proposed constitutional amendment introduced by Dean in the senate and W. A.

Back thu hrni u. oeen arranged ior inursday evening and a list of distinguished speakers will approve the terms of the measure and the intent ot tne autnor. Among them will be Judge Kittrell, Dr. George W. Truett of Dallas, Will Hogg of Houston, Dr.

H. P. Brooks of Waco, Key. Hugh Mc- Leirnn ot Antonio, President Vin son of the State university and others. The bill has been senersllv unnrnvAil by both white and ngro citizens of Texas ano tnis meeting is intended to arouse further public interest.

The proposition provides that any person participating in a mob which takes the life of any person shall thereafter be deprived of the franchise and forever debarred from holding pumic OI lir. Scott Nearing Acquitted but Society Is Convicted Associated Press Report. KEW vnnir it.k in vi i one time professor in the I'niversity of Pennsylvania and Toledo university and a socialist candidate in this city in the last congressional campaign, was acquitted of seditious writings by a federal jury The American socialist societv fendant, was found guilty on both counts tne indictment. Ibe jury was given the case at 1 o'clock Tuesdav afternoon and returned its verdict after deliberating COLLEGE STATION, Texas, Feb. 19.

1 The first two of the four games that will decide the basketball championship of the State win be played on the A. and M. gymnasium court Friday and Saturday nights, February 21 and 22, when the Farmer five will take on the Long-horns from the University of Texas. Texas comes to A. and M.

with a record of 11 Btraight victories, four of which were over the Rice Owls. The Long-horn (uffered one defeat at the hands of North Tejtas State normal in a practice game. The Farmer have a string of 10 victories, two of which were over the Marine quintet from Galveston. They must own to one defeat at the hands of the Baylor Bears, however the first five never got in tnis game until the last few minutes of play and the SO to 18 defeat of the Bears on the previous night ia a better indication of the atrength of the two team. The percentage column give the edge to the Longhorns, however, and the Farmers will have to do better than break even in order to cop the championship.

The Longhorn team Is a veteran and has been putting up a great game, but the Aggie supporter are confident that Coach Driver haa an aggregation of youngsters that are real stars and there is the utmost confidence that if the team only play up to it true form the heavy Longhorns will be outclassed. The Farmers have tne onensive matenai, tney have never had to extend themselves on the home court and it is going to take some real classy playing if the Longhorns take either one of the games at A. and On the following Friday and Saturday A. and M. will go to Austin to meet the Longhorns on their home grounds and it is probably there that the championship will be finally decided.

The Aggies are presenting for consideration this year Captain Longcope and McQuillen, veteran forwards, who are steadily contradicting the gratuitioua information given out by one Texaa sport writer that there are no forwards in the GOVERNOR SIGNS POOL HALL BILL Measure Ends Life of All Places Wherein Charges Are Made Players Houston Post Special AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 19. Governor Hobby Wednesday signed senate bill No. 14 which forbids the operation of pool and billiard ball for profit and closing these places May 1. Before signing the bill the governor obtained opinions of the attorney general's department, answered by First Assistant W.

A. Kelling, who advised that the bill will not nrevent the operation of pool and billiard tables where no charge is made for playing, as in private homes, T. M. C. A.

halls and bona fide social clubs. If a charge is made for playing, even though only to cover the cost to the club and not intended for profit, such practice will be a violation of the law. A charge per cue by clubs can not be made after May 1. Distribution of Sodium Nitrate Stock Planned Associated Prea Report. WASHINGTON.

Feb. 19. I'nder an agreement reached here Wednesday 226,000 tons of sodium nitrate held by VmmI n. T-omplained of in charges Nos. 8, 18 and IV aa enown to nave neen commuted oy persons who are not now in the ranger force; one of them was shown to have been discharged on the first of the month preceding the assault committed on a waiter in a cafe in San Antonio.

The killing complained of in charge No. 18 is shown to have been done by a man not then in the service, who was afterwards commissioned aa a State ranger, but who has aince left the aerv- ice, and it tbe evidence ia to oe renea upon, neither of these men snould ever again be employed as a member of the State ranger force. Much Good Work. Dona. 6 We are duly appreciative of the great aervice that has been rendered by many of the State rangecs In tbe protection of property as well as of the trying conditions confronting them, and under which these services were rendered.

Too much credit can not be to the officers and men of the orce who met these responsibilities as thy should have done, an4 we feel sure that the legislature of tois Mate will commend them for the faithful manner in which they discharged their duties, and that they will be duly sensible as to tne necessity for the continuation of this force. We believe and recommend to the senate and house of representatives that the number of State rangers should be reduced: that the governor of the State should be authorized to increase the num ber in active service during any time of emergency as in his judgment the occa-tion demands, for the proper protection of life, property, the restraining of lawlessness and the enforcement of the laws in this State. We believe that the officers and men ahould be men of high moral character. men who will regard their official oaths and discharge their duties in accordance therewith, who will at all times be conservators of the peace and diligent in the enforcement of the law towards all men; that they shall be paid an adequate salary justifying the service of good men; that there should be a central authority over the force accountable to the adjutant general and tbe governor of the State; that said force ahould be organized in such a way as to avoid too great a division of authority, looking to the efficient handlmg of the entire force. We do not believe that it would be to the best interest of the ranger force that they should be placed under bond, but we believe that instead of looking to a bond as a means for Becunng the faithful performance of their duty, that, as above suggested, they should be selected as men of integrity and placed under a proper and rigid control of those in authority.

Canales Not Blamed, r. After hearing all of the evidence we desire to say that iu our judgment J. T. CanaJes has been prompted by no im proper motives in making tbe charges that he has made against the State ran ger force, and that at all tines during'the investigation be has been fair, prompt and considerate in the presentation of charge and reference to the charges made, and we feel that much good should come, both to the ranger force and to the people of Texas, by reason of tbe investigation bad under these charges. desire especially to express our appreciation not only to J.

1. tauales, but to James A. llarley. the adjutant general; R. E.

L. Knight of Dallas and Dayton Moses of Fort Worth for their kindness and services rendered to your committee in this investigation, and to say that by reason of their operation we have been able to make what, in our judgment, is a full, fair and complete in vestigdtion of the ranger service. Re spectfully submitted. W. H.

Berdson, Chairman. D. S. McMillin, Sam C. I-ackey, W.

M. Tidwell, Paul V. Tage. Edgar E. Witt.

Harley Holds Inquiry Will Benefit Service Houston Post Special. ACSTIN, Texas, Feb. 1ft. Adjutant General Harley made the following com ment on the report of tne ranger in vesticating committee: he report of the committee very gratifying to ue in so far as it brings to the attention of the legislature the neces sary work that ha been done by the ranger force; at tbe same time (showing wherein the force could be improved by roper action on the part of the legis-iture with reference to better salaries for the officers and men. "It is my belief that the committee was very careful and painstaking in its efforts to have a thorough investigation of the ranger system, a I had requested in my communication to tbe bouse uary 26, and that they have really done tbe ranger force and the State a great service in bnnging to tbe attention the legislature the need of better pay in order that tbe standard of the force can be raised and condition Improved.

"I feel confident that if the legislature will follow the advice of the committee in this respect, that there will be a great improvement In the ranger service within the next year. "Knowing the members of the committee to be high-minded men, I knew that the purpose for which I asked the appointment of such a committee would result in much good, and that the other fundings would tend to show that iiy efforts to improve the force could accomplish little unless the legislature could be made to realiie the disadvantage! under which I worked and would help me improve the force. I therefore feel riiat my action in asking for an investigation has been justified. Mrs. Roosevelt Visits Son's Grave in France Associated Press Report.

PARIS, Feb. 19. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, accompanied by her on, Col. Theodore Roosevelt visited the grave of Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt near Fere-en-Tardenois Tuesday, and placed flowers on the simple monument which mark her son's last resting place.

The grave is being carefully tended by the inhabitant of the locality. Trie drink that takes the place of coffee INSTANT POSTUM A puna, delicious American Beverage competency, and other reasons, that in his judgment justified the discharge; that this was done for the betterment of the service, and as promptly aa bis attention was called to improper conduct upon the part of any officer or enlisted men in the service, snd for raising the ranger force to that high standard that in his judgment it should attain; that during this time he has had resignations amongst officers and enlisted men of more than 75 in number. These conditions will again be referred to in this report. We feel that instead of being entitled to a condemnation, that the ad jutant general is entitled to the commendation of the senate and honse for the able, eficient, impartial and fearless manner in which he has discharged tbe duties placed upon him aa the head of the ranger force of the Mate of leias. Hanson Efficient.

3. That in our judgment the charges made against Captain W. M. Hanson, the investigating officer of the ad jutant general'a department, of inefficiency, partiality and unfairness in the discharge of hia duties in auch position are not sustained; that on the other hand, under the moat trying circumstances, he succeeded to this position and has endeavored in every way to faithfully, efficiently and impartially discharge the duties resting npon him as such officer; that he has at all times been efficient, prompt and fair in the discharge of these duties, and Is not subject to criticism or blame with reference thereto: and we, therefore, acquit him of all blame under the charges made against him. 4.

That it is the unanimous opinion of your committee that the conditions existing upon the border between Texas and Mexico at this time are auch that the State ranger force should be maintained, in an adequate manner, receiving a juat compensation for their services, and in a manner to give protection to the life and property along such border; that the conditions heretofore existing and in a measure continuing at this time on said border have been and are now, such that this protection can not be given to the people of that district except by the maintenance of an adequate ranger force properly supported, officered, equipped and managed. Many Charges Proved. 5. That as to the charges made for misconduct upon the part of the various members of the Slate ranger force, their unwarranted disregard of the rights of citiaenahip of many of the bonier counties, the unnecessary taking of life by different members of the force, the entering of private residences, searching of private residences, and the taking and confiscating of arms of private citizens by said force without warrant of law, the improper arrest of parties by different members of the ranger force; the confining of them in jail without taking them before a magistrate, as is required by the laws of this State; and the taking of life of prisoners by some members of the force, we find that many ot tuese charges have been established by Sufficient and competent evidence. We find that some of the commanding officers hsve been arbitrary and overbearing in the discharge of their duties; that they have assumed authority not given to them, and that in the interpreting of the laws of this State and enforcing them in a maQner not authorized under the constitution and laws they have become guilty of, and are respon sible for, the gross violation of both civil and criminal lawa of this State and deserve the condemnation of all law-abid ing citizens for so doing.

The retention of such men on the force should not be tolerated by those in charge. It is bat justice to the present administration to say that many of tho outrages complained of, and to which refer ence ia here made, were under the preceding administration, and many of the officers and men responsible for these conditions were employed under the pre ceding administration. Execution of Prisoner. As an illustration of these conditions we refer to the incident testified to by a number of witnesses following the train wreck near the city of Brownsville, in Cameron county, in 1913. Uncontradicted testimony shows that within a few days following this wreck five prisoners were arrested and were in the custody of a captain of the State ranger force and hia men.

Without authority of law they took theae men a short distance from the scene of the wreck without a trial, judgment of the court or process of law and executed them; that following this execution two other men were arrested under suspicion of having been instrumental in causing the, wreck and being responsible for the deaths of par ties at that time and were in the custody of tbe sheriff of that county; that the captain of the ranger force at that place demanded of the sheriff that these men should be delivered into their hands that they might be executed aa had been their supposed accomplices, lnis request waa refused by the sheriff. It is but justice to the present ranger force to say that this captain is no longer in the service, and while the evidence tends to show that some men still in the service were par ties to this outrage, most of them have been discharged, and wa trust that following this Investigation the remainder of them will be promptly discharged from the service. Kilting of Garcia. As a further illustration we refer to charge No. 5, in which it is alleged that on or about April 4, 1018, one Florencio Garcia was killed while in the custody of three rangers under circumstances that shows It to have been murder.

The evidence discloses that this man was ar rested under suspicion of having been interested in the stealing of some cattle that he waa carried from his home to a point some 35 miles distant, was not taken before a magistrate as is required by law, waa placed in jail over night, the next morning was taken out and carried some five and a half miles into the country, and according to tbe testimony of the rangers was there set at liberty. This man is shown never again to have been seen alive. A short time afterwards human bones were found near the place -where he was set at liberty, and with tbem was found clothing identified as having been worn by Garcia at the time of his death. The explanation male by the rangers waa wholly unsatisfactory. It was shown that under the direction of a captain in the ranger service many homes were entered by the rangers, and all firearms were taken and confiscated without authority of law, and that many of them have never been returned to tneir owners.

lnis conduct, in our judgment, was in violation of the spirit of the fundamental laws of this land, and should not be tolerated upon the part of any oiucer of the law. The evidence further discloses that many of the men of the ranger force pride themselves in their reputation of being quick with their guns, snd desiring to have the reputation of bad men rather than faithful and Hal Chase to Plav First Base for New York Giants Associated Press Report. NEW TORK, Feb. 19. Hal Chase will play first base for the New York National league club this season.

A deal waa put through Wednesday by the vice preoi-dent and Manager MeGraw of the local dub, and Manager Mo ran of the Cincinnati club, whereby First Baseman Walter Holke and Catcher Bill Rariden go to Cincinnati in exchange for Chae. No other terms in the deal were announced here. Barrow Asks Waivers on Five Red Sox Players Associated Press Report. BOSTON, Feb. 19.

Manager Edward Barrow of the Boston American league baseball club announced Wednesday that waivers had been received from all the league clubs on Fred Thomas, third baseman; Richard Hoblitiel, first baseman, and Outfielders James Walsh, Paul Smith and George Whiteman. All five were members of the world's champion Red Sox team last season. the government in the United Statee would be disposed of by importers in this country, while 120.000 ton held in Chile would be sold to foreign interests. Thia method of disposition wa decided upon at a conference between the war department's director of sales and representatives of the war trade board and the nitrate committee. It was said officially that distribution would be by the same method under which consumers in the United Statea have obtained nitrate since November, 1917.

Reisler Threatens to Stop the Dempsey-Willard Bout Associated Press Report. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 19. That an injunction may be asked for to stop the Wil-lard-Deinpsey world'a heavyweight championship match, unless the contracture! interests of John R.

Reisler of New York and Tulsa, in Jack Dempaey are recognized, wa the statement of A. M. Fnimberg, an attorney representing Reisler, in a statement in the Post-Dispatch Wednesday. Frumberg said that Reisler was taking steps to protect his interests and that New York attorneys were now preparing the necessary law steps. "Reisler has a contract to handle Denipsey that extends into 1920," said Frumberg.

"This contract has been upheld in the appellate division of the supreme court of the State of New York. The case was decided absolutely on the merits of the contract and not as in St. Louis, owing to the fact that boxing was illegal in Missouri. "I am not prepared to discuss the methods by which he could enforce his demands, but I believe they extend to the obtaining of an injunction, halting everything." ScanTatf Bulldinj of Quality in from such Famous Makers as Knox, Stetson, Schobel Carlock's bill giving to incorporated cities and towns the right to provide, and to permit others to atnuse-4 aoents in parks and to charre admission thereto was amended to nrovide that thp A comprehensive showing of becoming styles is now ready for your inspection. Feather weights and more stocky weights, just as your fancy dictates.

The Colors Most in Favor for Spring are Pearl, Knox Gray, Myrtle, Artichoke, Brown, Seal, etc. $3.50, $4, $5, $6 $7.50 to $15 Sunday law must be observed and was Tonally passed. ine bill by Aluerdjce lor the promotion vocational education and carrvinz an propriatioa of was massed. This appropriation will be supplemented a similar sum by the federal government so that manual training may be carried on in tne rural and small town schools. he appropriation doea not come from the general revenue.

Ssspeoded Sentence Act Page's bill limiting tbe suspended sen tence act to those under the age uf 21 was opposed by Hertzberg, wbo con tended that age makes no difference when it co riles to giving a man a second chance. McNeahis declared that the suspended sentence act haa been the refuge of pro fessional criminals and hardened of lenders. Westbrook asserted that it is better to let 99 hardened criminals gu than to punish one innocent person. He op posed the Page bill. Woods favored a remodeling of the suspended sentence law, but as opposed to the rage propo aition as being contrary to the spirit of the original act.

Page declared that there Is a saturnalia crime in Texas aa a result of the luia Deration of the suspended sentencj law. Carlock amended by adding to the pro-Visions of the act "or any female with-ly set regard to her age," by raisins; the Jpit to nsead ot tif Porrong 405 Main Street efficient officers of th Jaw. Some of i uiui lf'-w:.

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