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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Mrs, Anna Gage, wife of Ex- Deputy U. Marshal, Columbus, says i "I was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 minutes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of "MOTHERS' FRIEND" DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. Kxprnsjor Mall, on net 'Iqtnf iToo per buttle. Book "TO MOlUElto mallod froo. BBADFIELD REGl'LATOU ATLANTA, 01.

SOLD BY ALT. DRI'GGI3T8. PECULIAR MOVEMENT. Woman Society for the rroventlon of The Society for the Prcveiition of He- ireditary Diseiuscis Js the name of an or- ganinat.ion. just set on.

foot by about a score of young 1 women in York. The officers of tho society lire: Miss JA. Barnard, president; Franklin Crockett, vice president; J. D. Chauncey, secretary; Hiss I.

Fairfax, ihistorian. The object, of the -members best explained by an extract from the constitution: "We, the members of tihis association, believe it to be a crime against society and future g-enerations for certain persons to marry. "We each solemnly pledge ourselves to-enter into any matrimonial alliance with tiny person whose family is subject to suoh hereditary diseases as consumption, insanity, or tho appetite for strong 1 drink, knowing thatRuch individual is responsible for the phy- MISS A. BARNARD, flieal imperfection of hundreds yet "Article 1. This association shall be called tlie Society for the Prevention of Eercditary Diseases.

"Article 2. Its aim stiall be ihe of humanity and the prevention of ilic transmission of hereditary diseases." the pledge is taken the appli- cant for membership stands in the coulter of the room on a raised dais on Iwhieh falls a brilliant light. With the 'reJig-io med ica in one hand and anhour- iglass in the other, the-novice stands re- ipeatiug the solemn words of the pledge. 'Only lone member has broken the Her picture draped in moum- turned with its face toward the It will be seen that the object 0f the S. P.

H. D. society is purely hu- taanitarian. It is the outgrowth of an idea which germinated in the brain of a young college girl, a student of cause who had noticed the evil of many marriages where love fwaa the ruling factor and prudence a She registered a vowi 'Similar to the pledge which binds each member of the society, and she proceeded to explain her reasons for BO doing rto" some of her. friends.

She found Ifew kindred spirits who agreed with views, and a constitution wasdrawn rup. The -society is now in good work- ling order, its mf mbers being one and all 'enthusiastic advocates of the ideas embodied in the constitutiou and by-laws. (All regard the appetite for intoxicants es a matter of heredity. TO CONVERT SINNERS. New York Will Preach tho Ocuprt Through the Mecaphono.

Chaplain Frederick Eotzler, for years connected with the evangelical work on QBlackwcll's Island and at the Jerry Mc- 'Auley mission nnd Margaret Stxachan 'home, New York, has begun a new religious warfare, in which the Gospel is to shouted to the assembled mul- in a loud voice, by meons of the imegcphone. With -the aid of his megaphone Chaplain can spread his teachings and his nightly services at the corner of Thirty-second street and Sixth and at the ment have attracted "The first consideration in evangelical work," explained Mr. -Rotzlcr, to a World reporter, "is to reach the people, and if this won't do it nothing will." The new movement is known the American Salvntion Kescuo Army. The army numbers but 25 at present and boasts of neither uniforms nor band. When the army grows strong in numbers nnd in wealth, Chaplain Hobs- ler will carry out his long-cherished idea of dispensing to God's poor both religious instruction and good food.

He wants to build a home where every man and woman willing to work may do something to earn a meal or abed. Already he has the promise of $1,000 towards this money to bo paid when nn additional $12,000 is raised. Ko collections are taken up nt the army JneetintrsJthe mcrabfiSJtbf the organ iza- BesidessDinjr' the butter making, bking, Ashing and houskwbrk of Ser -family, an 80-year-old woman of walks a mile or two daily to pick blueberries, for which, gets about eight cents a quart. She Discusses Politics From the Standpoint of a Woman. Xew York, Oct.

22, 1800. Everybody is talking about the election. One starts out for a uio-utMul of fresh stumbles over a lai-g-e crowd, brass band, bray Ins forth, Must Toll TJiiit You Slaw Mo," -nnd uat mentioning Ilic awful sou Ui-a-t you avc forced to -hear), with- a spellbinder at the Iwi-ek. Sometimes wo strand still mid linos we. are spcll- freiiueirtily wo not.

But lit, does a.poiaiirial canvpa'l'gn, a certain amount' of qncistloniinsr, to which the feminine voice, unless it be given o-i-oi- to, tlio upholding of mls- pleasure In amis'werhi'g. the masculine inquirer: "Whnt do you know about protection'?" Says I. rcrvroseuttog fomiiulno voice: "WoiU, not very much; but this is what I -believe: I t'hink there should IKS A -high tariff, a very high tariff. Several jwans afro I had an, opportunity to canrparo 0111- innnufln-ctiircrs. with thoso of England -and France, n.nd w'hPii I ouv nvnnimfncturers, I nn-iui our clothps ospcsclaUy.

half of tlio chuviots, or smooth Roods woo.1, that you buy shimrKil with the Eitgllsb or French luiJl 'in tlifx country. Wo fan iiualcp an 'a piece of. cloth us over wa.s dc siKii ov made across water, consequently tlierc oiiKlit to be tarlift on materials. oucht to buy in-nd-o stuffs. t'lio jro-iins i' 111 iby putt.inp an cnonnous tariff, 11.11 out- rairpous-l-y one o-ui all wools, force tlio imported article out of the inm-ket.

WIMMI we have a- Rood tiling we ousht it. In the finest of silks and vcilvets cnniicft compare with Franco, but for that reason fli'b'rlw -be itotrodincwl nt a liligh toriff, kcipt at a Ivlgh price, so tuwtlihe.Ameri- can innniufiacturer will prow ambitions, I mported ones, arid, 'In achieve what he desires, so that uo fjtrthcr hn- ITorhlitknis will -be nccwisdrj'. SffWvS FjROfM A Japanese iinjxa'ter txilid inp. more cban one-half o.f the printed silks ms 9onain)r ifronn wore ininrto In Fnitorsou. N-ew Joi-sey.

We've zat the men canii work well flud who 1wm-e tine brains; wu'vc to pay the ami we want to .1 nt reduce a little wli.ic'Ii fs, after nil tho sln.npr word for ijj the posslblltles of one's own cotintrj-. Why caxt't 1hn man who soils silks linmg n. phxx of the American silk beside a piece of (tilio Japanese silk flnd let tilve- cus- toincn- take her choice, to pny tlio Chinese silk an exttiavasaut prict 1 fl-nd for tlift Amerloan a just piiccv ILcttlte tariff be lowon pIcfiircK, on boolw, on anytMnp; that wlE etlucate the people. Let-the tariff high on jewels, mnytiring that is bought by the rtch people si-mply as a luxury, Do I -wont the sniffwijsfc extended Xo, I want it restricted. If I were tlie person in I should -hlave each years of age, free, nnd added this there should be tlu; knowled-RC of reading a.nd writing nnd the owninj? of a home.

Then ft vote would be worth something. It would something. Men would strive for at, and'dollars would bo isaved to buy the home' for tho women find chlWreni that would, in addition, make the father a voter. Wllwilt does Antoniio or Hcdnricli or Ta t- rlck 01- Tommy AtJdus kmaw of this country aifter liv.inff 'here a few years? W-hether he is from Waly, or Germany, France or Irdlnmd, Russia: or England, on- Scotlnnd, 'how can he realize to one, ft-ve, ten or fifteen years, t'hc nciedw of tiiose men a.nd -women who luin-e made this country? Let American be fins-t necessity of tlio light to claim a Them all tlwj rest, ollofiv. THE) "BIDDY'B" IT.

Ami about 'the KoJd -amd the silver. Thcibost that I cnn sny t'hat was told me by the honest little Irlshi mnid busy lu my kilchOT, She wondered "If the frentilemen pot to who were gO'tnc to p.ivo slh-or away. If the live dollars that she was in the habit of home o-ni special occasions, would i-e- ce.ivo no welcome." "Because," s'hc went on to ssiy, "Hf it o-nly stands for a -half or qnnrter ns id calls for oil the fnce of i-t. how can tlioy pleased -m-e, so to say, wrl'tin' ono tlvltifr and nrwiiilu' mnother? It will ftfnuny liliat'll wrote out nia ardor on Ite own paipcr for a certain sum of money, and tlueu. only plvo you a little bit of it; and how, doos that differ from stealing?" si rli.e feminine voice from the In the parlor the ftVintahw; voice says: "If the people pot In who' aa-e to 'inwke 'our notes of no value, or of -so 11 title value that It aiiioiiiot-s- to nothing, -the unlkippy day? lu Rlc'h'niond, Am'atg 1 he wax wJll refcuiin and IMl po to mnrk-et with my basket flllexl with mowjy and I'll come home, cmTyltojt niy pUirehase, waiii.pped up in paper, In one hand." I wonder what George Washtas- would have thought of I wonder wlwiit Fifty Years Ago.

Freiident Polk in the White House While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to heal. And, na a president's power of will Sometimes depends on Mr. Polk took Pills I Irow For liver, 80 Ayer's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being carefully prepared and their ingredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity wao instantaneous. That this popularity has been maintained is well marked in tho medal awarded these pills at the World's Pair 1893.

50 Years of Cures. MR. would ImTt- ClionpM ait our deltberntelj miakinw; ourselves the lnuffhJmK Stock of the world? What other oounitry wakes its money a lie on. the face of it? Ke.mem.bai-, I don't to 'be a but these are things that I was forced to tWnk 'when I listened to spellbinder who talked, and talked, ml talked, amd never convinced, I did conclude there then that speech was silver and silence was gold, and I realized -as never before, how delipht- ful gold -was. And by-tlie-bye, if I made tlio laws for thte country, le business woirld should not 'be Ju a S'tato of excitement that was for it every four yeiDTS, but a good man, once found, should stay where 'ho wns placed by the vote of an Intel 1'teent nji.tlon, for nit eight Amd the schools, 1 would liarve rny say nboutthem If I were ruling.

These public schools should a prood, thorough education, such an edueatiou as Tom, who is gotag to be a business man, needs, and such education as IMek, who Js golup to 'bo a carpenter, will reqivti-e, and such an- education ns would be benciflt to Molly, whether she Is jroing to be the wKe of an honest man, or wliet'her she will be forced Inlto the workaday world. There should it be SOHOJ-iATlSHiIPS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, but children who do not niepd it, who gain no good 'by It, whoVre helped In no way nt all tlirough it, should not be a so-csilled 'education formed of scraps of this "oiopy," tatters of thnt "lism" vague.suggestion* of some otheir "osophy." There be less orarninta'g plven. and more knowledge Then the average gM of fifteen would write better letter than she does today; she would spell 'better; sny w.hiit slie had to In a clear way, a.nd 'her Jiand-TvrWinR nn honor to her class. She shouldn't take the wrong change to shop, becawse she couldn't calculate rapidly, and she shouldn't lose -her interest in a strange country 'because she knew nothing abonlt It jyeograiplilcaUy, More of spelling and less of chemistry; more of plailin arithmetic of less of more of geography and less of lltorature; and more grajnuiar n.nd less of geometry, would be my idea of a public school education. Fewer books and greater aibllilty on the side of the teacher 'make a bettor scholar.

The who has to study from uii'glit to. to teep up wibh her class, Is entirely too common. Tlten, I 'do be- llove that i'f the proper editcatlon were piven Hiere would be liealthier children fcnver wearing upecta-cles. nnd Awcr'dliildren burdened with' books which they are forced to study at h'oine. iXiowflJclnys, tbe is OBLIOMD TO OJHACH, tliat Is.

Uf slie is imotlier; and tha mvorage child, ambl-tous and her-all day and tflie grea-ter rl: ie evening to iher scliool books. And life is wrong. too, I do not believe that Mary Robinson 1 wliosa fat'her -makes a large lias any rlgliit to be at tbe public sc'h'ool, and to aiKS'lst in crowding out Ulie chJldren- can- afford to go place else; The teacliers say, naturally, ''We plTQ the preference tp those children who are polite, well dressed, and who come of ice people! Thie teachers are only; but Cathea-ln'o SmJidl, who lives l.n side street, w.hose eiothes are shabby, whose mamiiers are not good', and whose people'are''-not over wonts the education Which, the State jxiys for, ned the 1 sBiowld be fflven Jier. Mary Robinson's father pny for hier education; let ing by teachilng. You 'can't pick up a newspaper without rwidinp: 'about diU- dren who crowded out of the schools, and tt is nW dc'iiteens of Squalid ulley not of Monitniorency plllCti tlKll.

ICIlOL'k ill raHl. 'It t)KJ SCllOOl door. Surely, t.liL' cry of 'I ho cli.ilda'cn is lup up today as it did so ni'Miy years Ju is MID itaiiand'Coi' for knowledge, ol! t'lre pro por sort ami for kntHvtoilfro ffiveE propurly. 1 a.m XOT A SEN'TlirBXTAl-iKST. 1 never iH'li-evod that t'hc of.

tho were by'a. bcau- fclfiiil 'picture or a bunclll' of flowers; nobody's kept wiirin; by -a. bit of painted ffhiss aaid 'pains are not soothed by an illuminated poster; but 1 do tlhink tlwt crime will be- made less whcatlie world knawa morn and lias its knowLertge made easy to "it. I I was golug to preach TL nwci- dreamed it would 'bo a poli'ticnl one; but rtien I-am ouo of t'hoso who fret up and spwik moves me. I couldn't write a swmon and raid 'Jt, ns-nwny it presi'eher does, but Mien, unlike tlio preachers, I feel wihat I say and It comes loss I lie brain than from tlie heart.

But what are you to do about Your VOTE IS A rOOR'TJUNG, still it represtiii'ls you. Jfak-e it ttie proper opinion, and you know perfecflly -well'how it should for j'oii. Oil- the odheir side of the water. tllw laborer sets very little liai'o. If you lei: in.

under a low tai-iff, the mniMiifoi thirers of tliose countries wliere the working'mam IMS a hard life, a misuraWe death, and a pauiWs Brave, you can expect low prices to prevail ami low wages as n. natural sequence- The country js prosperous when iihc prices in. the markets are rensoiialila and good money is demanded' for pood faJjrlcs. Tlie women who try for suffrage -would be doing more to help 'their country if they would stop tlieJr sere-aurinp nm.d spend money, not at banKftin counters, not Jit shops wliere goods are undersold, but at those shops wlhero fair wastes are a.nd a Just price is naked. The good laborer Iw.s a right to demand good pay.

It seems to me tiwiit I have found a text. But it's sit the end- kistaul of at the beginning of the sownon. It isn't taken froim any Its like the material used for my Sunday o'f homo 'uiauitfocture. And its tMs, "Give to the American worker, ond let t'lie represent one WuiKlred cents." I'll hiurrnli for tlvat, and you join in and add your voice to that of BAB. QUEER FAIR OF One of TSein Wlilte.

tha ni the Ace of Spultii. Two robust and bright twin baby are the latest addition to the Gibbert family of Michigan City, Ind. That is an ordinary Indiana occurrence. But the Gibbert twins differ from other twins. One is white and the other black.

The mother is white and father is a negro. The child which is cow black was born with a white skin. The change in color did not take place until two days after birth, 'at which time the child's body began to turn black. The white twin is facially not unlike his black brother. The white babe has the flat, broad nose, curly hair and ONE 'WHITE, ONE BLACK.

thick, protruding lips of fhe typical African, and were it not for its color, there would be no distinguishing feature. The mother is a comely woman of 40, and has reared a large family of children. The other Gibbert children are black ns coal, and the white baijc is an object of great curiosity to them and of solicitude to the Hundreds of people have seen the twins at the Gibbert home, the white infant receiving the greatest, attention. Mr. Gibbert hns received several offers to exhibit the freaks in clime museums, but.

has refused them nil. He is an educated negro of the pronounced African, type. 'Kite I'lilln CorrlngK. The largest kite ever made in England was one owned by George of Bristol (grandfather of W.G, the purpose of drawing a carriage 'tbe roads. It was 13 by 15 feet, roved.

tbe feasibility of such tt molde of conveyance. IVhlto Mkn Sold In Bondage. A white man was sold recently by his bondsman at the courthouse EHzabethtown, for S3S.75. End of Fortune. In his a envelope a Pennsylvania railroad employe living at Valparaiso, found a S3 note on which was written: "This bill represents the last o'f a fortune, all squandered on women, wine, and cards." the Population In Jar.

E. B. P. Shurley, the jeweler, at No. 82 State street, Chicago, has the unique distinction of being the exhibitor of a female tarantula, and about a hundred juveniles.

The mother ia an unsightly and Vicious-looking spider, with a body an Inch long- and leg's twice that length. Mr. Shurley keeps his pet in a bottle in the show widow, so that pedestrians unacquainted with the tarantula can gaxc upon its beauties. The jeweler came into possession of his specimen tlirough David James, one of his clerks. Mr.

James went out in the street, to buy some bananas. While making his purchase the Italian dealer showed him the long-legged animal. Tlie Italian was glad to part with. The Exciting 1 Adven tures of a por in Maine. ICllworth -Brunt Cnmo starving fore 111H Bnn of Wad Lnclt EmU-ii A Prfuiltivo Bur rbiHiDs outut.

It. AND FAMILY. It for a dollar and Jnmes took his prize back to the jewelry store, where he incased it in tbe bottle. Mr. James has grown attached to his tarautuln.

He fends it. flies, says that it has learned to know him. The spider, no doubt, originally came from Mexico. The name of the South Water street firm that imported it is not Icnoivn, but it is probably offering fruit peddlers special inducements by furnishing: a tarantula with each bunch of bananas. Several doctors who have looked at the specimen say that it is the finest in the United States.

The male tarantula is much larger than tbe female, but its sting is no more deadly. There is a belief among' the natives of some of tlie countries where the tarantula thrives to the effect that tbe sting of the vicious creature puts a a sleep and thiit only musi'v restore the victim. Mr. James, who has read up on the matter, says he does not know how true this is, but.hebeJievestha.tthe sweetest strains of Orpheus' fiddle could not wake a man from a tarantula sleep. "If the belief is true," says-he, "the reason why people from the bite Is because th.ere is no Thomasorchestr'aaC hand nt all t-iines to charm away the venom." When Mr.

James g-ot his rare insect it was accompanied by a small sac orco- coon. The other day about one hundred young- tara-ntulas crawled out of this cocoon, and there is now nothing to prevent Mr. James from going into the tarantula business. Many people stop in front of the store on State street and gaze curiously nt the 'tarantula colony. Now and then aman who has looked too long upon the amber fluid looks twice at tbe spider, and, assuring himself that he "sees things," hurries nway.

WORDS PEOPLE 1 SPEAK. Penon Who Tuiki EaRlUfc About Two Tboawnd. Few people realize how limited are fheir vocabularies, despdto many thousands of -words in the English language, says tho New York Journal. It is said that person of education generally gets along, very comfortably with a vocabulary ol less than 2,000 different words. On the.other hand, uneducated people manage to express their ideas all thclr'lJveB wMh'tiieuseof but a few hundred one or two of these, 'however, great many times.

A recent experiment proves bow apt our minds are to run in grooves. Twenty-five men and 25 women students in. a psychology class were bidden to write down at full speed 100 words, all chosen Bt random. They did so, with.the curious result that out of the total 5,000 words there were only 1,266 which occurred but once, 3,000 of the remainder being repetitions of 758 words. Of tbe 3,265 written only once, 740 were set down by the men, against 520 Tjy rbe women.

Of the 3S3 articles of dress enumerated, 2S4 were found in tlie women's papers, while of the 237 articles of food they claimed 379. CSonrly they were not navy women or their range would have been wider. am poingr to try and mi jind. are always attempting to (CARTEI IIVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by these Little Pills. They afco relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating.

A per- feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, They Rcgulatethe Purely Vegetable. Small PIN. Small Dose. Small Price. Elsworth Erant, of Metealf settlement, is a hunter, a trapper.

and whatcvcr'else a man. becomes when be lives in the woods. It this had not been the case it is not unlikely that some hunters a dozen; years from now would have found his bones lying besido some log in the great- Maine forest, by mice and! dragged about by foxes. Last week Brant was in the away back, with no particular purpose. He simply wanted to be "out of of young uns' yellin' and fulkses' gab- bin'." He has often gone out in that way, and strayed away'for weeks, living on what his fishhooks and'rifie bullets brought him, and he always But last week things went wrong.

Leaving his pack, with his skillet, aK and blanket, even his.flshline, on afair morning he went back'from the littla bark camp he had mftde by a mudholo of a lake, with Jiis rifle'over his shoulder, hunting meat. Jlerlidn't care much what kind of meat he got. A bear, cub, a moose, a doer or panther wouM have made him happy; still, a coupla of partridges or fio would have been killed had opportunity offered. Everywhere there were traces of the recent presence of gtimc. Deer had nipped thw leaves from the low bushes.

A cow- moose and her cnlf had swung around the swamp the night before Bears had torn rotten lops to pieces all along one ridge pret at the ante and grubs in them. He found the waliowings of partridges in the sand, but not a living- thing could he sec. Not even a bluejay or red squirrel. AH rtny loiter the hunter searched. Toward nijrht, he took his bearings and sinned for over hills, around mountains, in and out of swamps, even in smn)l areas of forest, will confuse one, especially when no note has beea taken of the twists and turns.

When nipht came on. the woodsman was lost, nnd he knew it. But he was not wcr- THE DEER FEEL DEAP. ried, only hungry. The little bunch veateon had been eaten long be-; fore at midday.

He satdown with hia back against a tree, a little fire before! him, and his rifle leaning against the tree alongside, and went'to sleep. a woodsman could have dono that, and) only such a woodsman Brant. When! the fire died down the cold woke himi; and he piled on a few elicits of dead wood gathered up from near-by brushj heaps. Then he shifted his position till. it was comfortable, according to notion, and went to sleep again.

The next day was a qiiiet day. dog or a marten "would have been welcome noon. Night found the man Btill JoBt, without food and somewhat worried. One thing added to bis misery. That day he had crossed a brook.

In the brook were trout, but he had neither line nor hooks. After five days the man found himself He remembered it. It was 40 miles or more from the or camps, where he could get food. Forty miles was a long distance to.n^nian in liis.con- dition, and he sat down think, SO weak that he could hardly stand. While he sat there be began to braid, some of the swale gross into a sort of string.

He added (strands to it, and niter awhile he hud a string five feet long. A safety pin. that fastened bis. suspenders to his trousers was made nerve as a hook. A grasshopper became bait.

A switch of alder served as a rod. 1 Seldom have men fished so eagerly as the woodsman did, and seldom has any; one enjoyed a four-inch trout so thoroughly as Brant did. The first fish he caught, was half eaten before it stopped: flopping- Several more followed suit, being eaten as they were After awhile Brant cut a stringer, ami with his primitive tackle potn mess of lish that would last a JOUR- while, that afternoon he headed for his pack at the little unnamed mudhole. Jy was he out of sight of the beaver pond when a deer, the first he had seen rose from its bed beside a log- and dead when his rifle cracked. Great slices of that deer's broileit and eaten that night by the then well on his way.

After lie caught his first fish he lived The run bad luck had ended, but, as Elsworth's brother Sam said, "the experiencft thinned Ell quite considerable." HHnUoJ Tommy McCandless, a ten-year-old son of a Marion county (Kan.) farmer, was playing in a field when he kicked in the eye by a grasshopper, tho sight immediately destroyed from the force of the blow. He wair brought to Topeka to receive medical attention, there being imminent, danger of the loss of the eyeball as well oa the sight. The grasshopper was of the large locust variety, and is noted for toe great force of its.

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