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The Klamath News from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 3

The Klamath Newsi
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

November 1936 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGETHRE3 CITY OFFICERS Plgur I shows yon th tlm Fig. 5. Walt, Piano Lesson By Roth' Rromori LEBSOX li WALTZ TIM valu of notes written In must designated as Walts Urn, or tin. or 34 Tim PUSH BILL FOR second period, halting Army'a Meyer Inchea ahort of first down on th throe-yard atrip and Blending off Hi next Cadet charg on their asvsn-ysrd mark. Needed "Break" Meyer, who entered th gam at th atart of th second period, and wss ft frequent broken field threst.

waa hurt la Ik final quarter and waa forced from th gam. Th victory was Navy' aacond In thrs yesrs, but lh Bailors needed th "breaks" to pull out th decision after being out-rushed and out-played most of the gam. CANAL BRIDGES ir 9 In Walls tlm, ther ara three beats to th measure and ar Th left hand will play bass octave; chord; chord. Practice Refer to Lesson counted one, two, thre; on, two, three, ate, thoroughly so you wlU get th proper tla bests la your piariag. VIOO.OOO.

Hers ara matorltlas for succeeding yeara: ltlg 1I7.00 im 100,00 III! 110.000 1141 140,000 In 141 th debt, as of 113, when Taylor went Into office, will be 7S per cent retired. Ahead of Schedule Taylor said that th bond retirement program Is now a year and a half ahead of the schedule set up In 133. Sloan said that Is forcing payment on serious personsl property delinquencies by foreclosures. Ho said had selxed some property, and sales ar contemplated. Th trad routes of Asia Minor which connected th east with the west about 1000 B.

were th first highways known. Philippine pythons ara abl to kill and swallow a good-sixd deer without breaking or mutilating the body. believed no other victim would be discovered. Th death toll In th tragedy wss 14 flv men, stvso women and two children. Thre famine wer wiped out, huahand and wive dying togath-r when th avalanch crushed their homes.

NEW SITUATION CALLS M'NARY EAST BEFORE CONGRESS (Continued Prom Pag On) nary 1, but th president 1 not Inaugurated until January 10, leaving thre weeks for th house and senat to "twlddl It thumbs" befor receiving lb president's genoral measag on th stst of th nation and his budget nieasag. It I customary proeedur not to receive bills for Introduction In congress until th third day after th president la Inaugurated. Unless soma arrangement can be mad whereby enat and house committees can advised In advance of th president' recommendation and wishes, thos two bodies will sit for two weeks with their band tied, th senator pointed out. "It Ib fortunate la view of this circumstance that hav a bold-over president whose general policies ar pretty wall known," ssid Senator McNary. "Imagin what th altuatlon would hav been had Landon been elected." SAN QUENTIN TERM GIVEN TULELAKE KILLER (Continued from Pag On) a .46, pulled out a flashlight and struck Doners.

Dr. Adler, who Is coroner of Klsmsth county, whera Doners died while being taken to a Klamath Falls hospital, Introduced a section of the chest wall and th heart of the alaln man, for th purpose of Illustration. Thre rib bad been severed and the heart punctured by the knife. Sheriff Chandler testified regarding the capture of Savage and to atatements made to him by the defendant, admitting the stabbing and also admitting that ha knew Doners struck at him with a flashlight. ROBBERY CASE CLEARED AFTER YEAR'S INQUIRY, (Continued From Fag On) ted th robbery, but said his part of the loot had been atolen from him.

Martin had taken tha other part to Montana. Coleman waa aent to prison, and Martin was arreated In Mon ir ntlr abolition of stat taxes with th return of prosperity and th consequent Increase In Income tax receipts," said th commission. KLAMATH COUNTY'S TAX RECEIPTS PASS LEVY (Continued from Pag On) penalties are cancelled. Next year, they can pay pay th second quarter of their earlieet year delinquency, and repeat th current payment, thus again taking advantage of Interest and penalty cancellations. In discussing forthcoming bond maturities.

Treasurer Taylor said that these maturities will rise during th next fire years, and then drop off sharply. Due In 1937 will I1S1.000, but only la budgeted, the remainder to be mad np ont or th sinking fund, which now aggregates about Da Hawler Hals who, he suspected, had received Coleman's share of the loot- Saturday got word Hal had been arreated at Dal-laa, and tha loot had been found. It consisted of a new gun. flashlight, rop and other articles. STATE TAX LEVY TAKES BIG CUT FOR NEXT YEAR (Continued from rag On) sequent gslns In Incomes and In-com taxea was credited by the commission with th decreased property levy.

The reduction was mad despite Increased appropriations for th new capltol and institutional maintenance. The law required that gain In Income taxes must ba used to cut the property tax. "This earriea out -predictions of proponents of Income taxes and others who looked forward to tha QUALITY City Engineer E. A. Thomas and Councilman J.

1. Keller ar spending thl weekend In Portland and Salem where they will confer with Oregon repreaentatlvea and senslors In an affort to pledge them to Introduce a bill In congress for appropriation for funds to construct four new bridges across th govsrnmenl canal In Klamath rails. Th city officers will show picture of lb bridge and glv representative an Idea of th baa-ard xlatbig from th worn-out structures. II Is possible that complete plana and apeclflcatlona will be drawn up later and a delegation aent to Waahlngton to aid In putting th bill through congress following Ita Introduction. Thorns nd Keller will report at th neit council meeting.

AT LEAST SIX MAJOR ISSUES FACE CONGRESS (Continued Prom Pag On) mlniatratlon'a program throuch th houae, dominated by an unwieldy democratic majority, will II with a new floor leader to choaen during th openlug daya of the aesslon. Fight for position Three rindldstes already battling for the post ar Chairman O'Connor (D-NY) of the rule committee. Chairman Rayburn (D-Tex) of th interstate commerce committee and Repreaenta-tlv Rankin (DM Ins), militant advocate of an enlarged federal power program. Repreaenlatlv Belter ba proposed hla fellow New Yorker. Mead, for th poat, and other candidaclea ar expected.

O'Connor served aa acting floor leader during the final weeka of the last session. Spesker lunkhead (I)-Ala) la expected to find little opposition to hi reelection. JUNEAU FINDS LAST OF KNOWN DEAD JUNKAU. Alaska. Nov.

18 (UP) Believed to be the laat two bodies burled in Sunday's landslide, th horribly-crushed remains of Joe Ciovanall and Mrs. Fred Mataon wer found today. Reacue crewa continued to dig In th ton of muck that cam down Ml. Roberta, but every nam had been checked off the official Hat of missing and It was HOLE BY 32 T0 14 (Continued Prom Page On) tha running (o In Heaver 14. Then Francle failed bark and rifled ft Botithpaw cross-field paw Into Ihe walling arma of MrUun-aid, who stepped acrou front Ibi one-yard atrip.

A few momenta later. Hi chare-Ini Nebrankft fnrwarda who apent much of th afternoon roaming In lh Oregon Htat backflold burnt through when Oray fumbled on hi 17 and Urock fell on tht ball. Nebraska took a fix-yard aet-back for having Ita barkfleld In motion but Howell retaliated 10-yard dssh. Douglas Inil a yard nefor raced Into th nd son and took Krancla' pasa for another acor. Thla time Krancla converted, giving th Invadera a l-0 lead.

After Dana aprlnklrd hi lineup with reaerve In th fourth, Uray, whoa brllllaur waa somewhat dimmed by Klmer Knlbers'a performanc, found th rang to Bob Mountain. Mountain grabbed two long passes from Dray and th ball waa on Nebraska'a one-yard line. Kolberg punrhed It over and llutcblna converted. Th eecond llavr acoro cam In th laat minute when Uray paaaed from th Huiker z7 10 Mountain who orlaeed th line. Again lltitrhlna converted.

Nebraska made 11 yard from rushing to Oregon Blate'a UK and completed four out of aeven paeaea for 77 yarda whll the Heavtr wer successful on five of 11 attenipta fur 1 3 yarda. Ne-brsska's fin paaa dffvne made Ihr Interception. NEW YOltK. Nov. JS (.1 Columbia beat Stanford, 7-0, today on halfback Ueorg Furey'e 79-yard run for a touchdown on the opening kirkoff.

Wearing baaketball ahoea on the frnien, anow-duated gridiron. Ktanford kept pounding near the Columbia goal all day, but failed to score. One rurey had aent the I. Inn away to flying atari. Columbia aettled hack on defenae and nothing Ktanford did could offset th New Yorkera' brilliant defena.

Nam A In linen llowl Stanford' running gam waa effective aronnd mld-fleld but one th Indiana drov Into Columbia territory, th Llona atlffened and forced the Invad-ra to tak to the air. Stanford tried SI paaae but completed only four, ample lestl-mony to th effectiveness of the Columbia defenae. Hubert Rchulse's magnificent punting alao was a factor In holding Stanford at bay. Today's "ecore waa smelly th aam aa In 19:14 when Columbia aurprlsed Stanford In rasadnjia'a Koa Bowl. NfOltrXKHM TIK DALLAS, Teias.

Nov. 18 Ml Southern Methodist rns up In th ruin and battled Texas Chrlallan, "Hllngln' Sam" llaugh and all, to ft acorelesa tla before IS, 000 aoaked fane here today. Both teams muffed cbancea at field goala from within the 11-yard lines. MUNICIPAL. STADIUM, Philadelphia.

Nov. (At After being on th defensive most of the game. Navy rallied to parade 70 yards for a touchdown In th cloalng mlnutea of the gam today and beat Army 7 to 0. before 101.000 spectators, the blggrst crowd In eastern football history. Navy waa aided by "breaks" In achieving Ha decisive scoring drive.

Two penalties cslled against Army for Interference on passes, the second giving Navy the ball on th Cadet three-yard line, preaeded Bnecd Schmidt's plunge across th goal lln for the touchdown from the one-yard line. Havnl by Hilling Th Navy had the ball on Army's 10, and th paaa waa thrown by Bill Ingram and Intended for Bob Antrim on the critical play of the gam. Th ball bounced off the gam. Th hall hunced ft the Navy receiver' hands and fell Into an Army player's arms, but th Sailors were saved by the official ruling. Only three minutes of play remained after Ingram place-kicked Navy's extra point.

Army'a power drlvea, alternately led by Monk Meyer and Jim Craig, four tlmea penetrated In-alii Navy" 16-yard lln. The Sailor put up lh moat stubborn kind of reslalanc whenever their goal waa threatened, taking th ball on downa repeatedly. They mads thrlr bravest aland In the FINANCE It yew eon tempter tk par. a sew ar awed ear aa a deferred payment basis, es as. ar la a posltlea assist yam la arranging a flaaaelag a an fatvtVckM) taniatk NEBRASKAN WALLOP OS Ian Tudor Sedan, Base Plica 980, at Dcsurbora Plant BOY SCREEN ACTOR EXTORTION TARGET HOLLYWOOD, Calif, Nor.

II JP Freddl Bartholomew, 11-y ear-old film star who earns tllOO-a-week, was tha reported target today of a 160.000 kld-nap-estortloa plot, Guarded allenc followed tha dlseloenr by his aunt, Mylllcent Bartholomew, that th boy actor assertedly had been threatened in a letter she received last week. Mis Bartholomew said th note wss at first believed to tha work of a crank, hot It waa tamed over to studio authorities for Investigation. "I understand ths department of Justice is tracing the sender who is believed to be known ta them." aha lew doss not float tn sleohoL New Zenith Radios, O'Brlea'a. COMfORTl By every i DRIEST AUTUMN ON RECORD YIELDS ONLY SLIGHT RAIN (Continued from Pag On) elevation than that. However, th lake was lower on Nov.

li than on that dat In any year ainc tvai. Luniisrj iu -perlenc In all paat years, th lake lowered thl year In No- n.hf In (III II hmA even during th month, and all other yeara It has gained during November. latrk of Snowfall Feared Th, nf annwfsll In th mountains Is looked upon seriously. In Crater lake park, for Instance, trier la virtually no snow at this time, whereas In past yeara th winter pne-up ib well underway at th nd of November. Agriculturally, to most serious effect of th dry westher bo Kami nn I ha ranee.

There the drying out process has don real asmage, ana m- of etoreg In th hill darken fnp naattire nest spring. Small planta that normally re-eeed In th fan are not -u- rh same thlna hsa occurred In Ileitis of alslke clover, grass seed, etc. Tn rail has been so long and dry It I becoming a question whether these planta will killed out. Home Benefit Farmers report that th ground la ao dry fall plowing la seriously hsmpered. Machinery refuse to break through th rock-Ilk earth.

A beneficial affect baa been the lark of necessity of livestock feeding. Ther has been plenty of outline pasture. With no snow and with th weather hold-i-- mim iha livestock has stayed on paature. and lh hay supply baa been conserves. l.Alhar beneficial effect has been th mamtenanc through November of various tntiusiriai and conatrucllon operations that usually ar forced to abut down early In that month.

PORTLAND. Nov. II R-porla that several serious fire In th flam-ravged area of western Oregon and aouthweat- under con- ru trol heartened forest officials to day but th forecast lor continued1 fair weathr not cheering. A higher humidity, lower tem-peraturre, coastal fogs and a iu.anin. in ih emit wind war ncouraglng factora, howvr.

lll.tMMI Acres Amain It waa eatlmated roughly that a nnn aeraa wer ablai ltt Washington and about lh am area In Oregon. Slat Forester J. W. Ferguson said "If th sltuallts remains unchsnged for another week I am wondering where will get lh Ww. Sfcnn PPfi flaht- ers out now on virtually day and night duty.

Tney ar vimun nihee res ular natrole. All available men ar at work." PAsrADE SUMMIT. Or. Thla vicinity has enjoyed on of th mildest rails in iv years. Th ground I still bar which la unusual for this Mm of th last vear snow fll In October and did not leav until spring.

TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I. IKK to rent room or room and board In prlvato horn. Must be reaaonabl. Newa-Herald, Box 1144. 1144 LOST Gold football watch charm with Initials R.

reward. Return Klamath Machine and Locomotive work. 1135 WANTKI) Party with buts saw to cut 1 or 4 corda wood. Call Allamont Auto Samp Sill FOR 8ALK By owner, 1836 Ponllac 1-door touring sedan, good rubber, lotfl xtraa, $660. 610 High.

1111 ROOM AND BOARD Private family, for gentleman. Phone 471-M. 1881 UNIVKKHAL Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner and Hand Vacuum both for only 159.76. New merchandise. Lnca Furniture.

196 Baat Main St 1114 SERVICE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD The New Ford V-8 for 1937 Is one car, built in onljr one chassis sixc bat the quality V-8 engine which powers it is now offered in two site. 85 horsepower for maximum performance with good economy 60 horsepower for good performance with maximum type hood is lunged at the back. The new all-steel top sweeps back from the windshield in an unbroken curve. Interiors are tailored to the minute. The slanting V- type windshield opens in all closed can.

It is new in safety, quiet and comfort. The body I all steel top, aides, floor and welded into a single stel unit of great protective strength. Safety Class all around at no extra charge. New methods of, mounting body and engine bring quieter operation. You are invited to visit your Ford dealer and sea how the quality car in the low-price field has broadened its range and extended iu nsefulnesa.

WITH The smaller 60-horeepower V-8 engine, options! in several body types, makes possible the lowest price for Ford csr in years. The car is entirely new in appearance wide and roomy, with low center of gravity. Headlamps are streamlined into the fender aprons. The modern lid- tana. Brought back here, he waa sentenced and paroled.

In Barnes valley he got Into trouble, and the parole was revoked. II had sold the loot In Montana. Sheriff Low began looking for SET Mod. 9T t'i --'V Magic Brain" "Magic Eye" Metal Tubes BASE '480 This coca pact Stubs set has everyUUno you ipsd la big consols model. Extended tuning rang covers every thing including torsion short wsv broadcasts on sight bands.

Eight lack dynamic speaker delivers big voluats wluvool eUttornoa. Ha 14 RCA Victor extra, value festive Including Aa-Isaaa Wav Trap, Magastll Cor IT Trsnslorasr for permanent alignjneat and Selector Mai wtth NEW BAND SPREADER. Hsu this set You'll agree that II oiler you en at th suet outstanding buys T. wwrld rscxo aaasy. rings lh who radio to your boat.

V-- By. a i aaMi -1 a l'-Lasvaami AT DIMIMM PLANT Sptiv Tin mkJ AccmmcIm AdtfltiovMl Body typt iTilUMe with 60 or t5 hortepowcr en nine (whhonl de lw eqoipincnt) Tudor Sedtui, Tudor Touring SedaHaFordor Tourinf Sedatit Flvfrwfadow Coup De Lme typet, with 8S-hor power engine i Tudor Sedan, Tudor Touring SedanFordor Sedan, Ford or Touring Sedan, Five-window Coupe. Roadster, Phaeton, Club Cabriolet, ConrerUble Cabriolet, Club Coupe, Convertible Sedan. Airmouzn kmo rnanci mans PRICES AND UP NIW msmal 4arw CrWtt Ciaty, EvLlotoaT Undard big, body where by the of tbe by uneother epringi lubrkaUeah IAS Y-ACTION SAFETY IRAKIS Ya want two things a modern braking system. Dependability, and soft pedal action.

Th new Ford brakes give yo both. Tney ar positive and direct, with "the safety of steel from pedsl to wheel. Csbl and conduit control. Self-energls tag. About one4hird less pedal pressnra la required te atop th csr.

el design, tbe 1937 Ford V-8 fa roomy ear. Extra pace fa fat the yen need net taken up engine under tbe hoed. Coariort Center-Poise Bide Is facreesed action of tbe 1 oaf -tapering with new-t pa Interleaf preaaure TVe whole ear oieter tee. $2S mtht flvi hmj mmr 1ST Prt teli-M tr rf gwU mmr tm ttw Vmbm4 I Iftva Vrvnl Announces the appointment as Klamath Representative of 1937 FORD V-8 NOW ON Ota? "Ooatlnuliif," Policy WIB Save To Approximately 40 On Your IintrnuH Cost DISPLAY d. Electric Store 121 So.

9th Phone 1086 (Watch for announcemarit of formal opening data) nX BE GLAD TO HIXF TOO (N Chart ft tors) D. E. Pearce BaOs.geo District Manas Of California M0 Bo. Tth rhon Main and Esplanade.

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