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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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11 I i I i THE ILO VOL. xxi. UHMNSPORT INDIANA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18,1896. NO- 250. REASON Why we intend placing all our newly purchased Fall Goods into our POPULAR PRICED SALE WHICH OPENS flonday, Get.

19. give. Yoi tew we do as w. will toe 10 exception to tins rile, Popular Priced Dress Goods. The Opening Ttoe Cloak Fqnipment Calls for more than passing commeut.

It's a stock to enthuse over. We've con- nil tho clonk knowledge we possess into t.he buying of these garments. There's hit- or-mlss work here. Nothing sM-ghtod, overlooked, 'that would help to make -this the useful clonk department In this region-. Only a few of the choice 'ideas get space in print.

During this sale wo call attention to seventy-five jackets in Beaver, Boucle Kersey with shield fronts, double ripple backs, nicely trimmed and made by our best house. Worth much, mon your choice. LOT I $4.38 LOT IE LOT IV Capes WVi'i! rti-y atron? call aJtenUon to our double Oapo, 30 Inches kmg with a vt'ldc heavy clbbh' with row of Satta edg- tog, last y-ear's price $4.50," now 2.75 25 Wool Bearer Capes, Inches long, 14 -rows of braid, worth $0.25, for $4.48, We piaco on sale ten styles of all Clotih Capo to 'all the new Ideas, and our prfce for 6.98 Our liest knowlwlffo has been used for your benefit in this kid glove matter. Going to show you the (handsomest line of iatw.1 coverings that) money and brains could gath-er together. Not a trashy skin, uimoug tliem.

We'll add now laurel-s to our steady well-known reputation -as kid glore sellers during thlls eventful opening week. Tills opening wOl otitstnlp all former events of a like nature If right buying and ristht soiling -havo anytJilng to do with I it Just a few to guide you: He Underwear StocK Swings into ILne this woek. These uigibta nnd mornings reinJind one ttot it te time to ch-ajige from the Igh-bor 'weights to lib-e wftrin, com'forta- sorts. This store 1s equipped to meet your every demand Ln this matter. Note those introd-uetoiy lots; make ipocial note of the prices at which frfey will be sold.

Examfao tba goods and weigln them m-gnlnst whait -we say about them, then draw your ownj conclusions: we cheerfully tbldo by yoiir judgment. Heavy Cotton FJ-eeccd tbia-t -will a pound for ailles or gents, from- 35c, go at 23c. -We offer a well-made and good wearing Union Suit for children or misses, nwm for cold days, worth CO cents for xl from tfhe notion stock. Little Jive items, but pregnant with money- aving mean'tag. ge Coque FoaCfocr Boas nit 35c caikes of French cream tollot ap, worth 25c IOC ge solid brJstle Tooli Brushes hat -always sell -at 25 cents lOc Gloves of every description, at Popular prices.

Mr, Mamrice ianneats ii our No other hmrtiiig would or could express our me.i-ixtog ta.lf as plainly. It is every souse ot' tiht -word. arnV'Sttfeli -nn opening flhls novor before luul. With tihe of to pick from, 'selected 'for your np- in-ovtil wJiio.t'nvc bollevft'to-be the grandest colleerto.u- of gown fabrics over shown In this soctl-ou. We await your verdict, feelliig assm-cd that our efforts will be 'heartily tadoi-sed by our tad- ing public.

(Here are few of 4ihe new. things; Utoy'tt'O ail tempting lots: TJio first rissortinent moke good erery-dny dresses, (ihe goods nre all wool la pretty 32 inches wide, wortili 30c, atid at the popular price only. 2le The next will make a drtsa for street or. apeoial wear. The desfgns are all handsome.

The goods are all wool, 86 Inches wide, Handsome Fall Patterns, and all go 48o Last but not least ia a special collection of Imported Novelty Jao- quards, Imported Reps and Blouoles The most handsome goods in the hsuse that were HU.25 go at 08o OUT stock LIQS made Its own reputation. We offer clioJee of elegant all-wool 38 inch' Broeaded goods are fast black, 'from OS cenits to 53 cents. agents for Poster, Paul Kid Gloves, the best in the Our first bargain Is a Kid Glove dn all shades with large pearl buttons, for 50c Foster's guaranteed Biarritz real KM Gloves in all the new shades that nil retail -at Cor 83e Foster's genuine' Mos- Quntire lace Gloves, In at our popular price $1.48 Foster's Glovos stylish wear pair warraratxxl and litbed to the hand. Your choice for. elastic garters ivlth fancy ribbon and In fancy boxes ft-om 25c to lOc The mew slashed ribbon- Collar: No.

GO all silk taffeta brocade ribbon worth GO oeata 38c Sixladw. hand-Initialed hondTcercWef wdtJi strixng eaonbiic centers Tvorth 50c for 30o (Large. 1 wool fascinators In black and 23c Best of calico 5c 20 yards' of flue ifacavtest, ya.rd- wide, sheeting -gjinslta for $'l' 25c Handikerchlfef MusEn'gowns, like cut, worth 75c, AT CANTON. Maj, MoKinley Addresses a Large Michigan Delegation. It Pledges Him the State by 20,000 Plurality Other Delegations Call.

Oct. be- gan'to arrive in Canton at 5:30 o'clock Saturday morning, the first comers being from Pennsylvania and Michigan. At eight o'clock 300 voters from Monroe county, murched up Market street to Mnj. Mclvlnley's house and ouised him to dispatch his breakfast with haste. Thuy were not-kept waiting more than ten minutes.

spokesman, D. A. Curtis, of Monroe, made a lively address to Maj. Mo- Kinley and assured him that his plurality in Michigan would exceed 20,000, Maj. McKinley thanked his Michigan visitors for their call and urged them to stand firmly for the party of protection and sound money.

McKinley to Michigan Delegntlnn. In addressing the Monroe county (Mich.) delegation Maj. McKinley said: "I am glad to greet and welcome you this mornlnK. I have never believed, as some people have been saylnc, that there wns over any danger about the state of Michigan. Thcra has never been a moment of tlmo when I liavn had the slightest doubt about where the electoral vote of your clorlous state would BO In the presidential contest for 183G.

No state In the union Is more deeply Interested in" the senulnc American policy that will protect your property, your Interests, your labor, your mines, the products ot your forests from undue competition from the other side, than the state of Michigan. And there la no state that Is more deeply interested In having a protective policy than the state. of Michigan. There Is one thing that the. republican party Is dedicated to und that la labor nrst, then to law and order; these are' Indispensable to the welfare of'mankind and Indispensable to the pro.scrlty ami the permanency of the republic, I am glad to, know from your spokesman that you believe not only In a protective tariff, but that you believe In honest money.

-When you do your work, whether It he on the fnrm or In the factory or In the you want to receive In payment dollars' that are good every day and every week and every month and everywhere in every part, of the civilized world." Maj. McKinley's next cullers came with drums beating and flags flying ut nine oclock. There were three delegations in the assemblage that, filled i the' McKinley yard. One was from Altoona, Blair county, men; delegation of ISO miners frcm South Fork, nnd another of 150 miners from Portage. Cambria county.

Pa. W. H. Schwartz, of Altoona, introduced the Blair county delegation J. IT.

Dietrick spoke for the South Fork visitors, nnd K. H. Hughes, himself a miner, was spokesman for his fellow workers from Portage. Maj, McKinley has seldom faced a more enthusiastic audience than one of Pennsylvania workingmen, and he spoke with uncommon earnestness. Two hundred citizens of Huntingdon county, were the next caUcl-s.

Judge Willinmson introduced them to Maj. McKinley, who made a short address. The fourth speech wns made at 10:30 to a fine delegation from Grfcnd Rapids nnd western Michigan. It was largely composed of railroad men and men engaged in the manufacture of furniture. Che spokesman, Willis B.

Perkins, toM dow disastrous to Michigan and her industries the partial free trade had been. Maj. McKinley, remarks suggested by the address of the spokesman, read a short speech from manuscript. MR. WATSON EXPLAINS.

SPEECH BY CARLISLE. The Secretary to Wnje-Enrneiff OB the Question. Oct. The Wage- Earners League of Maryland to the number of 200 called on Secretary Chrlisle Friday to invite him to address them in Baltimore at his convenience. The secretary received the delegation on the nouth steps of the where Mr.

H. K. L. Johnson, the of the delegation, made an address in which he said they were Cleveland and Carlisle democrats, who proposed to vote for McKinley as the representative of honest money. Post- Wu'rfleld, of Baltimore, accompanied, the delegation.

Secretary Car- mounted a chair and as he did so some one in the crowd yelled out: "Tell the He promptly answered: "I try todoKo." he said, after stating his regret nt his inability to speak in Baltimore': Is laboring man In the United States who really believes that the money Is how. receiving for his wapcs la too prood for him; that It IB buying too much food, too 'rcueh clothlns for himself and his family, or that It Is paylns the rent for a better house than he and his family ought to live In, -It his duty to vote for and unlimited coinage of silver at the' ratio of sixteen to one. If there Is any laboring man In the United Suites' who 'has savod money out of his earnlnga and' deposited It In a savings bunk or bulld- Inff assoclatlo'n, or paid it on a policy of In- surance for' the benctlt of his family, and who duslrea 'to have It paid 1 buck to him in a currency worth about hull'- as much as the money he paid out, he also ouffht 10 vote the- free and unlimited coliiiige. of silver, for that will give him exactly what ho vaults. On the other.

hand, every inun 'lathe United. States, whether he works for who'. wants to preserve the value of what accumulated and 'to- insure the viSuo of what he may hereafter receive, ought to voto against tiio fra'e and coinage of silver and for 'ttie 1 maintenance oifjsrfSUntl and stable currency in. this tvury. man wno works for Wages or a Hied compensation for his services! must be deeply Interested in the result "of the pencllim contest, these men who.

"work, for mllrouu companies and other transportation companies, many of whom reside in your and some of them are pei-hapa here, hitve special Interest In t.lonb their employers' 1 1 confronted uy a situation -nittKes II impossible to Increase to compuiiiiaiu for 'the dlmln- hasing power ot the money In Wlilch wages must be paid If the policy ot free of sliver at sixteen to one. is' adopted. These companies cannot wuffes unlesa they can incrtiase thd 1 their they, cannot increase tho receipts' from their buslneu unless can increase the charges toll carrying freight and passengers, and" they should attempt to Increase the charges for. -currying freight and passengers, it ia safe 'to: say. the very men, tho" very people who are sl clamorous for the i free 'coinage -ot silver -would be the first' to protest against and to demand legislation to' prohibit It cases where such leilaliitlon; is, not-.

"The who works for a transportation company would llnd himself tho helpless victim of a policy wlilcli diminished tho purchasing power of Ills wages about one-half and. compelled' him to worH on and on for the same number of dollars he received before, thus destroying all hope 'of Improvement of hia condition. But, gentlemen, the laboring men have their -lite In their own hands. They have the power to protect their wages against depreciation- and to protect their country against financial, disturbances and ruin, and If. they are as Intelligent' and patriotic as -I them to be they will exer- their power that no reckless agitator dare to approach them In behalf of his wild and revolutionary scheme of finance and clvy government." Sajri Ho Hun Ordered Name Off the Democratic Ticket.

special to the Chronicle from Thompson snys: Mr. Wateon says it ia the truth he has ordered bis name oft the tick but it is off the dcinccra'tic. ticket, and not the fusion ticket. He says thbre is no fusion There is a democratic ticket and a populist ticket, and democrats- have over tlie national and Bryan electors the names of. Wnt- son to deceive popiSists into.

voting for electors who wiijain turn vote for Bryan and Sewall. "I am Mr. any fair fusion In Kansas that will dlvldo the electors between the populists nnd democrats; I am willing even to a'prec-to tin equal division, though by reason populists, voting strength In 'Kansas, proper portion would bo about eight popu-. list electors to two democrats. -I-contend that tho democrats have no right my name over Bryan and Sowall.electors; to deceive populist, voters and I have ordered my name taken froni the democratic ticket." Steamer London, Oct.

steamer Pari'tv Copt. Watkins, which was partinJly," disabled a day or so after she left New; York for Southampton by'a break in' the machinery in the'Btai-bdnrd eiigW," was sighted oft Sicily island at o'clock Saturday afternoon. The sailed from New 'XorkxHi-October 7, the itccident caused her, trjip to be about four days'Ionger thHn will reach Southampton Sunday morning, yuarrei in Huntsville, Oct. pitched- battle occurred a few miles, west-, ofp town Thursday afternoon' between- tie-" grocs. Shotguns and pistols Avere Two sons of Hemp Lacsey and Roddick Stephenson were killed.

The senior anil two men who escaped unhurt. family matters. The trouble JUMPS EIGHT POINTS. Another Exciting Day on the San Fnui- elaco Produce Son Trancisco, Oct. 17.

Saturday waVanoiher exciting day on the Hoorof exchange, wheat toWng further upward jump eight The' market was excited and The iftrst session of the call board' closed steady. December wheat, whi'Ch closed Friday at $1.40 per central, opened morning at Breached $1.48 and closed at May'wheat, which closed Friday at Saturday morning nt at the end ol the 1 first session! Chicago, Oct. Such a wild opening of rthfi- wheat market as took morning has been wit- man trade in the actiyc' speculative option December -over a half cent range and at an of from to 1 7 of a cent ov'er close. It wus quite evi- the market was a ReJJJnssei'-' -one, depending on no individual clique for helrj, and gow: beyond control of has 'i'orcign nniliicrop deficiencies rule the ition-. During the last half ho.ur tto "martcet becnuie runaway affair.

buying ojid bidding foVf, and rushing price's up from 74Ji'. for December. The frenzy, lofct- the close, wlu'ch was-at from the outside, but with' a for the day of The total in. vyheat since the present inaugurated in Se.ptem- been upwards of 20 cents per 1 'Chicago, Oct. Speaker Reed is AtiJI to his room at the Lcx- 'ingfon hotel, bnt his throat wns report- 'e3 'slightly better Saturday.

Hisphysi- cltfn's say th'at he vyillprobably be able -next Monday at the noonday 'mating, or in the ewing. Bb'urd Man Dead. 'Chicago, Oct. 17.i-Gl»ge W. Phil- lipajlione of the oldest alii, best-known jntmbers-of the board of trade, died Friday, -night of acute pneumonia.

He in 1828 undl had member of for 37 p' gold' from the Bank of England Saturday 'included £170,000 for iihip- to the United States. ABBEY IS DEAD. Weil-Known Operatic and Theatrical Manager Passes Away. Had Been in Bad Health Since Summer Sketch of Career. New York, Oct.

E. Abbey, the operatic and theatrical manager, suddenly Saturday morning at his home in the Osborne Flat house. Mr. Abbey had in bad health since early in the summer. At that time he and his wife concluded to sep- p.rate, shortly after the operatic iirni of Abbey, Schoeffel Grauss failed.

Mr. Abbey's poor health took on a critical phoee early Wednesday morning when he was attacked with hemorrhage of the stomach. Every effort to check the progress of the ailment proved unavailing-. Shortly after two o'clock Siiturdn-y morning he be- unconscious ulid Oied in it short time. Tlie 1'iineral will take place next Tuesday nnd interment will be at Northampton, Mass.

Florence Gerald, Mr. Abbey's (second wife, is in Europe. E. Abbey was still a comparatively young- miin. He was born In Akron, In 18-16.

learned the trade of Jewelry, and father, who was In the jewelry business), bequeathed him hla business. HavlnR musical tastes, Mr. Abbey became an able musician. In 1SC9 Mr, Abbey became the manager of the Summer opera house In his native city. His experience Ith the opera house turned out disastrously.

He went to tho box ofllco of the Euclid Avrnue opera house, Cleveland, under tin veteran John Kllsler, and later became treasurer of Ellsler's opera house at Pittsburgh. He became very popular find had a number of opportunities to take nhargp of the tours of prominent professionals. Of these offers, he KH- Incipi) that made by Lotta. In 1SS9 ho brought Sarah Bernhardt und her company to this country at Rreat expense. It was then, secure In Ills fame, that Mr.

Abbey nnrt Mr Schoeft'cl become Interested Jn operatic nffalrs. They brought over Nlhlson, Pttttl, Lanjrti-y and Irving and Lliclr fame Increadesd. In 1893 Mr. Grau was (niton Into the firm In order to s.triMisrther. plans that had been made for soured the opera house, it was their umbltlon to give Brand opera.

This ambition was realized and the history 'of. the brlll.lant inanasc.rlal career of Mr. Abbey Is Inseparably linked with, the Klorles and reverses of tho Metropolitan opera house. On May 23, the theatrical world arid the Vubllc wore hear of the failure Abbey, Schoeffel Grau.) TRADE REVIEW. OVER THE STATE.

Events in Various Portions of dlana Told by Wire. Kmalt Premlum'Commanded of Merchandise New York, Oct. G. Dun in thfeir weekly nView of "Gold commands a nmall premium. most powerful rorce In business at prei- ent Is conservative timidity, and the foreign bankers who have been ottering for a small percentage to Insure people aealnft a premium on gold until December have made, an easy and sure profit out ot prevalent apprehensions.

From Ne- brqpka and other states where the silver agitation la said to be strong come orders by many, and business men to get thcnr gold at a small premium, and there has also been some demand for hoard- Ing from Individuals In other states who are afraid even of their'own best judgment. "One commercial change, which more than any other Insures better business In the near future; Is tne excess of merchandise exports over In two n-eehifof October the exports from New- York'nave Increased 3U.G per cent, against 31.2 In September, while Imports have Increased per cent.i against 85.2 In September. Continued shipments of gold from Europe, not Including from Australia, now amount to since the movement began, of which 112,200,000 has already arrived, and have not been urrest- ed by measures' taken by the great European banks. "Tho heavy movement of-grain Is tho corner After an Increase of J5.923.675 In'exports of breadstuffs In' September thcrt have been shipped the last week from Atlanuu ports alone 2,134,774 bushels, flour included, and 4,203,845 In two weeks'of October, against S.610.271 bushels lust year. A more Important fact Is that all available grain freights have teen engaged for months ahead hero and on the Paclflc coaat The minister of agriculture In India stated In council on Thursday that distress was expected In a largo part of India as the result of droughts.

high ofllclal of Russia now In this country confirms accounts of shortness In the Russian Thus estimates that Europe will fall 000.000 bushels uhort of last year in supply of wheat are strongly supported, and while department estimates of yield In this country are not credited, there Is every reason to expect a remarkable foreign demand. Wheat has advanced 4W cents for week. "Boot and shoe makers get a very narrow margin at old prices, or at an advance of less than 1 per cent. Difficulties threaten the Iron manufacture, for pig Is higher, Bessemer at Jll.BO and gray lorge at J9.76 at Pittsburgh, while plates, angles and beams are weaker, and various combinations hold prices-only by leaving outside competitors to take the market as far as they can. Steel bars are largely sold at 1 cent, while 1.2 Is demanded for Iron; all the nails that outsiders can produce are sold at less than the association asks; billets are still sold for less than the pool price and Its shipments in September aggregated only S6.000 tons, mainly on sheet and tin plate bars, and the demand for rails Is growing small.

"Failures for the week SMJn the United States, against 252 last year, and 40 in Canada, aealunt 48 last year. Dividend for Hunk Wabosb, Oct. Ifi pur cent, remains to be paid to the creditors of the First national bonk ot North Manchester, which went to (he- wall during the panic three years owing depositors about $130,000. Tbir comptroller of' the currcccy hns ordered the payment of another amounting- to 10 per and 75 per eett. hns already been puid.

All of. the real estate of the bank has been sold, but the receiver has enough good-notes to pay the remaining 10 per cent. Kcoeiver Krisher has one peculiar to deal with in the person of John Hale, of Hose Bill, who had $6,000 in the- bank when it failed, but who absolutely refuses to file a claim and get money. Application has been made for a guardian for the old gentleman, who is slightly deranged. Klccti Officers.

Bluffton, Oct. Baptist convention here elected the following officers for the coming year: President, C. Al. Carter, Lafayette; vice presidents, VV. T.

Scott, Franklin; L. Clark, Crawfordsville, and U. M. McGuire, Anderson; recording secretary. S.

treasurer, .1. J. Billingsley, Indianapolis; mission board, B. i Gavins, J. K.

How- nrd, E. Sanford, O. L. L. Hcnson, William Thomas.

The report of the Sunday school board showed 51tt churches, with 5,559 otlicers and teachers and 41,587 pupils; collected for Sunday school expenses, for benevolent objects, $1,200. Work Begun on a Jfew tine. La Grange, Oct. bos begun on the construction of the lion- Ion llarbor Southeastern railroad, will be built from Ben ton Har- 68l-. to Napanee, lilltbart county, where connections will be made! with a line surveyed to be built to Cincinnati, thus opening direct communication between Cincinnati and Milwaukee vie Lake Michigan.

The projectors) of Ibe two roads, who are reputed to be caslern capitalists, propose to run line of to carry the freightand passenger traffic Milwaukee, which will be the terminal point of water route. School Girl Attempts SnlcMe. Anderson, Oct. Ida Peart JJ'olliugsworth, aged 11 years, is hover- iug between life and death She played "hooKey" coming from school and her elder sister found it out and threatened (o inform on her. The child is timid und was greatly frightened.

She had been fold during" 'the dn'y of a ypuuff in North Anderson who committed suicide by taking poison, and she box of it. She poured it in water and it. A Four-Year-Old Prodigy. La Grange, Oct. 17.

liooBierdom. is the home of infant prodigies. Tho latest is Muster Leonard Foster Smith, who, at four years of age, writes papcr "copy," puts it In type and in and is one- of the. editors and publishers of the Tri-Country Gazette, issued at Men tone, in Kosciusko county. Master Smith is said, therefore, to the youngest typesetter and editor in.

the United States, if not in the world. Unknown Disease Killing Horses. Crown Point, Oct. Nelson Morris, of Chicago, John and Barrington Brown, of- this city, and other large rtock raisers along the 'Kon- kakee river have suffered heavy losses during the past, two weeks by valuable horses dying with an unknown disease. Over 100 horses died, 28 of which belonged to Nelson Morris.

As soon the disease attacks the horses their blood turns to water nnd they soon die. Snow Storm at Chicago. Chicago, Oct. .17, fell Saturday morning, here but it melted -most as soon as it reached thd pave- raen t. For over an hour the storm continued.

According to the 'weather bureau Saturday morning's snowstorm Svas practically a record breaker. -Chicago has bnd light flurries of snow ua early n.s this in but never before has so heavy a snowfall occurred so early in 'the year as that which prevailed here Satuttlay morn-, ing. Indianapolis, Oct. £uton wholesale bats, assigned Friday evening to Henry migner. The total liabilities ore $40,000.

and assets, nominally the some. View Twiskna Oct. qunrrymen entertained the Western Society of Civil iEngineers from Chicngo- by showing them through the large quarry districts. There were 170 in. the party, including 50 ladies, and they nre guests of the Mbnon railway, which furnished special train.

party left in the evening for Louisville. The Last -Ball Game. Greensburg, Oct. The clos- ing ball game of the season between Kingstons and Grefeusburgs was exciting. of New i'ork team, pitched for the Kingstons'and Donnell, of Toledo, for the Greensburgs.

The Kingstons were defeated, 7 to 0. Kvade the Law. Fort Wayne, Oct. to sell cigarettes here cost $500 each, nnd some dealers, it is said, have advantage of the Apolitical campaign to circumvent th'evlaw. They sell party ttiit.tons and tfrfflV'' in the Death nt a Pioneer.

Warsaw, Beck, one of oldest pioneers of 1 he state, tlied at hinhome He moved; to. this, county at tin early period anrt became one of its wealthy men, Fire Cleveland, Oct. nearly fivp hours Friday uig-ht the lumber dls- Irict of Cleveland was threatened with contiflgTatiou. About eight o'clock (I re broke out In a drykouse of the Cleveland Snwmili Lumber company, and. fanned by a heavy wind, it soon spread, a large (section.

Afler.tbree department succeeded in subduing- the flames, and saved a loss of. several millions In the lumber district, i IOM fs placed nt $30,000. Puliy lm- Kiired. r..

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