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The McPherson Republican from McPherson, Kansas • Page 4

McPherson, Kansas
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'Republican County Convention. Mr. W. H. Smith, editor of the Ar held for diarrhoea which he has used with eerai weens au, Mcpherson RepMeai.

s. a MEAD, EOT Oft, PUBLISHER AND PROPRTETOR- $1.00 Per Year in Advance. countv cenrrHi commiuee at fcoo iueuut; unu on June 19th. 1W7. a delegate conven- mapical effect, tion of the Keeoblican of McPherson county is 4 hereby called to convene at the New Opera ne mmym, pu county central committee at the meeting purchased a bottle of House in the citv of McPheison.

Kansas, at 10 Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Kansas, connty of McPherson, 88: Asa W. Kenney, Plaintiff. vs.

E. Tlnsley Alvln F. Tinsley, Alice F. Tlnsley, Leora Cramer, Loren L. Cramer AouiliaC.

Tlnsley, Clara B. Flnkle. Judson Finble Fred B. Tlnsley, Loren L. Cramer, administrator of tbe estat of Jeremiah K.

Tinley and Luella Hubbard, Defendant. By virtue of au order of sale issued out of the clerk's office of the district court stttin in ana for eaid McPherson county, in the above entitled action and to me directed, I will on Monday tbe tw-nty-siith day of July, 1397 at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at the front door of the court house In said county, offer for sale at public auction and svll without appraisement to tbe honest No Ball for Goddard Now. Kaxsas City, July 1. Dr.

Jefferson D. Goddard, the slayer of Frederick Jacksen. will not be released on bond for ten days. Judge Wofford, of the criminal court, "announced to-day that he would not permit Goddard's bondsmen to qualify, and would not accept bond until he bad heard the evidence prodneed at the preliminary hearing of Mrs. Jackson, July 9.

Mrs. Jackson is charged with complicity in her husband's murder. Beggs' Blood Pukifier asd Blood Maker will assist the diges I clock a. m. on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7.

li7. i for the purpose ol nominating the following officers viz Diarrhoea Remedy, and after using less than one third of the contents the results were magical effecting an cure. 1 heartily and cheerfully recommend the remedy to alJ suffer ing from diarrhoea. This remedy is for sale bv Bixby a Lindsay. FRIDA JULY 2.

1897. County Clerk. County Treasurer. Register of Deeds. Sheriff.

Surveyor. Prices. Coroner. Commissioner for the Second District, and also to elect delegates to attend the Ninth Ju-j Wheat is from ten to twelve cents a bushel higher at the e-ea boad than it was this time last year. Oats Killed While Resisting Robbery.

Omaha, June 27. Six tramps dioial Republican Convention 1 a as last Vear. except that any township or ward triea to nom up pabsen-ers on a cur- sells about the 6ame. Corn is a fc-hade i having'made a gain of twenty () Republican ling-ton train at Chalco, 15 miles from votes, or major iracuca mere oi, ior Viatp jinH thrt (1 Ponrl nf Pornine- lnnror iqk he allowed one additional nere, ana snot I. li.

i ona, 01 -r mnior fraction there of. for Secretary snau oe kiiuwwi out- auuiuumu of 5tate in iw, i rum winrti oasis me several ore- delegate. winch basis the several pre XT A--- at Upo. are entitled ts the following number of delegates. Tiz Creek 5 and best bidder for cash in nana to satisiy said order of sale, all the estate, title and interest of the above named defendants, and each of them.and of ail persons claiming under them, in and to the following descriDed tract and parcel of land situated in said county, to-wit.

The northwest quarter of tbe southeast quarter of section six (6) in township (20) s-iUth of range one (1) west of the sixta Principal Meridian. McPherso County, Kansas, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, reserving ah ciope on said land at date of sale. Given under my hand at my office in the city of McPherson in said county thif twenty-third day of June, 1897 John Zimmerman, Sheriff. D. Lindsay and E.

W. Hclse, Attoneys for Plaintiff. First published in The MoPhirson Rkpcb-lican. June 25 1897 17w5t because he resisted. He will die.

Five of the tramps are under arrest. Chicago's New Census. Chicago, June 30. The estimate of Chicago's population by the pub- Spring Valley 3 Lone Tree. 4 King City 3 (iroveland 4 Hayes 4 Meridian 4 lishers of the directory just printed is 4 an increase of 76,000 over Mound Turkey Creek Superior Bonnaville 3 Smoky Hill Union 7 Marquette 10 Battle Hill 3 Delmore 3 New Gottland 4 Harper I Sonth Sharps Creek a Canton 6 Empire I McPhersou fi Jackt-on 4 Ca tie 4 Sick and Afflicted We are the agents of Vitae Ore, Damonio, Pills, Soap, Oreoline and the Eucalyptus Oil that comes from Fever Trees in AUSTRALIA Don't be afraid to try it or sell it V.

o. Is a wonderful remedy, a wonderful resto-a-tive. There is much good for us to do with God's giv-n God's begot remedy, V. O. We can give words of comfort and cheer to those who use V.

0. and recommend it with a ear conscience and look a man in the face the second t'me we meet him after selling O. and tell him it cured me, and it will cure you if you ta'-e it according to directions. We are doing as we wish to be done by recommending it to suffering humanity. I don't wonder in olden times or in the days of Christ when he healed them, they would run and tell them what great things he had done lor them.

So it is with the true and fiihful to-day when they are cured. Take V. O. and you can spread tha glad tidings to all. ior God is the compounder of this remedy, nd can recommend it 1 have used It.

Read about it and bless the r'ay you tried it, to meet witnuch a remedy. VitaeOre cures a'l kinds of kidney compl- ints, blood poisoning, dip)thertH, dyspepsia, female ccmpla nts. rheumatism, piles, fcld sore6- bruises, burns, eryslpeles, ulcers, ring worm, all skin disease, sore throat, typhoid ard malarial fevers, etc. It i6 the best blood purifier on earth, the great' st germ destroyer known. Oh, suffering woman tret' yourseU'.

be curea and enjoy life br nsing V. Ore and its preferations. Why halt between iwo openings 'vhen you can buy a remedy that I have tried, and I can say I am truly glad that I can recommend it to all. It Is a miner no patent nostrum. 1 want good agents and druggists to help me in getting thi most curative remedv bafure the public.

You will tlnd it at Joseph Whitney, Galva, C. Kngberg. and C. H. Hubbell.

of McPhersn city. We want other places right for acencv. I can give you thousand testimonials that it is all that Theo Noel, geologist of Chicago, Iilioo represents It to cure. It has ne er failed. Doctors try it in yonr practice and it will astonish yon how quick it wiil give relief.

Take advantage of this ad-vertisment, it will not appear Dut one month So keep this for reference in the future. tion, causing new and rich blood to flow through your veins making life a pleasure instead of a drudge. We sell it. Bixby Lindsay. MarshaUtovrn Times-Republican Burned.

Makshaixtswx, June '37. The Tims-Republican plant, one of the best equipped newspaper offices in Iowa, was almost completely- gutted by fire Saturday. Loss, insurance, S24.000. Burning, itching skin diseases relieved by DeWitt's H'itch Hazel Salve, unequalled ior cuts bruises, burns, It heais without leaving a scar. Bixby Lindsay.

A Noted Aothoress Dead. London, June 27. Mrs. Margaret Oliphant. author, aged 70, died of cancer last night.

Few writers of the day had put their names on so many title pages. Besides fiction she wrote books on Florence. Venice, Edinburgh. Jerusalem and Home. Vim, vigor and victory these are the characteristics of '-DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills fur Little Valley 3 McPherton City: First Ward 8 Second Ward 6 Third Ward 6 Fourth Ward 5 UB Total It is recommended that the primaries of the several presiccts be hold at the usual voting places on Friday, August 6fh.

at 7 o'clock p. unless otherwise ordered by the central committee man. Ky order of the McPhersou County Republican Central Committee, Glkasok, Chairman. Attest: W. A.

Mobkis, Secretary. year. Some time airo the one year old child of Mr. M. E.

Lindsley, of Franklin Forks, Pa had a very severe attack of colic. She suffered great pain. Mr. Lindslev gave her a dose of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in ten minutes her distress was orie. This is the best medicine in the world for children when troubled with colic or diarrhoea.

It never fails to offect a prompt cure. When reduced with water and sweat ened it is pleasant for them to take. It should be kept in every home, especial ly during the summer months. For sale by Bixby Lindsay. higher except lard.

That is lower possibly owing to the increased crop of cottonseed. Mhcv Pendleton, 45 Broadway, New York, fay: 'The wheat mnrket is strong cn pos eibilities of and rumors abmt mani-pula of the small amount of wheat in store in order to compel Jnly shorts to rover. Indications of farther damage to the Hungarian crops are a minor influence, but almost an thing coming under present circumstances is sufficient io disturb the equnn mity of th bers. Kutber frequent showers in the Northwest are somewhat suggestive of damBge to Wiuter wheat during harvest. July wheat may easily pushed up ten cents per and it looks as though there were people buying who have often engineered milar market operation -i.

Th demand from millers, exporters arid private elevntor men for n-w wheat b'Mind to be better thau average, and its good qnality will work in its favor, even if th harvest is not wet; if the harvest sh mid wet. damtge of the quan tity will be used as argument. In either case, we look for an advance The Jackson township primary will be held at Hawthorne's grain office, Friday evening, August at 8 o'clock A. Sitts, Committeeman. constipation, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles, Bixby Sheriff" Sale.

State of Kansas. McPherson County: ss. Asa W. Kenney, Plaintiff. vs.

Elvira C. Tinsley, Alvin F. Tinsley Alice F. Tinsley, Leora Cramer, Loren L.Cramer, Aquilla C. Tinsley, Clara Finkle, Judson Finkle, Fred E.

Tinsley, Loren L.Cramer, administrator of the estate of Jeremiah K. Tinsley, dtceased, and Luella A. Hubbard, Defendants. lBy virtue of an order of sale issued out of the clerk's office of the district court sitting in and for said McPherson county, in the above entitled action and to me directed I will on Monday, the twenty-sixth day of July, 1897. at one clock in the afternoon of said day.

at the front door of the court honse in said county, offer for sale at public auction and sell without appraisement to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said order of sale, all the estate, title and interest of the above named defendants, and each of them, and of all persons claiming under them, in and to the following described tract and parcel of land situated iu said county, to-wit: The south half of the southeast quarter QQ of section six (6 township twenty (20) south, of range one U) west of the sixth Principal Meridian. McPherson County, Kansas, to-kether with the appurtenances thereunto reserving all crops on said land at date of sale. (iiven under my hand at my office in the ciy of McPherson in said county, this twenty-third day of June, 1SOT. John Zimmebm n. Sheriff.

D. P. Lindlav, and E. W. Hulse, Attorneys for f'aintiff.

First published in the McPherson Republican, June 25. 1897.) IT 5t FUSION IN NEBRASKA. Women will run the Joliet (111.) street railway system one day in Jiy for the benefit of the Silver Cross hospital. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay re-mired.

It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaciion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Bixbv Lindsav. I Please, kindly let us hear from all that are in I need of a emedy that ll give relief in so I short a time and I wi'l send you papers or Announcement. I hereby announce mystlf as a candidate for the office of county treasurer of McPhersou county, snhji ct to the decision of the Republic county convention.

F. J. Gateka. We are authorized to announce that A. Bas is a candidate for nomiriHtiou for county surveyor subject to the decision oftheRepubli can County Convention.

Through the solicitation of nmiiornn- friends Augustus S. Aelmore will be a cand daie for nomination for the office of County Treasurer snbject to the d-cision of tne Republican Count; Convention. We are authorized la annonnce that G' Hawkins is a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subjeci to the decision of the Republican county convention. We are authorized to announce that W. J.

Keyte will be a candidate for retiouiinatio" for the office of Register of Deeds subject lo the decision of the Republican County Convention. The BnmuOil is authorized to announce that iGeo. W. Fakins will be a candidate for sher.ff subject to tho decision of the Republican County Convention. We are autnorized to announce that C.

M. 8 ray is a candilate for re-nomination Jfor the office of county cerk subiect to the decision of he Kepublican county couvnetion to be held Democratic Committee Will Negotiate with fopallsts and Silver Republicans. Lincoln, June 30. The democratic state committee was in conference ere. 11 vesterday.

and named a sub-committee to confer witn tee populists and free silver republicans on date and place for holding- the state convention and the basis of representation for each party. W. J. Bryan met the committee at dinner, but no speeches were made. There is a time for everything; and the time to attend a cold is when it states.

Don't wail until you have consumption out prevent it by using One Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup. bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Bixby Lindsay. come to see you and you can see for yourself a few 'hat we have helped. Will give for reference: Mr Smith and faiuilv.

Mrs Hurley. Mrs Lawson, Miss Carpenter and many others Call on Mrs. T. J. Dixon Section 7, Empire Township, Or BOX 9 McPhersou City, Kansas.

FUR NITURE AND Suttou'e Name Sent In. a nwrwATOic. June "37. The first i. i i i Groods are authorized announce that Wallace i name on Csenatoi ust ui jjicici TJn clertaking AT Gleason is candidate for nomination for pnees for Kansas federal othces was W.

A. Sellers is buying all kinds of old stoves and castings. Bring them at once. 13w the senate Saturday, Michael sheriff subject to the decision ol ihf Kepnbli- can couni) convention, to be held August 7. VV.

Sutton being nominated for col The North'AmericanlReview. We cannot too often nor too highly recommend this magazine. Every man who seriously discusses the problems now printing themselves for solution wilt find the North American a material help and we would not go far beyond the limits if should call it indispensable. Tho questions of the day are ad sociologic. These questions the -view treats in, the best, possible manner.

It secures the best possible of all aid by writers of well known and well recognized standing. This gives the reader food for thought and something upon which to base a judgment, it helps him to form conclusions by g.ving him something upon which be chu rely. McPh srson Furniture Co'is Store We are authorized to announce that L. is a Candida1 for nominal ion lor sheriff subject lo tie decision of the Republican convention, August7. THE BEST lector of internal revenue for the district of Kansas.

'My mother, my wife, and myself use Chamberlain's Cough itemed whenever troubled with a cough or Tt id frho ma lininn of nnr hnmo M'LEAN AND SILVER. IN SoDberg's Old Stand, Masonic Baildinic. Everyth nsr generally carrie.i in a First -cla-s Furniture House and by courteous treatment and Low Pricts, we will endeavor to demand a part of your trade. Call and See us. 122 South Main McPherson, Kansas.

Ohio Democratic Hosts Almost Unanimous -The Gubernatorial Contact Hot. I 1 UOt ktlOW how we COllld do WltU- Coi.umbus, June 30. The prelimi- out it. We feel that it i an in'lispen-nary work of the democratic state con- sible The people in this vici-vention showed that it was almost nV too are beginning to learn of the Hnanimous for free silver and for J. EL merits of this exce lent medicine.

I McLean, the Cincinnati editor, for never lose an opportunity to testify to senator. There was, however, a con- its value for 11 has saved manv doc" tinuation of the contest for the differ- I ior's bm in m7 family. VV. Muser Dry Goods Boots and Shoes and Groceries May be found at SOHLBERG'S. Such journals as tne North Ameri the state ticket and for I proprietor of the Musser Houe, WiL- ean VJuvimv urs nt.

Hrmrerinteri as I ent Plac'es UP heim, Fa. ihis remedy is famous positions upon the committees. Robert they should be. It is only wheuthejT ioug-h is the favorite for studeut is in search of absolutely re ernoc and is regarded as the McLean liabie testimony aod of careful and man- but the field made a bitter for its cures of bad colds. Try it ami yon too will recommend it to your friends.

For sale by Bixby ftlandsay. fight on him, especially the friends of KERN'S ex-Congressman Paul J. Sorg. The fact that Sorg voted for the issue of gold bonds while in congress was used by the radical silver men strongly against him. DR.

T. T. DAVIS COKXER IX JCX.V WHEAT. 1 St, Louis Shorts Are Apprehensive of a eearate statements of theories by their own advocates that he folly realizes what such a journal is worth. And every man voo is carefully and diligently investigating the various the)rifts afloat instinctively turns to the pages of th jr'b Ansfit ioan to see precisely what those theories are.

by what arguments their friends sustain and wilh wLat criticism their opponents tdtack th-ui. Aid our reader will find the North American just as useful to them in their study of the problems of the day. et Ho Gils Shoe Carj Well-Known Specialist of Marion, Kansas, will beat Mcpherson, Kansas. Thursday, july 1 897. At the Merchants Hotel.

(j into an Has turned its great Harvest Sale Squeeze. St. Loi is, June SO, The rumored corner in July wheat at Chicago continues to hanjr over the market like a nightmare, aud has stifled speeulation. Shorts are apprehensive of a squeeze, and the Chicago quotations are watched with feverish anxiety. Well posted men on the change are of the opinion that the Chicago market is being manipulated, and that the price will continue to advance until the shorts have all settled.

Armour, of Chicago, and rillshurv. of Minneapolis, are credited with being the leading spirits in the deal. If so, it promises to become formidable, as both of these men named are shrewd and plucky campaigners. Seitz for Sheriff. EARLY CLEARING ME HIS STORY DISCREDITED.

Joseph Davis, of St. Joseph. Sent to Jail for Not I'ajins: Over Money. St. JosKru.

June 30. Joseph Davis, an old citizen and a brother of Representative Abe Davis, was sent to jail by Judge Woodson, of the circuit court, for failing to produce he waa holding in trust for another broth- 1 1 i Tbe Canton Champion, Mr Seitz's home paper, raa hmi the following bftodsome seuiioff: We are authorized announce i hs candidate lor sheriff oi nut xul j-rt tu the decision of thj Bepuhlieau ooanty convention. L. Seiiz. th immortal Jerry: who it there in McPherson couuty ha6 had tne misfortune to have never known bun everybody frier witn a nert like an ox.

as one the I rs of MePaerson unt, ha lived, fought anl iied the woo a He-publican. He bss always been uud the fnnt muks worainc hatd for tbe ca'ie of Republican sm. ami has never reeiv-d aoyttiMtg for bis earnest, faithful lab tr Qtitltwn ar ago when h- whs appointed de( eberiff. which poitin hns hlled with ju to bima4f and uior to his I'Hrty. H- is kaovn in McPeron as Jerrv I 'hj man who dies tbe work," whr tr ie of bun for th ar.

as Mr. Summer Goods go at greatly Prices. Everything in Reduced ri, nirmira no iias oeen tle-clared of unsound mind. He said that the money had been stolen from him by burglars, and that he was unable to produce it. The statement of Davis waa not believed by Judge Woodson, who decided that Davis still had the money.

Among the BARGAINS are 1 crave but One Minute" said the public meeker in a bosky voice: and 2000 yds Scotch Lawn worth 0c now Dr. T. T. Davis is wpll L-nnu-n Sneeialist. ns wpll as one of the most progres 4c 7 1-2 sive ptnsieians of the age.

He baa for the last twentv-Hve years done a general 1000 V(ls IVrCalCS WOI'tll 10C II0W then he took a dose of One Minute (Jouirri Cure, and proceeded with his merman has bo absen the mo-t -f nrsinrv On Vfomrj Pini.vh the time on oh' bnin M. It a eiMqmlfea far Ikroat and trou- fac thht all mu are bora for MMMjniet, Kihv bindsHv. oue particular tbinp, mrelv .1 rrv 1000 yds Double fold Percale worth 12 1-2 now 8 1-2 Balance of our wool challie 15c Goods 8 1-2 Ladies' fine ribbed Undorvests 4 Summer Corsets extra Value a 27c and 50c. Grand Clearing prices on Slippers, JHoisery and 31itt. Good Values in all lines.

We're iroin to dispose of stacks of goods at low prices early to insure us lots of room for Fall Goods. Come in and Profit Thereby Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medicine ever contained so p-eat curative power so small space. They are a whole mediciae practice in the State of Kan-as. but now devotes all his time exclusivelv to tne treatment of chronic diseases. He is a graduate of the Independent Medical College, of Chicago, and tills the Chair of Bacteriology of that institution al the present time, to which he contributes written lectures monthlv upon special medical topics.

The doctor has recently treated quite a number of difficult cases of Rectal Disease in Galva. Kansas, such as Piies. Fistula and other rectal compilations, ail of which are now relieved, aud are ready to te.stifv to thi- fact. The patients treated are the most prominent citizens of Gilva. The Doctor is a very careful surgeon and has a wide Held of experience and is well equipped for business.

The Doctor has a splendid repu'ation wherever he has done business. He is well recommended Dy other physicians who are doing a general practice regardless of professional prejudice. The Doctor will be in McPherson. Kansas. Thursday.

1. to remain two weeks at the Merchants Hotel, where he mav be consulted as a specialist upon the following Disease-: Rupture, Fistula. Piles and all diseases of the Rectum. of the Rowels. Its cause aud dire results.

Nervous Diseases and Female eakness. Skin Diseases. Tumors, and Glandular Enlargements. Diseases of the Kidnes whs for of McPh-r-snn co-nty. Mr.

Se-tz ne1s the office and be hs many frienris in part of fhe conr tv wh he g'al tr so him icf in nroenrinc thi offi-H. aod we fjel conn if thr is anv on nia'i in the Republican party whoe elect or, is a rpgnlar 'cakrt wn'k'' if "OHiinated, tha' mnn in J. L. Seitz. tbe mm who does the work ood's ouest.

always r. JOHN KERN, Pills ways efficient, always satisfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills. Keogs' Little G'ant Pills cures Constipntion, Sick Headache, aad the manv other comp'tints hv in-digresiion. aud Prostate Gland of old men Catarrh in all its phases. My treatment is conservative and up-to-date.

If I treat a number of cases in any town Oi com- munity. I stav with them or visit them uncil cured. All of mv surgery is com- paratively painless. Consultation free to nil. Reasonable charges for rendered.

Call and see me. Pernas it may be to our mutual interest. sick headache. jaundie. constipation, etc.

25c. The only Pills to take ith HoTs bdrsaparilla..

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