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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 4

Salem, Oregon
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Salem, Friday, September 1, 1956 THE CAPITAL! JOURNAL! Page '4 Section 1 NATIONAL WHIRLIGIG Another 'Miss America' Contest Parties Mate Themselves Look Good When They Tell Story Capital AJournal An Independent Newspaper Established 1888 Little Difference in Ike and BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor and Publisher Handling Reds GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor Emeritus Published every afternoon except Sunday at 280 North Church St. Phone 4-6811 ull Leistd Wire Service 01 Tht Astoria led Press ind The United Prcia. Aciited Preti Is exclusively entitled to the uie for publication of all news dispatched credited to it or otherwise credited in this puxr ul aiso news published therein to' SUBSCRIPTION RATES tv' Carrier: Monthly. 11.25; Six Monthi, 7.S0i One Veir, By msll to v. Oreton.

Monthly, $1.00. Six Month, 15.00; On Yer. Ift.Oft. Bj uU OuUlde Ofeion: ti.4t: biz uonmi fT.Kt om year. 115.00.

Indians Outwit White Men An Interesting story of how a small Indian tribe has out witted white men in a 66-year sue in aowntown L' recent issue of the New York Times. While the white man slept, a bill was passed restoring the two-acre tract and deeded it DacK to the red men with authority to sell it back to the white men for considerably more than a few beads or other trinkets, or about $1200 for each of the Wyandotte tribe in Oklahoma. The rectangular plot was an Indian burial ground In Kansas City, Kansas main business thoroughfare, was ceded back to Adlai Views on By RAY WASHINGTON In sharp con trast to their attitudes in 1952, when the Republicans high-lighted the charge of Communist sym pathies and tolerance against the btevenson Truman combination, President Eisenhower and his op ponent are nearer together on the question of how to handle the Russian menace. Both favor a strong national defense end a continued foreign aid program in order to thwart and "contain" the Russian threat to the frceworld, although they may disagree on details and ac complishment of this objective since 1053. But notn, in tneir common search for even a tenuous and uneasy period of peace, have in dicated that they will be willing to make friends with the Kremlin, ine luirusncnev-uuigamn re gime show any inclination toward living up to recognized standards of international behavior.

Candidates' Attitude -Toward Moscow President Eisenhower's auali- fled concessions to a reformed Russia were contained in his ac ceptance speech. Although one of the most important statements in his discussion of foreign affairs, it was generally overlooked. He said: 'Now, at least, there appear to be signs that some small degree of intercourse may be permitted (with the Iron Curtain countries) The hope is that, little by little, mistrust based on falsehoods will give way to interna tional understanding based on truth." Stevenson has spoken in much the same vein, with "flexibility" as the basis of his viewpoint toward the Kremlin. In fact, his denunciations of "Dulles bluff and bluster" suggests that he regards the Dulles-Hoover attitude, in con trast to Ike's, as too unyielding. Signs of Common Ground Stevenson's promised briefings on foreign problems through the Central Intelligence Agency files may make him more sympathetic to the Administration's general program.

Indeed, there is hope that this broad and explo tne Indians by act of congress in the closing days of the ses-I sion without the knowledge of the Kansas legislators oppos-j ing the bill. No one has yet discerned the tactics employed to win pass-ago of the bill which had been before congress since 1898. that the Wyandottes chief, Lawrence E. Zane of Miami, would say was that his tribe had adapted for political maneuver an old Indian stratagem: "We kept it quiet." The Wyandottes ceded the burial ground to the federal gov- ernment in 1855 in return for resettlement in Oklahoma, but by 1890 the tribe was petitioning the return of the land so it 111 1 sAnfeKtMnW'HgrHFiG POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Way toWealth: Find What Piiblic Wants, Provide It could he sold for profit. But three militant sisters, city coun- cilmen, lovers of history and legislators had since blocked the tribe's ambition.

In 1905 congress authorized the Interior department to sell rj the cemetery on behalf of the Indians, but three sisters, only one-sixteenth Wayandotte, hastily built a shack beside their mother's grave and camped there with shotguns for six years to block the sale, claiming that the 1856 treaty had promised the ground would be hallowed "so long as grass grows 'and water flows" there. Z': The Interior Department was reluctant to approach the property unless the Justice Department furnished troops. One of the three women studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1910 and the act permitting sale was killed in 1911. Her sister says "no white man ever kept his word," and she ises to "put a curse on Chief Zane" who has held for years that the 1855 treaty of cecession did not abrogate the Government's deeding Kansas lands to the Indians in 1842. In 1844 floods and a smallpox epidemic killed 200 to 300 Indians who were buried in the Kansas City plot.

Chief Zane says the remains of his ancestors will be reinterred in an Okla- noma burial ground when the land is sold. The block long cemetery is next door to the Public Library and half a block from the Federal Courthouse and a block froiri the city's largest hotel. It adjoins Haron City park. It is a verdant spot with walks, trees and grass and monuments Indians interred there. The Wyandotte bill was introduced on May 31 without com-Z' mont by Senator Joseph C.

O'Mahoney, Democrat of Wyoming, MAR LOW News Analyst for President Truman pulled off a number of wartime controls. There had been a lot of pressure to get back to normal as soon as possible. Gas rationing, for Instance ended on V-J day. But the Office of Price Administration was still sitting on the lid. In spite of enormous pressures it held down prices pretty well The proof is in the figures: From the end, of August 1945 until July 1, 1946, a period in which all kinds of controls were abandoned, living costs rose only 3 per cent.

But OPA would have ended June 30, 1946 unless Congress renewed it another year. It was a time when business was screaming to get free of controls. Congress renewed OPA in a bill which Truman vetoed late in June 1946. He said it was a wrecking bill, shot so full of holes that it would make OPA a mockery. Ha aimed hardest at the late Sen.

Robert A. Taft. Ohio Republican. who led the fight to put into the bill amendments which Truman said would make OPA unworkable. But the Democrats were running Congress then.

Taft got hi amendments through only be cause enough Democrats went along witft nim to make It possible. Late in July Congress passed, and Truman signed rehictaBtly saying it was just a litth better than nothing another bill to eon-tinue OPA. But for a month there was practically no OPA. Prices shot up. i In that one month, 1948, living costs rose 6 per cent twice the increase between Sept.

1, 1945 and June 30, 1946. By December 1946, OPA was for all practical purposes abandoned. Prices, meanwhile, under that second OPA bill's provisions, were oreaxing tnrougn the ceiling. And by the time of the Korean War- tbat is. between Aue.

1. 1946 and July 1, 1950 living costs went up another 20.3 per cent. wno to blame for that? TaftT Truman? Democrats? Reoubli. cans? Or was it bad? Was it th price America had to pay these increased living costs to get back to a normal economy and full production? If controls had been continued a couple more years beyond December 1946, maybe the economy would have oeen ruined. One thing was cerlainlv wronr, The prediction made by Taft and otners wno wanted an end of controls: That it prices shot up, as they might temporarily, once controls were lifted, they'd comt back dpwn.

They didn't. Within a couple of months after the start of the Korean War th Democratic-r Congress gave Truman power to invoke controls again. He hesitated for months. And Hving costs shot up soma more. Was he wrong? Nobody would say he was if the Korean War had ended in a couple of months, as some thought it would.

But it didn't. And in Jauiary 1951, Truman slapped on controls again. But meanwhile this had happened: Living costs rose 6.7 per cent between the start of the Korean War June 24. 1950 and Jan. 30, 1951.

Truman invoked the controls Jan. 26, 1951. These controls put a brake on prices. Between the end of January 1951 and January 1953, when Eisenhower took office, living costs ros another 5.1 per cent. By that time the country was fairly stable.

When he took office, Eisenhower began to remove controls. Between the time he took office and now living costs have gone up about 2 per cent. The people around Eisenhower have kept prices down by indirect controls on credit, among them raising interest rates to discourage borrowing. RUBBER STAMPS NOTARY CORPORATE SEALS made to order in our shop NEEDHAM'S surnjts 465 STATE SI PHONE ma ii Voters Say Democratic Party More Active at Local Level By GEORGE GALLUP (Director. American JniUlul of Public Oninionl By JAMES Associated Press WASHINGTON Wl-The guy with the problem in this campaign is the average voter the man who works all day and is not mixed ud in oolitics when he hears Democrats and Republicans shov eling out their one-sided stories.

Each tells wbat makes itself look good and the other side bad. How then is the average voter going to know where the whole truth lies, particularly when most of the issues they're talking about have roots going back for years? He'd need a good filing system going back for years: Facts, dates and assorted information But if he had all that, he'd find that in this complicated business of run ning the government neither side has a monopoly on virtue or wis dom. Both have been involved in most of the events. A good example is the argument about living costs which have gone up about 2 per cent since President Eisenhower took office in January 1953. The Republicans call that an excellent record.

The Democrats belittle it, warning about inflation. The Republicans don't say much about the possibility of a further increase as a result of boosts in steel prices. But the Republicans point scornfully to the huge living cost increases which occurred under the Democrats. They don't talk about the part Republicans as well as Democrats played in shooting price controls iuu ot boles after the war. And the Democrats never like to talk about the increases under the Democrats.

But perhaps this will put at least lie story of living costs in focus. Living costs have risen 72.3 per cent since Jan. 1, 1941. They rose only 28.7 per cent dur ing World War but 43.6 per cent since then. But' the way they went un.

and why, is the story: From Jan. 1, 1941 to the time' of the Japanese surrender Aug. 14, 1945 living costs rose only 28.7 per cent even though the country was at war most of that time. The reason: Tight controls on wages, prices, and materials: high taxes that took away purchasing power for scarce goods. It was also a tuns when people were putting into the war bonds the monev they couldn't spend on things they couian get.

On the day Japan surrendered living costs got a start upward, Salem 46 Yrs. Ago By BEN MAXWELL Sept. 7, 1910 Col. E. Hofer.

Capital Journal publisher, had presented himself as anti-assembly candidate for governor. Hofer stepped out with a platform for curbing extravagance, checking graft, good roads ana gooa taws. Elite massage and beauty salon in the U.S. Bank building had ad vertised to take orders for switches, puffs and curls made their own establishment. A Capital Journal advertise ment had asked sewer diggers to make their appearance at 13th and Marion streets and work nine hours for $2.50.

J. H. Ackerman. state superin tendent of schools, had reported an increase in the monthly sal ary ot scnool teachers: from $69.25 for men in 1909 to $73.52 a month in 1910, for women, $51.15 in 1909 to $55.04 in 1910. Southern Pacific 46 years ago ran five passenger trains daily each way between Salem and Portland.

Salem price for gasoline In bulk on this day in 1910 was 18 cents a gallon. A 'Jerkwater Town' This Week A historian for the New York Central railroad asserts that it was at Montrose, N. back in 1869, that the line tried out the first device which enabled locomotives to pick up water without stopping. Employes soon referred to the process as "jerking water," and consequently Montrose became known as a "jerkwater" town. Today, of course, a jerkwater town is any pleasant little place wnere somebody you don uke happens to live.

CORONA approved by Interior Affairs James E. Hurray, Democrat, Montana, approved by A. D'Ewart, then assistant secretary ot interior, passed by tne senate wun- out objection on July 16 and Public Law 887. The Indians Sound Business Among the businesses in reliability and solidity by having for several decades is Lipman by TUCKER sive issue, especially In view of the Suez crisis, may disappear from the campaign, or at least be treated in a more statesman-like manner than Jn 1952. There are other signs of common ground for agreement on es sentials.

Senator Mike Mansfield of Montana, one of the ablest Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, believes that it is time for another "sum mit conference." He disagrees sharply with certain colleagues, Democrats and Republicans, who charge that we "appeased" and "sold out" to Russia at the re cent Geneva meeting. Senator Walter F. George's as signment as a NATO adviser and consultant marks a further rapprochement between political ene-mie on this issue. "Flexibility and Mobility" Another important Democratic expert on Russia has been pounding this theory of "flexibility and mobility" in recent maga zine articles and books. He is George F.

Kennan, former Am bassador to Moscow and State Department official. He is now a Professor at Princeton University. Once a moderate Milwaukee Republican, he became a Democrat in protest against Dulles-Hoover policies. It was Kennan, writing as "Mr. in a State Department magazine, who devised the program of containment of Russia.

He was allowed to resign by Dulles because the latter proposed "liberation" of satellites rather than "containment" in 1952. Dulles has since had to return to the Ken nan program. Kennan is chairman oi tne new Jersey Stevenson for President Committee. He has been mentioned as a possible Secretary of State, if Stevenson were elected. He would certainly become a top- level consultant under Stevenson.

Thus, the new bipartisan word for our basic Russian policy, barring adverse developments over Suez and other allied problems, may be "flexibility" instead of the fighting slogans of Demo cratic "containment" and Repub lican "liberation." views which Institute reporters conducted with a representative cross-section of adults in all walks of Ufa and living in every section 01 tne country, as louows: "Which party th Republican or Democratic is more active your wighbornood? The vote today among those ex pressing and opinion: Democratic parly more active 6 Republican party more active 38 Analysis of today's survey re sults reveals some interesting dif- icrcnccs of opinion by geographical regions oi the country. As might be expected, there is almost complete agreement among Southerners that the Democratic party is the more active there. Outside the South, the Democrats hold a big edge in the Far West and also lead in the East, while the Republicans are ahead in the Middlewest. The vote by geographical regions among those expressing an opinion: EAST Democratic party more active 53 Rcpubllenn party more active 47 MIDWEST Republican party more active B2 Democratic party 'more active 48 SOUTH Democratic party more active Hfc Republican party more active 16 FAR WEST Democratic party more active 67 Republican party more active 33 In its audit of the effectiveness of the work ot the two parlies in 1954, the Institute found the Demo crats outpointing the Republicans, irticularly in the "leg work" done by volunteer Democratic workers. The Democrats had close lo a million more volunteer workers than did the Republicans 3.020,000 for the Democrats to 2,160,000 for the GOP.

The Democratic parly not only had more volunteer workers in its ranks during the 1954 campaign, but these workers cnlled personally on more voters thnn did GOP volunteers 18.100.000 voters were cnlled upon by Democrats to who were called upon by Republican workers. Only in the matter of making telephone contacts did Republican workers have a better record. Some J.too.000 households were reached by the GOP. compared to 2,500,000 families by the Democrats. One of the features of the campaign was President Eisenhow er telephone "chain-call plan to help get out the Republican vote.

Copyright, 19.iG, American Institute of Public Opinion PLEASE, MR. WEATHERMAN Corvallls Gazette-Times would be appreciated if tile weatherman would make his 'predictions either 100 per cent right or 100 per cent wrong, It is being right half of the time and wrong half of the time which dri-es us nuts. IT'S NOT A FAIR BET Sherman County Journnl Does anyone want to bet that the state's S.TO.0O0.0OO will be used lo reduce taxes or to increase BOYLE Until less than two years ago Schubert had only a layman's interest in religion. He bad won recognition as co-producer of the Topper programs and crime ser ies, sucb as counter spy, Adven tures of the Falcon, and Mr. and Mrs.

North. "I hold the distinction of once having hired Jack Webb for a minor role in a radio crime show," said Schubert, a trifle glumly, since Webb later, starring on 'Dragnet." probably made more out of crime than anybody, including Jesse James. The idea for Crossroads originated with a Catholic priest and a rabbi. "They wanted to show that the clergy did more than perform marriages, baptize children, and deliver funeral orations," said Schubert. "They wanted to show the full role clergymen play in their communities.

Schubert provided the technical Know-now to carry out ineir wish es. At first he feared there might be a shortage of good stories to dramatize. But. once word of his project spread, story suggestions poured in from all parts of the land and he had a backlog of 800 at the last count. 'It seems like half the congre gations in the country think their clergyman is a hero, he said.

The story plots are checked for religious authenticity by an inter- faith board consisting of a Protes tant minister, a Catholic priest and a rabbi. He soon will start distributing eign Crossroad series to seven for eign countries, ranging from italy to Australia. Next year he plans to launch a live religious program in which various clergymen will answer tne problems of real peo ple. A.G. Should light in congress to regain a Kansas City, Kansas is told in committee headed by Senator the House July 23 and is now are getting Q.

P. Readjustment Oregon that bear the stamp of been continuous operation Wolfe Co. And always to remain idle. Happily it is imprinted on that stamp has been the name "Lipman," a name OPEN FORUM Given Run Around by Candidate at the Fair To the Editor: During the great Salem fair I was "invegled" under one of the white tops and found I was in an other political tent. Here I met another candidate the woods are full of them my namesake, Robert D.

Holmes, out for governor. Before be could turn on the well known malarkey, asked bim point blank, "Mr. Holmes, which would be the best for Oregon, a sales tax, or a gross income tax? He looked rather surprised at such a direct, important question, and then repued. Oh, we should have an ADEQUATE tax." Again I asked him "sales or gross?" and the second evasion was: "Thanks for the question. This should be answered by your con gressman." This is the kind of candidate that keeps voters away from the polls.

GEO. H. HOLMES 1326 Third, Salem. Ouch! Is This Nice? To the Editor: Some people are objecting to Republicans speaking of the "Democrat" party, instead of the "Democratic" party. One word is a noun and the other an adjective and if it is adjectives that they want us to apply to them we can think of a number which would be just as appropriate and far more forceful.

LEWIS JUDSON, 1000 Judson Street. G. O. P. Tightwa'ds? Bob Ingalls In Corvallls Gazette-Times A San Francisco taxi driver was overheard to say that "the Republicans came to town with the Ten Commandments and $10 and didn't break either." We can personally testify, however, it isn't true about the $10.

Be Appointed more than likely be of the same political party and the two would work together In harmony without fear of what their actions wojld mean politically. Perhaps the next session of the Legislature will provide the proper climate to achieve such a move. But electing the attorney general on a non-partisan ballot would, in out opinion, accomplish little. recognized nationally in the merchandising business, and respected by the buying public of the northwest. It is good to know that although the Lipman stores of Port- tnnrl anrl Salpm hava rhnncrnri hanric hv nnceincr frnm tho rnn.

tt trol of a national chain into the hands of local interests, the Lipman will remain. Continued success under the new ownership is indicated by announcement that William Roberts, president of the substantial and growing firm of Roberts is chairman of the board of the new owners, and that1 Harold Wendel, president of Lipman Wolfe is with tho, new corporation as president of the firm. It was business foresight and an ability to read the business trends in a growing region that caused the Lipman founder, Solomon Lipman, to move the business in 1880 from Sacramento to Portland. The business prospered in the northwest. In 1925 it was sold to National Department Stores Corporation ot New York which continued ownership until the transaction that was announced Thursday.

It now becomes a home-owned business. Roberts whose president also heads the new Lipman has had rapid and substantial growth in Salem and elsewhere in Oregon. In this time of business readjustments transaction seems to have its basis in sound business sense foresight. By HAL NEW YORK The surest way to quick wealth in America is to find out what the pubuc wants and give it to them first. A 39 year old entertainment genius who made a fortune giv ing the public what it wanted In the way of comedy and fictional crime is now rapidly enlarging that fortune by satisfying the rising public interest in religion.

He is Bernard L. Schubert, pro ducer of Crossroads, an ABC network show that has clergymen as its heroes. The show, now in its second year, was the first com mercially sponsored national ln- terfaith religious program on tele vision. Its spontaneous success surprised most people in the in dustry, but not Schubert. "After all, more Americans are deeply interested in religion today than at any time in history," he remarked.

"Some 60.3 per cent of the population belongs to churches now as compared to 49 per cent in 1940 and a mere 16 per cent a hundred years ago." They Say Today Quotes From The News By UNITED PRESS LOS ANGELES Legionnaire Bill Bischolf of Omaha who picketed Vice President Richard M. Nixon's appearance before the na tional American Legion convention with a placard which read, Nebraska Home State of Joe 'I'm really a Republican. It's just for fun." LE HAVRE. France Grace Kelly, who expects her first child early next year, commenting on the forthcoming presidential elec tion as she boarded an ocean liner with her husband for New York: "The problem has hardly been preoccupying me. WASHINGTON Republican Na tional Chairman Leonard W.

Hall describing the function of the GOP "truth squads" which will follow former President Truman and other Democratic campaign ers around: "Through press conferences or public meetings they would correct his (Truman's) statements or refresh his memory on the facts." SAN FRANCISCO Democratic Presidential Nominee Adlai Stevenson defining his statement that Republican candidates "talk like Democrats every four years: "It's kind of a leap year liberal ism." CIUDAD TRUJILI.O Robert Harrison, publisher of the scandal magazine Confidential. absolving big game hunter Richard Wel-dy alter being slightly wounded by a blast from neklys shotgun "I bold no grudge against Wei-dy. Ho cannot be blamed for what happened." OKLAHOMA CITY-Lance Cud-joe, former Harlem Globetrotters basketball star, expressing his sat isfaction with becoming the first Negro head coach of football and basketball at a predominantly white Oklahoma high school: "I feel great about it and the job is a real challenge as coach." lioll 1 on His Neck Sherman County Journal Democrats say they are the only concerned about the farmer Not so. Every party Is concerned and the farmer isn't going to get rid of either one for a long time. Too bad, too.

TEST OF A MAN William E. Gladstone Any man can stand up to his Eugene Register-Guard PRINCETON, N. Sept. 6 One big advantage that the Democratic party continues to have over the Republican party, at least at this time. Is that it Is better or ganized at the "grass roots" level.

After the 1954 Congressional elo-tlons, which the Democrats won by nationwide vote of S3 to 47 per cent, an Institute audit of party organization effectiveness found that the Democrats had personally contacted over two and one-half million more voters than the Re publicans. Throughout the country today, among voters who have a definite opinion, a majority say the Democratic party is more active in their neighborhoods. This is shown In personal inter- A Smile or Two Wall Street Journal The new minister was visiting the Henderson household for the first time, and at the moment was praising the Sunday School rec ord of little Myrtle Henderson. "My child, he enthused, "I have been talking to your teacher, and she tells me that if you continue to learn your lessons well you will have a Good Conduct card for every Sunday in the year." "My," the child rejoined, That'll be a whole deck, won't it?" Thought for Today The Sanscrit Look well to this day, for it, and It alone, is life. In the brief course of this day lie all the varieties and realities of your existence; the joy of growth, the splendor of beauty, the glory of action.

Yesterday is hut a memory, and tomorrow is but a vision. Btit today, well lived, makes each yesterday a memorial of happiness, and each tomorrow a dream of hope. Look well, therefore, lo this day, for it, and It alone, Is life. Such is the salutation of the dawn. They're Covering Up Corvallls Gazette-Times From listening to the number of Republicans who now sny they never did vote for Morse we can't understand how he was ever elected.

One man sadly admits he did vote for the glib-tongiied 'Democrat" but snvs he thought he wss voting for the man who invented tho telegraph. Set Your Own Fine tloston Olobe Phil Wallwork of the Boston slaff of the Automobile Legal Association tells of seeing this sign on a highway in Nebraska: "Speed Limit 25 ,1 P.M. For Every Additional Mile St Fine Choose the Speed You Can Afford!" THEY'D WEEP ANYWAY Sacramento Rre Rome people who weep and pine for the good old days would be just as unhappy If they had to live them over again. DIM VIFW OF Pl'RITANS G. K.

Chesterton A Puritan Is a person who pours righteous indignation into the wrong things. What's in a Name? Wasn't it the great bard who said: "A rose by any other would smell as Such evidently isn't the view of L. Richard Guylay, public relations director of tho Republican National committee who wants to convert his organization to calling their rival the "Democrat" instead of the Democratic parly. Ho seems to think this Is some sort of a dirty crack, at least a disrespectful epithet. Before Guylay fired his lime bomb we'd noted a disposition by Republican orators to drop tho last two letters off the Democratic party's name, and not as an economy measure.

It sounded to us like they were sneering or at least leering when they did it. NO DOWN PAYMENT! UP TO 2 MONTHS ON BALANCE! Some of the Democrats made a good retort to Guvlav's scheme, saying they plan no counter move, the name "Rcpubll t' can' sounds as bad to them as anv they could think tin. The Legislative Interim Committee on Elections has proposed that the office of state labor commissioner be made non-partisan. This makes sense. We can see no reason for partisan politics to enter this office.

The state superintendent of public instruction is already non-partisan and keeping the labor post out of politics would be proper. However, we cannot agree with the committee's consideration of a proposal to make the office of attorney general a non-partisan elective office. We doubt that this would improve the operations of this important state post. It is interesting to note that this interim committee has" only one Democratic member of the Legislature, and the two positions being considered for non-partisan status both happen to be filled by Democrats. It is our belief that the office ot attorney general should be appointive by the governor.

We opposed a bill in the 195S Legislature that would have accomplished this, but that was boause of the heated controversy that was taking place at the time between Attorney General Robert' Thornton and the late Governor Pa'lerson. It was our position that (his should only be accomplished in a less heated atmosphere, The attorney general is the chief legal officer ot the state and he is also the governor's lawyer. Events that have oc- currod and will occur may create ticklish situations when the gov-; ernor and the attorney general' are of different political parties. 1 Two recent evamples were the apparent indecision and skepti-j cism. one lor the other, in the investigations carried out by the attorney general in Lane and Multnomah counties.

With that the idea had better bo dropped. Any pnrlv has a right to choose its own name and be called by it, even when it's a bit prejudicial, like Truman's "fair deal." We greatly doubt that a single vote will be changed by dropping two letters off the Democratic party's name. And If one wants to call it somn- thing nasty, as will happen to both parties many times this fall, J- the dictionary is full of such terms. One even suspects some Webster hasn't seen fit to include will be used. Camp Adair Site lo He Active Apain Decision by the Air Forces to develop a radar base on the Camp Adair site brings to an end a lone period of speculation.

REMINGTON OR THE World Famous 0LYMPIA Portable it was loo good a site, and some of the necessarv installations still intact, to be allowed hot to be idle much longer. It appears that several hundred persons will be stationed -there and that considerable money win be spent on new con "struction. A very sizable project to give further Impetus to area of which Salem the steady growth of the is the center. The Connecticut kidnaping Typewriter Rentals May Be Applied to Purchase KAY TYPEWRITER CO. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS 223 N.

High St. gfnater Stiti 3.3095 mystery was partially solved with the tragic discovery of the Infant's body. There is no suggestion of a ransom motive, rather the act of a demented opponents; give me the man who) If the attorney general were an-can stand up to his friends. I pointed by the governor would' fcnotrl hn In mAnl1 IncflltiKnn VtllU OUUUIU WIS Ui a illVllkat UUUIUMV.I,.

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