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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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CORNER. tell whiter underwear, he hai cornered the largert lot of nnder- ever brought to Logansport at prices for cash. Tbeie are direct from the factories and the best values In all lines for ladles, children; go and Investigate It will not take you long to decide where to buy your underwear. DAILY JOURNAL every In the week (except by the Jour- Preildent V.V.V.......V10. Prertdent 8 BecreUry -o B.

BOTER FIWDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1890. REPUBLICAN TICKET. of Public Initructloii. 3' of County. z.

WILEY, of Benton County. por GEORGE Joint WnTBON ot Ca.1 County. KepreMntaUve-CHARLKB LONG- COMPARES -THEM "The Republican party is unreBere- for sound caused the of the law providing for the nramptlon of specie payments In 1879; then every' 'dollar baa been as good as gold. "We are unalterably opposed to ery measure 'calculated to debase currency or Impair the. credit of country.

We are therefore the free coinage of silver except by international agreement With the lead- UK commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, wid until then such gold standard must preserved. "All our silver and paper currency be maintained at parity with and we all measures de- alCDed to maintain inviolably tbe obll- imtlons of the Unl'tea States and all our jaoney, whether coin or paper, at the present standard, tbe standard of the enlightened nations of the earth." platform. "We demand the free coinage of both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to without waiting for the aid or consent of any nation. We demand that the rtmndard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public and private, and we fav- legislation as will prevent the demonetization of any kind of legal money by, private Democratic platform. "We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the pres- legal ratio of 16 to 1892.

"We hold to the use of both gold and as tho standard money of the won try. and to the of both gold ami silver, without discriminating either metal or cnarge for mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage both metals must, be of eqwil Intrln- and exchangeable value or be lasted through International ment or by such safeguards of legls- as shall Insure the maintenance the parity of the trro Metals and the power of every dollar at alltlmea -In the markets and In payment of debt, demand that ail paper' be kept at par with and redeemable In such coin. WE MUST INSIST UPON THIS AS ESPECIALLY NECESSARY FOB THE! PROTECTION OF THE FARMERS LABORING CLASSES, THE 'FIRST AND MOST DEFENSELESS VICTIMS OF UNSTABLE MONEY AND A FLUCTUATING OUR- platform, 1892. campflre of PJftli Indiana shows tQie- real soldier Benti- on the prcsldeutlnl quies.tfon..Tlmt rosfmem't was made up from the twelve OoagTOSsloiieiil dd'ati-iets nml contained lu Jts ranks men from erory itilio State. No regiment wns therefore more At itlhe mcettog horo thwe were representatives from over tho State, nod the sentiment of die Stale could be determined.

Out of 'Blue Wo number to wttewdancc only throe were for Bryan, nod two got at praise of McKinley, maul left the 'hull. Tho 'Pharos fhe speeches, "uu- unpatriotic nod ungeutleuvanly," In speaking of those of C. Nelson, Dr. C. L.

ThonwBi MaJ. B. P. iFiimoy and Cdl. Thomas H.

Butk-r. The Pharos is a flno organ to toacli fairness, iviitriatism loyalty -to party and' Hs tirade to this respect Js only minusing. The Pharos's disloyalty "to Cleveland is of too recent occurrence to be forgotten In this con- But itihe speeches were not unfair ami the real. was shown by those who, conscious of their 'inability to Justify tihelr stnnd, In- anger left trie 'baffl. It.wns mot a inettag of the G.

A. a to which erory member was free speak Ills on uny subject, odd tlhe remarks should have been received respectfully. It was undoubtedly the consclous- iness that, the soldier sentiment of the State was so overwhelming as shown the reunion that anger. course to 'the Pharos to have such Democrats us Dr. Thomas wad Nelson opposing the Chl- It Is-'addlttoflally galling because that ils'tihe sentiment of seven 'hundred -or more Democmte In Logansport Business men, pro- men, worktogmen, all are alarmed art the dangers threatened by tho CWcago platform.

And now that Is apparent that hundreds of Dem- ocriuU'C fairmers who do not care to be anaoyad the persecutions coming as a result of an open declaration, are' quietly ffolmg to the polls and vote for iflho stoblllity of the government and its financial system, the Pharos will have additional cause if or lamentation. IT IS NOT AT ALL PROBABLE THAT THE NEXT. HOUSE WILL HAVE A MAJORITY FAVORABLE TO THE FBEB COIN1A.G-B OF SILVER AT A RATIO OF 16 TO 1. WHEN IT BECOMES A DEMONSTRATED E1AOT THAT THERE IS DANGER OF THUS COUNTRY ADOPTING TBFE SILVER STANDARD IN CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS OF THE OOtJNTKY, PROS- PE-BITT WILL OOMiE AGAIN AND, WTH LOWER TAXES. ON THE NECESSARIES OF WFE, EVERY KIND OF BUSaiNBBS WILL BOOM editorial, March 12, 1896.

Free coinage means that a government sihae stamp a certain amwunt c-f metal as of so much: wedght and purity. It must then go for wbat it worth as 'bullion. Mexican, dollars now sell ta'-tbls country for 40 cents. SHver has down steadily while Wheat has gone up in the last three months. How wouW nn American like to hare a piece oC metal stamped "one dollar" by'the United States and selling for only 40 cents In nil otlher countries? refuse henever: of the dny.

In "Whenever' la- "ally; an attempt that, the wlldered and Jiijerty. ia. c'lpled inen'at'Sarge-to'ehe faithful to obligations, to payment of that takes' place, it Ja oil done With the 'perm I devil riding than I do the, law under him. Whoe established standards tanipeW'W very 'morrow and of public: faith. into we are running 1 ia-nia'dcn" under the, mvaterv of finance nnd the currency-i AH is tiuVa proparty.

As npw. by.faoiJHy course, nil the world, Is one. ket, the need of one nnd the same rd of 1 i unalterably 111 Is the world's- -Gold; is the universal Measure of Vulua; Other kinds of 'there. arerTSJlyeiy co-p-jj peri but they all must eqnfppnj to gold nnd be rneasured J)y it and be( andj Interchangeable It, a definite 'Gol'd is'Icing commerce. All othertnoney resent gold.

No. vote.of;legi«)a change tbe nature, of commerce, nature of of representative in money or -the-relative: superiority or currencies. Gold came to.ita,su:prfmacy'; as a representative o'f property long-established consent of' Congress cannot change''It for''the! world, nor even for thls nntlohi except post transactions, It mnyuglve: Impunity to men to cheat: creditors, but it currency in nil future "The crime of paying a debfln it rcncy Inferior In in whichj it was times and; anywhere, haa a deeper gtiflt 'and baser Infamy In our case. 1 When In our, mortal struggle capitalists ed to lend their money to us on the.lalp'; of the nation, we were too grateful, foriheJr nld. TKen they, were! not grasping and swollen'usurers: no! They were joiced in their bounty nnd for their confiding faith in our, national honesty.

Now. our revile them, finding no epithets top.ylo- lent, und strive to pny not. gold; they 'lent our "misery, but; in a dishonest measure 'of an Inferior, Tnctnl. "In the court of the. world's conscience we shall be.conrict-; cd of endeavoring to cheat the men who! came to our rescue in the dark day.

This congress would not have nor any government of the United States, but for the strength given to-our' armies by foreign capitalists, and now to return a.bose tr.eacheiy.i is to deserve an infamy as lowest' depths of hell. But woe to those without eyes, who are: attempting to undermine the'Integrity and simplicity of the nation." Wheat, Cotton and Silver. Bryan ia telegraphing tlie New, York Journal that standard makes a dearer dollar, a means falling prices, and mean hard times," the prices, of i corn'and cotton are going-, and. tho; price of silver, the supposed barometer; of prices of farm products; Is going, down; UNDERWEAR at the WHITE HOUSE, TODAY Everything from a 50 cent Suit to the Finest Garment made. GRACE Co.

The White House Clothiers and Furnishers 316 Market Street. was no longer possioje to make' a con- Jackson Beaton TTere for Gold Standard. i Jefferson, In 1783. wrote: "Just 1 to one) tendency Is to rid gold currency and leave, ue nothing but The hc'JBe committee in 1834, "The In the monetary I priOC VL countries with, which we shall nally be connected in (sommerrcc and to See an average from tlhem. I very much 'doubt a right now to change tbe especially to lessen it." house committee in 1821, report is BufBcient to know, by un- eicce phased to be a coin of circulation.

Danerjuu ceasea DC declared law. Of course, in Ume the hemp. "-Mr Hooper. would be secured and the farmers plied, but the new way of domg business vrould be more costly. reiu the money Hooper, eeveral The principal change proposed by 1 21 the bill was in "more clearly specify- and to the old do ar as the unit of value.

time has this country when the gold dollar should be distinctly declared to be the coin representative of the money unit. Mr. i RIGHT OF CONTRACT. To Be Abridged by and BU I Demo Pwtjr. The Cordage Trade Journal of "The tober 1 diBcuwes a part of the Chicago 'nvrtem ifl a standard c-f uniform value.

platform which has not thus far canmot BBcertnini that both metnU ce i ve the attention which ft httve ever circulated simultaneously, that part which proposes to take ooWrently. and indiscriminately in the right of private contract The Jour- where there are banks or I UB trv.f.f'-«nv 1 money dealers, and we entertain the conviction that the ncorest approach to en invariable standard ta ite 1 memt in one metal, which, metaJ shaU compose exclusively the currency for lure paymentB." AndreW Jackson, in 1836, wrote: "There is no fraud in gold. It is unchangeable and will do its. office every- and at oU tJmes. Labor imperte an invariable value to it." Benton, in 1834, sold in debate: It (cold) han intriiosic value, which a-ives it cnrreacy all over the world to the full amount of that value without to law or circumstances.

It has uniformity' of value which makes it the safest standard of value of property which the wisdom, of hnil vetdis- coveirod. money gives command of aiTother money. Following this debate the act called 'the "administration gold bUy intended to put the country on.a samgle passed, 145 to 30 in nal size can exist without the use of cOntracta, agreements for the purchase, sale, de. livery of and payment for goods. It hardly necessary to point out what this means in the cordage It then explains how rope manufacturers make contracts with brokers, and brokers with foreign growers of manilla, or sisal, for their raw materials.

Having made these contracts, they are in a. position to make with large jobbers and rope dealers. Continuing, the Journal says: "Contracts are necessary to the successful transaction of business upon any scale above that of the very small retail trade, where goods, pass between buyer and seller simultaneously. Mr. Bryan presU wisdom of man.

has yetdis- neO usly. Mr. Bryan presl- Its superiority over adl other denti ive his to whicn ivcs ita possessor t(he choice wonld prohibit business' from I 4Vtofr KPll ITOOuf Tlie Pharos pretends to. believe that under free coinage at 16 to 1 silver will rise to a parity with gold. If free coln- aige wJOl bring about result now, wihy did it not do so to 1873 when stiver was worth a fraction of a cent more tban gold? And why did it act do it when the ratio was changed In this country from 15 to 1 to 10 to 1 to meet ttoe market price? The Plwiros does not.

believe what it It. knows better. It -to deceive Its Loyal Democrats If Uiey vote the Bryan" ttefcet must vote for five Popu- llsts nma toynl PopnTiats M. thcy a rote the Bryan jDUjket must vote for ten Democrats. This is the way tbe State electoral ballot Is It Is now being printed awl there Is no recall Tlie sound mouey Dcoiocrnlts taive the only strnighit Damocra.tic ticket In tibe.

flokl. -the house and 35 to 7 in the senate, and sijrned by Andicw Jackson, president, house committee, in 1853, report-j property is now measuired WDUJU prohibit business ---specifying what they shall sell, goods for or what they filial! pay for goods, thus seriously restricting the right contract. His 'first In Chicago-was based upon his acceptance of a platform which contained the foUow- ing plank: -we domnnd that the standard favor nieh wed rather as tokens than as standard provent tho money of the United by STEWART'S ARGUMENTS. i the United States supreme rklnBni to con Thc question will never be fettled der you determine the simple ques- I not tell thejpeople IH; 3 3 the consumer pays all costs, farmers would have to subm for binder twine, as for thing else they buy. And yet Mr.

Bryan, to be the particular friend of agriculturists! "It is to be hoped that the businessmen of the country will carefully consider what the proposed "the right to enter into a contract- to pay and kind of money would result in and then vote for a candidate for president who will preserve the freedom-. Cnba'i Experiment. Cuba is furnishing nearby example- of the beauties of government regulation of the value of money on tbe Bryan plan. Capt. Gen.

Weyler hod a deficient. Sy of caaU, and so he had the Banco- Espaaol put out a lot of paper money and a stringent, edict that bcdv should take it at a par with gold, As the island is practically under martial law, there was' government control of the currency at its best. If you. take the banic bills at pal, you were liable to be shot. Even Bryan SSS tt SS at par Not for day.

JOmost ly they were at a discount, wt amounted to -20. per cent. and bayonets you cannot make jual-adollar. Weyleriamhad ive trying. -baa finally allowed the Havana stock exchange.

quote the value of the bank bills in gold. We were going to the pdwerlessness of law to establish the value of money, but we remember in time that Cuba 000000 population to our that she never put down tie rebellion of modern but her, inhabitants are not tho richest, proud-; est most intelligent people on earth, and BO we are not BO sure. only a part of universal experience, but we have changed all Y. Post. An Unworthy CltUen.

Silverito Orator-What we want free coinage give It would give us ta. no one -will Imagine such Demtocraits as Dr. Hattery, T. J. Tu-ley, Paul Taiber, Wtaflcld and the like walking up and voting a onc-tMrd Populist ticket? IThey.

wxBi'it do it. A-nd- such PopnJ'tets. as Amos Keeport, WUllam Powell, Tom Rogers and like voting a DemocraUc tifcket? 'They won't do It. And so Judge Dykeonan saj-s throngli columne of the Piharos thlat ho vot- for "a fraud" four oigo. Did he do purpcwely or spurposely, ihe tfliouM mot be.

listened to in bis counseJs now. If lie did Ignor- mntly, then the chances aire tlinrt he Is just as ignorant now; Bryan must demodify his. farm, pirod speeches or he toea euch hard questions as: "What about wheat and cotton? Are their prices going up in sympathy with, silver or because of a shortage of foreign crops? What connection is twoon the prices of farm.productsand of aUver?" Of course Bryan can'answer rill sucb qtieetlons. In iaott-he-yiare easy for a powerful man who lift tbe price- of all tho silver in the yforkLto twice its preseit height, but it just as well to avoid all unnecessary, embar; rassment. A Facti.

18T8 form prodtictB.w.ere tban eves- before since the clyll war, and the "greenbackerB" arguing -that, the preparation for-resumption on-January .1879, had tho hard times, and their advocated tried to postpone date tor came. January andHo. .2 cash wheat sold at byMay it wa-i to 51.01%, and by was up to W.S3V4, Com January, 1879, but in 1879... it was Such facts need to be borne in.nim* at this -time, when BO theories are afloat. i.i.v"'".' a merchant marks up his.pribes Mid p'eople refuse to buy, he still has his goods.

If a worldngman undertakes-to mark up his wages and. decline to pay, where is be? What InteUi- gent wage-earner can vote: higher prices of cheaper money ana trust to luck to Inerease his wages portlonately? goW, ana goia uus not care how much you discuss it or and now many resolutions you pass, they do not make any difference. You must iu to thfesame conclusion that all man, but also givos an Bryan In Newark, Sep- only shows the purpose, of -otnTr peoVTe haTe-that gold L.recoff- I an a very clear Mr the univer 6 al standarf of value. Bryan's skill as a logioan. be It is the measure by which your wealth anything at ell about coi be tested.

It has been and always lifffb iood of which he scffl the touchstone of measurement, interfering -'OM depart from that ond try execution of his ju-uic ap any. other measure which I an instant cessation tue does not recognize you get Tity which would confusion. Attempting to rcconci them, is idle to talk about. It is idh- to talk about compromising on other measure of value. The world will not accept it.

We have the of every nation that has tried it, and bus been tried in almost every civilized nation. Do not let us try to deceive the American people. Do not let to.moke them.believe both gold nnd silver. wouldn't free coinage at sixteen to one drive gold out of circula- ion, in accordance wiUx the Gresham la a friend, Mr. Bryan proposes to repeal any law that is work- tag in the intereet of the goldbugs TjVltYi resumption upon'a restricted and Yt n( the jQreBhain law is a not.

oral law, like the law of gravitation, S. are a pessimist and don't know that you are a citizen- of the grandest country on earth-ona that cnn "without the aid or consent of any other nation" repeal even the law of eravitationitself if it should become- a tool of Wall, street. Shame on youl You don't belong to this country. As-l was Bow Bryan Will "Do" tbe Mr. Bryan to are not in it with me.

You a restricted and an- are not in it with me. hnsis Methods which the com- doij i grctt tbiaga-when-you put tique scardcd gcn rat io us toe co one thing at a time--. it. mercial world nco would have to be brought in to for carrying on busisicss under the con- vvoald the hemp come from- Butmj us-T-rv iv. manKinu.

uu nv I im-mers wanted tv Let them know the facts now. ffiuc farmers wanted that it would be highly ous to this again inflate the I. need not enlarge it tuo price vou cussed for it besides. littie silver trust scheme put- on everything at once, and think we're doing 'em a favor. YotrfeK lows are too slow.

There has been, no time since resumption of specie.payments inl878i' when the depositors in savings banks- could not'get "back'as good money they earned and put Do.thcy even to "chance It" on getting or even 7E-cent silver dollarE? rency. This country has felt that too to- require- that I should men- It matters not what kind to-thm. It maers no of tt depreciated, currency you have, it nsauinevils- '73. "The Crime, of The following ton dollar bhould no longer made in the house of retain Highest of all in Lcayedng Strength-latest U. S.

Gov't Report. PURE.

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