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The Leavenworth Weekly Times from Leavenworth, Kansas • Page 6

Leavenworth, Kansas
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'6 "THE LEANTVORTH WEEKLY TIMES: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER :16 1899. WOMAN'S POSITION Be Is an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable nothing can compare with the horrors of child-birth. of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs mother of all pleasant anticipation of the coming casts over her a shadow of gloom that cannot be coining a iiother of women that the use fear, for The thought the expectant event, and WANT TO TRY A DAMAGE CASE IN FEDERAL COURT. A ROCK ISLAND DAMAGE SUIT FROM LAWRENCE the marriage compact, and should demand a money equivalent for it from her partner in the contract.

If this were done, there would be fewer, divorces," Miss Anthony concluded, with decision" 1 "Pray Miss Anthony," I begged her, for the benefit of every other woman in the country, how you have managed to be a young woman at Friexd during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, ana insures safety. to mother and child. This scientific liniment is a godsend to all women at the time of their most critical ordeal. Not only does Mother's Friend carry woman safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents morning sickness," and other discomforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle.

Send for free booklet to The Bradfield Kkgulator Atlanta. Georgia. TOPEKA'S INSURANCE-WAR BROUGHT TO AN END. Topeka, Nov. 8.

The bitter fight between the local fire insurance companies, as a result of which the rate has been cut to $1 per thousand, was ended today as a result of arbitration. The Continental company ol New York, which led the fight, has instructed its agent here to discontinue the low rate and to work in harmony with the other "companies in maintaining a reasonable schedule. The settlement was brought through the efforts of Frank H. Holmes, secretary of the National Association of Fire Insurance Agents. The terms of the settlement are not made public.

It is stated national president at Buffalo, N. C. H. Woodworth, will prepare a statement for the press tomorrow. This fight, while it has been local in its nature, threatened to extend over many states and to force all the weaker local fire insurance agents into financial ruin.

young woman who makes a good income as a doctor, a lawyer or a business woman is apt to consider that her success is wholly due to her own talent and charm. She often says she doesn't care a straw about. voting and 1 she merely tolerates those who do. But the truth is that she would be sitting quietly at home today if agitation had not smoothed the way for hen "Woman's position was plainly defined fifty years ago. She was supposed to stay at home' and wait to get married.

For being released from' those conditions she should thank Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and all the army of their successors." Miss Anthony thinks colleges are lax in the proclaiming of this truth. "And not only that," she went on, warmly, "but the women's colleges of today don't, teach a girl anything regarding her social and' economic responsibilities. As far as these matters are. concerned she goes out into the world as ignorant as a child." Most women consider women's colleges a blessing. Miss Anthony boldy announces that she does not, and that she believes it will not be long before they will be done away wUh.

ytefc TLfr: K'f AMERICA TODAY. BETTER TODAY THAN EVER- AN INTERVIEW WITH SUSAN B. ANTHONY WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED FOR WOMAN'S POLITICAL, RIGHTS THE PRIVILEGE OF EARNING THEIR OWN LIVING AN ADVOCATE OF CO-EDUCATION WHEN "WOMEN WILL BE GOVERNORS AND PRESIDENTS. The New York World last Sunday printed an page article describing an interview with Susan B. Anthony, illustrated with eleven portraits of her, including some from photographs taken forty or fifty year ago.

The article is by Olivia Howard Dunbar and is as follows: When it was learned not so many days ago that Susan 15. Anthony was about to surrender the active management of the woman's suffrage movement, to which she has given her life, her determination was variously attributed to age and to illness. Some were so bold as to conjecture that Miss Anthony might have wearied of ih suffrage propaganda. Possibly she was willing to spend the, rest of her life in contented indifference to woman's relation to the ballot-box. Five minutes" talk with Miss Anthony- demolishes these hypotheses.

Any one who should accuse this energetic womanof age, illness or indifference would be blind indeed. Miss Anthony is not old. That is, she will not ba eighty until February, when her birthday is to be mightily celebrated by a woman's convention in Washington, and she declares that hef point of view is younger and her tastes more "frivolous" than when she was As for health, her robust condition and her power of endurance would put the majority of the younger generation to shame. When the question was put squarely to her at her home in Rochester tiit other day, "Miss Anthony, has it paid? If you should have the ordering of another life, would you choose to spend it differently?" she -did not hesitate a second. "If you should pour in my lap," she said, "all the wealth of India 1 wouldn't take it in exchange for the gratification of my fifty years' work and the knowledge of the good that I feel I have'done.

Has it paid? Why, 'feel repaid for every effort I have ever made." "And the promoters of the suffrage idea arer hot discouraged "Discouraged? Why, we have gained our Miss Anthony said, briskly. "Intellectually, that is. Educated, intelligent men concede that we are In the right. What keeps us from the practical attainment of our object is the mass of uneducated, men, chiefly foreigners. What do they care about the welfare of women?" "If the intellectual victory is accomplished there is not the same need for agitation as formerly? "Ah, there's morel And now I will tell you what I am going to do.

I am giving up the presidency of the association so that the younger women may more of the executive side of the work. But I expect to be exactly as busy as I have always been, for I ad going to devote myself to the raising of a fund, the interest of which will be sufficient to pay the yearly expenses of the work of the suffrage association. That is hardly an easy task. But 1 am determined that the women who loiiio til uevvic men energies i. to 'agitating' without having to beg as I have done." To understand the spirit that could prompt a.

woman of eighty to take up with enthusiasm a project of this sort one must recall that strone. womanlv i ace which has been so often pictured since the-CJuaker girl first stepped upon a public platform a half century ago. The face is wrinkled now, but the only other concession thaw Miss Anthony has made to her declining years is in the wearing of spectacles, through which she regards with disconcerting keenness whomsoever may be so rash "as to draw her into argument. Her hair, in its demure Quaker coil, is almost as abundant as ever, but silver-white. She is solidly built, full cnest-ed, as straight as a soldier and as active.

She 'is a picturesque as well as an impressive old lady, for she is always gowned in black satin, with a good bit of white at the throat, and when she is dressed for the street she wears the daintiest of white-flowered bonnets quite pretty enough to entitle her to membership in Sorosis. She is always on the alert, either to meet an argument, for which purposes she carries a whole army of intellectual weapons, or to see a joke, in which she is far quicker than most women, or to make one, at which she is also adroit. She is persistently amiable and absolutely Indeed she admits that she does not know what it is to be lazy. Very likely there "isn't any man living who has made so many public speeches as Miss Anthony; yet if she ever learned to "rant" she has forgotten how, and the common ornaments of oratory she lets sqverely alone. When she is at Ijome in Rochester, which is but a limited share of the Miss Anthony lives in the unpretentious homestead where her family lias lived past half century.

It is a auiet home, austerely simple within. As it is much more than large enough for Miss and her sister, Miss Mary there is an almost uninterrupted "series of guests. Susan Anthony's study is on the second floor. Here she seats herself every morning, sorts her mail and answers on the spot as much of it as may be possible. "It is a remarkable illustration of her industry and executive v.

1 1 i i- auiuij i Lid voue utm never empioyea a secretary until the past four years, but has always written every word of her vast correspondence with her own hand. If you ask Miss Anthony for illustrations of the actual benefits to women that have resulted from the suffrage agitation of the past fifty years she is ready in offering them. "You know," "she "that wom- an's position in America is better today than ever before. And only contrast it with that of women in European countries! There are. five states where Women have their, proper rights and where they vote every ejection day, to the great advantage of the city, state and nation.

So much achievement nobody can deny us. "But the fact women can earn their living today side by side with men is due to us too. We have asked men for the "one privilege that includes all the others. They have replied by fielding to us in smaller matters. The have found of Mother's 1 DUST.

TO THE FARMER sel'in'flie shade near by. The barrel is filled nearly to the top and a lon necked bottle put in the huughole and the cider left to ferment. In about eight weeks a faucet is put in the barrel and the contents drawn off, strained once more and put into another task or into kegs, where it is again left to ferment. As the cold weather comes on the vinegar barrels and kegs are given some protection. It does not particularly injure the vinegar to freeze, but when freezing it expands, and a the strongest portion does not freeze it escapes through the vent, thus weakening the vinegar.

It takes about two years to make good vinegar. The oh-: ject of the bottle in the buughole Is to furnish light inside, as the vinegar works sooner where given light and ventilation. In good, strong vinegar a much better quality iu both taste and color can be produced by adding about one-sixth Its bulk of pure rainwater fcfhen first drawn oil. FIFTEEN GET CERTIFICATES. Wednesday the county board of examiners concluded the examination and grading of the papers of those who took the recent examination for county teachers' certificates.

Of the seventeen examined two failed to pus and will not get certificates. Of the papers examined two are to be given first grade certificates, J. 15. Kelsey, whose general average wad 90Ji per and Charles Thompson, general average 96 5-12 per cent. Those who will receive second grade certificates and their general averagf are as follows: W.

11. Pirtle, 82; Anna Davidson, S2.4; Mamie Swann, 87.2; J. T. Brady, 85.4; John Harness, 85.1; Ethel Gregory, 87.7; Mrs. Blythe, J.

A. Swann, 86.8, and Grace Jackson, 83.5. Third grade B. Voorhees, 93 1-3; R. C.

Henderson, 86; Klzada McLean, 83 1-9, and P. Geagan, 74 2-3. Applicants for first grade certificates must take an examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, theory and practice of teaching, geography, arithmetic, United Stat history, constitution of the Unit" 1 States, bookkeeping, physiology and hygiene, and elements of natural phil osophy. The average required is 90 pT cent, and the minimum allowed is 70 per cent. For second grade certificates the ap plicant must take the same examination as those for first grade, with tho exception of bookkeeping and philosophy.

The average required is 80 per with a minimum of CO per cen. For a third grade certificate appll cants are examined in all the branch a required for a second grade certilioae-, except constitution of the Unit' States. They must make an averar of 70 per the minimum allowed being 60 per cent. The certificates will be made out la time to hand the teachers when they attend the monthly meeting of Hm Leavenworth County Teachers' association, to be held at the court on Saturday. WALLULA.

Rev. I. A. Wilson will preach at VaJIul Sunday, November 20, morning and evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Stewart and Miss KDa Illliy (spent Thursday In Kansas City. Miss Pit Davis spent several days last week will! Mrs. Geo. Drennon.

Samuel Dickey Ill at his home with an attack of Congrentiort of the liver. Mra. II. J. Markham 1m ing a week in Kansas City.

Mia. Mi icy Markham is making a visit with Mrs. Fair child of Nine Mile. Regie Murkham spent ot Wallula, ppent several daya last wet-H of Wullula, ppent several daya last d' visiting his parents. Mr.

and Mr. Beach spent Friday with Mrs. Chas. Kichardaon of Leavenworth city. The Misses Beach were entertained by Mrs.

Harry Putney Friday. George II. Johnson la expected home from Battle Creek, where be has bi upending several rnout hs. Mis Leopold ot of Kausaa City visited Mr. II.

A. Kci-fcr last week. Mrs. Allen has returned from visit with her mother who lives near Ottawa Kausaa. Mlsa Mettle Terry and her brother Frnnk have recovered from a Revere attack of congoHtlon of the J.

F. Brink served as judge of election at. Falrmount Tu', day. Perry Wetz was elected road oversor of thi3 district. Mrs.

Alexander who ha been very 111 for two weeks with chills nnd fever at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Dromon, is now improving. Miss Maggie Davis has gone to Holton, Kan. Mr.

ami Mrs. Ed Alexander of High Prairie visited their mother last NASAL CATARRH quickly yields treatment by Ely's Cream Balm, hich is agreeably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which it diffus. -3 itself. A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which is drying: or exciting- to the diseased membrane should not be used.

Cream Balm is recognized as a specific. Price SO cents at druggists or by mail. A cold in the head Immediately disappears when Cream Balm is used Ely Brothers, 5G Warren street. Nev" York. Half a loaf Is sometimes better that an unpalr board bill.

eighty." "Every pther woman wouldn't follow my recipe," she laughed. "In the first place, I have never tasted any alcoholic drink; why, I would as soon touch arsenic. I was trained that way. In the second place, I have abstained in the matter of In campaigns where I have had to make as many speeches as any of the men who were speaking at the same time I would be the last to give out. That was because they would all refresh themselves after a hard evening by a supper.

Meanwhile I would be soundly asleep. So I have never had indigestion in my life, and do not intend to. "I suppose a share of my health is due to my activity, my constant exercise, and so on; but af ten. all I am firmly convinced that it is mainly due to abstinence." Finally Miss Anthony consented to let herself be photographed for the Sunday World. And as it is impossible for her to do anything apathetically, she sat down before the -camera with positive enthusiasm.

"I want the best, picture that ever was taken of me," she declared. And then this most valiant reformer of her time the woman who for years was vilified because of her "strong-mindedness" looked perturbed. It was all because of an extra little fold in her sleeve. "Please fix it," she said, smilingly. 'You know I mustn't be photographed in unfashionable sleeves!" OLIVIA HOWARD DUNBAR.

STANLEY'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION ISSUED. 'j Topeka, Kan.j Nov. 10. Governor Stanley's Thanksgiving proclamation follows: "The president of the United States having set apart Thursday, the 30th day of November, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, In conformity thereto, W. E.

Stanley, governor of the state of Kansas, do hereby set apart and designate said day as a day of public thanksgiving throughout the state. "The past year has been one of unusual prosperity to our people. They have been richly blessed In basket and In store. Our industries have been active and plenteous harvests have crowned the efforts of our husbandmen. The state has been free from pestilence.

Our soldiers have just returned to us from a brilliant service in which they have reflected honor upon the state, and added distinction to the record of American soldiery. "For these blessings, and many others, that have' come to the state during the past year, I earnestly request my fellow citizens to refrain from their usual occupations, and to meet in their several house's of worship on the day above, designated and render thanks to Almighty God. "I also request that the day may be one of alms giving; that the homes which have been darkened by adversity may be made happier by the donations of our generous people. "I would also suggest that appropriate mention' be made of our fallen and departed soldiers of this and other wars, and that where appropriate, their families may be the recipient of the people's benefactions." NEVER VOTED FOR A FUSIONIST. The opposition press charges that Governor Stanley caused a sensation among the politicians of Wichita by voting for David M.

Dale, the fusion nominee for district judlge. Asked about this today the governor said: "I voted the straight republican ticket and that's all there Is to It. The statement that I voted for the fusion candidate is untrue. There is not the slightest foundation for it." MISSING ATCHISON MAN DEAD. Atchison, Nov.

10. Early in Septem. ber last John Van Rossen of Eden, Atchison county, left for Colorado, and nothing has since been seen or heard of him. Lately a body was found in a com field near Caney, buried six inches below the ground, and it is believed that the body is that of Van Rossen. The description and circumstances agree.

Van Rossen left Atchison with two teams in company with a man and his wife. Caney people say two men and a woman camped near where the body was found, and quarreled. Afterward the dead body waa found In the field. Van Rossen was about thirty years old, and was married, but had separated from his wife. STEEL TRUST OBJECTS.

Topeka. Nov. 10. A suit of great importance was filed In the United States circuit court late Thursday afternoon by the American Steel and Wire company, in which the county officers of Douglas county! are the defendants. The suit is important because it involves a feature of the trust problem.

The action grows out of the absorption of the Lawrence barb wire factory by the wire and nail trust, otherwise known as the American Steel and Wine company. One. of the methods advocated for dealing with trusts has been to tax them to death. Whether this method was adopted by the officials, of Douglas county is. not known, but the trust assumes that it was, and it therefore brings suit- in the federal courts to keep the county from collecting the taxes.

MRS. ED MADISON DEAD. Topeka, Nov. 10. Lillie Madison, aged 33 wife of Ed Madison of Dodge City, died last night at Christ hospital.

Mrs. Madison been sick since last February and came to the hospital In Topeka three weeks ago to undergo a surgical operation In hope of relief. She leaves four children. Mr. Madison Is a lawyer and very prominent man In Dodge City and Is well known throughout the state.

The body will be taken to Dodge City for burial. REPORTED THAT QUEEN VICTORIA WILL ABDICATE. Nov. 11. A.

newspaper at Frank-fort-on-the-Maln publishes "a London dispatch which says that Queen Victoria will abdicate and that the definite announcement will be made during or Just after the kaiser's visit about November 20. DIAMONDS DISCOVERED IN WISCONSIN. The report that rich fields of diamonds have been found in Wisconsin will draw thousands to that state. How madly we rush for worldly richea. and how 4 little we treasure the only- true wealth health.

All of the diamonds and all of the money in the world cannot bring happiness without health. Because of Ita mad rush for wealth, America has become a nation of dyspeptics. No other people abuses its stomachs as we" do, and therefore no other nation is so subject to nervousness, insomnia, indigestion; biliousness torpid liver and all of the other silent tortures daily endured. Hoatetter's Stomach' Bitters, the great American stomachic, grew from this fact, and has restored more weak stomachs to health than can be counted. Its remits have been phenomenal.

Every druggist mulls it. To avoid imitations, be sure that a private Revenue Stamp covers neck of tie bottle. J. RAHSKOPF SUED THE COMPANY FOR $2,000 INCREASED TO $7,000 AND ROAD WANTS TO TRY IT IN FEDERAL COURT ATTORNEY ALFORD CLAIMS IT CANNOT BE REMOVED AS DEFENDANTS ANSWERED AMENDED PETITION AND LOST RIGHT, A case from the district court of Douglas county i was heard in the federal court Saturday in which the defendant to the suit, the Rock Island Railway company, though its attorneys, Evans and Barker, had made application to remove the case from the district court of Douglas county to the federal court. It was charged by the plaintiff to the action that erasures had been made in certain journal entries which prevented the railway company from removing the case.

The suit was for damages against the railway. The suit is rather an interesting one, as the causes for damage are unusual. The plaintiff in the suit is Joseph Rahskopf, formerly a mill owner in North Lawrence. A. few years ago Rahskopf's mill caught fire and while endeavoring to put out the flames the fire department stretched its hose across the Rock Island railroad tracks.

An approaching train out the hose in two and the fire burned the mill down. Rahskopf sued the railroad for the damages above the- insurance he carried on the mill. He claimed that the fire department had asked the conductor of the train which cut the hose in two to wait until they could get it off the tracks, but the conductor would not do it. This it is claimed caused the total loss of the buildings, the fire getting such headway before any water could be thrown on it that it could not be controlled. In the first petition that was filed in the Lawrence courts the damage asked for was $2,000.

On November 14 of last year the plaintiff obtained an order of the court permitting him to amend his petition increasing the amount of damages asked for from $2,000 to $7,000. Since that time the railroad company asked leave to remove the case to the federal the law allows the removal of any case from the state courts to the federal court in which the amount involved is over $2,000. Now is is- claimed by the plaintiff that the defendant company, on November 26 following the order for the amendment to their petition to increase the amount of damages asked for, filed an answer to the amended petition in the district court of Douglas county, and an order was made for thirty days in which to plead the case. This, Attorney Alford, who represented the plaintiff yesterday claimed, was shown by the records of the clerk of the district court of Douglass county, who was put on the stand to testify. Alford Also claimed that by the answer and' the order to plead, filed in the district court, the defendant company lost the right to remove the case from the Douglas county court to the federal court and asked that the federal court remand the case back to the state court for trial.

The matter was not decided by the court Saturday, but was taken under advisement and a decision will be given next week. Attorney Alford, who was in court Saturday, is the father of Lieutenant Alford of the twentieth Kansas, who was killed in the Philippines. Charles Tucker, the other clerk of the district court of Douglas county, was here as a witners in the case Saturday. CANDIDATES FOR JUDGE Topeka, Nov. 10.

The following additional applications for the appointment as judge of the city court of Kansas City, have been filed with Governor Stanley. C. O. Littick, M. H.

Newhall, Representative J. S. Edwards, John T. Sims, John Davidson, Harry Dean, F. H.

Barker, John B. Campbell, W. L. Cow-den and II. C.

Weston. George Griffith, who is at present a driver of a patrol waeon in Kansas City, has also made application for the place. SUPREME COURT REPORTS. The sixtieth volume oi the supreme court reports has been completed and is now being distributed. This volume contains 129 opinions, written by the.

justices as follows: Dorter, Johnston, 41; Allen, 10; Smith 35, Opinions per curiam were filed in 73 cases, of which seven are reported, the others being listed by title and number in the appendix. Chief Justice Doster filed separate opinions in five cases, dissenting in three and concurring specially in two. Mr. Justice Johnston filed a dissenting opinion in one case and in two cases stated his dissenting views, in the general opin ions. Mr.

Justice Smith filed separate dissenting opinions in two cases. SMALL WORMS DESTROY TIMBER IN BLACK HILLS Deadwood, S. Nov. 10. Black Hills people are becoming alarmed at the destruction of the pine timber by a small worm that made its appear ance hereabout two years ago.

The worm is about three quarters of an Inch long and a quarter of an inch through and travels in packs. The worms start in on the outer bark of a tree, bore in and drink up the sap and the tree soon dies. Government inspector G. A. Steele has recently investigated the matter and finds that 150 square miles of the finest pine timber in the hills has been destroyed by the pesU The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh.

Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive care now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength' by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers, 1 that they ITer one Hundred Dollars for any ease that-It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.

Address J. GHENBT Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Half Family puis are the best GOLD Woman's Best Friend Dirt's Worst Enemy OF INTEREST COLD STORAGE OF FRUIT. Preparing the Fruit The Use of Home Cellars, Caves, 1'Its, Etc.

Fruit should be cooled, if possible, before shipping. If you have a good cave, you can cool it. The best packages are those that admit of ventilation, if possible, but at the same time they should be firm. Iu putting fruit in cold storage, insist upon having the temperature lowered gradually. Managers of the large eokl storage houses are studying this question carefully and are becoming informed upon the matter.

They first submit the fruit of all kinds to a temperature of say 50 degrees to begin with, then gradually remove it to other compartments, until they get it to the compartment and temperature best suited to the particular kind of fruit. There is another point, a practical business suggestion, in connection with the shipping of fruit which ought to be looked to carefully. Always be sure to get your bill of lading. Be sure you send the bill of lading to the cold storage people. It saves delay and money for the shipper.

Rush your fruit to the cold storage. Get it there as quickly as you can. Do not wait until you have finished picking. If you have ten cars, don't wait until you get them all loaded, but ship as fast as you get a carload. In portions of eastern Kansas and In Missouri I have been interested in studying the storage of fruits in caves and in pits.

The caves that are used In portions of eastern Kansas have two objects in view. One is for storing potatoes in the potato district, and the other is for the storage of apples wheD the crop is very large. They are constructed, if convenient, in hillsides and in some instances on the level, when they are known as caves or root cellars. These are put up cheaply. The entrances are best toward the north.

They are ventilated at night by opening the doors and permitting the circulation of cold air on cold nights," he-fore the fruit is stored, thus getting the temperature reduced to a proper degree, which can be maintained, for the keeping of fruit during the change able temperatures and climates, for a considerable period. The foregoing paragraphs are gleaned from an article by E. E. Faville in The American Agriculturist, which he concludes as follows: I have had experience In Iowa In keeping fruits in home cold storage cellars, pits, caves, fruithouses, and also in Canada, and I have succeeded in these root cellars or caves in keep ing apples for three months at a temperature of four to five degrees above freezing and without a fluctuation of more than one or two degrees. Some have employed pits very successfully in Kansas, taking the hotbed excavation located on high ground, filling in straw in the bottom and on top, covering with earth.

Such varieties as the BeD Davis and Missouri Pippin, stored in late fall have been taken out of these pits the 1st of April in prime condition for the market. "VtTifjB the Flock fa Drine Off. The Ohio station has found gasoline administered in flaxseed tea in the form of a drench highly satisfactory in stopping the dying off of a flock when the trouble was caused by stomach worms. The gasoline treatment seemed to check the trouble at once, as not a single death occurred after beginning the use of it. A tablespoonful of gasoline is shaken up well in a nursing bottle with four ounces of milk warm flaxseed tea for a GO to 80 pound sheep.

It is then given, in a small drench bot tle, care being taken not to strangle the sheep. The administration is thus described: We house the sheep in the evening and allow them to remain without anything to eat until 10 o'clock of the day following; then this dose is given, and the Iambs are allowed to remain without food or water three hours longer. We then let them eat until evening. We repeat the same housing, fasting, dosing and feeding for two more days, or three days in all. After a week has elapsed we repeat the three days' treatment and again, ten days later, repeat It the third time.

Professor Julien of France first proposed this treatment, but he used benzine. An Ohioan who tried gasoline at the suggestion of the state station says: "A safe dose seems to be a tablespoonful for a mature sheep, down to two teaspoonfuli for spring Iambs, but the dose should be measured in a measuring glass." Cider Tinearar. An Ohio Farmer writer gives the following process of making cider vinegar: The cider is strained at the mill and. ftasred inlr the which is IIP' fJsL 1 IS COSTLY TO UNCLE SAM. NOT MUCH WORK FOR OFFICERS IN HILLMON CASE.

EXPENSE COMES IN KEEPING COURT GOING NEW PAPERS SELDOM FILED IN CIA.SE OLD DOCUMENTS USED OVER AND OVER AGAIN CLERK SHAR-RIT MUST BE ON HAND TO SWEAR WITNESSES TRIALS COST THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. For a case of as great import and the. length of it takes to try, the court costs of the Hillmon case are very small, though in the end the government has a considerable sum of money to pay out for this expense of the trial. All told the filing of documents in the long drawn out battle of lawyers the costs will not amount to $500. The work of court officers con- nected with the case who atend court is very light.

Said Clerk Sharritt yesterday: "We have very little to do in this case except sit around and wait for the lawyers to get through. It is very seldom any new papers are filed and the court does not even summon -the witnesses. Both sides of the case summon their witnesses so that the marshal has practically nothing to do." Although there have been a hundred or more witnesses summoned in the present trial of the case they have all been summoned by the attorneys for each side of the case. Usually the subpoenas are made out by the court officers and the witnesses are summoned by the marshal. The greatest item of expense to the United States on account of the trial is the salaries of the officers necessary to conduct court and the other expenses of keeping court open.

In one of the previous trials of the case the expense on this account alone amounted to nearly $5,000. 'it will not be very far from this amount for this trial. The most onerous duties of Clerk Sharritt are to swear the witness wrho give their testimony. DODGE CITY SOLDIERS VOTED Topeka, Nov. 9.

An interesting question comes from Finney county, where Charles A. Schneider, candidate for county clerk, lacks four votes of an election. It is said, however, that four members of the State Soldiers' home at Dodge City, but citizens of Finney county, voted for Schneider. By a law passed by the legislature of 1889 they were entitled to do this. Dodge City, Nov.

9. In the controversy between Schneider, republican, and Rowan, democrat, candidates for county clerk, it is shown that of the five members of the State Soldiers' home from Finney county four are republicans and, one a populist. The four republicans voted for Schneider; the populist did not vote. Outside of these four votes Rowan carried the county by 3. With them Schneider carries it by 1.

These votes were cast at the State Soldiers' home according to a law passed by the late legislature and is the outcome of a contest in Ford county and a decision of the supreme court, which had practically disfranchised the home members. WESTMORELAND CELEBRATES, Wamego, Nov. 9. Westmoreland, the county seat of Pottawatomie county, celebrated today the completion of the Kansas Southern railroad branch of the Leavenworth, Kansas Western railroad. The branch is nine miles in length and runs between Blaine and Westmoreland.

Crowds attended the celebration. D. V. Sprague of Wamego was one of the speakers. A committee from the Wamego Commercial club met representatives of the new railroad to consider the southern extension of the road to Wamego.

DONIPHAN ROBBERS SAID TO BE FROM THE STRIP. Atchison, Nov. 9. It is now believed that the Doniphan robbers who killed John Braun and Policeman D. R.

Dickerson in escaping, are men from the Cherokee strip. It is believed they robbed Frank Baker's store at Bean lake, and looted the Rushville drug store and postoffice before the Doniphan hold-uD. AN OLD SETTLER DEAD. Emanuel Phleband, aged 66, a resident of Mount Olivet, this county, died at the hospital yesterday after an Illness with kidney trouble. The deceased was one of the early settlers of the county, coming to Leavenworth near, ly forty-five years ago.

He settled upon the farm now occupied as the homestead where he reared a family of three sons and lour daughters, who with his widow, survive. He had only been sick a short time and bad been in the hospital one week before he died. The funeral will take place from the family home at 10 o'clock tomorow morning, the interment being Mount Olivet cemetery. WEALTH IS NORTHERN KANSAS. Is the title of an illustrated pamphlet giving detailed Information to the min Ing region of Northern Arkansas, conceded by experts to be the richest sine and lead mining district in the world.

This district. practically undeveloped, offers Investors the opportunity of a lifetime. The pamphlet will be mailed free. Address d. JC Locuwooa, Kansas City Ho.

As she very truly observes, when all the great universities are open to wom en for undergraduate work there will be less excuse for educating women by themselves. "Now the only objection raised against co-education is that the girls and boys divert each others' minds from their work and that too many romances develop. But to my mind that is the greatest advantage of co education. If I had a family of boys and girls I would send them to co-ed ucation colleges if for no other purpose than to get well married. Such mar riages are the happiest that there are." In her own case, Miss Anthony con fesses, the conditions of co-education never distracted her from her lessons for a minute.

"I never cared for little boys," she admitted quite soberly. "I was much too serious. And I am quite sure they were not interested in me. Why, I wouldn't have left my book for one of them. "Why, I was so altogether discreet that when I got well into my teens and used to go to parties with my sisters, my mother would commission me to act as dragon and drag the.

others home. And I never failed. Perhaps it as only natural that a I girl who taught school at fifteen, and so successfully that she won two dis- tinct certificates of superiority over older teachers, should care less for frivolity than even the average Quaker. When Susan Anthony taught school it was far rarer for a woman to teach than it Is nowadays for a woman to be a minister. She did it because' her father, who shared the liberal ideas of the Quakers, believed that a woman should acquire the means of independence.

Had it not been for her Quak- -er training Miss Anthony might ney- 1 er have bethought herself to speak from a suffrage platform. "When I began my work," she said, "it was not considered reputable for a woman to sell goods in "a slaop. I remember a sermon by Theodore Parker in which he expressed the very advanced opinion that a woman might measure off yards of cloth in a shop and still be as worthy of respect as a woman who folded her hands at home." Miss Anthony laments that she has not. the gift of reminiscence that she can argue present-day issues better than she can describe episodes of the past. But she can tell anecdotes of every person of social or political prominence since she made her own debut in public life.

She has known every president since Lincoln, and admits that her cause is not under great indebtedness to any of them. Of President Grant she says: "I was introduced to Mr. Grant on the street in Washington. It is a great pleasure to have talked with you, Miss he. said, 'and now what can I do for you? Pray command 'I have only one wish, Mr, I said, 'and that is to see women Ah, I can't do quite as much as that for he said, laughing.

I can't put votes into the hands of you women, but it may comfort you to know that I have just appointed more than five thousand "And this was a radical innovation for his time and spoke much for the president's sagacity." With the stanchest of her party Miss Anthony believes that women should be eligible to every administrative office. At the same time she is candid enough to admit that it would be difficult to manage a home and children and to be a good governor or president. "But," she explained, "that isn't a real difficulty. You see, a man isn't chosen for such an office as president until he is fifty. The same custom would apply to a woman.

By that time her children would be grown up and the house ought to be able to take care of itself. Her knowledge of politics and government would have been part of her earliest training, and she would have broadened it every year. Of course it wouldn't be exactly dignified to have a' woman in the office of mayor if she had a family of babies. But as a matter of fact she would not be elected. Consult the records of the states that have suffrage and.

you will see it does not happen." All of which sounded plausible as Miss" Anthony said it. I tried to get Miss Anthony's estimate of the time that must elapse before women, with or without, are likely to become governors and presidents. "Ah," she said, a little sadly, "it may not be until long after my work is done. But it is sure to come. And this will be the way of it.

At present t.he suffrage question is decided by vote in each state. Now, such states as New-York, Massachusetts and the southern states probably would never vote the right way. There is too large a proportion of foreigners. But one by one we will get the western and middle states we are looking for Iowa next and when three-fourths of the states are won there will be a majority in congress, and that amendment to the constitution we are dreaming of which will declare that no citizen shall be disfranchised because of sex will be proclaimed from Washington. That 3 when our work will rear its rmri-Mf uod grant I may be alive to see it!" Not until that day comes does Miss Anthony' expect to see woman's finan cial inaepenaence iuny assured.

"What every Woman who marries ought to insist however, she said, "is that, she does not enter the marriage contract penniless." That is not easy to arrange, because menlove to have dependent wives, and. It 'is th greatest pleasure of their lives" Miss Anthony spoke of this masculine rail Ay not bitterly, but in the attitude bf an amused observer "to feel that they are the purse-holders and to dole out money more or less sparingly A woman, for instance, who has the ability to command an before marriage should insist that her wage-earn. ins ability, is a definite contribution to..

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