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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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Dunlap's Celebrated STIFF, 50FT AND SILK. Fall and Winter Styles. DEWENTER YOU DON'T WANT A SUIT Unless it fits, neither do you want to pay double its value, If I make your clothes, I make them fit, but I don't charge fancy prices Suits to order from $20.00 up, HARRY Q. TUCKER THE F1RS1 nATIONAL BANK LOGANSPORT. INDIANA.

CAPITAL. $200,000. A.J.Murdock,Pre«. W. W.

ROM, Cain. j. IT. Brookroeyer, CMh. DIRECTORS: a W.

H. Brlnghnrgt. MnrdocB DennH UW. Hanrood, 80n al; IW Departuientii promptly Ol'KKA HOUSE. Manager, ONE NIGHT ONLY.

THURSDAY, OCT. Allen and Taylors Plctnresaae and Imprejslva Naval Play THE ENSIGN and MISS BESSIE TAYLOR The Companj carrlM a cat load of beautiful scenenr for tills Piece. Prices, 25c, 85c, Me 75c, and $1. Seats on sale at Johnson's Prog store DAILY JOURNAL THURSDAY, QCOJOB33R 15, 189G. Don't forgot place for JI.

Walden's. dlmwa- set, east Fox DunKlebui'g'B. Old papers for sale at the Journal centt hwulred. There is a young woman In Kansas City wlio calls "VogBer" sleep- Ing oars. For.

information concerning annual gas rates, see card of Loganaport Wabash Valley Gafl on third page. The two orchestras which' -made perpetual music ait the October ball and caused dancing 'to go on without lament's Intennlissiofn, wore some of the men but mono of women scorned to nvtad It. Glirte display a remarkable degree of eBdurn.irco In rc- gpondtag to dcoaaands of rttoalt sort. If your clilldreB are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the disease-hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is glTen as soon ns the child becomes hoarse It will revent the attack.

Even after the cmupy cough has appeared the attack can always be prevented by giving tnle remedy. It Is also Invaluable for colds and wiooplng cough. For sale by B. F. Keesllng, druggist.

Awarded Highest World's Fair. IRISH TO SPEAK. Will Address Sound Honey Democrats Saturday Night. P. Irish, of California, illl address We Sound Money Domo- craits Saturday it-lie i-lnk.

OC WJs oratory Hon. JcJun R. Wilson said, "He is best stumip in tht- CREAM BAKING Wliien at 'Pera Tliirrsday he spoke in the of cciinoon for hours and a quarter before looking ait life waitcih. The crowd "Go on," "Go on," and spoko for wnother -hour, making it -three hour mad n. qnartci- speech, ajifl a man left.

Tliey asked lilm to speak again at u'ighlt nmd 'agreed to do so. He way to another speaker. After ilio hod coaicluded Hie crowd again comiing forward with the quostiou, "Wlia.t is the matter with- you Hoosiers? you know whom you have got enough fiftive.Hica.aiioWiei 1 'hnJf iotw talk. ABLE ORATOR5. Logansport and Vicinity to Have a Rare Treat Tomorrow and Saturday.

Citizens of Logwnsport amd Cass eoim-ty fortunate in the opponfcuinliUes for hearing nine oratory and Saturday. Tomorrow, Friday attomoon, Honi Frank Hanlcy. fhe ln-Ulianit IndilonLa Congressman, will speak aib the Tomorrow cvenilnlg: ox-Governor Roswcll P. Flower, whoso fanne as 'am oraitoa- is worldwide, w.ill speak for -tihfe Sound Honey Democrats ait the rink. Saittirdny at- itoinooni Spenker Thomas B.

Reod 'wl'll speak at Peru, and Soituwlny evanlnj; non. Jolvn P. Ii'i'sli ot California at. the rink, for tte Sound Money Democrats. A OTRTHiDAY CJELBBRiATTION.

Graiodma Zton celebraltcd her elghty- birUiday at her. itonw in Cairroll county last 10th. There was a splendid spread wltih the fat of tlie land. The turkey, chicken, cakes and golden ip.nnvpk.ln..pies belnig at for a kieg. Tliere wwc jtevwity-'flvc relatives and Buesite present, tnoludtag three genera- tlomis 'Ot desoendemts.

Following were present 'from out ot the county: Mr. mid Mrs. Huntsinsw, Terto Haute; Mn-. and Mrs. Bridge, Flora; Mr.

Lmig, Wlneelta'g; Otto, Nora and Hasly Mr. Kcauett and family, Mrs. Sines aind fewnily, Mrs. Otto Bridge, Oairadcn; Mrs. Stone, Hem: Peck; George Zfoii, Mrs.

bnie Cummins aind mother, Robert nod Mra. Gibson. Grandma Knrt.mam, and family, Jacob Z'um and ftimi'Hy, Homer Zlnn and family, John. McCloskcy and family, Olnarles McCloskey aind family, Frank Bridge, and many otteir wliosn naimed could not A num- of useful presents were given Grandma and a good time was enjoyed by nil. ONE WHO WAS THBRE.

PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or other adulterant 40 the Standarii. COUNTRY MHBTINXJS. Wi'M.

Keimey h'ad ati audilence of four at Walton-last night; It was a good Tue 'hall was crowded, and adress Hie people, who were very emtiliuslastic. Marrtn A. Quinn and Will Rosier -bad a meettagat Galloway school house Jefferson to.wnslilp, at -wWcli more "than one hundred were unable to gain admittance to thebulWIng: It was tlie meeting'of! the'Quinn series Cass county. Hie Jefferson township club made a fine music foir Mc- Ktaley. The was a Ing one, and the addresses were effective.

RELATE TALES; Continued from Fourth Page.) we Uwive passed away we will wait tlie- bugle to sound tihe assembly wo shall moot nRniu cm the camping ground. 'Comriukxs, thirty-one yenrs hav'fl passed siiiiee we laid -down tin; sword- j- tunihig home to our friends, whp sard, "Well done, tliou good and faitlK ful servants, you hajve preserved tlfc and the old ling still upou flic ptonacJe of But today comwdes'you are called upon to vilow a siibuadon. threatening this nation's 'honor yon so iiobly defended. Could i-t have been possible four yeaais ago for bhe prophet to have foreseen tlhe least glitanmer or ray of our present political spectacle upon the horizon hi this, tilte year ojf Our Lord 1890, with Uhe prevailing 1 pence at Iromo And abroad, such a challenge of tflie nation's future n.nijl Honor 'as dims been hurled taito 'the arena. of our business 'and political relations should st'lr our patriotic emotions -like time of perilous war.

You will pardon mo for alludhvg to tibe present (Ifr pressed Indus and fi-uanciivl co-udt- filon of omr country. Straingc it. may seem, history tells us that periods of industrial and financial distress bring Into temporary those dangerous though 'Short-lived agitators wllio could gaiiu no in ordinary Mines of prosperity- such) times they loom up, and with; their vPclous counsel, 'sugair-coaircd with) specious protestations ot special love for fciie people, catch the fretful of distress and discontent as sometimes bWter ng-hits please a disordered boon aaul are passing tlhrongh dark and troublous years of Hidusflrtail and flnaincital distress, with their wonted ilwilluctaatta'S, -and with aih-em IMS eoane Hie customary uu.fortun.-iite amd am of popular disturbers crytag up -their quack remedies with tthcir wsunl zeal. TJvcise men (pretended leaders) throw "aside 'every principle that lias fostered aind' built the industries of America -and made It. tlie wealthiest and.

greatest cminti-y on the face of the these men the natural laws flriftnce ifflit by Jomg experience of mankind, an 'nlppnnitly as 1f they were tlhe repositories of knowlwlge; they nssnil Qio -principles of the ConstUnUon as -as If tlie wisdom' of our iblwes wore but mfldness and they alone the a.posfcles of liberty. They un- blusWagly array ilhemselves a.galnsit the the firmest bulwark of freedom, the saXe.sufl.Kl a can form of as If there wore nothing of value in out great In- (5titirttoi)s not in accord with, frenzied motions. Their wild arad fanatical proposals threaten not only vawt and tncalcnlable 'tajury to our already crippled business prosperity, but -the insecurity of a possible -upheaval our entire social fabric. War Itself scarcely irhrea.ten a calamity or more arouse Ivemrt. But fortunately men sblll hi numlra-s, Though Ulvelr 'rants are sadly -thiUined, who can vividly recall tihe days when oirow wore.i-al'Sefl ngallnsfc tlie.

who ure, and In blood to save Dhls great nation, tills graad Republic, itl.nte- grafl'd union of states, and the old fla.g from Us enemies. They offerad tlielr upon the altair of and wlio have seen its red with moblc sacrifice, conitributed Its rescue by their valor a.pd suffer- will ntft now sit Idly by at this time and hour of Its peril and sec It? tarnished. And MOW, I must- say, with the firo of patriotism la my bosoni that, as an, 'honest man' la the noblest work of God, so an honest dolliiir and -a. 'way to earn it to the nob- lest'work of ma.u. Ajid with stanu- benror whoso life Is as pure -as -an angel's dream; whose great brato burns with- the flame of patriotism, 'and whose heart 'beats with, love" for Ms country-mein lilfl coumlry and lite flas, satiaadinB upom that great American.

dof'tirlne of protection bequeatflied by Wnslvtaigiton, fostered toy. Lincoln, olmm- plomed by 'snpporbed by rccl'prooHy-a gift to the nratton from tire sailinted prtadple underiying all, which OTCIT Arafiplica'ii should pass a solrsmn' declaration ttof the tl ie naitton mast and shall be preserved. And let. us work with zeal and: -be- Jlef tlMt t-ho 'brato, heart and conscience of the people of this nation, will rally airoumd tlie standard' beiarer piiliKlplcs in euch force tliait the comtotaed of Populism, Repudlav tlon, SoclaMem, aad.the legions of heU nccompl-Isn tits defeiiit. i pi I'Oonnraldea.

pardon tbis outburst Btat ttaehiis 'dealt -wltlli us mercl- 'fulliy, itisliowsJts mark on of us; tos sllTered our locks and our eacto to Bvst of mimics to wMch there is no naa- wer our iroH call; 'and, 1 as It'Is possible tlMit at tlhe nestnoll call, there inay TJO otlkn- answer to my name, and', THERE WILL BE NO SETTLEMFNT. The Closing out of the Otto Kraus stock is absolute and should 'be taken advantage of by every pers Thousands were this season's purchase, right up to date hats, shoes and clothing, appraised your own citizens, men of sterling integrity, at the iowestbash wholesale value, understand, "Wholesale Value" naturally meaes a heavy reduction from regular prices, in many cases fully; fifty "per cent than actual cost. THERE WILL BE NO SETTLEMENT, the stock ajid fixtures will be closed out the total stock was appraised $10,000 in excess of Mr. Kraus's liabilities. The quicker the stock is sold thfe better for all concerned on account of expense of conducting sale.

ALBERT Q. JENKINES, Assignee. ini 'tlie past, the report of our Hnig would Tjfesenit to nil stirvrvtag bers of 'the 5th Indlaina.OaTalry Asso- etatlon, to not only Uie com- but their sons, and in many cases by tlielr son's sons, I would place record with absent as well as those present, that the pa.trtolUc fire-burns J'n. ray us high fls it did when you I were called to our country's rescue; uml I 'have, am abiding fattili that every member of our Association has that fire burning 'In Ills heart as It did when lie stood upon the altar o'f his country offering Umseif'up as a living sacrifice and we owe a redoubling of our patriotic zeal In memory of our fallen comrades, and the Nation's dead who offered up their lives for the Nation's hoinoi', the preservation of 'the "Union a.nd the old flag. "AgnJn, ladles and gentlemen, 1 yon OK behalf of the members of Tito 5th Cavalry Association for t'Wls hearty welcome to your city, awl we will return, to, our homes, carrying withi us a lasting (impression the goodness, ami the loyalty 'and the patrlotifsm of the people of Logansport." Caipt J.

C. Nelson made an address, in.wh.lcli he took an oportunlty to forci- bly'and nQmiwtaknbJy plaint his feet on a Sound Money basis. It was recog- by speakers who preceded and who'followed. Judge Nelson, -that poll- tics Is all absorbing. CampOre stories are wot heard with as great zest this year are, declarations on living Issues.

Wdicn Nelson touclied on questions' bearing on tihe djlste of the and urged, his comrades to stand as to 1SC1 for national honor and against vinarchy, sedition ana rebellion as breaithed In: tlie Chicago platform, lie loudly applauded. He said he d'id intend to-make a stump speedi, but was urged to go on. Comrade Henry Ha.rvey and Com- rade'R. R. Bryan ad- because of Judge Nelson's expression of principles. OS-neon is totally He receives a pension, a He Is for Bryam, though that candidate's evasive followers all adroit that by lowering, or cheapening our dollar to a eilver standard, Comrade Green's allowance wIE have a pm-cliaistng power of only. Hanry Bruncr of Portland told 'now. he won a medal recently awarded tolm Hinder a provision for the presentation; of medals of honor to those soldiers who saved a portion, of he union orces 'individual bravery. GJffe sang "Red', White and the joining to the chorus. Comrade D.

W. -Patitey, regimental 'wag, made a witty and very pleasing address. Among other things he said would not talk polities, but that he vote, for Comrade McKluley. -He said further that he was a Sixteen to one He believed ithA? nation Is one tlie grandest and best world. D.

C. Thomas, of 'the Eleventh Indiana made a short address in wliicih he urged veterans; to'patriotic' aictloji 1 at the polls. Like Nelson, 'he did not say Who wouUVget'nte that would not receive it. Major R. P- Flaney, secretary of the regimental association-, spoki.

He also dnifted Into the '(MscuasSon tlmt seemed to draw all declared for Sound Money anid the nation's He interested -all with reminiscences of perilous ventures during action'. He closed a pa.per to 'which' he expressed his In'the government anfl institutions, a.nd called on comrades and their de- to vote 'with the party of of law and Miltoni Morris axose for a short series of remarks all were great- He said, wlltiln reference 'to (lie action of 'two comrades left if. they were sincere-In. they might better remalutog and presenting side of Question that is taking tiie public "it the close of a'vote otltlianks was tendered'the speoKers wii-afurnfeUed entertainment. morning at 8:30 will open ihe 'tiilrd session.

Officers will be elect- suIing year. Paittey a.nld Milton Green- fleld are meatlooed, for the presidBJicy 'b f'the association. The the Wtinal reunion will aisobe settled 'tills forenioon, Is very Lieut MeMffl-em as a gucces'sor' of Major, R. P. Finney of New Albany, secretary.

Major KODAKS I have the agtnoy for the products of the EASTMAN" KODAK CO of Rochester, N. the largest and best equipped cotcern in the world manufacturing PHOTOaRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES. Their goods are takeo as Standard the world over. Size 3x4 inches; weight ounces. Takes a picture inches.

Either film or plates can be used. Does perfect work. Price $5.00. POOKETT KODAK. Takes square pictures, inches; size of camera, xG inches; weight 20 ounces.

io.oo. Improved No. 2 Bullet, This outfit is sufficiently large for all ordinary amateur photography. Includes lamp, trays, two dozen sheets Dollo paper, solution, etc. Price.

$1.50. A. B. C. Developing and Printing Outfit.

Full Line of Supplies Kept on Hand. w. GRAVES, Successor to W. QIFFE, 4-3 Broadway. Ftaney, issued the complete re- part of last year's meeting, with the regimental -roster and Wstory of the organization, will not be able to look attar the office another year.

The Cavalry was made up of company from each Congressional district to the State. Ttoe were men iu, tno from every county in indtonia. It was a tboroughly represenr tablve Hoosior regiment. Among tlie aocompliahed by regiment were marches 'aggregating over 2,000 miles, participation In a score of en- gasements, and a 'hundred sslrmlshes; and the capture of over prison- crs. As one of -the speakers said last "The regiment wlii'cfc' so well served Ats country will not fail In patriotism or loyalty in the present crisis." Those joining- in Uho -mcatiug ore earnest to their expressions of satisfac- itton with Logansport and her hospitable people.

The fourteenHi aimual rc- nnloin will close "afternoon. ANOTHER VETERAN Joins the Ranks of Those Who are Fighting for National Honor. Col. W. E.

McLean, Terre Haute, colonel of tlie 14th. Indiana, wOw served four years and two iikroths In the service of his country, and gave Wie veterans able service in tlie Pensron department during. President Cleveland's first term, Joined the "Generals" party at Terre Col. McLean Has been a life-long Democrat, but Uie CWcago convention was too much for him aind ho-hais came out for the vaJIant soldier, William McKlnley. MEDAL CONTDSTT.

The W. C. T. contest at Ilia 1 Broadway M. clmrch was hold, night, Miss Bertha Smith being the successful contestant.

The evenl-ns was spent in an entertaining a musical -and program being carried out. The program was opened by iuuslc which was followed by the'-oratorical contest. Following are the narafes of the contestants: Everett Turlcy, Bertha Smith, Forest son, Florence Howe, Earl Howe and Paul Barnett A-fta- they Kid rendered their recitations the Rev. Mr. Henry of Southim-t iuade the address of the evening.

Miss XcIHe Burnett rendered a piano solo and Jean Wright and Anna Washburn ea'ch delivered Misses Jennie WaeMrarn, Edna Alma -May Btliel Bn- yart went through a Delsarte drill while Mtes Home acted as acoompanist on the piano. At the conclusion of the' drill Dr D. L. Overnolscr as spokesman' for tlie boaixl of which was composed of Mr. McElnaney, Miss Grace Custer and himself, read their which tlie medal was.

formally presented bo Mtes Smith. The contest was very close and the judpes Iwd a difficult time to coming to a decision ns to who Had taken the medal. CORNELIUS GIMJ3SPIE. Cornelius Gillespie died at Ms late residence at Grass Creek, Wnyue township, Fulton conatT, yesterday afternoon "at 1 o'clock, of old Deceased was well known in. ttas cjty where resided for many years.

He-eainc to Logan-sport a.bout thirty years ago and followed the occupation of a teamster. He liauled Hie first load of for the. round house at the time of Its construction. l-Tlior. is to nnw th jwoiiilneat buildups of the city.

Ho was about seventy yeans of nge, and had resided at Grass Creek tor the past eighteen years. ased wife and two cliildi-enc Mary McLanghli-n and Miss Ellen Gil- lo.psie, The funeral will be held at St. Anne's church, near Grass Creek, Friday morning' at 10 o'clock, with to follow in the cemetery adjolujns church. Friends of the family are invited. DE-VTH OF KEED.

MW. Laura BwA wife of ex-Couu- cllman Thomas L. Reed, died at her home on tihe Wcstslde yesterday iftorn- dt 1:30 o'clock of inflammation of the 34 ye.1.^. leaves a-InwbttBd and da.Uffh'ter to mourn her loss. She was a most cstima.ble woman and hor death is clcplorod by a inrgecircte of frfcmK funeral has not yet been announced..

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