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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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THE GOLDEN RULE FIRST ANNUAL OPENING SALE Sale Now Going On For particulars see Large Posters in this paper THE GOLDEN RULE On the Electoral Ticket Accomplished NO DOUBTFUL QUALITIES. TEN DEHS, FIVE POPS Will be Voted for by All Who Vote Th Globe We Have Won The Hearts of The People. The Globe Is already recognized (is -Logans port's most foremost Men's and Boys' Outfitters. We are deeply grateful for the unbounded upprocikitiioin of our ef- forts'by the public. We stall endeavor to always merit 'the esiteeiu and confidence with which our feU'low citizens -have sa abundantly In testimony of gratitude and to thoroughly iri- t.oxluce our llnest grades of equal to custom made Gar- inents, we offer as as follows Hen's Piald Suits Newest novfilty AH Wool Cneviots This peerless offer is (or one week only beginning tomorrow and ending when ourdoor next TUBS- Corner 4th' and flarket.

These Suits are Ail-Wool, Winter weight, made up by Artist Tailors Men's Plaid Sulis Fashions Craze. Perfect Fitting, Every element of fineness that goes into highest grade cut-to-order garments is in these suits. There here CONDITIONS IN MEXICO. What a Railroad flan Says That Country. Either the Democratic or Populist Ticket.

of Tlie News lius 'been 'handed the following lufrter. It wrltiteni by Mr. Oomlit, raU- conductor, t'ornicirly mnjiing on'the Northern railroad, 'but mow conducting fredght train lu Mexico. TJie latiter was wni'Moiii to a personal frtemt rasldisig iin Glo.ndlve, Mont, present facts tlrey known to Mv. Coiicl'lt by persoinail experience.

TBiey be foiiirly awl con.sisbmt'ly eonsldt'red 1 by every nuiilroad UKin ns ins- by otiher world ng.mcii> laina'ars. Mr. Ooii-. Tllve llsiis htiipiwoed. Cliaiir- uvan of the Stole coinrait.tee, nt 1100111 y.cstorilny, (lied 'Bie Eleotiou, Boeird nn iliorail ticket wltb l-hiit previously by the PojMili'Sts.

There are live Populists tp.n Democrats on th'te ticket. Tlie stune cJear-ornil tiiokc't will 1 aocordl'iigily. aippear Wie 'ballots the 'umd-er the Black and Blue Men's Beaver Overcoats Those are fagbilonolbly cut fund well auade 'Overcoats, warranted to fit, to iwcar and to 'bold color. Woll let you te Wie judge of their value. $5 All Wool Black Fancy Cheviots Suits.

An excapttanially wcflt woven dhev.Jot, up especially for our patrons, dopltomted the prices ii'owiliore on thils -plainieft. We warrant titom fast colors. To delightthe Boys and their Mothers we will sell Knee Pants at 15 Cents good weight, neat patterns, for boys' aged 4 to 14. Tk Globe The Globe Corner Fourth and Market Streets. Fk Globe PROTECT YOUR EYES.

The Hlrchberg Optical The well-KnOwn Specialists of York liiive appolute D. A. us Agent for tlielr celebrated Spectacles and Eye ttlaaacs, every pair guaranteed. D. A.

HAUK baa complete assortment und Invites all to satisfy themselves of the grout xiuerloclty tbesB gools'over manufactnred, at tbe store of p. A. HACK, Sole agent for Loganspott Ind. No P-xidlers Supplied. $20.00 Will Buy a Good Winter Suit OF.

W. D. CRAIG. Broadway, Second Floor. J.

J. R. Mocliu and Evary erne Hikes pretty sihoes and you can get them jut Walden'e. Positively the best cup of coffee In the city at Dykeman's oafe. For Information concerning annual rates, see card of Logansport to see our $4.08, $7.50 and Jackets.

They hove no Palace. Mrs. T. E. Smith and son of Terre Haute are guests of the family of P.

Jenks. Col- Brimgihurat, the hero of two wars, was out yeaterday for the first time fail to hear a political speech. He w-as carried onto the platform and tbe great generals all -took a lively 'in him. How us Your Why endure ayttpepski and consequent misery- Dr. HoBbs Little Liver Fills tvUl cure you aind surely.

Fox Logansport toy Ben Fdslhcir and John. F. Conl- "THE 1 Tluursd'ay night "The Eu.Silgii,".a nav- drama, wUl appeal 1 hero. Around tho war Incident of play Is woven a love story with vigorous das-Ires of paitTiotkun, eojisidemble, vil- laii-ny good died! of healthful; titnicnit. TJio flrsit afil of piece occurs ini Hi.av.nian.

Blythe, a ren- eigvulc instructed by superiors'to detain Sam. to wttow the Trent to set lawa-y wiitli the Commissioners, in atn American officer, uoptog to In volve liim In an onifiwjtloin. of Culban laiws, ai delay of the U. S. FrI gaite.

'Ulito officer itas bean forewarned nnd srtbmiite to the aspersion, of iliis sweetheart. Ho keeps Ms -temper, the renegade teais down am American flag. The swords of thrr mem -arc out In MI. iaslaint. An-old coxswain, realising -die daingor Wa officer'Us In, cuts down the chiandeller.

There Is a combait. As the lights are turned on the ihtsultcr of the flag falls over the balcony rail The Outran police de- fled by the did who has cnlUed 'his crew of blue-jackete, who Juave bcon'wml'biDg to convey their officer to luls TJie emslgn is court- mto-tliailod' for tlie murder of the Eng- jsh offlcor lin: a personai quarrel. The swain umvittliigly gives 'criiinJlniait- ing testimony. Discovering his ejiror, ie sniys ithat lie killed the At thils toe ensign admlitB that toe, and not coxswain, killed the Insuiter. He sentenced to be h-amged, is pardoned by.

President through the dngenlous of a little gtel. "I toave 'always been a Democrat, if I were in tiro United States in November, McKlnley would get niy with ilts free silver, is lesson enough, for me, and I 'hope that I will never live to see the Auncftlanm working-men -Tote h'lmself down to tine level of -a Talborer of Mexico. -j "I sent Wiidimer, editor flud proprietor of 'tho denfllive Just week, table of wagas of country, n.nd it 'alone Sfliotftl convince any m'an that free sllyer is bad for them. It will reduce your wages -as sure ns itlie sun. shines.

"My TOIII is between RasconiMd Tarn- plco, two h'tiadircd tonometers, or 123 the same distance ns Glendiiive to Forsyt'h, Mont. For the round'trip I reoetiva $10, swid if I can mnike te.n trips I receive $100. If I then, ca-lled to tlie States or wny other country on winch, except South America, I exeh-ainge my money, and get $53, while a freight conductor runntog from Gkawlivo to Forsyith the siaime number of Mips ge.te $73.80, iand they consider 'Mexico that freight conductors on t'hiis division, lare paild too paid -men on t)he sj-stem. pjisstenpei 1 conductors got $100 -a. or In your conibry; $6 a day, amouatinfr to in nilie "A porterhouse steflk, baked potatoes raid wheat brsacl will.

cost you Oa-nadimv Chub whisky costs you 40 cents a drkiik. I lifiive 'a of American, tan colored slices that I for. Duiiil'np, Kniox, or, In f.ittt any rmnike oC baits ere $10. "So, Gus, -take my -advice -and vote for McKtailey, and yon owe It to yourself to do ia.ll! in youir power to Influence George Funk was fill fats appointment wt Wlnamac last night, and Sound 'Money was postponed. your fnicnds to do likewise.

"I cry, 'We liiave a stiwi if wo do vote for BrynJi Jt can't too w-orse tnn.n But lilifcy don'it knbw wluat they are talking The main wJio works for free si'ver, MiinWuig 'to -better Ms condition, will live to bitterly repent it" A BIQ CROWD. Railroad Men Will go to Indianapolis in Force. The indicatllone now axe, 'that. be- twecm 'four amd 1 flve tondred members of -thte Logainsporb RaJilroad Mfen's Sound Money cluto. will go to IndJami: tomorrow, Thursday, tosteafl of Friday, ns was stated iln The of yosterdaly imorntag, mo the great demonsfcraithxn of radlrond men's (Sounid Money oluta of the StMte.

The response to the canvassers has been prompt amd almost every man who caa wJU go. The dimm; corps, whJch Is becoming famous (throughout this section of tha State as bedbg- one of finest organ-. dzalMons of the klmd in ttie campaign, the and the Ladies' Gilee oluib of. Gajiveston win aoco.mpa.ny the railroad men. It te urged upon the committees that a full report should be made to the-presilideint'this evening.

Martin emerged from tlia bonn-d inetitiiiig soon m-fter 12 o'clock. "I-Inis there been, fusion?" he was nskcd. "Hardly the proper word," he hare aicited- Jndepemdentlly, Jiut the anue iMijnes on our electoral you wii'fclitlmwini your nlrimat- tlie Popul'iste to witli- diraw Shiite ticket as lihe oulj- basis of fusion?" "Xottotn-g 1ms been clone on that Hue," was the reply. '1 no kjn-Qwiledge of n.ny from- tlie Populist State ticket. This matter is mow ait So saying, the silver chajnn'jvn -hurried to diinu'er.

There wns a DMiiocnnihiic leadere all the and Govonnor- a.rwl Kenn closeted. Later All'oin W. Clark i-unil-fed wjdi Secretary the special Mr. Craig said We knew oi! no wiMihdvn.wals' from tlie Populist Stcitc itidtet. Flnaflly, "Mr.

MaTtln' we.nt fflrway -and Go'vci-nw' Mnitthews an- nou.aced-tl];iit 'he return in thirty Tlriw period- of wanting parried the m-eetiing bej'ixnd. the uoou hour. The cleila.y wns evadenitay due to sonite plain 'to -protect the'-TOgU'lai- Sta-te Aloiiao G. B-urli-hmt, tine Poj)uUst leader from the Ninltli district, who is AVJIS finked if -he favored' fusion n.t the expense of -the Smite ticket, and "I do think the State' ticket wiJ'J be wl.tihdro^\Ti." Tlie board dediled to the filed by the National Demo- erftts the "Gold Standiard t.ickeL" All cei'tMcsihrs from tine seven p.iirties were wccepted Illcd. Tlie Domrd did 'not try to decide which of 'the duplicate Populist electoral tickets wns reg- utarly sipned, the as to wluelrttar tlie chaii'iraain' of the special of thilrteen, Rosen- ilvelwer the riffltt.

to sign the certl ficato, o-r wliiefclier cJin.Innn.n of th ho. tlie'tighit. TJie baHlot will thus appea, wlith Che names of the electors on, Hi Democratic ticket under the Domo Ca.n and pOiKce .1 n- thfe 'Store. Our quflSity Hues tlglitly draAVii mj allow .110 "shodd.y" 'to creep in. Low prices caaiirot tempt anything that -below our hilgli sk-uiOt-iinl lins not a moniienfs conshleraition- from us.

Auy-IJitog Is good enough- for few 'Miiii'gs arc good enough for Our bu-siiiass career been n. "clean" one for twenty-five yejiirs. It wouW "comnieroiln.1 suiciUe" for us to 'toifle with- public confidence now. Tin these days of "fake' ami "fraud' 1 your only safety lias dn trading -with firms of known good firms that you judge by not "promise." MEN'S SDITS $5 to $15. Is Fashion's favorite this Fall.

pldite, brown mixtures aitythiiug so Jilis $7.50, $12.50 fluid lucre for surib suite as you're nsked to more for elsewhere. They "'tiiilor -made" snils with the of -a From our own th-ere's -tlw secret -of the saving. $4 HATS FOR HATS FOR $2. AND SO ON. $4 for $3.

$3 hate for naid so on. wain, to make ciisfoiners more money in the hiat deparlro-ejit. We know we've got: lo you so-inoWiing to win you Crom your present lii and try the Fsill ts'lmpes one among the lot is sore to please you. THE HUB Berwanger Bros Co Successors to HARRY FRANK THIS IS YOURS. We want you to understand that we, are running this laundry for you and tbait your wishes are to be regarded In every particular.

We will give you just exactly what you want if we can find out what that is. Perhaps you believe that it Is impossible to have your laundry work "handled without irritation and annoyance. We are sure that you are mistaken. May we have on opportunity of demon straying it? HADLEY BROSi, Successors to Campbell Bros. Democracy are new in a position where must vote two-miMs Populist as fjir as the electoral ticket is concerned.

SPEECHES "COME HIGH" Towns in Which Bryan Appears Have -to Pay'for It. wiill also under th ESQOiBT GUAKPS, ATTENTION. Special business meeting quarters'' flhte (Wednesday) night. AL BRTBH, Pres. ROHEHfT KNIGHT, Sec'y.

Populist- the plow th- 'Iwunmjeir. Tlie electors Uie Stat ticket, noid tlie Populfet who otaju-p; the sqrau'o wJthin wh.icli are Wie plov flind the vote the stradfrht out "midille-of-tlie-roaxl" State ti'clcot, 'The Democratic ttwiiafrcrs the nSgh 1 ibefore decided- to wWidniiW five their elae.toiis, dn ttfcit the nnnnes sMbmilitted the Populists might be in swted thc'lr places on the ticket, nik tawis perfect Che long-dranvn effort fusion; TWs was nsroed to, notwlth- fa-iHire'toiimljice the Pop- TiUst Sto.te ca.ndklnites withdraw -hnd to abandoin-ed to meet the condition, -sie. -nMiilJiees for "olectoris- who their' resljtnati-ons Tn the -hands Chulrmnn Jlnrtlti were Brown, W. L. Sliiik- ard.

Second dfetoiat; Nicliolas Cornot. rontffch' district; D. E. Tenth distxtot; Henry A. Barnhart, Tliirtcenth distrlict.

It wns expected' that the remaining for the Stole offices on the Populist ticket wotii'd witudraiw, so thto fusion might be perfected, but they refused to do 'so. The situation tbiis stamd-s th'at Populists can vote the Populist stmJ'gint electoral ticket or the fusion ticket They can, also vote the straight State and county trine toowGyer, must vote -for flve electors and ten Democrats. Thus i-t comes iibon't no old time Democrat cam Vot6 a straight ticket, and whoever votes tire. fusion ticket will bo a bolter to voting for five 'Populists. (The situation Is mixed but the alleged leaders of what dnill old October Com- inereial Chicago special sa.ys: "AT.

D. Byiium, cliiairnia.n of tlie Sound Money committee, Is auithority for flhtv statoment Bryan's tour of t'hc couulry on a spcohiil Is more or less of a money-making scheme. It appears tlBiit to Indiana, Iowa Noa-tli Soutli Dakota', either tne boy orator of the r.laUc or hiS'tiMvoMng managers luiA-e betin sand-bagging tlie silver DeiiiociM.ts of sonmJler thro-ugh which tljoir train passed- for sums nwiiging $50 to "ConnuiunJ'ties who refused to pay filue sums d-eiiuainded were derived of the privilege of Jieairing Brj-an spells. It is known tlrnit the ILctle town of No- blesvJHe,, tod to raise before the luwnager of the tr-iln would consent ito permit'lit to stop AT, all. A de- was made on for $300 In order to the step, but was slow to take ranutagc of the offer, and tue aanou-nt suilxsequeiiiitay cut down 1o A fi-om A'bei-deen.

received tMs niornin-g, thnit was exncted from that city before Biyaii would consent to exhibit his oratorical powers fraru the roar of the sloepiug-car," A special from. Gretnioburg, says: "It is stated that -Mr. Bryan will make another 'trip thirongdi. Indiana, ajnd will speak 'here Iif the local Democrats ca.n rntee S250 Rirrish. of Logan sport; J.

)0. Sessler, of Ft. Wayne, and D. C. Reardon, of MJarion.

The moitter of -collecting duos from delegates and the msiJiiug of assessments oh -the various locals was re- feii'ed to the fiuojice coniimattee. The nqwrls of tflie officeits nnd the appoint- niemt of other committees occupied tills n.f tenuoou's session. FOMAKER AT F.RAXKFORT. The Hon. J.

B.;er will be in Frankfort Friday, and the Republicans of Cllniton county will make it "For- Day," wiiih a liig Mr. For- a.ker is on Jiis way ihonie from a cam- paaguiiing trip jn tlie West, ajid will be tiiUle to tell the people something about the condiitkms which exist In these He has spoken Nebraska, aind the Republicans of that state have will carry it for MicKlnley. The county people would like as many visitors ns possible on that day. THAT JOYFUL FEEDING.

With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old- time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well-informed. STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR The Twelfth Annual in Session at Muncie. Muncie, October twelfth- wmmiol meeting of t.he I.ndhimi Peileraltton of Trade and L'nilxir Untous convened in this city thte morning for i tihree session. One huadred delegates answered the roll caB, among tihem many women. Other delegates mem oiC the organisation are still and by this ereatag tiicre will be throe or hundred to the ity, P.

D. H. McAbee, president of the Wuncle Trades Councfl, made the wel- address, wMcfh was responded to by the StAte president, Edgar A. Per- clns, of Indianapolis. Tlie hamlin-g no regular secretary, WIlMfun ftn, of Marlon, wns appointed secretary pro tern.

The president appointed ID committee on. credentials us follows: ot, Amderson; George TALKING PRICES THE PILLING PRICES MAKE BUSINESS GOOD AT 412 BROADWAY. Women's nice seamless rubbers, new and pointed toes, new '96 goods. Price 23c Women's storm seamless rubbers, as good as some ask 50c for. Women's Arctics, nice new goods, good value at $1.

Our price 59c kid button shoes, patent tip, nice pointed toes, medium heels. Price 65e Women's satin calf button shoes; a good serviceable winter slioe. Price 98c Women's VicI kid button sboes, pat- ont leather tips, nice dress shoe. Price 9Se Infant's embroidered leather moceo- sdns, just the thing for the Uttle ones. Price Mc Men's rubber overshoes, nice new goods; a bargain.

Also please see our line of fine drew shoes. The most and beet fitting goods ever brought to Logansport Line W. Pilling, 412 Broadway..

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