The Paris News from Paris, Texas • Page 8
- Publication:
- The Paris Newsi
- Location:
- Paris, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SUNDAY MOHNIHG, MAT II, Enlist in Auto Battalion I. W. Fought, Kenyon Wellman Entrain For Ordnance Work F. W. (Buddy) Fauxht and Kenyon G.
Wellman of Paris. left Dallas last week after enlisting in an ordnance battalion of the U. S. Array, being recruited from automobile men of six states. They are now stationed at Camo Button.
North Carolina, -which is located near Charlotte. Both were given the rank of technical sergeant after enlistment. They are among 1200 sce- cialists being recruited for ordnance training, which will prepare them fnv overseas duty by mid-summer. The battalion is being sponsored by the National Automobile Dealers Association and C. M.
Johnson, former member of the Johnson Bros. Chevrolet Is commanding officer. Work of the battalion will be to keep in Jirst-class condition such equipment as tanks, trucks, small guns, and motor cars. AMERICAN" LEGION TO MEET TUESDAY Business session of Winfield Post No. 30 of the American Legion will be held Tuesday 8 p.
m. In the American Legion Recreation Club rooms, 15 1-2 Lamar and Commander Ssm M. Weiss urges representative attendance. The coming First District convention in Marshall, May 17, will be discussed, delegates to the meeting will be named and resolutions to be presented there considered. Some matters in connection with membership also are to be discussed.
PARIS NEWS, PARIS, TEXAS Artist Has Real Talent B' The volume of spending during recent months has been held In check by consumer resistance to rising prices, the Department of Commerce reports. HAS THE GRASS GOT YOU MISTER? That's a question that many a Parisian is answering in the affirmative, what with all of the rain we've been having, and the ground so wet that it was impossible to get on the grass with a mower. But now we've had several days of dry weather, and what you need to do is get a lawnmower, hedge shears and other garden tools and get to work. Of course an old lawnmower will do a passable job, but those new Eclipse mowers and other good ones at House Hardware Company make the job a lot and if you want to buy you had belter not put it off very long. House Hardware Company has a stock of everything it takes to ieep the lawn looking good, the gnrden flourishing, and many other things for the home and yard.
LORENE RUTHERFORD FAHf A real talent for drawing, a flair for what makes style, and infinite capacity for hard wark, not to mention a verjf gracious personality, are the factors which have made Lorene Rutherford's fashion drawings something worthwhile. She is employed now by Perkins Bros. Store, which a probably the only firm in a town the size of Paris which has its own artist to sketch merchandise from stock for advertising purposes. Her first training was in the public school classes at Oak Cliff High School in Dallas, taught by Mrs. Nellie Clement.
Mrs. Rutherford, Lprene Bellinger of Petty community, west of Paris, was staying In Dallas with her grandmother, and. attending school. There she learned the general principles of drawing, which developed the talent which she says she inherited from her father, and sees growing now In her 15-year-old daughter, Mary Elizabeth. After her marriage to Frank Rutherford, while her second daughter, Joan, was a baby in arms, she began going weekly to Greenville with a Honey Grove friend for commercial art instruction from A.
J. Swindell. Next came the Art Institute in Dallas, where she studied life drawing under Olin Travis and fashion sketching with Mrs. Harriet. Grandstaff.
When she learned later of the plant opened in Paris by the Publishers Engraving she came to see the manager, R. H. McCoin, now in the Army, and offered her services for any commercial drawings needed in connection with the plant's orders for work. Her first work in this field was a fashion sketch for an advertisement by Arthur Caddel Co. Other stores liked her work and the idea of sketched-on-the-spot merchandise, and she began to be a very busy person indeed.
Then one day when She and Miss Ellen Connor of Paris noted for her original rhymes and jingles, happened to be in The Paris News office at the same time, someone remarked, "You two ought to know each other." They "clicked" at once, and after a while evolved the idea of a syndicated feature, pictures "by Rutherford, jingles by Connor. This eventually became "Classy AddSe," a promotional feature for classified advertising, which made its debut in The Paris News, and presently was syndicated for about a year and a half In between times, she was i drawing fashion sketches, letter- head designs for farmers and oth-' ers, illustrations for livestock aos, designs for individual book marks, sketches for souvenir booklets, Christinas cards and commercial designs, including that for a Paris product, Mrs. Wright's Plantation Pralines. Notable among her recent work has been a full page layout for Perkins in a special edition of The Paris News. Whatever the picture is, one may be sure of its appeal, its excellent adherence to the principles of good drawing, and a distinctive treatment.
Classy Addie, pert little miss, who took everything In her stride, Is typical of the cleverness and originality evidenced by Mrs. Rutherford's work, whatever the subject or treatment. Missing In Action Who Will Win The BABY DERBY? Founder Of Mother's Day Wants Reverse Observation As a special feature of National Hospital Dav Tuesday, May 12, Paris Hospitals are staging "a baby derby. To the winner, the first baby born on this day, goes a very coveted prize the hospital where the baby is born will assume all hospital expenses in connection with the birth. Another feature of National Hospital Day is a musical program presented by Sanitarium of Paris Student Nurses over KPLT at 4 on May 12.
The Hospitals Of Paris VERNON GUEST DEPORT and Mrs. Harye Guest received official notification from the Navy Department that their son Vernon, in the Navy since 24, 1940, was missing in action, the date and place of the engagement not being given. "Tubby," 'as he was familiarly called, received his first training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, and was stationed successively at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Norfolk. and Portsmouth, N. H.
Emphasize Quality Of Sweet Potato Slips Importance of Lamar County Farmers making certain that their sweet potato slips are of pood quality has been emphasized in a statement made by J. E. McDonald, commissioner of agriculture. McDonald urged the sweet potato plant buyers to make certain that every slip bears a tag. which he said, is insurance against black rot, stem wilt, and the sweet potato weevil.
These tags, it was explained, are issued by the State Department of Agriculture only to growers whose plants have been inspected and approved. HRO Receives Letter Of Appreciation Letter of appreciation for services rendered a newcomer to Paris by the Homes Registration Office has been received by the Chamber of Commerce, agency which founded the office. Portion of the letter, which was written by Joe AT. Powrll. "I would like to express my appreciation to the Chamber of 1 Commerce and the Homes Reg-' istralion Office for the courtesy! and interest extended to me when: I first came to your city.
The la- i dies in the HRO were very gra-j cious and went to a great dral of trouble to find a desirable place for I have two children, and it teems so many places re- PHILADELPHIA, (ff) The graying little spinster who founded mother's day suggests this year's observance be reversed because of the war. "It will be up to the mothers themselves to do the remembering on Sunday," said 64-year-old Anna M. Jarvis. "Perhaps one of our boys will fall on the battlefield. Then his mother would like to know there was a letter from home in his pocket." Miss Jarvis' love for her mvn mother led her to persuade Congress in 1914 to designate the ond in May as Mother's Day.
Since then, she had written thousands of letters to promote the observance in every state and in more than 50 foreign countries. "I have another message for Mother's Day," Miss Jarvis said. Sons and daughters should know better than to send their mothers flowers and candy. Back in 1910 when I began my campaign to have the whole world honor mothers, I didn't dream of this modern commercialism. "Instead, get mother that easy Examinations Open For Position Of Postmaster At Sumner Examination to fill contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth class postmaster at Sumner have been announced by the U.
S. Civil Service Comm'ission through Mrs. Lorene Bowers, acting postmaster. Applications must be nn file vith the Commission in Washington, D. before May 22, it vns announced.
Compensation for the position during the last, year totaled $569. Application forms may be secured from flic Postoffice at Sumner or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C.
Markets Repeat Recovery Week Upward Flourish Credited To Bullish War Developments By BBRJfARD S. O'HAHA NEW YORK. stock Saturday chocked att Its aecon straight recovery week with an upwari flourish credited mainly to bullish we developments. The Associated Prasa of stocks ended with a net of .3 of a point at 34 and on the week wiu up .6. of 207,900 compared with 155.310 a week ago ana were the largest for a short session March 7.
Chrysler -was among eeattered atoeks to register topi for the yaar but this Bellwether lost a slzabls portion of Ha first-hour upturn and emerged with a gain of at 6S'i. U. S. Steel and Bethlehem, prominent in the front ranks at one time, came out with declines of Holding Improvement of a. point or were American Can, Dow Chemical, Du Poat, Union Carbide, Allied Chemical Kodak, c.
Penney and owena-llllnols. Others with modest advances Included General Motors Woolworth, Soars Roebuck. Sperry. Ihter- nal American Tobacco Texas Co, and Southern Pacific Negligible losses ware shown for Art- erlcan Telephone, Consolidated Edison Anaconda. Great Northern U.
S. Gyp- CHICAGO PRODCCE CHICAGO, market easier but prices unchanged. fr extra firsts local cars 301J; firsts local cars 30. FT. WORTH UVESTOCK FORT WORTH.
tie- salable 50; cnlves salable 50; trade nominal: ton rearllnn 13.00; cows 930- bulls 3.25; killing calves 13.25. Hogs salable 400 tor 13.SE; packing sows mostly around 13.75. Sn! i e6p 3a Jbl0 5M: top ri Iambs 13.00: shorn aged w-therg 7.60; woolcd ewes 7.50. JTEW YORK TTTTRES XEW YORK. (AP) Announcement that the Commodity Credit Corp.
would accept bids next week for cotton unrter Its general sales program dampened bullish sentiment Saturday anil futures prlcns cliucrt 5 cents a bale hlsther to 15 cents lower. Tha new.i was contrary to recent reports and had the effect of cnrtall- Init trading' volume In the short session. CHICAGO GRATX CHICAGO. in nnrrow ranfro Rnturdny, floslnf: the week with net trnlns of fractions to more than a cent. Tracte toaj" restricted by uncertainty about ronvreiiplifinal sc- tlon rpparrttnir covernment -sirs nn'l on fartn products Whoat to hlener romparofl with "Mn.v rnrn unrliitnred to May SUT4-S7, on(s tn 11; hither and lard un- Stolen Purse Found COOPER (Special) A purse, containing about $30.
stolen Friday morning from the cafe operated by Mr. and Jasper Clark, was found later, the money still in it, lying under the building at the rear. A Negro, known to have been in the cafe where the purse had been left on a shelf back of the counter, was held for questioning. Coal is being rationed in Switzerland at the rate of 35 cercent of normal consumption, the Department of Commerce says. President Of Sulphur Springs Brotherhood To Be Speaker Here D.
R. Bonner, president of the Baptist Brotherhood of Sulphur Springs, will speak at the monthly meeting of the First Baptist Church Brotherhood in Paris Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the church basement. A dinner for which there will be no charge will be served by members of the local Brotherhood to members and visitors. R. H.
Finney will be In charge of serving the meal. The Sulphur Springs Brotherhood, which is one of the oldest and most successful in this part Texas, was recently visited by the Pans organization, who were for meeting. A number of other hood members from Springs arc expectad to the meeting All the Paris Brotherhood and other men of the church are invited and urged to attend. Car Catches On Firt, Man's Arm Is Burned BOGATA Thedford was painfully burned on the left arm Thursday'-while putting out a fire which damaged toe UJH hoistery of the front seat of car. He had stopped at the home of W.
D. Harvey a few minutes and when he came out. the Mat was blazing, the fire department being called out when Mr. Thed- -ord was unable to extinguish fire. What YOU Want is the Right to HAVE and to HOLD! You've always wanted it.
We all have. First it was marbles, then a bike, then a car, then a house. Now it's more than that. Now we all want to have and to hold our way of life, our form of government, our country. Fortunately, we HAVE that right.
All we need to do is to protect and preserve it. You can do your share by investing every penny you can in Defense Stamps and Bonds. Start time is short! chair she's been wanting. have a carpenter fix those steps she's Been tripping over. Or visit her.
But in some way, make the day a personal one between you and mother." Nowadays, the Grafton, W. native rarely leaves the lonely; brick house that has been her; home for 30 ycnrs. Her health ha- i been impaired, she said, by the series of court battles against I "unscrupulous interests making millions out of my idea." i Miss Jarvis, who hopes for the early return of peace so she again can exchange cabled greetings with Mother's Day organizations in Germany and Japan, has her own convictions about the war. "Do you know why. Hitler acts the way he does?" she asked.
"It's because his mother died when he was 16." Draft Officials Attend Meeting In Texarkana Members and clerks of two Lamar County Selective Service boards and the government appeal agent here Friday night attended a meeting in Texarkana of draft officials In this area. Local Selective Sen-ice officials who attended the meeting included: Clerk Roscoo Grubbs and Secretary Van Anderson of Local Board No. 1: 0. B. S'isher, local government appeal agent; Chairman Lee Caviness, Secretary J.
Q. O'Connor and Clerk Ida Mae Collins from Local Board No. 2. Play At Emberson A cast from Cnviness and Emberson communities, directed by Ed Tolbert, present the three- act farce-comody, "Here Comes Charlie," at 8:30 p. m.
at I Emberson school, A small admit- i tance charge for benefit of the school will be made. On Behalf of The, Underprivileged Of Paris, Who Need Your Help, And To Whom You Have So Generously Contributed I hrough i he Annual Drive Of I he King's Daughters WE THANK YOU, PARS! ROUGH DRY 10 Lbs. ST 70c All Above 10 6c Per Lb. The week just concluded has seen another successful drive for contributions to be used for the underprivileged conducted by The King's Daughters. To the many who have contributed cash or services, and the hundreds who generously handed us coins on Tag Day Saturday, we want to express our appreciation, and to say that your money will be used for those who need help, as has always been done.
You Give To The King's Give To Local Charity.
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