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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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YOL. XXL LOGANSPORT INDIANA, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER NO. 245- Popular Price Sale CLOAKS For LAMES MISSES Dress Goods TRLMSSINGS TOO ARE IN IT Every Article. a Bargaia we need money, you'fie tine rest All This Week 11 Fouirtfe Street. It's Simply a Matter of Business That Of trading wKh us.

Yo certainly want the very best "value for the very -least money. That is business. As fcr as Quality, Style Wear are cooicerned our line of caimot be -surpassed. When It comes to price, we are just a little nnder the We have proved that to a great many. to you If you will call; MOD'S Solid Working Shoes.

I Men's SoUd'Drees Shoes Dongola Button Shoes 88c 1. Indies' Fine Kid Buttonr Shoes Boys' and plrls 1 School Shoes to $1.23 a Writing Pad Ruler Wlith Each Pair. M. Walden Company. Fourth Street.

Are Too Busy to Talk Politics In our advertisements, but we really think our stock 116 to i better than any other in the City. We have rerything that is desirable in Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings id sell at the very lowest prices consistent with Carl W. Keller fa i lor and Draper. 311 Harket Street. loncf Saved i By buyJBg fall -clofch'mcr oEus.

the Jwrgost line of coate'tare-city.. Bought at -bard time prices, rtflJcsc will be'soldiatiprlces that vvffl money. Oome 1n ami you'tot we.mettu say. Overcoats and Ulsters $3.50, $4 and Upwards Kwths Overcoats and Ulsters $2.50, $3 and Upwards Overcoats $2,50 and Upwards Tho above statement ap- plica with force to our jltae of Man's, Youths', and, CM1- drum's 'SnilbiiuigiS. Good, every-duy, sulits fineareas'suits ais Beafl the prices.

upwards onths Suits 3.CO upwards hildren's Good AU-Wool Suits, lots of them 2.00 upwards Boys best knee pants in America, all wool double seat and kfiee III not rip, at 5O cents. ten's Clay Worsted Suits best in city at $7-50 AM-Wool Pants. -Z' P-uffl 'Itoe Halts, Caps and Furaiistotag Goods, as4ow As to REMEMBER vre carry nfuU line of grades of goods, and can "'ftt you witbontdclny. GUARANTEE GOOD, YOUR MONEY IF YOU WAX i.T 'IT. Ferguson Jenks .832 Market HIS -POLITICS.

Archbishop Ireland Issues a Letter Defining His Views, Opposes, the Chicago Platform as Anarchistic and Favors McKinley's Election. Bt. Paul, Oct. reply to a letter of the businesss men of the Catholic churches of this city, Archbishop Ireland Sunday night gave put a -letter in which he gives his reasons why he is opposed to the Chicago platform. The letter of his constituents is an appeal for light upon the duties of the hour, and asks for the archbishop's calm and honest convictions on tbe issues of the A synopsis of tbe letter follows: The archbishop says he In not unwilling In the -present'crisls to.

bpeak' for tno integrity of the nation, for tho necessity of the the honor of America, and tlic permanency of free institutions-. He Bays ho is a citizen concerned In the interests the nation, and Euhject'io ull the responsibilities of cltl- zensliip, and to bo sLIont'when ivui-ds of his might toe of some profit would a crime. He is not'unmlndlul of the ob'jcutioii against the churchman BBCiililns on maiters which liave entered the arena politics, lest his Influence as toucher of religion seem to be need- to promote the interests of a political party. reply that there occasions when a political phuforin means disaster to the- country, when politics are closely connected with morals or religion, and unon thoso occasions the churchman must be patriot, without allowing moment thouKht to considerations of expediency, and -siust take 111 hand (ho-moral or religious Issue, oven if. It.

be vested In the garment 1 of polltica. UoelaroH for McKlnley. In the present Instance he seeks no.ex- cuse ot this hind. He speaks entirely the citizen, without from his ecclesiastical position. He respects tliosi who differ with him, and Impeaches neither their faith nor their honor.

He is dealing not with men. but n'nd He -stands by the plat: form and candidates of the republican mnvtntton. ana opposes the platform and candidates of the democratic' convention at Chicago. He declares that, the days of the civil war exceptcd, tlrae BO gi-enc a peril threatened the country as that Involved ill the present political cam-; nnd Anai'cliy. Tho silver question, he Has Ha Importance, but Is of minor Importance In the presence of other questions brought Into the movement whleh hatl Us expression In the Chicago convention, and which now seeks by means of popular suffrage to enthrone Itself In the capital of the nation, and the: lexical effect of which is revolution.

It la-scceaslon-the secession of 1F01 which was believed to have been construed to eternal death at Appomattox, but which asaln demands recosnltlon from the American people. Spirit of SoclullBm. The arch bishop, says that the appeals of the party orators to the "eommon.poople; to the "laborer;" 'to' the "poor and downtrodden," and their denunciation of "corporations," "money grabbers" and "bankers" cannot'bo construed otherwise than an attempt to array class 'uKatnst class. 1C la tho "International of Europe now seoklns a foothold in-America. It Is tho war of the proletariat against thn rroperty He warns the principals of the movement to beware lest they lieht torches which, borne In the imnds of reckless men, may light up In this country the lurid fires of a commune.

He says there may be room In some things for peaceful amelioration through well-informed public opinion and orderly legislation, but class hatred and passion never led to ausht but misery and suffering. The.first condition- of prosperity to any and all classes o.f the people Is a peaceful common- wealth'and assured social order. Opposed to Free Coinage. Tho declaration in tbe Chicago platform against federal Interference In local affairs he declares, can have no other meaning It Is the old secession doctrine: that the' states are Independent of the national government; It is tho annulment of tho union; It'ls a notice-served upon the American flag that outside tho District of Columbia It la without power of self-assertion or self-defense. The archbishop quotei- from the speech of Senator THIman before the Chicago convention, saying he was "from the home of secession," and that this "a sectional Issue and It will prevail -and says that this speaker recognized the significance of this declaration of the platform and voiced Its spirit.

It -was 'fitting that a speaker with such a themo should be' the representative of Bouth Carolina, which state, he says, has thrice spoken for it passed in 1832 the nullification laws, when In 1S61 If fired on Fort Sumter, and -when in 1890 It cries out "a sectional Issue and it will Archbishop Ireland declares that In 'Its threat the supremo court tho Chicago platform threatens the country with, destruction of social order, with lawless-ness and with anarchy. In our courts Is tho personification of law and order, and in prompt obedience to them.lles the safety of our freo Institutions, and the objection In the platform "to government by injunction and the reference to the supreme court "as now constituted," he declares, contains a threat to deprive the courts of. their power in bent on riot- Intr and destruction, of property. Put. far as It Is possible by human Ingenuity, outside of partisan polities, Independent of political through th'elr life tenure of office the judges of the supreme court rule congress, the president, state and nation, and expound the law In all 'its inflexibility, and every citizen, no matter who, must yield to It.

Now a conven- of the supremo court " may hereafter be constituted," Intimating unmistakably tho 'Intention the party, If successful at.tho.polls, to constitute the court by popular election of'judges, by shortening their.term.of ofllce or by the use of other methods to it inson.siblo to the stern voice of law'aridireaponalvo to the whims of political On the monetary question, which he pronounces a secondary Itsue 111 this campaign, the archbishop that the and unlimited coinage of silver Independently-of other nations into dollars which eliould ba njado. legal disturb the entire business of country bring upon it a financial depression far' beyond anything, we are now Referring to the pamphlet of Archbishop. of-Dublln, -on "Bimetallism, 1 1 he It has no bearing upon tho situation in America He discusses bimetallism and that. Worn only one point of effect of monometallism upon the farmers' contracts under the land purchase acts -In Quoting Arch-bishop Walsh's 'unable, to-keep uivi silver 1 currency'Inde- pendintb of nations, nnd thai, ic' Is tin. silver currency China that retards' her Irelnnd ditelUKei th-u r'li- pamphlet-Is-liii'oughout iinent 'it'ss'i llu- 1 Cnieuncj Cannot Force L'p the Viiiuo.

The ratio (sixteen to one) proposed by the democratic platform Is double the present commercial value of silver. The consequences of free and unlimited coinage under these circumstances are easily perceived. The one hocc at the silver party la that "utidor free coinage we will raise the. value of silver to J1.29 an ounce, measured in gold." On what authority is this said? On that of the mere word of the men who make the assertion. The experience of cwn country contradicts the The purchasing of $50.000,000 worth of silver bul- per year under the Sherman act waa Sot able, to prevent the fall In- the value of silver from over a dollar an ounce to Its present low value.

The experience of France, forced to prlvo up tho coinage of illver, lest, overloaded with the silver of the world) she should lose her gold, contradicts the assertion. Common sense Is against the assertion. Silver is now produced In.such quantities, at such small expense, of production, that its value'Cannot be kept up to Its forjner The boast that tho United States Is able to whip England and tho rest of the world Into the coinage of silver at sixteen to one or to force the value of silver up to an ounce is mere nonsense. We are a great people indeed, but wo have not yet grown to the- commercial strength that our coun- 1 try means the commercial world. Would all the commercial nations -together coining silve-r.

at sixteen to one bring up the sliver value of bullion to 51.28 un ounce? Perhaps strong commercial reasons suggest tlic'contrary. Wourd alone Assuredly not, though, of course, the new demand for silver woujrl give some increase to its in- croase, might ngain be by an Increase of production. Blcuiarck u. Sly tHd-Foi. Tho ratio of silver to Die archbishop nays, is constantly and the question for us to-duy Is not what the rario was at a preceding date, but what it should be in our time.

We says it Is true'that Bismarck has counseled the United States to make the experiment alone, and adds:" old iox would, Indeed, 1 be pleased to see America make the go to the bottom of the sea." Free coinage wlU'-fjlvo us money worth In tho commercial markets or the world a llttie over half, of Its nominal value. The stamp of the government Si VWMIO. value to a piece of metal; it merely.certifies to its quantity and quality. If the government stamp gave value, the debased, coins Issued in the past by impecunious sovereigns would not hav-a ruined the subjects ot tlrose sovereigns, and the assignat of Franco and the paper issued by Ferdinand 'of a cuutury would not have sold In 'the market alraofct as government rags. Legal tender compelling men to accept against their will money above its commercial value In the markets of the world Is rank Injustice.

The early Hnancial statesmen of MorrK thought of making the legal value of coin higher than the commercial value of the metal of which the coins were made. liunliiCriH Could Xot ProHjjer. Business cannot prosper with currency rejected al Its nominal value from the markets of the world, and fluctuating In real value, such as free coinage would give us; The first condition of the life of business Is certain-value nierce and industry. If by tho time the raw material'has been turned Into'market- able wares the currency Is likely to have changed' In value, business In all branches -would speculation, ft gamble, and conservative capital would keep out of sight. Mo loans would bo made.

Capital w.ould' rcrouin in the vaults, of. safety or go to other parts of the world, where reward la small, but certain. And, without capital; there will bo no, enterprises and no work for the Would Hurt the Working The archbishop says ho Is convinced that the greatest sufferers from true coinage would'be. the laboring, classes. Those above all others In the land who should to-day be on their guard against the silver movement are tho laborers of America.

Farmers may receive a higher price for their higher value. Of what use Is. it to have a dollar Instead of a half dollar If tho dollar can'purchase no more than the half dollar? The best market of tho farmer's product Is his own country, and If his own country Is Impoverished, if factories are closed, If laborers In cities are penniless, the farmer will receive but little for his harvest. Men on salaries will scarcely hope to have tfieir salaries doubled, even nominally; and then their salaries, such as they may be, will have only half tho purchasing power they have to-day. Those who owe debts payable- principal or gold will receive tho same salaries as to-day, and their salaries will nava but half the debt-paying 'power which they have The only men they are few to-day, and It Is scarcely worth while to bring around a revolution In this country to benefit the debtors, Who have today gold on hand, and who, by silver coinage will have their store doubled In nominal Walue and will be enabled to reduce their debts by one-half.

And for those the question remains: Is It honest? Cause of Hard Replying to the argument that we have had hard times under the sold standard, tho archbishop says it is true, but It is a great fallacy to attribute our hard times to the gold standard, iiurcl times have coma tho severe and resistless working of economic laws, which go their way In spite of legal enactments und parliaments or congresses. Our hard times have- come from the general competition with tho countries tne whole globe, into which wo are forced by cheapness and facility of overproduction In past years, from-extravagance during good times, and from our own social political agitations. of-the chief causes of hard times to-day is the agitation a.radlcal change In.the currency of the Confidence the- Ksicntlal Thing. He continues: LUB people uut ilown'by overwhelming majority- thla It out of chief cause of hard times will be out of the way Other caues may. remain more or less.

Thai of the general competition all the nations of the earth must remain. Good times, however, may bo expected to come back surely, even if only gradually. The overproduction that glutted our markets -has been up; capitaHs anxious to do 'something with Its money, if can be. investt-d safely; our wondrous natural re- Buurcea invite investments to develop them, and -confidence restored, the outlook Is. brlirht But the essential, thlmj IB confidence To-day 'it confidence that needed'far more than an increase In the of currency.

The volume of the' currency is large enough; to.Increase It fictitiously surely would not help us. Ninety cent of all business la rlone without checks.and drafts, of-which the whole foundation Is confidence. Those. who Buffer from hard there art many-inuufhearken to reason, silence pas- Jlon -turn away from remedies, arid'the country will, be; again put on. tho toad to- prosperity; "1 ask is It honest to try to pay debts with half which we recnlvfirl when we contracted nubile debts contracted upon a financial, system such as thoso who loaned money gave 11 at a certain commdrclal value, and believed, as they coold'nofat the.flme have; he peel do- Ing- that 1 they-would receive it'back at the same commercial should be paid in pf that ryatcni: f.i )f American-; repu: will-as to the world that It wdl make a law compelling its creanors to be satisfied with half, or a little more, of the money they loaned- to It, and go on record In the'eyes of the world as a broken- down, bankrupt, repudiating nation, tt Is not possible to believe.

No one will say In justification of such a policy that America is compelled by national poverty to do so; then no one should be able to say that she thinks of.doing so, Tent of Popular Sovereignty. "I may, of course, be mistaken. But I havo come to look upon the present agitation as the great test of universal suffrage and popular sovereignty. Can tho people defend public honor and the Institutions of the country at the polls, as they have done on the field of battle? Can they be so calm and dfillberato In their judgment, so careful to weigh all things in the scale of reason and to avoid all rash experiments, that they can be trusted with the settlement of grave social and'pofltical problems? That Is the question that is before us at the present moment." OHATARD Ar-sliibisliop Uter- es Ti-m-clj-. L-is, Oct.

TLc Rt. F. Clici nfcml. Roman Ca- tliolic bishc-p of the of Indiana. in politics souml DMUO- crait.

xvn-s for ox-' of opiu.ion tlic at ArcliWs-liop JiTl.unl. lie "i'llw strH-emeiit of Aix-ltbislio-p Jro- i by the Associated rross. -thus is mast opportune. 'I am the ArcWjishop it or.i, nnd f-ocl'lliiw; lie ft-i'S remltm! a to the Expressing my iiulivi- ontoiiKi. lie docs, I coti'-'Hler wJiJi.t' -he (lie Chteico plnt- foi-in, Its soc-tol'iM'ie smbversivo of Uie 1 tliisnsu-ous C'onsefitif'iici-s of free of silvor tire w.iflo of JO to .1.

of sec- injipciiTiinfe. however, exactly AreiDbiisliop is and T. am Sou-nd Money Democrat, and, tli-errfore. I difCer from the purely po- l-Sti'LMl of tlie'stateraen't. But I mm hearliily ivirh him conJoni- iKiidcai ol' the' proposed; i interference w-'mli tlio Supreme Court tlie freedom of action- of tlie rresident iu protecting the rights of the United States mc-M.

Especially do I Join with in deiplorliiii th-e of class apntost the '-resulting bad Mid Uivngerous-sentimcnts have the saddest- coBsequences. It to the duty of every soo'd (fltizc.n'ro''scit hii face against sne-li at state of things, and- use whatever Jn.fltieDce"he has to counteract it." A GRAND OPENING. National live Stock Exchange Fort Worih, Holds Burbecoe. Fort Tex. Oct.

J.2. The opening of the live stock exchange was inaugurated Monday with a grand exhibit stock. An exciting feature of the programme wns the roping of 'Svi Id steers by expert 'cowboys, branding, etc. At the conclusion of this feature a barbecue took place, participated in by thousands of people. The live stock national exchange convenes Tuesday morning.

Cnlbcr- Bon will deliver the opening address, which will be responded to by Mayor Paddo'clc'. Large delegations from the larger cities of the north and east bavj avrived and will take part in the convention. 1 Boy Mnnlcrcd for Money. Fort Wayne, Oct. 12.

George Freclc, 17 years old, shipping clerk at the Bass foundry, received his weekly salary Saturday evening The notified and were on the lookout for him, but no clew was obtained until his body was Monday morning; lying with the head under two feet of water along the banks of the St. Joe river. His pockets were torn out and his watch aad money gone; but no bruises of any sort upon his person. There were marks of a violent struggle, ajid an empty bottle labeled "chloroform" found by his side. There is no doubt that the boy was murdered for his money.

The police are working on the case. German Meet. 12. The congress- of the. German socialistic party was formallv opened at Seblichen, jjear this-city, Monday.

Three hundred delegates, were present, including many women, Herr Singer, one of the socialistic leaders in the reichstag, was elected, president of the congress, and Herr Bock, socialist deputy for Gotha, vice president. Awarded. Perry. 6. Oct.

O. Hood, coroner of this county nnd a. prominent physician, obtained a verdict against the Chicago Northwestern railroad at Des Moines. for $12,000, for injuries received in a wreck four years ago. Dr.

Hood was formerly from Independence, where he was general surgeon for the Santa Fe railroad. 'Senator Blnckbuni Better. Oct. Senator Blackburn -was Monday, but his j-hysicihn says that'it will' be a maybe two. before he can venture out, 'jjurnygitis is the trouble.

cost Sa.lC'J,-. 684 the United States array la-it This ''fact -is revealed in the annual report of the commissary general, JUSTICES MEET, i Term of 1896-97 of the Suprenrt! Court Formally Opened, Members Adjourn Without Transact Ing Any Business and Pay Their Respects to the President. Washington, court of the United States met at nooni' Monday and opened the term of All the justices were present at the opening session, although Judge health is such as to make it probable he will not be able to join his on the ben'ch regularly. The scvenJ justices during- the past summer visited their respective circuits and sat with the circuit judges in Uie disposition of cases, except Mr. Justice lan, who remained in Washington, throughout the entire vacation, save for Bhort trips to near-by resorts.

No business was transacted Monday save to receive r.iotions for admissions to the bar. When these hud been disposed of the court adjourned and, accompanied by the clerk-and marshal, caHed at the white house and paid their respects to President Cleveland. This ceremony, which has been a part'of, Uie proceeding's of the opening day of the term from time immemorial, was intermitted in the years of 189-1 and 1S95 because of the absence of the president from tbe city. The distinguished jurists were ac- compnnicd to the executive mansion by Attorney General Harmon and Solicitor General Conrad. Their greeting by 'the president was cordial, but beyond interchange of vacation reminiscences and personal g-ood wishes, nothing of public interest occurred-at the reception.

On the days of the week the calendar will be cleared, but it is not expected that any argument wiJJ be heard until next -week, when the cases thathavebeenadvanced for hearing will come tip. There are 54 of these already assigned for place, and the list will doubtless be-increased upon the motions to be made in the coming week. Among these are the following of im-portancc: The United States vs. the Bell Telephone company, a suit to annul the Berliner patent- ten -ascs from Ohio arid four from Indiana, InvolvinK express and telopraph company tax laws, and four from South Carolina, growlnc out of the state dispensary laws: the United States vs. the Oregon California Eallroatl company ariff tlv! United States vs.

the Union Pa- cine the Wlnona St. Peter and Sioux City St. Paul railroad companies, all involving land, grants, which the government Is" socking- to recover, and the usual number of murder cases. court hag under advisement, hay- ins carried there over from last term. 28 eases in which decisions may be looked for carlv In the term.

Promtnent-aroony these are the cases presenting for determination the constitutionality of the. £ri- E-itlon law of California, whieh has been sustained by the state siupremc court and Declared Invalid'by. the United States circuit court for the southern district of Cal- ffornteThe validity of millions or.doUars of bonds issued by irrigation dtttrlet commissioners depends upon the decision in this sOther cases arc the Nebraska max-, imum freight rate controversy between the ranroad commissioners of that'state and. three of the leading railroad companies; foe Gas Light 1 from St. the Santa Fe (N.

land involves the title to the ground on which it stands. Britlih Cruiser Kcported Foundered. London, Oct. Westminster Gazette publishes a rumor that' British cruiser Talbott, of the.Devon- port station, has foundered at sea. The Talbott is 'a new steel cruiser ol 5 COO tons, 9,600 horse-power, carries 11 guns and has a speed of.

knots. The Talbott sailed from Devonport October 3 for Halifax to relieve the cruiser Magicienne on the North American and West Indies station. Lp to a late hour Monday afternoon.the admiralty had heard nothing of any mis- to the Talbott. Dies at Age of ill. Ottawa; Oct.

12. Mrs. Philip Omenra, the oldest resident of this city, and probably of dead. She. was ill years of age at the time cf her demise.

She was born in Tipperary, in 1785. She had a good memory and could recall events that cu'rred during the rebellion of 1798 Ireland. Eight children, 54 children and over 200 grpt-granachil- dren survive her. Cull for Meeting iMueil. Mba'ny.

X. Oct. ent Skinner, of the state department of public instruction, who is president ol 'the National Educational association and chairman of the executive committee of that body, has issued a call for the thirty-sixth annual meeting of association, to be held at Milwaukee, during the first week in July, 3 $97: Harris Trlnl for Murder Begnn. -Dos trial of- William Hnrris for the murder of George Frank here September 7, commenced Monday Defense demanded a separate trial, when William and hfe brother. Max Hiirris, were brought into court.

The state decided to try William first, as he is the rofta charged vyitli stabbing Frank. Steel Works Resume. Scraiiton, Scranton steel works of the Lncknwanna Iron idle for nearly three months, resumed" work-in-all dt'pavtjm'tfisiMon- day morning' on orders that wil! keep he on "double f-jrn" Ovcv n'ltd bjr.ihu'.ovJtir..

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